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Cell migration requires the coordination of adhesion site assembly and turnover. Canonical models for nascent adhesion formation postulate that integrin binding to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins results in the rapid recruitment of cytoskeletal proteins such as talin and paxillin to integrin cytoplasmic domains. It is thought that integrin-talin clusters recruit and activate tyrosine kinases such as focal adhesion kinase (FAK). However, the molecular connections of this linkage remain unresolved. Our recent findings support an alternative model whereby FAK recruits talin to new sites of β1 integrin-mediated adhesion in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human ovarian carcinoma cells. This is dependent on a direct binding interaction between FAK and talin and occurs independently of direct talin binding to β1 integrin. Herein, we discuss differences between nascent and mature adhesions, interactions between FAK, talin and paxillin, possible mechanisms of FAK activation and how this FAK-talin complex may function to promote cell motility through increased adhesion turnover.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the adhesion protein, vitronectin, directs the localization of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) to areas of cell-substrate adhesion, where uPA is thought to regulate cell migration as well as pericellular proteolysis. In the present study, HT-1080 cell lines expressing either wild-type vitronectin or vitronectin containing a single amino-acid substitution in the integrin binding domain were used to assess whether ligation of the αvβT5 integrin was required for uPA localization to focal adhesions. The synthesis of wild-type vitronectin by HT-1080 cells adherent to either collagen or fibronectin resulted in the redistribution of both the αvβT5 integrin as well as uPA to focal adhesion structures. In contrast, cells synthesizing mutant vitronectin, containing the amino-acid substitution in the integrin binding domain, were unable to direct the redistribution of either αvβT5 or uPA to focal adhesions. Recombinant forms of wild-type and mutant vitronectin were prepared in a baculovirus system and compared for their ability to direct the redistribution of vitronectin integrin receptors as well as uPA on human skin fibroblasts. In the absence of vitronectin, fibroblast cells adherent to fibronectin assemble focal adhesions which contain the βT1 integrin but do not contain uPA. Addition of recombinant wild-type, but not mutant, vitronectin to fibroblasts adherent to fibronectin resulted in the redistribution of αvβT3, αvβT5, and uPA into focal adhesions. However, when cells were plated directly onto antibodies directed against either the αvβT3 or αvβT5 integrins, uPA was not localized on the cell surface. These data indicate that ligation of vitronectin integrin receptors is necessary but not sufficient for the localization of uPA to areas of cell-matrix adhesion, and suggest that vitronectin may promote cell migration by recruiting vitronectin integrin receptors and components of the plasminogen activator system to areas of cell matrix contact.  相似文献   

Integrins were cross-linked to their extracellular matrix ligands using non-penetrating chemical cross-linkers. This procedure did not disturb the distribution of integrin in the adhesion structure and adhesion plaque integrin staining remained even when the cultures were extracted with ionic detergents. 80-90% of the pi integrin in the cross-linked culture was extracted with RIPA buffer and the remaining 10-20% was recovered following reversal of the cross-linking. This separated two distinct integrin pools, one which can be cross-linked to substrate bound extracellular matrix and one which is not. The specificity of this procedure for cross-linking of integrins involved in substrate adhesion was demonstrated using NIH 3T3 cells which express both α5β1 and α5β1 integrins. α6 was cross-linked only in cells plated on laminin whereas α5 was cross-linked when fibronectin was present. Using antisera directed to the cytoplasmic domains of either α5 or β1 integrin, it was demonstrated that these domains can be blocked in the intact cell but the blocking can be removed using ionic detergent extraction after chemical cross-linking. The extracellular matrix associated with the substrate surface but not that associated with the media exposed surface is both cross-linked and retained on the plastic dish following cross-linking.  相似文献   

