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Two polymorphisms of the human Ig(lambda) (IGL) locus have been described. The first polymorphism concerns a single, 2- or 3-fold amplification of 5.4 kb of DNA in the C(lambda)2-C(lambda)3 region. The second polymorphism is the Mcg(-)Ke(+)Oz(-) isotype, which has only been defined via serological analyses in Bence-Jones proteins of multiple myeloma patients and was assumed to be encoded by a polymorphic C(lambda)2 segment because of its high homology with the Mcg(-)Ke(-)Oz(-) C(lambda)2 isotype. It has been speculated that the Mcg(-)Ke(+)Oz(-) isotype might be encoded by a C(lambda) gene segment of the amplified C(lambda)2-C(lambda)3 region. We now unraveled both IGL gene polymorphisms. The amplification polymorphism appeared to result from a duplication, triplication, or quadruplication of a functional J-C(lambda)2 region and is likely to have originated from unequal crossing over of the J-C(lambda)2 and J-C(lambda)3 region via a 2.2-kb homologous repeat. The amplification polymorphism was found to result in the presence of one to five extra functional J-C(lambda)2 per genome regions, leading to decreased Ig(kappa):Ig(lambda) ratios on normal peripheral blood B cells. Via sequence analysis, we demonstrated that the Mcg(-)Ke(+)Oz(-) isotype is encoded by a polymorphic C(lambda)2 segment that differs from the normal C(lambda)2 gene segment at a single nucleotide position. This polymorphism was identified in only 1.5% (2 of 134) of individuals without J-C(lambda)2 amplification polymorphism and was not found in the J-C(lambda)2 amplification polymorphism of 44 individuals, indicating that the two IGL gene polymorphisms are not linked.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis Ig contain two distinct types of L chains, designated rho or L1 and sigma or L2. We have analyzed Xenopus genomic DNA by Southern blotting with cDNA probes specific for L1 V and C regions. Many fragments hybridized to the V probe, but only one or two fragments hybridized to the C probe. Corresponding C, J, and V gene segments were identified on clones isolated from a genomic library prepared from the same DNA. One clone contains a C gene segment separated from a J gene segment by an intron of 3.4 kb. The J and C gene segments are nearly identical in sequence to cDNA clones analyzed previously. The C segment is somewhat more similar and the J segment considerably more similar in sequence to the corresponding segments of mammalian kappa chains than to those of mammalian lambda chains. Upstream of the J segment is a typical recombination signal sequence with a spacer of 23 bp, as in J kappa. A second clone from the library contains four V gene segments, separated by 2.1 to 3.6 kb. Two of these, V1 and V3, have the expected structural and regulatory features of V genes, and are very similar in sequence to each other and to mammalian V kappa. A third gene segment, V2, resembles V1 and V3 in its coding region and nearby 5'-flanking region, but diverges in sequence 5' to position -95 with loss of the octamer promoter element. The fourth V-like segment is similar to the others at the 3'-end, but upstream of codon 64 bears no resemblance in sequence to any Ig V region. All four V segments have typical recombination signal sequences with 12-bp spacers at their 3'-ends, as in V kappa. Taken together, the data suggest that Xenopus L1 L chain genes are members of the kappa gene family.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) raised against reduced and alkylated thrombospondin (TSP) were screened for the ability to react with Ca2+-replete TSP versus EDTA-treated TSP. Two mAbs designated A6.1 and D4.6 were found to react much more strongly with TSP after EDTA treatment. The dissociation constants for these mAbs were measured in 5 mM EDTA and found to be 6 X 10(-10) M for A6.1 and 7 X 10(-9) M for D4.6. Binding to A6.1 was undetectable in the presence of 1 mM Ca2+ while binding of D4.6 occurred with about 100-fold lower affinity. The Ca2+ concentration dependence of A6.1 binding was broad with a midpoint near 50 microM free Ca2+ while that of D4.6 showed a sharp transition below 0.1 microM. Upon dialysis of EDTA-treated TSP into Ca2+ containing buffer, the binding of the mAbs was prevented or decreased, indicating reversibility of the conformational transition induced by the initial removal of Ca2+ . Mg2+ can compete with the Ca2+ binding sites involved in mAb binding, but TSP dialyzed from Ca2+ into Mg2+ binds the two mAbs as well as EDTA-treated TSP, indicating that Mg2+ cannot maintain the Ca2+-replete structure of TSP. The proteolytic fragments of TSP with which the two mAbs react were determined by probing Western blots of digests of TSP with the mAbs. A6.1 reacts with the 70-kDa fragment generated by chymotrypsin in EDTA which contains the interchain disulfide bonds of TSP and the binding site(s) for type V collagen (Mumby, S. M., Raugi, G. J., and Bornstein, P. (1984) J. Cell Biol. 98, 646-652). D4.6 reacts with fragments of 140 and 120 kDa found in digests of Ca2+-replete TSP which are absent from digests in EDTA. Electron microscopy of rotary shadowed, carbon-coated replicas of TSP mAb complexes confirms the Ca2+ sensitivity of mAb binding and has been used to localize the epitopes for both mAbs on the three-dimensional structure of TSP.  相似文献   

