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Summary The indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to demonstrate a substance reacting with gastrin antisera in the brain of Xenopus laevis.Immunoreactive material was found in two sites: (1) In the caudal hypothalamus more precisely in the nucleus infundibularis ventralis, (NIV) of the pars ventralis of the tuber cinereum, (PVTC). The fluorescent axons of the reactive parikarya of the NIV give rise to two symmetrical tracts which run rostro-ventrally and join, in the infundibular floor, the preoptico-hypophysial tract, where they form an uneven median tract coursing caudally and running along the medio-tuberal area before entering the external zone of the median eminence. (2) In the anterior preoptic area (APOA), where numerous nerve fibers and endings form a dense network near the preoptic recess. The exact origin of these terminals has not yet been determined.Control of immunohistochemical specificity shows that the labeling by gastrin antisera is suppressed by gastrin (2–17), but also by cholecystokinin (CCK) and pentagastrin (Peptavlon). These results indicate that the immunoreactive substance revealed belongs to the gastrin group and has an antigenic determinant composed of the amino acid sequence or a portion thereof common to gastrin, CCK and Peptavlon (Trp-Met-Asp-Phe).It should be emphasized that, in the brain of Xenopus laevis, both gastrinimmunoreactive sites correspond to the sites of uptake of steroid hormones (Kelley et al., 1975; Morrell et al., 1975).Supported by the D.G.R.S.T., Contrat n 77.7.0648  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical methods were used to investigate the occurrence and distribution of sauvagine, corticotropin-releasing factor-, or urotensin I-like immunoreactivities (SVG-ir, CRF-ir, UI-ir, respectively) in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) brain, using specific antisera raised against non-conjugated SVG, ovine CRF, rat/human CRF, and UI. In the hypothalamus, SVG-ir was found in the magnocellular perikarya, in the dorsal and ventral regions of the preoptic nucleus, and in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal projections to the external zone as well as the internal zone of the median eminence, to pars nervosa, and in fibres running from the pars nervosa to the pars intermedia of the pituitary. In contrast, CRF-ir was found only in parvocellular perikarya, mainly localized in the rostro-ventral part of the preoptic nucleus, with fine processes protruding through the ependyma of the third ventricle, fibre projections terminating in the anterior preoptic area and in the neuropil of the periventricular gray, and a caudal projection to the external zone of the median eminence. No CRF-ir staining was seen in the pars nervosa and pars intermedia. The use of UI-specific antisera failed to give a positive response in the frog brain. It is concluded that, in the frog brain, two anatomically different CRF-like (or SVG-like) systems co-exist, comparable to the reported co-existence of UI-ir and CRF-ir neuronal systems in fish brain.  相似文献   

Summary Single and double immunocytochemical techniques were applied to the brain and pituitary of carps and goldfish. With the use of antiserum raised against synthetic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the nucleus praeopticus and the nucleus praeopticus periventricularis. CRF-like-immunoreactive hypothalamic nerve fibers reach the pituitary. In cyprinids, some fine fibers enter the rostral neurohypophysis bordered by prolactin- and ACTH cells. Other thicker fibers extend ventrocaudally into the neurointermediate lobe. This CRF-like system appears to differ from the SRIF-like system, which is restricted to the proximal pars distalis of the pituitary containing somatotrophs.The technical assistance of Jacqueline Olivereau, Biologiste-Adjointe from the CNRS, is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-containing neurons were investigated in the brain of the domestic fowl by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique at the light-microscopic level. The detection of CRF-immunoreactivity was facilitated by silver intensification. CRF-containing perikarya were found in the paraventricular, preoptic and mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus and in some extrahypothalamic areas (nuclei dorsomedialis and dorsolateralis thalami, nucleus accumbens septi, lobus parolfactorius, periaqueductal gray of the mesencephalon, nucleus oculomotorius ventralis). Immunoreactive nerve fibers and terminals were demonstrated in the external zone of the median eminence and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. These results indicate that an immunologically demonstrable CRF-neurosecretory system also exists in the avian central nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary In chicken embryos of different ages and in young chickens after hatching, neural elements reacting with antibodies generated against synthetic ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) were studied by means of the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) technique at the lightmicroscopic level. CRF-immunoreactivity was first observed in perikarya located in the periventricular part of the hypothalamus on the 14th day of the incubation period. CRF-containing neural elements were detected on the same day of incubation in the external zone of the median eminence, but not in all investigated animals. In extrahypothalamic sites, immunoreactive perikarya were demonstrable in the central gray of the mesencephalon on the 15th day of incubation. Furthermore, immunoreactive cells appeared in other brain regions such as nucleus accumbens and dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus after hatching. The present observations provide information regarding the functional development of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal axis in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

