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SANGSTER  A. G. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(1):245-257
The formation of solid, discrete deposits of opaline silicawithin the cell lumen of leaf tissues is reported in speciesrepresenting three subfamilies of the Gramineae; the preparationof a silica-minimal nutrient solution is discussed. Opal phytolithnumbers are related to tissue age and to two external silicaconcentrations for tiller leaves over a period of 32 days followingbud initiation. Variations in silica deposition patterns among the individualleaves of a homologous series on the shoot apex are relatedto differential growth-rates. During ontogeny, deposition occursin an ordered sequence of cell types related to the basipetalmaturation gradient within the leaf. Initial deposition wasdetected in silica cells (idioblasts) of imbricated, bud leavesof Sieglingia decumbens, 1 mm long; phytoliths are confinedto these cells in expanding, basal portions of the leaf. Phytolithcounts/sq mm of epidermis vary with the degree of long-cellexpansion. The error is reduced by expressing silicificationas the number of phytoliths/100 silica cells. Post-expansiondeposition was initiated in epidermal long cells of the leafblade tip. The higher silica concentration resulted in a morerapid utilization of available deposition sites and larger phytoliths(P = 0.001). A passive cell influx of silicic acid is discussedin relation to cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

Some Factors in Relation to Bulliform Cell Silicification in the Grass Leaf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of discrete ‘tablets’ of hydratedsilica in the bulliform cells of the leaf blade was followedover a 16-day period in three species of the Gramineae representingdifferent habitats. Seedlings of Oryza sativa (rice) and Cynodondactylon (Bermuda Grass) were cultured under growth-cabinetconditions at levels of 50 and 500 ppm dissolved silica (SiO2)in the nutrient solution. In addition, bulliform depositionwas studied in mature tiller leaves of Sieglingia decumbens(Heath Grass). Attached leaves, as well as those excised fromthe culm, were used. Initial stages of tablet formation were observed by the 2-dayharvest in the central and basal zones of the fully expandedseedling blades. Deposition did not occur at a stage when bulliformturgor changes might influence blade evolvement. At the 16-dayharvest, deposition was heaviest in the tip zone, and decreasedprogressively towards the base of the blade. In addition, proportionatelyhigher tablet counts (P = 0.05) generally were absent from theleaves grown at the higher silica level. This indicated a limitedavailability of deposition sites. These results are discussed in relation to (i) cellular maturation;(ii) internal leaf anatomy; (iii) leaf expansion; (iv) a basipetalsenescence gradient within the leaf blade. Certain of theseare considered to be possible limiting factors to silica depositionin the grass leaf.  相似文献   

Characteristic opal phytolith (‘silica body’) formationwas demonstrated in detached leaves of Sieglingia decumbens(Heath Grass), cultured in 100 ppm dissolved silicon (silicondioxide), previously, the leaves were free from intracellulardeposits as a result of silica-minimal tiller growth. The formertechnique allowed the study of the leaf deposition processesindependently of apical and root tissues, under growth-cabinetand glasshouse conditions. Deposition in excised leaves wascompletely suppressed by a surface, monomolecular coating, thusindicating that total net water loss was a limiting factor,however, evaporation from the recipient, epidermal tissues perse was not a requirement for this in situ deposition Generally,apart from an apparent, cell site shift in one treatment, phytolith-formationwas unaffected by the presence of the metabolic inhibitor 2,4-dinitrophenol. Also, some evidence was obtained of the influxof germanium dioxide into epidermal ldioblasts, which indicateda non-specificity of the host cell for silica. These results and those of earlier studies suggest that passive,non-metabolic mechanisms could account for the transport, influx,and cell lumen polymerization of silica in the grass leaf.  相似文献   

Ash and silica content and their depositional patterns in differenttissues of the mature corn plant (Zea mays L.) were determined.Ash and silica were highest in the leaf blades (up to 16.6 and10.9 per cent, respectively) followed by the leaf sheath, tassel,roots, stem epidermis and pith, and ear husk. The percentageof ash as silica was also highest in the leaves. Silica wasextremely low in the kernels. The upper stem epidermis and pithcontained nearly twice the silica content as did the lower portion.The patterns of ash and silica distribution were similar inplants grown in two different areas of Kansas, but were in lowerconcentration in the leaves and leaf sheaths from the area withlower soluble silica in the soil. Silica was deposited in theepidermis in a continuous matrix with cell walls showing serratedinterlocking margins in both leaves and stem. Rows of lobedphytoliths of denser silica were found in the epidermis as wellas highly silicified guard cells and trichomes. The silica matrixof the epidermis appears smooth on the outer surface and porousor spongy on the inner surface. Zea mays L. Corn, maize, ash content, silica deposition, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

