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Gap junction structures were assembled in vitro from octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside-solubilized components of lens fiber cell membranes. Individual pore structures (connexons), short double-membrane structures, and other amorphous material were evident in the solubilized mixture. Following the removal of the detergent by dialysis, these connexons associated to form single- and double-layered, two-dimensional hexagonal arrays (unit cell size a = b = 8.5 nm). The formation of larger arrays was dependent on the lipid-to-protein ratio and the presence of Mg2+ ions. Crystallographic analysis of electron micrographs revealed that lens junctional connexons consisted of six subunits surrounding a stain-filled channel. Upon further detergent treatment, in vitro assembled gap junctions were insoluble and formed three-dimensional stacks while other components were solubilized. SDS-PAGE and mass data from scanning transmission electron microscopy strongly suggest that a 38-kDa polypeptide, which is a processed form of the lens specific gap junction protein MP70, is a major component of the arrays. The in vitro assembly of gap junctions opens new avenues for the structural analysis of gap junctions and for the study of the intermolecular interactions of connexons during junctional assembly.  相似文献   

L-2 cells are an immortalized cell line derived from yolk sac parietal endoderm cells, which are responsible for the production of Reichert's membrane, a thick basement membrane produced during rat gestation. Although the L-2 cells secrete all the major components of the basal lamina, they do not assemble a robust matrix in cell culture. We hypothesized that the reason L-2 cells fail to assemble a matrix in cell culture is because the concentrations of matrix components necessary for this matrix assembly do not reach a critical association concentration (CAC) under standard cell culture conditions. To limit the diffusion of secreted molecules while maintaining a nutrient-rich environment for the cells to thrive, we developed a technique that uses a dialysis membrane to limit protein diffusion in a 2-well plate format. This technique permits L-2 cells to assemble a robust matrix in as little as 24 hr that continues to be formed for at least 72 hr. This technique may address some of the physical limitations imposed by cell culture and could be readily applied to other cell types and medium conditions.  相似文献   

Gap junction structures were assembled in vitro from octyl-β- -glucopyranoside-solubilized components of lens fiber cell membranes. Individual pore structures (connexons), short double-membrane structures, and other amorphous material were evident in the solubilized mixture. Following the removal of the detergent by dialysis, these connexons associated to form single- and double-layered, two-dimensional hexagonal arrays (unit cell size a = B = 8.5 nm). The formation of larger arrays was dependent on the lipid-to-protein ratio and the presence of Mg2+ ions. Crystallographic analysis of electron micrographs revealed that lens junctional connexons consisted of six subunits surrounding a stain-filled channel. Upon further detergent treatment, in vitro assembled gap junctions were insoluble and formed three-dimensional stacks while other components were solubilized. SDS-PAGE and mass data from scanning transmission electron microscopy strongly suggest that a 38-kDa polypeptide, which is a processed form of the lens specific gap junction protein MP70, is a major component of the arrays. The in vitro assembly of gap junctions opens new avenues for the structural analysis of gap junctions and for the study of the intermolecular interactions of connexons during junctional assembly.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes that encode Connexin 26 (GJB2) and Connexin 30 (GJB6) are the most common known cause of hereditary nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness. Cx26 and Cx30 share a similar protein structure, as well as the same expression distribution pattern in the cochlea. Cx26 has different intracellular trafficking properties compared to those of Cx43 and Cx32, whose trafficking manner is consistent with the classical membrane protein secretory pathway. Until now, however, the trafficking patterns of Cx30 have not been studied. By means of an immunofluorescence staining approach, we found that the targeting of Cx30 to gap junctions in transfected HeLa cells is not affected by brefeldin A, suggesting a Golgi-independent feature, similar to Cx26. Nocodazole had a minimal effect on assembly and distribution of Cx30 gap junctions. Cytochalasin B-induced actin filament depolymerization, however, affected both the pattern and the distribution of Cx30 gap junctions. Co-localization with and/or interaction between Cx30 and microtubules and cortical actin filaments, but not with the tight/adherens junction protein ZO-1, was confirmed by immunofluorescence and/or immunoprecipitation methods. The results suggest that the cytoskeleton, and especially actin filaments, are important components in the processes of assembly, trafficking and stabilization of Cx30 gap junctions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Connexins form gap junctions that mediate the transfer of ions, metabolites, and second messengers between contacting cells. Many aspects of connexin function, for example cellular transport, plaque assembly and stability, and channel conductivity, are finely tuned and likely involve proteins that bind to connexins' cytoplasmic domains. However, little is known about such regulatory proteins. To identify novel proteins that interact with the COOH-terminal domain of Connexin-43 (Cx43), the most widely expressed connexin family member, we applied a proteomics approach to screen fractions of mouse tissue homogenates for binding partners. RESULTS: Drebrin was recovered as a binding partner of the Cx43 COOH-terminal domain from mouse brain homogenate. Drebrin had previously been described as an actin binding protein that diminishes in brains during Alzheimer's disease. The novel Drebrin-Cx43 interaction identified by proteomics was confirmed by colocalization of endogenous proteins in astrocytes and Vero cells, coimmunoprecipitation, electron microscopy, electrophysiology, coexpression of both proteins with fluorescent tags, and live-cell FRET analysis. Depletion of Drebrin in cells with siRNA results in impaired cell-cell coupling, internalization of gap junctions, and targeting of Cx43 to a degradative pathway. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that Drebrin is required for maintaining Cx43-containing gap junctions in their functional state at the plasma membrane. It is thus possible that Drebrin may interact with gap junctions in zones of cell-cell contacts in a regulated fashion in response to extracellular signals. The rearrangement or disruption of interactions between connexins and the Drebrin-containing submembrane cytoskeleton directs connexins to degradative cellular pathways.  相似文献   

