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Coastal dune grasslands are fragile ecosystems that have historically been subjected to various types of uses and human activities. In Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), these areas are frequently afforested for urban and touristic development. The introduction and subsequent spread of exotic tree species is one of the main threats to conservation of natural grasslands as invasive trees strongly transform their structure and composition. The aim of this study was to identify patterns of woody plant invasion comparing plant communities and environmental variables between invaded and non-invaded areas surrounding the coastal village of Mar Azul, Argentina. Coastal grasslands in this area are being invaded by Populus alba (white poplar) and Acacia longifolia (coast wattle). The height of the saplings and the richness of the accompanying vegetation were evaluated in relation to the distance from the edge of the mature tree patches. Also, the cover, richness and diversity of all species in the invaded and non-invaded areas were measured, as well as soil pH, temperature and particle size. Negative correlations were found between the height of the saplings and distance to mature tree patches in all areas. The richness of the accompanying vegetation was negatively and positively correlated with the distance from the poplar and acacia area, respectively. The most abundant native species was Cortaderia selloana. Less cover, richness and diversity of native plant species and greater soil particle size were found in invaded areas, where the proportion of bare soil was higher. Also, a higher proportion of leaf litter in the invaded areas was registered. The results emphasize the invasive capacity of P. alba and A. longifolia advancing on the native communities and reducing their richness. Knowledge of the impact of invasive woody plants in coastal grasslands is important to design active management strategies for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

蔡静  何家庆 《广西植物》2010,30(2):224-232
首次详细记录了鹞落坪国家级自然保护区模式地植物及其命名过程,并介绍保护区内具有较高观赏价值的乡土木本植物186种,隶属于53科104属,其中观花树木类50种;观形树木类37种;观果树木类18种;观叶树木类15种;树桩盆景与盆花类15种;行道树类21种;垂直绿化类25种;观赏竹类5种。对观赏特性和园林用途进行了初步探讨,以期为城市绿化及相关研究与资源利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Diversity and biogeography of the Antarctic flora   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim To establish how well the terrestrial flora of the Antarctic has been sampled, how well the flora is known, and to determine the major patterns in diversity and biogeography. Location Antarctica south of 60° S, together with the South Sandwich Islands, but excluding South Georgia, Bouvetøya and the periantarctic islands. Methods Plant occurrence data were collated from herbarium specimens and literature records, and assembled into the Antarctic Plant Database. Distributional patterns were analysed using a geographic information system. Biogeographical patterns were determined with a variety of multivariate statistics. Results Plants have been recorded from throughout the Antarctic, including all latitudes between 60° S and 86° S. Species richness declines with latitude along the Antarctic Peninsula, but there was no evidence for a similar cline in Victoria Land and the Transantarctic mountains. Multi‐dimensional scaling ordinations showed that the species compositions of the South Orkney, South Shetland Islands and the north‐western Antarctic Peninsula are very similar to each other, as are the floras of different regions in continental Antarctica. They also suggest, however, that the eastern Antarctic Peninsula flora is more similar to the flora of the southern Antarctic Peninsula than to the continental flora (with which it has traditionally been linked). The South Sandwich Islands have a flora that is very dissimilar to that in all Antarctic regions, probably because of their isolation and volcanic nature. Main conclusions The Antarctic flora has been reasonably well sampled, but certain areas require further floristic surveys. Available data do, however, allow for a number of robust conclusions. A diversity gradient exists along the Antarctic Peninsula, with fewer species (but not fewer higher taxa) at higher latitudes. Multi‐dimensional scaling ordination suggests three major floral provinces within Antarctica: northern maritime, southern maritime, and continental. Patterns of endemism suggest that a proportion of the lichen flora may have an ancient vicariant distribution, while most bryophytes are more recent colonists.  相似文献   

我国豆科树种结瘤调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据国内资料报道,我国豆科树种约94属763种,已调查过结瘤状况的有含羞草亚科的123种(包括近几年来从国外引种的54种)、蝶形花亚科的211种和苏木亚科的70种,其中可以结瘤的有含羞草亚科的116种、蝶形花亚科的207种和苏木亚科的18种。含羞草亚科中的2种、蝶形花亚科中的3种均有结瘤和不结瘤的报道。  相似文献   

