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In rats inoculated with the Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus, a significant decrease was found in the tyrosine hydroxylase activity of neostriatum, midbrain, and hypothalamus during the acute phase of the infection. In animals that survived the acute infection, we observed no changes in the enzymatic activity in the same regions studied. Our findings suggest a vulnerability of the dopaminergic and noradrenergic pathways to the infection produced by VEE virus.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized seven unique antigenic epitopes on the two envelope glycoproteins of the Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus vaccine strain, TC-83, by using monoclonal antibodies. The in vitro function of virus neutralization was primarily associated with one epitope on the gp56 (gp56c). To determine which epitopes were important in protecting animals from VEE infection, purified monoclonal antibodies were inoculated i.v. into 3-wk-old Swiss mice. Twenty-four hours later these animals were challenged i.p. with 100 IPLD50 of virulent VEE virus (Trinidad donkey). High-avidity anti-gp56c, anti-gp50b, anti-gp50c, and anti-gp50d monoclonal antibodies protected animals from virus challenge. Rabbit antisera to the gp56 and the gp50 glycoproteins were also effective in protecting mice from challenge with virulent VEE virus. Less antibody was needed to protect animals if the antibody was directed against the critical neutralization site. Less avid antibodies to the gp56c and gp50b epitopes demonstrated little or no protection in vivo. Protection, therefore, appeared to be a function of the passive antibody's specificity, avidity, and ability to bind to virion antigenic determinants topologically proximal to the critical neutralization site.  相似文献   

The collection of eight rat and mouse hybridomas secreting the high affinity monoclonal antibodies to glycoprotein E1 of the Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis has been obtained. The antigenic structure of E1 protein has been studied with the use of these antibodies for the strains Trinidad, TC-83 and 230 of the virus. Antigenic map of glycoprotein E1 based on competition radioimmunoanalysis is proposed. Five sites are mapped including eight epitopes binding monoclonal antibodies. Antibodies to sites E1-1, E1-3 and E1-5 are crossreactive in interaction with the virus of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, while antibodies to site E1-5 interact also with the virus of tick-borne encephalitis. Antibodies to site E1-1 possess the protective effect and lack the neutralizing effect in tissue cultures. Antibodies to all sites of E1 protein are devoid of ability to neutralize the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies directed against Uukuniemi virus glycoproteins G1 and G2 in combination with polyclonal antibodies against the nucleoprotein (N) were used to study the maturation of the virus in Golgi complexes of infected chicken embryo fibroblasts and BHK cells. Of 25 monoclonal antibodies obtained, 10 were shown to be G1 specific and 15 were shown to be G2 specific by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation. In double-staining experiments, some of the monoclonal antibodies gave similar distributions of fluorescence as compared with the staining obtained from polyclonal rabbit anti-G1-G2 antibodies. Others, however, preferentially stained either the glycoproteins in the Golgi complex or those at the cell surface. This may indicate that the glycoproteins underwent conformational changes during their transport. Uukuniemi virus infection resulted in the vacuolization of the membranes of Golgi complexes where the maturation of the virus was taking place. Double-staining experiments with monoclonal antibodies which preferentially stained the Golgi-associated viral glycoproteins and with anti-N polyclonal rabbit antiserum showed a correlation between the progressive vacuolization of the Golgi complex and the accumulation of viral nucleoprotein in the Golgi region, suggesting that a morphological alteration of the Golgi complex may be a prerequisite for intracellular maturation of the virus. Treatment of Uukuniemi virus-infected cells with tunicamycin, a drug which inhibits N-linked glycosylation, resulted in the accumulation of both glycoproteins at an intracellular location, apparently representing the endoplasmic reticulum. Double-staining experiments showed a parallel accumulation of nucleoprotein at these sites, indicating that local accumulation of glycoproteins is required for nucleoprotein binding to intracellular membranes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoproteins were used to demonstrate that HSV undergoes mutagen-induced and spontaneous antigenic variation. Hybridomas were produced by polyethylene glycol-mediated fusion of P3-X63-Ag8.653 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice infected with HSV-1 (strain KOS). Hybrid clones were screened for production of HSV-specific neutralizing antibody. The glycoprotein specificities of the antibodies were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates of radiolabeled infected-cell extracts. Seven hybridomas producing antibodies specific for gC, one for gB, and one for gD were characterized. All antibodies neutralized HSV-1 but not HSV-2. Two antibodies, one specific for gB and one specific for gC, were used to select viral variants resistant to neutralization by monoclonal antibody plus complement. Selections were made from untreated and bromodeoxyuridine- and nitrosoguanidine-mutagenized stocks of a plaque-purified isolate of strain KOS. After neutralization with monoclonal antibody plus complement, surviving virus was plaque purified by plating at limiting dilution and tested for resistance to neutralization with the selecting antibody. The frequency of neutralization-resistant antigenic variants selected with monoclonal antibody ranged from 4 X 10(-4) in nonmutagenized stocks to 1 X 10(-2) in mutagenized stocks. Four gC and four gB antigenic variants were isolated. Two variants resistant to neutralization by gC-specific antibodies failed to express gC, accounting for their resistant phenotype. The two other gC antigenic variants and the four gB variants expressed antigenically altered glycoproteins and were designated monoclonal-antibody-resistant, mar, mutants. The two mar C mutants were tested for resistance to neutralization with a panel of seven gC-specific monoclonal antibodies. The resulting patterns of resistance provided evidence for at least two antigenic sites on glycoprotein gC.  相似文献   

