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根据新闻出版总署"建设‘中国期刊方阵'工作方案"的精神,按照期刊方阵入选要求的比例,经部门推荐,专家评审,最终从推荐名单中选出科技期刊716种进入中国期刊方阵,其中"双高"期刊40种,"双奖"期刊58种,"双百"期刊122种,"双效"期刊496种,<微生物学通报>列于"双效"期刊第163名. "中国期刊方阵"的建设是现阶段我国期刊出版事业发展的需要,是推进新世纪我国期刊发展的战略性举措,它将促进我国期刊"精品战略"的实施.  相似文献   

<正>为了进一步推动我国科技期刊的发展,提高其整体水平,更好地宣传和利用我国的优秀学术成果,起到引领和示范的作用,2012年中国科学技术信息研究所启动了"领跑者5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文"项目(F5000项目),建设了"领跑者5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文平台"(f5000.istic.ac.cn)。  相似文献   

"环境污染的危害"一节的课堂教学设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张金 《生物学通报》2004,39(5):38-38
高中《生物》必修教材“环境污染的危害”一节主要介绍了环境污染的常见类型及环境污染对生物的危害。近些年来,我国的生态环境面临着严峻的形势.为了保护好我们的生存环境,迫切需要对学生进行有关生态环境保护方面的国情教育。  相似文献   

<正>为了进一步推动我国科技期刊的发展,提高其整体水平,更好地宣传和利用我国的优秀学术成果,起到引领和示范的作用,2012年中国科学技术信息研究所启动了"领跑者5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文"项目(F5000项目),建设了"领跑者5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文平台"(f5000.istic.ac.cn)。《植物生态学报》2019年入选文章列表如下:  相似文献   

为了促进我国生态与环境科学研究者撰写英语研究论文的水平,同时进一步提高我国科技期刊的质量,从多层面为中国生态环境科学研究和科技期刊编辑出版提供更开阔的思路,增强科研人员和科技期刊主编及编委在国际和我国科技前沿的学术交流能力,中国科学院植物研究所、美国生态学会亚洲分会和Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment杂志联合主办,  相似文献   

祝诚 《生命科学》2006,18(2):102-105
当世界文明进入21世纪之时,科学技术正以空前的速度将人类带入数字和信息化的新时代;但是,在文明高度发展的同时,人类在可持续发展方面也面临着巨大的挑战。人口增长、资源不足、环境恶化三者相互影响,并呈恶性循环,而人口问题无疑是制约我国经济和社会可持续发展最突出的问题,解决这个问题的关键是应深入进行人口安全、计划生育和生殖健康的基础研究。  相似文献   

农药是保障粮食安全的战略性物资,但农药的不合理使用造成了农产品质量安全和生态环境安全等重大问题.绿色农药是根据绿色化学理念,采用环境友好的绿色原料,生产开发的更安全的农药.近年来,我国在绿色农药领域的研究实现了多个突破,极大提高了我国绿色农药原始创新能力,促进了我国农药产业的可持续发展.然而,我国农药产业的发展仍面临着诸多挑战.本文介绍了农药产业的国内外发展现状,绿色农药创制的研究进展和我国在农药产业上面临的问题,并从不同的角度提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

为了不断促进高校科技期刊的发展,提高期刊的学术质量和编辑出版质量,扩大我国高校科技期刊在国内外的影响,对科技期刊在科学活动和文献交流中所起的作用及其质量作出客观、全面的评价。在教育部科技司的领导下,  相似文献   

为了不断促进高校科技期刊的发展,提高期刊的学术质量和编辑出版质量,扩大我国高校科技期刊在国内外的影响,对科技期刊在科学活动和文献交流中所起的作用及其质量作出客观、全面的评价。在教育部科技司的领导下,  相似文献   

面临社会的变革和技术手段现代化的挑战,对科技期刊的跨世纪发展的几个重要方面提出思考与对策  相似文献   

To be periodical, a species must have a fixed life cycle length and adults must appear synchronously, reproduce only once, and die. The consequence of this life history is that, at a given location, adults of a periodical species will be absent or rare in some years and abundant in others. The relative scarcity of periodical Insect species suggests that periodicity does not evolve easily. The major obstacle to its evolution is selection favoring life cycles In which the offspring of any given female appear over a two- or three-year period. Chance events which disrupt this 'bet-hedging' strategy set the stage for periodicity. Mathematical models predict that, given certain initial conditions, intraspecific competition and predation favor its development. Recent studies suggest that periodicity is rarely perfect but that it can persist in the face of limited gene flow through time.  相似文献   

