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A 3,4-dehydroproline analogue of tuftsin (L-Thr-L-Lys-L-Pro-L-Arg) was prepared by the solid phase synthetic method. Following reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) purification, the analogue was compared to tuftsin for its ability to enhance the chemotactic, bactericidal and phagocytic activities of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Both tuftsin and [Δ3-pro3]-tuftsin elicited a similar significant chemotactic effect at a concentration of 10 μg/ml. A slight suppression of the chemotactic activity was observed with tuftsin at 10?3 μg/ml and with [Δ3-pro3]-tuftsin at concentrations of 10?3, 10?2 (significant) and 10?1 μg/ml. Although similar bactericidal activities were observed for both peptides, PMN exposed to [Δ3-pro3]-tuftsin exhibited increased phagocytic indicies 2–4 times that of tuftsin-treated PMN at concentrations of 0.4, 0.6 and 1.0 μg/ml.  相似文献   

The recently identified protein, insulin 3 (INSL3), has structural features that make it a bona fide member of the insulin superfamily. Its predicted amino acid sequence contains the classic two-peptide chain (A- and B-) structure with conserved cysteine residues that results in a disulphide bond disposition identical to that of insulin. Recently, the generation of insl3 knockout mice has demonstrated that testicular descent is blocked due to the failure of a specific ligament, the gubernaculum, to develop. The mechanism by which INSL3 exerts its action on the gubernaculum is currently unknown. The purpose of this study was to, for the first time, synthesize rat INSL3 and test its action on organ cultures of foetal rat gubernaculum. INSL3 also contains a cassette of residues Arg-X-X-X-Arg within the B-chain, a motif that is essential for characteristic activity of another related member of the superfamily, relaxin. Hence, the relaxin activity of rat INSL3 was also tested in two different relaxin bioassays. The primary structure of rat INSL3 was determined by deduction from its cDNA sequence and successfully prepared by solid phase peptide synthesis of the two constituent chains followed by their combination in solution. Following confirmation of its chemical integrity by a variety of analytical techniques, circular dichroism spectroscopy confirmed the presence of high beta-turn and alpha-helical content, with a remarkable spectral similarity to the synthetic ovine INSL3 peptide and to synthetic rat relaxin. The synthetic rat INSL3 bound with very low affinity to rat relaxin receptors and had no activity in a relaxin bioassay. Furthermore, it did not augment or antagonize relaxin activity. The rat INSL3 did however induce growth of foetal rat gubernaculum in whole organ cultures demonstrating that INSL3 has a direct action on this structure.  相似文献   

Rat hippocampus membranes were treated with several protein modifying reagents (iodoacetamide, N-ethylmaleimide, tetranitromethane and N-acetylimidazole). The effects of these treatments on the binding sites of cyclopyrrolones ([3H] suriclone), a new chemical family of minor tranquilizers, and benzodiazepines ([3H] flunitrazepam) were investigated. Here we show that both ligands are similarly sensitive to cysteine alkylation: [3H] suriclone and [3H] flunitrazepam binding are reduced by iodoacetamide and slightly increased by N-ethylmaleimide. On the contrary they are clearly differenciated by tyrosine modification: [3H] suriclone binding is not changed whereas [3H] flunitrazepam binding is increased by tetranitromethane and decreased by N-acetylimidazole. Our present findings and published evidence suggest cyclopyrrolones and benzodiazepines bind to distinct sites or to different allosteric forms of the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   

Catalyzed transesterification in the melt is used to produce diblock copolymers of poly([R]-3-hydroxybutyric acid), PHB, and monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol), mPEG, in a one-step process. Bacterial PHB of high molecular weight is depolymerized by consecutive and partly simultaneous reactions: pyrolysis and transesterification. The formation of diblocks is accomplished by the nucleophilic attack from the hydroxyl end-group of the mPEG catalyzed by bis(2-ethylhexanoate) tin. The resulting diblock copolymers are amphiphilic and self-assemble into sterically stabilized colloidal suspensions of PHB crystalline lamellae.  相似文献   

