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Summary The pattern of follicular development during the estrous cycles of aged rats was examined and compared with that of mature rats. In both, preovulatory follicles are derived from a select group of small pre-Graafian follicles which begin to develop at estrus and reach the preovulatory size by the morning of proestrus, but the rate of growth, as judged by an increase in the percentage of granulosa cells incorporating 3H-thymidine, is accelerated in the follicles of aged rats. A second mechanism, which accounts for preovulatory follicles in aged rats, involves the rescue from atresia of pre-Graafian and preovulatory follicles. The existence of this mechanism is supported by the observation that at metestrus in aged rats virtually all follicles, regardless of their state of atresia, possess a high percentage of granulosa cells incorporating 3H-thymidine, indicating that the follicles are growing rapidly. However, some of these rapidly growing follicles show signs of atresia such as pyknotic nuclei within their granulosa cell layers. Since follicles in the initial stage of atresia contain defective oocytes (Peluso et al. 1979b), their rescue and development into preovulatory follicles would result in the ovulation of defective oocytes, a fact which accounts in part of the lower fertility in these older animals.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to investigate the steroid hormone production by sheep luteal cells. Corpora lutea were collected from 30 Olkuska sheep on Days 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 of the estrous cycle during the reproductive season. In Experiment 1, steroid hormone concentration was estimated in extracts of CL. In Experiment 2, luteal cells were cultured in vitro for 24 h. Luteal cells isolated on Days 9 and 12 secreted high amounts of progesterone and androgens but smaller amounts of estradiol. Concentration of these steroids in CL extracts collected on the same days showed the same trend. In CL harvested on Day 15, a decrease in androgens and progesterone as well as a significant increase in estradiol were observed in culture media and in extracts. Judging from the high amounts of estradiol and low amounts of androgen observed at the end of the luteal phase, we speculate that the steroid hormones secreted by the regressing CL may play an active role in the regulation of the estrous cycle in the Olkuska sheep with autocrine influence on the luteal activity or a possible paracrine action on follicular growth.In the third Experiment, the possibility of heterogeneity in the multiple corpora lutea population of prolific Olkuska sheep was investigated. Differences were found in the level of progesterone and estradiol secretion by individual corpora lutea recovered from the same animal, which also varied in terms of weight. This is the first study which shows the existence of intra-ovarian and individual heterogeneity between corpora lutea recovered from ewes during the normal estrous cycle.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of storage media and time of storage on the viability of unfertilized eggs of endangered Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius), the ova of this fish was stored in coelomic fluid and Cortland artificial media at 2–3 °C for 120 h. In this research, Cortland artificial medium was buffered with 20 mM of three different buffers: Hepes (C8H18N2O4S), Tris–HCl (C4H11NO3–HCl) and sodium salt Hepes (C8H17N2O4SNa). The pH of these media were adjusted according to natural pH of coelomic fluid. The eggs that stored in these media fertilized at times 0 h (eggs fertilized prior to storage), 48, 72 and 120 h of post-stripping, using fresh and pooled sperm obtained from four to six males. According to the results of present study, time of storage showed a significant (p < 0.05) main effect on eyeing, hatching and eyed eggs mortality rates. Eyeing and hatching rates significantly (p < 0.05) decreased from 97.4 ± 2.1% and 95.1 ± 4.4% at time 0 (eggs fertilized prior to storage) to 77.9 ± 3% and 65.5 ± 5% after 120 h of storage. Within a similar period of time, eyed eggs mortality significantly (p < 0.05) increased from 2.4 ± 2.4% to 17.2 ± 3.9%. No significant (p > 0.05) main effect was found among media buffered with Tris–HCl (82.8 ± 3.2%, 73.4 ± 5.4%, 12.1 ± 4.5%), Hepes (88.2 ± 3.4%, 80.7 ± 5.5%, 9.3 ± 3.4%), sodium salt Hepes (77.8 ± 3.8%, 69.3 ± 5.7%, 12.2 ± 3.9%) and coelomic fluid (84.8 ± 3.8%, 77.7 ± 5.1%, 8.9 ± 2.7%) for eyeing, hatching and eyed eggs mortality rates. There was a negative correlation (r = −0.895, p < 0.001) between eyed eggs mortality and hatching rates. In conclusion, unfertilized eggs of endangered Caspian brown trout can be successfully stored for 48 h without significant loss of fertility. But, storage for 120 h results in the falling of hatching rate. In addition, no significant difference was found between viability rates of ova stored in coelomic fluid and artificial media, 120 h post-storage. It reveals that artificial media could be substituted for coelomic fluid as storage medium at least for 120 h in Caspian brown trout.  相似文献   

Folliculogenesis was studied daily in 16 interovulatory intervals in 5 Polypay ewes from mid February through April using transrectal ultrasonic imaging. The 3-mm follicles attaining > or = 5 mm on Days--1 (ovulation=Day 0) to 11 showed significant peak numbers on Days 0, 5 and 10. The number of 3- and 4-mm follicles that did not reach > 4 mm was not significant, indicating that these follicles did not manifest a wave pattern. A follicular wave was defined as one or more follicles growing to > or = 5 mm; the day the follicles were 3 mm was the day of wave emergence, and the first wave after ovulation was Wave 1. Waves 1, 2 and 3 emerged on Days -1 to 2,4 to 7 and 8 to 10, respectively. Four interovulatory intervals in April were short (9 to 14 d), indicating the end of the ovulatory season. In the remaining 12 intervals, the ovulatory wave was Wave 3 in one interval, Wave 4 in 8 intervals, and Wave 5 or 6 in 3 intervals. The ovulatory wave followed the rhythmic pattern of Waves 1 to 3 by emerging on Days 11 to 14 in 50% of the intervals. In the remaining intervals, either the ovulatory wave was Wave 4 but did not emerge until Day 16 or other waves intervened between Wave 3 and the ovulatory wave. The longest intervals (22, 24 and 24 d) had >4 waves. Based on a cycle-detection program, peak values of FSH fluctuations were temporally associated with the emergence of waves as indicated by the following: 1) tendency (P < 0.08) for an increase in FSH concentrations between 3 and 2 days before emergence of a wave; 2) close agreement between mean number of waves per interval (mean +/- SEM, 4.1 +/- 0.3) and mean number of identified FSH fluctuations (4.5 +/- 0.3); 3) close agreement in length of interwave intervals (4.0 +/- 0.3) and interpeak (FSH) intervals (3.6 +/- 0.2); 4) positive correlation (r(2)=0.8) for number of the 2 events (follicular waves and FSH fluctuations) within intervals; and 5) a closer (P < 0.01) temporal relationship between the 2 events than would have been expected if the events were independent. The results support a relationship between transient increases in FSH concentrations and emergence of follicular waves throughout the interovulatory interval in Polypay ewes, with the 2 events occurring approximately every 4 d.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of 13 mature hinds were examined daily by transrectal ultrasonography and blood samples were taken daily from October to January to characterize follicular, luteal, and endocrine dynamics in wapiti during the estrous season. Follicle development occurred in waves characterized by regular, synchronous development of a group of follicles in temporal succession to a surge in serum FSH concentration. The mean interovulatory interval was 21.3 +/- 0.1 d, but was shorter in hinds exhibiting two follicular waves than in hinds exhibiting three and four waves (P < 0.05). The interwave interval was similar among waves in two-wave cycles and the first wave of three-wave cycles. All other interwave intervals in three- and four-wave cycles were shorter (P < 0.05). The maximum diameter of the dominant follicle of the first wave was similar among two-, three-, and four-wave cycles. For all other waves in three- and four-wave cycles, the maximum diameter was smaller (P < 0.05). Corpus luteum diameter and plasma progesterone concentrations were similar between two- and three-wave cycles, but the luteal phase was longer (P < 0.05) in four-wave cycles. The dominant follicle emerged at a diameter of 4 mm at 0.4 +/- 0.1 and 0.8 +/- 0.1 d before the largest and second largest subordinate follicles, respectively. The follicle destined to become dominant was larger (P < 0.05) than the largest subordinate follicle one day after emergence, which coincided with the first significant decrease in serum FSH concentration. We concluded that the estrous cycle in wapiti is characterized by two, three, or four waves of follicular development (each preceded by a surge in circulating FSH), that there is a positive relationship between the number of waves and the duration of the cycle, and an inverse relationship between the number of waves and the magnitude of follicular dominance (diameter and duration of the dominant follicle).  相似文献   