Twenty-three monoclonal antibodies with specificity for epitopes in the Fc fragment of IgG have been used to investigate antigenic differences between secreted and membrane forms of IgG produced by 2 human B lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL). All of the monoclonals reacted with IgG secreted by the cell lines, as demonstrated by their ability to agglutinate SRBC coated with immunoglobulin isolated from culture supernatants. Membrane IgG expression was studied using direct and indirect rosette assays with antibody-coated ORBC. A surprisingly high number of antibodies, 13 on EB2 and 9 on EB4, did not bind to the cell surface immunoglobulin. These included antibodies with specificities for both C gamma 3 and C gamma 2 domain determinants. Similar results were obtained with an indirect radiobinding assay, indicating that negative results with the rosette test were not due to steric hindrance by the red cell carrier. Their performance in indirect hemagglutination indicated that most of the antibodies that did not bind to membrane IgG were of high avidity. It is concluded that the epitopes for which these antibodies are specific are not available on the cell surface. Possible explanations for the apparent antigenic differences between secreted and membrane forms of IgG are discussed against the background of previous work on the structure and mode of insertion of cell surface immunoglobulin.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies for the human insulin receptor were produced following immunization of mice with IM-9 lymphocytes and/or purified placental receptor. Four separate fusions yielded 28 antibodies, all of which reacted with receptor from human placenta, liver and IM-9 cells. Some antibodies cross-reacted to varying degrees with receptor from rabbit, cow, pig and sheep, but none reacted with rat receptor. At least 10 distinct epitopes were recognized as indicated by species specificity and binding competition experiments. All of these epitopes appeared to be on extracellular domains of the receptor as shown by binding of antibodies to intact cells. In some cases the epitopes were further localized to alpha or beta subunits by immunoblotting. Several antibodies inhibited binding of 125I-insulin to the receptor, some had no effect on binding, and others enhanced the binding of 125I-insulin. It is concluded that these antibodies will be valuable probes of receptor structure and function.  相似文献   

Three murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the 61-residue amino-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the human transferrin receptor (TR) have been produced by immunization of mice with recombinant human TR produced in a baculovirus expression system. Mutant human TRs expressed in chick embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) with point mutations or deletions in their cytoplasmic tails have been used to map the epitopes defined by each of the mAbs. One mAb, H68.4, previously shown to block receptor internalization, binds proximal to the carboxy-terminal side of the YTRF internalization signal of TR. The second mAb, H73.2, binds near to the carboxy-terminal side of the H68.4 epitope, whereas the third mAb, 160.1, binds closer to the transmembrane region. H68.4 and H73.2 are auto-antibodies consistent with their epitopes mapping to a region of the human TR that has an identical amino acid sequence to the mouse TR. All three mAbs crossreact with the cytoplasmic tail of Chinese hamster TR. Double labelling of recombinant human TRs on chick embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell membrane preparations with B3/35 and H68.4 antibody-gold conjugates established that receptors in clathrin-coated pits were not labeled with H68.4, implying that associated coated pit proteins may block binding of this mAb.  相似文献   

