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Understanding the cost of immune function is essential for more accurate characterization of energy budgets of animals and better understanding of the role of immunity in the evolution of life-history strategies. We examined the energetic cost of maintaining a normally functioning immune system and mounting a mild immune response in wild male white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). To evaluate the cost of maintaining immunocompetence, we compared resting and daily metabolic rates (RMR; DMR) and masses of body organs of mice whose immune systems were suppressed by cyclophosphamide with those of control mice. To evaluate the cost of mounting an immune response, we measured RMR, DMR, and organ masses in mice whose humoral and cell-mediated immune responses had been stimulated by injections of sheep red blood cells and phytohemagglutinin, respectively. Immunosuppression resulted in a significant reduction in circulating leukocytes, by 225%, but no significant effect on metabolic rates or organ masses. Immunochallenged animals showed no significant differences in metabolic rates compared with control animals but did exhibit significantly smaller dry masses of the small intestine and testes, by 74% and 22%, respectively. We concluded that the cost of maintaining the immune system was minimal. In contrast, there was a significant energetic cost of mounting an immune response that, depending on its magnitude, can be met through reductions in energy allocation to other physiological systems.  相似文献   

陈永年 《昆虫知识》2000,37(5):304-305
在湖南 ,春甘蓝的大田生长期一般在 1月下旬至 6月上旬之间 ,这一季节的主要食叶害虫是菜青虫 Pierisrapae L .,其次是灯蛾 ,过去大量发生的小菜蛾近年来一直处于低数量低水平。而甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾此时发生极少。灯蛾的卵呈块产 ,卵粒裸露 ,单层排列 ,低龄幼虫呈集团性分布 ,不难发现。为此 ,我们只针对主要害虫菜青虫作了虫情简便监测技术的研究。1 方法1 .1 于 1 998年 5月 3日至 6月 4日菜青虫主要发生危害期在甘蓝地及其周边共 0 .0 5 km2的固定范围内每日上午 1 0时计数飞舞的成虫(菜粉蝶 )数 ,一般计数 3~ 5次 ,求其平均值 ;并…  相似文献   

Males may increase their fitness through extra-pair copulations (copulations outside the pair bond) that result in extra-pair fertilizations, but also risk lost paternity when they leave their own mate unguarded. The fitness costs of cuckoldry for Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) are considerable because warblers have a single-egg clutch and, given the short breeding season, no time for a successful replacement clutch. Neighbouring males are the primary threat to a male's genetic paternity. Males minimize their loss of paternity by guarding their mates to prevent them from having extra-pair copulations during their fertile period. Here, I provide experimental evidence that mate-guarding behaviour is energetically costly and that the expression of this trade-off is adjusted to paternity risk (local male density). Free-living males that were induced to reduce mate guarding spent significantly more time foraging and gained significantly better body condition than control males. The larger the reduction in mate guarding, the more pronounced was the increase in foraging and body condition (accounting for food availability). An experimental increase in paternity risk resulted in an increase in mate-guarding intensity and a decrease in foraging and body condition, and vice versa. This is examined using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. This study on the Seychelles warbler offers experimental evidence that mate guarding is energetically costly and adjusted to paternity risk.  相似文献   

The lifetime mating frequency of female butterflies is believed tobe dependent on the reproductive status of the males which they have mated. This report assesses those status usingPieris rapae L. Multiple mating females mated males with a short time interval after the last mating or males with many mating records. Such males, like small ones, produced small spermatophores during copulation, which may have resulted in high mating frequency of those females. The males with short time interval after the last mating or those with many mating records also showed a long mating duration. Alternative interpretations of the adaptive significance of this behavior for males are discussed.  相似文献   

The diuresis which follows the pupal-adult ecdysis of Pieris brassicae is hormonally controlled. Use of the isolated Malpighian tubules as a bioassay shows the presence of substantial diuretic activity in homogenates of the brain and corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex. The hormone is probably produced in the brain and released from a storage site in the corpora cardiaca. The tubules of the butterfly are maximally responsive to the diuretic hormone at the time of eclosion.  相似文献   

Head ML  Wong BB  Brooks R 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15279
Sexual displays and mate choice often take place under the same set of environmental conditions and, as a consequence, may be exposed to the same set of environmental constraints. Surprisingly, however, very few studies consider the effects of environmental costs on sexual displays and mate choice simultaneously. We conducted an experiment, manipulating water flow in large flume tanks, to examine how an energetically costly environment might affect the sexual display and mate choice behavior of male and female guppies, Poecilia reticulata. We found that male guppies performed fewer sexual displays and became less choosy, with respect to female size, in the presence of a water current compared to those tested in still water. In contrast to males, female responsive to male displays did not differ between the water current treatments and females exhibited no mate preferences with respect to male size or coloration in either treatment. The results of our study underscore the importance of considering the simultaneous effects of environmental costs on the sexual behaviors of both sexes.  相似文献   

