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为了研究皮质醇分泌的昼夜节律在月经周期中的变化,实验对15位月经周期正常的育龄期健康妇女,在月经周期的不同阶段分别于24h内每隔两小时采样,检测唾液昼夜游离皮质醇水平。采用非线性回归分析模型分析皮质醇昼夜节律。结果显示,皮质醇昼夜节律在整个月经周期都具有复杂的明显受到亚节律(ultradian)影响的分泌形式;与月经期相比,围排卵期和黄体晚期昼夜节律波峰宽度(peak-width)明显减低(P=0.005与0.031),而昼夜节律波谷(trough)有抬高趋势(P=0.0622与0.066);黄体晚期的亚节律波幅(ultradian amplitude)与月经期相比显著减低(P=0.002)而与围排卵期相比有减低趋势(P=0.05)。这些结果提示月经周期的不同阶段对皮质醇分泌的昼夜节律有影响。  相似文献   

中华秋沙鸭越冬行为时间分配及日活动节律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
易国栋  杨志杰  刘宇  左斌  赵匠  郝锡联 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2228-2234
2007年12月-2008年1月和2008年11-12月,在江西省境内4条主要河流及其支流对中华秋沙鸭(Mergus squamatus)越冬期的各种行为活动节律及时间分配进行了实地调查研究。结果表明:中华秋沙鸭越冬期的主要行为有取食、游泳、理羽、静息、睡眠、游戏、飞行和观察。其中取食、游泳、理羽、静息呈明显的节律性变化,且取食与静息呈相反的节律变化;睡眠、飞行、游戏和观察没有明显的节律性变化。取食在7:00-8:00、10:00-11:00、12:00-13:00有明显的峰值,峰值平均间隔2.3h,其它时段具相近取食频次,且上午高于下午。睡眠和静息下午发生频次明显高于上午,并呈现节律性变化,对应3个取食高峰表现为低频次。行为时间分配如下:取食(46%),游泳(23%),理羽(9%)、静息和睡眠(各占8%)、飞行(4%)、游戏(2%)和观察(0.5%)。越冬期中华秋沙鸭大量时间用于取食,意图是为了积累能量。相关分析表明:取食与睡眠的发生呈显著负相关(R=-0.73,df=8,P0.05);取食与飞行的发生呈显著正相关(R=0.70,df=8,P0.05);理羽与静息的发生呈极显著正相关(R=0.88,df=8,P0.01);其他各种行为之间无显著相关性。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探究睡眠障碍是如何通过下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴影响女性生育能力的。方法:选择2018年10月至2021年10月于我院妇科内分泌科就诊的育龄期女性80例作为研究对象,根据匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)评估结果,将所有研究对象按照是否存在睡眠障碍分为睡眠障碍组(n=34例)和非睡眠障碍组(n=46例)。对比分析两组PSQI评分,血清性激素水平,月经周期,生育能力,通过Pearson法分析睡眠障碍与女性生育能力的相关性。结果:(1)睡眠障碍组PSQI总分以及睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍和日间功能障碍各方面得分均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);(2)睡眠障碍组卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)较非睡眠障碍组升高,而雌二醇(E2)水平低于非睡眠障碍组(P<0.05);(3)两组月经周期比较,睡眠障碍组月经紊乱比例显著高于对照组(P<0.05);(4)两组生育能力比较,睡眠障碍组生育能力显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。(5)睡眠障碍与FSH和LH均存在负相关性,和E2存在正相关(P<0.05)。结论:睡眠障碍可减弱下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴的驱动,导致卵泡刺激素释放缓慢,延长了月经周期,并导致黄体功能下降,增加了未受孕或者再次异位妊娠的发生率。  相似文献   

