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A breeding colony of Galago crassicaudatus panganiensis was maintained under laboratory conditions for four years, August 1971 to July 1975. The estrous cycle and the gestation period averaged 39 and 132 days in length, respectively. Twinning occurred in 14.5% of the pregnancies. No postpartum estrus was observed, although 1.2 conceptions per female per year were recorded. Breeding occurred throughout the year. Puberty occurred between ten and 18 months of age, the first conception occurred between 15 and 18 months of age, and reproductive capability decreased rapidly between ten and 12 years of age.  相似文献   

Fetal development was examined at days 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, or 135 of gestation in 19 thick-tailed bushbaby fetuses (Galago crassicaudatus panganiensis) from 17 normal, timed pregnancies. With the exception of day 135, all fetuses were collected by hysterotomy (gestation = 133 ± 2 days). Various weights and measurements were taken. Although fetal sizes varied widely, crown-rump, crown-heel, upper and lower arm and leg lengths, hand and foot lenghts, and fetal organ weights correlated well with fetal age. Key changes in gross brain morphology and skeletal ossification of cranium, pelvis, tarsals, carpals, and epiphyses were noted. Sternabrae ossification proved highly variable, while ossification in the otic capsule and associated ear structures correlated well with age. These data provide a normal base for studies using fetal developmental parameters whether the purpose is to determine gestational age or to design future studies.  相似文献   

Mother-infant cannibalism in species of galagos as in several other species of non-human primates is a common phenomenon. In non-human primates kept in laboratory conditions many of the observed cases of cannibalism were not associated with starvation and with infanticide. Cannibalism in galagos was observed in at least five different species. In several laboratories, like the Duke University Primate Center, the frequencies of cannibalism in galagos species in captivity have been reduced by the isolation of pregnant female before the parturition from her companions, especially adult males. At the Primate Behaviour Research Group (University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) three cases of cannibalism were observed in twoGalago crassicaudatus umbrosus' mothers before the end of the third day after birth. To understand the reasons why the mothers cannibalize their own infants, it was decided to analyze the mother-infant interaction which preceded the death of the infants. InGalago crassicaudatus twin and triplet births are very common. In one of our two observed mothers who cannibalized their infants, there was one triplet birth. In this study the two pregnant females were isolated in two separated cages ten days before giving birth. One of the two observed mothers gave birth to triplets, the other had a single birth. At the end all four infants were cannibalized. In all cases the cannibalization started after the infant's death. The infants' deaths were caused by lack of maternal care which caused them to starve. The results show that the triplet's mother differed in some of her behaviour towards her infants. In one of the cannibalized infants behaviours such asNipple andMother Passive Prevent were never seen before death. In our cases it seems that cannibalism was probably due to the laboratory condition that for generation to generation caused stress to the mothers and changed their maternal behaviours, which lead to the death of the offspring which after death became a consumable resource.  相似文献   

A. F. Dixson    R. N. Van  Horn 《Journal of Zoology》1977,183(4):517-526
Two subspecies of the Greater bushbaby, Galago crassicaudatus argentatus and G. c. crassicaudatus , are known to differ morphologically, but quantitative studies of the differences, or of reproductive compatability between the subspecies, have not previously been attempted. Somatic measurements were made on living specimens of both subspecies and controlled experiments were conducted to determine whether fertile matings would occur between them.
G. c. argentatus is heavier than G. c. crassicaudatus and has longer ears, a longer ulna and fibula and a greater biorbital breadth. A significant degree of sexual dimorphism in body weight and length of the fibula and ulna occurs in G. c. argentatus , males being larger than females. In G. c. crassicaudatus however, there are no statistical differences between the sexes in these somatic measurements. The morphology of the male and female external genitalia differs between the two subspecies.
In six pairs of male argentatus and female crassicaudatus , only one pair mated and no offspring resulted. In seven pairs of female argentatus and male crassicaudatus , matings occurred in all pairs but only one female conceived and this pregnancy ended prematurely in a spontaneous abortion. In control experiments using six oppositely-sexed pairs of G. c. crassicaudatus , however, all females became pregnant and produced live offspring.
The morphological and reproductive differences between G. c. argentatus and G. c. crassicaudatus are more pronounced than previously realized and it is possible that the two varieties may merit separation as distinct species of Galago.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to compare digestive functions in two species of sub-human primate, the bushbaby (Galago crassicaudatus) and the Vervet monkey (Cercopithecidae pygerythrus). Major differences were observed in the rate at which digesta markers moved through their respective gastrointestinal tracts, and in the concentration of lactic acid present in the gut. In both species, the caecum and colon were the principle sites of microbial activity and organic acid production.  相似文献   

Serum progesterone concentrations in Galago crassicaudatus were quantified at 3-week intervals throughout the 136-day pregnancy. Progesterone concentrations were significantly elevated over those of nonpregnant controls as early as 6 weeks after conception. Progesterone continued to increase throughout gestation. The progesterone profile in pregnant G. crassicaudatus quantitatively resembles that of chimpanzees and qualitatively resembles that of humans. In two animals that aborted, progesterone concentrations after abortion decreased to values comparable to those seen in nonpregnant animals.  相似文献   

Earlier studies yielded conflicting conclusions on the types of photoreceptors and photopigments found in the eyes of nocturnal prosimians. In this investigation a noninvasive electrophysiological procedure, electroretinogram flicker photometry, was employed to measure scotopic and photopic spectral sensitivity in the thick-tailed bushbaby (Otolemur crassicaudatus). The scotopic spectral sensitivity function of the bushbaby has a peak of about 507 nm. Under photopic test conditions, spectral sensitivity shifts toward the longer wavelengths. The results from a series of adaptation experiments indicate that the cones of the bushbaby retina contain only a single type of cone photopigment (peak sensitivity at about 545 nm). One implication from this result is that these animals do not have color vision. The photopigment arrangement of the bushbaby is different from that earlier found in diurnal and crepuscular prosimians but is similar to that of the owl monkey, the only nocturnal simian. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

I observed seven pairs of sexually mature, captiveGalago moholi during the females’ ovarian cycles to determine the pattern of male copulatory behavior and its relationship to female receptivity. In this species, a copulatory lock was not apparent, a variety of thrusting patterns was displayed, and the male was capable of ejaculating following a single mount and intromission and may have ejaculated more than once during the 30-min test. Male mating indices did not differ significantly on consecutive days of the mating period, though declines in certain mating latencies on the second and third days of mating suggested increased female receptivity. Mating indices did not differ notably between the first and the second copulation within a test, though both showed some differences compared to the third copulation. InG. moholi, male copulatory behavior is typical of a prosimian species with a dispersed — nongregarious — mating system, in which copulation has a single prolonged intromission that extends into the postejaculatory period. This is characteristic of species in which more than one male has access to an estrous female.  相似文献   

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