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Selection of chromosomal sublibraries from total human genomic libraries is critical for chromosome-based physical mapping approaches. We have previously reported a method of screening total human genomic library using flow sorted chromosomal DNA as a hybridization probe and selection of a human chromosome 22-enriched sublibrary from a total human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library (Nucleic Acids Res 1995; 23: 1838–1839). We describe here further details of the method of construction as well as characterization of the chromosome 22-enriched sublibrary thus constructed. Nearly 40% of the BAC clones that have been mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis were localized to chromosome 22. By screening the sublibrary using chromosome 22-specific hybridization probes, we estimated that the sublibrary represents at least 2.5 × coverage of chromosome 22. This is in good agreement with the results from FISH mapping experiments. FISH map data also indicate that chromosome 22-specific BACs in the sublibrary represent all the subregions of chromosome 22.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of a small-insert (approximately 700 bp) total-genomic library for sheep specifically designed for enrichment for microsatellite (ms) loci. Four enriched libraries were prepared by amplification of the primary library with CA15, CA11, TG15 and TG11 oligonucleotide primers. A total of 11,020 clones was recovered, screened for dinucleotide repeats and over 500 positive clones sequenced. Sequence analysis indicated low clone redundancy and yielded 105 new ovine ms loci. Seventy-two percent of the new loci were found to be polymorphic in the sires of the AgResearch International Mapping Flock (IMF). The 105 new microsatellite loci increase the number of microsatellites available for sheep by >7%.  相似文献   

A DNA fraction highly enriched in tRNA genes can be isolated from the Xenopus laevis genome by the use of Ag+/Cs2SO4 density gradients. Ag+ shows a low affinity for some tRNA cistrons, allowing their separation from bulk DNA upon equilibrium centrifugation in a Cs2SO4 density gradient. Contaminating DNA in the resulting tDNA fraction is further removed by two additional CsCl density gradient centrifugations. The final DNA fraction is 60-fold enriched in tRNA genes, compared to the starting DNA material.  相似文献   

A sheep genomic library containing sheep DNA in the bacteriophage vector Charon 4A was screened for elastin-gene sequences with partially purified, 32P-labelled elastin mRNA (mRNAE). A recombinant containing a 9.9-kb (kilobase) insert was selected from several positive clones by secondary and tertiary screening for further characterization. Positive identification of this elastin clone, designated SE1, was made with radiolabelled mRNAE by hydridization-selected translation and Southern blotting of restriction-enzyme fragments of SE1 DNA. Hybridization of either mRNAE or elastin complementary DNA to restriction fragments of SE1 showed that most of these fragments of SE1 contained elastin-coding sequences. Orientation of the insert was established by preferential hybridization of a short complementary elastin DNA to restriction fragments adjacent to the right arm of Charon 4A. Reciprocal hybridizations of nick-translated SE1 and sheep genomic DNA on Southern blots showed that two restriction fragments of SE1 contained sequence elements which were repeated at high frequency in a restriction-endonuclease-EcoR1 digest of total sheep genomic DNA. In the accompanying paper [Davidson, Shibahara, Boyd, Mason, Tolstoshev & Crystal (1984) Biochem. J. 220, 653-663], it is shown that a subcloned fragment of this elastin gene quantitatively and specifically hybridized to mRNAE sequences in sheep tissue RNA. Electron microscopy of SE1-mRNAE hybrids indicated the presence of at least seven large R-loops. Measurements of these structures indicated that SE1 is likely to contain less than 2 kb of coding sequence and more than 8 kb of intervening sequence, with an average exon size of 120 base-pairs. Thus the elastin gene is distributed over an extended region of the sheep genome and contains numerous intervening and coding sequences.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone specific for a chicken phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 was used to screen a chicken genomic library. Twenty-nine clones were isolated, restriction mapped, and divided into two non-overlapping groups. The cDNA clone hybridized to 12 kilobases of DNA from both groups. Both groups contained restriction fragments which hybridized to both 5' and 3' fragments of the cDNA clone, and it was concluded that the two groups were derived from two separate genes. Southern transfer analysis of individual chicken DNAs and quantitative hybridization analysis indicated that these two genes are independent and are present as single copies/haploid genome. Comparison of restriction digests of the cloned DNAs and total genomic DNA discounted the possibility that other closely related P-450 genes are present in the chicken genome.  相似文献   

A protocol for the construction of microsatellite enriched genomic library   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An improved protocol for constructing microsatellite-enriched libraries was developed. The procedure depends on digesting genomic DNA with a restriction enzyme that generates blunt-ends, and on ligating linkers that, when dimerized, create a restriction site for a different blunt-end producing restriction enzyme. Efficient ligation of linkers to the genomic DNA fragments is achieved by including restriction enzymes in the ligation reaction that eliminate unwanted ligation products. After ligation, the reaction mixture is subjected to subtractive hybridization without purification. DNA fragments containing microsatellites are captured by biotin-labeled oligonucleotide repeats and recovered using streptavidin-coated beads. The recovered fragments are amplified by PCR using the linker sequence as primer, and cloned directly into a plasmid vector. The linker has the sequence GTTT on the 5′ end, which promotes efficient adenylation of the 3′ ends of the PCR products. Consequently, the amplified fragments could be cloned into vectors without purification. This procedure enables efficient enrichment and cloning of microsatellite sequences, resulting in a library with a low level of redundancy.  相似文献   

