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The rate and association constants (kinetic constants) which comprise a seven state cross-bridge scheme were deduced by sinusoidal analysis in chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers at 20 degrees C, 200 mM ionic strength, and during maximal Ca2+ activation (pCa 4.54-4.82). The kinetic constants were then used to calculate the steady state probability of cross-bridges in each state as the function of MgATP, MgADP, and phosphate (Pi) concentrations. This calculation showed that 72% of available cross-bridges were (strongly) attached during our control activation (5 mM MgATP, 8 mM Pi), which agreed approximately with the stiffness ratio (active:rigor, 69 +/- 3%); active stiffness was measured during the control activation, and rigor stiffness after an induction of the rigor state. By assuming that isometric tension is a linear combination of probabilities of cross-bridges in each state, and by measuring tension as the function of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi concentrations, we deduced the force associated with each cross-bridge state. Data from the osmotic compression of muscle fibers by dextran T500 were used to deduce the force associated with one of the cross-bridge states. Our results show that force is highest in the AM*ADP.Pi state (A = actin, M = myosin). Since the state which leads into the AM*ADP.Pi state is the weakly attached AM.ADP.Pi state, we confirm that the force development occurs on Pi isomerization (AM.ADP.Pi --> AM*ADP.Pi). Our results also show that a minimal force change occurs with the release of Pi or MgADP, and that force declines gradually with ADP isomerization (AM*ADP -->AM.ADP), ATP isomerization (AM+ATP-->AM*ATP), and with cross-bridge detachment. Force of the AM state agreed well with force measured after induction of the rigor state, indicating that the AM state is a close approximation of the rigor state. The stiffness results obtained as functions of MgATP, MgADP, and Pi concentrations were generally consistent with the cross-bridge scheme.  相似文献   

The elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle in which troponin C (TnC) was partially extracted were investigated by sinusoidal analysis in rabbit psoas muscle fibers. The effects of MgATP and phosphate on the rate constants of exponential processes were studied at 200 mM ionic strength, pCa 4.20, pH 7.00, and at 20 degrees C. The results were analyzed with the following cross-bridge scheme: [formula: see text] where A is actin, M is myosin, S is MgATP, D is MgADP, and P is phosphate (Pi). When TnC was extracted so that the average remaining tension was 11% (range 8-15%), K1 (MgATP association constant) increased to 7x, k2 (rate constant of cross-bridge detachment) increased to 1.55x, k-2 (reversal of detachment) decreased to 0.27x, and K2 (= k2/k-2: equilibrium constant of cross-bridge detachment) increased to 6.6x, k4 (rate constant of force generation) decreased to 0.4x, k-4 (reversal of force generation) increased to 2x, K4 (= k4/k-4) decreased to 0.17x, and K5 (Pi association constant) did not change. The activation factor alpha, which represents the fraction of cross-bridges participating in the cycling, decreased from 1 to 0.14 with TnC extraction. The fact that K1 increased with TnC extraction implies that the condition of the thin filament modifies the contour of the substrate binding site on the myosin head and is consistent with the Fenn effect. The fact that alpha decreased to 0.14 is consistent with the steric blocking mechanism (recruitment hypothesis) and indicates that some of the cross-bridges disappear from the active cycling pool. The fact that the equilibrium constants changed is consistent with the cooperative activation mechanism (graded activation hypothesis) among thin-filament regulatory units that consist of troponin (TnC, Tnl, TnT), tropomyosin, and seven actin molecules, and possibly include cross-bridges.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that saturation of cross-bridges with MgATP gamma S in skinned muscle fibers was calcium sensitive. In the present study we investigate whether this observation can be generalized to other nucleotides by studying saturation of cross-bridges with MgGTP. In solution, myosin-subfragment 1 (S1) in the presence of 10 mM MgGTP was found to bind to actin with low affinity, similar to that in the presence of MgATP and MgATP gamma S. In EGTA buffer, the equatorial x-ray diffraction intensity ratio I11/I10 recorded in single skinned fibers decreased upon increasing MgGTP concentration from 0 to 10 mM (1 degree C and 170 mM ionic strength). The I11/I10 ratio leveled off at 10 mM MgGTP, indicating full saturation of cross-bridges with the nucleotide. Under these conditions, the value of I11/I10 is indistinguishable from that obtained in the presence of saturating [MgATP]. In CaEGTA buffer, however, the decrease in I11/I10 occurs over a wider range of concentrations, and there is no indication of I11/I10 leveling off at 10 mM MgGTP, suggesting that full saturation is not reached. The Ca2+ dependence of GTP binding appears to be a direct consequence of the differences in the affinities of the strongly bound cross-bridges to actin versus weakly bound cross-bridges to actin. A biochemical scheme that could qualitatively explain the titration behavior of ATP gamma S and GTP is presented.  相似文献   