The recently isolated, naturally occurring peptide hormones [Hyp3]-bradykinin and [Hyp3]-Lys-bradykinin were investigated for their agonist activity on solubilized binding sites from human fibroblasts. Both ligands competed with [3H]bradykinin binding in a dose-dependent fashion with potencies similar to bradykinin (BK) and Lys-BK. Biological activity was assessed by determination of inositol phosphate accumulation and cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate synthesis in intact cultured cells. Stimulation by the hydroxylated peptides resulted in a pronounced accumulation of both parameters with similar effectiveness as BK and Lys-BK. These results indicate that [Hyp3]-BK and [Hyp3]-Lys-BK are agonists at the bradykinin receptor system with properties comparable to their non-hydroxylated analogues. This suggests that hydroxylation of kinins does not alter receptor interaction or signal transduction in cultured human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The investigation of [3H] PCP and [3H] TCP binding properties to rat cerebrum and cerebellum resulted in the demonstration of multiple binding sites for the two drugs. In the two tissue preparations PCP had a lower affinity than TCP. In membranes from the cerebrum an equal number of high affinity binding sites were present for [3H] PCP and [3H] TCP. However, low affinity binding sites were two times more numerous for [3H] PCP than for [3H] TCP. In the cerebellum, the number of high and low affinity sites labeled by the two radioligands was identical, but the number of high affinity sites was about 7 fold lower than in the cerebrum. Taken together these results may indicate that in the cerebrum [3H] PCP labels other sites than NMDA/PCP receptor(s), maybe sigma receptors and/or the dopamine uptake complex. In human cerebral cortex samples [3H] TCP also bound to two different sites. The number of high and low affinity sites were 12 and 3 times, respectively, less abundant than in the rat cerebrum. Low affinity sites were of higher affinity (5 times) than corresponding sites in the rat brain. In the human cerebellum [3H] TCP binding parameters were identical to those measured in the same region in the rat.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this research was to develop a sensitive, specific, and stability-indicating HPLC assay for the determination of the [Nle4-DPhe7]α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone analog known as Melanotan-1 (MT-1) in biological matrices, i.e., cell culture transport media and human plasma. Separation was accomplished isocratically within 8.0 min using a C8 reversed-phase column. The mobile phase consisted of 0.1 M phosphate buffer-acetonitrile (80:20, v/v) with 18 μl/l triethylamine at pH 2.50. The flow-rate was 1 ml/min with detection at 214 nm. Standard curves (n = 5) were linear over the concentration range 100–1000 ng/ml. The precision, accuracy, intra- and inter-day variations were good with C.V.s typically within 8.7% for concentrations greater than 100 ng/ml. This method was applied to a study of the transport of MT-1 in the Caco-2 cell monolayer model.  相似文献   

Analogues of PGF with enhanced luteolytic activity were synthesized using the Corey synthesis. The luteolytic activity of the new prostaglandins was tested in the hamster.In addition the smooth muscle activity of the new compounds was compared with that of PGA2 on the longitudinal strip of rat stomach fundus. Structure-activity relationships in the new series of 17,18,19,20-tetranor-16-thienyl-oxy-PGF are discussed.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin analogues in which the alkyl chain attached to C-15 in the natural compounds is replaced by an alkyoxyalkyl group have been synthesised. Compounds of the 17-oxa series are particularly potent luteolytic agents and are selective in the sense that they are less effective than PGE-2alpha in causing isotonic contractions of isolated uterus muscle.  相似文献   

Long chain bases are constituents of all sphingolipids and their biosynthesis is presumed to occur via the initial condensation of serine with palmitoyl-CoA. The biosynthesis of phytosphingosine, a long chain base containing three hydroxyl groups, has been less studied than sphingosine but is assumed to occur by hydroxylation of sphinganine. We report in this paper that the label from ([3H]methyl)-methionine is preferentially incorporated into phytosphingosine bases of neutral glycosphingolipids, whereas the label from [3H]serine is mainly incorporated into the sphingoid base of sphingomyelin. These results show that in fish leukocytes the biosynthesis of individual sphingoid bases and their downstream sphingolipid products follow different pathways of metabolism. Our observations suggest that in fish leukocytes the synthesis of the constitutive long chain bases of sphingomyelin and complex glycosphingolipids is coordinately regulated and may be localized in separate compartments.  相似文献   