Wheat seedlings {Triticum aestivum L.) were grown on soils withcontrasted resistances to root penetration (measured as penetrometerresistance, Rs. High Rs reduced the rates of leaf appearanceand expansion. Although the duration of expansion was increased,mature leaves were smaller. Underlying changes in leaf anatomywere investigated on cleared mature leaves, focusing on theepidermes. Three leaves were analysed: leaves 1 and 3 whichstarted their development in the embryo, and leaf 5 which wasinitiated on the seedling, after imposition of contrasted soilconditions. In all leaves, high Rs, caused a reduction in maturecell sizes, lengths and widths, and a shift in the relativeproportions of functionally different cell types, with a decreasein the relative proportions of stomata and associated cell types(interstomatal and sister cells) and an increase in the proportionsof unspecialized elongated epidermal cells and of trichomes.In leaves 3 and 5 the number of cellular files across the bladewas also reduced, while in leaf 1 it was similar at the twoRs. These differences between leaves are attributed to differencesin their developmental stage when root stress was first perceived.Remarkably, Rs had no effect (leaf 1) or relatively small effects(leaves 3 and 5) on the total number of cells per file, suggestingthat this parameter is either largely insensitive to variationin root environment, or is programmed at the outset before stresswas perceived at the apex. Key words: Wheat, anatomy, mature epidermis, root impedance  相似文献   

Deposits of silica in the culm internodes, floral bracts andawns of Hordeum sativum Jess (cv Deba Abed) have been investigatedusing the scanning electron microscope The deposits were isolatedfrom all organic matter by digestion with nitric and perchloricacids Two basic types of deposits were recognized, lumen andwall silicification, the latter with or without lumen infillings In the culm internodes, lumen deposits are derived from idioblasts(‘hats’), sclerenchyma and xylem vessels In thefloral bracts they are derived from idioblasts (‘hats’and astenform opals), epidermal long cells (dendriform opals),sclerenchyma and xylem vessels The shape of these deposits doesnot generally resemble the outline of the cell itself, but depositsderived from cell walls do closely resemble the infact cell.In the culm, the walls of stomatal cells, trichomes and, largelythe outer tangential walls of mature long epidermal cells, becomesilicified, together with some cork cells In the floral bracts,silica is found in most epidermal cell walls but is confinedto the trichomes, scutiform cells and costal epidermal cellsearly in their development At maturity concentrations of silicaare much higher in the floral bracts and awns than in the culmsand leaves The results are discussed in relation to the pattern of depositionand its possible functions. Hordeum sativum Jess, barley, silica deposits, opals, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   

In the leaves of rice (Oryza sativa), stomatal initials arose from two asymmetric cell divisions and a symmetric division. Guard mother cells (GMCs) and long cells in stomatal files (LCSs) were formed through the first asymmetric division of the precursor cell of GMCs. Subsidiary cells (SCs) were produced by the second asymmetric division of subsidiary mother cells or LCSs. Following SC formation, GMCs divided once symmetrically to generate guard cells and then differentiated terminally to form mature stomata. The developmental patterns of long cells, prickle hairs and short cells (phellem cells and silica cells) were also examined. Interestingly, we found that the different developmental stages of stomata and epidermal cells occurred in the similar location of immature leaves of the same phyllotaxis. In addition, two spacing patterns (“one stoma, one long cell” and “one short cell row”) probably exist in rice leaves.  相似文献   

