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The overall thermal denaturation of glycogen phosphorylaseb is irreversible and our results conform to the theoretical prediction of a reversible process followed by a slower irreversible process. The basic thermodynamic parameters of glycogen phosphorylaseb denaturation have been worked out and found to be: critical temperature 57.0±0.5°C, transition half-width 8±1°C, and calorimetric enthalpy change and Van't Hoff enthalpy change of the denaturation process 450±50 and 105±15 kcal/mol of enzyme monomer, respectively, at pH 7.4. These parameters have been found to be largely altered by the detergents octylglucoside, cholate, and deoxycholate at or below their critical micelle concentration, but not by Triton X-100 nor by lecithin liposomes. Organic solvents, such as dimethyl sulfoxide and methanol, and the presence of sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes produces an alteration of the denaturation thermogram of glycogen phosphorylaseb similar to that produced by the above-mentioned detergents. These results allow us to hypothesize that hydrophobic domains of glycogen phosphorylaseb are involved in its association to sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum/glycogenolytic complex of mammalian skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) can detect stepwise melting of plasmid DNA along the molecular chain with high resolution. This method was applied to study interaction of some antitumor antibiotics with the plasmid pJL3-TB5 DNA (5277 base-pairs in length). Analysis of DSC curves of the plasmid DNA in the presence of, for example, adriamycin, an antitumor antibiotics of anthracycline group, together with theoretical analysis of the DNA melting curves obtained by calculation from the entire base sequence, led to the conclusion that adriamycin bound preferentially to the four particular regions with high G + C content. The DSC method would thus be useful for the study of properties of drugs which bind to DNA.  相似文献   

Thermal transitions were measured by differential scanning calorimetry for rabbit cardiac sarcolemma in 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid buffer at pH 7.5, in glycerol-buffer and dimethyl sulfoxide - buffer mixtures, after heat denaturation, and after enzymatic degradation of the proteins. Specific solvent effects on the protein transitions were observed. Glycerol stabilized some of the four protein transitions, while dimethyl sulfoxide destabilized all protein transitions. The thermal transitions in the lower temperature range were studied for both the membranes and the lipid extracted from the membranes. A very small endotherm was observed for both the lipid extracted from the sarcolemma and the intact membrane (0.1-0.2 cal/g; 1 cal = 4.1868 J). A larger endotherm was observed in both the glycerol-buffer and dimethyl sulfoxide - buffer mixtures. Major perturbation of the protein by enzymatic degradation (papain or trypsin digestion), by heat denaturation, or by reaction with excess N-ethylmaleimide all produced larger endotherms near 20 degrees C. The very small magnitude of the endotherm near 20 degrees C suggests that it is not a typical gel - liquid crystalline transition of the bilayer. However, the occurrence of an endotherm in the extracted lipid suggests that some reorientation of lipid is involved.  相似文献   

Investigation of structural features of native chromatin requires the use of intact nuclei, a turbid material which cannot be analyzed by optical methods. Differential scanning calorimetry does not require optically clear samples and has been proved by a number of authors to be a powerful tool in this field of study. By this technique, chicken erythrocyte nuclei were found to undergo at least four thermal transitions, centered at 59, 74, 88 and 98 degrees C. The highest temperature transition is strongly dependent on age and storage conditions of the nuclei. Adequate storage conditions overcame this problem and reproducible scans were obtained over a period of several months. This technical improvement has permitted the reconsideration of the occurrence of the fourth calorimetric transition, previously believed to be displayed only in replicating nuclei. Evidence gathered in the presence of perturbants and possible ligands allows the assignment of the four transitions to a nuclear protein scaffold, histones, nucleosomal DNA and a superstructured form of DNA. Moreover, it suggests that the higher-order structure is stabilized by fibronectin-like proteins.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was employed as an aid in examining the structure of the bovine milk fat globule membrane. At least six major endotherms are observed between 10 and 90°C, corresponding to order-disorder transitions of discrete structural domains of the membrane. These endothermic transitions occur at 16, 28, 43, 58, 68, and 75°C. The transitions occurring between 10 and 50°C were reversible, suggesting the involvement of lipid. However, the high temperature transitions were irreversible. The calorimetric C transition, centered at 43°C, was shown to involve neutral lipid, since the endotherm was reversible, insensitive to proteolysis, and similar to the endotherm of the isolated neutral lipid fraction of the milk fat globule membrane. The glycolipid and phospholipid fractions of the milk fat globule membrane yielded endotherms outside of the temperature range of the C transition. Another endotherm, the D transition (58°C), was found to involve the denaturation of the major membrane coat protein, butyrophilin (band 12). Evidence for this assignment included the following observations: (i) the nearly selective proteolysis of butyrophilin resulted in the complete removal of the D transition, (ii) the butyrophilin-enriched, Triton X-100-insoluble pellet of milk fat globule membrane yielded a relatively normal D transition, and (iii) the irreversible, disulfide-stabilized aggregation of butyrophilin occurred in the membrane solely at the temperature of the D transition. Furthermore, no other prominent milk fat globule membrane polypeptide formed these non-native disulfide crossbridges during the D transition. The sources of the other major endotherms of the milk fat globule membrane have not yet been assigned.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to characterize liposomes made from mixtures of unoxidized and singlet oxygen oxidized egg phosphatidylcholine. Cooling scans reveal that trapped water decreases when the oxidized phosphatidylcholine content is increased in the liposomes. Liposomes made from mixtures containing more than 50% by weight of oxidized phosphatidylcholine do not show trapped water.  相似文献   