J S Wu  J E Lever 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5783-5790
Phlorizin is a specific, high-affinity ligand that binds the active site of the Na+/glucose symporter by a Na+-dependent mechanism but is not itself transported across the membrane. We have isolated a panel of monoclonal antibodies that influence high-affinity, Na+-dependent phlorizin binding to pig renal brush border membranes. Antibodies were derived after immunization of mice either with highly purified renal brush border membranes or with apical membranes purified from LLC-PK1, a cell line of pig renal proximal tubule origin. Antibody 11A3D6, an IgG2b, reproducibly stimulated Na+-dependent phlorizin binding whereas antibody 18H10B12, an IgM, strongly inhibited specific binding. These effects were maximal after 30-min incubation and exhibited saturation at increased antibody concentrations. Antibodies did not affect Na+-dependent sugar uptake in vesicles but significantly prevented transport inhibition by bound phlorizin. Antibodies recognized a 75-kDa antigen identified by Western blot analysis of brush border membranes, and a 75-kDa membrane protein could be immunoprecipitated by 18H10B12. These properties, taken together with results in the following paper [Wu, J.-S.R., & Lever, J.E. (1987) Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)], provide compelling evidence that the 75-kDa antigen recognized by these antibodies is a component of the renal Na+/glucose symporter.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies produced against chondroitinase-treated human adult cartilage proteoglycans were selected for their ability to recognize epitopes on native proteoglycans. Binding analyses revealed that four of these monoclonal antibodies (BCD-4, BCD-7, EFG-4 and KPC-190) each recognized a different epitope on the same proteoglycan molecule which represents a subpopulation of a high buoyant density (D1) fraction of human articular cartilage proteoglycans (10, 30, 50 and 60% in fetal-newborn, 1.5 years old, 15 years old and 52-56 years old cartilages, respectively). Analysis of epitope specificities revealed that BCD-7 and EFG-4 monoclonal antibodies recognized epitopes on proteoglycan monomer which are associated with the protein structure in that they are sensitive to cleavage by Pronase, papain and alkali treatment and do not include keratan sulphate, chondroitin sulphate or oligosaccharides. The BCD-4 and KPC-190 epitopes also proved to be sensitive to Pronase or papain digestion or to alkali treatment, but keratanase or endo-beta-galactosidase also reduced the immunoreactivity of these epitopes. These observations indicate that the BCD-4 and KPC-190 epitopes represent peptides substituted with keratan sulphate or keratan sulphate-like structures. The BCD-4 epitope is, however, absent from a keratan sulphate-rich fragment of human adult proteoglycan, while the other three epitopes were detected in this fragment. None of these four epitopes were detected in the link proteins of human cartilage, in the hyaluronic acid-binding region of human newborn cartilage proteoglycan, in Swarm rat chondrosarcoma proteoglycan, in chicken limb bud proteoglycan monomer and in the small dermatan sulphate-proteoglycan of bovine costal cartilage. EFG-4 and KPC-190 epitopes were not detected in human fetal cartilage proteoglycans, although fetal molecules contained trace amounts of epitopes reactive with BCD-4 and BCD-7 antibodies.  相似文献   

The human lambda L chain Ig gene complex consists of multiple JC gene segments. A seventh human lambda C region gene segment, C lambda 7, was found 2.7 kb downstream of C lambda 6 in this gene complex. A J lambda gene segment, J lambda 7, was found 1.2 kb upstream of C lambda 7 and contains potentially functional nonamer and heptamer recombination sites, an RNA splice site and J coding region. C lambda 7 maintains an open reading frame and encodes a new lambda isotype. C lambda 7 encodes Kern+ and Oz- determinants, but does not encode any of the Kern+Oz- myeloma proteins published to date. Nevertheless, we present evidence that JC lambda 7 is transcribed in normal lymphocytes and is functional. In contrast, we present new data that the C lambda 6 gene segment, reported by others to encode the Kern+Oz- protein, is non-functional due to a 4-bp insertion in our cosmid clone. The 4-bp insertion was characterized further in 32 genomic DNA samples by producing a distinctive restriction fragment length and verified by the DNA sequences of the polymerase chain reaction products of two different cell lines. We discuss the possibility that the Kern+Oz- myeloma proteins do not define an isotype and are not encoded by JC lambda 7 nor other non-allelic genes, and we discuss the level of expression of JC lamba 7 as compared to that of JC lambda 2 and JC lambda 3.  相似文献   

