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We report experiments to quantify the relationships between the relative abundance of ureide-N in root-bleeding sap, vacuum-extracted sap, and hot water extracts of stems and petioles of nodulated soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill cv Bragg) and the proportion of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation. Additional experiments examined the effects of plant genotype and strain of rhizobia on these relationships. In each of the five experiments reported, plants of cv Bragg (experiment 1), cv Lincoln (experiments 3, 4, 5), or six cultivars/genotypes (experiment 2) were grown in a sand:vermiculite mixture in large pots in a naturally lit, temperature-controlled glasshouse during summer. Pots were inoculated at sowing with effective Bradyrhizobium japonicum CB1809 (USDA 136) or with one of 21 different strains of rhizobia. The proportions of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation were determined using 15N dilution. In one experiment with CB1809, plants were supplied throughout growth with either N-free nutrients or with nutrients supplemented with 1, 2, 4, or 8 millimolar 15N-nitrate and harvested on eight occasions between V6 and R7 for root-bleeding sap, vacuum-extracted sap, stems (including petioles), and whole plant dry matter. Analyses of the saps and stem extracts for ureides (allantoin plus allantoic acid), α-amino-N, and nitrate, and of dry matter for N and 15N, indicated a positive effect of nitrate supply on concentrations of nitrate in saps and extracts and a negative effect on ureides and on the proportion of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation. The relative abundance of ureide-N in root-bleeding sap, vacuum-extracted sap (100 [ureide-N]/[ureide-N+ α-amino-N + nitrate-N]) and stem extracts (100 [ureide-N]/[ureide-N + nitrate-N]) and the proportion of plant N, derived from nitrogen fixation between successive samplings were highly correlated (r = 0.97-1.00). For each variable, two standard curves were prepared to account for the shifts in the compositions of N solutes of xylem saps and extracts after flowering which were not related to a change in nitrogen fixation. Relationships between relative ureide-N and the proportion of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation were not affected by plant genotype or by strain of rhizobia. Therefore, assessment of nitrogen fixation by soybean using the ureide technique should now be possible with the standard curves presented, irrespective of genotype or strain of rhizobia occupying the nodules.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) is often the most limiting nutrient in organic cropping systems. N2 fixing crops present an important option to improve N supply and to maintain soil fertility. In a field experiment, we investigated whether the lower N fertilization level and higher soil microbial activity in organic than conventional systems affected symbiotic N2 fixation by soybean (Glycine max, var. Maple Arrow) growing in 2004 in plots that were since 1978 under the following systems: bio-dynamic (DYN); bio-organic (ORG); conventional with organic and mineral fertilizers (CON); CON with exclusively mineral fertilizers (MIN); non-fertilized control (NON). We estimated the percentage of legume N derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) by the natural abundance (NA) method. For ORG and MIN we additionally applied the enriched 15N isotope dilution method (ID) based on residual mineral and organic 15N labeled fertilizers that were applied in 2003 in microplots installed in ORG and MIN plots. These different enrichment treatments resulted in equal %Ndfa values. The %Ndfa obtained by NA for ORG and MIN was confirmed by the ID method, with similar variation. However, as plant growth was restricted by the microplot frames the NA technique provided more accurate estimates of the quantities of symbiotically fixed N2 (Nfix). At maturity of soybean the %Ndfa ranged from 24 to 54%. It decreased in the order ORG > CON > DYN > NON > MIN, with significantly lowest value for MIN. Corresponding Nfix in above ground plant material ranged from 15 to 26 g N m-2, with a decreasing trend in the order DYN = ORG > CON > MIN > NON. For all treatments, the N withdrawal by harvested grains was greater than Nfix. This shows that at the low to medium %Ndfa, soybeans did not improve the N supply to any system but removed significant amounts of soil N. High-soil N mineralization and/or low-soil P availability may have limited symbiotic N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Annual pasture legumes play a key role in ley farming systems of southern Australia, providing biologically fixed nitrogen (N) to drive the production of the pastures as well as subsequent crops grown in rotation. Seasonal inputs of biologically fixed N in shoot biomass of the subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) component of grazed annual pastures were assessed using the15N natural abundance technique and appropriately timed sampling of herbage dry matter (DM) for N accumulation. At three study sites spanning a gradient across the Western Australian wheatbelt from 300 to 600 mm annual rainfall the performance of the clover and non-legume herbs and grasses was examined as paired comparisons involving two management treatments expected to give contrasting effects on pasture productivity, botanical composition and N2 fixation. The proportion of clover N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) ranged from 65 to 95% across sites, treatments and sampling times. Amounts of fixed N accumulated in clover shoot biomass ranged from 50 to 125 kg ha−1, and paralleled trends in clover production. Substantial increases in pasture production in high yielding treatments generally occurred without decrease in %Ndfa, suggesting that N2 fixation was essentially non-limiting to performance of the clover component. Seasonal profiles for accumulation of fixed N were skewed towards the late winter and spring period, particularly in low plant density pastures following a cereal crop. There were seasonal, site and treatment-specific effects on the proportion of clover and non-legume pasture components and consequently clover yield and N2 fixation were variably affected by competition from non-legume species.  相似文献   