1. Differential scanning calorimetry has been used to study the thermal denaturation of lactate dehydrogenase. At pH 7.0 in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, only one transition was observed. Both the enthalpy of denaturation and the melting temperature are linear function of heating rate. The enthalpy is 430 kcal/mol and the melting temperature 61 degrees C at 0 degrees C/min heating rate. The ratio of the calorimetric heat to the effective enthalpy indicated that the denaturation is highly cooperative. Subunit association does not appear to significantly contribute to the enthalpy of denaturation. 2. Both cofactor and sucrose addition stabilized the protein against thermal denaturation. Pyruvate addition produced no changes. Only a small time-dependent destabilization was observed at low concentrations of urea. Large effects were observed in concentrated NaCl solutions and with sulfhydryl-modified lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

A differential scanning calorimetry study of the thermal denaturation of Bacillus thermoproteolyticus rokko thermolysin was carried out. The calorimetric traces were found to be irreversible and highly scan-rate dependent. The shape of the thermograms, as well as their scan-rate dependence, can be explained by assuming that the thermal denaturation takes place according to the kinetic scheme N k----D, where k is a first-order kinetic constant that changes with temperature, as given by the Arrhenius equation, N the native state, and D the unfolded state or, more probably, a final state, irreversibly arrived at from the unfolded one. On the basis of this model, the value of the rate constant as a function of temperature and the activation energy have been calculated. It is shown that the proposed model may be considered as being one particular case of that proposed by Lumry and Eyring [Lumry, R., & Eyring, H. (1954) J. Phys. Chem. 58, 110] N in equilibrium D----I, where N is the native state, D the unfolded one, and I a final state, irreversibly arrived at from D. Lastly, some comments are made on the use of the scan-rate effect on the calorimetric traces as an equilibrium criterion in differential scanning calorimetry.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of calf thymus total chromatin and of fractions enriched in heterochromatin or euchromatin, has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and compared to that of calf thymus DNA and DNA-histone complexes. In our experimental conditions, chromatin melts in three thermal transitions: the main one, assigned to separation of the DNA double helix, occurs at 83 °C, while the other two occur at 63 °C and 74 °C. The data show that: (a) the transition enthalpy for denaturation of DNA in the total chromatin and in DNA-histone complexes is nearly the same as that of DNA in solution; (b) the transition at 63 °C is present in the thermogram of the heterocromatin enriched fraction, while it is completely absent in that of the euchromatin enriched one. The results suggest that this transition can be attributed to the higher order structures of heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamines in which the polar headgroup is N-acylated by a long-chain fatty acid (N-acyl PEs) are present in many plasma membranes under normal conditions, and their content increases dramatically in response to membrane stress in a variety of organisms. The thermotropic phase behavior of a homologous series of saturated N-acyl PEs, in which the length of the N-acyl chain is equal to that of the O-acyl chains attached at the glycerol backbone, has been investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). All fully hydrated N-acyl PEs with even chain lengths from C-12 to C-18 exhibit sharp endothermic chain-melting phase transitions in the absence of salt and in 1 M NaCl. Cooperative chain-melting is demonstrated directly by the temperature dependence of the electron spin resonance spectra from probe phospholipids bearing a spin label group in the acyl chain. The calorimetric transition enthalpy and the transition entropy obtained from DSC depend approximately linearly on the chain length with incremental values per CH2 group that exceed those of normal diacyl phosphatidylethanolamines, but to an extent that underrepresents the additional N-acyl chain. A thermodynamic model is constructed for the chain-length dependences and end effects of the calorimetric quantities, which includes a deficit proportional to the difference in O-acyl and N-acyl chain lengths for nonmatched chains, as is found and justified structurally for mixed-chain diacyl phospholipids. From data on the chain-length dependence of N-acyl diC16PEs, it is then deduced that the N-acyl chains are less well packed than the O-acyl chains and, from the data on the matched-chain N-acyl PEs, that the O-acyl chain packing is similar to that in normal diacyl PEs. The gel-to-fluid phase transition temperatures of the N-acyl PEs in the absence of salt are practically the same as those of the normal diacyl PEs of the corresponding chain lengths, although the transition enthalpies and entropies are appreciably greater, indicating entropy-enthalpy compensation. In 1 M NaCl, the transition temperatures are 3-4.5 degrees higher than in the absence of salt, representing the contribution of the electrostatic surface potential of the N-acyl PEs.  相似文献   

