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Activation of OX1 orexin receptors heterologously expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells led to a rapid, strong, and long-lasting increase in ERK phosphorylation (activation). Dissection of the signal pathways to ERK using multiple inhibitors and dominant-negative constructs indicated involvement of Ras, protein kinase C, phosphoinositide-3-kinase, and Src. Most interestingly, Ca2+ influx appeared central for the ERK response in CHO cells, and the same was indicated in recombinant neuro-2a cells and cultured rat striatal neurons. Detailed investigations in CHO cells showed that inhibition of the receptor- and store-operated Ca2+ influx pathways could fully attenuate the response, whereas inhibition of the store-operated Ca2+ influx pathway alone or the Ca2+ release was ineffective. If the receptor-operated pathway was blocked, an exogenously activated store-operated pathway could take its place and restore the coupling of OX1 receptors to ERK. Further experiments suggested that Ca2+ influx, as such, may not be required for ERK phosphorylation, but that Ca2+, elevated via influx, acts as a switch enabling OX1 receptors to couple to cascades leading to ERK phosphorylation, cAMP elevation, and phospholipase C activation. In conclusion, the data suggest that the primary coupling of orexin receptors to Ca2+ influx allows them to couple to other signal pathways; in the absence of coupling to Ca2+ influx, orexin receptors can act as signal integrators by taking advantage of other Ca2+ influx pathways.  相似文献   

Autoinhibitory regulation of soluble adenylyl cyclase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soluble adenylyl cyclase is an evolutionarily conserved bicarbonate sensor that plays a crucial role in cAMP dependent processes that occur during mammalian fertilization. sAC protein is expressed at the highest levels in male germ cells, and is found to occur as one of two known isoforms: a truncated protein (sAC(t)) that consists almost exclusively of the two conserved catalytic domains (C1 and C2), and a full-length form (sAC(fl)) that contains an additional noncatalytic C-terminal region. Several studies suggested sAC(t) was more active than sAC(fl). We now demonstrate that the specific activity of sAC(t) is at least 10-fold higher than the specific activity of sAC(fl). Using deletion analysis and a novel genetic screen to identify activating mutations, we uncovered an autoinhibitory region just C-terminal to the C2 domain. Kinetic analysis of purified recombinant sAC revealed this autoinhibitory domain functions to lower the enzyme's V(max) without altering its affinity for substrate or regulation by any of the known modulators of sAC activity. Our results identify an additional regulatory mechanism specific to the sAC(fl) isoform.  相似文献   

The function and structures of G proteins and their role in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase is reviewed.The Nobel lecture given on December 8, 1994 by Dr Alfred Gilman and published inLes Prix Nobel 1994, printed by Norstedts Tryckeri, Stockholm, Sweden, republished here with the permission of the Nobel Foundation, the copyright holder.  相似文献   

Crystallographic studies have elucidated the binding mechanism of forskolin and P-site inhibitors to adenylyl cyclase. Accordingly, computer-assisted drug design has enabled us to identify isoform-selective regulators of adenylyl cyclase. After examining more than 200 newly synthesized derivatives of forskolin, we found that the modification at the positions of C6 and C7, in general, enhances isoform selectivity. The 6-(3-dimethylaminopropionyl) modification led to an enhanced selectivity for type V, whereas 6-[N-(2-isothiocyanatoethyl) aminocarbonyl] and 6-(4-acrylbutyryl) modification led to an enhanced selectivity for type II. In contrast, 2'-deoxyadenosine 3'-monophosphate, a classical and 3'-phosphate-substituted P-site inhibitor, demonstrated a 27-fold selectivity for inhibiting type V relative to type II, whereas 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine, a ribose-substituted P-site ligand, showed a markedly increased, 130-fold selectivity for inhibiting type V. Consequently, on the basis of the pharmacophore analysis of 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine and adenylyl cyclase, a novel non-nucleoside inhibitor, 2-amino-7-(2-furanyl)-7,8-dihydro-5(6H)-quinazolinone (NKY80), was identified after virtual screening of more than 850,000 compounds. NKY80 demonstrated a 210-fold selectivity for inhibiting type V relative to type II. More importantly, the combination of a type III-selective forskolin derivative and 9-(tetrahydro-2-furyl) adenine or NKY80 demonstrated a further enhanced selectivity for type III stimulation over other isoforms. Our data suggest the feasibility of adenylyl cyclase isoform-targeted regulation of cyclic AMP signaling by pharmacological reagents, either alone or in combination.  相似文献   

