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While automated microscopic image analysis of histologic sections has been helpful in objectivizing histologic tumor grading and investigating the relationships between grading and prognosis, expert systems have the potential of linking image analysis and other data for statistical analysis and application to a wider range of tumors. One such expert system is PARTICLE, whose development was based on many years of experience in resolving histologic problems by image analysis. This paper discusses the philosophy of expert system for tumor grading and describes its implementation in the PARTICLE system. The system's structure, operations and applications are briefly presented. PARTICLE is essentially based on the evaluation of karyometric data.  相似文献   

We carried out an experiment on a medical information system in which a clinical data base is combined organically with computer programs for automated diagnosis. In this system, the parameters for automated diagnosis are devised to be renewed as the contents of the data base (patient's information) increase. This system can be regarded as a data base possessing a kind of diagnosing ability which grows up with time. We have named this system "Intelligent Data Base". The algorithm for computer diagnosis used in this study is based on maximum likelihood method, and each likelihood is weighted with a prior probability of each disease. The discrimination efficiency of this method is logically equal to that of the Bayes rule. First 27 cases were learnt by the system and correct diagnosis was obtained in 78% of the cases. When cases for learning increased to 82, the percentage of correct diagnosis was improved to 95%.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Roots are vital organs for plants, but the assessment of root traits is difficult, particularly in deep soil layers under natural field conditions. A popular technique to...  相似文献   

Expression of the green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene, under regulatory control of either the constitutive 35S promoter or the developmentally-regulated lectin promoter was monitored and quantified using a newly-developed automated tracking system. The automated system consisted of a computer-controlled two-dimensional robotics table and a programmable image acquisition system, which was used to semi-continuously monitor gfp gene expression during development of transgenic soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] somatic embryos. Quantitative analysis of GFP expression showed that, during somatic embryo proliferation and early development, expression of lectin-GFP was not detected. During late embryo development, expression of lectin-GFP gradually increased until the levels were similar to those of 35S-GFP. The use of an automated image collection system and image analysis facilitated the frequent monitoring and quantification of gfp gene expression on a large number of samples over an extended period of time.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Human renal histological sections have been photographed on a black and white transparency and digitized. The digitizing camera, an image dissector, converts a 2 cm2 picture into 400 × 400 numbers each representing the grey level value of the sampled point. The grey levels are represented in the computer by numbers ranging between 0–255. In this scale ‘0’ stands for black and 255, for white. The program provides 2 grey level thresholds, which outline a window through which the picture is scanned. Only structures, whose grey level value lies in the window range, are taken into consideration. The thresholds are set during digitization from the console switches. Image analysis is performed on-line in real time.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare automated interactive screening using the ThinPrep Imaging System with independent manual primary screening of 12,000 routine ThinPrep slides. STUDY DESIGN: With the first 6,000 cases, the Review Scopes (RS) screening results from the 22 fields of view (FOV) only were compared to independent manual primary screening. In the next 6,000 cases, any abnormality detected in the 22 FOV resulted in full manual screening on the cytotechnologist's own microscope. Sensitivity and specificity together with their 95% CIs were calculatedfor each method. RESULTS: In the first set of 6, 000 cases, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the imager were 85.19% and 96.67%, respectively. The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of manual primary screening were 89.38% and 98.42%. This highersensitivity and specificity of manual primary screening were found to be statistically significant. The second set of 6,000 cases demonstrated no significant statistical difference in sensitivity or specificity between the sets of data. CONCLUSION: The results from our study show that the sensitivity and specificity of the imager technology are equivalent to those of manual primary screening. The system is ideally suited to the rapid screening of negative cases, allowing increased laboratory productivity and greater throughput of cases on a daily basis.  相似文献   


The standard method for assessing blood cell characteristics using an ocular micrometer is time-consuming and limited. We used the Nikon NIS Elements imaging software and May- Grünwald-Giemsa staining to determine whether automated image analysis is suitable for rapid and accurate quantitative morphometry of erythrocytes. Blood was collected during four seasons from 126 geometric tortoises and the blood smears were evaluated for cell (C) and nuclear (N) characteristics of the erythrocytes. We measured area, length (L), width (W), perimeter, elongation and pixelation intensity, and calculated L/W and N/C areas.

