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We tested sexually mature zebra finches to see whether social learning influenced their feeding preferences, in particular whether they followed the preference of a male or a female demonstrator, of a red-ringed or a green-ringed male, and of a familiar or an unfamiliar male. Each observer was exposed to two demonstrators feeding at different-coloured hoppers, and then tested with a choice of hoppers to see which of the two colours they preferred. Males showed no preference between male and female demonstrators when choosing from which colour of food hopper to feed, but females preferred to feed from the hopper colour the male demonstrator had used. Both males and females exposed to male demonstrators wearing red or green leg rings fed preferentially from the same colour hopper as the red-ringed demonstrators had used. Finally, male birds exposed to familiar and unfamiliar demonstrators, preferred the food hopper from which the familiar demonstrator had fed. We interpret the results as indicating differences between the demonstrators in the amount of attention they attracted from observers.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

There is evidence that the process of pair formation starts within minutes of the introduction of unfamiliar zebra finches. Males courted their eventual mates in preference to other females, and some females solicited their mates, during the first recording session of this study. The full establishment of the pair bond probably takes longer than this, because clumping and allopreening between mates were not usually recorded until the second or third bay of introduction. Tactile contact, between partners, or at least the opportunity for them to come close together, is important in bond formation, but established bonds can be maintained by auditory contact alone. Birds re-pair almost immediately in the total absence of the mate, but the formation of this new bond does not destroy the original one.  相似文献   

On their introduction to a novel female, unpaired male zebra finches showed initial courtship, followed by a phase of nest soliciting. Pairing the partners changed the balance between these activities, speeding the transition from courtship to nest soliciting. This experience with the partner involved both the formation of a pair-bond, and changes in her familiarity, and it was the latter which was most important; hormonal changes were probably not involved. The behaviour is compared with that of doves and pigeons, and the possible role of aggression in the, causation of courtship is discussed.  相似文献   

Zebra finches are a ubiquitous model system for the study of vocal learning in animal communication. Their song has been well described, but its possible function(s) in social communication are only partly understood. The so-called ‘directed song’ is a high-intensity, high-performance song given during courtship in close proximity to the female, which is known to mediate mate choice and mating. However, this singing mode constitutes only a fraction of zebra finch males’ prolific song output. Potential communicative functions of their second, ‘undirected’ singing mode remain unresolved in the face of contradicting reports of both facilitating and inhibiting effects of social company on singing. We addressed this issue by experimentally manipulating social contexts in a within-subject design, comparing a solo versus male or female only company condition, each lasting for 24 h. Males’ total song output was significantly higher when a conspecific was in audible and visible distance than when they were alone. Male and female company had an equally facilitating effect on song output. Our findings thus indicate that singing motivation is facilitated rather than inhibited by social company, suggesting that singing in zebra finches might function both in inter- and intrasexual communication.  相似文献   

Yolk androgens affect offspring hatching, begging, growth and survival in many bird species. If these effects are sex-specific, yolk androgen deposition may constitute a mechanism for differential investment in male and female offspring. We tested this hypothesis in zebra finches. In this species, females increase yolk-testosterone levels and produce male-biased sex ratios when paired to more attractive males. We therefore predicted that especially sons benefit from elevated yolk androgens. Eggs were injected with testosterone or sesame oil (controls) after 2 days of incubation. Testosterone had no clear effect on sex-specific embryonic mortality and changed the pattern of early nestling mortality independent of offspring sex. Testosterone-treated eggs took longer to hatch than control eggs. Control males begged significantly longer than females during the first days after hatching and grew significantly faster. These sex differences were reduced in offspring from testosterone-treated eggs due to prolonged begging durations of daughters, enhanced growth of daughters and reduced growth of sons. The results show that variation in maternal testosterone can play an important role in avian sex allocation due to its sex-specific effects on offspring begging and growth.  相似文献   

Bird vocalizations are produced under various social contexts. It could therefore benefit birds, as social contexts change, to alter the amplitude of their signals. We tested this by recording male and female zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, when they were placed in isolation, in auditory contact, and in visual and auditory contact with each sex. The majority of females increased call amplitude only when in auditory contact with either sex. Most males increased both song and call amplitudes only when in visual and auditory contact with either sex. We found no changes in patterns of harmonic suppression (timbre) for males or females across social conditions. One explanation for the sex difference is that females increase amplitude for affiliative reasons, whereas males increase amplitude to advertise fitness.  相似文献   

In the dimorphic dung beetle Onthophagus taurus major males provide assistance during offspring provisioning. We examined the behavioural dynamics of biparental care to quantify directly how males and females allocate time to parental and nonparental behaviours and to determine whether parents adjust their level of investment relative to their partner's contribution. Females allocated more of their time budget to parental behaviours than males. The proportion of time females allocated to parental behaviours increased after oviposition while that of a male decreased. Male paternity assurance behaviours were negatively associated with male and female parental behaviours. Theoretical models predict that the investment provided by the members of a cooperative pair should be negatively correlated and that any shortfall of one parent should be partially compensated for by the other. In the absence of a male, unassisted females allocated more time to parental care, and performed more parental behaviours. However, compensation was incomplete as unassisted females performed fewer parental behaviours than pairs, resulting in significantly lighter brood masses (the egg and its associated dung supply). Males performed more parental behaviours when paired with small females, and small females more than large females. Contrary to prediction, the investments provided by males and females in a cooperative pair were positively correlated. Males coordinated their parental behaviours with the females rather than acting independently. Since parental behaviours were directly related to the weight of brood masses, the observed parental interactions will have important fitness consequences in this species. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Early-life stress caused by the deprivation of maternal care has been shown to have long-lasting effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in offspring of uniparental mammalian species. We asked if deprivation of maternal care in biparental species alters stress responsiveness of offspring, using a biparental avian species--the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. In our experiment, one group of birds was raised by both male and female parents (control), and another was raised by males alone (maternally deprived). During adulthood, offspring of both groups were subjected to two stressors (restraint and isolation), and corticosterone concentrations were measured. Additionally, we measured baseline levels of the two corticosteroid receptors--glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR)--in the hippocampus, hypothalamus and cerebellum. Our results suggest that maternally deprived offspring are hyper-responsive to isolation in comparison with controls. Furthermore, mRNA levels of both GR and MR receptors are altered in maternally deprived offspring in comparison with controls. Thus, absence of maternal care has lasting consequences for HPA function in a biparental species where paternal care is available.  相似文献   

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