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The environmentally induced alterations in structure of (M, ℜ) which were described previously (R. Rosen,Bull. Math. Biophysics,23, 165–171, 1961) are examined from the standpoint of determining under what circumstances they can be reversed by further environmental interactions. For simplicity we consider only the case of (M, ℜ)-systems possessing one “metabolic” and one “genetic” component. In the case of environmentally induced alteration of the “metabolic” component alone, a necessary and sufficient condition is given for the reversibility of the alteration. In the case of alteration of the “genetic” component, the situation becomes more complex; several partial results are given, but a full analysis is not available at this time. Some possible biological implications of this analysis are discussed. This research was supported by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, under Contract no. AF-49(638)-917 and Grant no. AF-AFOSR-9-63.  相似文献   

The theory of measurement of flow and volume by indicator dilution techniques is given in conditions of time-variable flow rates. It is shown that the usual Hamilton (1932,Am. J. Physiol.,99, 534–551) methods can be misleading if the flow changes at a rate of close to that of the transport function. Operated with support from the United States Army, Navy, and Air Force.  相似文献   

In previous work (Bull. Math. Biophysics,23, 393–403, 1960) it was shown that, if primary genetic processes are of an essentially microphysical nature, the objects bearing the primary genetic information must act in a catalytic fashion. At the same time it was pointed out that the kind of catalysis involved in the primary genetic process was fundamentally different, in specific ways, from that occurring, e.g., in enzyme systems. The present work demonstrates that, if the information-bearing objects of the general theory are identified with molecules of DNA, and the primary gene products are considered to be RNA of the “messenger” variety, then the predictions of the general theory can be compared with experimental data from various recently isolated polymerase systems, which appear to “copy” a sequence of nucleotides from DNA into RNAin vitro, and with certainin vivo microbial systems. It is found that these data provide detailed support for the conclusions drawn from the general theory. However, it is emphasized that the identification of the information-bearing objects and primary gene products as DNA and RNA respectively, which allows us to compare the theory with the cited data, is by no means the only identification which can be made; i.e., other interpretations of the general theory are certainly not precluded. This research was supported by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, under Grant No. AF-AFOSR-9-63.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that two fundamentally different views of primary genetic processes occur in the literature which are frequently confused. The first is a true communication-theoretic view, which regards the genetic apparatus as containing a real information-source and a transducer which converts that information to useful form. The second view is generally expressed as a template scheme based on the Watson-Crick model; it is shown that in this model there is actually no such thing as genetic information in a communication-theoretic sense. Both views are then discussed on the basis of microphysical principles developed in previous work of the author (Bull. Math. Biophysics,22, 227–255, 1960) in an attempt to find which approach is in closer accord with the biological facts. It is shown that, if the communication-theoretic view is correct, then the information-bearing object must act as a “catalyst,” but it is pointed out that the type of catalysis involved must be of a fundamentally different nature than that occurring in familiar enzyme-catalyzed reactions. On the basis of general considerations of irreversible changes in microphysical measuring systems, it is shown that any type of template must suffer a gradual and irreversible denaturation, which seems to make it unlikely that a template could play a primary role in fundamental genetic processes. This research was supported by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, under Contract AF 49(638)-917.  相似文献   

A mechanism is presented which can account for certain aspects of the phenomena of color constancy. The mechanism involves interaction between a given region and the remaining field. Each region is represented by a color center having the structure previously introduced (Landahl, 1952,Bull. Math. Biophysics,14, 317–25) to account for a number of phenomena of color vision. The trichromatic, symmetric mechanism is introduced for simplicity. The interaction is such that collaterals from each of the primaries representing the background send elements to each of the centers corresponding to the primaries representing the spot. However, the collaterals impinging upon unlike centers are excitatory while the collaterals impinging on like centers, corresponding to the same primary colors, are inhibitory. With proper choice of coefficients, the result is that for small changes in illumination, the resulting apparent color is unchanged. However, for greater changes in the color of the illumination, there results a distortion of the apparent color. A number of examples are illustrated numerically. This research was supported in whole or in part by the U. S. Air Force under Contract AF 49(638)-414 monitored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.  相似文献   

