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Nigericin is a monocarboxylic polyether molecule described as a mobile K+ ionophore unable to transport Li+ and Cs+ across natural or artificial membranes. This paper shows that the ion carrier molecule forms complexes of equivalent energy demands with Li+, Cs+, Na+, Rb+, and K+. This is in accordance with the similar values of the complex stability constants obtained from nigericin with the five alkali metal cations assayed. On the other hand, nigericinalkali metal cation binding isotherms show faster rates for Li+ and Cs+ than for Na+, K+, and Rb+, in conditions where the carboxylic proton does not dissociate. Furthermore, proton NMR spectra of nigericin-Li+ and nigericin-Cs+ complexes show wide broadenings, suggesting strong cation interaction with the ionophore; in contrast, the complexes with Na+, K+, and Rb+ show only clear-cut chemical shifts. These latter results support the view that nigericin forms highly stable complexes with Li+ and Cs+ and contribute to the explanation for the inability of this ionophore to transport the former cations in conditions where it catalyzes a fast transport of K+>Rb+>Na+.Part of the results of this paper were presented at the 14th International Congress of Biochemistry in Prague, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

Several molecules like ionophores, vitamins, ion-binding cyclic peptides, acidic phospholipids, surfactants are known to expose the inner side of vesicles, to the externally added cations. Whereas ionophores and certain other systems bring about these changes by a selective transport (influx) of the cation by specialized mechanisms known as the carrier and channel mechanism, other systems cause lysis and vesicle fusion. These systems have been successfully studied using1H,31 P and13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy after the demonstration, fifteen years ago, of the ability of paramagnetic lanthanide ions to distinguish the inside of the vesicle from the outside. The results of these ’nuclear magnetic resonance kinetics’ experiments are reviewed.  相似文献   

在低盐介质中,含有垛叠类囊体(基粒)与不垛叠类囊体(间质片层)结构的叶绿体进行的光系统I电子传递与磷酸化反应(PSP)都为低浓度的尼日利亚菌素所促进,低浓度的氯化铵对基粒结构叶绿体的系统I与包括两个系统的电子传递以及与之相偶联的磷酸化反应有促进效应,而对间质片层膜上进行的PSP反应无影响。尼日利亚菌素或氯化铵对PSP的促进效应在高盐介质中消失,且它们对高能态(Z)形成的抑制效应在低盐介质中较高盐介质中大。当存在吡啶时,在低盐介质中它们对Z形成的影响是抑制作用,在高盐介质中则是促进效应。这都表明不同结构的膜上均存在区域化质子。  相似文献   

Summary The neutral, noncyclic Li-selective ionophore ETH1810, which is a di-imide, differs structurally from previous similar ionophores by removal of the intramolecular symmetry of the N-imide substituents. Properties of this ionophore, as a potential carrier of lithium, were probed through studies of ionophore-induced changes in electrical properties of lipid bilayer membranes. ETH1810 was found capable of transporting lithium and other monovalent cations, across lipid bilayer membranes, forming 21 ionophore: ion membrane-permeating species. It was found to be 10-fold more potent than ETH1644, which was the previous best ionophore of this type. The selectivity sequence among alkali cations was found to be: Li+(1)>Na+ (0,009)>K+ (0.004)>Cs+(0.0035). Among the physiological alkali cations, it constitutes a 40 (vs. Na+) to 160% (vs. K+) improvement over ETH1644. ETH1810 was also found to be capable of acting as a carrier of biogenic amines and related molecules, with the following selectivity sequence: tryptamine (20)>phenylethylamine (7.8)>tyramine (4.3)>serotonin (2.5)>Li+ (1)>NH 4 + (0.013)>dopamine (0.012). It was found that protons, at physiological concentrations, do not interfere with the lithium transport mediated by ETH1810. The relationship between the improvements in ionic selectivity and potencyvs. the differences in structural features is discussed.  相似文献   

