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Three experiments were conducted in which 2-cell bovine embryos were prepared from oocytes, obtained from abattoir ovaries, by in-vitro maturation for 22 to 24 hours, followed by exposure to spermatozoa for 8 hours and culture for 40 hours within the cumulus. The cumulus cells were then removed, and the cleaved embryos were cultured for a further 120 hours or longer, in the presence or absence of glucose, pyruvate and lactate. Very few embryos developed in the complete absence of energy substrates. Lactate and pyruvate, alone or combined, supported development to the 8-cell stage, but pyruvate was required to support development to the morula stage (Experiment 1). When present throughout culture or when added at 48 or 96 hours postinsemination, 5.56 mM glucose was detrimental to development (Experiments 1 and 2). However, when added at 120 hours postinsemination, 5.56 mM glucose improved development to the blastocyst and expanded blastocyst stages, compared with no glucose or 11.12 mM glucose (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to determine the effects of stage of development on Day 7 of in vitro-produced bovine embryos on survival after deep freezing and on sex ratio. Bovine IVF embryos and bovine oviductal epithelial cells (BOEC) were co-cultured in TCM-199 and, on Day 7 after insemination (Day 0), were morphologically evaluated and divided into groups by developmental stage. In Experiment 1, embryos classified as early blastocysts, blastocysts and full-expanding blastocysts were randomly subdivided into 2 groups by replicate: 50% of the embryos were placed immediately in a new BOEC co-culture (fresh group), while the other 50% were frozen, thawed and placed in a new BOEC co-culture (frozen/thawed group). Embryos were frozen in 1.5 M glycerol using a standard slow cooling technique. Fresh and frozen/thawed embryos were compared for survival rate (embryos hatching/hatched) in BOEC co-culture over the following 3 d (i.e., Days 7 to 10). The overall survival of the 425 embryos (early to full-expanding blastocysts) was 33% and was not different between fresh (35%) and frozen/thawed (30%) embryos. Survival of embryos cultured fresh or after freezing/thawing was higher for full-expanding blastocysts than for early blastocysts or for blastocysts, both of which were not different. In Experiment 2, all frozen/thawed embryos used in Experiment 1 plus all morulae and hatched blastocysts collected and frozen on Day 7 without regard to survival were sexed utilizing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Sex of the embryos, by stage of development on Day 7, was determined in order to compare the rate of development in BOEC co-culture with the sex ratio (percentage of males). A total of 235 embryos was sex-determined with an overall percentage of males of 51%, which was not different from the expected 1:1 sex ratio. Both full-expanding blastocysts and hatched blastocysts had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) proportion of males (68 and 100%, respectively), while morulae had a significantly lower proportion of males (24%). Early blastocysts and blastocysts did not differ from a 1:1 sex ratio. The results indicate that male embryos develop faster in vitro than female embryos. The higher survival rate of full-expanding blastocysts after freezing/thawing, and the production of a higher number of males than females among embryos of this developmental stage suggest that a greater number of male fetuses may result from the successful freezing and transfer of in vitro-produced bovine embryos.  相似文献   

The developmental rate to the blastocyst stage of frozen-thawed bovine in vitro produced embryos at stages earlier than Day 6 morula is not sufficiently high for practical utilization. The present study was undertaken to determine the effect of polarization of lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of bovine in vitro produced embryos from zygotes to the 8-cell stage, by centrifugation without following micromanipulation, on the survival rate of Day 4 16-cell embryos. After centrifugation at 15,500 x g in medium containing cytochalasin D, embryos were cultured to the 16-cell stage, classified as either mostly or partially delipidated by degree of lipid droplet removal, and then frozen. Embryos centrifuged at the 2-cell stage developed to the 16-cell stage similarly to those centrifuged at the 8-cell stage. The developmental rate to blastocysts after freezing of the mostly delipidated 16-cell embryos centrifuged at the 2-cell stage was higher than that of those centrifuged at the zygote stage, those that were partially delipidated at the 2-cell stage, and those that were not centrifuged. The results demonstrate that polarization of lipid droplets at the 2-cell stage by centrifugation without micromanipulation improved the survival rate of mostly delipidated 16-cell embryos after freezing.  相似文献   