We find that at 6 degrees C in the presence of 4 mM MgPPi, at low or moderate ionic strength, skinned rabbit psoas fibers exhibit a stiffness and an equatorial x-ray diffraction pattern similar to that of rigor fibers. As the ionic strength is increased in the absence of Ca2+, both the stiffness and the equatorial x-ray diffraction pattern approach those of the relaxed state. This suggests that, as in solution, increasing ionic strength weakens the affinity of myosin cross-bridges for actin, which results in a decrease in the number of cross-bridges attached. The effect is Ca2+-sensitive. Assuming that stiffness is a measure of the number of cross-bridge heads attached, in the absence of Ca2+, the fraction of attached cross-bridge heads varies from approximately 75% to approximately 25% over an ionic strength range where ionic strength in solution weakens the binding constant for myosin subfragment-1 binding to unregulated actin by less than a factor of 3. Therefore, this phenomenon appears similar to the cooperative Ca2+-sensitive binding of S1 to regulated actin in solution (Greene, L. E., and E. Eisenberg, 1980, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 77:2616). By comparing the binding constants in solution and in the fiber under similar conditions, we find that the "effective actin concentration," that is, the concentration that gives the same fraction of S1 molecules bound to actin in solution as cross-bridge heads are bound to actin in a fiber, is in the millimolar range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Direct measurements were made of the Ca distribution within sarcomeres of glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers in rigor using electron probe x-ray microanalysis. Both analogue raster analysis and digital x-ray imaging were used to quantitate the Ca distribution along thick and thin filaments as a function of the concentration of free Ca2+. Even when corrected for the estimated contribution of Ca bound to thick filaments, the Ca measured in the region of overlap between thick and thin filaments significantly exceeded the Ca in the I-band at subsaturating concentrations of free Ca2+. At saturating levels of free Ca2+, the excess Ca in the overlap region was diminished but still statistically significant. The data thus suggest that the formation of rigor linkages exerts multiple effects on the binding of Ca2+ to thin filaments in the overlap region by increasing the affinity of troponin C for Ca2+ and possibly by unmasking additional Ca2+ binding sites. The data also show that the cooperativity invested in the thin filaments is insufficient to permit the effects of rigor cross-bridge formation on Ca2+ binding to propagate far along the thin filaments into the I-band.  相似文献   

The relaxing effect of vanadate on active contractile system is found to be completely absent from rigor skinned fibres with ADP even on their stretching up to the forces comparable with the active ones, though vanadate is likely to bind not very firmly with crossbridges not containing inorganic phosphate. Probable reasons of such distinction are considered. The complex actomyosin-ADP in the rigor fibres is supposed to have significantly lower free energy independently of its deformation than the one of the same composition in the active ones. Possible role of different actomyosin-ADP states in the mechanochemical cycle of crossbridge is discussed.  相似文献   