Erythrocyte size differed among cohorts; females, the larger sex, had smaller erythrocytes than either males or juveniles. Males had more elongated erythrocytes than females and erythrocytes of adults were more elongated than those of juveniles. Erythrocyte size and shape influence the efficiency of gas exchange owing to surface area to volume ratios, which are greater for small, elongated cells than for large, round cells. The high N/C ratio and low pixelation intensities of males and juveniles indicate that they may have had more immature erythrocytes in their circulation than females. The use of pixelation intensity to indicate the presence of immature erythrocytes was validated by seasonal differences that corresponded to the biology of the tortoises. Pixelation intensity was lowest in winter. We found that automated image analysis is a rapid and reliable method for determining cell size and shape, and it offers the potential for distinguishing among developmental stages that differ in staining intensity. The method should be useful for rapid health assessments, particularly of threatened species, and for comparative studies among different vertebrates.  相似文献   

A limiting factor in the use of immunocytochemistry in experimental endocrine studies has been the lack of a suitable procedure for quantification of immunoreactive hormones. The objective of the present study was the development of an automated, computerized image analysis system adapted to the quantitative analysis of light microscopic immunocytochemical reaction product. Reaction conditions that result in optimum, standardized, and quantitatively linear development of reaction deposit are described for H2O2 and diaminobenzidine concentrations, antiserum dilutions, and substrate incubation times. In addition, evaluation techniques, including the use of a standard control section to monitor variance and incorporate it into the statistical analysis of the results are documented. For each of the reaction variables, the immunostaining was linear over the range of specific staining. When the optimum conditions were exceeded, marked over-estimations of hormone levels occurred due to the detection of nonspecific background features reaching the detection threshold. Application of this quantitative immunocytochemical (QICC) method to the analysis of variations in hypothalamic and pituitary hormone levels was validated by comparing values obtained with QICC to those with radioimmunoassay (RIA). The relative changes in both hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone and pituitary luteinizing hormone induced by manipulation of gonadal steroid levels, as measured by RIA and QICC, were highly correlated. Two-way analysis of variance revealed that the two techniques were not significantly different in their detection of changes in either hormone. Thus, under optimally defined conditions, quantitative immunocytochemistry using computerized image analysis has been validated for the accurate measurement of pituitary and brain hormones in precise regions.  相似文献   

The number of repeat in the microsatellite region (AATG)(5-14) of the human thyroid peroxidase gene (TOPX) was determined using an automated DNA analysis system with nano-scale engineered biomagnetite. Thermal melting curve analysis of DNA duplexes on biomagnetite indicated that shorter repeat sequences (less than 9 repeats) were easily discriminated. However, it was difficult to determine the number of repeats at more than nine. In order to improve the selectivity of this method for the longer repeats, a "double probe hybridization assay" was performed in which an intermediate probe was used to replace a target repeat sequence having more than 9 repeats with a shorter sequence possessing less than 9 repeats. Thermal probe melting curve analyses and Tm determination confirmed that the target with 10 repeats was converted to 5 repeats, 11 repeats converted to 4 and 12 to 3, respectively. Furthermore, rapid determination of repeat numbers was possible by measuring fluorescence intensities obtained by probe dissociation at 56 and 66 degrees C, and 40, 60 and 80 degrees C for signal normalization.  相似文献   

Until now, efforts to automate cervical smear diagnosis have focused on analyzing features of individual cells. In a complex specimen such as that obtained from a cervical scrape, diagnostically significant cells may not be adequately represented or may elude detection by the automated technology. An approach is needed that extracts additional quantitative information from cervical smears beyond what the cell-by-cell approach can provide. A new methodology, contextual analysis, was developed to extract global quantitative information about cells, cell clusters, and background debris. This pilot study was designed to compare the efficacy of contextual analysis with high-resolution, single cell analysis and the analysis of intermediate cell markers. Thirty-four samples prepared as monolayers and stained with the Feulgen-Thionin/Congo Red stain were measured. Contextual analysis alone was able to classify 91% of the smears correctly; single cell analysis classified 94% of the cells correctly; and the intermediate cell analysis correctly identified the smear diagnosis for 84% of the cells. When all three analysis methods were combined into a simple smear level classifier, the overall smear classification accuracy was improved over those obtained using the three methodologies alone.  相似文献   