Isthmic and ampullary oviductal epithelia sampled from Merino ewes at days -1, 1, 3, and 10 of the estrous cycle (estrus = day 0) were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy after fixation by vascular perfusion. Secretory cells, ciliated cells, and lymphocytelike basal cells were observed in both isthmic and ampullary epithelium at all stages of the estrous cycle studied and their ultrastructural features were analyzed. Synthesis of lamellated secretory granules occurred in the ampullary secretory cells during the follicular and early luteal phases, and their contents were released by exocytosis into the oviductal lumen during the luteal phase. Granule release was associated with nucleated apical protrusion of these cells into the oviductal lumen. No such secretory activity was displayed by isthmic secretory cells even though a few cells contained nonlamellated granules. Apocrine release of apical vesicles and accompanying cytoplasmic material from apical protrusions of ciliated cells occurred in the isthmus around estrus but not in the ampulla. This unexpected feature has not previously been reported in any other mammal. Dendritic basal cells were distinguished in the lower part of the epithelium by their heterochromatic nuclei, electron-lucent cytoplasm, and lack of attachment zones. No migration of basal cells was observed, and their ultrastructural features were similar in the ampulla and isthmus and at all stages of the estrous cycle examined. The function of these lymphocytelike cells in the epithelium is uncertain, but the presence of phagocytic bodies and lysosomes in 20% of them may indicate a phagocytic role.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent laporatomy during metestrus at 70 to 75 days of age or remained untreated to study the effects of surgical stress on follicular growth. Groups of rats were killed on each day of a 4-day estrous cycle, serial sections of the ovaries were prepared histologically and the number and size of follicles with one or more complete layers of cuboidal granulosa cells were determined. Since no differences due to surgery were found, the data were pooled by day of the estrous cycle (17 or 18 rats/day of cycle) for characterization and comparison of size distribution of follicles on different days of the estrous cycle. Follicles were classified as atretic or healthy and divided into groups by increments of 20 micron of diameter for graphing. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and least squares means. Significant differences were found in the distribution of both healthy and atretic follicles among days of the estrous cycle. At least 21 follicles/ovary were recruited from less than 260 micron into greater than 260 micron in diameter between proestrus and estrus, and the follicles for ovulation were selected by diestrus. A greater number of growing follicles of 70 to 100 micron in diameter were present at diestrus. From the disappearance of follicles greater than 260 micron between estrus and proestrus, it appears that atresia is a very rapid process.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior, follicular development and ovulation, and concentrations of circulating gonadotropins during the estrous cycle were studied during the summer in 7 jennies. Mean behavioral estrous length was 6.4 +/- 0.6 days (mean +/- SEM, n=19; 5.6 +/- 0.5 days preovulatory and 0.8 +/- 0.2 days post-ovulatory). Mean diestrous length was 19.3 +/- 0.6 days (n=14). Females in estrus typically showed posturing, mouth clapping, clitoral winking, urinating and tail raising. Mouth clapping began approximately one day sooner and lasted approximately one day longer than winking and tail raising, so that the total duration of clapping was significantly greater