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Neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) is an essential regulator of actin cytoskeleton formation via its association with the actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex. It is believed that the C-terminal Arp2/3 complex-activating domain (verprolin homology, cofilin homology, and acidic (VCA) or C-terminal region of WASP family proteins domain) of N-WASP is usually kept masked (autoinhibition) but is opened upon cooperative binding of upstream regulators such as Cdc42 and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). However, the mechanisms of autoinhibition and association with Arp2/3 complex are still unclear. We focused on the acidic region of N-WASP because it is thought to interact with Arp2/3 complex and may be involved in autoinhibition. Partial deletion of acidic residues from the VCA portion alone greatly reduced actin polymerization activity, demonstrating that the acidic region contributes to Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization. Surprisingly, the same partial deletion of the acidic region in full-length N-WASP led to constitutive activity comparable with the activity seen with the VCA portion. Therefore, the acidic region in full-length N-WASP plays an indispensable role in the formation of the autoinhibited structure. This mutant contains WASP-homology (WH) 1 domain with weak affinity to the Arp2/3 complex, leading to activity in the absence of part of the acidic region. Furthermore, the actin comet formed by the DeltaWH1 mutant of N-WASP was much smaller than that of wild-type N-WASP. Partial deletion of acidic residues did not affect actin comet size, indicating the importance of the WH1 domain in actin structure formation. Collectively, the acidic region of N-WASP plays an essential role in Arp2/3 complex activation as well as in the formation of the autoinhibited structure, whereas the WH1 domain complements the activation of the Arp2/3 complex achieved through the VCA portion.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic assay using pyrene-labeled fission yeast Arp2/3 complex revealed that the complex binds to and dissociates from actin filaments extremely slowly with or without the nucleation-promoting factor fission yeast Wsp1-VCA. Wsp1-VCA binds both Arp2/3 complex and actin monomers with high affinity. These two ligands have only modest impacts on the interaction of the other ligand with VCA. Simulations of a mathematical model based on the kinetic parameters determined in this study and elsewhere account for the full time course of actin polymerization in the presence of Arp2/3 complex and Wsp1-VCA and show that an activation step, postulated to follow binding of a ternary complex of Arp2/3 complex, a bound nucleation-promoting factor, and an actin monomer to an actin filament, has a rate constant at least 0.15 s(-1). Kinetic parameters determined in this study constrain the process of actin filament branch formation during cellular motility to one main pathway.  相似文献   

To determine whether the Arp2/3 complex activated by N-WASP (VCA) branches actin filaments at the side (side branching), or at the barbed (B-)end (end branching) of the mother filaments, we have directly observed the branching process of actin filaments and examined single-molecule unbinding under optical microscope. We found that side branching was predominant, though not exclusive. At the initial stage of polymerization, the branching at the B-end occurred and subsequently the side branching started to occur. In either type of branching, the mother and daughter filaments elongated at nearly the same rate (growing type). Independently of the stage of polymerization, branching due to the direct coupling of filaments with an acute angle to the mother filaments (a coupling type) occurred. Phalloidin suppressed the growing type of branching but not the coupling type, implying that actin monomers are required for the former but not the latter. We found, by single molecule measurements using optical tweezers, that the Arp2/3 complex attaches to the side of actin filaments and the N-WASP appears to detach from the actin-Arp2/3 complex at 6-7 pN.  相似文献   

Cortactin is a c-src substrate associated with sites of dynamic actin assembly at the leading edge of migrating cells. We previously showed that cortactin binds to Arp2/3 complex, the essential molecular machine for nucleating actin filament assembly. In this study, we demonstrate that cortactin activates Arp2/3 complex based on direct visualization of filament networks and pyrene actin assays. Strikingly, cortactin potently inhibited the debranching of filament networks. When cortactin was added in combination with the active VCA fragment of N-WASp, they synergistically enhanced Arp2/3-induced actin filament branching. The N-terminal acidic and F-actin binding domains of cortactin were both necessary to activate Arp2/3 complex. These results support a model in which cortactin modulates actin filament dendritic nucleation by two mechanisms, (1) direct activation of Arp2/3 complex and (2) stabilization of newly generated filament branch points. By these mechanisms, cortactin may promote the formation and stabilization of the actin network that drives protrusion at the leading edge of migrating cells.  相似文献   

During cellular migration, regulated actin assembly takes place at the cell leading edge, with continuous disassembly deeper in the cell interior. Actin polymerization at the plasma membrane results in the extension of cellular protrusions in the form of lamellipodia and filopodia. To understand how cells regulate the transformation of lamellipodia into filopodia, and to determine the major factors that control their transition, we studied actin self-assembly in the presence of Arp2/3 complex, WASp-VCA and fascin, the major proteins participating in the assembly of lamellipodia and filopodia. We show that in the early stages of actin polymerization fascin is passive while Arp2/3 mediates the formation of dense and highly branched aster-like networks of actin. Once filaments in the periphery of an aster get long enough, fascin becomes active, linking the filaments into bundles which emanate radially from the aster's surface, resulting in the formation of star-like structures. We show that the number of bundles nucleated per star, as well as their thickness and length, is controlled by the initial concentration of Arp2/3 complex ([Arp2/3]). Specifically, we tested several values of [Arp2/3] and found that for given initial concentrations of actin and fascin, the number of bundles per star, as well as their length and thickness are larger when [Arp2/3] is lower. Our experimental findings can be interpreted and explained using a theoretical scheme which combines Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for aster growth, with a simple mechanistic model for bundles' formation and growth. According to this model, bundles emerge from the aster's (sparsely branched) surface layer. Bundles begin to form when the bending energy associated with bringing two filaments into contact is compensated by the energetic gain resulting from their fascin linking energy. As time evolves the initially thin and short bundles elongate, thus reducing their bending energy and allowing them to further associate and create thicker bundles, until all actin monomers are consumed. This process is essentially irreversible on the time scale of actin polymerization. Two structural parameters, L, which is proportional to the length of filament tips at the aster periphery and b, the spacing between their origins, dictate the onset of bundling; both depending on [Arp2/3]. Cells may use a similar mechanism to regulate filopodia formation along the cell leading edge. Such a mechanism may allow cells to have control over the localization of filopodia by recruiting specific proteins that regulate filaments length (e.g., Dia2) to specific sites along lamellipodia.  相似文献   