A plant mixture of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was established in the spring of 1991 under a cover-crop of barley. Treatments were two levels of nitrogen (400 and 20 kg N ha-1) and two cutting intensities (3 and 6 cuts per season). Fixation of atmospheric derived nitrogen was estimated by two 15N dilution methods, one based on application of 15N to the soil, the other utilising small differences in natural abundance of 15N.Both methods showed that application of 400 kg N ha-1 significantly reduced dinitrogen fixation, while cutting frequency had no effect. Atmospheric derived nitrogen constituted between 50 and 64% of harvested clover nitrogen in the high-N treatment, while between 73% and 96% of the harvested clover nitrogen was derived from the atmosphere in the low-N treatment. The amounts of fixed dinitrogen varied between 31–72 kg N ha-1 and 118–161 kg N ha-1 in the high-N and low-N treatment, respectively. The highest values for biological dinitrogen fixation were estimated by the enriched 15N dilution method.Estimates of transfer of atmospheric derived nitrogen from clover to grass obtained by the natural 15N abundance method were consistently higher than those obtained by the enriched 15N dilution method. Neither mineral nitrogen application nor defoliation frequency affected transfer of atmospheric derived nitrogen from clover to grass.Isotopic fractionation of 14N and 15N (B value) was estimated by comparing results for nitrogen fixation obtained by the enriched 15N dilution and the natural 15N abundance method, respectively. B was on average +1.20, which was in agreement with a B value determined by growing white clover in a nitrogen free media.  相似文献   



In Brazil N fertilization of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is low compared to most other countries. 15N-aided studies and the occurrence of many N2-fixing bacteria associated with cane plants suggest significant contributions from biological N2 fixation (BNF). The objective of this study was to evaluate BNF contributions to nine cane varieties under field conditions using N balance and 15N natural abundance techniques.


The field experiment was planted near Rio de Janeiro in 1989, replanted in 1999 and harvested 13 times until 2004. Soil total N was evaluated at planting and again in 2004. Samples of cane leaves and weeds for the evaluation of 15N natural abundance were taken in 2000, 2003 and 2004.


N accumulation of the commercial cane varieties and a variety of Saccharum spontaneum were persistently high and N balances (60 to 107?kg?N ha?1?yr?1) significantly (p?<?0.05) positive. The δ15N of leaf samples were lower than any of the weed reference plants and data obtained from a greenhouse study indicated that this was not due to the cane plants tapping into soil of lower 15N abundance at greater depth.


The results indicate that the Brazilian varieties of sugarcane were able to obtain at least 40?kg?N ha?1?yr?1 from BNF.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the 15N natural abundance method for estimating biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in 12 secondary and five primary forest sites in central Amazonia. Investigations were based on spatially systematic sampling of 20 potentially N2-fixing legume tree and liana species, and of a range of differing references representing the ‘soil-derived nitrogen’.The absence of systematic differences in the δ15N-signals of potential N2-fixers and reference plants resulted in many invalid % Ndfa-estimates (i.e., the proportion of foliar N derived from BNF).Whereas the % Ndfa-estimates based on non-legumes were randomly distributed around zero, the use of non-N2-fixing legumes resulted in largely positive % Ndfa-estimates. Grouping of reference species into species types was a valid strategy to reduce the risk of atypical values. Leaf litter was an inadequate measure of soil-derived nitrogen. The impact of the B-value was low or moderate at best, the percentage of negative % Ndfa-estimates remained unaltered. The manner of individually pairing putative N2-fixers with reference plants only marginally affected the % Ndfa-estimates, the assumption of an overall site mean reference δ15N-signal was sufficient.Since legumes were aggregated in clusters, BNF locally affected the surrounding soil nitrogen in secondary regrowth. Negative correlations between the vegetation shares of potential N2-fixers and leaf litter δ15N-signals indicate 15N-dilution from the input side. Interpolated reference plant δ15N-signals appear low in the surroundings of legume clusters in some of the older regrowth sites, confirming such 15N-dilution.We conclude that, with our current state of knowledge, the 15N natural abundance method fails to quantitatively estimate BNF in heterogeneous forests. Future research should focus on the search for a more direct measure of the plant-available δ15N-signal of the soil, as well as on plant–soil interactions and the resulting small-scale isotopic heterogeneity.


