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Pentagonia lanciloba, a new species of Rubiaceae (Hippotideae) from the wet forests of northwestern Ecuador, is described. This new species is characterized by pinnatifid leaf blades with tapered and long-decurrent subsessile bases, floral bracts with long-acuminate to caudate apices, calyces with narrowly-lanceolate and remarkably long lobes (15–28 mm), and tomentose, orange to red corollas. The new species is illustrated, and its relationship to morphologically similar species is discussed.  相似文献   

Rubia austrozhejiangensis Z. P. Lei, Y. Y. Zhou & R. W. Wang, a new species of Rubiaceae from China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. ovatifolia Z. Ying Zhang and R. argyi (H. Lév. & Vaniot) H. Hara ex Lauener, but differs from the former in having stems and branches cylindrical, not quadrate‐angled, long‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate leaf blades, many‐flowered inflorescence, and smaller mericarps, 3–4 mm in diameter. In R. ovatifolia, stems and branches are quadrate‐angled, leaf blades ovate, ovate‐cordate to rounded cordate, and the inflorescences are sparsely flowered. Compared to R. argyi, the new species has cylindrical, not quadrate‐angled stems and branches, leaf blades that are long‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate, 3–5‐veined, and slightly reflexed corolla lobes. In R. argyi, stems and branches are quadrate‐angled or winged, the corolla lobes are spreading, and the mericarps are 5–7 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Hoya tengchongensis, a new species of Apocynaceae, subfamily Asclepiadoideae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Hoya serpens in its creeping habit, bearing small and suborbicular leaves, and adaxially tomentose corolla. However, H. tengchongensis differs from H. serpens in corolla size (ca 7 mm versus ca 12 mm in diam) and corona morphology (corona lobes slightly ascending versus erect).  相似文献   

Two species ofMenziesia, M. katsumatae andM. yakushimensis, are described as new to science. The former is characterized by having a long axis of the inflorescence with 15–20 bracts while the other species has a short axis with about ten bracts.M. katsumatae is restricted to the Hakusan range extending northward to Mt. Hōdatsuzan in the Noto Peninsula.M. yakushimensis has been considered asM. purpurea Maxim. in Kyūshū, but it is clearly distinguishable from the latter by the color and shape of the corolla and the presence of fasciculate glandular-hairs at the base of the corolla lobes. It is endemic to the higher altitudes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture.  相似文献   

Eight new South American species ofPalicourea are described and illustrated:P. crystallina from north-central Peru differs fromP. loxensis from Ecuador, also described herein, by its longer calyx limbs, 1.2–2.5 mm long, with the lobes often unequal in length;P. cutucuana from southern Ecuador differs fromP. angustifolia in its broader leaves and inflorescences and larger corollas;P. gelsemiiflora of northern Peru is distinguished by its pedicels 11–20 mm long, calyx limbs 7–11 mm long, relatively large yellow corollas with tubes 32–33 mm long, relatively large fruits 12–13 mm long, and pyrenes with an unusual spongy wall;P. gemmiflora of southern Ecuador and northern Peru differs fromP. subtomentosa by its longer corollas with horn-like projections on the abaxial surfaces of the lobes;P. lemoniana of southwestern Venezuela differs fromP. nitidella by its corolla tubes 17–18 mm long with the lobes pubescent abaxially and fromP. grandiflora by its secondary leaf veins only 7–10 pairs and corollas externally with lanose trichomes to 0.5 mm long;P. loxensis of southern Ecuador differs fromP. garciae by its densely reticulated secondary and tertiary leaf venation, membranaceous stipules, and sessile rather than pedicellate flowers;P. otongaensis of north-central Ecuador differs fromP. holmgrenii by its longer corollas with well developed horn-like appendages borne on the abaxial surfaces of the lobes; andP. smithiana of central Peru differs fromP. lobbii by its laminar stipules with obtuse to rounded lobes only 0.5–1 mm long, yellow corollas, and pyrenes that are ridged dorsally.  相似文献   

