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Eusocial species exhibit pronounced division of labor, most notably between reproductive and non-reproductive castes, but also within non-reproductive castes via morphological specialization and temporal polyethism. For species with distinct worker and queen castes, age-related differences in behavior among workers (e.g. within-nest tasks versus foraging) appear to result from physiological changes such as decreased lipid content. However, we know little about how labor is divided among individuals in species that lack a distinct queen caste. In this study, we investigated how fat storage varied among individuals in a species of ant (Dinoponera australis) that lacks a distinct queen caste and in which all individuals are morphologically similar and capable of reproduction (totipotent at birth). We distinguish between two hypotheses, 1) all individuals are physiologically similar, consistent with the possibility that any non-reproductive may eventually become reproductive, and 2) non-reproductive individuals vary in stored fat, similar to highly eusocial species, where depletion is associated with foraging and non-reproductives have lower lipid stores than reproducing individuals. Our data support the latter hypothesis. Location in the nest, the probability of foraging, and foraging effort, were all associated with decreased fat storage.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects are characterized by a well-developed division of labour among castes. Although the successful division of labour should stem from behavioural differentiation depending on caste identity, caste-specific intrinsic behavioural characteristics might be masked by social interactions within colonies. The present study explores caste-specific intrinsic locomotive activities of termites by quantifying them in isolation. We track individual movement trajectories of the damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti over 30 min and extract individual locomotion parameters. Multivariate statistical analyses reveal significant differences among castes: soldiers move more actively than workers and neotenic reproductives. The morphometric data of test individuals indicate that locomotor activities reflected caste identity more strongly compared with quantitative morphological variations among individuals. We find that the different locomotor activities of soldiers compared with those of neotenics and workers probably reflect their physiological differentiation. The present study provides a basis for a deeper understanding of the roles of individual locomotor activities in social behaviours.  相似文献   

Social castes of eusocial insects may have arisen through an evolutionary modification of an ancestral reproductive ground plan, such that some adults emerge from development physiologically primed to specialize on reproduction (queens) and others on maternal care expressed as allo-maternal behaviour (workers). This hypothesis predicts that variation in reproductive physiology should emerge from ontogeny and underlie division of labour. To test these predictions, we identified physiological links to division of labour in a facultatively eusocial sweat bee, Megalopta genalis. Queens are larger, have larger ovaries and have higher vitellogenin titres than workers. We then compared queens and workers with their solitary counterparts-solitary reproductive females and dispersing nest foundresses-to investigate physiological variation as a factor in caste evolution. Within dyads, body size and ovary development were the best predictors of behavioural class. Queens and dispersers are larger, with larger ovaries than their solitary counterparts. Finally, we raised bees in social isolation to investigate the influence of ontogeny on physiological variation. Body size and ovary development among isolated females were highly variable, and linked to differences in vitellogenin titres. As these are key physiological predictors of social caste, our results provide evidence for developmental caste-biasing in a facultatively eusocial bee.  相似文献   

Insects are generally described as essentially blind to red wavelengths but sensitive to ultraviolet. Therefore, ants are generally reared in nests where "obscurity" is obtained by the use of a red filter. Yet, no study has been done in order to confirm this idea and to verify whether ants behave differently with or without red light. We performed aggregation experiments with the ant Lasius niger under red light and in total darkness to control the sensitivity of workers. Aggregation is a basic behavior associated with the origin of sociality and with the spatial organization of the colony. We demonstrate that L. niger is sensitive to red wavelengths. Moreover, we show that workers behave differently depending on their ethological caste: foragers aggregate well in total darkness but show low assembly under red light, whereas brood-tenders aggregate well in both conditions. For the first time, a link between vision, social organization and spatial patterns is revealed. The results are discussed relative to their adaptive value and relative to the physiology of the workers. Hypotheses are formulated concerning the acquisition of this change of behavior between castes.  相似文献   