Ash and silica contents and their depositional patterns in differenttissues of 44 Mississippi coastal plants were determined. Silicacontent of dried plants varied from no more than a trace inChenopodium album L. leaves to 7.37 per cent in Zizanopsis miliacea(Michx) Doell & Aschers leaves. Ash content varied from2.50 per cent in Lythrum lineare L. stems to 28.24 per centin Borrichia frutescens (L.) DC leaves. Plants in the same familytend to be alike in their ability to absorb or not absorb silica.Poaceae and Cyperaceae had consistently high concentrationsof silica. In contrast, the Asteraceae studied had very lowsilica contents but often had high contents of other minerals.Dicotyledonous plants studied had consistently lower silicacontents than the monocotyledons. Plants growing in salt watercontained considerable sodium chloride. Spectra were obtainedfor major elements in four different plants. Energy-dispersiveX-ray analysis shows that distribution of the element siliconis clearly related to certain epidermal structures such as guardcells, ridges, dumb-bells and balls that appear in electronmicrographs. Silica was deposited differently in each type ofplant studied. In many of the plants silica was deposited inrows of irregular-shaped particles running lengthwise of theleaf and in guard cells. In others, like Zizanopsis miliacea(Michx) Doell & Aschers, the deposit was sheet-like. Zizaniaaquatica L. not only had a sheet-like deposit, but the depositwas ridged and there were rows of dumb-bell-shaped silica cells.Related plants had similar structures. Euchlaena mexicana Schrad.,Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L and Manisuris rugosa (Nutt.) Kuntzeall had irregular phytoliths similar to those in Zea mays L. coastal plants, marsh plants, ash content, silica deposition, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, silicon distribution, X-ray diffraction patterns, spectra of elements in plants  相似文献   

Silica (SiO2.nH2O) is deposited in large quantities in the shootsystems of grasses. In the leaf epidermal system, it is incorporatedinto the cell wall matrix, primarily of outer epidermal walls,and within the lumena of some types of epidermal cells. This biogenic silica can be stained specifically with methylred, crystal violet lactone, and silver amine chromate. At theultrastructural level, the silica in lumens of silica cells,bulliform cells and long epidermal cells is made up of rodsabout 2.5 µm in length and 0.4µm in width. Ultimateparticles in the rods range from 1 to 2 nm in diameter. In contrast,silica in the cell wall matrix of trichomes and outer wallsof long epidermal cells is not rod-shaped, but rather, formsroughly spherical masses. Detailed analyses are presented on the frequencies of occurrenceof the different types of epidermal cells that contain silicain the leaves of representative C3 and C4 grasses. The C4 grasseshave higher frequencies of bulliform cell clusters, silica cells,and long epidermal cells, whereas the C3 grasses have higherfrequencies of trichomes. No correlation was found in the frequencyof occurrence of silica bodies in bulliform cells for C3 grassesas compared with C4 grasses. Of all the grasses examined, Coix,Oryza, and Eleusine had the highest densities of such bodies,and some taxa had no silica bodies apparent in their bulliformcells. The idea that silica bodies in bulliform cells and silica cellsmight act as "windows’ and trichomes might function as‘light pipes’ to facilitate light transmission throughthe epidermal system to photosynthetic mesophyll tissue belowwas tested. The experimental data presented do not support eitherof these hypotheses. C2 and C4 grasses, biogenic silica, light pipes, window hypothesis, silica staining, silica ultrastructure  相似文献   

We report new information on silica deposition in 15 plant species,including nine grasses, two sedges and four composites. Thesilica depositional patterns found in seven of the grass speciesindicate that they are C4 plants. However the festucoid grassCortaderia selloana is a C3 plant with long leaf trichomes andoval silica structures in the leaves. In contrast the panicoidC4 grasses Chasmathium latifolium, Chasmathium sessiflorum,Imperata cylindrica, Panicum repens, Panicum commutatum andSetaria magna, all produce dumb-bell-shaped silica structuresin the leaves. The chloridoid grasses Spartina patens and Spartinacynosuroides have saddle-shaped structures and no dumb-bellor oval shaped ones. The sedges Rhynchospora plumosa and Scirpuscyperinus were found to have oval phytoliths and may be C3 plants.Our examination of these and other grasses strongly suggeststhat C4 grasses tend to produce the same type of silica cells.Grasses and sedges with C3 type photosynthesis tend to produceoval silica structures. The composite Grindelia squarrosa andsunflowers Helianthus angustifolia, Helianthus atrorubens andHelianthus tuberosus absorb relatively small amounts of siliconand larger amounts of calcium, where both elements deposit inleaf trichomes. We found no clear indicator for the C3 sunflowersor C4 types in the Asteraceae. Helianthus tuberosus leaves havemany trichomes on the adaxial surface. These trichomes havea higher concentration of silica than the surrounding leaf surface.Helianthus tuberosus leaves had much higher ash and silica contentsthan those of Helianthus angustifolia and Helianthus atrorubens.The composite Grindelia squarrosa has a usual deposition ofsilica in the basal cells around the guard cells. Silica depositionoften reflects the surface features of a leaf. An exceptionis Scripus cyperinus where the silica structures are deep inthe tissue and do not reflect the surface configurations. Theinforescence of Setaria magna had a 14.64 silica content. Thetufts of white, silky hairs characteristic of Imperata cylindricainflorescence have no silica. C3 and C4 plants, silica and ash content, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, silicon distribution, spectra of elements in plants, trichomes, silica fibres, phytoliths  相似文献   