than for the other two signs. Follicular changes and concentrations of gonadotropins were determined for 14 estrous cycles (2 per jenny). The follicular end points [diameter of the largest follicle and number of large (>25 mm), medium (20-24 mm), and small follicles (<20 mm)] showed a significant day effect. The diameter of the largest follicle and the number of large follicles began to increase significantly 7 days prior to ovulation with a maximum value the day before ovulation. Medium follicles reached a maximum number 4 days prior to ovulation, and small follicles decreased significantly prior to ovulation. After ovulation, all follicular end points, except the number of small follicles, remained low for the next 12 days. Mean values of FSH were low during estrus and high during diestrus with 2 significant peaks, one 3 days and one 9 days after ovulation. In contrast, mean levels of LH were low during diestrus and high during estrus with a maximum value the day after ovulation. The LH profile showed a more prolonged gradual increase prior to ovulation, than that which has been reported for ponies and horses.  相似文献   

Characteristics predictive of a 2-wave versus 3-wave pattern of ovarian follicular development during the interovulatory interval (IOI) were examined by ultrasonographic monitoring of 91 IOIs from 31 beef heifers. Repeatability of the wave pattern within individuals and the effects of season and age were determined using a subset of 75 IOIs from 15 heifers examined for multiple IOIs. The 2-wave pattern was detected in 62 of 91 (68%) IOIs, and the 3-wave pattern was detected in 29 of 91 (32%) IOIs. The preponderance of the 2-wave versus 3-wave pattern (P < 0.05) was not influenced by season (P = 0.61) but was even greater in the more mature age group (P = 0.02). The majority of IOIs ≤21 d was of the 2-wave pattern (88%; P < 0.05), whereas the majority of IOIs ≥22 d was of the 3-wave pattern (78%; P < 0.05). The proportion of nonalternating patterns (repeatability) was more than twofold greater than the proportion of alternating patterns (70% vs. 30%; P < 0.01). This relationship was consistent among seasons (P < 0.01) and even more marked in the more mature age group (P = 0.01). Emergence and follicular dominance of Wave 2 were delayed (P < 0.01), and the onset of corpus luteum regression was earlier (P < 0.01) in 2-wave versus 3-wave IOI. In conclusion, the duration of the IOI was predictive of the wave pattern, and the pattern was repeatable within individuals. Factors influencing the period of follicular dominance of Wave 1 in 2-wave versus 3-wave IOI may be responsible for regulating the wave pattern and may be associated with heifer maturity or relative nutritional demand during the postpubertal period. The impact of greater follicular attrition recorded in 3-wave versus 2-wave IOI on ovarian depletion and reproductive senescence is worthy of critical evaluation.  相似文献   

Holstein heifers were used to study effects of exogenous administration of oxytocin on luteal function and ovarian follicular development. Twelve heifers were monitored for 1 estrous cycle to confirm normal ovarian function. At the subsequent estrus, these animals were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: saline control, (Group 1, n=4), oxytocin (Group 2, n=4) and saline pregnant (Group 3, n=4). Group 2 received continuous infusion of oxytocin (1.9 mg/d) from Days 14 to 26 after estrus, while Groups 1 and 3 received saline infusion during the same period. Group 3 were artificially inseminated at estrus. Daily blood samples were collected for oxytocin and progesterone assay. Ovarian follicles and corpus luteum (CL) development were monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography until Day 32 after estrus. Plasma progesterone (P4) concentrations prior to initiation of infusion were 7.6+/-1.3 ng/mL on Day 14. They then decreased to <1 ng/mL on Day 19 for Group 1 and on Day 28 for Group 2. The interestrous interval was longer (P <0.05) for heifers that received oxytocin infusion. During the infusion period P4 concentrations were not different (P >0.05) between Group 2 and 3 but declined gradually from Day 20 in Group 2 despite the presence of high plasma oxytocin concentrations. Control heifers had 2 waves of follicular growth, with the second dominant follicle ovulating. Three of the 4 oxytocin-infused animals had an