Individual specialization underpins the division of labour within ant societies, but only in a small minority do morphological specialists, or physical castes, exist in the workforce. The genetic conditions that allow such castes to evolve are well understood, but the ecological pressures that select for them are not. We provide compelling evidence that the task of transporting novel prey selected for an exaggerated transport caste, or 'submajor', in the army ant Eciton burchellii. This species is the only Eciton that preys upon large arthropods as well as ants, the ancestral prey type, and by comparing load-transport among Eciton species and within E. burchellii, we show that this mixed diet significantly constrains transport efficiency. Crucially, however, we also show that E. burchellii submajors are highly specialized on transporting non-ant prey, and we demonstrate experientially that it is specifically this prey type that constrains prey-transport efficiency. Our study also suggests that phylogenetic constraints associated with the Eciton lifestyle intensified selection for the exaggerated submajor of E. burchellii. Thus, we propose that a novel task may only select for a special caste when phylogenetic constraints preclude the evolution of alternative solutions. This identifies a new and potentially general scenario for the evolution of physical castes.  相似文献   

The occurrence of a pre-imaginal caste determination represents a sort of “point of no return” to eusociality. In some social insect taxa, including Polistes species, the occurrence of distinct queen and worker castes is still debated. Before this report, no clear morphological differences between reproductive and non-reproductive individuals were known. Here we show that several pre-imaginal morphological differences of the Van der Vecht organ occur between foundresses (queens) and workers. Geometric morphometrics revealed that queens are characterized by shape deformations of this organ, which is responsible for a typical allometric growth of the secretory area. This organ is predicted to be larger in foundresses compared to workers because its secretion is involved in defense against ants, in nestmate recognition and in preventing workers from challenging for direct reproduction. The results presented here indicate the existence of an incipient morphological caste determination Polistes gallicus and suggest that this species may have passed the “point of no return” for eusociality.  相似文献   

Until recently, morphological differences between castes in independent-founding polistine wasps were considered absent. This paper investigates the extent of morphological and physiological differences between reproductive (foundress and gyne) and worker castes of Belonogaster petiolata, and tests the hypothesis that caste differentiation in this species occurs pre-imaginally.Foundresses were significantly larger than workers, to the extent that foundress/worker ratios were comparable with those between queens and workers in some swarm-founding Polistinae. Early emerging workers were small, but body size increased over the colony cycle such that late-season workers were similar in size to gynes. In proportion to body size, workers possessed broader heads while foundresses and gynes had broader thoraces and gasters. All queens, 98% of subordinate foundresses, and 95% of over-wintering gynes were inseminated. Workers were never inseminated and lacked mature ovaries in colonies with active queens. However, in the absence of the queen (and other foundresses), 11% of workers developed mature ovaries. Ovarian size and fat content of foundresses and gynes was significantly greater than that of workers. The differences in external morphology and reproductive physiology between castes support the hypothesis that differentiation occurs pre-imaginally. However, imaginal factors, in particular social dominance of the queen, maintain the reproductive subordinance of workers.  相似文献   

Summary. The interplay of genetic and environmental factors in the determination of social insect castes has long intrigued biologists. Though an overwhelming majority of studies establish that factors such as nutrition, pheromones and temperature determine the developmental fate of worker larvae, genetic components have recently been shown to play a role in the determination of morphological worker castes in leaf-cutting ants. Here we demonstrate that the determination of worker castes in the strongly polyandrous Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius, has a genetic component. The overall distribution of caste members among patrilines in our study colonies is significantly different from the intracolonial caste ratio. Though this effect was not apparent in all colonies, our results suggest that workers of different patrilines in P. badius differ significantly in their propensities to develop into a certain worker caste. This genetic basis of worker polymorphism may go unnoticed in many social hymenopterans because of their low intracolonial genetic diversity due to monogamous colony structure. The worker polymorphism of P. badius is a taxonomic isolate and presumably a young trait in the genus. Therefore, a common genetic component of the determination of morphological and behavioral worker castes in social insects might be farranging taxonomically and may even be based on a genetic machinery inherent to all hymenopterans, but dormant in most.Received 3 May 2004; revised 27 October 2004; accepted 8 November 2004.  相似文献   