The maturation of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neuronal system was evaluated by immunocytochemistry and morphometry in Bufo arenarum, during spontaneous metamorphosis and in tadpoles with inhibited thryroid function. The first appearance of CRF immunoreactive fibers was at the end of premetamorphosis (stage VIII). These fibers were found in small numbers and weakly stained in the median eminence and infundibular stalk. With the advance of larval development, CRF-like material stained intensely and tended to aggregate in the external zone of the median eminence. At climax stages, immunoreactive fibers and perikarya (weakly stained) were identified in the interpeduncular nucleus and in the dorsal infundibular nucleus. Morphometric and immunocytochemical results indicate that the maturation of the CRF neuronal system in Bufo arenarum occurs just before metamorphic climax, coinciding with high levels of thyroid and steroid hormones. We have also found that in larvae with inhibited thyroid function, the CRF neuronal system is able to develop, and that thyroid hormone could exert a negative feedback control on the synthesis of CRF.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical localization of neurons containing the 41 amino acid peptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the rat brain is described. The detection of CRF-like immunoreactivity in neurons was facilitated by colchicine pretreatment of the rats and by silver intensification of the diaminobenzidine end-product. The presence of immunoreactive CRF in perikarya, neuronal processes, and terminals in all major subdivisions of the rat brain is demonstrated. Aggregates of CRF-immunoreactive perikarya are found in the paraventricular, supraoptic, medial and periventricular preoptic, and premammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus, the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis and of the anterior commissure, the medial septal nucleus, the nucleus accumbens, the central amygdaloid nucleus, the olfactory bulb, the locus ceruleus, the parabrachial nucleus, the superior and inferior colliculus, and the medial vestibular nucleus. A few scattered perikarya with CRF-like immunoreactivity are present along the paraventriculo-infundibular pathway, in the anterior hypothalamus, the cerebral cortex, the hippocampus, and the periaqueductal gray of the mesencephalon and pons. Processes with CRF-like immunoreactivity are present in all of the above areas as well as in the cerebellum. The densest accumulation of CRF-immunoreactive terminals is seen in the external zone of the median eminence, with some immunoreactive CRF also present in the internal zone. The widespread but selective distribution of neurons containing CRF-like immunoreactivity supports the neuroendocrine role of this peptide and suggests that CRF, similarly to other neuropeptides, may also function as a neuromodulator throughout the brain.  相似文献   

Summary The brain of the Pacific hagfish, Eptatretus stouti, was studied immunocytochemically using antisera against somatostatin (SRIH), arginine vasopressin (AVP), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). SRIH-immunoreactive perikarya were distributed bilaterally in the postoptic nucleus and in the hypothalamic nucleus. Although several short, stained fibers were observed in the vicinity of the perikarya, SRIH-immunoreactivity was not found in the neurohypophysis, nor in other parts of the brain. On the other hand, presumed arginine vasotocin (AVT) perikarya were distributed in an arc-shaped region extending from the posterior part of the preoptic nucleus to the anterior-most end of the hypothalamic nucleus and projected their fibers to the neurohypophysis. Most presumptive AVT perikarya were located close to the paired prehypophysial arteries near the anterior end of the postoptic nucleus. In the neurohypophysis, abundant presumptive AVT-fibers terminated in the posterior dorsal wall, although some fibers terminated in the anterior dorsal wall and only a few fiber endings were found in the ventral wall. No ACTH-positive cells were detected in the hagfish brain or in the pituitary gland.Supported from a grant from the National Science Foundation PCM 8141393  相似文献   