Cell motility measurements with an automated microscope system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The motility of 3T3 cells has been studied using a newly developed automated microscope system which is capable of recognizing live unstained cells growing in tissue culture. A large number of individual cells can be rapidly identified and characterized and their precise positions recorded. All cells can be revisited automatically every few minutes, and the new cell positions can be determined. Quantitative data from up to 1 000 cells can then be obtained, and cell movement parameters like cell speed, distance travelled, direction of movement, etc., can be measured for individual cells and for the whole cell population. In addition, for any number of chosen cells, high-resolution digitized images can be taken for further morphological studies, including acquisition of images of individual cells.  相似文献   

The absence of a rapid and inexpensive method for estimating macroinvertebrate individual biomass is a limit to the study of freshwater communities, given that traditional methods are time- and money-consuming. We propose an inexpensive method to quickly estimate individual biomass from video-recorded images of pond macroinvertebrates. We used a software that automatically measures several body dimensions (area, perimeter, minor and major axes) on each individual and linear regression to relate these body dimensions to dry weight. Area was found to be the best predictor of dry weight. The method allows individual measures of macroinvertebrates at a reasonable speed and accuracy, and may be useful for biomass size spectra or secondary production studies.  相似文献   

We have adapted the Gamma-flo automated radioimmunoassay system to analyze for cyclic 3',5'-AMP in plasma. Direct analysis of plasma samples was not possible due to an interfering substance(s) in plasma. Evidence suggested that the interfering substance is human serum albumin. An efficient, relatively simple method was developed by applying the acetylation procedure to ultrafiltrates of plasma samples and utilizing the Gamma-flo system for rapid radioimmunoassay (50 samples per hour) of cyclic AMP content in the filtrates. Coefficient of variation within assays averaged 3% and interassay coefficient of variation was 4.7%. Recovery of cyclic AMP from plasma into the ultrafiltrate ranged from 93 to 100%. Increments of cyclic AMP added to plasma were recovered linearly up to approximately 60 pmol/ml, the highest concentration tested.  相似文献   

Gliomas, the most frequent tumors originating in the human nervous system, are divided into various subtypes. Currently, microscopic examination alone is insufficient for classification and grading so that genetic profiles are increasingly being emphasized in recognition of the emerging role of molecular diagnostic approaches to glioma classification. Glioblastomas (WHO grade IV) may develop de novo (primary glioblastomas) or through progression from lower-grade astrocytomas (secondary glioblastomas), while both glioblastomas show similar histological features. In contrast, they do constitute distinct disease entities that evolve through different genetic pathways, and are likely to differ in prognosis and response to therapy. Oligodendrogliomas (WHO grade II) account for 2.7% of brain tumors and 5-18% of all gliomas. Since this tumor is recognized as a particular subtype of glioma that shows remarkable responses to chemotherapy, a correct diagnosis is of prime importance. The difficulty is that histological differentiation of oligodendrogliomas from diffuse astrocytomas is highly subjective in cases without typical morphological features and there is a lack of reliable immunohistochemical markers. While histological distinction of low-grade gliomas from reactive astrocytes is also often difficult, reactive astrocytes usually lack genetic alterations. More biological and molecular approaches to glioma classification thus appear warranted to provide improved means to achieve correct diagnoses.  相似文献   

Computed tomography and automated image analysis of prehistoric femora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-invasive characterization of limb bone cross-sectional geometry would be useful for biomechanical analyses of skeletal collections. Computed tomography (CT) is potentially the method of choice. Additionally, CT images are suitable for automated analysis. CT is here shown to be both accurate and precise in the analysis of cross-sectional geometry of prehistoric femora. Beam hardening artifacts can be reduced by using a water bath. As the availability of CT for research increases, both bone density and geometry could be determined simultaneously with this method.  相似文献   

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