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The effect of trapidil derivative AR12456 on intracellular cholesterol metabolism was investigated in human hepatoma cell line HepG2. AR12456 enhanced the uptake and degradation of125I-LDL in a dose-dependent manner. The drug inhibited cholesterol synthesis and esterification without affecting cellular cholesterol content and bile acid synthesis; cholesterol efflux was slightly increased. These results show that the inhibition of cholesterol synthesis together with the enhanced expression of LDL receptors may partially explain the hypocholesterolemic activity of compound AR12456.  相似文献   

The persistent xenobiotic agent 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) induces neurotoxic effects that alters neurodevelopment and behavior both during development and adulthood. There are many ongoing efforts to determine the molecular mechanisms of TCDD-mediated neurotoxicity, the signaling pathways involved and its molecular targets in neurons. In this work, we have used SHSY5Y human neuroblastoma cells to characterize the TCDD-induced toxicity. TCDD produces a loss of viability linked to an increased caspase-3 activity, PARP-1 fragmentation, DNA laddering, nuclear fragmentation and hypodiploid (apoptotic) DNA content, in a similar way than staurosporine, a prototypical molecule of apoptosis induction. In addition, TCDD produces a decrease of mitochondrial membrane potential and an increase of intracellular calcium concentration (P?<?0.05). Finally, based on the high lipophilic properties of the dioxin, we test the TCDD effect on the membrane integrity using sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles as a model. TCDD produces calcium efflux through the membrane and an anisotropy decrease (P?<?0.05) that reflects an increase in membrane fluidity. Altogether these results support the hypothesis that TCDD toxicity in SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells provokes the disruption of calcium homeostasis, probably affecting membrane structural integrity, leading to an apoptotic process.  相似文献   

Mechanisms regulating intracellular pH in sea urchin eggs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Intracellular pH (pHi) of sea urchin eggs (Paracentrotus lividus) was determined using DMO (dimethyloxazolidinedione) and a rapid filtration technique (P. Payan, J.P. Girard, R. Christen and C. Sardet (1981). Exp. Cell Res. 134, 339-344). Transfer of unfertilized or fertilized eggs from normal sea water into Na+-free artificial sea water leads to a progressive acidification and fall of intracellular Na+ content. A step rise in external Na+ to 10 meq causes a rapid but transient Na+ entry coupled to an excretion of H+, giving rise to a pHi increase. It is shown that the plasma membrane of unfertilized eggs contains a permanent and reversible Na+/H+ exchanger which contributes to the regulation of pHi. This exchange occurs with a 1:1 stoichiometry and is independent of metabolic energy. Proton excretion and sodium entry follow saturable kinetics with respect to external Na+ and are completely inhibited by amiloride. At fertilization, pHi increases from 7.38 to 7.64 and is maintained at this level by two separate mechanisms: (1) a Na+/H+ exchange with the same characteristics as in unfertilized eggs; (2) a H+-excreting system that is dependent on external Na+, amiloride sensitive, and requiring metabolic energy. The relationship between the permanent Na+/H+ exchange involved in pHi regulation and the transient Na+/H+ exchange occurring at fertilization is discussed.  相似文献   

Aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-based photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been successfully employed in the treatment of certain tumours. Porphyrins endogenously generated from ALA induce tumour regression after illumination with light of an appropriate wavelength. The aim of this work was to compare porphyrin production from ALA and sensitivity to photodynamic treatment in a tumour/normal cell line pair. We employed the HB4a cell line from normal mammary luminal epithelium and its counterpart transfected with the oncogen H-Ras (VAL/12 Ras). After 3 h of exposure to ALA, HB4a-Ras cells produce a maximum of 150 ng porphyrins per 10(5) cells whereas HB4a produce 95 ng porphyrins per 10(5) cells. In addition, HB4a-Ras cells show a plateau of porphyrin synthesis at 1 mM whereas HB4a porphyrins peak at the same concentration, and then decrease quickly. This higher porphyrin synthesis in the tumorigenic cell line does not lead to a higher response to the photodynamic treatment upon illumination. Lethal doses 50, LD(50), determined by MTT assay were 0.015 J cm(-2) and 0.039 J cm(-2) for HB4a and HB4a-Ras respectively after 3 h exposure to 1 mM ALA. The conclusion of this work is that a tumour cell line obtained by transfection of the Ras oncogene, although producing higher porphyrin synthesis from ALA, is more resistant to ALA-PDT than the parental non-tumour line, however the mechanism is not related to photosensitiser accumulation, but very likely to cell survival responses.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH (pHi) has an important role in the maintenance of normal cell function, and hence this parameter has to be tightly controlled within a narrow range, largely through the activity of transporters located at the plasma membrane. These transporters can be modulated by endogenous or exogenous molecules as well as, in some pathological situations, leading to pHi changes that have been implicated in both cell proliferation and cell death. Whereas intracellular alkalinization seems to be a common feature of proliferative processes, the precise role of pHi in apoptosis is still unclear. The present review gathers the most recent advances along with previous data on both the origin and the role of pHi alterations in apoptosis and highlights the major concerns that merit further research in the future. Special attention is given to the possible role played by pHi-regulating transporters.  相似文献   

