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The prohormone convertases (PCs), PC1/3 and PC2, are involved in the tissue-specific endoproteolytic posttranslational processing of many hormonal precursors within the secretory pathway. One important prohormone, pro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), is expressed in both hypophysiotropic (where it regulates the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone) and nonhypophysiotropic regions of the brain. Pro-TRH is processed at specific sites in the secretory pathway, primarily by PC1/3 followed by PC2. We hypothesized that thyroid hormone status in specific nuclei of the brain would alter pro-TRH processing by inducing changes in PC1/3 and PC2 expression. Therefore, we examined pro-TRH, PC1/3, and PC2 coexpression and coregulation in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), lateral hypothalamus (LH), and ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of hypothyroid and euthyroid rats. Our results show that 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU) treatment producing hypothyroidism induced a significant increase in the expression of PC1/3, PC2, and pro-TRH in the PVN and LH, but not VMN. When confocal studies were performed, an increase in colocalization of PC1/3 or PC2 in pro-TRH was observed only in PVN, a response that was especially prominent in the ventral and medial areas of the PVN. PTU did not regulate colocalization in the VMH or LH. Regulation of colocalization of processing enzyme and prohormone expression is a novel mechanism to alter hormonal biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Cysteine-rich FGF receptor (CFR) was originally identified as a FGF2 receptor and found to be identical to Golgi complex-localized glycoprotein-1 (GLG1), also known as MG-160, and to a murine E-selectin ligand-1 (ESL-1). Although CFR is a 150-kDa integral membrane glycoprotein that is primarily located in the cis-medial Golgi complex, a substantial proportion of CFR is secreted but the underlying mechanism is unknown. CFR contains several possible furin-like proprotein convertase (PC) and matrix metalloproteinase cleavage sites. Cells expressing CFR were treated with the furin protease inhibitor decanoyl-Arg-Val-Lys-Arg-chloromethylketone (decCMK) or the MMP-inhibitor GM6001. In the presence of furin-like PC inhibitor, secretion of CFR was almost completely inhibited. Secretion was not affected by the GM6001 inhibitor. The secreted forms were further characterized by creating different mutant CFR proteins with N-terminal and C-terminal tags. Immunoblot analysis and immunofluorescence indicated, that successive endoproteolytical processing of CFR which takes place in the Golgi complex is essential for secretion. Secreted CFR bound to heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) could trap FGFs and thereby directly competing with tyrosine kinase receptors for FGF binding.  相似文献   

We examined immunocytochemical localization of the prohormone convertases, PC1 and PC2, in the thyroid gland and respiratory tract of the adult mouse using the indirect enzyme- and immunogold-labeled antibody methods for light and electron microscopy, respectively. In the thyroid gland, PC1- and/or PC2-immunoreactive cells were cuboidal, scattered in the follicular epithelium and in the interfollicular spaces. When serial sections were immunostained with anti-calcitonin, anti-PC1, anti-calcitonin-gene-related-peptide (CGRP), and anti-PC2 sera, respectively, localization of both PC1 and PC2 was restricted to the calcitonin/CGRP-producing parafollicular cells. In the respiratory tract, only PC1 immunoreactivity was observed in the basal granulated neuroendocrine cells, which were scattered in the tracheal epithelium. Consecutive sections immunostained with anti-PC1 and anti-CGRP sera showed that a subpopulation of these PC1-immunoreactive cells contained CGRP. Double immunogold electron microscopy of the thyroid parafollicular cells revealed that calcitonin- and/or CGRP-immunopositive secretory granules were also labeled with both PC1 and PC2. These findings suggest that procalcitonin is proteolytically cleaved by PC2 alone or by PC2 together with PC1, and that the proCGRP is cleaved by PC1.  相似文献   