We studied the influence of summer drought and winter temperatures on seasonal and spatial variations of light-saturated net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in Mediterranean woody species. We measured variations in leaf gas exchange over 3 years in 13 Mediterranean trees and shrubs, located at four different sites along a climate gradient of temperature and precipitation in the island of Mallorca (West Mediterranean basin). Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were at a maximum during spring, autumn or winter and at a minimum during summer in most sites, species and years. Nevertheless, important spatial, temporal and species-specific variations were observed. Summer drought limitation to gas exchange was greatest in the dry part of the transect, where many species showed their maximum gas exchange rate during winter. In contrast, winter temperatures limited gas exchange of many species at the wet and cool end of the transect, while summer depression of gas exchange was shorter and less pronounced. These results suggest that the effect on carbon fixation and productivity by the predicted future increase of aridity in the Mediterranean basin will depend on whether gas exchange is mostly limited by summer drought or by low winter temperatures.  相似文献   

我国豆科树种结瘤调查(续)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
据国内资料报道,我国豆科树种约94属763种,已调查过结瘤状况的有含羞草亚科的123种(包括近几年来从国外引种的54种)、蝶形花亚科的211种和苏木亚科的70种,其中可以结瘤的有含羞草亚科的116种、蝶形花亚科的207种和苏木亚科的18种。含羞草亚科中的2种、蝶形花亚科中的3种均有结瘤和不结瘤的报道。  相似文献   

Iran's Hyrcanian forests cover a relatively narrow strip in the northeastern part of the country, and are among the most important and valuable ecosystems inscribed in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List. European yew Taxus baccata L. is a Tertiary relict in the region and a long-lived dioecious tree with high ecological and economic importance in the Hyrcanian forests. To study the structure and analysing the survivorship of yew stands, we selected two forest reserves (Gazou and Afratakhteh) with European yew. In the two study areas, we established 165 0.1 ha circular sample plots (75 of the sample plots were in Gazou and 90 sample plots were in Afratakhteh) and measured three characteristics of each tree. The structure of the stands was quantified by means of 1) size distributions by diameter at breast height (DBH), 2) height classes, 3) and stand basal area. Comparison of the diameter distribution by DBH classes in two the forest reserves showed that there was no statistical difference between the two populations. The highest number of yew trees in the Afratakhteh and Gazou populations were in the 12–16 and 18–24 m height classes, respectively. In Gazou, abundance was greatest at 1000 m a.s.l. on mesic exposures and intermediate slopes (40–50%), whereas in Afratakhteh it was found at 1600–1620 m a.s.l. on east-facing areas with 55–65% slopes. Static life tables indicated that the first two age classes have particularily high mortality. Based on these results, we conclude that forest managers should support the regeneration of stands and increase survival rates by applying treatments such as thinning and selective removal of shrubs and saplings of other tree species.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(3):202-207
Fat dormouse is a squirrel-like rodent which is closely tied to deciduous forest ecosystem in southwestern Eurasia. As such it is a valuable indicator of forest survival in refugia during glacial-interglacial periods. Previous phylogeographic analyses uncovered divergent fat dormouse lineages in southern refugia in Italy and the Balkans, but retrieved a surprisingly low overall genetic diversity across the majority of the species’ range. We explored 812 bp long fragment of a cytochrome b (cyt b) gene in ten fat dormice from refugial Hyrcanian forests in northern Iran. We identified 10 new cyt b haplotypes, which generated a total dataset of 28 fat dormouse haplotypes. The phylogenetic reconstruction clustered the new haplotypes into the Iranian lineage which hold a sister position against all other fat dormouse haplotypes from Europe and Asia Minor. The divergence between these lineages suggests a fragmentation event of an ancestral population at 5.76 mya (95% HPD = 3.21–8.92). This early evolutionary divergence was possibly triggered in the Middle East by dramatically divergent environmental conditions at the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The divergence clearly exceeds the intraspecific divergence, and is well within the range between congeneric rodent species. We suggest a long-term persistence of the Iranian lineage in the Hyrcanian refugium which is consitent with a high number of endemics along the southern Caspian coastal areas.  相似文献   

