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Summary Two metathoracic flight motoneurons of the locustChortoicetes terminifera have been stained by injection of cobalt. The motoneurons innervate the tergosternal (hindwing elevator) muscle 113 and the first basalar (hindwing depressor) muscle 127. The somata of both are on the ventral surface of the ganglion (Fig. 1), and their axons in the ipsilateral nerve 3A. The main neuropilar segment and large medial dendrites of each follow parallel courses through the ganglion even though the two motoneurons subserve antagonistic functions (Fig. 3). Differences in the smaller dendrites add characteristic detail to each. The dendritic trees are complex and cover virtually all of the ipsilateral dorsal neuropile. No branches cross the mid-line so that electrotonic coupling is eliminated as a possible means of co-ordination of motoneurons of the two sides (Fig. 4). The general shape of the motoneurons is similar in different animals but there is variation in the number and extent of the small dendrites (Fig. 6).Beit Memorial Research Fellow.  相似文献   

 This report investigates the reflex activation of locust flight motoneurones following their spiking activity. As shown elsewhere, an electrical stimulus applied to a flight muscle produces multiple waves of delayed excitation in wing elevator and depressor motoneurones. Nerve ablation experiments show that this response is initiated by the mechanical movement of the stimulated muscle, and not the antidromic spike evoked in the motoneurone. The delayed excitation still occurs in the absence of inputs from the wing receptor systems, and also when all other sources of afferent feedback are abolished, excepting thoracic nerve 2. Following complete deafferentation, spikes in flight motoneurones had no influence on other flight motoneurones. Numerous afferents in the purely sensory nerve 2 are excited by flight muscle contractions. The responses are consistent for repeated contractions of the same muscle, but differ when other muscles are stimulated. During tethered flight, changes in the activation of single flight muscles are reflected in changes of the nerve 2 discharge pattern. Electrical stimulation of this nerve causes delayed excitation of flight motoneurones, and can initiate flight activity. It is suggested that internal proprioceptors, such as those associated with nerve 2, will contribute to shaping the final motor output for flight behaviour. Accepted: 24 April 1996  相似文献   

In lower vertebrates, locomotor burst generators for axial muscles generally produce unitary bursts that alternate between the two sides of the body. In lamprey, a lower vertebrate, locomotor activity in the axial ventral roots of the isolated spinal cord can exhibit flexibility in the timings of bursts to dorsally-located myotomal muscle fibers versus ventrally-located myotomal muscle fibers. These episodes of decreased synchrony can occur spontaneously, especially in the rostral spinal cord where the propagating body waves of swimming originate. Application of serotonin, an endogenous spinal neurotransmitter known to presynaptically inhibit excitatory synapses in lamprey, can promote decreased synchrony of dorsal-ventral bursting. These observations suggest the possible existence of dorsal and ventral locomotor networks with modifiable coupling strength between them. Intracellular recordings of motoneurons during locomotor activity provide some support for this model. Pairs of motoneurons innervating myotomal muscle fibers of similar ipsilateral dorsoventral location tend to have higher correlations of fast synaptic activity during fictive locomotion than do pairs of motoneurons innervating myotomes of different ipsilateral dorsoventral locations, suggesting their control by different populations of premotor interneurons. Further, these different motoneuron pools receive different patterns of excitatory and inhibitory inputs from individual reticulospinal neurons, conveyed in part by different sets of premotor interneurons. Perhaps, then, the locomotor network of the lamprey is not simply a unitary burst generator on each side of the spinal cord that activates all ipsilateral body muscles simultaneously. Instead, the burst generator on each side may comprise at least two coupled burst generators, one controlling motoneurons innervating dorsal body muscles and one controlling motoneurons innervating ventral body muscles. The coupling strength between these two ipsilateral burst generators may be modifiable and weakening when greater swimming maneuverability is required. Variable coupling of intrasegmental burst generators in the lamprey may be a precursor to the variable coupling of burst generators observed in the control of locomotion in the joints of limbed vertebrates.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the motoneurons innervating the supramandibular and suprahyoid muscles was studied in Wistar albino rats using two fluorescent tracers: nuclear yellow and true blue. All supramandibular motoneurons were found within the trigeminal motor nucleus; they appeared to be somatotopically arranged. The suprahyoid motoneurons were located in an accessory trigeminal-facial motor complex. No overlap of the motoneuron pools of the supramandibular and suprahyoid muscle group was observed. Only motoneurons ipsilateral to the treated muscles were labeled. It was shown that a one-to-one relationship always exists between motoneuron and muscle.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Steering during flight in the locust involves complexchanges in wingbeat, bending of thorax and head, and rudderingmovements of abdomen and hindlegs. Most of these behavioralsubcomponents involve coordinated modification of axial andappendicular musculature control. Some of the mechanisms underlyingthis neural modification have been analysed at the cellularlevel. During steering via wingbeat, sensory information aboutcourse deviations leads to highly coordinated and asymmetricchanges in the flight motor's output through the following mechanisms.Identified feature detector neurons in the locust brain integratesensory information concerning specific types of course deviation.Each of these descending detector neurons makes connectionswith a population of thoracic interneurons. These thoracic interneuronshave two important properties. First, they relay deviation informationto flight motoneurons. Second, they are under the gating controlof the flight central oscillator. Through this gating controlthe descending sensory signal is phase-coupled to the flightrhythm and delivered to appropriate flight motoneurons in oneand the same step. Although most of the recent cellular studieshave been aimed at unraveling the neural basis of wingbeat alterations,similar (but not identical) principles of neural organizationseem to be involved in the steering reactions produced by axialmotor systems.  相似文献   