Vitrification of rat embryos at various developmental stages   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Han MS  Niwa K  Kasai M 《Theriogenology》2003,59(8):1851-1863
The effect of developmental stage on the survival of cryopreserved rat embryos was examined. Wistar rat embryos at various developmental stages were vitrified by a 1-step method with EFS40, an ethylene glycol-based solution, or by a 2-step method with EFS20 and EFS40. After warming, the survival of the embryos was assessed by their morphology, their ability to develop to blastocysts (or expanded blastocysts for blastocysts) in culture, or their ability to develop to term after transfer. Most (91-100%) of the embryos recovered after vitrification were morphologically normal in all developmental stages. However, the developmental ability of 1-cell embryos was quite low; exposing them to EFS40 for just 0.5 min decreased the in vitro survival rate from 76 to 9%. The survival rates of 2-cell embryos and blastocysts, both in vitro and in vivo, were significantly higher with a 2-step vitrification process than with a 1-step vitrification process. Very high in vitro survival rates (94-100%) were obtained in 4- to 8-cell embryos and morulae in the 1-step method. Although survival rates in vivo of 4-cell (40%) and 8-cell (4%) embryos vitrified by the 1-step method were comparatively low, the values were similar to those obtained in non-vitrified fresh embryos. When morulae vitrified by the 1-step method were transferred to recipients, the in vivo survival rate (61%) was high, and not significantly different from that of fresh embryos (70%). These results show that rat embryos at the 2-cell to blastocyst stages can be vitrified with EFS40, and that the morula stage is the most feasible stage for embryo cryopreservation in this species.  相似文献   

Chromosomal mosaicism has been reported in in vitro-cultured embryos at early cleavage stages, as well as in morulae and blastocysts. We have assessed the incidence and pattern of mosaicism during in vitro development of human embryos from early-cleavage stages to morula and blastocyst. Fifty spare embryos were fixed for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis for chromosomes X, Y, 13, 18, and 21 on days 2 or 3 (4- to 10-cell stage) (n = 16), on day 4 (morula stage) (n = 14), on day 5 (pre-expanded blastocyst) (n = 5), and the expanded blastocyst stages (n = 15). Blocked embryos (no cleavage observed within the last 24 hr) were not included. A total of 2367 cells were analyzed. Four early-cleavage stage embryos were found uniformly diploid; all of the others were mosaic for the chromosomes analyzed (mean diploid nuclei 48.3% +/- 28.7). All of the embryos at more advanced developmental stages, except one fully normal morula, had mosaic chromosome constitutions, with an increase in the percentage of diploid cells in morulae, pre-expanded, and expanded blastocysts, respectively (mean diploid nuclei 78.6% +/- 11.7, 66.0% +/- 20.8, 79.6% +/- 12.8), in comparison with earlier stages. Hypotheses about the origin of mosaicism and embryo regulation mechanisms will be discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, three different vitrification systems (open pulled straw: OPS; superfine open pulled straw: SOPS; and Vit-Master technology using SOPS: Vit-Master-SOPS) were compared in order to investigate the influence of cooling rate on in vitro development of vitrified/warmed porcine morulae, early blastocysts, or expanded blastocysts. Embryos were obtained surgically on Day 6 of the estrous cycle (D0 = onset of estrus) from weaned crossbred sows, classified and pooled according their developmental stage. A subset of embryos from each developmental stage was cultured to evaluate the in vitro development of fresh embryos; the remaining embryos were randomly allocated to each vitrification system. After vitrification and warming, embryos were cultured in vitro for 96 h in TCM199 with 10% fetal calf serum at 39 degrees C, in 5% CO(2) in humidified air. During the culture period, embryos were morphologically evaluated for their developmental progression. The developmental stage of embryos at collection affected the survival and hatching rates of vitrified/warmed embryos (P < 0.001). The vitrification system or the interaction of vitrification system and developmental stage had no effect on these parameters (P > 0.05). Vitrified expanded blastocysts showed the best development in vitro (P < 0.001), with survival and hatching rates similar to those of fresh expanded blastocysts. The hatching rate of fresh morula or early blastocyst stage embryos was higher than their vitrified counterparts. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, cooling rates greater than 20,000 degrees C/min, as occurs when SOPS or Vit-Master-SOPS systems are used, do not enhance the efficiency of in vitro development of vitrified porcine embryos.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation was to test the effectiveness of a method of vitrifying rat embryos at different stages of development (from early morula to expanding blastocyst) in a double vitrification procedure. Wistar rat embryos were vitrified and warmed in super-fine open-pulled straws (SOPS). Before being plunged into liquid nitrogen, the embryos were exposed to 40% ethylene glycol+0.75 M sucrose in TCM-199+20% fetal calf serum (FCS) for 20s at 38 degrees C. Subsequent warming and direct rehydration of the embryos was conducted in culture medium (TCM-199+20% FCS) at 38 degrees C. Early morula stage (7-10 blastomeres) embryos (n=358) were vitrified, warmed and cultured in vitro (EM group). Batches of these embryos were then cryopreserved again (revitrified) at the early blastocyst (EB group, n=87), blastocyst (B group, n=93) or expanding blastocyst stage (ExpB group, n=73). After the first (EM group) and repeated (EB, B, and ExpB groups) vitrification procedures, developmental rates of 81, 83, 34 and 76%, respectively were achieved (for EM-EB-ExpB P>0.1; for EM, EB, ExpB-B P<0.005). Our data demonstrate the possibility of using the described identical protocol for the SOPS vitrification of rat early morulae, early blastocysts and expanding blastocysts. The low survival rate of blastocysts subjected to double vitrification requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Survival of zebrafish Danio rerio embryos subjected to yolk redistribution during early development (cleavage to segmentation) was found to be dependent on the stage of manipulation and the quantity of redistributed yolk. The findings point to the presence and importance of yolk intrinsic organization during early development.  相似文献   