We consider the spatio-temporal dynamics of a spatially-structured generalization of the phytoplankton-zooplankton-fish larvae model system proposed earlier (Biktashev et al., 2003, J. Plankton Res. 5, 21–33; James et al., 2003, Ecol. Model. 160, 77–90). In contrast to Pitchford and Brindley (2001, Bull. Math. Biol. 63, 527–546), who were concerned with small scale patchiness (i.e., 1–10m), on which the (stochastic) raptorial behaviour of individual larvae is important, we address here the much larger scale ‘patchy’ problems (i.e., 10–100 km), on which both larvae and plankton may be regarded as passive tracers of the fluid motion, dispersed and mixed by the turbulent diffusion processes. In particular, we study the dependence of the fish recruitment on carrying capacities of the plankton subsystem and on spatio-temporal evolution of that subsystem with respect to the larvae hatching site(s). It is shown that the main features found both in the nonstructured and age-structured spatially uniform models are observed in the spatially structured case, but that spatial effects can significantly modify the overall quantitative outcome. Spatial patterns in the metamorphosed fish distribution are a consequence of quasi-local interaction of larvae with plankton, in which the dispersion of larvae by large scale turbulent eddies plays little part due to the relatively short timescale of the larvae development. As a result, in a strong phyto/zooplankton subsystem, with fast reproduction rate and large carrying capacity of phytoplankton and high conversion ratio of zooplankton, recruitment success depends only on the localization and timing of the hatching with respect to the plankton patches. In a weak phyto/zooplankton system, with slow reproduction rate and small carrying capacity of phytoplankton and low conversion ratio of zooplankton, the larvae may significantly influence the evolution of the plankton patches, which may lead to nontrivial cooperative effects between different patches of larvae. However, in this case, recruitment is very low.  相似文献   

In connection with a series of previous papers by this author (Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics,21, 299–308, 375–385;22, 257–262, 263–267;23, 19–29;24, 319–325) results obtained by A. Crawford (Economics 5, 417–428) on the effects of irrelevant lights on reaction times toward a given light stimulus are discussed. The conclusions from a previous paper of this author (Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics,23, 19–29) are elaborated.  相似文献   

We examine traveling-wave solutions for a generalized nonlinear-diffusion Fisher equation studied by Hayes [J. Math. Biol. 29, 531–537 (1991)]. The density-dependent diffusion coefficient used is motivated by certain polymer diffusion and population dispersal problems. Approximate solutions are constructed using asymptotic expansions. We find that the solution will have a corner layer (a shock in the derivative) as the diffusion coefficient approaches a step function. The corner layer at z = 0 is matched to an outer solution for z < 0 and a boundary layer for z > 0 to produce a complete solution. We show that this model also admits a new class of nonphysical solutions and obtain conditions that restrict the set of valid traveling-wave solutions. Supported by a National Science Foundation graduate fellowship. This work was performed under National Science Foundation grant DMS-9024963 and Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant AFOSR-F49620-94-1-0044.  相似文献   

It is shown that the class of abstract block diagrams of (M, ℜ)-systems which can be constructed out of the objects and mappings of a particular subcategoryG 0 of the categoryG of all sets depends heavily on the structure ofG 0, and in particular on the number of sets of mappingsH(A, B) which are empty inG 0. In the context ofG 0-systems, there-fore, each particular categoryG 0 gives rise to a different “abstract biology” in the sense of Rashevsky. A number of theorems illustrating the relation between the structure of a categoryG 0 and the embeddability of an arbitrary mapping αεG 0 into an (M, ℜ)-system are proved, and their biological implication is discussed. This research was supported by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Reserch of the Air Research and Development Command, under Contract No. AF 49(638)-917.  相似文献   

By “neural net” will be meant “neural net without circles.” Every neural net effects a transformation from inputs (i.e., firing patterns of the input neurons) to outputs (firing patterns of the output neurons). Two neural nets will be calledequivalent if they effect the same transformation from inputs to outputs. A canonical form is found for neural nets with respect to equivalence; i.e., a class of neural nets is defined, no two of which are equivalent, and which contains a neural net equivalent to any given neural net. This research was supported by the U.S. Air Force under Contract AF 49(638)-414 monitored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.  相似文献   

