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To demonstrate the relationship between protein-bodies in seeds and vacuoles in other tissues, we expressed the coding sequences of two bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein-body proteins in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). We chose phytohemagglutinin-L (PHA-L) and tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) as representatives of the protein-body contents and protein-body membrane, respectively. The location of the two proteins in the leaves of transgenic tobacco was examined by immunocytochemistry and in preparations of isolated vacuoles. Tonoplast intrinsic protein accumulates primarily in tonoplasts in tobacco leaves, whereas PHA is found exclusively in the vacuolar sap, showing that the signals that target proteins to protein-bodies and their limiting membranes in seeds are correctly recognized in leaves. This observation provides further evidence that proteinbodies of dicotyledonous seeds should be considered as protein-storage vacuoles.Abbreviations TIP tonoplast intrinsic protein - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis This work has been supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Competitive Research Grants Office to Maarten J. Chrispeels. Herman Höfte is a recipient of a Postdoctoral Fellow-ship from the European Molecular Biology Organization. Craig Dickinson is a recipient of a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship. Loîc Faye was on leave from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UA203, Université de Rouen, Mont Saint Aignan France and supported by a cooperative CNRS — National S cience Foundation grant. The mention of vendor or product in this paper does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over vendors of similar products not mentioned. We thank Jürgen Denecke for providing plasmid pDE1001, Antje von Schaewen for the plant expression cassette and Marie-Theres Hauser for the modified vacuole preparation protocol.  相似文献   

A number of proteins that accumulate in vacuoles and protein bodies undergo posttranslational processing at these accumulation sites. These processing steps include proteolytic cleavage (e.g. pea lectin, soybean glycinin, and rice lectin) and the removal of some sugar residues from oligosaccharide side-chains (e.g. bean phytohemagglutinin). Treatment of immature rice embryos with the sodium ionophore monensin slows down the proteolytic processing of the rice lectin precursor (Mr 23,000) to mature rice lectin (Mr 10,000 and 8,000). Treatment of developing bean cotyledons with monensin slows down the removal of peripheral N-acetylglucosamine residues from the oligosaccharide side-chains of phytohemagglutinin. The results are consistent with the interpretation that these processing steps, which occur in vacuoles or protein bodies, are carried out by enzymes with an acidic pH optimum, and that monensin slows down processing by alkalinization of the vacuoles or protein bodies.  相似文献   

Protein-body membranes (PBMs) were isolated from cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris L. by a procedure involving osmotic shock of purified protein bodies. The purified PBMs have a characteristic density of 1.16 g cm-3. Treatment of the membranes with increasing concentrations of detergent (Triton X-100) or with a solution at pH 12.0 showed that the membranes contained a characteristic integral protein (IMP) with a relative molecular mass of 25,000. This IMP is not a glycoprotein. When developing cotyledons were labeled with 3H-amino acids for 2–3 h, a radioactive polypeptide with the same mobility on denaturing polyacrylamide gels as IMP was found to be associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). During a 24-h chase, a considerable portion of the radioactivity slowly transferred into the IMP associated with more rapidly sedimenting organelles, which sedimented in the same region of the sucrose gradients as the PBMs. Antibodies prepared against purified IMP crossreacted with an ER-associated protein which had the same mobility on denaturing acrylamide gels as authentic IMP. Synthesis of IMP occurred at all stages of cotyledon development examined, but not during seed germination. The results show that a newly synthesized protein of the PBM is associated with the rough ER, just like the soluble matrix proteins, phaseolin (R. Bollini, W. Van der Wilden and M.J. Chrispeels, 1983, J. Cell Biol. 96,999–1007) and phytohemagglutinin (M.J. Chrispeels and R. Bollini, 1982, Plant Physiol. 70, 1425–1428), but that the chase-out from the ER is much slower for IMP than for the matrix proteins.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediamino-tetraacetic acid - ER endoplasmic reticulum - IMP integral membrane protein - PB protein body - PBM protein-body membrane - PHA phytohemagglutinin - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary Vacuoles were isolated from pumpkin cotyledons at three developmental stages and judged to be pure by light microscopic inspection and marker enzyme assays. The time sequence of structural changes of vacuoles were examined by light microscopic inspection in parallel with their stainability with neutral red. Vacuoles isolated from the early stage of cotyledon development were heterogeneous in size (Ø=2–10 m) but stained uniformly with the dye. In contrast, vacuoles isolated from the middle stage were much larger (Ø=5–15 m), and there exist one to three cores, unstainable with neutral red, within a single vacuole. Electron microscopic observation confirms that vacuoles contain a few protein cores in cotyledon cells at the middle stage. Characteristically at this stage, it was observable that some large cores (Ø=4m) were budding from vacuoles. At the late stage, size of vacuoles becomes much smaller (Ø=6m), nearly equal to that of the protein bodies in dry seeds. Importantly, at this stage most of the volume of each vacuole was occupied by a single core, and only a small matrix space was stainable with neutral red. Suborganellar fractionation indicates that the vacuolar cores were identical to the crystalloids deposited in the protein bodies in dry seeds. Overall results strongly provide the evidence that one crystalloid buds from the vacuole during the later stage of seed maturation, giving rise to a protein body.  相似文献   