In the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae crucivora, copulation hinders normal expansion and hardening of the wings of newly emerged females. The resulting permanent wing deformation makes it impossible for females to fly and therefore, to find an oviposition site and nectar sources. An attempt was made to clarify whether the newly emerged female butterfly avoids copulation. Observation of wing expansion and hardening reveals that the wings are fully expanded and hard by 20–30 min after emergence. In the field, presentation of females with soft wings to males shows that males will attempt to copulate with these females. However, newly emerged females prevent successful completion of copulation by assuming the mate refusal posture, and thereby avoid a potentially maladaptive copulation. The discussion focusses on the question as to why females and not males avoid early copulation.  相似文献   

The mortality of eggs, larvae and pupae and larval dispersal of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was investigated in a series of small-scale field experiments in white cabbage, Brassicae oleracea var. capitata (L.), and in the laboratory during 1990–1992 in south–eastern Norway. The highest mortality was found in young larvae and in hibernating pupae. In 1990, larval mortality in the first instar was 80% (range 9–97% for the individual cohorts). Most larvae died within the first 1–3 days after hatching. The dispersal activity during these days was high, and failure to establish feeding sites and predation were probably the main mortality causes. Pupal mortality during winter was 90% on average for 1990–1993 (range 81–100%). The main mortality factor was probably unfavourable weather conditions, and indications of cold stress were found. The impact from parasitoids and diseases was generally low. Trichogramma semblidis (Aurivillius) (Trichogrammatidae) was reared from M. brassicae eggs in very low numbers in 1991. Larval parasitism increased from < 1% in 1990 to almost 24% in 1992, and was almost totally caused by the braconids Microplitis mediator (Haliday) and Aleiodes (Aleiodes) sp. Predation of frozen larvae on the soil surface was 75% on average (range 63–96%) during 1990–1992 in first instar larvae and decreased gradually with larval age. The consumption rates of Philonthus atratus (Gravenhorst) (Staphylinidae) and the carabids Bembidion tetracolum (Say), Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) and Harpalus rufipes (Degeer) on M. brassicae eggs and larvae were investigated in non-choice experiments in the laboratory. A preliminary survival model based on estimates of the mortality factors identified in this study is presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of learning and memory in the butterflyPieris rapae crucivora Boisduval during foraging for flowers. In an outdoor cage with 6 flower species,P. rapae showed various visiting patterns: some visited only one species, while others visited several species in a day. The foraging process for flowers ofErigeron annuus (L.) Pers. could be divided into two successive steps: (1) landing on the nectaring caputs, and (2) finding the source of nectar in the caput. Butterflies learned to proceed through the two steps more efficiently with successive attempts: they gradually decreased landings on nectarless caputs and probings on the nectarless petals of ligulate flowers respectively. As a result, handling time per unit caputs became shorter, and apparent rewards per unit time, i.e. the efficiency of collecting nectar, increased. In addition, once learned,P. rapae could remember a rewarding flower color for 3 days, which was not interfered with by learning another flower color. This indicates thatP. rapae keeps memory for a period longer than 3 days, and that they can remember at least two flower species as suitable flower resources. Furthermore, data indicated that they sometimes can apply the foraging skills obtained on other flower species to a novel one. These abilities could enable butterflies to easily switch flower species, or to enhance labile preference. It has been known thatP. rapae also shows flower constancy, which may be due to memory constraints. Therefore, they may appropriately use two foraging tactics: visit consistency and labile preference, to get enough nectar according to their circumstances.  相似文献   

Turnip mosaic virus was found to be a major cause of internal necrosis in white cabbage. The extent of the disorder in heads in store could be correlated with the severity of virus symptoms on the outer leaves of the plants in the field.  相似文献   

The sudden weight loss at the pupal-adult ecdysis of the cabbage white butterfly, Peiris brassicae, is caused by a diuresis which greatly reduces the blood volume after emergence. Study of the Malpighian tubules as isolated preparations shows that only those of the adult insect possess the ability to secrete fluid at extremely fast rates when stimulated. In contrast to the fast-secreting tubules of bloodsucking insects, the mechanism of fluid secretion is not unusual, probably depending on the active transport of potassium ions.  相似文献   