additional wave, with the third dominant follicle ovulating. Oxytocin infusion had no effect on size of the ovulating follicle (P >0.05) and the number of Class 1 follicles (3 to 5 mm, P >0.1). Differences in the number of Class 2 follicles (6 to 9 mm) among treatments on Days 15 to 22 after estrus were not detected (P >0.1) except on Days 23 to 26, when Group 2 had fewer follicles than Group 3 (P <0.05). The results show that continuous infusion of oxytocin during normal luteolysis delays luteal regression without inhibiting follicular development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine conceptus development on Day 13 in ewes with estrous cycles of different durations. Ewes (n = 80) were screened according to the length of their estrous cycles. Subsequently, ewes that had either SHORT or LONG cycles were utilized (15.9 +/- 0.1 or 18.6 +/- 0.4 days; mean +/- SEM, p less than 0.01; 10 ewes per group). Jugular blood samples were collected twice daily from Days 0-6 after mating and then once a day until slaughter on Day 13. Concentrations of progesterone in plasma and amounts of ovine trophoblast protein-1 (oTP-1), protein, and prostaglandins (PG) E2 and F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) in uterine flushings were determined. Concentrations of progesterone were greater (Day by treatment interaction, p less than 0.01) on Days 2-4 for ewes in the SHORT group. On Day 5 and thereafter, progesterone concentrations were not different between groups. More (p less than 0.05) oTP-1 and protein (8.1 +/- 1.3 micrograms and 1.8 +/- 0.3 micrograms versus 2.4 +/- 1.3 micrograms and 0.8 +/- 0.3 mg) were recovered from uterine flushings from ewes in the SHORT versus LONG groups, respectively. The ratio of PGE2:PGF2 alpha was higher (p less than 0.06) in flushings from ewes in the SHORT versus LONG group (1.4 +/- 0.2 versus 0.9 +/- 0.2, respectively). Conceptuses were classified by stage of morphological development. Conceptus development was accelerated (p less than 0.01) in ewes of the SHORT group, as shown by filamentous conceptuses recovered from 78% versus 0% of SHORT versus LONG ewes, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

It is not clear whether the turnover of ovarian follicles during the estrous cycle in cattle is continuous and independent of the phase of the cycle, or whether waves of follicular growth occur at specific times of the cycle. To clarify this controversy, the pattern of growth and regression of ovarian follicles was characterized during a complete estrous cycle in ten heifers by daily ultrasonographic examinations. Follicles greater than or equal to 5 mm were measured and their relative locations within the ovary were determined in order to follow the sequential development of each individual follicle. Results indicated the presence of either two (n = 2 heifers), three (n = 7), or four (n = 1) waves of follicular growth per cycle. Each wave was characterized by the development of one large (dominant) follicle and a variable number of smaller (non-dominant) follicles. In the most common pattern observed (three waves/cycle), the first, second, and third waves started on Days 1.9 +/- 0.3, 9.4 +/- 0.5, and 16.1 +/- 0.7 (X +/- SEM), respectively. The dominant follicle in the third wave was the ovulatory follicle. The maximal size and the growth rate of the dominant follicle in the second wave were significantly lower than in the other waves, but no significant difference was observed between the first and third waves. For the two heifers that had two follicular waves/cycle, the waves started on Days 2 and 11, whereas in the remaining heifer (four waves/cycle), the waves began on Days 2, 8, 14, and 17, respectively. At 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days before estrus, the ovulatory follicle was the largest follicle in the ovaries in 100%, 95%, 74%, 35%, and 25% of follicular phases monitored, respectively. The relative size of the preovulatory follicle at the completion of luteolysis (progesterone less than 1 ng/ml) was negatively correlated (r = -0.90; p less than 0.0001) with the interval of time between the end of luteolysis and the luteinizing hormone surge, suggesting that the length of proestrus is determined by the size of the pre-ovulatory follicle at the beginning of proestrus. In conclusion, this study shows that the development of ovarian follicles greater