Summary Motor neurons innervating the dorsal longitudinal muscles of a noctuid moth receive synaptic input activated by auditory stimuli. Each ear of a noctuid moth contains two auditory neurons that are sensitive to ultrasound (Fig. 1). The ears function as bat detectors. Five pairs of large motor neurons and three pairs of small motor neurons found in the pterothoracic ganglia innervate the dorsal longitudinal (depressor) muscles of the mesothorax (Figs. 2 to 5). In non-flying preparations the motor neurons receive no oscillatory synaptic input. Synaptic input to a cell resulting from ultrasonic stimulation is consistent and can be either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing (Figs. 6 to 9). Quiescent neurons only rarely fire a spike in response to auditory inputs. Motor neurons in flying preparations receive oscillatory synaptic drive from the flight pattern generator and usually fire a spike for each wingbeat cycle (Figs. 10 to 12). Ultrasonic stimulation can provide augmented synaptic drive causing a neuron to fire two spikes per wingbeat cycle thus increasing flight vigor (Fig. 11). The same stimulus presented on another occasion can also inhibit spiking in the same motor neuron, but the rhythmic drive remains (Fig. 12). Thus, when the flight oscillator is running auditory stimuli can modulate neuronal responses in different ways depending on some unknown state of the nervous system. Sound intensity is the only stimulus parameter essential for activating the auditory pathway to these motor neurons. The intensity must be sufficient to excite two or three auditory neurons. The significance of these responses in relation to avoidance behavior to bats is discussed.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were carried out on locust flight motoneurons after hemisection of individual thoracic ganglia. With the exception of minimal surgical manipulations, the animals were intact and able to perform tethered flight. Analysis of the synaptic drive recorded in the motoneurons during flight motor activity revealed the extent to which ganglion hemisection influenced the premotor rhythm generating network.
1.  Hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion (Fig. 2) as well as hemisection of both the mesothoracic and the prothoracic ganglia (Fig. 3) had no significant effects on the pattern of synaptic input to the flight motoneurons. Thus the rhythm generating premotor network does not depend on commissural information transfer in the mesothoracic and the prothoracic ganglia. This conclusion was supported by experiments in which more extensive surgical isolations of thoracic ganglia were carried out (Fig. 5).
2.  Removal of input from wing receptors (deafferentation) in addition to hemisection of the mesothoracic ganglion (Fig. 4) resulted in rhythmic and coordinated oscillations of the motoneuron membrane potential which were indistinguishable from those observed in deafferented animals with all ganglia intact.
3.  Hemisection of the metathoracic ganglion had more pronounced effects on the patterns of synaptic drive to the flight motoneurons and their spike discharge. Rhythmic activity which was often subthreshold could, however, still be recorded following a metathoracic split (Fig. 6).
4.  No rhythmic synaptic input was observed after hemisection of both mesothoracic and metathoracic ganglia (Fig. 7).

Desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria F.), mounted in a wind tunnel on a low-mechanical-impedance torque meter, flew for at least 30 min in the posture typical of long-term flight. As they flew, they were induced to rotate about their long axis (roll) by rotation of an artificial horizon. All maintained departures from the horizontal attitude were brought about actively, by the animal's own efforts. In the roll maneuver, the hindlegs and abdomen were bent toward the side ipsilateral to the direction of rotation. However, these rudderlike movements were not adequate to initiate and maintain a constant roll angle.During a roll, there was a change in the pattern of excitation of all the wing muscles that were monitored: the depressorsM81, 97, 99, 112, 127, and 129, and the elevatorsM83, 84, 89, 113, 118, 119 (numbering according to Snodgrass 1929). Hence all 12 muscles probably not only provide power for the flight but also steer it. Evidently, then, for these muscles a rigid distinction between power and steering muscles is not appropriate.The period of the contraction cycle changed in correlation with the roll angle, but was not a parameter for control of the roll maneuver, because the changes were the same in all muscles (Fig. 2).Even with constant burst length, the phase shifts between the muscles changed. These changes were the main control parameter for rolling (Figs. 3–9).There was a latency coupling between elevators and the following depressors (Fig. 3).The changes in phase shift were tonic or phasic (sometimes phasic-tonic) in different muscle pairs (Fig. 4).When a roll angle of ca. 15° was adopted, the phase shifts between depressor muscles in a given fore- or hindwing (e.g.,M127R vs.M129R) changed by about 5 ms, whereas the elevators changed by less than 1 ms (Fig. 6).The phase shifts between the anterior elevators and depressors of a given wing, as well as the posterior elevators and depressors, changed by ca. 5 ms (in some cases with different time courses) when the animal rolled to an angle of ca. 15° (Fig. 7).The changes in phase shift between muscles of the fore-and hindwing on one side of the body amounted, as a rule, to about 4 ms at ca. 15° roll (Fig. 8).Corresponding muscles on the two sides of the body change in phase with respect to one another by as much as 10 ms (Fig. 9). The phase shifts of all such contralateral muscle pairs except for the posterior basalar muscles,M127, have the same sign, such that the muscle ipsilateral to the direction of rotation becomes active sooner.  相似文献   

In this paper, I have examined the behavioral functions of feedback loops between the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) giant interneurons (GIs) and the flight thoracic rhythm generator.
1.  During sequences of flight-like activity, I have recorded from identified giant interneurons from the dorsal (dGIs) or the ventral (vGIs) group and stimulated them either with current pulses or with wind stimuli delivered to the cerci.
2.  Removal of the dGIs' activity which normally occurs during natural flight reduced both the wingbeat frequency and flight duration, and increased the variability of the wingbeat frequency (Fig. 6). Intracellular rhythmic stimulation of a single dGI during flight increased the wingbeat frequency and the duration of flight (Figs. 7, 8). The wind sensitivity of the dGIs was unchanged during flight compared with at rest (Fig. 2). A single short burst of spikes in a dGI had complex effects on the flight muscle recording but apparently did not reset the flight rhythm (Fig. 9). These results suggest that the rhythmic activation of the dGIs during natural light participates in the control of the wingbeat frequency and the flight duration (Fig. 12).
3.  In contrast to the dGIs, the vGIs became significantly less sensitive to wind during flight (Fig. 3). Stimulation of one of the vGIs (GI1) with 10 spikes at roughly 180/s during flight evokes immediate cessation of flight (Figs. 10, 11). Given that the vGI activity can stop flight, the inhibition imposed on the ventral group during flight appears to be designed to prevent this group from interfering with the flight program (Fig. 12).

(1) The musculature of the walking legs is analysed with regard to both morphology and function in the scorpion, Vaejovis spinigerus (Wood, 1863) (Vaejovidae, Scorpiones, Arachnida), and selected other species. Conspicuous features are multipartite muscles, muscles spanning two joints, and partial lack of antagonistic muscles. The muscle arrangement is compared to that in the walking limbs of other Arthropoda and possible phylogenetic implications are discussed. (2). Histochemical characterisation of selected leg muscles indicates that these are composed of layers of slow, intermediate and fast muscle fibres. Anti-GABA immunohistochemistry shows that mainly the intermediate fibres receive innervation from putative inhibitory motoneurons. (3). Intracellular recording from muscle fibres reveals both excitatory and inhibitory muscle innervation. Individual muscle fibres may receive input from more than one inhibitory motoneuron, as indicated by different IPSP amplitudes. (4). The motoneuron supply of the leg muscles is analysed by retrograde fills of motor nerves. The general arrangement of leg motoneurons in the central nervous system and motoneuron anatomy conforms to the situation in pterygote insects and decapod crustaceans. For example, there are an anterior and a posterior group of leg motoneurons in each hemineuromere, and two contralateral somata near the ganglion midline. Between 12 and 20 motoneurons are found to supply each muscle. Most motoneuron cell bodies supplying a given muscle are arranged in a single cluster with a specific location.  相似文献   

