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Most viroids replicate in the nuclei of infected plant cells. Nuclear import of the incoming RNA thus represents a key control point for establishment of a systemic infection. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which viroids are transported into the nucleus. We have characterized nuclear import of infectious, fluorescein-labeled potato spindle tuber viroid (F-PSTVd) in permeabilized tobacco BY2 cells. Import was observed for F-PSTVd but not for mRNA fragments of the same size or two viroids believed to replicate in the chloroplasts. Import of F-PSTVd was inhibited by addition of a 10-fold excess of non-fluorescent PSTVd but not by similar amounts of control RNAs. Import was not inhibited by pre-incubation with GTP-γ-S or GDP-β-S, however. Disruption of microtubules and actin filaments with oryzalin or cytochalasin D did not inhibit F-PSTVd import. Taken together, our results indicate that (i) PSTVd possesses a sequence and/or structural motif for nuclear import and (ii) the import is a cytoskeleton-independent process that is mediated by a specific and saturable receptor. Insensitivity to GTP-γ-S and GDP-β-S treatment suggests that PSTVd import is not coupled to Ran GTPase cycle, which mediates nuclear transport of many proteins and nucleic acids. To our knowledge, our studies are the first to examine the mechanisms of nuclear transport of RNA in plants.  相似文献   

Viroids are the smallest plant pathogens. These RNAs do not encode proteins and are not encapsidated, and yet they can replicate autonomously, move systemically, and cause diseases in infected plants. Notably, strains of a viroid with subtle differences in nucleotide sequences can cause dramatically different symptoms in infected plants. These features make viroids unique probes to investigate the role of a pathogenic RNA genome in triggering host responses. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the differential gene expression patterns of tomato plants at various stages of infection by a mild and severe strain of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). We also compared tomato gene expression altered by the PSTVd strains with that altered by Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Our analyses revealed that the two PSTVd strains altered expression of both common and unique tomato genes. These genes encode products involved in defense/stress response, cell wall structure, chloroplast function, protein metabolism, and other diverse functions. Five genes have unknown functions. Four genes are novel. The expression of some but not all of these genes was also altered by TMV infection. Our results indicate that viroids, although structurally simple, can trigger complex host responses. Further characterization of viroid-altered gene expression in a host plant should help understand viroid pathogenicity and, potentially, the mechanisms of RNA-mediated regulation of plant gene expression.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell trafficking of RNA is an emerging biological principle that integrates systemic gene regulation, viral infection, antiviral response, and cell-to-cell communication. A key mechanistic question is how an RNA is specifically selected for trafficking from one type of cell into another type. Here, we report the identification of an RNA motif in Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) required for trafficking from palisade mesophyll to spongy mesophyll in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. This motif, called loop 6, has the sequence 5'-CGA-3'...5'-GAC-3' flanked on both sides by cis Watson-Crick G/C and G/U wobble base pairs. We present a three-dimensional (3D) structural model of loop 6 that specifies all non-Watson-Crick base pair interactions, derived by isostericity-based sequence comparisons with 3D RNA motifs from the RNA x-ray crystal structure database. The model is supported by available chemical modification patterns, natural sequence conservation/variations in PSTVd isolates and related species, and functional characterization of all possible mutants for each of the loop 6 base pairs. Our findings and approaches have broad implications for studying the 3D RNA structural motifs mediating trafficking of diverse RNA species across specific cellular boundaries and for studying the structure-function relationships of RNA motifs in other biological processes.  相似文献   

Bacteria and archaea contain a 2'-5' RNA ligase that seals in vitro 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester and 5'-hydroxyl RNA termini, generating a 2',5'-phosphodiester bond. In our search for an RNA ligase able to circularize the monomeric linear replication intermediates of viroids belonging to the family Avsunviroidae, which replicate in the chloroplast, we have identified in spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) chloroplasts a new RNA ligase activity whose properties resemble those of the bacterial and archaeal 2'-5' RNA ligase. The spinach chloroplastic RNA ligase recognizes the 5'-hydroxyl and 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester termini of Avocado sunblotch viroid and Eggplant latent viroid RNAs produced by hammerhead-mediated self-cleavage, yielding circular products linked through an atypical, most likely 2',5'-phosphodiester, bond. The enzyme neither requires divalent cations as cofactors, nor NTPs as substrate. The reaction apparently reaches equilibrium at a low ratio between the final circular product and the linear initial substrate. Even if its involvement in viroid replication seems unlikely, the identification of a 2'-5' RNA ligase activity in higher plant chloroplasts, with properties very similar to an analogous enzyme widely distributed in bacterial and archaeal proteomes, is intriguing and suggests an important biological role so far unknown.  相似文献   

Taxonomy:   Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) is the type species of the genus Posipiviroid , family Pospiviroidae . An absence of hammerhead ribozymes and the presence of a 'central conserved region' distinguish PSTVd and related viroids from members of a second viroid family, the Avsunviroidae .
Physical properties:   Viroids are small, unencapsidated, circular, single-stranded RNA molecules which replicate autonomously when inoculated into host plants. Because viroids are non-protein-coding RNAs, designation of the more abundant, highly infectious polarity strand as the positive strand is arbitrary. PSTVd assumes a rod-like, highly structured conformation that is resistant to nuclease degradation in vitro . Naturally occurring sequence variants of PSTVd range in size from 356 to 361 nt.
Hosts and symptoms:   The natural host range of PSTVd—cultivated potato, certain other Solanum spp., and avocado—appears to be quite limited. Foliar symptoms in potato are often obscure, and the severity of tuber symptoms (elongation with the appearance of prominent bud scales/eyebrows and growth cracks) depends on both temperature and length of infection. PSTVd has a broad experimental host range, especially among solanaceous species, and strains are classified as mild, intermediate or severe based upon the symptoms observed in sensitive tomato cultivars. These symptoms include shortening of internodes, petioles and mid-ribs, severe epinasty and wrinkling of the leaves, and necrosis of mid-ribs, petioles and stems.  相似文献   

Because of their highly ordered structure, mature viroid RNA molecules are assumed to be resistant to degradation by RNA interference (RNAi). In this article, we report that transgenic tomato plants expressing a hairpin RNA (hpRNA) construct derived from Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) sequences exhibit resistance to PSTVd infection. Resistance seems to be correlated with high-level accumulation of hpRNA-derived short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) in the plant. Thus, although small RNAs produced by infecting viroids [small RNAs of PSTVd (srPSTVds)] do not silence viroid RNAs efficiently to prevent their replication, hpRNA-derived siRNAs (hp-siRNAs) appear to effectively target the mature viroid RNA. Genomic mapping of the hp-siRNAs revealed an unequal distribution of 21- and 24-nucleotide siRNAs of both (+)- and (–)-strand polarities along the PSTVd genome. These data suggest that RNAi can be employed to engineer plants for viroid resistance, as has been well established for viruses.  相似文献   

Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), an RNA plant pathogen encoding no known proteins, induces systemic symptoms on tomato plants. We report detection of small RNAs of approximately 25 nucleotides with sequence specificity to PSTVd in infected plants: an indication of the presence of RNA silencing. RNA silencing, however, did not appear to be responsible for the differing symptoms induced by a mild and a severe strain of PSTVd. The unique structural and biological features of viroids make them attractive experimental tools to investigate mechanisms of RNA silencing and pathogen counterdefense.  相似文献   

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