Diese Arbeit untersucht die Eignung der 15N natürlichen Abundanz Methode zur Schätzung der Biologischen Stickstoffixierung (BSF) in 12 Sekundär- und 5 Primärwaldflächen Zentralamazoniens. Die Studie ist räumlich systematisch und umfasst 20 potentiell N2-fixierende Leguminosen Baum- und Lianenarten, sowie verschiedene Referenzpflanzen die den ,,bodenbürtigen Stickstoff” repräsentieren.Da die δ15N-Signale der potentiellen N2-Fixierer sich nicht systematisch von denen der Referenzpflanzen unterschieden, waren viele % Ndfa-Schätzwerte (Anteil des luftbürtigen Stickstoffs im Blatt) ungültig.Während die auf nicht-Leguminosen basierenden % Ndfa-Schätzwerte zufällig um Null verteilt waren, ergaben die nicht N2-fixierenden Leguminosen überwiegend positive % Ndfa. Unsere Referenzpflanzengruppierung in Art-Typen war erfolgreich. Der Einfluss des B-Wertes war nur gering, der Anteil der ungültigen Schätzwerte blieb unbeeinflusst. Die Art in der potentielle N2-Fixierer und Referenzpflanzen gepaart wurden, beeinflusste nur unwesentlich die % Ndfa-Schätzwerte; die Annahme eines gemittelten Referenz δ15N-Signals für jede Fläche war ausreichend.Wegen ihrer geklumpten Verteilung können N2-fixierende Leguminosen den Bodenstickstoff in ihrer Umgebung beeinflussen. Die negative Korrelation zwischen dem Biomassenanteil potentieller N2-Fixierer und den δ15N-Signalen der Blattstreu deutet auf eine 15N-Verdünnung des N-Eintrages. Visuelle Karteninterpretation bestätigt eine solche 15N-Verdünnung auf einigen älteren Sekundärwaldflächen.Zusammenfassend folgern wir, dass die 15N natürliche Abundanz Methode bei gegenwärtigem Wissensstand zur quantitativen BSF-Schätzung in heterogenen Wäldern ungeeignet ist. Zukünftige Forschung sollte sich auf eine schlüssige Methode zur Bestimmung des bodenbürtigen δ15N-Signals, sowie auf die Interaktionen zwischen Vegetation und Boden und der daraus resultierenden kleinräumigen δ15N-Variabilität konzentrieren.  相似文献   

Accumulation of ureides in leaves is associated with the sensitivity of N(2) fixation in soybean to soil water deficit. Consequently, ureide degradation in leaves may be a key to increasing soybean tolerance to dry soils. Previous research indicated that allantoic acid degradation is catalysed by different enzymes in cultivars Maple Arrow and Williams. The enzyme found in Williams requires manganese as a cofactor. The first objective of this study was to determine if the two degradation pathways were associated with differences in N(2) sensitivity to soil water deficits. N(2) fixation of Williams grown on low-Mn soil was sensitive to stress, but it was relatively tolerant when grown on soil amended with Mn. N(2) fixation in Maple Arrow was relatively tolerant of soil drying regardless of the Mn treatment. The second objective of this study was to expand the study of the degradation pathway to nine additional genotypes. Based on ureide degradation in the presence and absence of Mn, these genotypes also segregated for the two degradation pathways. Those genotypes with the Mn-dependent pathway tended to have drought-sensitive N(2) fixation, but there was one exception. The genotypes not requiring Mn for ureide degradation were drought-tolerant except for one genotype. These results demonstrated the possibility for increasing N(2) fixation tolerance to soil water deficits in soybean by selection of lines with high ureide degradation rates, which were commonly associated with the Mn-independent pathway.  相似文献   