Chirita luochengensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. linearifolia in leaf shape, but can be distinguished by the apex of leaf blade obtuse to round, corolla purplish, 3–4.2 cm long, corolla tube 2–2.5 cm long, 10–15 mm diameter at the mouth, staminodes 3, disc ca. 2.5 mm in height, pistil 2.5–3 cm long, stigma obtrapeziform, 4 mm long, and apex shallowly 2-lobed.  相似文献   

Gerres macracanthus Bleeker, 1854, for many years having been explicitly or tentatively synonymized withG. filamentosus Cuvier, 1829, is redescribed as a valid species.Gerres macracanthus differs fromG. filamentosus in lacking vertical rows of dark ovoid spots on the body, having instead only indistinct vertical bands in both subadult and adult stages, in addition to shorter second and third anal fin spines (9.1–13.9% and 10.4–14.4% of standard length [SL] vs. 12.3–19.6% and 11.9–17.3% of SL), fewer ored lateral line scales (41–44 vs. 43–46) and fewer scales between the base of the 5th dorsal fin spine and the lateral line (4–5 vs. 4 1/2–5 1/2), and above and below the lateral line (5 1/2–6 1/2/9 1/2–10 1/2 vs. 6 1/2–7 1/2/10 1/2–11 1/2). AlthoughG. filamentosus has similarly, indistinct vertical bands on the body up to ca. 100 mm SL, specimens over ca. 100 mm SL develop diffuse ovoid spots in each vertical band. Furthermore,G. macracanthus is generally a smaller species, apparently attaining a maximum size of ca. 170 mm SL, compared with ca. 250 mm SL forG. filamentosus. Formerly known from the Philippines, Indonesia, New guinea, India and the Arabian Gulf,G. macracanthus is newly-recorded from Japan, China, the Gulf of Thailand, the Red Sea and South Africa. A lectotype and three paralectotypes are designated forG. macracanthus Bleeker, 1854, in addition to a neotype forG. filamentosus Cuvier, 1829.  相似文献   

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Primulina xiziae Fang Wen, Yue Wang & G. J. Hua, from Zhejiang Province, China, is identified, illustrated and described. It resembles the widespread P. eburnea, and the stenochoric P. pseudoeburnea, but differs by the leaf blades being ovate‐elliptic or ovate, chartaceous with ciliate margins, 8.5–13.8 mm long, slender peduncle, ovate, ca 1.2 × 1.0 cm large bracts that are generally withered but persistent before full‐blooming stage, slender tubular‐infundibuliform, ca 25.0 × 7.5 mm corolla tube, limb lobes with acute apices, 3 staminodes, and by forming a dormancy bud in winter.  相似文献   

The embryonic, larval and juvenile development of blue whiting,Sillago parvisquamis Gill, are described from a series of laboratory-reared specimens. Mean egg diameter and mean total length (TL) of newly-hatched larvae were 0.71 mm and 1.58 mm, respectively. The eggs were non-adhesive, buoyant and spherical with an oil globule (mean diameter 0.18 mm). Hatching occurred about 20 hours after fertilization at a temperature of 24.0–25.0°C, newly-hatched larvae having 38–40 myomeres. The yolk and oil globule were completely absorbed 3 days after hatching at 2.8–3.2 (mean 3.0) mm TL. Notochord flexion was completed by 7.2–8.2 (7.7) mm TL, and pectoral and caudal fin rays fully developed by approximately 10 mm and 8.5 mm TL, respectively. Completion of fin development occurred in the following sequence: caudal, pectoral, anal and second dorsal, first dorsal and pelvic, the last-mentioned by approximately 11 mm TL. The larvae ofS. parvisquamis andS. japonica, which closely resemble each other in general morphology and pigmentation, could be distinguished as follows. Newly-hatchedS. parvisquamis larvae had more myomeres thanS. japonica (38–40 vs. 32–34) and more melanophores on the dorsal surface of the body (19–28 vs. about 40).Sillago japonica had a vertical band of melanophores on the caudal peduncle, which was lacking in postflexionS. parvisquamis larvae. In addition, juveniles ofS. parvisquamis (larger than 23 mm TL) had melanophores on the body extending anteriorly to below the lateral line to form a midlateral band, whereas no obvious band occurred on similarly-sizedS. japonica juveniles.  相似文献   