Abstract Areas of warm temperate eucalypt forests of northern NSW escarpment, previously managed for cattle production, have recently been transferred into the conservation reserve system. The forests were seasonally grazed by cattle and were burnt frequently to promote green pick for stock feed. The hypothesis that disturbances associated with previous management had led to a simplification of the forest understorey, particularly a depletion in the density and species richness of shrubs was investigated. A disturbance history of the study area was constructed by compiling fire history records and using surrogate measures for recent and historical grazing. Shrub species composition was sampled in randomly located quadrats in dells within the forest, with a set of environmental and spatial covariables. Variation in shrub composition was partitioned among three sources (disturbance, environment and space) using a stepwise canonical correspondence analysis. Grazing and burning disturbance explained substantially more variation in vegetation than the environmental and spatial variables combined. Between 15 and 45% of total variation in adult shrub composition was attributable to the disturbance indicators. Similar results were obtained for composition of juvenile shrubs. Species richness and population densities of woody species were lower where disturbance was more intensive. It is concluded that historical grazing and burning practices had a substantial impact on the woody understoreys of the north‐east escarpment forests. The species that were adversely affected spanned a range of life‐history functional types. Estimates of the magnitude of grazing and burning impacts were limited by the lack of spatially explicit disturbance history data over the full period of pastoral exploitation and the unavailability of suitable ungrazed‘controls’for sampling.  相似文献   

The present study of the Orchidaceae family was carried out in Guamuahaya’s mountain range, from 2000 to March 2013. Fifteen districts were explored after 33 expeditions in the Province of Cienfuegos. Ninety two plant species were identified in the studied area, taking into account the ecological parameters of the mountainous areas of Cienfuegos and Cumanayagua municipalities.  相似文献   

安徽齐云山区种子植物区系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据初步统计,安徽省休宁县齐云山山区共有种子植物125科,511属,867种。与邻近山地相比,种子植物的丰富程度次于黄山(134科、537属、1058种)、清凉峰(142科、547属、1083种)和牯牛降(151科、582属、1117种)。该区种子植物区系起源古老,地理成分复杂,各类热带、温带成分和中国特有成分分别占该区种子植物属总数的42.0%、54.3%和3.7%,显示该植物区系具有明显的中亚热带特性。该区系与黄山、清凉峰、牯牛降、六股尖区系的关系密切,而与天堂寨区系关系较远。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of climate in determining phytogeographic regions, focusing particularly on the Irano-Turanian floristic region in SW and Central Asia. A set of simple climatic variables and bioclimatic indices were used to prepare climate-space scatter plots and climate diagrams. The climate data were also subjected to multivariate analyses (PCA and Regression tree) in order to develop a bioclimatic characterization of the Irano-Turanian region in comparison with the adjacent Mediterranean, Saharo-Sindian, Euro-Siberian, and Central-Asiatic regions. Phytogeographic regions of SW and Central Asia display distinct bioclimatic spaces with small overlaps. The Irano-Turanian region is differentiated from surrounding regions by continentality, winter temperature, and precipitation seasonality. Continentality is the most important bioclimatic factor in differentiating it from the Mediterranean and Saharo-Sindian regions and is responsible for floristic differences among sub-regions of the Irano-Turanian region. In our case study, the Irano-Turanian region is a nearly independent bioclimatic unit, distinct from its surrounding regions. Hence, it is suggested that the term “Irano-Turanian bioclimate” be used to describe the climate of most of the continental Middle East and Central Asia. Among different sub-regions, the west-central part of this floristic region (“IT2 sub-region”) is a major center of speciation and endemism. Our case study demonstrates that climate is a primary determinant of phytogeographic regionalization. Although modern climate and topography are strong control parameters on the floristic composition and geographical delimitation of the Irano-Turanian region, the complex paleogeographic and paleoclimatic history of SW Asia has also influenced the Tertiary and Quaternary evolution of the Irano-Turanian flora, with additional impacts by the long-lasting historic and present land-use in this region. Many Irano-Turanian montane species are threatened by global warming, and particular conservation measures are needed to protect the Irano-Turanian flora in all sub-regions.  相似文献   

Mongol names and toponyms are most often used by paleontologists for designation of new forms of fossil fauna and flora from the Cenozoic of Central Asia.  相似文献   