In 2005 and 2006, 30 and 15 cowpea genotypes were respectively evaluated for plant growth and symbiotic performance at Manga in Northern Ghana, in order to identify N2-fixing potential of these cowpea genotypes as source of N for cropping systems. The results showed differences in biomass production by the 30 or 15 cowpea genotypes. In 2005, cultivars Fahari, Mchanganyiko, IT97K-499-39, IT93K-2045-29 and IT84S-2246 produced the most shoot biomass, while Apagbaala, Brown Eye, ITH98-46, Vita 7 and Iron Grey produced the least. Of the 15 genotypes tested in 2006, cv. TVu11424 produced the largest amount of biomass, and ITH98-46, the least. Isotopic analysis of15N in plant parts also revealed significant differences in δ15N of the cowpea genotypes studied. As a result, the percent N derived from fixation (% Ndfa) also differed among the cowpea genotypes tested in 2005, with only 5 out of the 30 cultivars obtaining over 50% of their N from symbiotic fixation. Whether expressed as mg N.plant?1 or kg N.ha?1, the levels of N2 fixation by the cowpea genotypes varied considerably during 2005 and 2006, with values of N contribution ranging from 14.1 kg N.ha?1 by cv. TVu1509 to 157.0 kg N.ha?1 by IT84S-2246 in 2005. The amounts of N-fixed in 2006 ranged from 16.7 kg N.ha?1 by cv. ITH98-46 to 171.2 kg N.ha?1 by TVu11424, clearly indicating genotypic differences in symbiotic N yield. Re-evaluating 15 out of the 30 cowpea genotypes for N2 fixation in 2006, revealed higher % Ndfa values (>50%) in all (15 cowpea genotypes) relative to those tested in 2005, indicating greater dependence on N2 fixation for their N nutrition even though, the actual amounts of fixed-N were lower in 2006. This was due, in part, to reduced plant biomass as a result of very late sampling in 2006, close to physiological maturity (72 DAP in 2006 vs. 46 DAP in 2005) when considerable leaf matter was lost. The amount of N-fixed in 2006 can therefore be considered as being under-estimated.  相似文献   

* Leguminous trees are very common in the tropical rainforests of Guyana. Here, species-specific differences in N(2) fixation capability among nodulating legumes growing on different soils and a possible limitation of N(2) fixation by a relatively high nitrogen (N) and low phosphorus (P) availability in the forest were investigated. * Leaves of 17 nodulating species and 17 non-nodulating reference trees were sampled and their delta(15)N values measured. Estimates of N(2) fixation rates were calculated using the (15)N natural abundance method. Pot experiments were conducted on the effect of N and P availability on N(2) fixation using the (15)N-enriched isotope dilution method. * Nine species showed estimates of > 33% leaf N derived from N(2) fixation, while the others had low or undetectable N(2) fixation rates. High N and low P availability reduced N(2) fixation substantially. * The results suggest that a high N and low P availability in the forest limit N(2) fixation. At the forest ecosystem level, N(2) fixation was estimated at c. 6% of total N uptake by the tree community. We conclude that symbiotic N(2) fixation plays an important role in maintaining high amounts of soil available N in undisturbed forest.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):131-140
Background: Nitrogen fixation has been quantified for a range of crop legumes and actinorhizal plants under different agricultural/agroforestry conditions, but much less is known of legume and actinorhizal plant N2 fixation in natural ecosystems.

Aims: To assess the proportion of total plant N derived from the atmosphere via the process of N2 fixation (%Ndfa) by actinorhizal and legume plants in natural ecosystems and their N input into these ecosystems as indicated by their 15N natural abundance.

Methods: A comprehensive collation of published values of %Ndfa for legumes and actinorhizal plants in natural ecosystems and their N input into these ecosystems as estimated by their 15N natural abundance was carried out by searching the ISI Web of Science database using relevant key words.

Results: The %Ndfa was consistently large for actinorhizal plants but very variable for legumes in natural ecosystems, and the average value for %Ndfa was substantially greater for actinorhizal plants. High soil N, in particular, but also low soil P and water content were correlated with low legume N2 fixation. N input into ecosystems from N2 fixation was very variable for actinorhizal and legume plants and greatly dependent on their biomass within the system.