性别和温度对中华秋沙鸭越冬行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年11月至2012年3月,在江西婺源采用瞬时扫描法探讨性别和温度对中华秋沙鸭行为的影响.中华秋沙鸭越冬期的主要行为是取食、休息、游泳和修整.时间分配方面,雌雄中华秋沙鸭仅社会行为[雌:(2.13±1.40)%和雄:(3.24±1.55)%]存在显著性差异(t=-2.258,df=34,P<0.05),其他行为差异不显著(P>0.05).原因有:(1)非繁殖期雌雄中华秋沙鸭主要任务均为生存;(2)雌雄个体大小差异不大,对能量的需求量相似.日活动节律方面,雌雄的取食和休息行为均存在显著的节律性变化,分别为雌:取食(F(10,165)=5.19,P<0.05)、休息(F(10,165)= 2.56,P<0.05)和雄:取食(F(10,165)= 7.55,P<0.05)、休息(F(10,165)= 3.48,P<0.05),其他行为节律均不显著(P>0.05).温度对中华秋沙鸭越冬行为的影响较大,时间分配方面,在<10℃月份环境下,取食(t=-2.166,df= 16,P<0.05)行为显著高于>10℃月份,而游泳(t=5.096,df= 16,P<0.05)行为则相反,其他行为差异不显著(P>0.05).这一结果表明,平均温度降低时,中华秋沙鸭需要摄取更多的食物以补充寒冷天气能量的消耗,并减少游泳行为降低耗能.日活动节律方面,>10℃月份中华秋沙鸭日活动节律,仅警戒(F(10,77)=1.96,P<0.05)行为存在显著的节律性变化,其他行为的节律性变化不显著(P>0.05).<10℃月份中华秋沙鸭取食(F(10,86)= 5.93,P<0.05)和休息( F(10,86)= 3.42,P<0.05)行为存在显著的节律性变化,其他行为的节律性变化不显著(P>0.05).研究结果表明,温度可以改变中华秋沙鸭的日活动节律,低温使中华秋沙鸭在夜间消耗较多能量,因此中华秋沙鸭在上午花更多的时间取食来补充能量.休息行为在>10℃月份,中午和傍晚均有一个小的高峰,而在<10℃月份从11:00开始(除13:00-13:59)均保持较高的水平.中华秋沙鸭采取这种对策,可能是<10℃月份,晚上和下午温度较低,为了减少消耗,从下午就开始增加休息行为.低温条件下,中华秋沙鸭增加修整和休息行为,这一结果支持“鸟类在低温环境下通过减少行为活动以降低能量消耗和热量损失”这一观点.  相似文献   

2011年6~8月,在北京市野生动物救护中心露天笼舍内,采用瞬时扫描法对笼养条件下的4只大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)行为时间分配和活动节律进行了研究,利用单因素方差分析来说明不同性别大斑啄木鸟间行为时间分配差异以及研究对象在日间不同时间段行为节律差异.结果显示,笼养条件下大斑啄木鸟的各种行为活动具有一定的时间分配特点和日行为节律.大斑啄木鸟的行为主要表现为休息和飞行走动,占全部行为的36.24%和26.96%,其次为觅食行为,占17.69%.除觅食、理羽和其他行为外,雌雄间行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05).大斑啄木鸟昼间活动的高峰期出现在上午,中午有午休现象,日间行为节律明显.飞行走动、休息、理羽、跳跃行为的发生频次在雌雄间无显著差异(P>0.05),而雄性觅食的发生频次显著地大于雌性的(P<0.05).  相似文献   

失眠障碍已成为仅次于抑郁症的全球第二大流行性精神疾病.过度觉醒模型是解释失眠障碍维持机制的重要理论之一,而静息态脑电和睡眠脑电则为这一模型提供了最重要的证据支持.本文首先归纳了进行静息态和睡眠脑电分析的方法,并提出从清醒静息态、入睡到不同睡眠期的系统分析框架.通过分析前人的研究发现,失眠障碍过度觉醒的静息态和睡眠脑电证据主要有:睡眠连续性和宏观结构受损、觉醒增加、日间睡眠潜伏期延长、清醒和非快速眼动睡眠期脑电β活动的升高等.失眠的认知行为治疗、部分非苯二氮类药物、睡眠期的经颅直流电刺激等治疗手段,可显著降低患者的过度觉醒.脑电功率谱分析有助于区分不同的失眠障碍亚型,评估药物和非药物干预疗效,但在应用中应充分考虑年龄、性别、脑电频段划分等影响.未来的研究应进一步关注不同失眠障碍亚型的皮层过度觉醒,统一脑电频段划分标准,严格控制年龄、性别等因素的干扰.应在睡眠分期判读和功率谱分析的基础上,逐步推进源定位、时频、无标度等介观和微观结构的脑电分析,促进静息态脑电和睡眠脑电在失眠障碍诊断和治疗评估中的应用.  相似文献   