A previous study (Bull. Math. Biophysics,31, 417–427, 1969) on the definitions of stability of equilibria in organismic sets determined byQ relations is continued. An attempt is made to bring this definition into a form as similar as possible to that used in physical systems determined byF-relations. With examples taken from physics, biology and sociology, it is shown that a definition of equilibria forQ-relational systems similar to the definitions used in physics can be obtained, provided the concept of stable or unstable structures of a system determined byQ-relations is considered in a probabilistic manner. This offers an illustration of “fuzzy categories,” a notion introduced by I. Bąianu and M. Marinescu (Bull. Math. Biophysics,30, 625–635, 1968), in their paper on organismic supercategories, which is designed to provide a mathematical formalism for Rashevsky's theory of Organismic Sets (Bull. Math. Biophysics,29, 389–393, 1967;30, 163–174, 1968;31, 159–198, 1969). A suggestion is made for a method of mapping the abstract discrete space ofQ-relations on a continuum of variables ofF-relations. Problems of polymorphism and metamorphosis, both in biological and social organisms, are discussed in the light of the theory.  相似文献   

Freese’s Hypothesis states that a single specific alteration in the sequence of nucleotides of an information-bearing DNA molecule results in a specific mutational effect. Within the framework of the DNA-protein coding problem developed elsewhere, and assuming the quasi-ergodicity of the general coding process, it is shown that Freese’s Hypothesis allows us to derive expressions for the length of the smallest mutable DNA molecule and to obtain a bound for the maximal number of allelic molecules of fixed length. To illustrate these ideas, calculations are carried out on appropriate data from bacternophage and man, and the results are shown to differ by a factor of 10 (modulo the rather crude approximations used). It is further shown that, if ρ(N) and ϱ(N) are respectively the number of information-bearing words of lengthN in a given code and the number of words of lengthN, then the number lim ρ(N)/ϱ(N) depends sensitively on the parameter ∈ which specifiesN→∞ the given code. The implications of this result for the spontaneous aggregation of a sufficient number of information-bearing words to characterize an organism are discussed. This research was supported by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, under Contract No. AF 49(638)-917.  相似文献   

The methods of C. W. Sheppard and A. S. Householder (Jour. App. Physcis,22, 510–20, 1951), H. D. Landahl (Bull. Math. Biophysics,16, 151–54, 1954) and H. E. Hart (Bull. Math. Biophysics,17, 87–94, 1955;ibid.,19, 61–72, 1957;ibid.,20, 281–87, 1958) are employed in studying the kinetics of generalN compartment systems. It is shown that the nature of the transfer processes occurring in fluid flow systems and the chemical processes occurring in quadratic systems and in catalyzed quadratic systems can in principle be completely determined for all polynomial dependencies. Systems involving three-body and higher-order interactions can be completely solved, however, only if supplementary information is available. Research supported by the Atomic Energy Commission, Contract AT (30-1)-1551.  相似文献   

The representation of biological systems by means of organismic supercategories, developed in previous papers (Bull. Math. Biophysics,30, 625–636;31, 59–71;32, 539–561), is further discussed. The different approaches to relational biology, developed by Rashevsky, Rosen and by Băianu and Marinescu, are compared with Qualitative Dynamics of Systems which was initiated by Henri Poincaré (1881). On the basis of this comparison some concrete result concerning dynamics of genetic system, development, fertilization, regeneration, analogies, and oncogenesis are derived.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the development of organismic sets is governed not by the maximalization of the integral survival value, as suggested previously (Bull. Math. Biophysics,28, 283–308, 1966;29, 139–152, 1967;30, 163–174, 1968), but by maximizing the number of new relations which appear as an organismic set develops.  相似文献   

The theory of relations between sets, proposed and outlined in previous publications (Bull. Math. Biophysics,23, 233–235, 1961;28, 117–124, 1966;28, 309–313, 1966), is tentatively expanded and generalized with a view to biological applications.  相似文献   