Strain-dependent cross-bridge cycle for muscle.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The cross-bridge cycle for actin, S1 myosin, and nucleotides in solution is applied to the sliding filament model for fully activated striated muscle. The cycle has attached and rotated isomers of each actomyosin state. It is assumed that these forms have different zero-strain conformations with respect to the filament and that strain-free rate constants are the nominal solution values. Only one S1 unit of heavy meromyosin is considered. Transition-state theory is used to predict the strain dependences of S1 binding to actin, the force-generating transition to rotated states, and the release/binding of nucleotide and phosphate. We propose that ADP release and ATP binding are blocked by positive strain and phosphate release by negative strain. At large strains, rapid dissociation of S1 nucleotide from actin is expected when the compliant element of the cross-bridge is strained in either direction beyond its elastic limits. The dynamical behavior of this model of muscle contraction is discussed in general terms. Its computed steady-state properties are presented in an accompanying paper.  相似文献   

S Xu  S Malinchik  D Gilroy  T Kraft  B Brenner    L C Yu 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(5):2292-2303
X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained from skinned rabbit psoas muscle under relaxing and rigor conditions over a wide range of ionic strengths (50-170 mM) and temperatures (1 degree C-30 degrees C). For the first time, an intensification of the first actin-based layer line is observed in the relaxed muscle. The intensification, which increases with decreasing ionic strength at various temperatures, including 30 degrees C, parallels the formation of weakly attached cross-bridges in the relaxed muscle. However, the overall intensities of the actin-based layer lines are low. Furthermore, the level of diffuse scattering, presumably a measure of disorder among the cross-bridges, is little affected by changing ionic strength at a given temperature. The results suggest that the intensification of the first actin layer line is most likely due to the cross-bridges weakly bound to actin, and that the orientations of the weakly attached cross-bridges are hardly distinguishable from the detached cross-bridges. This suggests that the orientations of the weakly attached cross-bridges are not precisely defined with respect to the actin helix, i.e., nonstereospecific. Intensities of the myosin-based layer lines are only marginally affected by changing ionic strength, but markedly by temperature. The results could be explained if in a relaxed muscle the cross-bridges are distributed between a helically ordered and a disordered population with respect to myosin filament structure. Within the disordered population, some are weakly attached to actin and others are detached. The fraction of cross-bridges in the helically ordered assembly is primarily a function of temperature, while the distribution between the weakly attached and the detached within the disordered population is mainly affected by ionic strength. Some other notable features in the diffraction patterns include a approximately 1% decrease in the pitch of the myosin helix as the temperature is raised from 4 degrees C to 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

The actin-myosin lattice spacing of rabbit psoas fibers was osmotically compressed with a dextran T-500, and its effect on the elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle was investigated. Experiments were performed at the saturating Ca (pCa 4.5-4.9), 200 mM ionic strength, pH 7.0, and at 20 degrees C, and the results were analyzed by the following cross-bridge scheme: [formula: see text] where A = actin, M = myosin head, S = MgATP, D = MgADP, and P = Pi = phosphate. From MgATP and MgADP studies on exponential process (C) and (D), the association constants of cross-bridges to MgADP (K0), MgATP (K1a), the rate constants of the isomerization of the AM S state (k1b and k-1b), and the rate constants of the cross-bridge detachment step (k2 and k-2) were deduced. From Pi study on process (B), the rate constants of the cross-bridge attachment (power stroke) step (k4- and k-4) and the association constant of Pi ions to cross-bridges (K5) were deduced. From ATP hydrolysis measurement, the rate constant of ADP-isomerization (rate-limiting) step (k6) was deduced. These kinetic constants were studied as functions of dextran concentrations. Our results show that nucleotide binding, the ATP-isomerization, and the cross-bridge detachment steps are minimally affected by the compression. The rate constant of the reverse power stroke step (k-4) decreases with mild compression (0-6.3% dextran), presumably because of the stabilization of the attached cross-bridges in the AM*DP state. The rate constant of the power stroke step (k4) does not change with mild compression, but it decreases with higher compression (> 6.3% dextran), presumably because of an increased difficulty in performing the power stroke. These results are consistent with the observation that isometric tension increases with a low level of compression and decreases with a high level of compression. Our results also show that the association constant K5 of Pi with cross-bridge state AM*D is not changed with compression. Our result further show that the ATP hydrolysis rate decreased with compression, and that the rate constants of the ADP-isomerization step (k6) becomes progressively less with compression. The effect of compression on the power stroke step and rate-limiting step implies that a large-scale molecular rearrangement in the myosin head takes place in these two slow reaction steps.  相似文献   