The cleavage specificity of a monobasic processing dynorphin converting endoprotease is examined with a series of quench fluorescent peptide substrates and compared with the cleavage specificity of prohormone convertases. A dynorphin B-29-derived peptide, Abz-Arg-Arg-Gln-Phe-Lys-Val-Val-Thr-Arg-Ser-Glneddnp (where Abz is o-aminobenzoyl and eddnp is ethylenediamine 2,4-dinitrophenyl), that contains both dibasic and monobasic cleavage sites is efficiently cleaved by the dynorphin converting enzyme and not cleaved by two propeptide processing enzymes, furin and prohormone convertase 1. A shorter prorenin-related peptide, Dnp-Arg-Met-Ala-Arg-Leu-Thr-Leu-eddnp, that contains a monobasic cleavage site is cleaved by the dynorphin converting enzyme and prohormone convertase 1 and not by furin. Substitution of the P1' position by Ala moderately affects cleavage by the dynorphin-processing enzyme and prohormone convertase 1. It is interesting that this substitution results in efficient cleavage by furin. The site of cleavage, as determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, is N-terminal to the Arg at the P1 position for the dynorphin converting enzyme and C-terminal to the Arg at the P1 position for furin and prohormone convertase 1. Peptides with additional basic residues at the P2 and at P4 positions also serve as substrates for the dynorphin converting enzyme. This enzyme cleaves shorter peptide substrates with significantly lower efficiency as compared with the longer peptide substrates, suggesting that the dynorphin converting enzyme prefers longer peptides that contain monobasic processing sites as substrates. Taken together, these results suggest that the cleavage specificity of the dynorphin converting enzyme is distinct but related to the cleavage specificity of the prohormone convertases and that multiple enzymes could be involved in the processing of peptide hormones and neuropeptides at monobasic and dibasic sites.  相似文献   

Many peptide hormones and neuropeptides are processed by members of the subtilisin-like family of prohormone convertases (PCs), which are either soluble or integral membrane proteins. PC1 and PC2 are soluble PCs that are primarily localized to large dense core vesicles in neurons and endocrine cells. We examined whether PC1 and PC2 were active when expressed as membrane-tethered proteins, and how tethering to membranes alters the biosynthesis, enzymatic activity, and intracellular routing of these PCs. PC1 and PC2 chimeras were constructed using the transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic domain of the amidating enzyme, peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM). The membrane-tethered PCs were rerouted from large dense core vesicles to the Golgi region. In addition, the chimeras were transiently expressed at the cell surface and rapidly internalized to the Golgi region in a fashion similar to PAM. Membrane-tethered PC1 and PC2 exhibited changes in pro-domain maturation rates, N-glycosylation, and in the pH and calcium optima required for maximal enzymatic activity against a fluorogenic substrate. In addition, the PC chimeras efficiently cleaved endogenous pro-opiomelanocortin to the correct bioactive peptides. The PAM transmembrane domain/cytoplasmic domain also prevented stimulated secretion of pro-opiomelanocortin products in AtT-20 cells.  相似文献   

Prohormone convertases PC1 and PC2 are endoproteases involved in prohormone cleavage at pairs of basic amino acids. There is a report that prohormone convertase exists in the rat anterior pituitary gonadotrophs, where it had previously been considered that proprotein processing does not take place. In addition to luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, rat pituitary gonadotrophs contain chromogranin A (CgA) and secretogranin II (SgII), two members of the family of granin proteins, which have proteolytic sites in their molecules. In the present study we examined whether there is a close correlation between subcellular localization of prohormone convertases and granin proteins. Ultrathin sections of rat anterior pituitary were immunolabeled with anti-PC1 or -PC2 antisera and then stained with immunogold. Immunogold particles for PC1 were exclusively found in large, lucent secretory granules, whereas those for PC2 were seen in both large, lucent and small, dense granules. The double-immunolabeling also demonstrated colocalization of PC2 and SgII in small, dense granules and of PC1, PC2, and CgA in large, lucent granules. These immunocytochemical results suggest that PC2 may be involved in the proteolytic processing of SgII and that both PC1 and PC2 may be necessary to process CgA.  相似文献   