We have investigated the potential use of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to characterize conformational changes in proteins with emphasis on a conformational change in the myosin head which may be related to the power-stroke providing force production in muscle contraction. Simulations indicate that two-state conformational transitions with enthalpy changes greater than approximately 30 kcal/mol should be observable by DSC. We present here differential scanning calorimetric studies of a predenaturation structural change in heavy meromyosin. The high concentration of protein required for these experiments leads to potential contributions from intermolecular interactions. The technical difficulties associated with studying conformational transitions by DSC are discussed.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry of Cd(II) alkaline phosphatases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differential scanning calorimetry has been employed to monitor structural alterations induced in the dimeric enzyme alkaline phosphatase on binding of Cd(II) (to the metal-free apoenzyme) and phosphate (Pi) (to the Cd(II) enzyme). Cd(II) addition to the apoenzyme at pH 6.5 results in an increased transition temperature, suggesting a stabilizing effect of the bound metal ion. Two distinct structural forms of the protein are detected as discrete calorimetric transitions (Tm = 69-84 degrees C; 87-94 degrees C, respectively). Distribution of the enzyme between these forms is found to depend on the exogenous Cd(II) concentration and the protocol of Cd(II) addition. These results indicate that conversion between the conformational forms is a slow process which appears to require specific levels of metal ion site occupancy. These studies, in which the exogenous Cd(II) concentration was varied from 10(-5) M to 10(-3) M suggest a structural basis for previously observed hysteretic phenomena observed on Cd(II) binding to the enzyme. Even at a minimum stoichiometry of Cd(II) (2 eq/mol of dimer) a single equivalent of Pi is sufficient to accelerate assumption of a stabilized form of the protein (Tm = 90 degrees C). This is followed by a slow structural change paralleling the time course of formation of the functional 2 Cd(II) phosphoryl enzyme which displays two calorimetric transitions (Tm = 65 degrees C, 88 degrees C). The low temperature transition does not appear if Pi is initially present at millimolar concentrations and is abolished on addition of Pi at concentrations in excess of 0.1 mM. These observations suggest the presence of a second, distinct Pi binding site on the 2 Cd(II) phosphoryl enzyme. This is supported by the changes observed in the 31P NMR chemical shift of Pi added to comparable enzyme samples. These data, including assessment of the effect of the presence of Mg(II), are discussed in terms of the mechanism of metal ion association to the enzyme and rearrangement of bound metal ions induced by Pi binding.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of aspartate transcarbamoylas of Escherichia coli was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. Isolated regulatory and catalytic subunits were heat denatured at 55 and 80 degrees C, respectively. In contrast, the intact enzyme was denatured in two steps. A small endotherm near 73 degrees C was assoicated with denaturation of the regulatory subunits and the major endotherm at 82 degrees C with denaturation of the catalytic subunits. Thus regulatory subunits are stabilized against heat denaturation by more than 17 degrees C when incorporated in the enzyme. Similar conclusions were obtained from measurements of the enthalpy of heat denaturation. Regulatory subunits yielded a much lower value of the enthalpy of denaturation, 1.91 cal/g, than that found for the catalytic subunit, 3.94 cal/g, or typical globular proteins (4 to 6 cal/g). When the regulatory subunits were incorporated into aspartate transcarbamoylase their enthalpy of denaturation was increased 125% (to 4.3 cal/g). The enthalpy of the catalytic subunits in the intact enzyme was increased 38% (enthalpy of denaturation of 5.43 cal/g). Stabilization of the isolated catalytic subunit as well as the intact enzyme was achieved by the addition of the bisubstrate analog N-(phosphonacetyl)-L-aspartate. Similarly the allosteric effectors, CTP and ATP, stabilized the isolated regulatory subunits or those subunits within the intact enzyme. However, the addition of the bisubstrate analog caused a decrease in the enthalpy of denaturation of the regulatory subunits within the enzyme. These results are consistent with other studies of the ligand-promoted conformational changes in the native enzyme.