Silicon has been considered to be important for normal growthand development of the rice plant (Oryza sativa L.). To investigatethe physiological function of deposited silica in rice leaves,the hypothesis that silica bodies in the leaf epidermal systemmight act as a ‘window’ to facilitate the transmissionof light to photosynthetic mesophyll tissue was tested. Thesilica content of leaves increased with supplied silicon andwas closely correlated with the number of silica bodies perunit leaf area in the epidermal system. There was a significantdifference in silica deposition and formation of silica bodiesbetween Si-treated and non-treated leaves; silicon was polymerizedinside the silica cells and bulliform cells of the epidermis,in Si-treated leaves. Although the ‘windows’ wereonly formed in leaves with applied silicon, optical propertiesof leaf transmittance, reflectance and absorptance spectra inSi-treated and non-treated leaves were almost equal. Furthermore,light energy use efficiency and quantum yield of Si-treatedleaves were less than in leaves not containing silica bodies.Thus, silica bodies, at least based on the data, do not functionas windows in rice leaves. Key words: Silicon, window hypothesis, rice, optical property, quantum yield  相似文献   

Myrosinase in Sinapis alba L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Extracts from developing seeds, seedings, and different organsof mature plants of Sinapis alba L. were tested for the presenceof myrosinase. Three different patterns of isoenzymes were distinguishedby isoelectric focusing. One was found in developing seeds andseedlings, a second in mature leaves, stems, flowers, and podsand a third in roots. Sections of all the parts tested were examined for the presenceof myrosin cells by light microscopy. Developing seeds and seedlingsshowed a good correlation between the appearance of myrosinaseand the presence of myrosin cells. No myrosin cells were foundin root or flower parts although they showed myrosinase activity.  相似文献   



Rice is a well-known silica-accumulating plant. The dumbbell-shaped silica bodies in the silica cells in rice leaf epidermis are formed via biosilicification, but the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown.


Leaves at different developmental stages were collected to investigate silica cell differentiation by analyzing structures and silicon localization in the silica cells.


Exogenous silicon application increased both shoot and root biomass. When silicon was supplied, silica cells in the leaf epidermis developed gradually into a dumbbell-shape and became increasingly silicified as leaves aged. Silicon deposition in the silica cells was not completed until the leaf was fully expanded. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that lignification of silica cell walls precedes silicon deposition in the lumen of silica cells. The organized needle-like silica microstructures were formed by moulding the inner cell walls and filling up the lumen of the silica cell following leaf maturation.


Two processes were involved in silicon deposition: (1) the silica cell wall was lignified and silicified, and then (2) the silicon was deposited gradually in silica cells as leaves aged. Silica body formation was not completed until the leaf was fully mature.  相似文献   

Atriplex spongiosa was grown in hydroponic culture with additionsof 0, 200, 400 and 600 mM NaCl. Frozen, hydrated cells and cellcompartments of young and mature leaf tissue were analysed byX-ray micro-analysis. Evidence for low K + Na and Cl content,and high K selectivity in the bundle sheath cytoplasm was obtainedfrom data on X-ray count ratios and on total X-ray counts. Vacuolesof the major cell types of the mature leaf had either high Kor high Na and Cl contents when grown in the absence or presenceof NaCl. Comparison of K, Na and Cl content of different cell types inthe mature leaf showed gradients in selectivity for K. relativeto Na between the bundle sheath cells and the bladder cells.In the young expanding leaves salt was sequestered in the numeroussalt bladders on the leaf surface, while the cytoplasm and developingvacuoles of undifferentiated cells contained largely K and littleNa or Cl. The results support general views on the compartmentation ofsalt in plants cells in relation to osmotic or saline stress. Key words: Atriplex spongiosa, X-ray analysis, Salinity, Compartmentation, Leaf  相似文献   