1.本工作以皮层电图、海马脑电图、眼动电图、肌电图和大体行为作指标,系统地观察了实验室家兔的睡眠-觉醒昼夜节律,分析了动物行为与海马脑电图的相互关系以及绒毛膜促性腺激素对雌兔异相睡眠的影响。2.家兔的睡眠-觉醒周期可分为:(1)活动期(59.4±2.9%);(2)安静清醒期(4.4±0.3%);(3)瞳睡期(4.2±0.1%);(4)浅慢波睡眠期(12.7±1.4%),(5)深慢波睡眠期(13.8±1.7%),(6)异相睡眠期(5.6±0.3%)。每一睡眠周期平均约20分,睡眠主要出现在12:00—15:00和0:00—3:00。3.海马脑电图的变化与睡眠、觉醒及其他行为变化密切相关。主要表现在清醒、随意运动和异相睡眠时出现θ节律,慢波睡眠时为不规则慢波。4.静脉注射绒毛膜促性腺激素可使雌兔异相睡眠时间延长。  相似文献   

目的:比较持续气道正压通气(CPAP),双水平正压通气(BiPAP)与匹配伺服通气(ASV)对慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者陈-施氏呼吸(CSR)的疗效区别.方法:选择存在睡眠期CSR的稳定期CHF患者14例,比较治疗前和分别经CPAP,BiPAP和ASV治疗时睡眠呼吸及睡眠结构和质量相关参数.结果:与治疗前相比,三种气道正压通气治疗时睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数(AHI)和微觉醒指数(MAI)明显降低(P<0.01),而最低脉氧饱和度(miniSpO2)显著升高(P<0.01);睡眠结构参数Ⅰ+Ⅱ期睡眠比率显著降低(P<0.01),而慢波睡眠比率显著增高(P<0.01).三种治疗中AHI,MAI和Ⅰ+Ⅱ期睡眠比率ASV治疗时最低,CPAP治疗时最高,且不同治疗期间比较均有统计学差异(P<0.05);miniSpO2和慢渡睡眠比率ASV治疗时最高,CPAP治疗时最低.结论:CPAP、BiPAP与ASV治疗均可改善CHF患者CSR的AHI和MAI,并且可改善睡眠结构,但以ASV治疗的疗效最为显著.  相似文献   

目的:应用Actigraphy仪检测酒石酸唑吡坦对非器质性失眠患者睡眠质量的影响。方法:选择非器质性失眠症患者36例,实验第二晚给予10 mg酒石酸唑吡坦,实验第一晚和第四晚采用Actigraph仪监测,观察用药后Actigraph指标的变化。同时设置正常对照组24名,进行基础Actigraph监测。结果:失眠组患者服用酒石酸唑吡坦后,夜间Actigraphy检测显示实际觉醒时间(AWT)、睡眠潜入期(SL)、平均每次觉醒时间(MWB T)与服药前相比,显著缩短(P0.01);睡眠效率(SE)、平均静息状态时长(MLI)与服药前相比,显著提高(P0.01),同时反映身体活动的参数平均活动分数(MAS)和睡眠总体破碎程度的割裂指数(FI)与对照组相比,显著降低(P0.05)。结论:酒石酸唑吡坦能明显改善非器质性失眠患者睡眠,在非器质性失眠症的诊断治疗中Actigraphy仪是一种有效、便捷的方法。  相似文献   