Intracellular pH must be kept close to neutrality to be compatible with cellular functions, but the mechanisms of pH homeostasis and the responses to intracellular acidification are mostly unknown. In the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we found that intracellular acid stress generated by weak organic acids at normal external pH induces expression of several chaperone genes, including ROF2, which encodes a peptidyl‐prolyl cis‐trans isomerase of the FK506‐binding protein class. Loss of function of ROF2, and especially double mutation of ROF2 and the closely related gene ROF1, results in acid sensitivity. Over‐expression of ROF2 confers tolerance to intracellular acidification by increasing proton extrusion from cells. The activation of the plasma membrane proton pump (H+‐ATPase) is indirect: over‐expression of ROF2 activates K+ uptake, causing depolarization of the plasma membrane, which activates the electrogenic H+ pump. The depolarization of ROF2 over‐expressing plants explains their tolerance to toxic cations such as lithium, norspermidine and hygromycin B, whose uptake is driven by the membrane potential. As ROF2 induction and intracellular acidification are common consequences of many stresses, this mechanism of pH homeostasis may be of general importance for stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes, the only cell type present in articular cartilage, regulate tissue homeostasis by a fine balance of metabolism that includes both anabolic and catabolic activities. Therefore, the biology of chondrocytes is critical for understanding cartilage metabolism. One major limitation when studying primary chondrocytes in culture is their loss of phenotype. To overcome this hurdle, limited attempts have been made to develop human chondrocyte cell lines that retain the phenotype for use as a good surrogate model. In this study, we report a novel approach to the establishment and characterization of human articular cartilage‐derived chondrocyte cell lines. Adenoviral infection followed by culture of chondrocytes in 3‐dimensional matrix within 48 h post‐infection maintained the phenotype prior to clonal selection. Cells were then placed in culture either as monolayer, or in 3‐dimensional matrix of alginate or agarose. The clones were characterized by their basal gene expression profile of chondrocyte markers. Based on type II collagen expression, 21 clones were analyzed for gene expression following treatment with IL‐1 or BMP‐7 and compared to similarly stimulated primary chondrocytes. This resulted in selection of two clones that retained the chondrocyte phenotype as evidenced by expression of type II collagen and other extra‐cellular matrix molecules. In addition, one clone (AL‐4‐17) showed similar responses as primary chondrocytes when treated with IL‐1 or BMP‐7. In summary, this report provides a novel procedure to develop human articular cartilage‐derived chondrocyte cell lines, which preserve important characteristics of articular chondrocytes and represent a useful model to study chondrocyte biology. J. Cell. Physiol. 222: 695–702, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Brevibacterium flavum 22LD-P cells were shown to maintain a transmembrane pH gradient (pH) from 0.6 to 1.8–2 units and a transmembrane electric potential difference () from 0 to 200 mV depending on the pH and ionic composition of the incubation medium, grwoth substrate and concentration of cells. decreased from 120–140 mV to 0 when medium pH was lowered from neutral to 5.0–5.5 and increased to 180–200 mV when medium pH was raised to 8–9 in cells utilizing acetate or endogenous substrate. Cells growing on sucrose, kept around 100–120 mV at neutral as well as acidic medium pH. Intracellular pH in the acetate utilizing or endogenously respiring cells was maintained with the range of 8.9 to 5.5 at medium pH ranging from 9.1 to 4.0, respectively. Sucrose grown cells were able to maintain a more stable intracellular pH. Endogenously respiring cells in potassium phosphate buffer at high biomass concentrations maintained larger pH and relatively smaller , than the same cells in diluted suspensions. Cells in sodium phosphate buffer possessed larger and almost no pH, but was still dependent on biomass concentration.The lack of intracellular pH homeostasis and the collapse of at acid medium pH are discussed in the context of cell membrane proton permeability.  相似文献   