基于生态位理论的浙江省旅游城市竞争发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭莹  严力蛟 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2195-2205
在区域间旅游竞争日趋激烈的背景下,如何明辨竞争对手,采取科学竞争策略,是目前许多旅游城市亟待解决的问题之一。尝试运用生态位重叠理论和生态位态势理论构建了旅游城市竞争关系判断框架,并以浙江省11个旅游城市为研究对象进行了实证分析,发现这11个城市间旅游生态位重叠度都处于较高水平,彼此之间竞争压力比较大。11个旅游城市中,杭州、宁波和温州的旅游综合生态位居前三位,在旅游市场竞争中处于比较有利的地位,而舟山、湖州、衢州分别居倒数前三位,在旅游市场竞争中处于弱势的地位。在此基础上,运用生态位错位、生态位扩充等理论,针对每个城市与其他城市间的生态位重叠度和自身旅游综合生态位的大小,提出了相对应的基本竞争发展策略。  相似文献   

两种或两种以上的病原物同时侵染昆虫寄主时,病原物之间的相互作用表现为偏利、偏害、中性及竞争等类型,寄生群体的病症可呈多种形式.根据单种病菌的重叠侵染原理,建立了多种病原物混合侵染时以温度、病原接种量、虫龄及湿度为因子的昆虫流行病模型.由模型可计算寄生群体中不同病原物的致病比率,及寄主群体的总发病率,给出了模型的参数求解算法,以及病原物相互作用类型的判定准则.这类模型可用于多种病原物混合侵染的昆虫流行病预测,也可作为多种病原物混合施用防治害虫的最优化模型.  相似文献   

张宇凡  王小艺 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4478-4488
当昆虫类群表现为长生命周期k(k > 1)年时,成虫的羽化表现为非周期性、周期性和过渡周期性3种形式。非周期性即为成虫每年均羽化,周期性即为成虫每k年才羽化1次,过渡周期性为非周期昆虫逐渐进化为羽化周期性的必经阶段,不同年份羽化的同生群在密度上产生了显著差异,形成了小同生群和优势同生群。自然界中表现出完全羽化周期性的昆虫种类是较少的,但由于其高种群密度的成虫同步性羽化现象,对比非周期性昆虫更易暴发成灾。为明确周期性昆虫演化进程并为林区虫害防控提供理论指导,总结了周期性昆虫的种类和生活特性,不同年间的气候异质性、自然灾害、扩散到未分布区域、天敌、种间和种内竞争等因素均有可能成为过渡周期现象形成的最初驱动力,生活史延长、寄主-天敌互作、低温驱动效应、天敌不敏感-捕食者饱足效应、种间和种内竞争等是促使昆虫羽化周期性形成的可能机制。在林区管理实践中,应提前评估害虫羽化周期性产生的趋势和程度。当成虫表现出完全羽化周期性,应在集中羽化年份内采取见效快的综合防控策略,降低唯一同生群密度至经济阈值以下。当成虫表现出过渡周期性,应加大优势同生群防治力度、降低小同生群防治频率,以及采取天敌林间释放和保育技术以平衡天敌对目标害虫的不同发育阶段种群的控制作用大小,遏制或减缓天敌-寄主互作驱动下的周期性演化进程,逐渐实现由过渡周期阶段向非周期性的逆转。当成虫表现出非周期性,应减少专化性天敌的释放和针对害虫特定阶段的防治措施使用频率,优先选择作用于所有发育阶段且致死率不存在显著差异的防治手段,避免因人为干扰产生的周期性演化和进一步的成灾。  相似文献   

持久性土壤种子库(PSSB)是一种重要的植物生活史对策, 很多学者就这种对策对物种适应和进化的影响进行过推理。但种子在土壤中的长时间存留是一种风险行为, 所有的PSSB影响的推理都取决于一个假设, 即PSSB种子萌发的个体的竞争能力没有因为存留损耗而显著降低。为验证这一假设, 该文以紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)为研究材料, 比较了埋藏1年和3年的PSSB种子萌发的个体与同母体的当年新种子萌发的个体之间在无竞争和4种密度制约竞争条件下的株高和生物量的差异。结果显示, 无论株高还是生物量, PSSB种子萌发的个体较同母体的新种子萌发的个体均有所降低, 但在多数检测时间内的降低程度未达到显著水平, 表明紫茎泽兰PSSB种子萌发的个体相对于同母体的新种子萌发的个体的竞争能力无显著下降。  相似文献   