Integrins are transmembrane proteins linking the extracellular matrix or certain cell–cell contacts to the cytoskeleton. To study integrin–cytoskeleton interactions we wanted to relate talin–integrin interaction to integrin function in cell spreading and formation of focal adhesions. For talin-binding studies we used fusion proteins of glutathione S-transferase and the cytoplasmic domain of integrin β1 (GST-cytoβ1) expressed in bacteria. For functional studies chimeric integrins containing the extracellular and transmembrane parts of β3 linked to the cytoplasmic domain of β1 were expressed in CHO cells as a dimer with the αIIb subunit. Point mutations in the amino acid sequence N785PIY788 of β1 disrupted both the integrin–talin interaction and the ability of the integrin to mediate cell spreading. COOH-terminal truncation of β1 at the amino acid position 797 disrupted its ability to mediate cell spreading, whereas the disruption of talin binding required deletion of five more amino acids (truncation at position 792). A synthetic peptide from this region of β1 (W780DTGENPIYKSAV792) bound to purified talin and inhibited talin binding to GST-cytoβ1. The ability of the mutants to mediate focal adhesion formation or to codistribute to focal adhesions formed by other integrins correlated with their ability to mediate cell spreading. These results confirm the previous finding that a talin-binding site in the integrin β1 tail resides at or close to the central NPXY motif and suggest that the integrin–talin interaction is necessary but not sufficient for integrin-mediated cell spreading.  相似文献   

焦点粘着激酶的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
焦点粘着激酶是依赖于整合素的细胞信号转导通路的基础性信号传递分子.通过磷酸化酪氨酸位点和富脯氨酸序列,活化的焦点粘着激酶与细胞骨架蛋白、Src族激酶、磷酸肌醇-3激酶、Graf以及多种衔接子蛋白相互作用,调节细胞的粘附、迁移、增殖和分化.  相似文献   

During tissue morphogenesis and tumor invasion, epithelial cells must undergo intercellular rearrangement in which cells are repositioned with respect to one another and the surrounding mesenchymal extracellular matrix. Using three-dimensional aggregates of squamous epithelial cells, we show that such intercellular rearrangements can be triggered by activation of β1 integrins after their ligation with extracellular matrices. On nonadherent substrates, multicellular aggregates (MCAs) formed rapidly via E-cadherin junctional complexes and over time became compacted spheroids exhibiting a more epithelial phenotype. After MCAs were replated on culture substrates, the spheroids collapsed to yield tightly arranged cell monolayers. Cell–cell contact induced rapid elevation in E-cadherin levels, which was due to an increase in the metabolic stability of junctional receptors. During MCA remodeling of cell–cell adhesions, and monolayer formation, their E-cadherin levels fell rapidly. Similar behavior was obtained regardless of which ECM ligand—collagen type I, fibronectin, or laminin 1—MCAs were seeded on. In contrast, when seeded onto a matrix elaborated by squamous epithelial cells, cells in the MCA attached, spread, lost cell–cell junctions, and dispersed. Analysis identified laminin 5 as the active ECM ligand in this matrix, and MCA dispersion required functional β1 integrin and specifically α3β1. Furthermore, substrate-immobilized anti-integrin antibody effectively reproduced the epithelial–mesenchymal-like transition induced by the laminin 5 matrix. During the early stages of aggregate rearrangement and collapse, cells on laminin 5 substrates, but not those on collagen I substrates, exhibited intense cortical arrays of F-actin, microspikes, and fascin accumulation at their peripheral surfaces. These results suggest that engagement of specific integrin–ligand pairs regulates cadherin junctional adhesions during events common to epithelial morphogenesis and tumor invasion.  相似文献   

Using the atomic force microscope, we have investigated the nanoscale mechanical response of the attachment adhesive of the terrestrial alga Prasiola linearis (Prasiolales, Chlorophyta). We were able to locate and extend highly ordered mechanical structures directly from the natural adhesive matrix of the living plant. The in vivo mechanical response of the structured biopolymer often displayed the repetitive sawtooth force-extension characteristics of a material exhibiting high mechanical strength at the molecular level. Mechanical and histological evidence leads us to propose a mechanism for mechanical strength in our sample based on amyloid fibrils. These proteinaceous, pleated β-sheet complexes are usually associated with neurodegenerative diseases. However, we now conclude that the amyloid protein quaternary structures detected in our material should be considered as a possible generic mechanism for mechanical strength in natural adhesives.  相似文献   