We report the cDNA sequence of an expressed human V lambda II gene and present an RFLP analysis of the Ig gene family defined by this clone. This V lambda II gene was expressed in a monoclonal B cell line generated from a patient with SLE by transformation with EBV. The encoded lambda L chain displays the 8.12 Id, an Id common to anti-DNA antibodies from patients with SLE. Using a coding region probe we estimate from Southern blot analysis that the germline V lambda II gene family contains at least 15 members. Many of the V lambda II restriction fragments are polymorphic both in SLE patients and in nonautoimmune individuals. EcoRI, HindIII, and TaqI RFLP analyses of the V lambda II gene family and EcoRI analysis of the C lambda gene family reveal no polymorphisms specific to SLE. Observed V lambda II and C lambda allele frequencies are the same among SLE patients and nonautoimmune individuals, and show no evidence of linkage disequilibrium between the two loci.  相似文献   

The influence that the isotype of Ag-specific antibody has on the induction of contact hypersensitivity (CS) has been investigated. Injection (i.v.) of mice with haptenated peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) pretreated with anti-hapten mAb of the IgG2a and IgG2b isotypes results in the activation of Ag-specific afferent acting Ts cells (Ts-aff). These suppressor cells are not generated when animals are injected with anti-hapten antibodies of other isotypes. The Ts-aff cells function to inhibit the generation of CS responses when injected into naive animals. Suppression is due to the induction of both Lyt-1+,2- I-J+ and Lyt-1-,2+ I-J+ T cells, both of which adhere to the lectin Vicia villosa. Attachment of both TNP and 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyloxazolone haptens to the same PEC, followed by treatment with an IgG2a anti-TNP antibody, generates Ts-aff cells specific for both 4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyloxazolone and TNP. The MHC haplotype of the PEC is irrelevant, as allogeneic PEC will also induce Ts-aff cells when injected by using an identical protocol. Ts-aff cells cannot be generated in B cell-depleted mice, nor does the Ts-aff cells generated in normal mice suppress CS responses in B cell-depleted mice. These results show that Ag-antibody complexes bound on the surface of a PEC can induce potent afferent suppression in vivo. A possible general role for antibody isotypes in directing regulatory activities is discussed.  相似文献   

Four monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), derived from high-responder Biozzi mice immunized with purified protein kinase C, were selected by ELISA and further characterized by immunoblot: 3G12, 5A2, 36G9 are of isotype gamma 1, kappa and 15G4 is of isotype gamma 2b, kappa. Competition analysis between 15G4 and the three other mAbs showed that 15G4 and 3G12 are directed against either the same or overlapping epitope(s). All four mAbs are specific for the bovine gamma isoform of protein kinase C and cross-react with protein kinase C gamma from a variety of animal species. Immunoblot analysis of protein kinase C tryptic fragments revealed that the mAbs recognize the regulatory domain and not the catalytic domain. Two of the mAbs, 36G9 and 5A2, inhibit protein kinase C gamma cofactor-dependent activity (80% and 50% respectively). Consistent with the epitope mapping, none of mAbs inhibit the cofactor-independent catalytic activity of protein kinase C gamma. Competition analysis between these mAbs and phosphatidylserine, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate and Ca2+ showed that 36G9 and 5A2 block cofactor binding to protein kinase C gamma. These four mAbs thus interact with at least three distinct epitopes in the regulatory domain of protein kinase C gamma.  相似文献   