Conclusions: Measurement of 15N natural abundance has given greater understanding of where legume and actinorhizal plant N2 fixation is important in natural ecosystems. Across studies, the average value for %Ndfa was substantially greater for actinorhizal plants than for legumes, and the relative abilities of the two groups of plants to utilise mineral N requires further study.  相似文献   

Summary A system for employing open-ended root chambers to measurein situ acetylene reduction rates under field conditions is described. Gas mixtures containing about 2 mbar acetylene were continuously flowed through the chambers providing a continuous record of acetylene reduction. These chambers have been used to measure acetylene reduction rates of soybeans during three growing seasons. The system has proved to be reliable with a high degree of precision. The large amount of plant-to-plant variability observed in N2 fixation research has been confirmed by the data collected with this system. However, such variability in physiological studies can be reduced by using a non-destructive system to compare the response of an individual plant with its rates before treatment.  相似文献   

Waterbirds are one of the most important groups of organisms inhabiting the land–water interface, especially with regard to mediating the transport of materials from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment. The great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) is a colonial piscivorous bird that transports nutrients from fresh water to forest. We measured cormorant-derived nitrogen at two nesting colonies on the Isaki Peninsula and Chikubu Island at Lake Biwa, Japan, and analyzed the long-term effects of cormorant colonization on the forest nitrogen cycle, and the mechanisms of nitrogen retention. Three sites were examined in each colony: a currently occupied area, a previously occupied but now abandoned area, and a control area never colonized by cormorants. High nitrogen stable isotope ratios of cormorant excreta, the forest floor, mineral soil, and living plants showed cormorant-derived nitrogen in both occupied and abandoned areas. The relationship between δ15N and N content showed that the high δ15N of the excreta and N turnover in the soil were important at the occupied sites, whereas high δ15N of litter was important at the abandoned sites. Physiological changes of various organisms are also important for the N decomposition process. In conclusion, cormorant-derived nitrogen remains in the forest ecosystem as a result of two cormorant activities: heavy deposition of excreta and collection of nitrogen-rich nest material. Colony stage (occupied, abandoned, or never inhabited) and historical change of N decomposition process of an area can be identified from the relationship between δ15N and N content.  相似文献   

The symbiotic biological N2fixation by Acacia senegal was estimated using the 15N natural abundance (δ 15N) procedure on eight provenances collected from different environments and soil types grown in a clay soil in the Blue Nile region, Sudan. Balanites aegyptiaca (a non-legume) was used as a non-N2-fixing reference plant to allow 15N-based estimates of the proportion of the Acacia N derived from atmospheric N2 (Ndfa) to be calculated. Results show variation in leaf δ 15N between A. senegal and the reference plant and among years. The relative δ 15N values (‰) were higher in B. aegyptiaca than in the N2-fixing acacia provenances. Provenances originally collected from clay soils fixed little N in the first year, but the amount fixed increased as the trees aged. All provenances showed a decrease in δ 15N with age. The Ndfa varied between 24% (Mazmoom provenance) and 61% (Rahad provenance) 4 years after planting. There was no significant difference in δ 15N between provenance groups based on soil type or rainfall at original growing site. The amount of Ndfa increased significantly with age in all provenances. The above-ground contribution of fixed N to foliage growth in a 4-year-old A. senegal was highest in the Rahad sand–soil provenance (46.7 kg N ha−1) and lowest in the Mazmoom clay-soil provenance (28.7 kg N ha−1). Our study represents the first use of the δ 15N method for estimating the N input by A. senegal to the clay plain soils of the gum belt in the Sudan.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Identification of variability in biological N2 fixation (BNF) contribution among common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars under field conditions requires a reliable...  相似文献   

Summary The15N natural abundance values of various Amazon floodplain (várzea) plants was investigated. Samples of young leaf tissues were collected during three different periods of the river hydrography (low water, mid rising water and high water) and during one period in the Madeira River (high water). A large variation of15N abundance was observed, both among the different plant types and between the different flood stages. This variation probably, reflected, in part, the highly variable nature of the floodplain, sometimes dry and oxygenated and at other times inundated and anaerobic and, in part, changes in plant nitrogen metabolism. Comparison of the nitrogen isotopic composition of leguminous plants with that of non-leguminous plants showed that, on average, the15N abundance was lower in the legumes than non-legumes, suggesting active N-fixation. Also, the15N natural abundance in aquatic grasses of the generaPaspalum, was in general, lower than the15N abundance of aquatic grasses of the generaEchinochloa. As both of these grasses grow in the same general habitat, it appears thatPaspalum grasses may also be nitrogen fixers.  相似文献   