七姊妹山自然保护区蕨类植物区系地理及资源开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张柳  汪正祥  雷耘  方元平  满金山  彭宗林   《广西植物》2006,26(6):665-669
运用植物区系地理分析方法对七姊妹山自然保护区的蕨类植物区系特征进行研究。科的地理区系分析表明,热带、亚热带成分高达58.3%,占主导地位。属的地理区系分析也表明了类似的趋势。种的地理区系分析表明,除了热带、亚热带成分占有较高比例外,温带分布的种也具有较高的比例,占非世界广布种的1.2%。特别是世界温带分布的种占较高比例,达24.2%,这反映了温带成分的重要地位。七姊妹山蕨类植物资源丰富,可区分为药用、观赏、食用、指示类植物等几大类。各种蕨类植物资源显示了广阔的利用前景。  相似文献   

广东珠海市种子植物区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
调查结果显示,珠海市共有野生维管植物202科718属1448种,其中种子植物166科664属1359种,包括13种国家Ⅱ级保护植物,14种广东省珍稀濒危植物;特有成分贫乏。珠海市种子植物区系以热带亚热带成分占优势,温带成分贫乏,显示了该区地处热带北缘与南亚热带南缘的过渡性质。通过与海南省尖峰岭、江西省庐山和邻近的澳门、深圳和南岭等5个地区植物区系比较,探讨了珠海市与这些地区的相似性和差异特点。  相似文献   

A key problem in quantifying biodiversity is whether it is possible to infer the overall diversity using suitable data subsets. The aim of this article, based on the updated data on the native woody flora of Italy, is to evaluate the reliability of such data as a predictor of vascular plant richness at a medium scale represented by the 20 administrative regions. Woody taxa were divided in trees, shrubs and lianas. We used stepwise multiple regression and principal component analysis to analyse the correlation between environmental heterogeneity, vascular plant units (species and subspecies) richness and woody units’ richness. Woody flora of Italy consists of 61 families, 133 genera, 469 species and 509 units. Shrubs constitute 74% of the woody flora, trees and lianas of 23% and 3%, respectively. Both stepwise multiple regression analysis and two principal component analyses strongly suggest that woody units, and trees in particular, are correlated with total vascular plant richness, at all hierarchical taxonomical levels. The environmental heterogeneity has been demonstrated to be much more important than the area for the biodiversity of Italian regions. Woody flora, as a surrogate of total flora, is extremely useful for rapid assessments of overall vascular plant diversity that may be exploited for monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

中国西南地区珍稀濒危及国家保护植物区系地理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐兰  何平  肖宜安  刘云  张仁波  李桂强   《广西植物》2006,26(2):132-136,208
根据《中国植物红皮书》(第一册)和1999年《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》,对分布于中国西南地区的珍稀濒危及国家保护植物进行了调查和统计分析,并探讨了其区系成分特点及地理分布特征,结果表明:西南地区有珍稀濒危及国家保护植物共计95科195属275种;其植物区系具有明显的热带亚热带性质,种子植物热带分布型的属数占总数的48.57%,热带分布型的科数占总数的46.91%;特有性强,共有52种中国特有植物;起源古老,有41种古老孑遗植物;此外,这些种的地理分布不均匀,主要集中分布在省与省或国与国交界的边境地区以及中、低山地区。  相似文献   

孙红  方国飞  阮琳琳  李斯楠  张丽 《生态学报》2022,42(12):4742-4757
亚洲半干旱区生态系统敏感,环境问题突出,作为全球近30年来碳水通量变化最大的区域,明确其碳水通量的时空分布格局和驱动因素对区域资源管理与可持续发展、全球气候变化等领域具有重要意义。基于植被与土壤湿度的联合同化产品(LPJ-Vegetation and soil moisture Joint Assimilation, LPJ-VSJA),结合研究区植被及气象数据,分析了亚洲半干旱区2010—2018年碳水通量植被总初级生产力(GPP)、蒸散发(ET)和水分利用效率(WUE)的时空变化、年际变化贡献率以及驱动因素。结果表明:(1)2010—2018年亚洲半干旱区年均GPP、ET、WUE空间格局总体呈“双夹型”,中高纬度与低纬度地区的碳水通量值大于中纬度区域。(2)2010—2018年GPP、ET和WUE的年际变化总体都呈现增长趋势,但只有GPP呈现显著增长趋势(P<0.05),增速为7.82 g C m-2 a-1。(3)WUE的年际变化表现为总体先增加后减少,正值中农田对WUE年际变化贡献率最大(54.6%),森林生态系统在面积占比仅有...  相似文献   

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