Spiradiclis quanzhouensis, a new species of Rubiaceae from northeastern Guangxi, China is described and illustrated. It is similar to S. umbelliformis, but can be distinguished by its rosulate habit, subglabrous stems, leaf blades that are pubescent on both surfaces, lanceolate purple‐pubescent stipules that are undivided or sometimes bifid in apical 1/3, an inflorescence with 2–4 flowers, lanceolate 4–5 mm long calyx lobes that are purple‐pubescent outside, a salveriform corolla that is light purple‐pubescent outside, a semi‐inferior ovary, and capsules that are light purple‐pubescent with persistent calyx lobes 5–6 mm, in fruit 2 × as long as capsule.  相似文献   

报道中国茜草科(Rubiaceae)玉叶金花属一新记录种——长瓣玉叶金花(Mussaenda longipetala H. L. Li)。该种在形态上与尾裂玉叶金花(M. caudatiloba D. Fang)和狭瓣玉叶金花(M. lancipetal X. F. Deng & D. X. Zhang)相似,但区别在于叶片长圆状卵形或椭圆状卵形,托叶早落,正常的萼裂片长6~8 mm,花冠管长约3 cm,裂片披针形,长约12 mm。目前仅知分布于越南北部的广宁省和中国的广西北部湾沿海地区。凭证标本存放于广西植物标本馆(IBK)。  相似文献   

该文描述了采自浙江南部的木犀属(Osmanthus Lour.)一新种——浙南木犀(O.austrozhejiangensis Z.H.Chen,W.Y.Xie et X.Liu),并附有线描图和彩色照片。该种在具聚伞花序,叶柄、小枝、苞片、花梗被柔毛等性状上接近于毛柄木犀(O.pubipedicellatus Chia ex H.T.Chang),不同之处在于叶片倒卵形、倒卵状椭圆形或椭圆形,长(5.5~)8~10(~13)cm,宽(2.2~)3~4.5(~5)cm,先端急尖或短渐尖,叶缘具尖锐细锯齿或全缘,侧脉8~10对,花较大,花冠管长2.2~2.3 mm,裂片长2.2~3.0 mm,花丝长1.3~1.5 mm,花药长约1.2 mm。该新种的发现为研究东亚木犀属自西南向东北方向迁移与演化提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

报道了广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)1新种——北流报春苣苔(P. beiliuensis B. Pan & S. X. Huang)。该新种在形态上与黄花牛耳朵[P. lutea(Yan Liu & Y. G. Wei)Mich. Möller & A. Weber]较近,但叶宽卵形,叶基部近心形,叶缘具浅钝齿或呈浅波状齿,花冠紫色,花冠、花序梗、花梗、苞片及花萼均被紫色短柔毛而区别与后者; 分子生物学证据表明,在系统发育上与桂林小花苣苔[P. repanda var. guilinensis(W. T. Wang)Mich. Möller & A. Weber]近缘,但两者在形态学上相差较远。  相似文献   

Two larvae [17.4 mm standard length: SL (postflexion stage)] and 26.1 mm SL (transformation stage)] and a juvenile (31.7 mm SL) of a phosichthyid, Polymetme elongata, from Suruga Bay and offshore waters, central Japan, are described. These specimens had an elongate body with relatively short preanal length (53–63% SL), long anal fin base (2.6–3.4 times dorsal fin base length), and anal fin origin below dorsal fin base, and were further characterized by a blackish flap on each eye and internal clusters of melanophores (e.g., along caudal myosepta around midlateral line and on ventral margin of caudal peduncle). The short preanal length and larval melanophore pattern were very similar to those of another phosichthyid, Yarrella blackfordi, from the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

A new zoarcid fish,Lycenchelys aurantiaca, is described on the basis of 10 specimens (86.3–135.8 mm SL) from depths of 500–700 m along the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. Although this species resemblesLycenchelys alta andL. squamosa in having a smaller number of vertebrae (85–88) and a rather short body, it is distinguished from them by the following characters: pectoral fin rays 13–16; preoperculomandibular pores 7 (4 mandibular pores+3 preopercular pores); reddish yellow body.  相似文献   