Lamont  Byron B. 《Annals of botany》1993,71(6):537-542
When leaves of three Grevillea species were macerated, hydrogencyanide was only released from the soft, immature ones. Thebark but not wood of young stems was weakly cyanogenic. Thegreatest concentration of cyanoglucosides occurred in peduncles,flower buds, open flowers, immature seeds and germinants. Nocyanide was released from nectar, pedicels, dry fruit, elaiosomesand dry walls mature seeds. Addition of ß-glucosidase,and sometimes water only, increased cyanogenesis in young leaves,bark, some seed and fruit walls, and embryos of mature seeds.The endogenous levels of ß-glucosidase were sufficientto release all the cyanide present in at least 80% of cases. Young leaves and germinants of G. bipinnatifida (resprouter)released more cyanide than those of G. banksii, while flowerbuds, stigmatic region, styles, perianths and ovaries of G.banksii (non-sprouter) released far more cyanide than thoseof G. bipinnatifida. The interspecific and intraplant distributionof cyanoglucosides is consistent with the expected impact ofbeneficial and herbivorous animals on long term fitness of thesespecies. The F1 hybrid (G. 'Robyn Gordon') tended to have intermediatecyanoglucoside levels between the two putative parents.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Grevillea bipinnatifida, G. banksii, G. 'Robyn Gordon', cyanide, herbivory, ß-glucosidase, cyanogenesis  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and dark respiration were studied during andafter the spring flush in Brachystegia spiciformis Benth. Variousparameters were examined including anthocyanin and chlorophyllcontent, Hill reaction activity, and gas exchange. Total chlorophyllcontent steadily increased reaching a constant value in fullyexpanded (25-d-old) leaves, whereas anthocyanin concentrationincreased as the chlorophylls but rapidly declined after 23d. Hill reaction measurements confirmed that leaf material fromevery stage of the flush (bud burst to mature leaves) was photosyntheticallyfunctional. The activity was low in flushing leaves with highanthocyanin content and then dramatically increased as leafanthocyanin content declined. Oxygen exchange measurements showedflushing leaves to have lower photosynthetic rates but higherrespiratory activity than mature leaves (60% and 120%, respectively).Gas exchange and in vitro electron transport were also generallycorrelated; Hill reaction activity was 128% of gas exchangein mature leaves and 92% in flushing leaves. It is concludedthat although photosynthetic rates are lower and respirationrates are higher in flushing leaves than in mature, fully expandedleaves, flushing leaves are fully photosynthetically competentand apparently require no net input of carbon for growth anddevelopment. Key words: Brachystegia, Hill reaction, photosynthesis, Zimbabwe  相似文献   

The initiation of root primordia in Griselinia littoralis andG. lucida occurred a few millimeters above the cut base. Inall cases the first cellular event was the activation of specificregions of the cambium which were associated with traces fromleaves which themselves were particularly vigorous root-formersif detached. In cuttings from seedlings, the first cells cutoff continued to divide and gave rise to root primordia in situ,whereas those from mature plants produced files of six to 22rows of cells and it was only when the cells first cut off hadbeen displaced outwards towards the fibre caps that the cambiumstopped dividing. Primordium development may then occur at theadvancing front, possibly as a result of a stimulus originatingfrom damaged cells. Thus the same cells were involved in organizedprimordium formation both in seedling and mature cutting, butthe location differed. The reduced rooting and the long lag phase in cuttings frommature plants of G. lucida may be due to the presence of a completering of fibres. This does not seem to present a mechanical barrierto emergence - since elongating primordia can force throughthe ring - nor can it affect the receipt of any root-inducingstimulus by the target cells since it is considered that thisarrives via the vascular tissues. However, evidence suggeststhat it is the initial phase of cambial activation which isprevented in cuttings from mature plants. This suggested eitherthat the initial stimulus was less effective or that the targetcells were less responsive than those of seedlings, which havevery few fibres, or of mature G. littoralis, which only hasfibm associated with the vascular bundles. Griselinia littoralis Raoul Choix, Griselinia licida Forst. f. Prodr., adventitious roots, cuttings, primordium initiation and location  相似文献   

