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B. T. Wakimoto  M. G. Hearn 《Genetics》1990,125(1):141-154
The light (lt) gene of Drosophila melanogaster is located at the base of the left arm of chromosome 2, within or very near centromeric heterochromatin (2Lh). Chromosome rearrangements that move the lt+ gene from its normal proximal position and place the gene in distal euchromatin result in mosaic or variegated expression of the gene. The cytogenetic and genetic properties of 17 lt-variegated rearrangements are described in this report. We show that five of the heterochromatic genes adjacent to lt are subject to inactivation by these rearrangements and that the euchromatic loci in proximal 2L are not detectably affected. The properties of the rearrangements suggest that proximity to heterochromatin is an important regulatory requirement for at least six 2Lh genes. We discuss how the properties of the position effects on heterochromatic genes relate to other proximity-dependent phenomena such as transvection.  相似文献   

H. Roiha  G. M. Rubin    K. O''Hare 《Genetics》1988,119(1):75-83
DNA from the singed gene of Drosophila melanogaster was isolated using an inversion between a previously cloned P element at cytological location 17C and the hypermutable allele singed-weak. Five out of nine singed mutants examined have alterations in their DNA maps in this region. The singed locus is a hotspot for mutation during P-M hybrid dysgenesis, and we have analyzed 22 mutations induced by P-M hybrid dysgenesis. All 22 have a P element inserted within a 700-bp region. The precise positions of 10 P element insertions were determined and they define 4 sites within a 100-bp interval. During P-M hybrid dysgenesis, the singed-weak allele is destabilized, producing two classes of phenotypically altered derivatives at high frequency. In singed-weak, two defective P elements are present in a "head-to-head" or inverse tandem arrangement. Excision of one element results in a more extreme singed bristle phenotype while excision of the other leads to a wild-type bristle phenotype.  相似文献   

Protein Differences in Drosophila. I. Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Hubby JL 《Genetics》1963,48(6):871-879

Position effect variegation (PEV) results from the juxtaposition of a euchromatic gene to heterochromatin. In its new position the gene is inactivated in some cells and not in others. This mosaic expression is consistent with variability in the spread of heterochromatin from cell to cell. As many components of heterochromatin are likely to be produced in limited amounts, the spread of heterochromatin into a normally euchromatic region should be accompanied by a concomitant loss or redistribution of the protein components from other heterochromatic regions. We have shown that this is the case by simultaneously monitoring variegation of a euchromatic and a heterochromatic gene associated with a single chromosome rearrangement. Secondly, if several heterochromatic regions of the genome share limited components of heterochromatin, then some variegating rearrangements should compete for these components. We have examined this hypothesis by testing flies with combinations of two or more different variegating rearrangements. Of the nine combinations of pairs of variegating rearrangements we studied, seven showed nonreciprocal interactions. These results imply that many components of heterochromatin are both shared and present in limited amounts and that they can transfer between chromosomal sites. Consequently, even nonvariegation portions of the genome will be disrupted by re-allocation of heterochromatic proteins associated with PEV. These results have implications for models of PEV.  相似文献   