J S Wu  J E Lever 《Biochemistry》1987,26(18):5790-5796
Conformation-dependent fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeling of the pig renal Na+/glucose symporter was investigated with specific monoclonal antibodies (MAb's). When renal brush border membranes were pretreated with phenyl isothiocyanate (PITC), washed, and then treated at neutral pH with FITC in the presence of transporter substrates Na+ and glucose, most of the incorporated fluorescence was associated with a single peak after resolution by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The apparent molecular mass of the FITC-labeled species ranged from 79 to 92 kDa. Labeling of this peak was specifically reduced by 70% if Na+ and glucose were omitted. Na+ could not be replaced by K+, Rb+, or Li+. FITC labeling of this peak was also stimulated after incubation of membranes with MAb's known to influence high-affinity phlorizin binding, and stimulation was synergistically increased when MAb's were added in the presence of Na+ and glucose. Substrate-induced or MAb-induced labeling correlated with inactivation of Na+-dependent phlorizin binding. MAb's recognized an antigen of 75 kDa in the native membranes whereas substrate-induced FITC labeling was accompanied by loss of antigen recognition and protection from proteolysis. These findings are consistent with a model in which MAb's stabilize a Na+-induced active conformer of the Na+/glucose symport system.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is a defective RNA virus which is dependent on hepatitis B virus for essential helper functions. Only a single highly basic phosphoprotein, HDV antigen (HDAg), is expressed by the HDV genome during infection in humans. Antibody directed to HDAg is important in the diagnosis of HDV infection, and it is likely but not yet proven that the immune response to HDAg provides significant protection against subsequent exposures to HDV. In an effort to map the antigenic domains of HDAg, 209 overlapping hexapeptides, spanning the entire 214 amino acid residues of the protein, were synthesized on polyethylene pins and probed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with sera containing high titers of anti-HD antibodies. Domains recognized by antibodies present in serum from human chronic carriers of this virus included residues 2 to 7, 63 to 74, 86 to 91, 94 to 100, 159 to 172, 174 to 195, and 197 to 207. Antibody from an acutely superinfected woodchuck recognized similar epitopes, as well as a domain spanning residues 121 to 128. Together, residues in these antigenic domains constitute 41% of the HDAg molecule. Oligopeptides 15 to 29 residues in length and representing epitopes of HDAg found to be dominant in humans (residues 2 to 17, 156 to 184, and 197 to 211) were synthesized in bulk and found to possess significant antigenic activity by microdilution enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The reactivity of peptide 197-211 with human sera confirms that the entire 214 amino acids of HDAg are expressed during infection in vivo. In addition, these results suggest that synthetic peptides may be useful reagents for development of new and improved diagnostic tests for HDV infection.  相似文献   

Eighty-seven murine monoclonal antibodies (MAb) produced against human tumors of various origins and representing six different immunoglobulin classes were tested for antitumor reactivity in antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) assays. Mouse splenocytes, thioglycolate-elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages, freshly obtained nonadherent human peripheral blood lymphocytes, and human monocytes were used as effector cells, and human or rabbit serum as the source of complement. Of all four effector cell types tested, mouse macrophages showed the highest cytotoxic activity, based on net cytotoxicity, minimum requirement for Mab concentration, and effector cell number. Different immunoglobulin classes were associated with characteristic patterns of reactivity with the various effector cells or complement, independent of the target cell type used. MAb able to mediate ADCC were found among all IgG subclasses, with IgG2a and IgG3 MAb inducing lysis with all effector cell types. IgM and IgA MAb were nonreactive in the various ADCC assays, but IgM MAb were highly cytotoxic with complement.  相似文献   

The molecules of the human milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) which bind four murine monoclonal antibodies (LICR LON M3, M8, M18 and M24) raised against the human MFGM have been identified. By using 'Western' blotting [Burnette (1981) Anal. Biochem. 112, 195-203] it was shown that each antibody reacted with a different set of proteins. M3 and M24 were similar in their pattern of reaction with the membrane proteins, but were quite distinct from M8 and M18, which also differed from each other. Glycopeptides prepared from the MFGM by exhaustive Pronase digestion were able to inhibit partially the binding of M3 and M24, and prevent totally the binding of M8 and M18, to the MFGM in an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay. Oligosaccharides obtained by the deproteination of human milk also completely inhibited the binding of M3, M18 and M24 to the MFGM. However, the binding of M8 was not inhibited by these saccharides, and therefore M8 may not be recognizing a simple carbohydrate determinant. By using an enzyme-linked assay, M8 and M18 were shown not to bind to MFGM glycolipid, whereas M3 and M24 did, and this was confirmed by overlaying thin layer chromatograms of MFGM lipids with these antibodies. Both M3 and M24 showed a similar complex pattern of reaction, binding to more than one glycolipid moiety. By these means all four antibodies have been shown to react with antigens which involve carbohydrate side chains carried on different proteins, and two were also shown to react with such determinants on glycolipids.  相似文献   

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