Reaction of (PhMe2P)2PtMe2 or [(κ2-P,N)-Ph2PC2H4NMe2]PtMe2 with an excess of H2SnBu2 or H2SnPh2 resulted in the catalytic formation of cyclo-, oligo- and/or polystannanes. In the reaction of (PhMe2P)2PtMe2 with H2SnBu2, linear oligomeric species H(SnBu2)nH were observed in the initial stage of the reaction, which eventually converted into cyclostannanes. Only polystannanes were observed in the reaction of [(κ2-P,N)-Ph2PC2H4NMe2]PtMe2 with H2SnBu2. The reactions of H2SnPh2 were similar, but more difficult to analyze due to redistribution reactions and the formation of insoluble products. The mechanism of the reactions is clearly different to that previously observed for HSnR3 because metal complexes indicative of oxidative addition/reductive elimination reactions were only observed as minor products.  相似文献   

To clarify the possible molecular mechanism of cation unit conductance of poly(D ,L -proline) across lipidic membranes, the structure and conformation of tetraproline derivatives with different configurational sequences in solid state, as well as in solution and in the presence of alkali and alkali-earth ions, were investigated using x-ray analysis, CD, and nmr spectroscopy. The tetraproline derivatives Boc(D -Pro-L -Pro-L -Pro-D -Pro)OBg and Boc(L -Pro)4OBg show very different conformational versatilities in solutions as well as different propensities to form complexes with Ca2+ ion. This is interpreted, based on previous evidence, as due to different abilities to form ion complexing cavities. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 257–267, 1998  相似文献   

Aggregation of the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide yields both fibrillar precipitates and soluble oligomers, and is associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In vitro, Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) strongly bind Abeta and promote its precipitation. However, less is known about their interactions with the soluble oligomers, which are thought to be the major toxic species responsible for AD. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to resolve the various soluble species of Abeta, we show that low concentrations of Cu(2+) (1 microM) and Zn(2+) (4 microM) selectively eliminate the oligomeric population (within approximately 2h), while Mg(2+) displays a similar effect at a higher concentration (60 microM). This uncovers a new aspect of Abeta-metal ion interactions, as precipitation is not substantially altered at these low metal ion concentrations. Our results suggest that physiological concentrations of Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) can critically alter the stability of the toxic Abeta oligomers and can potentially control the course of neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

The technique of calculating the strain energy of metal ion complexes as a function of metal to ligand bond length (Hancock and McDougall, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 102 (1980) 6553) is used to study best-fit sizes of metal ions for coordinating with tetraaza and triaza macrocyles. In addition to varying the metal to ligand bond length in the calculations, different coordination geometries of the metal ion are also examined. The metal to nitrogen (M-N) bond lengths, and coordination geometries, that give lowest energies for several N-donor macrocyles, are calculated by molecular mechanics, and 16-aneN4 (1,5,9,13-tetraazacyclohexadecane) is found, contrary to popular belief, to coordinate best with very small metal ions, with lowest energy occurring for a slightly flattened tetrahedral metal ion of M-N length = 1.81 Å. The best-fit size and geometry for coordination in 12-aneN4 (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclotetradecane) is an M-N length of 2.15 Å and square pyramidal geometry, and with cyclam (1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane) an M-N length of 2.06 Å and planar coordination that is approximately square.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters are trimeric membrane proteins in which each protomer contains a separate translocation path. To determine whether structural rearrangements take place at the subunit interfaces during transport, intersubunit disulfide bridges were introduced in the bacterial transporter GltT. None of the intersubunit cross-links, which had been designed across the entire interface, affected the glutamate transport activity, indicating that the subunit interfaces are rigid during turnover.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(1-2):155-168
Plasma membrane vesicles isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells have been used to investigate the role of the transmembrane potential in the energetics of Systems A and L. As expected, Na+-dependent System A was responsive to changes in membrane potential. System L activity, as measured by transport of 2-aminonorbornane-2-carboxylic acid (BCH), was shown to be Na+-independent and was not altered by changes in the membrane potential. The combination of valinomycin and nigericin decreased accumulation of MeAIB but not that of BCH. The presence of nigericin alone caused a significant decrease in uptake by System A and a decrease in uptake by System L to a lesser degree. The inhibitory action of nigericin might reflect its ability to dissipate the Na+ gradient rather than an effect on K+ or H+ flows. The results indicate that modes of energization not produced through the transmembrane potential must account for any uphill operation of System L.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus, Lambertella corni-maris (L. corni-maris), a mycoparasite on Monilinia fructigena, produces the antibiotics, lambertellols A (1), B (2), and lambertellin (3), in a substantial amounts under acidic conditions, whereas these antibiotics were hardly detected when the fungus was cultured on a potato-sucrose (PS) medium without added acids. Our investigations also revealed that the host, M. fructigena, changed its surroundings into acidic conditions, suggesting that the acidic conditions acted as kairomones that stimulated the production of 13.  相似文献   