Onali P  Olianas MC 《Life sciences》1995,56(11-12):973-980
In membranes of rat olfactory bulb, muscarinic receptor agonists stimulate basal adenylyl cyclase activity . This response is inhibited by a number of muscarinic receptor antagonists with a rank order of potency suggesting the involvement of the M4 muscarinic receptor subtype. The stimulatory effect does not require Ca2+ and occurs independently of activation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin completely prevents the muscarinic stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, indicating the participation of G proteins of the Gi/Go family. Immunological impairment of the G protein, Gs, also reduces the muscarinic response, whereas concomitant activation of Gs-coupled receptors by CRH or VIP results in a synergistic stimulation of adenylyl cyclase activity. Although these data suggest a role for Gs, a body of evidence indicates that the muscarinic receptors do not interact directly with this G protein. Moreover, the Ca2+/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM)- and forskolin-stimulated enzyme activities are inhibited by muscarinic receptor activation in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner and with a pharmacological profile similar to that observed for the stimulatory response. These data indicate that in rat olfactory bulb M4 muscarinic receptors exert a bimodal control on cyclic AMP formation through a sequence of events that may involve activation of Gi/Go proteins, synergistic interaction with Gs and differential modulation of Ca2+/CaM-independent and -dependent forms of adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

This study was designed to localize adenosine receptors and to provide evidence that specific receptors are active only in either uncapacitated or capacitated mouse spermatozoa, where they play a role in regulating cAMP production. Using specific antibodies, stimulatory A(2A) receptors were localized primarily on the acrosomal cap region and the flagellar principal piece. Interestingly, the staining was much more pronounced in uncapacitated than in capacitated spermatozoa, suggesting capacitation-dependent changes in epitope accessibility. A(1) receptors showed a very similar distribution, but the staining was markedly greater in capacitated than in uncapacitated cells. After addition of purified decapacitation factor (DF) to capacitated cells, strong staining for A(2A) was regained, suggesting reversibility in epitope accessibility. Chlortetracycline analysis revealed that an agonist specific for A(2A) receptors had no detectable effect on capacitated cells, but after DF-induced decapacitation, the agonist then stimulated capacitation. That agonist also significantly stimulated cAMP production in uncapacitated cells, had no effect on capacitated cells, but regained the ability to stimulate cAMP in the latter following DF treatment. In contrast, an A(1) agonist inhibited cAMP in capacitated cells. These results indicate that specific adenosine receptors function in a reversible manner in one or other capacitation state, resulting in regulation of cAMP.  相似文献   

Dexras1 is a steroid hormone-induced Ras family G protein that acts as a receptor-independent activator of signaling by Gi/o family heterotrimeric G proteins. We examined the effects of Dexras1 on the activity of adenylyl cylase, a target of inhibitory regulation by Gialpha x GTP. Constitutively active Gsalpha (Q227L) increased cAMP levels 43-fold above baseline, and Dexras1 expression inhibited cAMP levels by 61% (P < 0.01). Dexras1 mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase was blocked by treatment pertussis toxin or by co-expression of RGS4, but was not inhibited by with dominant-interfering (G203T or G204A) mutants of Gi alpha2. Dexras1 decreased forskolin-stimulated CREB activation (P < 0.01) and this activity was also inhibited by co-expression of RGS4. These findings indicate that Dexras1 expression leads to ligand-independent activation of both Gialpha- and G(beta)gamma-dependent arms of the Gi signaling cascade, and suggest that Dexras1 may exert physiologically relevant inhibitory effects on the cAMP-PKA-CREB.  相似文献   

Ciliated airway epithelial cells are subject to sustained changes in intracellular CO(2)/HCO(3)(-) during exacerbations of airway diseases, but the role of CO(2)/HCO(3)(-)-sensitive soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC) in ciliary beat regulation is unknown. We now show not only sAC expression in human airway epithelia (by RT-PCR, Western blotting, and immunofluorescence) but also its specific localization to the axoneme (Western blotting and immunofluorescence). Real time estimations of [cAMP] changes in ciliated cells, using FRET between fluorescently tagged PKA subunits (expressed under the foxj1 promoter solely in ciliated cells), revealed CO(2)/HCO(3)(-)-mediated cAMP production. This cAMP production was specifically blocked by sAC inhibitors but not by transmembrane adenylyl cyclase (tmAC) inhibitors. In addition, this cAMP production stimulated ciliary beat frequency (CBF) independently of intracellular pH because PKA and sAC inhibitors were uniquely able to block CO(2)/HCO(3)(-)-mediated changes in CBF (while tmAC inhibitors had no effect). Thus, sAC is localized to motile airway cilia and it contributes to the regulation of human airway CBF. In addition, CO(2)/HCO(3)(-) increases indeed reversibly stimulate intracellular cAMP production by sAC in intact cells.  相似文献   