采用大田试验,直接撕表皮或对叶片进行固定处理,结合单染、复染、荧光染色等多种细胞学显色方法,利用光学显微镜、荧光显微镜和扫描电子显微镜系统观察玉米叶表皮短细胞的发生时期、发育过程、分布规律以及形态结构特征,研究K+和H2O2在栓质细胞中的分布变化与表皮其它细胞中K+和H2O2的分布及气孔器开关的关系,为进一步挖掘短细胞的新功能提供细胞学依据。结果表明:(1)短细胞是同步发生在玉米多叶位新表皮组织形成过程中,所有植株从第7新生叶,大部分第6叶,极少数第5叶的基部同时开始发生短细胞,之后新生的高位叶也均发生短细胞,并随着叶位的升高叶片各部位短细胞密度均增大,所有植株的1~4叶(因不再生长)均无短细胞出现。(2)初期发育的叶表皮细胞进行不对称分裂,生成相互交替的长、短细胞,有的短表皮细胞横(垂直叶脉)分裂,形成栓质细胞和硅质细胞对;栓质细胞基部与叶肉细胞相邻,硅质细胞嵌在栓质细胞和表皮细胞间偏上。(3)有短细胞发生的叶片,宏观背面发亮且覆有蜡质层,微观表皮细胞的着色特性发生了变化;栓质细胞为面包形柱状细胞,硅质细胞为哑铃形扁细胞。(4)气孔器张开时,栓质细胞中没有K+和H2O2的积累;气孔器关闭时,栓质细胞中积累了大量的K+和H2O2,且栓质细胞中K+和H2O2的积累始终与副卫细胞中K+和H2O2的积累变化一致,而硅质细胞和长细胞没有K+和H2O2的积累。该研究确定了玉米叶表皮短细胞发生的时期;展示了其发育过程的形态学变化特征;发现栓质细胞中K+和H2O2的积累随气孔器开关呈周期性变化,且与副卫细胞中K+和H2O2的积累变化保持一致。  相似文献   

The occurrence of silicon in mature fronds of Pteridium aquilinumwas investigated using light and scanning electron microscopyand X-ray micro analysis. The heaviest deposits were locatedin the outer tangential walls of the epidermis of the petiole,but the upper epidermal cells of the costal regions of the laminaealso accumulated small quantities. No discrete bodies were associatedwith these deposits. However, the mid-ribs of the laminae exhibitedsome long siliceous fibres associated with the luminae of thestrengthening tissues. The significance of these accumulationsin relation to deposition mechanisms and possible carcinogeniceffects are discussed. Pteridium aquilinum L., bracken, frond, microanalysis, silica  相似文献   

Boron is generally considered to be phloem immobile or to haveonly limited phloem mobility in higher plants. Evidence suggests,however, that B may be mobile in some species within thePyrus,Malus andPrunusgenera. These genera utilize sorbitol as a primarytranslocated photosynthate and it has been clearly demonstratedthat B forms stable complexes with sorbitolin vitro.In the researchpresented here we demonstrate, further, that B is freely phloemmobile inPyrus, MalusandPrunusspecies and suggest that thisis mediated by the formation and transport of B-sorbitol complexes. The pattern of B distribution within shoot organs and the translocationof foliar-applied, isotopically-enriched10B was studied in sixtree species. Results demonstrate that in species in which sorbitolis a major sugar (sorbitol-rich), B is freely mobile while inspecies that produce little or no sorbitol (sorbitol-poor) Bis largely immobile. The sorbitol-rich species used here werealmond [Prunus amygdalusB. syn.P. dulcis(Mill.)], apple (MalusdomesticaB.) and nectarine (Prunus persicaL. B. var.nectarinaM.),sorbitol-poor species included fig (Ficus caricaL.), pistachio(Pistacia veraL.) and walnut (Juglans regiaL.). In sorbitol-richspecies foliar applied10B was transported from the treated leavesto adjacent fruit and specifically to the fruit tissues (hull,shell or kernel) that developed during the experimental period.Whereas, foliar-applied10B was rapidly translocated out of leaves,only a small percentage of the11B present in the leaf at thetime of foliar application was retranslocated. In sorbitol-richspecies, B concentrations differed only slightly between oldand young leaves while fruit tissue had significantly greaterB concentrations than leaves. In contrast, sorbitol-poor specieshad significantly higher B concentrations in older leaves thanyoung leaves while fruit tissue had the lowest B concentration.This occurred irrespective the source of plant B (soil, solutionor foliar-applied). In a subsequent experiment the growth ofapple trees in solutions free of applied B was maintained solelyby foliar applications of B to mature leaves. These resultsindicate that B is mobile in species that produce significantamounts of sorbitol. We propose that the mobility of B in thesespecies is mediated by the formation of B-sorbitol complexes. Almond; Prunus amygdalus ; apple; Malus domestica; nectarine; Prunus persica; fig; Ficus carica; pistachio; Pistacia vera; walnut; Juglans regia; boron; phloem mobility; deficiency; toxicity; inductively coupled plasma-mass; spectrometer  相似文献   

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