Endopeptidases and prohormone processing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Peptide hormones and peptide transmitters are generated from polypeptide precursors by specific cleavage reactions which take place principally at sites formed by single or paired basic residues. Not all the possible cleavage sites are utilised, however, and the degree of processing of many propeptides has been found to vary according to the tissue of origin. The restricted nature of processing reactions could point to the existence of a series of enzymes with stringent specificities, recognising regions of structure in addition to the single or paired basic residues. Alternatively the action of processing enzymes may be directed by conformation of the pro-peptide which could focus the action of a protease onto or away from a particular site. In addition certain post-translational modifications such as glycosylation or phosphorylation may influence the accessibility of a site to the approach of a processing enzyme. In this review we describe recent advances that have been made in the characteristisation of proteolytic processing enzymes, we examine the relevance of the various factors that could account for restricted processing and discuss new approaches that may lead to better understanding of the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Summary A histochemical analysis of the monoamines which are strongly accumulated in the median eminence and the proximal part of infundibular stem of all species examined (mouse, rat, guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, and cat) was performed with the help of a highly specific and sensitive fluorescence method. Strong evidence was obtained for the view that the monoamines are localized in very high concentrations to the terminal parts of non-sympathetic nerve fibres, which — mainly at least — converge to the primary plexus of the hypophyseal portal system. The capillaries are densely and closely surrounded by the nerve fibres.Pharmacological experiments, involving the administration of reserpine, nialamide, m-tyrosine and -methyl-m-tyrosine, furnished good evidence for the view that primary catecholamines, probably mainly DA but also NA, are the predominant monoamines present. The experiments also revealed the existence of catecholamine-containing nerve cells in the arcuate nuclei and the ventral portion of the anterior periventricular nuclei. These nerve cells, situated in the regions where the tubero-infundibular tract arises, may be the cell bodies of adrenergic neurons to which the amine-containing nerve fibres at least partly belong.The findings indicate that primary catecholamines are released to the primary plexus of the hypophyseal portal system and thus transported to the anterior lobe. These amines may consequently act as neuro-humoral transmittors for the regulation of the activity of the anterior pituitary. — No direct adrenergic innervation of the cells in the pars tuberalis and anterior lobe was found. The portal vesstes in the pars tuberalis receive a very sparse adrenergic innervation and the vessels in the anterior lobe receive no or very few adrenergic nerves. Pars intermedia, on the other hand, may have a non-sympathetic adrenergic innervation.The Following Abbreviations are Used DA Dopamine - NA Noradrenaline - A Adrenaline - 5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine For generous supplies of drugs we are indepted to Swedish Ciba, Stockholm (reserpine), and Swedish Pfizer, Stockholm (nialamide). The investigation was supported by research grants from the United States Public Health Service (NB 02854-03), the Swedish Medical Research Council, and the Therese and Johan Andersson Memorial Foundation. The excellent technical assistance of Miss M. Gustafsson is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Organisms respond to infection in a complex manner involving bidirectional interactions between the neuroendocrine and immune systems. Many of the bioactive endocrine/immune factors are synthesized in a precursor form and are expected to be activated by prohormone convertases (PCs). Since patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have an increased incidence and severity of infections, we hypothesized that in a condition of hyperglycemia, these processing enzymes would be activated in an immune tissue, the spleen. To test this hypothesis, we treated rats with intraperitoneal streptozotocin (STZ) (50 mg/kg/day) daily for 5 days and measured splenic PC1 and PC2 mRNA by ribonuclease protection assay. We found that PC1 mRNA was increased 6.0+/-0.02-fold (P<0.05) and PC2 mRNA was increased 1.80+/-0.01-fold (P<0.005) in the spleen of rats that received STZ compared to rats that received vehicle. Western blot indicated that the 75-kDa form of PC1 was the only form of PC1 present in the spleen and that this form increased with STZ treatment. Immunohistochemistry revealed that PC1 was found in both the white pulp (T-lymphocytes) and red pulp (monocytes and macrophages) and that its increase in immunoreactivity occurred primarily in the white pulp. PC2 and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC, a possible splenic substrate for PC1/PC2) immunoreactivity was found predominantly in the red pulp. STZ induced an increase in splenic PC1 and POMC, but not PC2 protein levels. We conclude that in the STZ model of diabetes, splenic PCs are induced, which could lead to an increased activation of many immune-derived hormones. We speculate that this up-regulation of prohormone converting enzymes may be related to the increased infections seen in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