An extensive number of genes have been implicated in the initiation and progression of human cancers, aiding our understanding of the genetic aetiology of this highly heterogeneous disease. In order to facilitate extrapolation of such information between species, we have isolated and physically mapped the canine orthologues of 25 well-characterised human cancer-related genes. The identity of PCR products representing each canine gene marker was first confirmed by DNA sequencing analysis. Each product was then radiolabelled and used to screen a genomic BAC library for the domestic dog. The chromosomal location of each positive clone in the canine karyotype was determined by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) onto canine metaphase preparations. Of the 25 genes, the FISH localisation of 21 correlated fully with that expected on the basis of known regions of conserved synteny between the human and canine genomes. Three correlated less closely, and the chromosomal location of the remaining marker showed no apparent correlation with current comparative mapping data. In addition to generating useful comparative mapping information, this panel of markers will act as a valuable resource for detailed study of candidate genes likely to be involved in tumourigenesis, and also forms the basis of a canine cancer-gene genomic microarray currently being developed for the study of unbalanced genomic aberrations in canine tumours.  相似文献   

Two libraries, together containing about 10(6) colonies, have been constructed by cloning different size fractions of a partial Sau3A digest of rat genomic DNA in the cosmid vector pTM. Upon screening with two cDNA clones, one containing alpha A2-crystallin and one containing beta B1-crystallin sequences, 14 cosmid clones were isolated which were beta B1-crystallin-specific; none was found which contained alpha A2-crystallin sequences. The inserts of the beta B1 clones, which range from 35 to 45 kb in length, contain overlapping DNA segments covering more than 60 kb of rat genomic DNA. The composite BamHI restriction map of this region shows a single beta B1-crystallin gene, which is interrupted by several intronic sequences. Five recombinants hybridizing with two different rat lens gamma-crystallin cDNA clones were also isolated from these libraries. Four of these contain 31- to 41-kb inserts, whereas the fifth recombinant contains a 12.2-kb insert. Hybridization analysis with 5' and 3'-specific cDNA fragments indicates that altogether these inserts contain six gamma-crystallin genes, three of which are located on one insert of only 31 kb.  相似文献   

An enrichment protocol was used to isolate and characterize microsatellite loci in Acer opalus, a Mediterranean tree species. Highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were required for paternity analyses in a population of this species. Eight microsatellite loci were amplified and a total of 87 alleles were detected in a sample of 142 individuals from one population, allowing the identification of each individual with a unique multilocus genotype. The paternity exclusion probabilities varied from 0.261 for locus Aop820 to 0.806 for locus Aop450, and the parent-pair exclusion probabilities varied from 0.433 for Aop820 to 0.940 for Aop450. The cumulative probabilities of exclusion for paternity and parentage of the eight loci were both higher than 0.999, supporting the usefulness of these microsatellite loci for future paternity and parentage analyses in A. opalus. Cross-species transferability was also assayed, supporting their potential use in other eight Acer species.  相似文献   

The small genome size of Arabidopsis thaliana allows the isolation of genes expressed in specific tissues and under controlled conditions by the differential screening of a genomic library, as has been shown previously for yeast and Drosophila. cDNA probes, based on poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from different Arabidopsis organs, were used in colony hybridizations with 1145 randomly chosen genomic clones, representing 27,000 kb of Arabidopsis DNA. Twenty percent of the clones containing low-copy-number sequences hybridized with one or more of the cDNA probes that were synthesized from mRNA isolated from leaves, stems, seed pods, inflorescences, callus tissue, and light-grown and dark-grown plants. Comparison of the colony hybridizations led to the identification of a large variety of clones which contain differentially expressed genes. The pattern of expression was confirmed by Northern analysis. The advantage of the described method is that it yields directly genomic sequences that contain specifically expressed or induced genes. In particular, it circumvents the construction and differential screening of cDNA libraries for every tissue or environmental parameter to be analyzed.  相似文献   