Regulation of intracellular pH in human neutrophils   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
The intracellular pH (pHi) of isolated human peripheral blood neutrophils was measured from the fluorescence of 6-carboxyfluorescein (6-CF) and from the equilibrium distribution of [14C]5,5-dimethyloxazolidine -2,4-dione (DMO). At an extracellular pH (pHo) of 7.40 in nominally CO2-free medium, the steady state pHi using either indicator was approximately 7.25. When pHo was suddenly raised from 7.40 to 8.40 in the nominal absence of CO2, pHi slowly rose by approximately 0.35 during the subsequent hour. A change of similar magnitude in the opposite direction occurred when pHo was reduced to 6.40. Both changes were reversible. Intrinsic intracellular buffering power, determined by using graded pulses of CO2 or NH4Cl, was approximately 50 mM/pH over the pHi range of 6.8-7.9. The course of pHi obtained from the distribution of DMO was followed during and after imposition of intracellular acid and alkaline loads. Intracellular acidification was brought about either by exposing cells to 18% CO2 or by prepulsing with 30 mM NH4Cl, while pHo was maintained at 7.40. In both instances, pHi (6.80 and 6.45, respectively) recovered toward the control value at rates of 0.029 and 0.134 pH/min. These rates were reduced by approximately 90% either by 1 mM amiloride or by replacement of extracellular Na with N-methyl-D-glucamine. Recovery was not affected by 1 mM SITS or by 40 mM alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate (CHC), which inhibits anion exchange in neutrophils. Therefore, recovery from acid loading is probably due to an exchange of internal H for external Na. Intracellular alkalinization was achieved by exposing the cells to 30 mM NH4Cl or by prepulsing with 18% CO2, both at a constant pHo 7.40. In both instances, pHi, which was 7.65 and 7.76, respectively, recovered to the control value. The recovery rates (0.033 and 0.077 pH/min, respectively) were reduced by 80-90% either by 40 mM CHC or by replacement of extracellular Cl with p-aminohippurate (PAH). SITS, amiloride, and ouabain (0.1 mM) were ineffective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

An established rat cell line expressing chondrocyte properties   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Chondrocytes express a well-characterized set of marker proteins making these cells useful for studies on differentiation and regulation of gene expression. Because of the inherent instability of primary rat chondrocytes in culture, and because several rat chondrocyte genes have been cloned and characterized (including the collagen II promoter and enhancer), a rat chondrocyte cell line would be especially useful. To obtain this line we infected primary fetal rat costal chondrocytes with a recombinant retrovirus (NIH/J-2) carrying the myc and raf oncogenes, which have been shown to have an "immortalizing" function. Following infection, a rapidly proliferating clonal line was isolated that maintained a stable phenotype through 45 passages (11/2 year in culture). This line, termed IRC, grows in suspension culture as multicellular aggregates and in monolayer culture as polygonal cells which accumulate an alcian blue-stainable matrix. IRC cells synthesize high levels of cartilage proteoglycan core protein, and link protein, but show reduced collagen II expression. In addition, the cells express virally derived myc mRNA and protein, but do not express v-raf. Retinoic acid, which is a known modulator of chondrocyte phenotype, down-regulates expression of chondrocyte marker proteins, while stimulating v-myc expression by IRC cells. These data suggest that v-myc expression by chondrocytes results in rapid cell division and maintenance of many aspects of the differentiated phenotype. These "immortalized" cells, however, remain responsive to agents such as retinoic acid which modulate cell phenotype. The potential exists for development of chondrocyte cell lines from diseased cartilage, as well as from human cartilage.  相似文献   