OX1 orexin receptors (OX1R) have been shown to activate receptor-operated Ca2+ influx pathways as their primary signalling pathway; however, investigations are hampered by the fact that orexin receptors also couple to phospholipase C, and therewith inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent Ca2+ release. We have here devised a method to block the latter signalling in order to focus on the mechanism of Ca2+ influx activation by OX1R in recombinant systems. Transient expression of the IP3-metabolising enzymes IP3-3-kinase-A (inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-->inositol-1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate) and type I IP3-5-phosphatase (inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-->inositol-1,4-bisphosphate) almost completely attenuated the OX1R-stimulated IP3 elevation and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Upon attenuation of the IP3-dependent signalling, the receptor-operated Ca2+ influx pathway became the only source for Ca2+ elevation, enabling mechanistic studies on the receptor-channel coupling. Attenuation of the IP3 elevation did not affect the OX1R-mediated ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) activation in CHO cells, which supports our previous finding of the major importance of receptor-operated Ca2+ influx for this response.  相似文献   

To further understand the functions of the orexin/hypocretin system, we examined the expression and regulation of the orexin/hypocretin receptor (OX1R and OX2R) mRNA in the brain by using quantitative in situ hybridization. Expression of OX1R and OX2R mRNA exhibited distinct distribution patterns. Within the hypothalamus, expression for the OX1R mRNA was largely restricted in the ventromedial (VMH) and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei, while high levels of OX2R mRNA were contained in the paraventricular nucleus, VMH, and arcuate nucleus as well as in mammilary nuclei. In the amygdala, OX1R mRNA was expressed throughout the amygdaloid complex with robust labeling in the medial nucleus, while OX2R mRNA was only present in the posterior cortical nucleus of amygdala. High levels of OX2R mRNA were also observed in the ventral tegmental area. Moreover, both OX1R and OX2R mRNA were observed in the hippocampus, some thalamic nuclei, and subthalamic nuclei. Furthermore, we analyzed the effect of fasting on levels of OX1R and OX2R mRNA in the hypothalamic and amygdaloid subregions. After 20 h of fasting, levels of OX1R mRNA were significantly increased in the VMH and the medial division of amygdala. An initial decrease (14 h) and a subsequent increase (20 h) in OX1R mRNA levels after fasting were observed in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and lateral division of amygdala. Levels of OX2R mRNA were augmented in the arcuate nucleus, but remained unchanged in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, and amygdala following fasting. The time-dependent and region-specific regulatory patterns of OX1R and OX2R suggest that they may participate in distinct neural circuits under the condition of food deprivation.  相似文献   