Functional amyloids are a rapidly expanding class of fibrillar protein structures, with a core cross-β scaffold, where novel and advantageous biological function is generated by the assembly of the amyloid. The growing number of amyloid structures determined at high resolution reveal how this supramolecular template both accommodates a wide variety of amino acid sequences and also imposes selectivity on the assembly process. The amyloid fibril can no longer be considered a generic aggregate, even when associated with disease and loss of function. In functional amyloids the polymeric β-sheet rich structure provides multiple different examples of unique control mechanisms and structures that are finely tuned to deliver assembly or disassembly in response to physiological or environmental cues. Here we review the range of mechanisms at play in natural, functional amyloids, where tight control of amyloidogenicity is achieved by environmental triggers of conformational change, proteolytic generation of amyloidogenic fragments, or heteromeric seeding and amyloid fibril stability. In the amyloid fibril form, activity can be regulated by pH, ligand binding and higher order protofilament or fibril architectures that impact the arrangement of associated domains and amyloid stability. The growing understanding of the molecular basis for the control of structure and functionality delivered by natural amyloids in nearly all life forms should inform the development of therapies for amyloid-associated diseases and guide the design of innovative biomaterials.  相似文献   

Integrin signaling revisited   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a crucial regulator of cell function, and it is now well established that signaling by integrins mediates many of these effects. Ten years of research has seen integrin signaling advance on many fronts towards a molecular understanding of the control mechanisms. Most striking is the merger with studies of other receptors, the cytoskeleton and mechanical forces within the general field of signaling networks.  相似文献   

In this report, we have analyzed the potential role and mechanisms of integrin signaling through FAK in cell cycle regulation by using tetracycline-regulated expression of exogenous FAK and mutants. We have found that overexpression of wild-type FAK accelerated G1 to S phase transition. Conversely, overexpression of a dominant-negative FAK mutant ΔC14 inhibited cell cycle progression at G1 phase and this inhibition required the Y397 in ΔC14. Biochemical analyses indicated that FAK mutant ΔC14 was mislocalized and functioned as a dominant-negative mutant by competing with endogenous FAK in focal contacts for binding signaling molecules such as Src and Fyn, resulting in a decreases of Erk activation in cell adhesion. Consistent with this, we also observed inhibition of BrdU incorporation and Erk activation by FAK Y397F mutant and FRNK, but not FRNKΔC14, in transient transfection assays using primary human foreskin fibroblasts. Finally, we also found that ΔC14 blocked cyclin D1 upregulation and induced p21 expression, while wild-type FAK increased cyclin D1 expression and decreased p21 expression. Taken together, these results have identified FAK and its associated signaling pathways as a mediator of the cell cycle regulation by integrins.  相似文献   

Migrating cells tend to continue moving in the same direction, a property called persistence. During migration, cells, by definition, form new adhesions at their front and break old adhesions at the rear. We hypothesize that the distinction between new adhesions at the front and older adhesions at the rear plays a major role in directional persistence. We propose specific mechanisms of persistence on the basis of known properties of integrin signals, in hope of stimulating investigation of these ideas.  相似文献   

用促癌剂佛波酯(PMA)作用于SMMC-7721人肝癌细胞,研究细胞表面的主要粘附分子α5β1整合蛋白基因表达及相应细胞粘附行为的改变.用100nmol/LPMA作用SMMC-7721人肝癌细胞,发现其作用因时间的长短而异,作用30、60、120min分别增加细胞与纤连蛋白(Fn)粘附18.8%、38.7%和56.6%,作用6、12h分别降低44.0%、37.4%,而不影响与多聚赖氨酸的粘附.使用足量的抗α5和/或抗β1单抗预先封闭细胞与Fn的结合点,再将细胞与Fn粘附,发现α5单抗单独使用可将SMMC-7721细胞与Fn的粘附抑制20%左右,β1单抗则抑制14%,两者联合使用时可封闭40%左右的粘附,提示该细胞表面存在除α5β1外的其它整合蛋白在介导着细胞与Fn的粘附.进一步应用Northernblot方法,分析整合蛋白基因表达,发现100nmol/LPMA抑制α5亚基转录,以30min最明显,抑制达83.1%,作用6、12h抑制率仍为46.6%、43.6%.还就PMA影响细胞粘附和整合蛋白基因表达的可能机理作了讨论.  相似文献   