Two integral membrane proteins, MP28 and MP23, were found in protein bodies isolated from pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.) seeds. Molecular characterization revealed that both MP28 and MP23 belong to the seed TIP (tonoplast intrinsic protein) subfamily. The predicted 29 kDa precursor to MP23 includes six putative membrane-spanning domains, and the loop between the first and second transmembrane domains is larger than that of MP28. The N-terminal sequence of the mature MP23 starts from residue 66 in the first loop, indicating that an N-terminal 7 kDa fragment that contains one transmembrane domain is post-translationally removed. During maturation of pumpkin seeds, mRNAs for MP28 and MP23 became detectable in cotyledons at the early stage, and their levels increased slightly until a rapid decrease occurred at the late stage. This is consistent with the accumulation of the 29 kDa precursor and MP28 in the cotyledons at the early stage. By contrast, MP23 appeared at the late stage simultaneously with the disappearance of the 29 kDa precursor. Thus, it seems possible that the conversion of the 29 kDa precursor to the mature MP23 might occur in the vacuoles after the middle stage of seed maturation. Both proteins were localized immunocytochemically on the membranes of the vacuoles at the middle stage and the protein bodies at the late stage. These results suggest that both MP28 and the precursor to MP23 accumulate on vacuolar membranes before the deposition of storage proteins, and then the precursor is converted to the mature MP23 at the late stage. These two TIPs might have a specific function during the maturation of pumpkin seeds.  相似文献   

Abstract Saccharomyces cerevisiae exponentially growing in basic or 0.7 M NaCl medium were isotopically labelled with 35S-methionine, followed by protein separation and quantification by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) combined with computerised image analysis. The electrophoretic separation resolved about 650 proteins of which 13 displayed significant and at least 2-fold changes in rate of synthesis during saline growth. By sequencing of 2D-PAGE resolved proteins, one of the 8 induced spot, p42.9/5.5, was shown to correspond to the full length (containing the N-terminal extension) product of the GPD 1 gene encoding the cytoplasmic glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. The expression of the TDH 3 gene, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and the ENO 2 gene, enolase, decreased during growth in NaCl medium, declines hypothesised to have an impact on the flux to glycerol.  相似文献   

Membrane microdomains are assembled by lipid partitioning (e.g., rafts) or by protein-protein interactions (e.g., coated vesicles). During docking, yeast vacuoles assemble "vertex" ring-shaped microdomains around the periphery of their apposed membranes. Vertices are selectively enriched in the Rab GTPase Ypt7p, the homotypic fusion and vacuole protein sorting complex (HOPS)-VpsC Rab effector complex, SNAREs, and actin. Membrane fusion initiates at vertex microdomains. We now find that the "regulatory lipids" ergosterol, diacylglycerol and 3- and 4-phosphoinositides accumulate at vertices in a mutually interdependent manner. Regulatory lipids are also required for the vertex enrichment of SNAREs, Ypt7p, and HOPS. Conversely, SNAREs and actin regulate phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate vertex enrichment. Though the PX domain of the SNARE Vam7p has direct affinity for only 3-phosphoinositides, all the regulatory lipids which are needed for vertex assembly affect Vam7p association with vacuoles. Thus, the assembly of the vacuole vertex ring microdomain arises from interdependent lipid and protein partitioning and binding rather than either lipid partitioning or protein interactions alone.  相似文献   

As a means to study the function of plasma membrane proteins during cold acclimation, we have isolated a cDNA clone for wpi6 which encodes a putative plasma membrane protein from cold-acclimated winter wheat. The wpi6 gene encodes a putative 5.9 kDa polypeptide with two predicted membrane-spanning domains, the sequence of which shows high sequence similarity with BLT101-family proteins from plants and yeast. Strong induction of wpi6 mRNA was observed during an early stage of cold acclimation in root and shoot tissues of both winter and spring wheat cultivars. In contrast to blt101 in barley, wpi6 mRNA was also induced by drought and salinity stresses, and exogenous application of ABA. Expression of wpi6 in a Δpmp3 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is disturbed in plasma membrane potential due to the lack of a BLT101-family protein, partially complemented NaCl sensitivity of the mutant. Transient expression analysis of a WPI6::GFP fusion protein in onion epidermal cells revealed that WPI6 is localized in the plasma membrane. Taken together, these data suggested that WPI6 may have a protective role in maintaining plasma membrane function during cold acclimation in wheat. The nucleotide sequence data for wpi6 have been recorded in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession numbers AB030210 (cDNA) and AB221353 (genomic DNA).  相似文献   