昼夜节律性睡眠障碍(CRSD)是由于睡眠-觉醒周期与人体的24 h生物节律失调所致的一类睡眠疾病。它以失眠和(或)白天过度嗜睡,影响生活质量为主要临床表现。因内源性昼夜节律系统变化而引起者包括睡眠时相延迟综合征(DSPS)、睡眠时相前移综合征(ASPS)、非24 h节律睡眠障碍和无昼夜节律的睡眠障碍;因环境改变导致者主要包括时差和轮班相关的睡眠障碍。近年来,由于生物节律基础研究在临床睡眠医学实践中的转化应用,CRSD的发病机制进一步被明确,诊断和治疗取得了长足进展。睡眠日记、活动记录仪和褪黑素水平测定、体温检测都成为常规应用的诊断手段。光疗、褪黑素等因可以恢复正常的生物节律而得到广泛应用。针对生物节律的促睡和促醒信号靶向性开发新的药物将成为睡眠障碍药物研发的新方向。以CRSD的诊疗与研究为核心的行为睡眠医学(behavior sleep medicine)已经成形。如何利用我国丰富的病例资源,加强基础研究与临床的结合,促进我国生物节律领域的研究成果在临床医学中的转化是一个重要的课题。  相似文献   

Rhythms in the ovulatory cycle. 2nd: LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The circadian profiles of LH, FSH, estradiol and progesterone were compared in a homogeneous group of 15 young normally cycling women, at 4 well characterized times of the menstrual cycle: early follicular (EF), late follicular (LF), early luteal (EL) and late luteal (LL) stages. The circatrigintan profiles of the same hormones were also evaluated. Population-mean cosinor analysis failed to demonstrate a circadian periodicity of LH in any of the 4 stages of the menstrual cycle; a circadian rhythm for FSH was present only in the 2 luteal phases (EL, LL); the same type of rhythmicity was present for estradiol only in the late luteal stage; on the contrary, a highly significant circadian rhythm of progesterone was present in each of the 4 menstrual stages considered (EF, LF, EL and LL). Population-mean cosinor analysis showed a highly significant circatrigintan periodicity of LH and FSH with the acrophases respectively between -109 degrees and -181 degrees and between -74 degrees and -125 degrees. Circatrigintan rhythmicity was also present for estradiol (acrophases between -161 degrees and -245 degrees) and progesterone (acrophases between -246 degrees and -296 degrees).  相似文献   