目的 朊病毒病(prion disease)是一类由朊粒蛋白(PrP)发生错误折叠、聚集形成致病性的PrPSc导致的具有高致死率的神经退行性疾病。本文在细胞和动物水平开展了PrP纤维诱导内源PrP聚集和毒性机制的研究。方法 通过超速离心结合蛋白质免疫印迹实验检测PrP聚集;通过氧化压力实验,使用Annexin V-FITC/PI双染检测细胞凋亡;运用细胞超薄切片技术检测细胞线粒体形态;在动物水平,分离新生小鼠的前额叶,进行横断切片培养,在脑片上接种PrP纤维。结果 PrP纤维种子可以诱导内源PrP聚集,PrP纤维可以诱导细胞内氧化压力升高和细胞凋亡,PrP纤维可以引起线粒体损伤,PrP纤维可以诱导小鼠前额叶内源PrP聚集。结论 本文在细胞和动物水平证实体外组装的PrP淀粉样纤维具有细胞毒性和潜在的感染性。  相似文献   

Despite significant advances, the molecular identity of the cytotoxic species populated during in vivo amyloid formation crucial for the understanding of neurodegenerative disorders is yet to be revealed. In this study lysozyme prefibrillar oligomers and fibrils in both mature and sonicated states have been isolated through an optimized ultrafiltration/ultracentrifugation method and characterized with various optical spectroscopic techniques, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. We examined their level and mode of toxicity on rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells in both differentiated and undifferentiated states. We find that oligomers and fibrils display cytotoxic capabilities toward cultured cells in vitro, with oligomers producing elevated levels of cellular injury toward undifferentiated PC12 cells (PC12undiff). Furthermore, dual flow cytometry staining experiments demonstrate that the oligomers and mature fibrils induce divergent cellular death pathways (apoptosis and secondary necrosis, respectively) in these PC12 cells. We have also shown that oligomers but not sonicated mature fibrils inhibit hippocampal long term potentiation, a form of synaptic plasticity implicated in learning and memory, in vivo. We conclude that our in vitro and in vivo findings confer a level of resistance toward amyloid fibrils, and that the PC 12-based comparative cytotoxicity assay can provide insights into toxicity differences between differently aggregated protein species.  相似文献   

Fibrous proteins found in natural materials such as silk fibroins, spider silks, and viral spikes increasingly serve as a source of inspiration for the design of novel, artificial fibrous materials. The fiber protein from the adenovirus has previously served as a model for the design of artificial, self-assembling fibers. The fibrous shaft of this protein consists of 15-amino-acid sequence repeats that fold into a triple β-spiral motif in their native context. Recombinant proteins based on multimers of simplified consensus shaft repeats were previously reported to form self-assembling fibrils from which filaments could be spun. Here, we describe the structural characterization of these fibrils; X-ray fiber diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and Congo Red binding strongly suggest an amyloid-type structure for these fibrils, with β-strands arranged perpendicular to the fibril axis. This amyloid structure is distinct from the native β-spiral fold, and similar to amyloid structures formed by short, synthetic peptides corresponding to shaft sequences. We discuss implications for the rational design of novel fibrous materials, based on crystal structure information and knowledge of folding and assembly pathways of natural fibrous proteins.  相似文献   

K252a, a protein kinase inhibitor, acts as a neurotrophic factor in several neuronal cells. In this study we show that K252a enhanced the differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of several focal adhesion-associated proteins including p130(Cas), focal adhesion kinase, and paxillin. The tyrosine phosphorylation of these proteins, reaching a maximum at 30 min after K252a treatment, closely correlated with the colocalization of these proteins in focal adhesion complexes and the coimmunoprecipitation of these proteins with p130(Cas). In addition, K252a stimulated longitudinal development of stress fiber-like structures and cell-matrix interaction in postmitotic myoblasts and eventually formation of well-developed myofibrils in multinucleated myotubes. Herbimycin A, a potent inhibitor of Src family kinases, and cytochalasin D, a selective disrupting-agent of actin filament, completely inhibited K252a-induced tyrosine phosphorylation as well as myoblast differentiation. Similar inhibitory effect was observed in the cells scrape loaded with a Rho inhibitor, C3 transferase, and the treatment of K252a induced a rapid translocation of Rho. These results are consistent with the model that Rho-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion-associated proteins plays an important role in skeletal muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

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