Simple techniques of network thermodynamics are used to obtain the numerical solution of the Nernst-Planck and Poisson equation system. A network model for a particular physical situation, namely ionic transport through a thin membrane with simultaneous diffusion, convection and electric current, is proposed. Concentration and electric field profiles across the membrane, as well as diffusion potential, have been simulated using the electric circuit simulation program, SPICE. The method is quite general and extremely efficient, permitting treatments of multi-ion systems whatever the boundary and experimental conditions may be.  相似文献   

Summary Nigericin, an ionophorous antibiotic, is converted to epinigericin by the ciliateTetrahymena pyriformis. Bioconversion occurs in the presence of intact cells but not with broken cells (sonicated ciliates). However, broken cells obtained from intact ciliates pretreated with 1 mg/l of nigericin, before sonication, converted nigericin to epinigericin. Non-impairment after adding actinomycin D and cycloheximide to the ciliate culture suggests that the induction mechanism involves no mRNA synthesis, nor any de novo synthesis of protein. Cell fractionation ofTetrahymena demonstrates that the cytosolic compartment is implicated in this bioconversion.  相似文献   

用YADE法扩增了球孢白僵菌T—DNA插入突变体T12中与T—DNA左边界相连的基因组序列。在此基础上得到了金龟子绿僵菌的羧基转运蛋白的全长cDNA,MaJEN1。MaJEN1全长1695bp,其中含有长为1524bp的开放阅读框(0RF),编码508个氨基酸的蛋白。氨基酸序列与粗糙脉孢霉和啤酒酵母菌的羧基转运蛋白JEN1相似性分别为69%和31%。采用PCR扩增得到了MaJEN1的基因组序列GMaJEN1,序列分析发现,GMaJEN1含有两个内含子。Southern杂交发现GMaJEN1在金龟子绿僵菌基因组上为单拷贝。利用RT—PCR法对MaJEN1的表达特性进行了分析,结果表明MaJEN1在蟑螂壳诱导培养基中表达,在该培养基中的表达受葡糖糖抑制。进一步采用YADE法得到了长为1626bp的GMaJEN1上游序列,其中含有可能的葡萄糖抑制调控序列。  相似文献   

Oocytes of Hyalophora cecropia that were incubated in vitro with [35S]vitellogenin incorporated label within 10 min into an intermediate-density compartment identified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. During a subsequent 20-min chase this presumptive endosomal label was transferred to a compartment with the higher density of protein yolk spheres. When vitellogenin uptake was inhibited by 10 μM nigericin or monensin, or 50 μM carbonyl cyanide m-cholorophenylhydrazone, a somewhat larger and more focused peak of label accumulated in the endosome region of the gradient, and the transfer of this label to the yolk spheres was blocked. Valinomycin, at concentrations as high as 100 μM, did not inhibit uptake or processing, even though successful insertion into the oocyte membrane could be demonstrated by the effects of this ionophore on the membrane potential and K+ permeability of the follicle. Inhibition of processing by nigericin and monensin is consistent with a model of endocytosis in which the ionophores prevent acidification of the endosomes by promoting H+-K+ exchange with the cytoplasm. Several alternative possibilities were ruled out by physiological analyses entailing the measurement of cytoplasmic pH and membrane potentials.  相似文献   