A sexual dimorphism in the number of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats is engendered by a sex difference in ontogenetic cell death. Testicular secretions, specifically androgenic steroids, reduce SNB motoneuron death in males. The fate of the target muscles generally mirrors that of the motoneurons, and androgens appear to exert their effects upon the target muscles, sparing the motoneurons as a secondary consequence. Treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor can also spare SNB motoneurons in newborn females, raising the possibility that this factor normally mediates androgen's effect upon motoneuron survival. The ontogeny of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity is delayed in SNB cells compared with other motoneurons and is further delayed in the SNB cells of females. In both sexes, calcitonin gene-related peptide is detected after the period of SNB motoneuron death is complete. A sex difference in motoneuron number is also seen in the human homologue of the SNB and, because ontogenetic death of motoneurons in humans overlaps the period of androgen secretion, may arise in a manner similar to that in the rat SNB.  相似文献   

1. In a tethered cockroach (Periplaneta americana) whose wings have been cut back to stumps, it is possible to elicit brief sequences of flight-like activity by puffing wind on the animal's body. 2. During such brief sequences, rhythmic bursts of action potentials coming from the thorax at the wingbeat frequency, descend the abdominal nerve cord to the last abdominal ganglion (A6). This descending rhythm is often accompanied by an ascending rhythm (Fig. 2). 3. Intracellular recording during flight-like activity from identified ascending giant interneurons, and from some unidentified descending axons in the abdominal nerve cord, shows that: (a) ventral giant interneurons (vGIs) remain silent (Fig. 3); (b) dorsal giant interneurons (dGIs) are activated at the onset of the flight-like activity and remain active sporadically throughout the flight sequence (Fig.4); (c) some descending axons in the abdominal nerve cord show rhythmic activity phase-locked to the flight rhythm (Fig. 5). 4. Also during such brief sequences, the cercal nerves, running from the cerci (paired, posterior, wind sensitive appendages) to the last abdominal ganglion, show rhythmic activity at the wingbeat frequency (Fig. 6). This includes activity of some motor axons controlling vibratory cercal movements and of some sensory axons. 5. More prolonged flight sequences were elicited in cockroaches whose wings were not cut and which flew in front of a wind tunnel (Fig. 1B). 6. In these more prolonged flight sequences, the number of ascending spikes per burst was greater than that seen in the wingless preparation (Fig. 8; compare to Fig. 2). Recordings from both ventral and dorsal GIs show that: in spite of the ongoing wind from both the tunnel and the beating wings, which is far above threshold for the vGIs in a resting cockroach, the vGIs are entirely silent during flight. Moreover, the vGIs response to strong wind puffs that normally evoke maximal GI responses is reduced by a mean of 86% during flight (Fig. 9). The dGIs are active in a strong rhythm (Figs. 11 and 12). 7. Three sources appear to contribute to the ascending dGI rhythm (1) the axons carrying the rhythmic descending bursts; (2) the rhythmic sensory activity resulting from the cercal vibration; and (3) the sensory activity resulting from rhythmic wind gusts produced by the wingbeat and detected by the cerci. The contribution of each source has been tested alone while removing the other two (Figs. 13 and 14). Such experiments suggest that all 3 feedback loops are involved in rhythmically exciting the dGIs (Fig. 15).  相似文献   

In insects, four types of motoneurons have long been known, including fast motoneurons, slow motoneurons, common inhibitory motoneurons, and DUM neurons. They innervate the same muscle and control its contraction together. Recent studies in Drosophila have suggested the existence of another type of motoneuron, the common excitatory motoneuron. Here, we found that shakB-GAL4 produced by labels this type of motoneuron in Drosophila larvae. We found that Drosophila larvae have two common excitatory motoneurons in each abdominal segment, RP2 for dorsal muscles and MNSNb/d-Is for ventral muscles. They innervate most of the internal longitudinal or oblique muscles on the dorsal or ventral body wall with type-Is terminals and use glutamate as a transmitter. Electrophysiological recording indicated that stimulation of the RP2 axon evoked excitatory junctional potential in a dorsal muscle.  相似文献   