Summary The brain of the lizard, Ctenosauria pectinata, was studied light microscopically using an immunocytochemical staining method that is specific for neurohypophysial hormones and somatostatin. It was shown that the telencephalon and particularly the diencephalon contain somatostatin-producing perikarya, while somatostatinergic fibers occur in the entire brain. Similar to the situation in other vertebrates, somatostatin neurons in Ctenosauria pectinata form a population distinct from the neurohypophysial hormone-producing neurons. The small-sized somatostatin neurons were found in the cortex and the hypopallium of the telencephalon, and in two distinct clusters in the diencephalon: (1) ventral from, and partially overlapping with, the classical neurosecretory para ventricular nucleus; and (2) in the region of the infundibular (tuberal) nucleus. Somatostatin fibers were found among the classical neurosecretory fibers of the supraoptico-paraventricular system (tract, median eminence, neural lobe), near to and within the epiphysis, in the septum, in the vicinity of the tectum opticum and the cerebellum, and in the tegmentum.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Summary Isolated gastrula ectoderm has no neural-inducing activity and does not differentiate into neural tissues. It has, however, a high neural-inducing capacity, but the inducing factors are present in a masked, inactive form. The inducing factors are partially activated by homogenization and by freezing of the homogenate and are fully activated by treatment with ethanol. The relative distribution of inducing factors in different subcellular fractions changes after treatment with demecolcine and cytochalasin B or after autolytic incubation of the homogenate. The inducing activity of the high-speed supernatant is enhanced under these conditions. The experiments suggest that the activation of neuralizing factor(s) depends on the release from complex structures. Cytoskeletal elements seem to be involved. When early neural plate homogenate was fractionated, the high-speed supernatant showed neural-inducing activity. This is in contrast to the high-speed supernatant from the ectoderm homogenate, which shows no such activity.  相似文献   

Summary Growth hormone, prolactin and somatostatinlike immunoreactivities were demonstrated in the brains of larval, young adult (parasitic) and upstream migrant adult sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, by means of immunoperoxidase techniques. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) were observed within separate perikarya in the nucleus praeopticus, within fibers in the commissura praeinfundibularis, and in nerve endings within the neurohypophysis of larval and adult-stage lampreys. Cell bodies demonstrating immunoreactive growth hormone were more numerous than those reactive for prolactin. Unlike in the upstream migrant adult lamprey, no GH or PRL was demonstrated in the adenohypophysis of larval or parasitic lamprey.Somatostatin (SRIF)-like immunoreactive neurons were demonstrated in the nucleus commissurae praeinfundibularis, anterior and posterior pars ventralis hypothalami, pars dorsalis thalami, and the tegmentum motorium rhombencephali of larval, parasitic and upstream migrant adult lampreys. Many of the SRIF containing neurons within the hypothalamus were cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting cells. SRIF fibers were found throughout most of the brain predominating within the nucleus praeopticus, pars ventralis hypothalami, and the nucleus interpeduncularis. No SRIF immunoreactivity was found within the neurophyophysis. The possible functions of these peptides within the brain of the lamprey are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of perikarya and fibers containing corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) was studied in the brain of the teleost Sparus aurata by immunocytochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Antisera against rat CRF, arginine vasotocin, and human adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) were used. Most CRF-immunoreactive neurons were located in the nucleus lateralis tuberis, but they were absent from the nucleus preopticus, which only contained arginine vasotocin neurons. Few CRF perikarya were identified in the nucleus preopticus periventricularis and in the mesencephalic tegmentum. A conspicuous bundle of immunoreactive fibers ran along the diencephalic floor and pituitary stalk to end near the cells of the hypophysial pars intermedia. No CRF was seen near the adenohypophysial rostral pars distalis. Our results suggest that, in Sparus aurata, CRF is a releasing factor for melanotropic cells. Its role as a releasing factor for ACTH is discussed.  相似文献   