M Kawai  J S Wray    Y Zhao 《Biophysical journal》1993,64(1):187-196
Chemically skinned rabbit psoas muscle fibers/bundles were osmotically compressed with a macromolecule dextran T-500 (0-16%, g/100 ml) at 20 degrees C, 200 mM ionic strength, and pH 7.0. The lattice spacing of psoas bundles was measured by equatorial x-ray diffraction studies during relaxation and after rigor induction, and the results were compared with the fiber width measurements by optical microscopy. The purpose of the present study is to determine whether fiber width is a reliable measure of the lattice spacing, and to determine the available spacing for myosin cross-bridges between the thick and thin filaments. We observed that both the lattice spacing and the fiber width decreased with an increase in the dextran concentration during relaxation or after rigor induction, and that the spacing and the fiber width were proportionately related. We further observed that, in the absence of dextran, the lattice spacing (and the fiber width) shrank on a relax-to-rigor transition, whereas in the presence of 16% dextran, the spacing expanded on a relax-to-rigor transition. The cross-over of these plots occurred at the 4-7% dextran concentration. During Ca activation, the fiber width shrank in the absence of dextran, and it slightly expanded in the presence of 14.4% dextran. The degree of expansion was not as large as in the relax-to-rigor transition, and the cross-over occurred at about 11% dextran concentration. We also carried out experiments with dextran T-40 and T-10 to determine the upper limit of the molecular weight that enters the lattice space. We found that the upper limit is about 20 kD.  相似文献   

G Wang  M Kawai 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(3):1450-1461
The elementary steps surrounding the nucleotide binding step in the cross-bridge cycle were investigated with sinusoidal analysis in rabbit soleus slow-twitch muscle fibers. The single-fiber preparations were activated at pCa 4.40, ionic strength 180 mM, 20 degrees C, and the effects of MgATP (S) and MgADP (D) concentrations on three exponential processes B, C, and D were studied. Our results demonstrate that all apparent (measured) rate constants increased and saturated hyperbolically as the MgATP concentration was increased. These results are consistent with the following cross-bridge scheme: [cross-bridge scheme: see text] where A = actin, M = myosin, S = MgATP, and D = MgADP. AM+S is a collision complex, and AM*S is its isomerized form. From our studies, we obtained K0 = 18 +/- 4 mM-1 (MgADP association constant, N = 7, average +/- sem), K1a = 1.2 +/- 0.3 mM-1 (MgATP association constant, N = 8 hereafter), k1b = 90 +/- 20 s-1 (rate constant of ATP isomerization), k-1b = 100 +/- 9 s-1 (rate constant of reverse isomerization), K1b = 1.0 +/- 0.2 (equilibrium constant of isomerization), k2 = 21 +/- 3 s-1 (rate constant of cross-bridge detachment), k-2 = 14.1 +/- 1.0 s-1 (rate constant of reversal of detachment), and K2 = 1.6 +/- 0.3 (equilibrium constant of detachment). K0 is 8 times and K1a is 2.2 times those in rabbit psoas, indicating that nucleotides bind to cross-bridges more tightly in soleus slow-twitch muscle fibers than in psoas fast-twitch muscle fibers. These results indicate that cross-bridges of slow-twitch fibers are more resistant to ATP depletion than those of fast-twitch fibers. The rate constants of ATP isomerization and cross-bridge detachment steps are, in general, one-tenth to one-thirtieth of those in psoas.  相似文献   