Embryonic, larval, and juvenile development of a small cyprinid species, Tanichthys albonubes, is described from laboratory-reared specimens. The eggs, measuring 1.0–1.2 mm in diameter, were demersal, almost spherical in shape, transparent and unpigmented, with a pale yolk without oil globules. Hatching occurred 45–53 h after fertilization at 25.5°–26.9°C. The newly hatched larvae, measuring 2.2–2.6 mm in body length (BL), had melanophores on the head and body. In particular, a dark vertical streak occurring posterior to the otic capsule and melanophores above the eyes were distinctive. The yolk was completely absorbed at 3.4 mm BL. Notochord flexion was initiated at 5.0 mm BL and finished at 6.0 mm BL. Aggregate numbers of all fin rays were completed at 11 mm BL. Squamation was initiated at 8.4 mm BL and completed at 13 mm BL. Although the eggs of T. albonubes resembled those of other small danionin species, including Aphyocypris chinensis, Chela dadiburjori, Danio rerio, Devario malabaricus, Gobiocypris rarus, Hemigrammocypris rasborella, and Horadandia atukorali, they differed from those of A. chinensis, C. dadiburjori, G. rarus, and Horadandia atukorali in having a wider perivitelline space. The larvae and juveniles of T. albonubes were similar to those of the aforementioned seven species plus Danio albolineatus, Danio kerri, and Devario sp. (cf. D. aequipinnatus) in general morphology. However, the early life stage morphology of T. albonubes differed from them in having a dark vertical streak posterior to the otic capsule and melanophores above the eyes in the yolk sac larval stage, and a dark lateral streak with an unpigmented area just above the former on the body, a dark blotch on the caudal fin, and reddish dorsal, anal, and caudal fins during the postflexion larval and juvenile stages.  相似文献   

A new anthiine fish,Holanthias kingyo sp, nov., is described on the basis of two specimens (male and female) from the Ryukyu Is., Japan. The new species is most similar toH. natalensis (Fowler, 1925), known only from South Africa, in having the following characters: dorsal fin soft rays 16 or 17, anal fin soft rays 9, pored lateral line scales 46 or 47, scale rows above lateral line to origin of dorsal fin 9 1/2 or 10 1/2, and gill rakers 10 or 11 +24 or 25=34–36. It differs from the latter in having more scales below the lateral line to the origin of the anal fin (27 1/2 vs. 18–24), a U-shaped caudal fin with paddle-like lobes (vs. deeply forked caudal fin with each lobe ending in a long slender filament), the outer margin of the soft anal fin vertical (vs. gently convex) and brown spots on the body in female (vs. spots absent in females).  相似文献   

Gazza dentex (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835), having been synonymized withG. minuta (Bloch, 1795), is redescribed as a valid species.Gazza dentex differs fromG. minuta in having deeper body (43.6–51.4% of standard length [SL] vs. 28.3–46.5% of SL), a broad anterodorsal extension of subocular silvery region, in contact with orbit proximally and distally (vs. a long narrow anterodorsal extension, proximal contact only with orbit), scaled area of anterior dorsolateral suface of body not beyond a vertical through posterior tip of sensory canal on temporal (vs. beyond), distance from posterior margin of temporal to anterior tip of dorsolateral scaled area equal to length of 3–5 anterior pored lateral line scales (vs. length of 1–2.5 anterior pored lateral line scales), some dark narrow wavy bands dorsolaterally on body (vs. some dark broad wavy bands above lateral line and a row of dark spots along lateral line), first interneural inserted deeply between first and second neural spines (vs. inserted shallowly), anterior expansion of first interneural narrow, its margin concave (vs. anterior expansion broad, its margin broadly convex), antrorse extension of first interhemal short, deep, acutely pointed (vs. long, moderately deep, pointed) first to fourth hypurals forming 2 plates (first+second and third-fourth hypurals) (vs. a single plate). The lectotype and three paralectotypes are designated forG. dentex, andG. minuta is redescribed.  相似文献   

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