than or equal to 5 mm in heifers occurs in waves and that the most common pattern is three waves per estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Individual follicles >/=15 mm were monitored daily by ultrasonography in 12 mares during the estrous cycle. Follicular waves were designated as major waves (primary and secondary) and minor waves based on maximum diameter of the largest follicle of a wave (major waves, 34 to 47 mm; minor waves, 18 to 25 mm). Dominance of the largest follicle of major waves was indicated by a wide difference (mean, 18 mm) in maximum diameter relative to the second largest follicle. Dominant follicles of primary waves (n=12) emerged (attained 15 mm) at a mean of Day 12 and resulted in the ovulations associated with estrus (ovulation=Day 0). The dominant follicle of a secondary wave (n=1) emerged on Day 2 and subsequently ovulated in synchrony with the dominant follicle of the primary wave, which emerged on Day 9. The largest follicles of minor waves (n=4) emerged at a mean of Day 5, reached a mean maximum diameter 3 days later, and subsequently regressed. There was a significant increase in mean daily FSH concentrations either 6 days (primary wave) or 4 days (minor waves) before the emergence of a wave. Mean concentrations of FSH decreased significantly 2 days after emergence of the primary wave. Divergence between diameter of the dominant and largest subordinate follicle of the primary wave was indicated by a significantly greater mean diameter of the dominant follicle than of the largest subordinate follicle 3 days after wave emergence and by the cessation of growth of the largest subordinate follicle beginning 4 days after the emergence of a wave. Surges of FSH were identified in individual mares by a cycle-detection program; surges occurred every 3 to 7 days. Elevated mean FSH concentrations over the 6 days prior to emergence of the primary wave was attributable to a significantly greater frequency of individual FSH surges before wave emergence than after emergence and to an increase in magnitude of peak concentrations of FSH associated with individual surges.  相似文献   

The growth, selection, regression and ovulation of ovarian follicles was ultrasonically monitored in 30 Murrah buffalo throughout a spontaneous estrous cycle during the breeding season (autumn). Examinations revealed that follicular growth during the estrous cycle occurs in waves; the buffalo showed 1-wave (3.3%, n = 1), 2-wave (63.3%, n = 19) or 3-wave (33.3%, n = 10) follicular growth. The first wave began at 1.00, 1.16 +/-0.50 and 1.10 +/- 0.32 d in buffalo with 1, 2 and 3 waves, respectively (ovulation = Day 0). The second wave appeared at 10.83 +/- 1.09 and 9.30 +/- 1.25 d (P < 0.01) for the 2 and 3 wave cycle animals, respectively. The third wave started at 16.80 +/- 1.22 d. Structural persistence of the first dominant follicle was longer in the 2- than 3-wave cycles (20.67 +/- 1.18 vs 17.90 +/- 3.47 d ; P < 0.05). The duration of the growth and static phases of the first dominant follicle differed between the 2 and 3 wave cycles (P < 0.05), whereas there were no differences in linear growth rates (cm/d). Two and three wave cycles differed (P < 0.05) with respect to the maximum diameter of both the first dominant follicle (1.51 +/- 0.24 vs 1.33 +/- 0.18 cm) and the ovulatory follicles (1.55 +/- 0.16 vs 1.34 +/- 0.13 cm). No relationship was found between dominant follicle development and the presence of either a CL or a previous dominant follicle in either ovary. Two and three wave cycles also differed with respect to the mean length of intervals between ovulation (22.27 +/- 0.89 vs 24.50 +/- 1.88 d; P < 0.01) and the mean length of luteal phases (10.40 +/- 2.11 vs 12.66 +/- 2.91 d; P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that buffalo have estrous cycles with 1, 2 or 3 follicular waves; that 2-wave cycles are the most common; and that the number of waves in a cycle is associated with the luteal phase and with estrous cycle length.  相似文献   