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin-containing retinal rod disk membranes from cattle have been examined by differential scanning calorimetry. Under conditions of 67 mM phosphate pH 7.0, unbleached rod outer segment disk membranes gave a single major endotherm with a temperature of denaturation (Tm) of 71.9 +/- 0.4 degrees C and a thermal unfolding calorimetric enthalpy change (delta Hcal) of 700 +/- 17 kJ/mol rhodopsin. Bleached rod outer segment disk membranes (membranes that had lost their absorbance at 498 nm after exposure to orange light) gave a single major endotherm with a Tm of 55.9 +/- 0.3 degrees C and a delta Hcal of 520 +/- 17 kJ/mol opsin. Neither bleached nor unbleached rod outer segment disk membranes gave endotherms upon thermal rescans. When thermal stability is examined over the pH range of 4-9, the major endotherms of both bleached and unbleached rod outer segment disk membranes were found to show maximum stability at pH 6.1. The observed delta Hcal values for bleached and unbleached rod outer segment disk membranes exhibit membrane concentration dependences which plateau at protein concentrations beyond 1.5 mg/mL. For partially bleached samples of rod outer segment disk membranes, the calorimetric enthalpy change for opsin appears to be somewhat dependent on the degree of bleaching, indicating intramembrane nearest neighbor interactions which affect the unfolding of opsin. Delta Hcal and Tm are particularly useful for assessing stability and testing for completeness of regeneration of rhodopsin from opsin. Other factors such as sample preparation and the presence of low concentrations of ethanol also affect the delta Hcal values while the Tm values remain fairly constant. This shows that the delta Hcal is a sensitive parameter for monitoring environmental changes of rhodopsin and opsin.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing concentrations of lysolecithin (1-palmitoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine) on the gel → liquid crystal thermal transition of lecithin (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine) in the aqueous phase was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Lysolecithin showed an endothermic transition at 3.4°C whereas the transition of the lecithin occurred at 42°C. No phase separation could be observed calorimetrically at lysolecithin concentrations up to 60 mol%. Freeze etch electron microscopy showed that mixtures containing as much as 50 mol% lysolecithin exist in a lamellar phase. The lysolecithin was found to cause an initial slight increase in the enthalpy of transition followed by a gradual decrease. The enthalpy increased again at very high lysolecithin concentrations. The lysolecithin also caused a non-linear decrease in the temperature at which the lecithin transition took place.Cholesterol was found to decrease the enthalpy of transition of the lysolecithin, eliminating it at a concentration of 50 mol%. Cholesterol caused an increase in the temperature at which the lysolecithin transition took place.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry, high and small angle X-ray diffraction analyses have been carried out on air-dried and rehydrated rat tail tendon collagen in order to test the reversibility of collagen thermal denaturation. The mean enthalpy values calculated for the denaturation process of air-dried and rehydrated samples are ΔHD = 9.0 ± 0.8 cal/g and ΔHD = 11.9 ±0.7 cal/g respectively, while the denaturation temperatures are TD = 112 ± 1°C and TD = 51 ± 1°C. Partial reversibility of the coiled coil—random coil process can be obtained by storing the samples in air or more rapidly by equilibration in water. After denaturation air-dried collagen fibres recover not only their molecular structure but also their characteristic fibrillar structure. The latter does not greatly influence the mean experimental enthalpy values.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry is shown to detect substantial structural alterations occurring on the association of proteinases with the serum glycoprotein alpha 2-macroglobulin. At pH 7.5, the thermally induced unfolding of the macroglobulin occurs at approx. 60 degrees C with a transition enthalpy of 17 J/g. Association of active thermolysin, trypsin and papain shifts the transition temperature to 77 degrees C (transition enthalpy 5 J/g), indicating that a substantial conformational change accompanies the binding event. The stoicheiometry of the thermolysin--alpha 2-macroglobulin association producing this change appears to be unity, implying the presence of co-operative subunit interactions in the mechanism of association. The calorimetric method provides a novel approach for the evaluation of conformational variants induced on protein-protein association or pre-existing in the purified macroglobulin.  相似文献   

The melting behavior of members of newly synthesized series of rac-1,2-diglycerides with substituted phenyl groups or a benzyl group on the 3-position was investigated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Solution crystallized samples had single melting temperatures, higher than those of the quenched or annealed specimens. Quenched samples exhibited polymorphic behavior; some melted and recrystallized during slow heating. This behavior is similar to that of lecithins and suggests that X-ray diffraction studies of the substituted diglycerides may be useful for understanding membrane structure and functions.  相似文献   

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