In higher primates, increased circulating follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) levels seen during late menstrual cycle and during menstruation has been suggested to be necessary for initiation of follicular growth, recruitment of follicles and eventually culminating in ovulation of a single follicle. With a view to establish the dynamics of circulating FSH secretion with that of inhibin A (INH A) and progesterone (P4) secretions during the menstrual cycle, blood was collected daily from bonnet monkeys beginning day 1 of the menstrual cycle up to 35 days. Serum INH A levels were low during early follicular phase, increased significantly coinciding with the mid cycle luteinizing hormone (LH) surge to reach maximal levels during the mid luteal phase before declining at the late luteal phase, essentially paralleling the pattern of P4 secretion seen throughout the luteal phase. Circulating FSH levels were low during early and mid luteal phases, but progressively increased during the late luteal phase and remained high for few days after the onset of menses. In another experiment, lutectomy performed during the mid luteal phase resulted in significant decrease in INH A concentration within 2 hr (58.3±2 vs. 27.3±3 pg/mL), and a 2‐ to 3‐fold rise in circulating FSH levels by 24 hr (0.20±0.02 vs. 0.53±0.14 ng/mL) that remained high until 48 hr postlutectomy. Systemic administration of Cetrorelix (150 µg/kg body weight), a gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist, at mid luteal phase in monkeys led to suppression of serum INH A and P4 concentrations 24 hr post treatment, but circulating FSH levels did not change. Administration of exogenous LH, but not FSH, significantly increased INH A concentration. The results taken together suggest a tight coupling between LH and INH A secretion and that INH A is largely responsible for maintenance of low FSH concentration seen during the luteal phase. Am. J. Primatol. 71:817–824, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive cyclicity has a significant influence on the regulation of circadian rhythms in rodents. Studies have suggested that there are changes in body temperature rhythms between the follicular and luteal phases in human females. This study examined the effects of menstrual cyclicity on physiological and behavioral circadian rhythms in female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), an acknowledged biomedical model. Seven unrestrained subjects were implanted with a biotelemetry transmitter to measure body temperature and heart rate and an accelerometer was used to measure physical activity. Water was available ad libitum and drinking was measured via an electronic circuit attached to a water lixit. A video-based task system, the Psychomotor Test System, provided environmental enrichment and delivered a pelletized diet. Mean, phase, and amplitude of each rhythm were calculated. Estrogen and progesterone conjugates were assayed and quantified from daily urine samples to identify follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. Average circadian variables were then compared between these phases. Heart rate was significantly (P< or =0.05) delayed in the luteal phase. Albeit non-significant, analysis showed a trend toward decreased circadian amplitude of body temperature in the luteal phase.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of rectal temperature was continuously recorded over several consecutive days in young men and women on regular nocturnal sleep schedules. There were 50 men, 21 women with natural menstrual cycles [i.e., not taking oral contraceptives (OCs) (10 in the follicular phase and 11 in the luteal phase)], and 14 women using OCs (6 in the pseudofollicular phase and 8 in the pseudoluteal phase). Circadian phase and amplitude were estimated using a curve-fitting procedure, and temperature levels were determined from the raw data. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the data from the four groups of women, with factors menstrual cycle phase (follicular, luteal) and OC use (yes, no), showed that temperature during sleep was lower during the follicular phase than during the luteal phase. Since waking temperatures were similar in the two phases, the circadian amplitude was also larger during the follicular phase. The lower follicular phase sleep temperature also resulted in a lower 24-h temperature during the follicular phase. The two-way ANOVA showed that temperature during sleep and 24-h temperature were lower in naturally cycling women than in women taking OCs. A one-way ANOVA on the temperature rhythm parameters from the five groups of subjects showed that the temperature rhythms of the men and of the naturally cycling women in the follicular phase were not significantly different. Both of these groups had lower temperatures during sleep, lower 24-h temperatures, and larger circadian amplitudes than the other groups. There were no significant differences in circadian phase among the five groups studied. In conclusion, menstrual cycle phase, OC use, and sex affect the amplitude and level, but not the phase, of the overt circadian temperature rhythm.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of rectal temperature was continuously recorded over several consecutive days in young men and women on regular nocturnal sleep schedules. There were 50 men, 21 women with natural menstrual cycles [i.e., not taking oral contraceptives (OCs) (10 in the follicular phase and 11 in the luteal phase)], and 14 women using OCs (6 in the pseudofollicular phase and 8 in the pseudoluteal phase). Circadian phase and amplitude were estimated using a curve-fitting procedure, and temperature levels were determined from the raw data. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the data from the four groups of women, with factors menstrual cycle phase (follicular, luteal) and OC use (yes, no), showed that temperature during sleep was lower during the follicular phase than during the luteal phase. Since waking temperatures were similar in the two phases, the circadian amplitude was also larger during the follicular phase. The lower follicular phase sleep temperature also resulted in a lower 24-h temperature during the follicular phase. The two-way ANOVA showed that temperature during sleep and 24-h temperature were lower in naturally cycling women than in women taking OCs. A one-way ANOVA on the temperature rhythm parameters from the five groups of subjects showed that the temperature rhythms of the men and of the naturally cycling women in the follicular phase were not significantly different. Both of these groups had lower temperatures during sleep, lower 24-h temperatures, and larger circadian amplitudes than the other groups. There were no significant differences in circadian phase among the five groups studied. In conclusion, menstrual cycle phase, OC use, and sex affect the amplitude and level, but not the phase, of the overt circadian temperature rhythm.  相似文献   

alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) immunoreactivity (IR) was measured in the blood of 22 healthy women with normal ovulatory process in the early and late follicular (near to ovulation) phases and in the early luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Plasma alpha-MSH IR ranged from undetectable values to 81.3 pg/ml, the highest levels being found in the late follicular phase (15.52 +/- 4.16 pg/ml). In contrast, plasma ACTH IR was always detectable (range: 18.5-63.2 pg/ml), but its concentration did not differ significantly between the 3 phases of the menstrual cycle. High-pressure liquid chromatography fractionation of Sep pak C18-purified alpha-MSH IR revealed in all 3 phases the presence of 3 major peaks of alpha-MSH IR, coeluting with desacetyl-alpha-MSH, alpha-MSH and diacetyl-alpha-MSH, respectively. The most abundant peak always coeluted with authentic desacetyl-alpha-MSH, and the ratio between this deacetylated and the other 2 acetylated forms was similar in the 2 follicular phases (1:1.25 and 1:1.16 in the early and late phase, respectively), but significantly different in the luteal phase (1:0.48). The fluctuations in plasma concentration of the above MSH-related peptides suggest that different rates of alpha-MSH acetylation and release take place in the pituitary gland depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