the present immunohistochemical study demonstrates the ontogenetic appearance of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in several discrete regions of the hypothalamus and limbic system in the rat brain, using a purified antibody against human placental aromatase cytochrome P450. Immunoreactive cells were first detected in the preoptic area on the 13th day of embryonic life (E 13), and additionally in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on E 15. Labeled cells were also found in the medial amygdaloid nucleus and the ventromedial nucleus on E 16, and some were detected in the arcuate nucleus on E 19. As gestation progressed, the number and the immunoreactivity of these cells gradually increased and peaked within definite periods of perinatal life and there-after declined or disappeared. The immunoreactive cells were also found in the central amygdaloid nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and in the ventral pallidum, after the 14th day of postnatal life (P 14) and 30th day (P 30), respectively. The distribution of aromatase-immunoreactive neurons was similar between the sexes, while the immunoreactivity was higher in males than in females after late gestational days. No immunoreaction was detectable in other regions of the telencephalon or midbrain at any time periods studied. The aromatase-immunoreactive neurons in the specific regions may be involved in the sexual differentiation of the brain.  相似文献   

Summary The pancreas of the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, was investigated by immunocytochemical methods for the presence of immunoreactivity to a number of antisera raised against mammalian insulins. All anti-insulin antisera tested revealed substantial amounts of reaction products confined solely to the aldehyde-fuchsinophilic B cells of the endocrine pancreas. The reactive cell population was detected by use of one polyclonal antiserum against bovine insulin and eight different monoclonal antibodies against insulins from various mammalian species. Six of these antibody clones have known specificity to sub-regions of the insulin molecule. Additionally, fractions of an ethanol-HCl extract of pancreatic tissue from Ambystoma was studied in both conventional dot-blot tests by means of the same panel of antibodies and a two-site sandwich time-resolved immunofluorometric assay for human insulin involving two of the monoclonal antibodies. These experiments support the immunocytochemical observations by demonstrating the existence of an insulin-related peptide with a great deal of structural resemblance to mammalian insulins and displaying antigenic determinants in common at least with the amino acid residues A8–10 and B26–30. In conclusion, we interpret the findings as indicating that the immunocytochemically revealed tissue bound antigen in the Ambystoma pancreatic B-cells may be a peptide related to human insulin.Supported in part by SNF grant 11-5082 (G.N.H.). The authors are indebted to Dr. P. Rosenkilde for the gift of the Ambystoma material  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactive serotonin (ir-5HT) containing cells were localized in the brain and pituitary gland of the platyfish by use of immunoperoxidase procedures. In the brain, ir-neurons were found lining the wall of the third ventricle and in its lateral and posterior recesses. More caudally, ir-perikarya were found in the valvular portion of the cerebellum and in the raphe region. Ir-5HT was also localized within the pineal gland in fish that had been sacrificed before 1:00 p.m. Within the pituitary gland, ir-5HT was localized in periodic acid Schiff-positive cells of the pars intermedia of all fish while, in only a few animals, less intense immunoreactivity was also present in gonadotrops of the caudal pars distalis.  相似文献   