Dipteran flies are amongst the smallest and most agile of flying animals. Their wings are driven indirectly by large power muscles, which cause cyclical deformations of the thorax that are amplified through the intricate wing hinge. Asymmetric flight manoeuvres are controlled by 13 pairs of steering muscles acting directly on the wing articulations. Collectively the steering muscles account for <3% of total flight muscle mass, raising the question of how they can modulate the vastly greater output of the power muscles during manoeuvres. Here we present the results of a synchrotron-based study performing micrometre-resolution, time-resolved microtomography on the 145 Hz wingbeat of blowflies. These data represent the first four-dimensional visualizations of an organism''s internal movements on sub-millisecond and micrometre scales. This technique allows us to visualize and measure the three-dimensional movements of five of the largest steering muscles, and to place these in the context of the deforming thoracic mechanism that the muscles actuate. Our visualizations show that the steering muscles operate through a diverse range of nonlinear mechanisms, revealing several unexpected features that could not have been identified using any other technique. The tendons of some steering muscles buckle on every wingbeat to accommodate high amplitude movements of the wing hinge. Other steering muscles absorb kinetic energy from an oscillating control linkage, which rotates at low wingbeat amplitude but translates at high wingbeat amplitude. Kinetic energy is distributed differently in these two modes of oscillation, which may play a role in asymmetric power management during flight control. Structural flexibility is known to be important to the aerodynamic efficiency of insect wings, and to the function of their indirect power muscles. We show that it is integral also to the operation of the steering muscles, and so to the functional flexibility of the insect flight motor.  相似文献   

(1) Tentacle retraction in the land slug Ariolimax columbianus can be elicited by stimulation of all nerves and connectives of the ipsi- and contralateral cerebral ganglia. (2) Six neurons in the left cerebral ganglion were classified as tentacle retraction motoneurons because their action potentials are followed one-for-one with constant delay by action potentials in the left tentacle retractor nerve and their depolarization causes retraction of the ipsilateral tentacle. The motoneurons can be identified by size, pattern of pigmentation, position, and physiological characteristics. (3) Each retractor motoneuron discharges at a rather constant rate and has more than one source of excitatory input, but no IPSPs were observed. No synaptic connections between the six retractor motoneurons were found. The nerve action potentials that correspond to each motoneurons are distinguishable by waveform and size rank. (4) Each motoneuron elicits visible contractions in a particular region of the ipsilateral retractor muscle, but the motor fields of some motoneurons overlap. Some motoneurons mediate relatively rapid contractions while others cause slower responses. (5) There is one-for-one correspondence between action potentials of the largest unit recorded extracellularly in the retractor nerve and exciatory junction potentials recorded from the retractor muscle. No evidence of a peripheral neural plexus was found in serial sections of the retractor muscle.  相似文献   