The synthesis is described of a [D-Ala2]-deltorphin I peptoid analogue in which all amino acid residues have been substituted by the corresponding N-alkylglycine residues. The [D-Ala2]-deltorphin I retropeptoid was also prepared as well as [Ala1 ,D-Ala2]-deltorphin 1 and the corresponding peptoid. Structural investigations by FT-IR and fluorescence measurements were carried out on the synthetic analogues and on some [D-Ala2]-deltorphin 1 peptide-peptoid hybrids previously prepared. According to the fluorescence measurements the distance between the aromatic residues in the deltorphin I peptoid and retropeptoid is similar to that suggested for the delta- and micro-opioids, respectively. Measurements of CD in the presence of beta-cyclodextrin, and some preliminary pharmacological experiments were also performed. No dichroic bands are present in the spectrum of the [Ntyr1,D-Ala2]-deltorphin I, but an increasing dichroic effect appears in the spectra of both the deltorphin I peptoid and retropeptoid. Activity tests on isolated organ preparations showed that the modifications made produced a dramatic decrease in the agonistic activity of the synthetic derivatives.  相似文献   

This study examines the actions of the novel enzyme-resistant, NH2-terminally modified GIP analog (Hyp(3))GIP and its fatty acid-derivatized analog (Hyp(3))GIPLys(16)PAL. Acute effects are compared with the established GIP receptor antagonist (Pro(3))GIP. All three peptides exhibited DPP IV resistance, and significantly inhibited GIP stimulated cAMP formation and insulin secretion in GIP receptor-transfected fibroblasts and in clonal pancreatic BRIN-BD11 cells, respectively. Likewise, in obese diabetic ob/ob mice, intraperitoneal administration of GIP analogs significantly inhibited the acute antihyperglycemic and insulin-releasing effects of native GIP. Administration of once daily injections of (Hyp(3))GIP or (Hyp(3))GIPLys(16)PAL for 14 days resulted in significantly lower plasma glucose levels (P < 0.05) after (Hyp(3))GIP on days 12 and 14 and enhanced glucose tolerance (P < 0.05) and insulin sensitivity (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) in both groups by day 14. Both (Hyp(3))GIP and (Hyp(3))GIPLys(16)PAL treatment also reduced pancreatic insulin (P < 0.05 to P < 0.01) without affecting islet number. These data indicate that (Hyp(3))GIP and (Hyp(3))GIPLys(16)PAL function as GIP receptor antagonists with potential for ameliorating obesity-related diabetes. Acylation of (Hyp(3))GIP to extend bioactivity does not appear to be of any additional benefit.  相似文献   

The Ru(III) metronidazole-maltolato and -ethylmaltolato complexes, trans-[RuL2(metro)2]CF3SO3 (L = ma (1a) or etma (1b)), have been synthesized and tested for potential anti-tumour activity against the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-435S using a so-called MTT assay in phosphate-buffered saline; ma = 3-hydroxy-2-methylpyran-4-onato, etma = 2-ethyl-3-hydroxypyran-4-onato, metro = 2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-ethanol (metronidazole); MTT = 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide. The complexes exhibit lower IC50 values than our previously reported Ru(III) tris-maltolato and -ethylmaltolato complexes [D.C. Kennedy, A. Wu, B.O. Patrick, B.R. James, Inorg. Chem. 44 (2005) 6529–6535]. An improved synthetic route to the 2-nitroimidazole EF5 (2-(2-nitro-1-H-imidazol-1-yl)-N-(2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropyl)acetamide) is reported, as well as a related synthesis of a 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole derivative of EF5, triF5 (2-(3-nitro-1-H-triazol-1-yl)-N-(2,2,3,3,3- pentafluoropropyl)acetamide). The complexes [RuL2(EF5)2]CF3SO3 (4a and 4b) and [Ru(ma)2(triF5)2]CF3SO3 (5) were prepared from the [RuL2(EtOH)2]CF3SO3 complexes (3a and 3b); IC50 values for 3–5 are high. Data on the uptake of Ru by the cells are also reported. The complexes were characterized generally by all or some of the following methods: elemental analyses, NMR, IR and mass spectroscopies, conductivity, and cyclic voltammetry; complexes 1a and 1b were also analyzed by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