cAMP receptor 1 and G-protein alpha-subunit 2 null cell lines (car1- and g alpha 2-) were examined to assess the roles that these two proteins play in cAMP stimulated adenylyl cyclase activation in Dictyostelium. In intact wild-type cells, cAMP stimulation elicited a rapid activation of adenylyl cyclase that peaked in 1-2 min and subsided within 5 min; in g alpha 2- cells, this activation did not occur; in car1- cells an activation occurred but it rose and subsided more slowly. cAMP also induced a persistent activation of adenylyl cyclase in growth stage cells that contain only low levels of cAMP receptor 1 (cAR1). In lysates of untreated wild-type, car1-, or g alpha 2- cells, guanosine 5'-O-'(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) produced a similar 20-fold increase in adenylyl cyclase activity. Brief treatment of intact cells with cAMP reduced this activity by 75% in control and g alpha 2- cells but by only 8% in the car1- cells. These observations suggest several conclusions regarding the cAMP signal transduction system. 1) cAR1 and another cAMP receptor are linked to activation of adenylyl cyclase in intact cells. Both excitation signals require G alpha 2. 2) cAR1 is required for normal adaptation of adenylyl cyclase. The adaptation reaction caused by cAR1 is not mediated via G alpha 2. 3) Neither cAR1 nor G alpha 2 is required for GTP gamma S-stimulation of adenylyl cyclase in cell lysates. The adenylyl cyclase is directly coupled to an as yet unidentified G-protein.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen and a major cause of healthcare-associated infections. While the organism's intrinsic and acquired resistance to most antibiotics hinders treatment of P. aeruginosa infections, the regulatory networks controlling its virulence provide novel targets for drug development. CyaB, a key regulator of P. aeruginosa virulence, belongs to the Class III adenylyl cyclase (AC) family of enzymes that synthesize the second messenger cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate. These enzymes consist of a conserved catalytic domain fused to one or more regulatory domains. We describe here the biochemical and structural characterization of CyaB and its inhibition by small molecules. We show that CyaB belongs to the Class IIIb subfamily, and like other subfamily members, its activity is stimulated by inorganic carbon. CyaB is also regulated by its N-terminal MASE2 (membrane-associated sensor 2) domain, which acts as a membrane anchor. Using a genetic screen, we identified activating mutations in CyaB. By solving the crystal structure of the CyaB catalytic domain, we rationalized the effects of these mutations and propose that CyaB employs regulatory mechanisms similar to other Class III ACs. The CyaB structure further indicates subtle differences compared to other Class III ACs in both the active site and the inhibitor binding pocket. Consistent with these differences, we observed a unique inhibition profile, including identification of a CyaB selective compound. Overall, our results reveal mechanistic details of the physiological and pharmacological regulation of CyaB and provide the basis for its exploitation as a therapeutic drug target.  相似文献   

Orexin A and B, also termed hypocretin 1 and 2, are associated with the stimulation of food intake and arousal. The biological actions of the hormones are mediated via two distinct G protein-coupled receptors, termed orexin receptor 1 (OX1R) and orexin receptor 2 (OX2R). OX1R is selective for orexin A and OX2R binds orexin A and orexin B with similar affinity. The present study analyzed mRNA and protein expressions of OX1R and OX2R in adenohypophysis (AP) and neurohypophysis (NP) of cycling pigs. The tissue samples were harvested on days 2–3, 10–12, 14–16, and 17–19 of the oestrous cycle. Using quantitative real-time PCR higher OX1R gene expression was detected in AP on days 2–3 relative to days 10–12, 14–16 and 17–19 (p < 0.05). In NP the OX1R mRNA level was elevated on days 10–12 compared to the remaining stages (p < 0.05). OX2R gene expression in AP was the lowest on days 10–12 (p < 0.05 compared to days 2–3 and 17–19) and the expression peak occurred on days 17–19 (p < 0.05 vs. the all studied stages). In NP the highest (p < 0.05) expression of OX2R mRNA was noted on days 17–19 in relation to the remaining periods. OX1R protein content in AP was greatest on days 10–12 (p < 0.05), whereas in NP it was greatest on days 2–3 and 14–16 (p < 0.05 vs. days 10–12 and 17–19). In both cases the lowest OX1R protein expression was observed during follicular phase (p < 0.05 in relation to three remaining studied stages). OX2R protein in AP was lower (p < 0.05) on days 2–3 and 14–16 compared to days 10–12 and 17–19. In NP the lowest (p < 0.05) expression of this protein was on days 17–19 and the highest on days 10–12 (p < 0.05 compared to days 2–3 and 17–19). In summary, the present findings provide the first evidence that OX1R and OX2R mRNAs and proteins occur in the pituitary of the pig and indicate the dependence of orexin receptor expression on the endocrine reproductive state.  相似文献   

DdGCA is a Dictyostelium guanylyl cyclase with a topology typical for mammalian adenylyl cyclases containing 12 transmembrane-spanning regions and two cyclase domain. In Dictyostelium cells heterotrimeric G-proteins are essential for guanylyl cyclase activation by extracellular cAMP. In lysates, guanylyl cyclase activity is strongly stimulated by guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio) triphosphate (GTPgammaS), which is also a substrate of the enzyme. DdGCA was converted to an adenylyl cyclase by introducing three point mutations. Expression of the obtained DdGCA(kqd) in adenylyl cyclase-defective cells restored the phenotype of the mutant. GTPgammaS stimulated the adenylyl cyclase activity of DdGCA(kqd) with properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme (decrease of K(m) and increase of V(max)), demonstrating that GTPgammaS stimulation is independent of substrate specificity. Furthermore, GTPgammaS activation of DdGCA(kqd) is retained in several null mutants of Galpha and Gbeta proteins, indicating that GTPgammaS activation is not mediated by a heterotrimeric G-protein but possibly by a monomeric G-protein.  相似文献   