A novel hexanickel(II) complex [Ni6(NCCHCH2CH2CHCN)6] (2) with 1,4-dicyanobutane-1,4-diyl (L) which was produced by the metal-induced dimerization of acrylonitrile (AN) has been isolated and the structure has been determined crystallographically. Complex 2 is triclinic, space group . Each nickel atom is coordinated by two carbon atoms of L and two nitrogen atoms of the cyano group of two other L, providing a square-plenar geometry. The six nickel atoms are bridged by the cyano group and carbon atom to form the slightly distorted octahedral Ni6 core.  相似文献   

The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is an important pathogen of humans and animals. Some of the devastating consequences of toxoplasmosis are in part due to the lysis of the host cell during parasite egress. The process of egress is poorly understood and since it is asynchronous in tissue culture its study has been limited to those conditions that induce it, such as artificial permeabilisation of the host cell and induction of calcium fluxes with ionophores. Given that permeabilisation leads to egress by the activation of motility upon a drop in host cell potassium concentration, we investigated whether the ionophore nigericin, which selectively causes efflux of potassium from the cell without the need for permeabilisation, would cause egress. Nigericin effectively causes intracellular parasites to exit their host cell within 30 min of treatment with the drug. Our results show that nigericin-induced egress depends on an efflux of potassium from the cell and requires phospholipase C function and parasite motility. This novel method of inducing and synchronising egress mimics the effect of artificial permeabilisation in all respects. Nevertheless, since the membrane remains intact during the treatment, in our nigericin-induced egress we are able to detect parasite-dependent permeabilisation of the host cell, a known step in induced egress. In addition, consistent with the model that loss of host cell potassium leads to egress through the activation of intraparasitic calcium fluxes, a previously isolated Toxoplasma mutant lacking a sodium hydrogen exchanger and defective in responding to calcium fluxes does not undergo nigericin-induced egress. Thus, the discovery that nigericin induces egress presents a novel assay that allows for the genetic and biochemical analysis of the signalling mechanisms that lead to the induction of motility and egress.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) is recognized as an essential nutrient, and is added as a supplement to animal and human diets. There are claims that zinc methionine (ZnMet) forms a stable complex that is preferentially transported into tissues, and this has contributed to uncertainty about conflicting reports on the bioavailability of various Zn compounds. This study evaluated the cellular and intestinal uptake of inorganic and organic forms of Zn. Steady-state uptake of65Zn by human intestine epithelial cells, and monkey kidney fibroblasts was not significantly different with zinc chloride (ZnCl2), ZnMet, or zinc propionate (ZnProp) (P > 0.05). Uptake of65Zn from zinc chelated with EDTA was significantly lower (P < 0.01). In live mice,65Zn uptake by perfused intestine and deposition in intestine and liver showed no significant difference between ZnCl2 and ZnMet. Equimolar [65Zn]methionine and zinc[35S]methionine were prepared according to a patented method that yields “ complexed” Zn. Cellular uptake of the radiolabeled methionine was <0.1% of the radiolabeled Zn from these complexes, indicating separate uptake of the Zn and methionine. Gel filtration did not distinguish between65Zn in ZnCl2, ZnProp, or reagent ZnMet, though feed-grade ZnMet containing >10% protein did give a higher-mol-wt form of65Zn. Results of this study show equivalent uptake of Zn from inorganic and organic compounds, and support recent feed trials on Zn bioavailability.  相似文献   

The fate of Mn2+ inside Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was monitored during import and export processes, using information from electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy analysis. EPR spectra showed that when entering the cell in high number, manganese ions immediately precipitated. If recorded under conditions that favored manganese efflux, EPR spectra indicated that only osmotically free ions were exported and that bound manganese had to turn into the soluble form before being able to leave the cell.  相似文献   

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