Iontophoretic application of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) onto the membrane of individual brain neurons produced changes in the spontaneous occurrence of their extracellular action potentials. Neurons in the cortex and hypothalamus tended to be excited by the application of this 41-residue peptide, while those in the thalamus and lateral septal area were inhibited. In general, neurons excited by CRF were also inhibited by the local application of dopamine (DA) and morphine (MOR), while those which were inhibited by CRF were excited by DA and MOR. Glutamate excited the majority of cells tested independent of the other peptide responses. The results suggest that CRF activates several CNS regions with some specificity, and may be involved in neuronal modulation of pituitary as well as extrapituitary events.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical tests with eight monoclonal antibodies against either bovine or human insulin and seven polyclonal antibodies against bovine insulin were carried out to determine the presence of insulin-like neuropeptides in the brain and affiliated neuroendocrine structures of the insect Leucophaea maderae. Reaction products identified in the brain, subesophageal ganglion, and corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex indicate the presence of materials resembling mammalian insulins in its antigenic properties. The immunostaining observed with monoclonal antibodies appears to indicate the occurrence of an insulin-related peptide that shows sequential similarities with parts of both the A- and B-chains of mammalian insulin molecules. These suppositions are supported by the results of dot-blot and two-site time-resolved immunofluorometric assay (TR-IFMA) screenings of fractions of Leucophaea tissue extracts obtained by chromatography. The polyclonal antibodies yielded reaction products in some of the same areas and in additional parts of the neuroendocrine system not visualized by the monoclonal antibodies. Immunoreaction was observed in the following areas: the pars intercerebralis of the protocerebrum, the nervi corporis cardiaci I transporting insulin-like material to the corpus cardiacum, the dorsolateral protocerebral area and the optic lobes, the deutocerebrum, the tritocerebrum, and the subesophageal ganglion. In addition, smaller cell bodies with immunoreactive deposits occur at the border between proto- and deutocerebrum, and in the central area of the protocerebrum. The distribution of reactive material in the corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex after use of both groups of antibodies was the same. The fact that polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies yielded reaction products in different cells of the brain suggests either that the two groups of antibodies recognize different epitopes of the same molecule, or that they reveal two different types of immunoreactive molecules related to mammalian insulins. Together with the biochemical data reported by Nagasawa and coworkers (PNAS 83, 1986) the present immunocytochemical analysis has established a closer relationship between mammalian and insect insulins than was previously known.Supported in part by NIH grant NS 2344-02 (B.S.) and SNF grant 11-5082 and 11-7705 (G.N.H.)  相似文献   

Summary An extensive system of somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons has been localized in the forebrain and pituitary of the molly (Poecilia latipinna), using the unlabelled antibody immunocytochemical method.In the hypothalamus, reactive perikarya were scattered throughout the parvocellular divisions of the preoptic nucleus. These cells were smaller in size and more ventral in position than those which stained with antisera to the neurohypophysial hormones, vasotocin and isotocin. A few very small somatostatin-immunoreactive cells were observed in the tuberal region and in the nuclei of the lateral and posterior recesses — areas which were rich in somatostatin-immunoreactive fibres.Somatostatin cells were also found in a small area of the ventral thalamus, mainly in the dorsolateral nucleus. Some of these neurons were large and multipolar, and appeared to form tracts of fibres into the posterior hypothalamus. In the telencephalon there were a few stained cells in the ventral area, with a complex pattern of fibres occurring in parts of the dorsal area.Somatostatin-immunoreactivity was intense in the central and posterior neurohypophysis, and particularly in its finger-like projections into the proximal pars distalis, around groups of growth hormone cells. Examination of material from fishes under various experimental conditions provided evidence for the somatostatin fibres originating from the preoptic neurons being involved in the control of growth hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is a 41 amino acid neuropeptide which is involved in the stress response. CRF and neuropeptide Y (NPY) produce reciprocal effects on anxiety in the central nucleus of the amygdala. The molecular mechanisms of possible CRF-NPY interactions in regulating anxiety behavior is not known. In the central nervous system, the action of NPY leads to inhibition of cAMP production while CRF is known to stimulate levels of cAMP in the brain. Consequently, we hypothesized that NPY may antagonize anxiety-like behavior by counter-regulating CRF-stimulated cAMP accumulation and activation of the protein kinase A pathway. We have engineered an immortalized amygdalar cell line (AR-5 cells) which express via RT-PCR, the CRF2, Y1 and Y5 NPY receptor. In addition, in these cells CRF treatment results in significant concentration-dependent increases in cAMP production. Furthermore, incubation of 3 μM CRF with increasing concentrations of NPY was able to significantly inhibit the increases in cAMP compared to that observed with 3 μM CRF treatment alone. These findings suggest that CRF and NPY may counter-regulate each other in amygdalar neurons via reciprocal effects on the protein kinase A pathway.  相似文献   

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