A sexual dimorphism in the number of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) of rats is engendered by a sex difference in ontogenetic cell death. Testicular secretions, specifically androgenic steroids, reduce SNB motoneuron death in males. The fate of the target muscles generally mirrors that of the motoneurons, and androgens appear to exert their effects upon the target muscles, sparing the motoneurons as a secondary consequence. Treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor can also spare SNB motoneurons in newborn females, raising the possibility that this factor normally mediates androgen's effect upon motoneuron survival. The ontogeny of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity is delayed in SNB cells compared with other motoneurons and is further delayed in the SNB cells of females. In both sexes, calcitonin gene-related peptide is detected after the period of SNB motoneuron death is complete. A sex difference in motoneuron number is also seen in the human homologue of the SNB and, because ontogenetic death of motoneurons in humans overlaps the period of androgen secretion, may arise in a manner similar to that in the rat SNB. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Two types of rhythmic foregut movements are described in fifth instar larvae of the moth, Manduca sexta. These consist of posteriorly-directed waves of peristalsis which move food toward the midgut, and synchronous constrictions of the esophageal region, which appear to retain food within the crop. We describe these movements and the muscles of the foregut that generate them.The firing patterns of a subset of these muscles, including a constrictor and dilator pair from both the esophageal and buccal regions of the foregut, are described for both types of foregut movement.The motor patterns for the foregut muscles require innervation by the frontal ganglion (FG), which lies anterior to the brain and contains about 35 neurons. Eliminating the ventral nerve cord, leaving the brain and FG intact, did not affect the muscle firing patterns in most cases. Eliminating both the brain and the ventral nerve cord, leaving only the FG to innervate the foregut, generally resulted in an increased period for both gut movements and muscle bursts. This manipulation also produced increases in burst durations for most muscles, and had variable effects on the phasing of muscle activity. Despite these changes, the foregut muscles still maintained a rhythmic firing pattern when innervated by the FG alone.Two nerves exit the FG to innervate the foregut musculature: the anteriorly-projecting frontal nerve, and the posteriorly-directed recurrent nerve. Cutting the frontal nerve immediately and irreversibly stopped all muscle activity in the buccal region, while cutting the recurrent nerve immediately stopped all muscle activity in the pharyngeal and esophageal regions. Recordings from the cut nerves leaving the FG showed that the ganglion was spontaneously active, with rhythmic activity continuing within the nerves. These observations indicate that all of the foregut muscle motoneurons are located within the FG, and the FG in isolation produces a rhythmic firing pattern in the motoneurons. We have identified several motoneurons within the FG, by cobalt backfills and/or simultaneous intracellular recordings and fills from putative motoneurons and their muscles.Abbreviations BC Buccal Constrictor - BC1 buccal constrictor motoneuron 1 - BC2 buccal constrictor motoneuron 2 - BD Buccal Dilator - BD1 buccal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC Esophageal Dilator - EC1 esophageal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC2 esophageal dilator motoneuron 2 - EC3 esophageal dilator motoneuron 3 - ejp excitatory junction potential - FG frontal ganglion - psp postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

In the stick insect Carausius morosus identified nonspiking interneurons (type E4) were investigated in the mesothoracic ganglion during intraand intersegmental reflexes and during searching and walking.In the standing and in the actively moving animal interneurons of type E4 drive the excitatory extensor tibiae motoneurons, up to four excitatory protractor coxae motoneurons, and the common inhibitor 1 motoneuron (Figs. 1–4).In the standing animal a depolarization of this type of interneuron is induced by tactile stimuli to the tarsi of the ipsilateral front, middle and hind legs (Fig. 5). This response precedes and accompanies the observed activation of the affected middle leg motoneurons. The same is true when compensatory leg placement reflexes are elicited by tactile stimuli given to the tarsi of the legs (Fig. 6).During forward walking the membrane potential of interneurons of type E4 is strongly modulated in the step-cycle (Figs.8–10). The peak depolarization occurs at the transition from stance to swing. The oscillations in membrane potential are correlated with the activity profile of the extensor motoneurons and the common inhibitor 1 (Fig. 9).The described properties of interneuron type E4 in the actively behaving animal show that these interneurons are involved in the organization and coordination of the motor output of the proximal leg joints during reflex movements and during walking.Abbreviations CLP reflex, compensatory leg placement reflex - CI1 common inhibitor I motoneuron - fCO femoral chordotonal organ - FETi fast extensor tibiae motoneuron - FT femur-tibia - SETi slow extensor tibiae motoneuron  相似文献   

Muscle sensory neurons, called Ia afferents, make monosynaptic connections with functionally related sets of motoneurons in the spinal cord. Previous work has suggested that peripheral target muscles play a major role in determining the central connections of Ia afferents with motoneurons. Here, we ask whether motoneurons can also be influenced by their target muscles in terms of the monosynaptic input they receive from Ia afferents, by transplanting thoracic motoneurons into the lumbosacral spinal cord so that they innervate foreign muscles. Three or four segments of thoracic neural tube from stage 14-15 chicken embryos were transplanted to the lumbosacral region of stage 16-17 embryos, and electrophysiological recordings were made from transplanted motoneurons after the embryos had reached stage 38-40. Transplanted thoracic motoneurons innervated limb muscles and received monosynaptic inputs from Ia afferents. These connections were not random: Most of the connections were formed between Ia afferents and motoneurons projecting to the same muscle (homonymous connections). Few aberrant connections were found although the anatomical distribution of afferents in the transplant indicated that they had ample opportunity to contact inappropriate motoneurons. We conclude that although peripheral target cues are not sufficient to respecify an already committed motoneuron (turn a thoracic motoneuron into a lumbosacral motoneuron), they do provide sufficient information for Ia afferent input to be functionally correct.  相似文献   

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