To investigate whether depression is accompanied by changes in diurnal rhythms of free estradiol and cortisol in different phases of the menstrual cycle, we measured these two hormone levels in saliva samples collected every 2 h for 24 h from 15 healthy normally cycling women and 12 age-matched normally cycling women suffering from major depression taking antidepressants. The assessments were repeated four times over one menstrual cycle: during menstruation and in the late follicular/peri-ovulating, early to mid-luteal and late luteal phases, respectively. Quantification with a nonlinear periodic regression model revealed distinct diurnal rhythms in free estradiol and free cortisol in all subjects. For the diurnal cortisol rhythm, significant differences were found in the peak-width and ultradian amplitude among different menstrual phases, both in controls and depressed patients, while no significant differences were found between the two groups. The diurnal estradiol rhythm, on the other hand, was quite consistent among different menstrual phases within both groups, while the depressed patients had overall larger amplitudes than controls, which is negatively correlated with disease duration. Significant positive correlations between the two hormone rhythms were found for 24-h mean level (mesor), peak, and trough in late luteal phase, and for ultradian harmonics in early to mid-luteal phase in controls, but only for ultradian harmonics in late follicular/peri-ovulating phase and for acrophase in the menstruation phase in depressed patients. A sub-analysis was also performed in patients who received Fluoxetine (n = 7). The findings implicate a close correlation between the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, both of which may be involved in depression.  相似文献   

We sampled the reproductive tracts of 27 cynomolgus macaques during the menstrual cycle and correlated the cytologic changes in the oviductal epithelium with changes in the serum levels of estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) and with the histology of the ovaries and the endometria. We identified an orderly sequence of changes in the oviductal epithelium from the early follicular to the late luteal phase, and we classified this sequence into eight stages, named as follows: preciliogenic, ciliogenic, ciliogenic-ciliated, ciliated-ciliogenic, ciliated-secretory, early regression, late regression and full regression. The preciliogenic and ciliogenic phases were coincident with menses and the early follicular phase. The ciliogenic-ciliated, ciliated-ciliogenic and ciliated-secretory phases during which the oviductal epithelium became progressively more differentiated were coincident, respectively, with the midfollicular, late follicular and periovulatory phases of the cycle. The early, late and full regression stages during which the epithelium became progressively more atrophied, deciliated and nonsecretory were coincident, respectively, with the early, mid and late luteal phases of the cycle. The cyclic changes in the endometrium of cynomolgus macaques were similar to those reported for the rhesus macaque.  相似文献   

Women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) experience mood deterioration and altered circadian rhythms during the luteal phase (LP) of their menstrual cycles. Disturbed circadian rhythms may be involved in the development of clinical mood states, though this relationship is not fully characterized in PMDD. We therefore conducted an extensive chronobiological characterization of the melatonin rhythm in a small group of PMDD women and female controls. In this pilot study, participants included five women with PMDD and five age-matched controls with no evidence of menstrual-related mood disorders. Participants underwent two 24-hour laboratory visits, during the follicular phase (FP) and LP of the menstrual cycle, consisting of intensive physiological monitoring under “unmasked”, time-isolation conditions. Measures included visual analogue scale for mood, ovarian hormones, and 24-hour plasma melatonin. Mood significantly (P≤.03) worsened during LP in PMDD compared to FP and controls. Progesterone was significantly (P = .025) increased during LP compared to FP, with no between-group differences. Compared to controls, PMDD women had significantly (P<.05) decreased melatonin at circadian phases spanning the biological night during both menstrual phases and reduced amplitude of its circadian rhythm during LP. PMDD women also had reduced area under the curve of melatonin during LP compared to FP. PMDD women showed affected circadian melatonin rhythms, with reduced nocturnal secretion and amplitude during the symptomatic phase compared to controls. Despite our small sample size, these pilot findings support a role for disturbed circadian rhythms in affective disorders. Possible associations with disrupted serotonergic transmission are proposed.  相似文献   

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