The struggle among social classes or castes is well known in humans. Here, we show that caste inequality similarly affects societies of ants, bees and wasps, where castes are morphologically distinct and workers have greatly reduced reproductive potential compared with queens. In social insects, an individual normally has no control over its own fate, whether queen or worker, as this is socially determined during rearing. Here, for the first time, we quantify a strategy for overcoming social control. In the stingless bee Schwarziana quadripunctata, some individuals reared in worker cells avoid a worker fate by developing into fully functional dwarf queens.  相似文献   

Nutritional variation among developing larvae is a long-standing hypothesis for how a sterile caste could evolve, with larvae deprived of nutrition becoming sterile or not leaving the nest. In this study, we test whether the three castes of the eusocial yellowjacket wasp (Vespula maculifrons) differ in the trophic source of their larval diet, their overall carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content, as well as the distribution of C and N across body parts. Virgin queens (gynes) assimilated food from a higher relative trophic level compared to males, and workers were the lowest. Gynes, due to their much greater mass compared to the other castes are much more costly in terms of N, but males have the lowest C:N ratio. The variation in C:N is likely due to differences in life history between males and females (gynes and workers), where females invest more in energy storage (e.g., lipids) compared to males which have very short life spans; the major difference is in the abdomen, where fat is stored. The results of this study complement similar results in ants, which evolved a reproductive division of labor independently, and which diverged from vespid wasps near 150 million years ago. Similarities between how wasp and ant caste determination occurs suggest either a conserved mechanism that predates the evolution of eusociality or convergence on the same mechanism for generating alternative phenotypes. Provisioning N-expensive castes with food from a higher trophic level likely increases efficiency of N delivery because of N-enrichment with increasing trophic level.  相似文献   

Abstract Due to a trade-off between reproduction and life span, highly fertile individuals often live shorter lives than nonreproductive conspecifics. Perennial eusocial insects are exceptional in that reproductive queens live considerably longer than the nonreproductive workers. The two female castes may differ strongly in morphology, ontogeny, physiology, diet, behavior, and mating, and all these differences could be responsible for life span differences. In the ponerine ant Platythyrea punctata , morphological and ontogenetic caste differences do not exist. Instead, all workers are capable of producing diploid offspring through thelytokous parthenogenesis, and colonies are essentially clones. Here, we show that reproductives live significantly longer than nonreproductive workers. Reproductives stay in the nest during their whole life, whereas nonreproductives switch from intranidal tasks to foraging when they get older. Different work load and different hormone titers might proximately underlie the different life span of reproductives and nonreproductives in this ant.  相似文献   

The larvae of Anthene emolus (Lycaenidae) cannot survive in the wild without their associated ant Oecophylla smaragdina (Formicidae) . The ants groom the lycaenid larvae for secretions and, in turn, protect them from parasitoids and predators. Both major and minor worker ants tend larvae, although, in the present study, the frequencies of tending by different castes proved to be significantly different. Ants also tended late instars significantly more than young larvae. O. smaragdina ants of the same colony were observed fighting when A. emolus larvae were present. Aggression was exhibited by the major workers against the minor workers that tried to tend secreting larvae. Major ants precluded the minors from the most nutritious secretions, leaving minors to tend the less productive, early instars. On a few occasions, aggression was unchecked and major workers killed the larvae they were tending (presumably accidentally). When larvae were experimentally reared with only one caste of ant, the resulting butterflies showed no differences in dry weight. Mortality was high when larvae were reared with only minor ants or in the absence of ants.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 391–395.  相似文献   



The mechanisms by which development favors or constrains the evolution of new phenotypes are incompletely understood. Polyphenic species may benefit from developmental plasticity not only regarding ecological advantages, but also potential for evolutionary diversification. For instance, the repeated evolution of novel castes in ants may have been facilitated by the existence of alternative queen and worker castes and their respective developmental programs.

Material and Methods

Cataglyphis bombycina is exceptional in its genus because winged queens and size-polymorphic workers occur together with bigger individuals having saber-shaped mandibles. We measured seven body parts in more than 150 individuals to perform a morphometric analysis and assess the developmental origin of this novel phenotype.