I Miseliunene 《Tsitologiia》1975,17(6):647-652
Using morphological and cytochemical methods, a comparative analysis of the haemocytes isolated from 5-aged caterpillars of cabbage butterfly was made. The following groups of haemocytes were found in haemolymph: proleucocytes--7%, macronucleocytes--25, micronucleocytes--48, enocytoides--5, phagocytes--15%, and single eosinophil-like cells. The number of haemocytes in each group is closely related to their functional activity. Micronucleocytes, phagocytes and macronucleocytes are most numerous in 5-aged larvae before their pupation. This phenomenon is in connection with pinocytotic activity of micronucleocytes, and with phagocytotic function of phagocytes and macronucleocytes. The liquid media of haemolymph is rich in proteins and polysaccharides.  相似文献   

14种菊科植物提取物对菜青虫的杀虫活性   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
用胜红蓟、黄花蒿、青蒿、艾蒿、鬼针草、三叶鬼针草、鱼眼草、小鱼眼草、紫茎泽兰、千里光、希签草、万寿菊、肿柄菊、苍耳等14种菊科植物的石油醚、氯仿、丙酮、乙醇、甲醇和水提取物对菜青虫5龄幼虫的生测结果表明,黄花蒿、青蒿、艾蒿、鱼眼草、小鱼眼草、紫茎泽兰、万寿菊等7种菊科植物甲醇和乙醇提取物具有较高的杀虫活性。此结果为进一步从菊科植物中提取,分离和筛选高活性杀虫活性成分奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Effect of four different cole crops (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, Brassica oleracea var. capitata, Brassica oleracea var. italica and Brassica oleracea var. viridis) on biological parameters of the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae was evaluated at temperature 26 ± 1 °C, 60 ± 5% R. H. and a photoperiod of 16: 8 (L:D) h. The shortest larval and pupal period stages were recorded on B. oleracea var. botrytis (22.18 ± 0.20 days) and (13.32 ± 0.17 days), respectively. The life span was longest on B. oleracea var. viridis (60.43 ± 2.34 days) and shortest on B. oleracea var. botrytis (50.19 ± 0.51 days). The highest percentage of larval and pupal mortality was observed on B. oleracea var. viridis (74%), and (53%), respectively. We found that P. brassicae prefers B. oleracea var. botrytis and B. oleracea var. capitata among cole crops; it is due to the lowest percentage of larval and pupal mortality and the highest rate of life table parameters, including survival rate (lx) and life expectancy (ex), which makes them to be susceptible varieties to this pest. Contrary, a longer developmental time on B. oleracea var. viridis may be attributed to poor nutritional status and reduced survival of the cohort, resulting in high rates of mortality, which was partial resistance to pest. Knowledge of the biology and life table parameters of P. brassicae on different cole crops could be effective in detecting and monitoring the pest infestation, variety selection and crop breeding.  相似文献   

The constitutive and induced resistance were studied in two varieties (Khanyari and Kawdari) of kale, Brassica oleracea var. acephala in response to cabbage butterfly, Pieris brassicae infestation and exogenous application of jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA). Phenols, condensed tannins, flavonoids and proteins were measured at six days after JA (1?mM) and SA (1?mM) application and/or insect infestation. Plant damage and larval weights were also recorded. Khanyari variety showed highest amounts of phenols (208.23?μg/g FW), condensed tannin (347.76?μg/g FW), flavonoids (175.61?μg/g FW) and proteins (0.71?mg/g FW) in plants pre-treated with JA and infested with insects. The PAL activity was high in response to JA application followed by insect infestation. Insects reared on Khanyari and Kawdari plants pre-treated with JA prior showed significantly reduced larval weights (97.88 and 102.46?mg, respectively). Damage was low in plants pre-treated with JA in Khanyari at 3, 6 and 9?days after treatment (10.52%, 8.52%, and 5.30%, respectively). Thus, JA can play an important role in plant defense in kale against P. brassicae.  相似文献   

R. E. Jones 《Oecologia》1987,72(1):69-76
Summary Australian and U.K. Pieris rapae differ markedly in their oviposition behaviour; U.K. females produce a more aggregated egg distribution, and lay their eggs more quickly, than do Australian females. The adaptive reason for this divergence probably lies in the relative costs of increased flight time (more costly in the U.K.) and increased local crowding (more costly in Australia). There is also a strong relationship between juvenile developmental rate (at constant temperature) and oviposition behaviour, but the form of this relationship differed between the two populations. The adaptive reasons for the link between developmental rate and behaviour is not clear. It may be that this link represents the tip of the iceberg; i.e. that physiological, developmental, and behabioral characters all co-vary in ways and for reasons that we do not yet understand.  相似文献   

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