The dynamics of intracellular pH (pHi) during proliferation of cells of LS line in bicarbonate-containing media and of its derivative LSM line adapted to grow in a monolayer has been studied. The contact of LS cells with a solid substrate was not accompanied by their spreading and by an increase in pHi. The pHi values of growing and resting LS cells were practically equal (7.03 and 6.97, respectively). The adhesion and spreading of LSM cells were accompanied by an increase in pHi. The proliferation of LSM cells occurred at different pHi values: at 7.32 on solid substrate with serum, at 7.18 on substrate without serum, at 7.13 in a serum-containing suspension, at 6.97 in a suspension without serum. The highest growth rate was observed at the increased pHi value. Cell proliferation on the substrate stopped at pHi values within 7.10 and 7.13 which were equal to or exceeded the pHi of growing cells in suspension. No difference was observed between LS and LSM cells in the activities of Na+/H+ exchange and transport of Cl- into cells that are involved in pHi regulation. Transport of HCO3- into the cytoplasm of LSM cells was more active than that of LS cells. The role of pHi in the anchorage dependence of cell proliferation is discussed.  相似文献   

The brain distribution of the enantiomers of the antimalarial drug mefloquine is stereoselective according to the species. This stereoselectivity may be related to species-specific differences in the properties of some membrane-bound transport proteins, such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The interactions of racemic mefloquine and its individual enantiomers with the P-glycoprotein efflux transport system have been analysed in immortalised rat brain capillary endothelial GPNT cells. Parallel studies were carried out for comparison in human colon carcinoma Caco-2 cells. The cellular accumulation of the P-glycoprotein substrate, [(3)H]vinblastine, was significantly increased both in GPNT cells and in Caco-2 cells when treated with racemic mefloquine and the individual enantiomers. In GPNT cells, the (+)-stereoisomer of mefloquine was up to 8-fold more effective than its antipode in increasing cellular accumulation of [(3)H]vinblastine, while in Caco-2 cells, both enantiomers were equally effective. These results suggest that racemic mefloquine and its enantiomers are effective inhibitors of P-gp. Furthermore, a stereoselective P-glycoprotein inhibition is observed in rat cells but not in human cells. The efflux of [(14)C]mefloquine from GPNT cells was decreased when the cells were incubated with the P-gp modulators, verapamil, cyclosporin A or chlorpromazine, suggesting that MQ could be a P-gp substrate.  相似文献   

Mutations in alpha-synuclein have been linked to rare, autosomal dominant forms of Parkinson's disease. Despite its ubiquitous expression, mutant alpha-synuclein primarily leads to the loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra. alpha-Synuclein is a presynaptic nerve terminal protein of unknown function, although several studies suggest it is important for synaptic plasticity and maintenance. The present study utilized a new human mesencephalic cell line, MESC2.10, to study the effect of A53T mutant alpha-synuclein on dopamine homeostasis. In addition to expressing markers of mature dopamine neurons, differentiated MESC2.10 cells are electrically active, produce dopamine, and express wild-type human alpha-synuclein. Lentivirus-induced overexpression of A53T mutant alpha-synuclein in differentiated MESC2.10 cells resulted in down-regulation of the vesicular dopamine transporter (VMAT2), decreased potassium-induced and increased amphetamine-induced dopamine release, enhanced cytoplasmic dopamine immunofluorescence, and increased intracellular levels of superoxide. These results suggest that mutant alpha-synuclein leads to an impairment in vesicular dopamine storage and consequent accumulation of dopamine in the cytosol, a pathogenic mechanism that underlies the toxicity of the psychostimulant amphetamine and the parkinsonian neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium. Interestingly, cells expressing A53T mutant alpha-synuclein were resistant to amphetamine-induced toxicity. Because extravesicular, cytoplasmic dopamine can be easily oxidized into reactive oxygen species and other toxic metabolites, mutations in alpha-synuclein might lead to Parkinson's disease by triggering protracted, low grade dopamine toxicity resulting in terminal degeneration and ultimately cell death.  相似文献   