The death of one cell can precipitate the death of nearby cells in a process referred to as the bystander effect. We investigated whether mitochondrial apoptosis generated a bystander effect and, if so, by which pathway. Microinjection with cytochrome c mimicked function of the mitochondrial apoptosis-induced channel MAC and caused apoptosis of both target and nearby osteoblasts. This effect was suppressed by inhibiting gap junction intercellular communication. A bystander effect was also observed after exogenous expression of tBid, which facilitates MAC formation and cytochrome c release. Interestingly, in connexin-43 deficient osteoblasts, microinjection of cytochrome c induced apoptosis only in the target cell. These findings indicate that a death signal was generated downstream of MAC function and was transmitted through gap junctions to amplify apoptosis in neighboring cells. This concept may have implications in development of new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane (PM) and its associated cargo are internalized into small vesicles via endocytosis funneling cargo into endosomes. The endosomal system must efficiently deliver cargos, as well as recycle cargo receptors and membrane to maintain homeostasis. In animal cells, endosome trafficking, maturation, and cargo recycling rely on the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. Microtubules and their associated motor proteins provide the roads on which endosomes move and fuse during cargo sorting and delivery. In addition, highly dynamic assemblies of actin adjust the shape of the endosomal membrane to promote cargo segregation into budding domains allowing for receptor recycling. Recent work has revealed that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) frequently acts as an intermediary between endosomes and their cytoskeletal regulators via membrane contact sites (MCSs). This review will discuss the factors which form these tripartite junction between the ER, endosomes, and the cytoskeleton as well as their function.  相似文献   

A major form of animal cell-cell adhesion results from the dynamic association of cadherin molecules, cytosolic catenins and actin microfilaments. Cadherins dynamically regulate the cytoskeleton. In turn, the actin cytoskeleton contributes to cadherin molecule oligomerization at cell contacts and to cell reshaping in response to environmental changes. Over the past two years, this evolutionarily conserved adhesion system has been intensively revisited in both its structural and functional aspects; this is illustrated by the remarkable progress in the determination of physical parameters of cadherin bonds (including force measurement) and the new insights into the role of alpha-catenin and the regulation of actin dynamics at cadherin contacts. Other recent studies uncover the important contribution of acto-myosin, microtubules and cell tension to adherens junction formation, cell differentiation and tissue reshaping/remodeling. An open challenge is now to integrate these new data with the diversity of cadherin adhesive complexes.  相似文献   