Adults with saber-shaped mandibles differ from both workers and queens regarding the size of most body parts. Their relative growth rates are identical to workers for some pairs of body parts, and identical to queens for other pairs of body parts; critical sizes differ in all cases.


Big individuals are a third caste, i.e. soldiers, not major workers. Novel traits such as elongated mandibles are combined with a mix of queen and worker growth rates. We also reveal the existence of a dimorphism in the queen caste (microgynes and macrogynes). We discuss how novel phenotypes can evolve more readily in the context of an existing polyphenism. Both morphological traits and growth rules from existing queen and worker castes can be recombined, hence mosaic phenotypes are more likely to be viable. In C. bombycina, such a mosaic phenotype appears to function both for defense (saber-shaped mandibles) and fat storage (big abdomen). Recycling of developmental programs may have contributed to the morphological diversity and ecological success of ants.  相似文献   

The glandular system is crucially involved in main aspects of ant social life. The function of glands has been primarily studied in the workers (the non-reproductive individuals in a colony). In contrast, little information is available on queens (the reproductive females in a colony) or males in spite of the obvious functional differences between these castes. Here we report a comparison of the general morphology of the mandibular, propharyngeal and postpharyngeal glands between the three castes of the black ant Lasius niger. The analysis clearly shows that all these cephalic glands differ in relative size between castes and suggests a link between gland structure and its behavioral role in queens, workers and males. In particular, males present a hypertrophied mandibular gland. This is consistent with the fact that these glands might be the source of the sex pheromone in this caste. By contrast, queens exhibited the most developed postpharyngeal glands. This is consistent with the production of particular cues by queens for workers to help them to distinguish between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Finally, the propharyngeal glands were most developed in the worker caste and of similar relative size in males and queens. Their function is still enigmatic.  相似文献   

Morphological differences between queens and workers in an Australian swarm-founding paper wasp, Ropalidia romandi , were examined, providing detailed information on the nature of morphological caste differences in swarm-founding Ropalidia for the first time. Queens and workers differed in overall size and had divergent shapes, but differences were not always significant. In colonies in which queen–worker dimorphism was distinct, while the head width of queens was nearly the same as that of workers, queens were significantly larger in measures on the metasoma than workers. Plotting of metasomal variables against the mesosomal length and analysis of covariance showed that queen–worker morphological differentiation in R. romandi cannot be explained by simple linear allometric growth, suggesting that the two castes diverge in their growth parameters in the preadult stage. The pattern of morphological caste difference varied among colonies or was colony specific; there was no clear correlation between caste differences and colony cycle progression. These results suggest that morphological caste differences in R. romandi are determined genetically or by interactions between genetic background and intrinsic factors and/or external conditions.  相似文献   

A key characteristic of eusocial species is reproductive division of labour. Honey bee colonies typically have a single reproductive queen and thousands of sterile workers. Adult queens differ dramatically from workers in anatomy, physiology, behaviour and lifespan. Young female workers can activate their ovaries and initiate egg laying; these 'reproductive' workers differ from sterile workers in anatomy, physiology, and behaviour. These differences, however, are on a much smaller scale than those observed between the queen and worker castes. Here, we use microarrays to monitor expression patterns of several thousand genes in the brains of same-aged virgin queens, sterile workers, and reproductive workers. We found large differences in expression between queens and both worker groups (~2000 genes), and much smaller differences between sterile and reproductive workers (221 genes). The expression patterns of these 221 genes in reproductive workers are more queen-like, and may represent a core group of genes associated with reproductive physiology. Furthermore, queens and reproductive workers preferentially up-regulate genes associated with the nurse bee behavioural state, which supports the hypothesis of an evolutionary link between worker division of labour and molecular pathways related to reproduction. Finally, several functional groups of genes associated with longevity in other species are significantly up-regulated in queens. Identifying the genes that underlie the differences between queens, sterile workers, and reproductive workers will allow us to begin to characterize the molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of social behaviour and large-scale remodelling of gene networks associated with polyphenisms.  相似文献   

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