PC1 and PC2 are enzymes involved in the activation of prohormones via the cleavage of pairs of basic amino acids. The expression levels of each of these enzymes were evaluated in the rat anterior and neurointermediate pituitary lobes by in situ hybridization and Northern gel analysis and after various pharmacological manipulations. All intermediate lobe melanotrophs expressed high levels of PC2 mRNA and lower levels of PC1 mRNA. PC1 mRNA was highly expressed throughout the anterior lobe; however, appreciable PC2 mRNA levels were also found. Based on colocalization studies, anterior lobe corticotrophs were found to express PC1 mRNA, but very little PC2 mRNA. Neurointermediate lobe levels of PC1, PC2, and POMC mRNA increased 2- to 6-fold in rats treated with haloperidol, while they decreased to 10-25% of their control values after bromocriptine treatment. These results indicate that in the intermediate lobe, dopamine is involved in the regulation of PC1 and PC2. In the anterior lobe, haloperidol had a strong effect on PC2 mRNA, increasing its levels by 8- to 12-fold compared to the control value, while PC1 mRNA was unaffected. Both PC1 and PC2 mRNA levels were increased 5- to 9-fold in animals made hypothyroid by treatment with 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil. Adrenalectomy had no significant effect on anterior lobe PC1 mRNA levels. However, both PC1 and PC2 mRNA levels were responsive to dexamethasone treatment in the AtT-20 cell lines. Our results indicate that dopamine, thyroid hormones, and corticosteroids are involved in PC1 and/or PC2 gene expression. These data are also consistent with the role of PC1 and PC2 as prohormone-processing enzymes.  相似文献   

PC1 and PC2 (prohormone convertase) represent neuroendocrine members of the mammalian subtilisin-like family of proprotein convertases. The goal of this study was to compare the primary sequence motifs of bovine PC1 and PC2 with those of homologs from other mammalian species to establish the structural basis for PC1 and PC2 activities in bovine that resemble other mammalian homologs. Molecular cloning from bovine adrenal medulla resulted in the isolation of cDNAs for bovine PC1 and PC2 with highly conserved primary sequences with respect to signal sequence, prosegment, catalytic domain, and P domain. Bovine PC1 and PC2 contained the catalytic triad residues Asp, His, Ser, which are identical to the triads in PC1 and PC2 from other mammalian species. Bovine PCl contained Asn as the oxyanion hole residue; in contrast, bovine PC2 contained Asp as the oxyanion hole residue, which is identical to PC2 in other mammalian species. Bovine PC1 and PC2 possessed the P domain that contains the functional RRGDL motif. The cloned cDNAs detected expression of PC1 and PC2 mRNAs in bovine adrenal medulla. These results establish the defined structural domains of bovine PC1 and PC2 that are known to be essential for the activities of these enzymes in various species.  相似文献   

Many of the protein precursors traversing the secretory pathway undergo cleavage at multibasic sites to generate their bioactive forms. The proprotein convertases (PCs), a family of subtilisin-like proteases, are the major endoproteases that serve this function. Genes encoding seven distinct members of this family have so far been characterized in vertebrates: furin, PC2, PC1/PC3, PC4, PACE4, PC5/PC6 and PC7/PC8/LPC. Multiple PC genes have also been cloned from a number of invertebrates, including Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. These findings suggest that gene duplication and diversification of the PCs have occurred throughout metazoan evolution. To investigate the structural and functional changes which have occurred during vertebrate development, we have analyzed the expression of PC genes in the protochordate amphioxus. We have previously shown that amphioxus express homologous PC2 and PC1/PC3 genes [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 3591]. Here we report the characterization of amphioxus cDNAs encoding proteases with a high degree of similarity to mammalian PC6. Three cDNAs encoding three PC6 isoforms differing only in their carboxy-terminal sequences were found, derived by alternative splicing. Two isoforms appear to be soluble enzymes, whereas the third contains a transmembrane hydrophobic segment and thus is likely to be membrane-bound. All three variants contain many repeats of a cysteine-rich motif that is found in several other PC family members. Thus, amphioxus, like the vertebrates, expresses two types of PCs, e.g., PC2 and PC1/PC3 which function in the regulated secretory pathway in neuroendocrine cells, and the more widely expressed PC6 which functions mainly in the constitutive pathway.  相似文献   