Protein expression during the early development of Xenopus has been followed by 2D-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The analysis of two-dimensional maps of eggs and embryos at different stages of development has allowed the separation of more than 2000 spots. Identification of numerous polypeptides was obtained in four different ways: (1) immuno-blotting; (2) amino terminal sequence after blotting on to PVDF membranes; (3) comigration; and (4) assignment in comparison with proteins separated by 2D techniques on reference maps such as human liver, red blood cells, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid reported in the Swiss 2D-PAGE Data Base. The maps presented in this report are a step toward the study of the protein expression in Xenopus eggs and embryos and may be a powerful working tool since Xenopus embryos are popular models for the study of development.  相似文献   

Previously, we developed a new method by which 2‐cell mouse embryos can be vitrified in liquid nitrogen in a near‐equilibrium state, and then kept at ?80°C for several days. In the present study, we examined whether or not the method was effective for mouse embryos at other developmental stages. Eight‐cell embryos, morulae, and expanded blastocysts of ICR mice were vitrified with ethylene glycol‐based solutions, named EFSc because of their composition of ethylene glycol (30–40%, v/v) and FSc solution. The FSc solution was PB1 medium containing 30% (w/v) Ficoll PM‐70 plus 1.5 M sucrose. The extent of equilibrium was assessed by examining how well vitrified embryos survived after being kept at ?80°C. When 8‐cell embryos and morulae were vitrified with EFS35c or EFS40c and then kept at ?80°C, the survival rate was high even after 4 days in storage and remained high after re‐cooling in liquid nitrogen. On the other hand, the survival of vitrified‐expanded blastocysts kept at ?80°C was low. Therefore, 8‐cell embryos and morulae can be vitrified in a near‐equilibrium state using the same method as for 2‐cell embryos. A high proportion of C57BL/6J embryos at the 2‐cell, 8‐cell, and morula stages vitrified with EFS35c developed to term after transportation on dry ice, re‐cooling in liquid nitrogen, and transfer to recipients. In conclusion, the near‐equilibrium vitrification method, which is effective for 2‐cell mouse embryos, is also effective for embryos at the 8‐cell and morula stages. The method would enable handy transportation of vitrified embryos using dry ice. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 785–794, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Numerous genetically engineered rat strains have been produced via genome editing. Although freezing of embryos is helpful for the production and storage of these valuable strains, the tolerance to freezing of embryos varies at each developmental stage of the embryo. This study examined the tolerance to freezing of rat embryos at various developmental stages, particularly at the pronuclear stage. Embryos that had developed to the pronuclear, 2-cell, and morula stages were frozen via vitrification using ethylene glycol- and propylene glycol-based solutions. More than 90% of the embryos at all developmental stages survived after warming. The developmental rates to offspring of thawed embryos at the pronuclear, 2-cell, and morula stages were 19%, 41%, and 52%, respectively. Pronuclear stage embryos between the early and late developmental stages were then vitrified. The developmental rates to offspring of the thawed pronuclear stage embryos collected at 24, 28, and 31 h after the induction of ovulation were 17%, 21%, and 23%, respectively. These results indicated that the tolerance to vitrification of rat embryos increased with the development of embryos. The establishment of vitrification method of rat embryos at various developmental stages is helpful for improving the production and storage of valuable rat strains used for biomedical science.  相似文献   