Trafficking pathways underlying the assembly of connexins into gap junctions were examined using living COS-7 cells expressing a range of connexin-aequorin (Cx-Aeq) chimeras. By measuring the chemiluminescence of the aequorin fusion partner, the translocation of oligomerized connexins from intracellular stores to the plasma membrane was shown to occur at different rates that depended on the connexin isoform. Treatment of COS-7 cells expressing Cx32-Aeq and Cx43-Aeq with brefeldin A inhibited the movement of these chimera to the plasma membrane by 84 +/- 4 and 88 +/- 4%, respectively. Nocodazole treatment of the cells expressing Cx32-Aeq and Cx43-Aeq produced 29 +/- 16 and 4 +/- 7% inhibition, respectively. In contrast, the transport of Cx26 to the plasma membrane, studied using a construct (Cx26/43T-Aeq) in which the short cytoplasmic carboxyl-terminal tail of Cx26 was replaced with the extended carboxyl terminus of Cx43, was inhibited 89 +/- 5% by nocodazole and was minimally affected by exposure of cells to brefeldin A (17 +/-11%). The transfer of Lucifer yellow across gap junctions between cells expressing wild-type Cx32, Cx43, and the corresponding Cx32-Aeq and Cx43-Aeq chimeras was reduced by nocodazole treatment and abolished by brefeldin A treatment. However, the extent of dye coupling between cells expressing wild-type Cx26 or the Cx26/43T-Aeq chimeras was not significantly affected by brefeldin A treatment, but after nocodazole treatment, transfer of dye to neighboring cells was greatly reduced. These contrasting effects of brefeldin A and nocodazole on the trafficking properties and intercellular dye transfer are interpreted to suggest that two pathways contribute to the routing of connexins to the gap junction.  相似文献   

Gap junctions were regularly seen in thin sections of canine tracheal smooth muscle incubated in vitro. Their number was increased in tissued exposed in vitro to either of two potassium conductance blockers, tetraethylammonium (TEA) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and at the same time the muscles became mechanically active, with spontaneous contractions. The presence of gap junctions in this smooth muscle may provide one basis for cell-to-cell coupling, and their increase after TEA- and 4-AP-treatment could account for a decreased junctional resistance between cells, contributing to a longer space constant. However, an increase in gap junctions was not sufficient to change the behavior of trachealis smooth muscle from multiunit to single-unit type. Gap junctions in increased numbers persisted after washout of 4- AP, which caused inhibition of spontaneous contractions, and despite inhibition of the contractile effects of 4-AP by atropine. The rapid induction of gap junction formation was not dependent on de novo synthesis of protein. The fact that the number of gap junctions can be increased by chemical agents has important implications for control of their formation and provides a tool for analysis fo their role in cell- to-cell coupling.  相似文献   

Integrity of the epithelial barrier is determined by apical junctional complexes which also participate in the signalling pathways inducing intestinal cell differentiation. Lipid rafts (LR) have been proposed to play a role in the organization and the function of these intercellular complexes. This study investigated potential mechanisms by which LR could participate in the establishment of adherens junctions (AJ) and the initiation of enterocytic differentiation.We showed that the differentiation of epithelial cells in rat colons correlates with the emergence of LR. Using HT-29 cells we demonstrated that during the differentiation process, LR are required for the recruitment and the association of p120ctn to E-cadherin. Silencing of flotillin-1, a LR component, alters the recruitment of AJ proteins in LR and delays the expression of differentiation markers. Furthermore, the ability of p120ctn/E-cadherin complexes to support cell differentiation is altered in HT-29 Rac1N17 cells. These results show a contributory role of LR in the enterocytic differentiation process, which serve as signalling platforms for Rac1-mediated organization of AJ. A better understanding of the mechanism involved in the establishment of junctional complex and their role in enterocytic differentiation provides new insights into the regulation of intestinal homeostasis.  相似文献   

The differentiation of the neuromuscular junction is a multistep process requiring coordinated interactions between nerve terminals and muscle. Although innervation is not needed for muscle production, the formation of nerve-muscle contacts, intramuscular nerve branching, and neuronal survival require reciprocal signals from nerve and muscle to regulate the formation of synapses. Following the production of muscle fibers, clusters of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are concentrated in the central regions of the myofibers via a process termed “prepatterning”. The postsynaptic protein MuSK is essential for this process activating possibly its own expression, in addition to the expression of AChR. AChR complexes (aggregated and stabilized by rapsyn) are thus prepatterned independently of neuronal signals in developing myofibers. ACh released by branching motor nerves causes AChR-induced postsynaptic potentials and positively regulates the localization and stabilization of developing synaptic contacts. These “active” contact sites may prevent AChRs clustering in non-contacted regions and counteract the establishment of additional contacts. ACh-induced signals also cause the dispersion of non-synaptic AChR clusters and possibly the removal of excess AChR. A further neuronal factor, agrin, stabilizes the accumulation of AChR at synaptic sites. Agrin released from the branching motor nerve may form a structural link specifically to the ACh-activated endplates, thereby enhancing MuSK kinase activity and AChR accumulation and preventing dispersion of postsynaptic specializations. The successful stabilization of prepatterned AChR clusters by agrin and the generation of singly innervated myofibers appear to require AChR-mediated postsynaptic potentials indicating that the differentiation of the nerve terminal proceeds only after postsynaptic specializations have formed.  相似文献   