15N自然丰度法在陆地生态系统氮循环研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着氮沉降的不断增加以及人们对全球变化问题的日益关注, 稳定同位素技术在全球变化研究中得到广泛的应用。因为植物和土壤的氮同位素组成记录了氮循环影响因子的综合作用, 并且具有测量简单以及不受取样时间和空间限制的优点, 所以氮同位素自然丰度法被用于氮循环的研究中。该文从氮循环过程中植物和土壤的氮分馏入手, 总结国内外相关文献, 阐述了植物和土壤氮自然丰度在预测生态系统氮饱和和氮循环长期变化趋势中的应用; 总结了利用树轮δ 15N法研究氮循环过程中应该注意的事项以及目前尚未解决的问题。  相似文献   

Annual N2-fixation in virgin forest ecosystems has been measured using a15N natural abundance (15N) procedure. This method was compared to a15N labelled fertilizer isotopic dilution method. For young alders (5–6 years old), 15N of leaves gave results in good agreement with the isotopic dilution of fertilizer method. Since 15N variability was expected according to plant physiology, for alder trees, leaves were collected at various heights after the end of the growing season, and, to take account of isotopic variations coming from derived inputs, 15N of leaves of a large number of other plants in the same are were measured to give control values. Following this procedure, the 15N method gave reliable evaluation of the nitrogen supply, by through N2-fixation, to alders, which were found to maintain high nitrogen fixing capacity in a sequence ranging from first stage of establishment of climactic formation. Moreover, the same method is reported to discriminate various origins ofAlnus glutinosa grown in natural conditions, possibly in relation to the genetic diversity of this species.  相似文献   

The apparently diminished capacity for N2 fixation by the shrub legume Calliandra calothyrsus (Calliandra) relative to other woody perennial legumes was investigated in a field experiment in northern Queensland, Australia. In this trial, (i) the proportion of plant nitrogen (N) derived from symbiotic N2 fixation (%Pfix) and the amounts of N2 fixed were compared in Calliandra, Gliricidia sepium (Gliricidia) and Codariocalyx gyroides (Codariocalyx), (ii) variations in N2 fixation due to season or tree age were determined, (iii) estimates of Pfix derived with the 15N natural abundance technique were compared with values obtained from 15N enrichment or xylem sap ureide procedures to determine whether the previous conclusions about Calliandra's ability to fix N had resulted from specific problems with the natural abundance methodology used in the earlier studies.Inoculated seedlings of each of the three shrub legume species were planted in dense stands (1.5 m rows, 0.5 m between trees) in two randomised blocks. The northern block was used solely for natural abundance measurements, while 15N-enriched KNO3 (10 atom % 15N excess) was applied four times over a 52 week period to plots in the southern block. The non-nodulating tree legume Senna spectabilis (formally Cassia spectabilis) was used as a non-N2-fixing reference for the 15N-based procedures, with Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) included as an additional non-fixing check. Growth by the trees above 75 cm was first cut and removed after 22 weeks and regrowth was subsequently pruned periodically for another 95 weeks. Sampling for dry matter production, N yield and estimates of Pfix were restricted to the central four of the 32 plants which constituted each replicate plot. Information generated during the 117 week study indicated that estimates of Pfix by 15N natural abundance were closely similar to values derived with 15N-enrichment or sap ureides. The data indicated that Calliandra had a reduced reliance upon N2 fixation relative to Gliricidia and Codariocalyx for the first 65 weeks after establishment. This appeared to be due to more prolifc root growth by Calliandra than either of the other N2-fixing species and an ability to extract a greater proportion of its N requirements from soil mineral N. However, after week 65 and for the remainder of the experiment, estimates of Pfix for Calliandra were similar to the other shrub legumes. Over 117 weeks, prunings from Calliandra and Gliricidia had removed 52–58 t dry matter ha-1, and between 1471 and 1678 kg N ha-1, of which 1026–1063 kg N ha-1 was estimated to have been derived from N2 fixation. At the time of final harvest, 65–73% of the fixed N was present in shoot regrowth of the N2 fixing shrubs, 9–18% in the roots, 15% in the trunk, and 2–6% in fallen leaves.  相似文献   

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