Heydrick, Fred P. (Fort Detrick, Frederick, Md.), Ralph F. Wachter, and Henry J. Hearn, Jr. Host influence on the characteristics of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. J. Bacteriol. 91:2343-2348. 1966.-Alterations in plaque size, virulence, and lipid content of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus were examined for possible interrelationships among these properties during 10 serial passages in embryonated eggs, suckling mice, chick embryo fibroblasts, and L cells. The chick embryo host maintained the same large-plaque and virulence properties of the virus through 10 passages as seen in the original seed. Passage of virus in either L cells or chick fibroblasts rapidly produced populations that were, in the main, intermediate with respect to plaque size and virulence. Passage of virus in suckling mouse brain yielded populations that were intermediate with respect to plaque size only. The nature of the lipid of the virus, in terms of the ratio of petroleum ether-soluble to -insoluble lipid, changed after only one passage in all systems except in chick embryos. Nine additional serial passages failed to enhance these changes in viral lipid, suggesting that the decrease in the large-plaque and virulence properties was not directly associated with changes in lipid content.  相似文献   

Ozone, in a liquid-phase application, was evaluated as a residue-free viral inactivant that may be suitable for use in an arboviral research laboratory. Commonly used sterilizing agents may leave trace residues, be flammable or explosive, and require lengthy periods for gases or residues to dissipate after decontamination of equipment such as biological safety cabinets. Complete liquid-phase inactivation of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus was attained at 0.025 mg of ozone per liter within 45 min of exposure. The inactivation of 10(6.5) median cell culture infective doses (CCID50 of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus per milliliter represented a reduction of 99.99997% of the viral particles from the control levels of 10(7.25-7.5) CCID50/ml. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated. Analysis by polynomial regression of the logarithmic values for both ozone concentrations and percent reduction of viral titers had a highly significant r2 of 0.8 (F = 63.6; df = 1, 16). These results, together with those of Akey (J. Econ. Entomol. 75:387-392, 1982) on the use of ozone to kill a winged arboviral vector, indicate that ozone is a promising candidate as a sterilizing agent in some applications for biological safety cabinets and other equipment used in vector studies with arboviruses.  相似文献   

To determine whether treatment with melatonin (MLT) improves the efficiency of immunization against Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus, mice were vaccinated with TC-83 VEE virus and treated daily with MLT (1 or 5 mg/kg) starting 3 days before immunization, until 10 days after. IgM antibody titers were determined at days 7, 14, and 21 post-immunization. IL-10 levels were assayed at day 14 postvaccination. Treatment with MLT increased antibody titers 14 days after the immunization. IL-10 levels also increased with MLT treatment (1 and 5 mg/kg). Mice were challenged with live VEE virus at day 21 postimmunization, and viral titers were plaque assayed in chicken embryo fibroblasts 4 days after the infection. Following this challenge brain virus levels were significantly reduced. The results suggest that MLT treatment enhances the efficiency of mice immunization against VEE virus.  相似文献   

Newborn Syrian hamsters were challanged with an intracerebral inoculum containing 128 50% lethal doses of the Kilham strain of mumps virus and treated 24 h later with a single intraperitoneal injection of mouse monoclonal antibody. Monoclonal antibodies reactive with epitopes on the fusion glycoprotein of mumps virus could not inhibit hemagglutination or neutralize infectivity in vitro and failed to provide biologically important protection against the in vivo infection. In contrast, monoclonal antibodies reactive with epitopes on the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase glycoprotein of mumps virus inhibited hemagglutination and neutralized infectivity in vitro and protected infected animals from the otherwise lethal central nervous system virus infection. Similar protection was provided by both purified immunoglobulin and F(ab')2 fragments. Immuno-cytochemical and virological studies showed diminished virus antigen and virus titers in the brains of successfully treated animals. It appears that a topographically restricted region of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase molecule of the Kilham strain of mumps virus is of critical importance for immune recognition by the infected host.  相似文献   

A possible inhibition of the Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus replication in Vero cells through the laminin-binding protein (LBP) blocking in the surface of such cells was investigated in order to verify the LBP value. It was demonstrated, on the basis of the flow scanning cytometry and FITC-labeled antibodies to LBP, that there are at least 263 thousand LBP molecules in the Vero cells' surface. Blocking of the molecules by rabbit polyclonal antibodies to 43 kD of the recombinant LBP (rLBP) was shown to inhibit the VEE virus replication in Vero cells by more than 300,000 times, which made them virtually resistant to the possibility of VEE virus infection. This also confirmed that LBP is a target-molecule for VEE virus in Vero cells with the interplay between VEE virus and LBP in the cells' surface being the initial stage of virions' penetration into the cell and of their replication inside the cell.  相似文献   

Aims: To compare the inactivation rate of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus in liquids to that of Sindbis virus (SV, another alphavirus) and to a bacteriophage (MS2) generally used as a viral simulant in the development of countermeasures in biodefense. Methods and Results: Viruses were inoculated into liquids and viral titres were determined at various times postinoculation. The viruses were stable in distilled-deionized (dd) water at 4°C during the 21 days of the study. The inactivation rates of VEE and SV in dd water at 21 and 30°C were very similar (between 0·12 and 0·14 log10 per day), while MS2 was three-fold slower. In tap water (chlorine content between 4 and 5 ppm) at 21°C, VEE and SV were inactivated at twice the rate measured in dd water. Conclusions: The inactivation rates of VEE and SV were similar to each other and faster than MS2 in all liquids tested. Significance and Impact of the Study: VEE is likely to remain viable for many days after release into water, snow, or even chlorinated tap water. SV can be used to estimate the persistence of VEE in liquids, but using MS2 as a simulant would overestimate of the stability of VEE.  相似文献   

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