The pattern of ovarian follicle development in maiden cyclic lambs was characterized using the definition of a follicle wave as the changes in the number of follicles among the days of the estrous cycle, as originally defined in cattle by Rajakoski in 1960. We also examined the steroid content relationships among follicles on Days 5 (Wave 1) and 14 (Waves 2 and 3) of the estrous cycle. In Experiment 1, the ovaries of 20 cyclic lambs (40 to 45 kg) were examined daily using transrectal ultrasonography for 1 or 2 estrous cycles (n = 31 cycles). The number of small (2 and 3 mm in diameter), medium (4 and 5 mm) and large (> or = 6 mm) follicles were aligned with the beginning and end of the average length estrous cycle and then compared among days. Identified follicles were defined as those that grew to > or = 4 mm and remained at > or = 3 mm for > or = 3 d. The number of identified follicles emerging (retrospectively identified at 2 or 3 mm) per ewe per day was also aligned with the average length estrous cycle. In Experiment 2, ewe lambs were ovariectomized on Day 5 (n = 6) or 14 (n = 5) of the estrous cycle, then follicle diameters and follicular fluid concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were compared among follicles. Data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA and compared among days using Fisher's LSD. In Experiment 1, either 2 (n = 10 cycles), 3 (n = 20 cycles) or 4 (n = 1 cycle) periods of emergence of identified follicles occurred during individual cycles, with estrous cycle lengths of 15.6 +/- 1.6, 16.1 +/- 1.1 and 17 d respectively. In animals with 2 or 3 periods of emergence of identified follicles, the total number of small, medium and large follicles differed (P < 0.05) among days of the estrous cycle showing a wave-like pattern. In Experiment 2, a single follicle collected on each of Days 5 and 14 of the cycle (6.2 +/- 0.2 and 3.9 +/- 0.2 mm in diameter) had a higher (P < 0.05) concentration of follicular fluid estradiol (36.2 +/- 4.4 and 50.9 +/- 21.6 ng/mL) than other follicles collected on the same day (next largest follicle: 4.3 +/- 0.3 and 3.5 +/- 0.4 mm; 4.3 +/- 0.9 and 18.2 +/- 6.7 ng/mL estradiol). The results showed that 1) there was a synchronous emergence of follicles associated with fluctuations in the number and size of follicles during the estrous cycle; 2) within a wave there was a hierarchy among follicles for diameter and steroid content; 3) ovarian follicle growth in ewe lambs occurred in 2 or 3 organized waves during the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Wistar strain albino rats were hysterectomized and the estrous cycle was compared with sham operated controls. Duration of estrous cycle in hysterectomized rats increased markedly with significant delay in the luteal phase and this was correlated to the inhibited follicular development of ovary. When these rats were treated with PGF2 alpha and PMSG and subjected to physical exercises, the estrous cycle was synchronised and the ovaries of such animals had active follicular development. Thus the deranged operation of sexual cycle in hysterectomized rats was regulated through physical exercises.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the endocrinology of the periestrus period and that of the subsequent estrous cycle in ewes synchronized during the breeding season. Animals were treated for 14 days with either MAP intravaginal sponges or subcutaneous progesterone implants, followed by administration of 500 IU PMSG at the time of withdrawal. The time to estrus occurrence following progestagen withdrawal differed significantly between groups (45.3+/-2.7h for the MAP and 21.5+/-1.2h for the implant group, P<0.001). Estradiol levels around estrus did not differ between groups, but a significant difference was detected for the interval from peak estradiol to estrus, with a shorter interval for the implant group (26.7+/-0.7 and 2.7+/-0.9h, P<0.001). Progesterone implants shortened the interval from removal to LH surge, compared to the MAP group (31.2+/-4.4 and 56.5+/-3.6h, respectively, P<0.05). An earlier response was also observed for the interval from estradiol peak to LH peak in the implant group (12.1+/-3.3 and 37+/-2h, respectively, P<0.005), but no difference was observed for the interval from estrus to LH surge. Progesterone levels, particularly during the Days 6 to 10 of the subsequent estrous cycle were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the implant group. It is concluded that the kind of progesterone treatment may affect the time of estrus and the LH peak as well as the progesterone levels of the subsequent cycle.  相似文献   