In vivo assembly of tight junctions in fetal rat liver   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Examination of glutaraldehyde-fixed, freeze-fractured livers from 14-15-day rat fetuses provided the basis for the following observations. Membrane particles align in otherwise poorly particulated areas of the presumptive pericanalicular plasma membrane (A face), frequently forming a discontinuous "honey-comb" network joining small particle islands. Even at this early stage, contiguous B-fracture faces contain furrows, rather than rows of pits, distinguishing the linear particle aggregates on the A face as developing tight junctions rather than gap junctions. Short segments of these linear arrays merge with smooth ridges clearly identifiable as segments of discontinuous tight junctions. With the continuing confluence of particulate and smooth ridge segments, mature tight junctions become fully appreciable. We conclude that tight junctions form de novo by the alignment and fusion of separate particles into beaded ridges which, in turn, become confluent and are transformed into continuous smooth ones. At 21 days of fetal life, most of the images of assembly have disappeared, and the liver reveals well-formed bile canaliculi sealed by mature tight junctions.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1648-1652
We have studied the behavior of cloned capillary endothelial cells grown inside a three dimensional collagen matrix. Cell monolayers established on the surface of collagen gels were covered with a second layer of collagen. This induced the monolayers of endothelial cells to reorganize into a network of branching and anastomosing capillary-like tubes. As seen by electron microscopy, the tubes were formed by at least two cells (in transverse sections) delimiting a narrow lumen. In addition, distinct basal lamina material was present between the abluminal face of the endothelial cells and the collagen matrix. These results showed that capillary endothelial cells have the capacity to form vessel-like structures with well-oriented cell polarity in vitro. They also suggest that an appropriate topological relationship of endothelial cells with collagen matrices, similar to that occurring in vivo, has an inducive role on the expression of this potential. This culture system provides a simple in vitro model for studying the factors involved in the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis).  相似文献   

Direct intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions (GJs) is a hallmark of normal cell and tissue physiology. In addition, GJs significantly contribute to physical cell-cell adhesion. Clearly, these cellular functions require precise modulation. Typically, GJs represent arrays of hundreds to thousands of densely packed channels, each one assembled from two half-channels (connexons), that dock head-on in the extracellular space to form the channel arrays that link neighboring cells together. Interestingly, docked GJ channels cannot be separated into connexons under physiological conditions, posing potential challenges to GJ channel renewal and physical cell-cell separation. We described previously that cells continuously-and effectively after treatment with natural inflammatory mediators-internalize their GJs in an endo-/exocytosis process that utilizes clathrin-mediated endocytosis components, thus enabling these critical cellular functions. GJ internalization generates characteristic cytoplasmic double-membrane vesicles, described and termed earlier annular GJs (AGJs) or connexosomes. Here, using expression of the major fluorescent-tagged GJ protein, connexin 43 (Cx43-GFP/YFP/mApple) in HeLa cells, analysis of endogenously expressed Cx43, ultrastructural analyses, confocal colocalization microscopy, pharmacological and molecular biological RNAi approaches depleting cells of key-autophagic proteins, we provide compelling evidence that GJs, following internalization, are degraded by autophagy. The ubiquitin-binding protein p62/sequestosome 1 was identified in targeting internalized GJs to autophagic degradation. While previous studies identified proteasomal and endo-/lysosomal pathways in Cx43 and GJ degradation, our study provides novel molecular and mechanistic insights into an alternative GJ degradation pathway. Its recent link to health and disease lends additional importance to this GJ degradation mechanism and to autophagy in general.  相似文献   