This paper describes the spatial and temporal variation of aquatic invertebrate assemblages associated with root masses of Eichhornia crassipes collected at 12 sites between July 2000 and June 2002 in the Alvarado Lagoonal System (ALS), Veracruz, Mexico. A total of 96 taxa were registered; acari showed the highest species richness with 15 taxa followed by decapods (14), mollusks (12), amphipods (9), and isopods (7). Freshwater organisms represented 44% of the total taxa, 53% belonged to estuarine taxa, and marine taxa 3%. The isopod Munna sp. was the dominant taxon throughout the entire study period, followed by Ephemeroptera, Hyalella azteca, Chydorus sp., Physella sp., Podura aquatica, and Fossaria sp. during the low salinity period (July–September 2001, 1.6–3.8 psu), and Neritina virginea, Cassidinidea ovalis, Macrobrachium acanthurus and Melita longisetosa during the high salinity period (March–May 2001 9.7–12.7 psu and April–May 2002, 8.2–8.9 psu). A spatial gradient of species richness and diversity was registered for the freshwater organisms. Additionally, the spatial and temporal patterns of invertebrate densities could be explained due to the movements of Eichhornia crassipes mats through the system, and the temporal variation of environmental variables such as salinity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity.  相似文献   

The principle of biotopological mapping (Rashevsky, 1954,Bull. Math. Biophysics,16, 317–48) is given a generalized formulation, as the principle of relational epimorphism in biology. The connection between this principle and Robert Rosen’s representation of organisms by means of categories (1958,Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 317–41) is studied. Rosen’s theory of (M,R)-systems, (1958,Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 245–60) is generalized by dropping the assumption that only terminalM i components are sending inputs into theR i components. It is shown that, if the primordial organism is an (M,R)-system, then the higher organisms, obtained by a construction well discussed previously (1958,Bull. Math. Biophysics,20, 71–93), are also (M,R)-systems. Several theorems about such derived (M,R)-systems are demonstrated. It is shown that Rosen’s concept of an organism as a set of mappings throws light on phenomena of synesthesia and also leads to the conclusion that Gestalt phenomena must occur not only in the fields of visual and auditory perception but in perceptions of any modality.  相似文献   

We show that when we represent (ℓ, ℛ)-systems with fixed genome as automata (sequential machines), we get automata with output-dependent states. This yields a short proof that ((ℓ, ℛ)-systems from a subcategory of automata—and with more homomorphisms than previously exhibited. We show how ((ℓ, ℛ)-systems with variable genetic structure may be represented as automata and use this embedding to set up a larger subcategory of the category of automata. An analogy with dynamical systems is briefly discussed. This paper presents a formal exploration and extension of some of the ideas presented by Rosen (Bull. Math. Biophyss,26, 103–111, 1964;28, 141–148;28 149–151). We refer the reader to these papers, and references cited therein, for a discussion of the relevance of this material to relational biology.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the nucleobase and the ribose moieties in a 14-nt RNA cUUCGg hairpin-loop uniformly labeled with 13C and 15N were studied by 13C spin relaxation experiments. R1, R and the 13C-{1H} steady-state NOE of C6 and C1′ in pyrimidine and C8 and C1′ in purine residues were obtained at 298 K. The relaxation data were analyzed by the model-free formalism to yield dynamic information on timescales of pico-, nano- and milli-seconds. An axially symmetric diffusion tensor with an overall rotational correlation time τc of 2.31±0.13 ns and an axial ratio of 1.35±0.02 were determined. Both findings are in agreement with hydrodynamic calculations. For the nucleobase carbons, the validity of different reported 13C chemical shift anisotropy values (Stueber, D. and Grant, D. M., 2002 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 10539–10551; Fiala et al., 2000 J. Biomol. NMR 16, 291–302; Sitkoff, D. and Case, D. A., 1998 Prog. NMR Spectroscopy 32, 165–190) is discussed. The resulting dynamics are in agreement with the structural features of the cUUCGg motif in that all residues are mostly rigid (0.82 < S2 < 0.96) in both the nucleobase and the ribose moiety except for the nucleobase of U7, which is protruding into solution (S2 = 0.76). In general, ribose mobility follows nucleobase dynamics, but is less pronounced. Nucleobase dynamics resulting from the analysis of 13C relaxation rates were found to be in agreement with 15N relaxation data derived dynamic information (Akke et al., 1997 RNA 3, 702–709). Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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