The structure of beta-cell tropin, an insulin secretagogue released by the neuro-intermediate lobe of the obese (ob/ob) mouse, has recently been determined as the 22-39 moiety of ACTH. A method for the preparation of this octadecapeptide using mild solid-phase procedures followed by preparative high pressure liquid chromatography is described. The molecular weight of the synthetic peptide has been confirmed by Fast Atom Bombardment mass spectrometry. Synthetic beta-cell tropin is indistinguishable in its chromatographic, antigenic and biological properties from natural beta-cell tropin.  相似文献   

Specific modification of the single lysine residue (Lys-12) in glucagon with O-methylisourea has been effected by blocking the reactivity of the amino terminal histidine with copper, providing a method for obtaining [12-homoarginine]glucagon. It was found that as a side reaction, under the conditions of the modification reaction, Cu(II) catalyzed cleavage of the polypeptide chain between Asp-9 and Tyr-10, and between Lys-12 and Tyr-13. This observation may be of value for development of a sequence-specific peptide cleavage procedure. The dilute solution conformations of glucagon and [12-homoarginine]-glucagon were compared by circular dichroism, fluorescence, phosphorescence, energy transfer, and optical detection of magnetic resonance. The results indicate that conversion of Lys-12 to homoarginine does not alter the helix content the side chain conformation in the vicinity of the tyrosine and tryptophan residues, or the relative distances and orientations between these residues. However, the modification reduces the hormone potency towards activation of lipolysis in isolated rat epididymal fat cells by a factor of seven. We attribute the loss of potency to an interference with a specific interaction between the lysine residue and the fat cell hormone receptor, and not to a change in the solution conformation of the hormone.  相似文献   

In an effort to explain the difference in potencies between the two characterized crustacean pigment-dispersing hormones (alpha-PDH; beta-PDH) and to define a role for residue 3 in these octadecapeptide hormones, we have synthesized and purified seven position 3 alpha-PDH analogues ([Ala3], [Ile3], [Asn3], [Gln3], [Asp3], [Glu3], and [Lys3]alpha-PDH). When tested for melanophore pigment-dispersing activity in destalked Uca, [Glu3]alpha-PDH was found to be 325% more potent than alpha-PDH. Reduced potencies were observed for the [Asp3] (58%), [Asn3] (26%), [Gln3] (11%), and [Ala3] (8%) derivatives. Much lower potencies were displayed by the [Lys3] and [Ile3] analogues (0.73% and 0.66%, respectively). These results suggest that the position 3 side chain carboxylate anion of [Glu3]alpha-PDH stabilizes the active receptor-bound conformer through a charge-charge interaction.  相似文献   

We have characterized and quantified the binding of [3H]CGP-12177 to -adrenergic receptor sites in slices (300 microns) of rat cerebral cortex. The receptors are stereospecific, saturable and of high affinity. Binding of [3H]CGP is readily reversible and demonstrates appropriated drug specificty. This assay method allows the demonstration of isoproterenol-induced down-regulation (internalization) of -adrenoreceptors. Receptor recycling is observed at 37°C in the absence of -agonist but can be blocked by low temperature (0°C) or by monensin. -Adrenoreceptors can also be labeled and quantified in intact, single pineal glands of rat, mouse and hamster. Rat pineals contain approximately 10 times more binding sites than do hamster or mouse pineals and up to 8 times more sites than found in rat cerebral cortex. Rat pineal [3H]CGP binding can be up- and down-regulated but not to the same degree as seen in brain slices. This assay method is simple, rapid and provides new opportunities for the study of other receptor types in intact tissue.  相似文献   

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