The in situ identification of carbohydrate structures in Trichinella spiralis intestinal larvae, adults and L1 muscular larvae was carried out by lectin histochemistry, with emphasis on the O-linked glycans. The absence of reactivity with two lectins-TML and MAL indicated that Trichinella spiralis does not synthesize sialic acid. Reactivity with HPA, VVL-B4, PNA and UEA-I staining suggested that T. spiralis synthesizes and expresses on its cuticle O-linked glycans analogous to Tn-antigen (GalNAc-α-Ser/Thr), T-antigen (Gal-β1,3-GalNAc-α-Ser/Thr) and also structures analogous to A-blood group antigens (GalNAc-α1,3-Gal-β1,3(4)-(Fuc-α1,2-)-R). Expression of the saccharidic moieties is stage-specific. Blood group-A and T-antigen structures were identified on the cuticle of the intestinal and muscular larvae. The Tn-antigen structure was missing in the intestinal larvae. Appropriate ligands for WGA were not identified in the adult individuals. The obtained results may contribute to a better understanding of the glycobiology of this parasitic nematode in relation to occupation of its intracellular niche. The presence of saccharidic structures analogous to some of those expressed on the intestinal epithelial cells may serve as a protective shield on the surface of the parasite.  相似文献   

Mature embryonic axes were used for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of protein profile during somatic embryogenesis by SDS-PAGE and densitometric analysis showed differential expression of various storage proteins at different stages of somatic embryo development, which was compared with the profile of developing seeds. Total protein content in somatic embryos of chickpea increased from globular stage [2.9 μg mg−1(f.m.)] to cotyledonary stage [4.8 μg mg−1(f.m.)] and then started decreasing during onset of maturation and germination [up to 1.5 μg mg−1(f.m.)]. Differential expression of seed storage proteins, late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins and proteins related with stress response were documented at different stages of somatic embryogenesis. Germinating somatic embryos showed degradation products of several seed storage proteins and the appearance of new polypeptides (76.8, 67.6, 49.9 and 34.2 kDa), which were absent during differentiation of somatic embryos. A low molecular mass (17.7 kDa) polypeptide was uniformly present during all stages of somatic embryogenesis and it may belong to a group of stress-related proteins. This study describes the expression of true seed storage proteins like legumin, vicilin, convicilin and their subunits at different stages of somatic embryogenesis, which may serve as excellent markers for embryogenic pathway of regeneration in chickpea.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine if BHV-1 is able to replicate within in vitro produced embryos and to investigate the degree to which the zona pellucida (ZP) is able to protect in vitro produced embryos against infection with BHV-1. Both ZP-intact and ZP-free matured oocytes, zygotes (1 d post insemination; 1dpi), 8-cell stage embryos (3 dpi), morulae (6 dpi) were incubated for 1 h in 1 ml of MEM containing 10(7.7) TCID(50)/ml BHV-1 (Cooper strain). Three titers (10(5.7), 10(6.7) and 10(7.7) TCID(50)/ml) of the Cooper strain were used for incubation of hatched blastocysts (9 dpi). Bovine embryonic lung cells (BEL) on microcarriers were inoculated following the same protocol as for the embryos. At 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h post inoculation (hpi), groups of embryos and BEL cells were collected for virus titration and for the determination of the percentage of viral antigen positive cells by immunofluorescence. For the 3 developmental stages in ZP-free embryos, similar maximal intracellular virus progeny titers were obtained at 24 to 48 hpi ranging from 10(1.32) to 10(1.43) TCID(50)/ 100 embryonic cells. The intracellular virus titer in the BEL cells peaked at 10(3.08) TCID(50)/ 100 BEL cells. The percentage of cells which expressed viral antigens was 13% in ZP-free hatched blastocysts, 17% in ZP-free morulae and 100% in BEL cells. In ZP-intact embryos, no replication of BHV-1 was detected. These results clearly show that only after removal of the zona pellucida, BHV-1 is able to replicate within the in vitro produced embryos, with only a subset of embryonic cells being fully susceptible.  相似文献   