Direct intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions (GJs) is a hallmark of normal cell and tissue physiology. In addition, GJs significantly contribute to physical cell-cell adhesion. Clearly, these cellular functions require precise modulation. Typically, GJs represent arrays of hundreds to thousands of densely packed channels, each one assembled from two half-channels (connexons), that dock head-on in the extracellular space to form the channel arrays that link neighboring cells together. Interestingly, docked GJ channels cannot be separated into connexons under physiological conditions, posing potential challenges to GJ channel renewal and physical cell-cell separation. We described previously that cells continuously—and effectively after treatment with natural inflammatory mediators—internalize their GJs in an endo-/exocytosis process that utilizes clathrin-mediated endocytosis components, thus enabling these critical cellular functions. GJ internalization generates characteristic cytoplasmic double-membrane vesicles, described and termed earlier annular GJs (AGJs) or connexosomes. Here, using expression of the major fluorescent-tagged GJ protein, connexin 43 (Cx43-GFP/YFP/mApple) in HeLa cells, analysis of endogenously expressed Cx43, ultrastructural analyses, confocal colocalization microscopy, pharmacological and molecular biological RNAi approaches depleting cells of key-autophagic proteins, we provide compelling evidence that GJs, following internalization, are degraded by autophagy. The ubiquitin-binding protein p62/sequestosome 1 was identified in targeting internalized GJs to autophagic degradation. While previous studies identified proteasomal and endo-/lysosomal pathways in Cx43 and GJ degradation, our study provides novel molecular and mechanistic insights into an alternative GJ degradation pathway. Its recent link to health and disease lends additional importance to this GJ degradation mechanism and to autophagy in general.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Wu Y  Liu M  Wang J  Ju G 《Neurochemical research》2011,36(6):1129-1134
Communication between astrocytes via the gap junction is crucial for maintaining homeostasis of the extra-neuronal microenvironment of the central nervous system. Dysfunction of astrocytic gap junctions is involved in many brain disorders. Our previous studies demonstrated a novel co-localization of Nogo-66 receptor at glial gap junctions in rat cerebellum and posterior pituitary. The present study was aimed at exploring whether Nogo-66 can modulate glial gap junctions in vitro. We confirmed the co-localization of Nogo-66 receptor with Cx43 in cultured astrocytes, and stimulated astrocytes with myelin extracts, or Nogo-66-Fc conditioned medium. Finally, we expressed and purified a functionally effective GST-Nogo-66 peptide. Lucifer yellow transfer assay was adopted to measure the gap junction permeability. The results showed that the spreading of Lucifer yellow was inhibited significantly by all three treatments as compared with their corresponding controls. Therefore, this study shows a novel inhibitory effect of Nogo-66 on the permeability of astrocytic gap junctions, suggesting a presumable role of Nogo-66 receptor in modulating the glial gap junction.  相似文献   

Gap junction-mediated intercellular communications are thought to transduce the effects of mechanical strain from osteocytes to cells on the bone surface to initiate remodeling. To determine whether gap junctions may co-ordinate the effects of mechanical loading, osteocyte-like MLO-Y4 cells were exposed to fluid flow-imposed shear stress. After exposure of MLO-Y4 to fluid flow, intercellular coupling increased in direct proportion to shear stress level. Interestingly, this stimulation is further enhanced during the post-stress period, indicating that released factor(s) is likely to be involved. The conditioned medium obtained from the fluid flow treated MLO-Y4 cells induced an increase in the number of functional gap junctions and Cx43 protein when added to non-sheer-stressed cells. Fluid flow was found to induce prostaglandin F2 (PGE2) release and increase cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) expression. When PGE2 was depleted from the fluid flow conditioned medium, the stimulatory effect on gap junctions was significantly decreased. Addition of the COX inhibitor indomethacin partially blocked the stimulatory effects of mechanical strain on gap junctions. Together, these studies suggest that the stimulatory effect of fluid flow on gap junctions is mediated in part by de novo synthesis and release of PGE2. Gap junctions may serve as channels for the signals generated by osteocytes in response to mechanical loading.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(8):1331-1338
Formation of metastases negatively impacts the survival prognosis of cancer patients. Globally, if the various steps involved in their formation are relatively well identified, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the emergence of invasive cancer cells are still incompletely resolved. Elucidating what are the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to evade from the tumor is a crucial point since it is the first step of the metastatic potential of a solid tumor. In order to be invasive, cancer cells have to undergo transformations such as down-regulation of cell-cell adhesions, modification of cell-matrix adhesions and acquisition of proteolytic properties. These transformations are accompanied by the capacity to “activate” stromal cells, which may favor the motility of the invasive cells through the extracellular matrix. Since modulation of gap junctional intercellular communication is known to be involved in cancer, we were interested to consider whether these different transformations necessary for the acquisition of invasive phenotype are related with gap junctions and their structural proteins, the connexins. In this review, emerging roles of connexins and gap junctions in the process of tissue invasion are proposed.  相似文献   

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