We have used an oligonucleotide complementary to a sequence coding for the conserved central globular domain of H1s to screen a mouse genomic library for H1 genes. We then used a series of universal histone oligonucleotides to identify five different H1 genes which were linked to core histone genes. We characterized one of the H1 genes which was linked to an H2a, an H2b, an H3, and an H4 histone gene. This characterization involved: 1) sequencing of the coding region of the gene and several hundred base pairs of flanking region. 2) Comparison of this sequence to other H1 sequences from other organisms. This sequence analysis clearly showed that the gene coded for an H1 and identified H1 consensus sequences in the 5'- and 3'-flanking region. 3) Mapping of the 5'- and 3'-ends of the mRNA complementary to this gene by S1 nuclease analysis. 4) Identifying this gene and an adjacent H3 gene as being of the fully replication-dependent expression class, by measuring changes in the steady state levels of their mRNAs in the presence of hydroxyurea and during differentiation of murine erythroleukemia cells.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers for Schistosoma mansoni were developed using four genomic microsatellite‐enriched libraries. Microsatellites were observed in 65.4% of all sequences. Primer pairs were designed and tested for 23 loci. Eighteen loci produced amplification products, out of which 11 were polymorphic and were further characterized on 100 individuals of S. mansoni. Two to 19 alleles per locus were detected. The average values of expected and observed heterozygosities among the 11 loci were 0.79 and 0.59, respectively.  相似文献   

A bovine genomic phagemid library was constructed with randomly sheared DNA. Enrichment of this single-stranded DNA library with CA or GT primers resulted in 45% positive clones. The 14% of positive clones with (CA · GT)>12, and not containing flanking repetitive elements, were sequenced, and the efficiency of marker production was compared with random M13 bacteriophage libraries. Primer sequences and genotyping information are presented for 390 informative bovine microsatellite markers. The genomic frequency for 11 tri- and tetranucleotide repeats was estimated by hybridization to a lambda genomic library. Only GCT, GGT, and GGAT were estimated to have a frequency of >100 per genome. Enrichment of the phagemid library for these repeats failed to provide a viable source of microsatellite markers in the bovine. Comparison of map interval lengths between 100 markers from the enriched library prepared from randomly sheared DNA and M13 bacteriophage libraries prepared from Mbo1 restriction digests suggested no bias in skeletal genomic coverage based on source of small insert DNA. In conclusion, enrichment of the bovine phagemid library provides a sufficient source of microsatellites so that small repeat lengths and flanking repetitive sequences common in the bovine can be eliminated, resulting in a high percentage of informative markers.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to GenBank and have been assigned the accession numbers U25689 and U25690.  相似文献   

A considerable portion of agricultural land in central‐east Japan has been contaminated by radioactive material, particularly radioactive Cs, due to the industrial accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Understanding the mechanism of absorption, translocation and accumulation of Cs+ in plants will greatly assist in developing approaches to help reduce the radioactive contamination of agricultural products. At present, however, little is known regarding the Cs+ transporters in rice. A transporter‐enriched yeast expression library was constructed and the library was screened for Cs+ transporter genes. The 1452 full length cDNAs encoding transporter genes were obtained from the Rice Genome Resource Center and 1358 clones of these transporter genes were successively subcloned into yeast expression vectors; which were then transferred into yeast. Using this library, both positive and negative selection screens can be performed, which have not been previously possible. The constructed library is an excellent tool for the isolation of novel transporter genes. This library was screened for clones that were sensitive to Cs+ using a SD‐Gal medium containing either 30 or 70 mM CsCl; resulting in the isolation of 13 Cs+ sensitive clones. 137Cs absorption experiments were conducted and confirmed that all of the identified clones were able to absorb 137Cs. A total of 3 potassium transporters, 2 ABC transporters and 1 NRAMP transporter were among the 13 identified clones.  相似文献   

Isolation of a polymorphic genomic clone from chromosome 7   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary A peptide prepared from purified factor 13B (F13B) was sequenced, and a single, long oligonucleotide corresponding to its cognate DNA sequence was constructed and used to screen a chromosome 7 specific genomic library. The positive clone isolated, designated pKV13, was only related to F13B at the oligonucleotide region, but has proved to be a valuable chromosome 7 marker. pKV13 maps to 7pter-q22 in hybrid cell lines, and is present in a chromosome-mediated gene transfer (CMGT) cell line that also contains met and other 7q probes. pKV13 defines a common MspI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and is genetically linked to two markers on the long arm of chromosome 7, B79a and COL1A2, both themselves linked to the cystic fibrosis locus. Multipoint linkage analysis demonstrates that KV13 maps centromeric to both B79a and COLIA2. pKV13 has been used to demonstrate the existence of rearrangements within CMGT hybrisd, and will also prove valuable in multipoint linkage studies of other 7q markers. Finally, pKV13 provides a new polymorphic locus for the characterisation of 7q deletions in myeloid disorders such as myelodysplastic syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary An EcoRI restriction endonuclease fragment of maize DNA coding for the 19,000 dalton zein protein was cloned in phage gt WES. The zein gene was identified by the electron microscopic analysis of RNA-DNA hybrids (R-loops) and DNA-DNA hybrids (D-loops). The R-loops were formed with poly(rA)-containing RNA isolated from 18 days post-pollination maize endosperm and showed no intervening non-hybridizing sequences (introns) within their 800 base length. A cDNA clone specific for the 19,000 dalton zein protein formed D-loops in the same position and orientation as the R-loops. The cloned fragment measured 4.4 kilobases (kb), the same size as an EcoRI fragment of maize DNA revealed by Southern analysis.  相似文献   

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