Ubiquitin (Ub) is a sorting signal that targets integral membrane proteins to the interior of the vacuole/lysosome by directing them into lumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs). The Vps27-Hse1 complex, which is homologous to the Hrs-STAM complex in mammalian cells, serves as a Ub-sorting receptor at the surface of early endosomes. We have found that Hse1 interacts with Doa1/Ufd3. Doa1 is known to interact with Cdc48/p97 and Ub and is required for maintaining Ub levels. We find that the Hse1 Src homology 3 domain binds directly to the central PFU domain of Doa1. Mutations in Doa1 that block Hse1 binding but not Ub binding do not alter Ub levels but do result in the missorting of the MVB cargo GFP-Cps1. Loss of Doa1 also causes a synthetic growth defect when combined with loss of Vps27. Unlike the loss of Doa1 alone, the doa1Delta vps27Delta double mutant phenotype is not suppressed by Ub overexpression, demonstrating that the effect is not due to indirect consequence of lowered Ub levels. Loss of Doa1 results in a defect in the accumulation of GFP-Ub within yeast vacuoles, implying that there is a reduction in the flux of ubiquitinated membrane proteins through the MVB pathway. This defect was also reflected by an inability to properly sort Vph1-GFP-Ub, a modified subunit of the multiprotein vacuolar ATPase complex, which carries an in-frame fusion of Ub as an MVB sorting signal. These results reveal novel roles for Doa1 in helping to process ubiquitinated membrane proteins for sorting into MVBs.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of proteins in detergent solutions   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  

Lysine propionylation and butyrylation are protein modifications that were recently identified in histones. The molecular components involved in the two protein modification pathways are unknown, hindering further functional studies. Here we report identification of the first three in vivo non-histone protein substrates of lysine propionylation in eukaryotic cells: p53, p300, and CREB-binding protein. We used mass spectrometry to map lysine propionylation sites within these three proteins. We also identified the first two in vivo eukaryotic lysine propionyltransferases, p300 and CREB-binding protein, and the first eukaryotic depropionylase, Sirt1. p300 was able to perform autopropionylation on lysine residues in cells. Our results suggest that lysine propionylation, like lysine acetylation, is a dynamic and regulatory post-translational modification. Based on these observations, it appears that some enzymes are common to the lysine propionylation and lysine acetylation regulatory pathways. Our studies therefore identified first several important players in lysine propionylation pathway.  相似文献   

Meningococcal and gonococcal outer membrane proteins were reconstituted into liposomes using detergent-mediated dialysis. The detergents octyl glucopyranoside (OGP), sodium cholate and Empigen BB were compared with respect to efficiency of detergent removal and protein incorporation. The rate of OGP removal was greater than for cholate during dialysis. Isopycnic density gradient centrifugation studies showed that liposomes were not formed and hence no protein incorporation occurred during dialysis from an Empigen BB containing reconstitution mixture. Cholate-mediated reconstitution yielded proteoliposomes with only 75% of the protein associated with the vesicles whereas all of the protein was reconstituted into the lipid bilayer during OGP-mediated reconstitution. Essentially complete protein incorporation was achieved with an initial protein-to-lipid ratio of 0.01:1 (w/w) in the reconstitution mixture; however, at higher initial protein-to-lipid ratios (0.02:1) only 75% protein incorporation was achieved. Reconstituted proteoliposomes were observed as large (>300 nm), multilamellar structures using cryo-electron microscopy. Size reduction of these proteoliposomes by extrusion did not result in significant loss of protein or lipid. Extruded proteoliposomes were unilamellar vesicles with mean diameter of about 100 nm.  相似文献   

The enzyme (EC from Salmonella typhimurium that catalyzes the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyl esterification of glutamyl residues in membrane chemoreceptor proteins has been purified to homogeneity, and the nucleotide sequence of the gene coding for this protein, cheR, has been determined. The molecular weight, amino acid composition, and N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified protein correspond to the values predicted from the sequence of the gene. The pure protein is a 33-kDa monomer. Kinetic studies indicate that, at levels of receptor and S-adenosylmethionine present in wild type cells, the transferase is nearly saturated. The enzyme has a relatively low turnover number, approximately 10 mol of methylester formed per mol of enzyme per min; and there appear to be only approximately 200 methyltransferase monomers per wild type cell.  相似文献   

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