Transmembrane second messenger signalling systems regulate differentiation, growth and homeostatic responses during fetal development. The beta-adrenergic adenylate cyclase system is the best studied of these and has been used as a model to investigate the control of developmental processes. In tissues such as lung, heart and parotid, beta-adrenergic responsiveness of adenylate cyclase increases during development. In the developing fetal lung beta-receptor concentration increases during gestation or after glucocorticoid treatment, but cannot fully explain enhanced adrenergic responsiveness. To probe developmental and hormonal effects on beta-receptor function, we asked if advancing gestation or glucocorticoid treatment alters beta-receptor-Gs interactions in fetal rabbit lung membrane particulates. Before 25 days gestation, 1-isoproterenol competes for 3H-dihydroalprenolol (DHA), a radiolabelled beta-antagonist, with a single low affinity, later in gestation, high and low affinities of isoproterenol for the beta-receptor are present which can be shifted to the lower affinity by addition of guanyl nucleotide. High affinity binding is precociously induced in 25 days--fetal lung particulates as early as 3 h after maternal betamethasone treatment, but beta-adrenoreceptor concentration in treated fetuses was increased over controls only after 24 h of treatment. Cholera toxin catalyzed ADP ribosylation of membrane particulates showed cholera toxin substrate (Gs) was not altered by glucocorticoid treatment. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity with isoproterenol (100mM) and GTP (100mM) resulted in no incremental increase over that produced by GTP (100mM) alone in glucocorticoid treated or control particulates, either early or late in gestation. These data demonstrate that beta-receptor-Gs interactions are not sufficient to produce full agonist responses. Although both beta-adrenergic receptors and Gs are present in fetal rabbit lung early in gestation, interaction of these two adenylate cyclase components appears subsequently. This developmental event can be rapidly induced by maternal betamethasone treatment.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is an important physiological growth inhibitor of lymphoid cells, and the cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway is disrupted in several immunological disorders and cancers. Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection of B lymphocytes is responsible for the development of lymphoproliferative disease as well as certain B-lymphoid malignancies. Here we hypothesized that EBV infection might render B lymphocytes resistant to cAMP/PKA-mediated growth inhibition. To test this, we assessed the growth-inhibitory response of cAMP-elevating compounds such as forskolin and isoproterenol, as well as the PKA activator 8-CPT-cAMP in normal B lymphocytes, EBV-infected B cells and in the EBV-negative B lymphoid cell line Reh. We could demonstrate that EBV infection indeed abolished cAMP-mediated growth inhibition of B cells. The defect was pinpointed to defective adenylyl cyclase (AC) activation by forskolin and isoproterenol, resulting in reduced formation of cAMP and lack of PKA activation and CREB phosphorylation. In contrast, 8-CPT-cAMP which directly activates PKA was able to inhibit EBV-infected B cell growth. The physiological implications of these results were underlined by the observation that the ability of forskolin to inhibit camptothecin-induced apoptosis was abolished in EBV-infected B cells. We conclude that EBV infection of B cells abrogates the activation of AC and thereby cAMP formation, and that this dysfunction renders the cells resistant to growth inhibition via the cAMP/PKA pathway.  相似文献   

The recent structure determinations of the mammalian effector enzyme adenylyl cyclase reveal the structure of its catalytic core, provide new insights into its catalytic mechanism and suggest how diverse signaling molecules regulate its activity.  相似文献   

Guanylyl cyclases catalyze the formation of cGMP from GTP, but display extensive identity at the catalytic domain primary amino acid level with the adenylyl cyclases. The recent solving of the crystal structures of soluble forms of adenylyl cyclase has resulted in predictions of those amino acids important for substrate specificity. Modeling of a membrane-bound homodimeric guanylyl cyclase predicted the comparable amino acids that would interact with the guanine ring. Based on these structural data, the replacement of three key residues in the heterodimeric form of soluble guanylyl cyclase has led to a complete conversion in substrate specificity. Furthermore, the mutant enzyme remained fully sensitive to sodium nitroprusside, a nitric oxide donor.  相似文献   

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