The functional correlates of fatigue observed in both animals and humans during exercise include a decline in peak force (P0), maximal velocity, and peak power. Establishing the extent to which these deleterious functional changes result from direct effects on the myofilaments is facilitated through understanding the molecular mechanisms of the cross-bridge cycle. With actin-myosin binding, the cross-bridge transitions from a weakly bound low-force state to a strongly bound high-force state. Low pH reduces the number of high-force cross bridges in fast fibers, and the force per cross bridge in both fast and slow fibers. The former is thought to involve a direct inhibition of the forward rate constant for transition to the strong cross-bridge state. In contrast, inorganic phosphate (Pi) is thought to reduce P0 by accelerating the reversal of this step. Both H+ and Pi decrease myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity. This effect is particularly important as the amplitude of the Ca2+ transient falls with fatigue. The inhibitory effects of low pH and high Pi on P0 are reduced as temperature increases from 10 to 30 degrees C. However, the H+-induced depression of peak power in the slow fiber type, and Pi inhibition of myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity in slow and fast fibers, are greater at high compared with low temperature. Thus the depressive effects of H+ and Pi at in vivo temperatures cannot easily be predicted from data collected below 25 degrees C. In vitro, reactive oxygen species reduce myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity; however, the importance of this mechanism during in vivo exercise is unknown.  相似文献   

A K Tsaturian 《Biofizika》1991,36(4):660-668
A kinetic scheme of the mechano-chemical cycle of the cross-bridges and a mathematical model based on this scheme are proposed. The main assumptions accepted in the scheme are: the step of the inorganic phosphate release precedes the force-generating step of a cross-bridge; the rate-limiting step of the ATP hydrolysis is isomerization of the actomyosin-ADP complex. It is shown that the model well describes the mechanical and biochemical transients initiated by the temperature jump and flash photolysis of the caged compounds in skinned muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Conformational changes in rabbit muscle aldolase. Kinetic studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G M Lehrer  R Barker 《Biochemistry》1970,9(7):1533-1540

Franklin Fuchs  Charles Fox 《BBA》1982,679(1):110-115
A simple double-isotope procedure has been developed for making simultaneous measurements of bound Ca2+ and relative force in glycerinated rabbit psoas bundles containing two fibers. With this preparation it is possible to study Ca2+-troponin interactions coincident with MgATP-induced force development. Over the free [Ca2+] range 6 · 10?8–1.2 · 10?5 M the bound Ca2+ varied from 0.25 to 1.65 μmol/g protein. The free [Ca2+] at half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was 2 · 10?7 M while that a half-maximal force was 5 · 10?7 M. Half-maximal Ca2+ saturation was associated with 20% maximal force. The force-[Ca2+] saturation curve showed a steep rise in slope at greater than half saturation. The observed relationship was consistent with a model in which multiple occupancy of troponin Ca2+-binding sites is essential for initiation of cross-bridge cycling.  相似文献   

The isometric tension of single fibers isolated from glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle was measured at various temperatures using Mg-ITP as a substrate. The tension developed in Mg-ITP decreased linearly as the temperature was reduced from 24 degrees C to 4 degrees C. Myosin formed the myosin--product complex predominantly via ATP hydrolysis at the burst site during Mg-ATP hydrolysis, irrespective of temperature, and the tension developed in Mg-ATP decreased linearly as the temperature decreased (Yoshida and Tawada (1976) J. Biochem. 80, 861). During Mg-ITP hydrolysis, myosin forms the myosin*-product complex predominantly at the burst site above 20 degrees C, while myosin forms the myosin*-substrate complex below 8 degrees C (Hozumi (1976) Eur. J. Biochem. 63, 241). However, the temperature dependence of tension development in Mg-ITP is linear, as with Mg-ATP, as mentioned above. This temperature dependence is not compatible with some muscle models which assume the formation of the myosin*-product complex by cross-bridges prior to combination with actin during contraction.  相似文献   

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