Secretoneurin is a recently characterized neuropeptidepresent in the primary amino acid sequence of secretogranin II. We investigated the proteolytic processing of secretogranin II by prohormone convertases in vivo in a cellular system using the vaccinia virus system. Both PC1 and PC2 can cleave the secretogranin II precursor at sites of pairs of basic amino acids to yield intermediate-sized fragments. Other convertases like PACE4, PC5 and furin were not active. For the formation of the free neuropeptide secretoneurin a different pattern was found. Only PC1 but none of the other convertases tested including PC2 were capable of generating secretoneurin. Our results demonstrate that the prohormone convertases PC1 and PC2 are involved in proteolytic processing of secretogranin II. The neuropeptide secretoneurin can only be generated by PC1 suggesting tissue-specific processing of secretogranin II in neurons expressing different subsets of the prohormone convertases.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase D (CPD) is a recently discovered metallocarboxypeptidase that is predominantly located in the trans-Golgi network (TGN), and also cycles between the cell surface and the TGN. In the present study, the intracellular distribution of CPD was examined in AtT-20 cells, a mouse anterior pituitary-derived corticotroph. CPD-containing compartments were isolated using antibodies to the CPD cytosolic tail. The immunopurified vesicles contained TGN proteins (TGN38, furin, syntaxin 6) but not lysosomal or plasma membrane proteins. The CPD-containing vesicles also contained neuropeptide-processing enzymes and adrenocorticotropic hormone, a product of proopiomelanocortin proteolysis. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that CPD is present within the TGN and immature secretory granules but is virtually absent from mature granules, suggesting that CPD is actively removed from the regulated pathway during the process of granule maturation. A second major finding of the present study is that a soluble truncated form of CPD is secreted mainly via the constitutive pathway in AtT-20 cells, indicating that the lumenal domain does not contain signals for the sorting of CPD to mature secretory granules. Taken together, these data are consistent with the proposal that CPD participates in the processing of proteins within the TGN and immature secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Thyroglobulin, the precursor of thyroid hormones, is extracellularly stored in a highly condensed and covalently cross-linked form. Solublization of thyroglobulin is facilitated by cysteine proteinases like cathepsins B and K which are proteolytically active at the surface of thyroid epithelial cells. The cysteine proteinases mediate the processing of thyroglobulin by limited extracellular proteolysis at the apical plasma membrane, thereby rapidly liberating thyroxine. The trafficking of cysteine proteinases in thyroid epithelial cells includes their targeting to lysosomes where they become maturated before being transported to the apical plasma membrane and, thus, into the extracellular follicle lumen. We propose that thyroid stimulating hormone regulates extracellular proteolysis of thyroglobulin in that it enhances the rate of exocytosis of lysosomal proteins at the apical plasma membrane. Later, thyroid stimulating hormone upregulates thyroglobulin synthesis and its secretion into the follicle lumen for subsequent compaction by covalent cross-linking. Hence, cycles of thyroglobulin proteolysis and thyroglobulin deposition might result in the regulation of the size of the luminal content of thyroid follicles. We conclude that the biological significance of extracellularly acting cysteine proteinases of the thyroid is the rapid utilization of thyroglobulin for the maintenance of constant thyroid hormone levels in vertebrate organisms.  相似文献   

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