Azaspiracids modulate intracellular pH levels in human lymphocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The azaspiracids (AZAs) are a group of marine toxins implicated in several intoxications whose mechanism of action is unknown. These phycotoxins include the five compounds shown in : AZA-1 (1), AZA-2 (2), AZA-3 (3), AZA-4 (4), and AZA-5 (5). The aim of this work was to study the effects of the five naturally occurring azaspiracids (AZA-1 to -5, Fig. 1) and four synthetic analogues (6-9, Fig. 2) on intracellular pH, and the influence of Ca2+ upon this effect. The AZAs (1-5) were found to modulate cytosolic Ca2+ levels in human lymphocytes, while some of them, but not all, had effects on the intracellular pH. AZA-1 (1) and AZA-2 (2) did not modify intracellular pH in a Ca2+-containing or a Ca2+-free medium. AZA-3 (3) increased intracellular pH by 0.16 units in the presence of extracellular Ca2+, an effect that was blocked when a 1 mM solution of Ni2+ was added. In a Ca2+-free medium, the increase in pH induced by AZA-3 (3) was reduced to 0.08 pH units. AZA-4 (4) inhibited the basal pH increase even in the presence of a 1 mM solution of Ni2+. In a Ca2+-free medium, the inhibition caused by AZA-4 (4) was small, but when Ca2+ was added back to the medium, the pH basal increase was again significantly inhibited. The alkalinization was also inhibited when AZA-4 (4) was added simultaneously, 10 min before or 10 min after thapsigargin (Tg), and also when the Ca2+-influx induced by Tg was inhibited by Ni2+. AZA-5 (5), on the other hand, did not modulate the intracellular pH profile in either a Ca2+-containing or a Ca2+-free medium. Finally, we investigated four synthetic analogues (6-9, Fig. 2) whose structures were based on the four originally proposed structures of azaspiracid-1, with an opened E-ring. Compound 6 induced a small cytosolic Ca2+ increase, but did not modify intracellular pH in saline solution. In a Ca2+-free medium, compound 6 blocked the pH fall when Ca2+ was added back to the medium. Compound 7 also did not modify intracellular pH in saline solutions, however it significantly blocked basal pH increases in a Ca2+-free medium. Compound 8 did not alter intracellular pH, however compound 9 induced a small acidification when Ca2+ was present in the extracellular medium. These results point to a structure-activity relationship in AZAs pH effect that affects the modulation and the coupling of intracellular pH and Ca2+.  相似文献   

The role of external Ca2+ in the homeostasis of intracellular pH (pHi) of Anabaena sp. strain PCC7120 in response to a decrease in the external pH (pHex) has been studied in cell suspensions. Increase in cytoplasmic pH after acid shock is dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the medium. The observed Ca2+-mediated alkalization of the cytoplasm depends on the extent of the shift in external pH. Acid pH shifts resulted in an increased permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane to protons, which could be reversed by increasing the concentration of Ca2+ in the medium. Thus, the ability of Ca2+ to increase cytoplasmic pH might be correlated with an inhibition of net proton uptake by increasing concentrations of external Ca2+ under these conditions. This combined response resulted in the generation and maintenance of a larger pH gradient (ΔpH) at acid external pH values. All Ca2+ channel blockers tested, such as verapamil and LaCl3, inhibited the observed Ca2+-mediated response. On the other hand, the Ca ionophore calcimycin (compound A23187) was agonistic, and stimulated both cytoplasmic alkalization and inhibition of net proton uptake. The protonophorous uncoupler carbonylcyanide m -chlorophenyl hydrazone, inhibited this Ca2+-mediated response, whereas monensin, an inhibitor of the Na+/H+ antiporter, had no significant effect. The results of the present study suggest that an influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular space is required for the regulation of cytoplasmic pH in Anabaena sp. strain PCC7120 exposed to low external pH values.  相似文献   

The apical uptake of 64CuCl2 was investigated in human differentiated intestinal Caco-2 cells grown on permeable supports. At pH 6.0 in the apical compartment, the uptake of copper was linear over the first 6 min and between 10 and 80 M CuCl2 exhibited non-saturable transport kinetics. In addition, copper uptake was energy-independent, affected by the valency state of copper, preferring Cu(II) over Cu(I), and not influenced by high (10 mM) extracellular calcium. The intracellular distribution of copper was investigated by FPLC at different times of uptake (`pulse') and of `chase'. Intracellular copper initially bound predominantly to low molecular weight components (i.e., glutathione), and subsequently shifted to higher molecular weight components such as metallothionein and Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase.  相似文献   

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