Microsomes prepared from bovine corneal epithelium metabolized 14C-arachidonic acid into two unidentified products, separated by thin-layer chromatography and called Peaks I and II. Each peak was further separated by high performance liquid chromatography into two metabolites. The formation of these metabolites was dependent on the addition of NADPH and inhibited by carbon monoxide and SKF-525A, suggesting a cytochrome P450-dependent mechanism. The presence of cytochrome P450 in the corneal epithelium was assessed directly by measurement of the carbon monoxide reduced spectrum and indirectly by measuring aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity. The activity of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase was protein- and NADPH-dependent and was inhibited by SKF-525A.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to determine the effects of lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism on the function of the bovine corpus luteum (CL). In the first experiment, reaction products of soybean lipoxidase-AA were added to dispersed bovine luteal cells in increasing concentrations. These lipoxygenase products resulted in a dose-related reduction in the biosynthesis of progesterone and 6-keto-prostaglandin (PG)F1 alpha, while the synthesis of PGF2 alpha was unaffected. In a second experiment, the addition of 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE), a specific lipoxygenase product, again resulted in a reduction in progesterone and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, with no change in PGF2 alpha synthesis. Extremely high endogenous concentrations of 5-HETE were measured in luteal tissues (36 +/- 17 to 46 +/- 13 ng/10(6) cells) in a third experiment. In the fourth experiment, an inhibitor of the lipoxygenase pathways, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) infused into the uterine lumen twice daily on Days 14-18 of the estrous cycle delayed luteolysis and resulted in lengthened estrous cycles (27.2 +/- 0.3 vs 21.5 +/- 1.0 days for controls, p less than 0.05). Thus, an inhibitor of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism delays luteolysis, possibly by removing the preferential inhibition of PGF1 alpha biosynthesis caused by 5-HETE and other products of the lipoxygenase system. Collectively, these results suggest that products of the lipoxygenase pathway are involved in luteolysis in normal heifers.  相似文献   

The male-specific H-Y antigen is present on mammalian cell membranes and has been identified by various methods, including antiserum cytotoxicity. The objective of the present study was to determine the sex of in vitro produced (IVP) bovine embryos, at varying stages of development, by culturing in the presence of rat monoclonal H-Y antibodies. Embryos derived from IVM/IVF were classified according to the interval after IVF (48, 96 or 120 h) as Category 1, 2 or 3 if they had 4 to 8, <32, and >32 cells, respectively. Embryos of each category were cultured for 24h in TCM-199 supplemented with bovine oviductal epithelial cells, fetal calf serum (FCS), and antibiotics (Control group), to which the following had been added: guinea pig serum (GPS; C' group); H-Y antiserum (HY group); or GPS and H-Y antiserum (C' + HY group). After culture, embryos were designated as "affected" when development was arrested or one or more blastomeres was degenerate; embryos lacking these changes were designated "unaffected." The sex of each embryo was subsequently determined by chromosome analysis. After 48h of IVF (Category 1), within each of the four treatments, the proportion of unaffected embryos was higher than the proportion of unaffected embryos (81% versus 19%, P < 0.05). Similarly, the Control, C' and HY groups of Categories 2 and 3 embryos had different proportions of unaffected versus affected embryos (75% versus 25%, P < 0.05). In all these groups, the male:female ratio did not significantly differ from 1:1. In contrast, in the C' + HY group of Categories 2 and 3 embryos, the ratio of unaffected versus affected embryos was 41% versus 59% (P < 0.05) and the male:female ratio differed (P < 0.05) from the expected 1:1 ratio (approximately 0.3:1 and 4.5:1 for unaffected versus affected, respectively). In conclusion, when bovine embryos were cultured in the presence of rat monoclonal H-Y antibodies and compliment, alterations occurred in embryos that were beyond the 8-cell stage; we inferred that the antibodies cross-reacted with H-Y antigens.  相似文献   

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