Summary A special pattern of the flicker is studied in insects belonging to four Orders, i. e. the differential electrical synchronised response of the eye periodically stimulated by two slightly different alternating illuminations.After having checked that the flicker in response to a regular periodical stimulation at every frequency is made up of successive equal potentials, we use two slightly different alternate flickering flashes. It is established that the alternation of two periodical stimulations of a different duration, as well as the alternation of two periodical stimulations of a different intensity, results, over a certain frequency which depends on the insect studied, in the appearance of a flicker marked with the alternation of two potentials whose difference increases at the same time as the frequency of stimulation.The dependence of this phenomenon on modulation of the light flux is described. At a given frequency of stimulation, the alternation of a high and low potential is more obvious when the modulation is lower.A particular experiment allows us to admit that the differential threshold of electrical response to two different stimulations is under 0.25%, at the frequency 100 Hz, inCalliphora erythrocephala.All the phenomena observed can be explained by a mathematical theory which considers the characteristics of the amplitude of the response to sinusoidal stimulations of various frequencies, i. e. the characteristics of the transfer function of the frequencies.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of periodical mass‐flowering plants (shortly periodical plants), exhibiting periodical mass flowering and death immediately after flowering, has not been demonstrated. Within the genus Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae), which includes more than 50 periodical species, Strobilanthes flexicaulis on Okinawa Island, Japan, flowers gregariously every 6 years. We investigated the life history of S. flexicaulis in other regions and that of closely related species together with their molecular phylogeny to reveal the evolutionary origin of periodical mass flowering. S. flexicaulis on Taiwan Island was found to be a polycarpic perennial with no mass flowering and, in the Yaeyama Islands, Japan, a monocarpic perennial with no mass flowering. Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicated that a polycarpic perennial was the ancestral state in this whole group including S. flexicaulis and the closely related species. No distinctive genetic differentiation was found in S. flexicaulis among all three life histories (polycarpic perennial, monocarpic perennial, and periodical plant). These results suggest that among S. flexicaulis, the periodical mass flowering on Okinawa Island had evolved from the polycarpic perennial on Taiwan Island via the monocarpic perennial in the Yaeyama Islands. Thus, the evolution of life histories could have taken at the level of local populations within a species.  相似文献   

Intraspecific brood parasitism involves laying eggs in the nest of another individual of the same species without subsequently caring for the eggs or hatchlings. Where individuals lay in their own nest as well as parasitically, previous works predicted that parasitism leads to fewer eggs being laid in an individual's own nest, compared with the equivalent situation without parasitism. This is predicted to occur both to reduce the effects of competition from parasitically laid individuals and because parasitism can be used to reduce competition between siblings. Here, we present a quantitative model of this situation. This model indicates that the brood-reduction prediction does not hold universally. For some plausible parameter combinations, parasitism causes an increase rather than a decrease in the number of eggs laid by an individual in its own nest. This occurs because parasitism becomes a less profitable tactic as more eggs are laid by nest owners due to increasing within-nest competition. Increasing clutch size will also increase competition between the host's own offspring, but can still be advantageous if the induced reduction in parasitism is sufficient.  相似文献   

Consider a situation where spatial heterogeneity leads to a cline, a gradual transition in dominance of two competing species. We first prove, in the context of a simplified competition–diffusion model, that there exists a stationary solution showing that the two species coexist in a transition zone. What happens then if, owing to climate change, the environmental profile moves with constant speed in space? We show here that, when the speed with which the environmental condition shifts exceeds the Fisher invasion speed of the advancing species, an expanding gap will form. We raise the question of whether such a phenomenon has been or can be observed.  相似文献   

Abstract Character displacement has long been considered a major cause of adaptive diversification. When species compete for resources or mates, character displacement minimizes competition by promoting divergence in phenotypes associated with resource use (ecological character displacement) or mate attraction (reproductive character displacement). In this study, we investigated whether character displacement can also have pleiotropic effects that lead to fitness trade-offs between the benefits of avoiding competition and costs accrued in other fitness components. We show that both reproductive and ecological character displacement have caused spadefoot toads to evolve smaller body size in the presence of a heterospecific competitor. Although this shift in size likely arose as a by-product of character displacement acting to promote divergence between species in mating behavior and larval development, it concomitantly reduces offspring survival, female fecundity, and sexual selection on males. Thus, character displacement may represent the "best of a bad situation" in that it lessens competition, but at a cost. Individuals in sympatry with the displaced phenotype will have higher fitness than those without the displaced trait because they experience reduced competition, but they may have reduced fitness relative to individuals in allopatry. Such a fitness trade-off can limit the conditions under which character displacement evolves and may even increase the risk of "Darwinian extinction" in sympatric populations. Consequently, character displacement may not always promote diversification in the manner that is often expected.  相似文献   

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