This study compared the effect of double and single ovulation on serum progesterone concentrations and luteal characteristics in Sanjabi ewes at different days of the estrous cycle. The estrous cycles of 197 Sanjabi ewes were synchronized by a 12-day treatment with intravaginal sponges (Chronogest®). Estrus was detected in 144 ewes 27–39 h after sponge removal. Daily blood samples were taken every morning and analyzed for serum progesterone (P4). Ewes were then transported to a local abattoir, where nine ewes were slaughtered on each experimental day (days 1–16 after estrus) for ovary collection. The ovarian follicles were measured and categorized by size (very small <2 mm; small 2–3.5 mm; medium 3.5–5 mm; large >5 mm). On each slaughter day, the number of corpora lutea per ewe was classified as single and double ovulation. The results show that the effect of dominant follicles was less during the mid-luteal phase. Ovulation rate of right, left and both ovaries were (54.9%), (23.6%) and (21.5%), respectively. The incidence of double ovulations was 40.2%. In the case of ewes exhibiting double ovulation, 46.6% occurred unilateral (ewes exhibited both ovulations on the right ovary); whereas 53.4% occurred bilateral (ewes exhibited ovulations on the right and left ovaries). Unilateral double ovulation was not observed in the left ovary. The right ovary appeared to play a significantly greater role in ewes showing single and double ovulations than the left ovary (P < 0.05). Serum progesterone concentration showed minimum and maximum levels of 0.29 ± 0.15 and 5.51 ± 0.75 ng/ml on days 16 and 11 post-estrous, respectively (P < 0.001). The mean volume of individual corpus lutea in ewes with single ovulations was significantly higher than in ewes with double ovulations (P < 0.01). However, the total volume of corpus lutea in ewes with single ovulation was significantly lower than in ewes with double ovulations in some days of estrous cycle (P < 0.01). The serum progesterone concentration was significantly higher in double than single ovulating animals on days 1–16 of the estrous cycle (P < 0.001). These results indicated a relatively high incidence of double ovulation in ewes associated with increasing total luteal volume and high circulating concentrations of progesterone.  相似文献   

Surges of FSH were characterized in each of 12 Holstein heifers using a computerized cycle detector program, and as mean changes averaged over all heifers. Blood samples were collected 6 times a day at 4-h intervals beginning at late diestrus. Concentrations of FSH were adjusted relative to the preovulatory LH peak (Hour 0) and profiled beginning 48 h before and ending 120 h after the LH peak. Peak concentrations of FSH and LH occurred synchronously in 11 of 12 (92%) heifers, and only a 4-h interval separated peak concentrations in the remaining heifer. The FSH surge that was synchronous with the LH surge was designated FSH Surge 1 and was used as a reference to designate other FSH surges. Surge -1 of FSH was detected in 58% of the heifers at mean Hour -21.2, and Surges 2, 3 and 4 were detected in 92%, 92% and 75% of the heifers, respectively, at mean Hours 25.1, 57.8 and 78.7. Mean peak levels and duration of FSH Surges-1, 2, 3 and 4 were significantly lower than for FSH Surge 1. Mean concentrations of FSH significantly increased and decreased before and after the LH peak, resulting from the synchrony between FSH Surge 1 and the LH surge in individual heifers. Additionally, there was a tendency (P < 0.08) for a second and third increase in mean FSH concentrations at Hours 24 and 60, which was attributed to FSH Surges 2 and 3 that occurred in individuals. Peak FSH concentrations of Surge 2 occurred (mean, Hour 25.1) within 8 h of maximal mean concentrations at Hour 24 in 91% of the heifers. Correspondingly, peak FSH concentrations of Surge 3 occurred (mean, Hour 57.8) within 8 h of maximal mean concentrations at Hour 60 in 64% of the heifers. Surges -1 and 4 of FSH occurred less frequently and at various times within and among heifers compared with Surges 1 to 3; therefore, they were not detected as mean increases in FSH concentrations but were masked as a result of concentrations being averaged over all heifers. In summary, FSH surges were detected in individual heifers before and after the combined FSH/LH surge. The interpeak intervals for FSH Surges 1 to 2 (25 h), 2 to 3 (33 h) and 3 to 4 (21 h) suggests a rhythmic nature to the surges.  相似文献   

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