P. D. Keightley 《Genetics》1994,138(4):1315-1322
Parameters of continuous distributions of effects and rates of spontaneous mutation for relative viability in Drosophila are estimated by maximum likelihood from data of two published experiments on accumulation of mutations on protected second chromosomes. A model of equal mutant effects gives a poor fit to the data of the two experiments; higher likelihoods are obtained with leptokurtic distributions or for models in which there is more than one class of mutation effect. Minimum estimates of mutation rates (events per generation) at polygenes affecting viability on chromosome 2 are 0.14 and 0.068, but estimates are strongly confounded with other parameters in the model. Separate information on rates of molecular divergence between Drosophila species and from rates of movement of transposable elements is used to infer the overall genomic mutation rate in Drosophila, and the viability data are analyzed with mutation rate as a known parameter. If, for example, a mutation rate for chromosome 2 of 0.4 is assumed, maximum likelihood estimates of mean mutant effect on relative viability are 0.4% and 1%, but the majority of mutations have very much smaller effects than these values as distributions are highly leptokurtic. The methodology is applied to estimate viability effects of single P element insertional mutations. The mean effect per insertion is found to be higher, and their distribution is found to be less leptokurtic than for spontaneous mutations. The equilibrium genetic variance of viability predicted by a mutation-selection balance model with parameters estimated from the mutation accumulation experiments is similar to laboratory estimates of genetic variance of viability from natural populations of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Three gene systems have been shown to exhibit proximity-dependent phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster: bithorax (BX-C), decapentaplegic (DPP-C) and white (w). In structurally homozygous genotypes, specific allelic combinations at these loci exhibit one phenotype, while in certain rearrangement heterozygotes the same allelic combinations exhibit dramatically different phenotypes. These observations have led to the suggestion that, through the process of somatic chromosome pairing, such loci are brought into sufficient proximity to permit effective passage of molecular information between homologues; rearrangement heterozygosity would then displace the homologues relative to one another such that this trans-communication is obviated. The genetic properties of the proximity-dependent allelic complementation (termed transvection effects) at the BX-C and DPP-C, are quite similar. Chromosomal rearrangements which disrupt transvection possess a breakpoint in a particular segment of the chromosome arm bearing the transvection-sensitive gene (arm 2L for the DDP-C and 3R for the BX-C); this segment of each arm has been termed the critical region by Lewis (1954). As determined by cytogenetic analysis of transvection-disrupting rearrangements, the critical regions for the BX-C and DDP-C transvection effects extend proximally from these loci for several hundred polytene chromosome bands (Lewis 1954; Gelbart 1982). The interaction between the zeste and white loci appears to depend upon the proximity of the two w+ alleles. By use of insertional duplications, displacement of w+ homologues has been shown to interfere with the zeste-white interaction. In contrast to transvection at bithorax and decapentaplegic, however, only breakpoints in the immediate vicinity of the white locus can disrupt the zeste-white interaction (Gans 1953; Green 1967; Gelbart 1971; this report). In this report, we investigate the basis for the difference in the size of the BX-C and DPP-C critical regions from that of white. We test and eliminate the possibility that the difference is due to the presence near the white locus of a site which mediates somatic chromosome pairing. Rather, our evidence strongly suggests that the zeste-white interaction is, at the phenotypic level, much less sensitive to displacement of the homologous genes than is transvection at either the BX-C or DPP-C. We also show that many of the breakpoints in the vicinity of the white locus do not behave as if they are disrupting a critical region for somatic chromosome pairing. Given these results, we suggest that the zeste-white interaction and transvection are two different proximity-dependent phenomena.  相似文献   

The Analysis of a Case of Meiotic Drive in Drosophila Melanogaster   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
G. D. Hanks 《Genetics》1964,50(1):123-130

Heterozygotes for pericentric inversions are expected to be semisterile because recombination in the inverted region produces aneuploid gametes. Newly arising pericentric inversions should therefore be quickly eliminated from populations by natural selection. The occasional polymorphism for such inversions and their fixation among closely related species have supported the idea that genetic drift in very small populations can overcome natural selection in the wild. We studied the effect of 7 second-chromosome and 30 third-chromosome pericentric inversions on the fertility of heterokaryotypic Drosophila melanogaster females. Surprisingly, fertility was not significantly reduced in many cases, even when the inversion was quite large. This lack of underdominance is almost certainly due to suppressed recombination in inversion heterozygotes, a phenomenon previously observed in Drosophila. In the large sample of third-chromosome inversions, the degree of underdominance depends far more on the position of breakpoints than on the inversion's length. Analysis of these positions shows that this chromosome has a pair of ``sensitive sites' near cytological divisions 68 and 92: these sites appear to reduce recombination in a heterozygous inversion whose breakpoints are nearby. There may also be ``sensitive sites' near divisions 31 and 49 on the second chromosome. Such sites may be important in initiating synapsis. Because many pericentric inversions do not reduce the fertility of heterozyotes, we conclude that the observed fixation or polymorphism of such rearrangements in nature does not imply genetic drift in very small populations.  相似文献   

TFC. Mackay  R. F. Lyman    M. S. Jackson 《Genetics》1992,130(2):315-332
P element mutagenesis was used to construct 94 third chromosome lines of Drosophila melanogaster which contained on average 3.1 stable P element inserts, in an inbred host strain background previously free of P elements. The homozygous and heterozygous effects of the inserts on viability and abdominal and sternopleural bristle number were ascertained by comparing the chromosome lines with inserts to insert-free control lines of the inbred host strain. P elements reduced average homozygous viability by 12.2% per insert and average heterozygous viability by 5.5% per insert, and induced recessive lethal mutations at a rate of 3.8% per insert. Mutational variation for the bristle traits averaged over both sexes was 0.03Ve per homozygous P insert and 0.003Ve per heterozygous P insert, where Ve is the environmental variance. Mutational variation was greater for the sexes considered separately because inserts had large pleiotropic effects on sex dimorphism of bristle characters. The distributions of homozygous effects of inserts on the bristle traits were asymmetrical, with the largest effects in the direction of reducing bristle number; and highly leptokurtic, with most of the increase in variance contributed by a few lines with large effects. The inserts had partially recessive effects on the bristle traits. Insert lines with extreme bristle effects had on average greatly reduced viability.  相似文献   

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