Proteins of the Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp) family connect signaling pathways to the actin polymerization-driven cell motility. The ubiquitous homolog of WASp, N-WASp, is a multidomain protein that interacts with the Arp2/3 complex and G-actin via its C-terminal WA domain to stimulate actin polymerization. The activity of N-WASp is enhanced by the binding of effectors like Cdc42-guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate, phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate, or the Shigella IcsA protein. Here we show that the SH3-SH2-SH3 adaptor Grb2 is another activator of N-WASp that stimulates actin polymerization by increasing the amount of N-WASp. Arp2/3 complex. The concentration dependence of N-WASp activity, sedimentation velocity and cross-linking experiments together suggest that N-WASp is subject to self-association, and Grb2 enhances N-WASp activity by binding preferentially to its active monomeric form. Use of peptide inhibitors, mutated Grb2, and isolated SH3 domains demonstrate that the effect of Grb2 is mediated by the interaction of its C-terminal SH3 domain with the proline-rich region of N-WASp. Cdc42 and Grb2 bind simultaneously to N-WASp and enhance actin polymerization synergistically. Grb2 shortens the delay preceding the onset of Escherichia coli (IcsA) actin-based reconstituted movement. These results suggest that Grb2 may activate Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization downstream from the receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The mechanisms regulating the disassembly of branched actin networks formed by the Arp2/3 complex still remain to be fully elucidated. In addition, the impact of Arp3 isoforms on the properties of Arp2/3 are also unexplored. We now demonstrate that Arp3 and Arp3B isocomplexes promote actin assembly equally efficiently but generate branched actin networks with different disassembly rates. Arp3B dissociates significantly faster than Arp3 from the network, and its depletion increases actin stability. This difference is due to the oxidation of Arp3B, but not Arp3, by the methionine monooxygenase MICAL2, which is recruited to the actin network by coronin 1C. Substitution of Arp3B Met293 by threonine, the corresponding residue in Arp3, increases actin network stability. Conversely, replacing Arp3 Thr293 with glutamine to mimic Met oxidation promotes disassembly. The ability of MICAL2 to enhance network disassembly also depends on cortactin. Our observations demonstrate that coronin 1C, cortactin, and MICAL2 act together to promote disassembly of branched actin networks by oxidizing Arp3B-containing Arp2/3 complexes.  相似文献   

We identified a novel adaptor protein that contains a Src homology (SH)3 domain, SH3 binding proline-rich sequences, and a leucine zipper-like motif and termed this protein WASP interacting SH3 protein (WISH). WISH is expressed predominantly in neural tissues and testis. It bound Ash/Grb2 through its proline-rich regions and neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) through its SH3 domain. WISH strongly enhanced N-WASP-induced Arp2/3 complex activation independent of Cdc42 in vitro, resulting in rapid actin polymerization. Furthermore, coexpression of WISH and N-WASP induced marked formation of microspikes in Cos7 cells, even in the absence of stimuli. An N-WASP mutant (H208D) that cannot bind Cdc42 still induced microspike formation when coexpressed with WISH. We also examined the contribution of WISH to a rapid actin polymerization induced by brain extract in vitro. Arp2/3 complex was essential for brain extract-induced rapid actin polymerization. Addition of WISH to extracts increased actin polymerization as Cdc42 did. However, WISH unexpectedly could activate actin polymerization even in N-WASP-depleted extracts. These findings suggest that WISH activates Arp2/3 complex through N-WASP-dependent and -independent pathways without Cdc42, resulting in the rapid actin polymerization required for microspike formation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cellular movements are powered by the assembly and disassembly of actin filaments. Actin dynamics are controlled by Arp2/3 complex, the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp) and the related Scar protein, capping protein, profilin, and the actin-depolymerizing factor (ADF, also known as cofilin). Recently, using an assay that both reveals the kinetics of overall reactions and allows visualization of actin filaments, we showed how these proteins co-operate in the assembly of branched actin filament networks. Here, we investigated how they work together to disassemble the networks. RESULTS: Actin filament branches formed by polymerization of ATP-actin in the presence of activated Arp2/3 complex were found to be metastable, dissociating from the mother filament with a half time of 500 seconds. The ADF/cofilin protein actophorin reduced the half time for both dissociation of gamma-phosphate from ADP-Pi-actin filaments and debranching to 30 seconds. Branches were stabilized by phalloidin, which inhibits phosphate dissociation from ADP-Pi-filaments, and by BeF3, which forms a stable complex with ADP and actin. Arp2/3 complex capped pointed ends of ATP-actin filaments with higher affinity (Kd approximately 40 nM) than those of ADP-actin filaments (Kd approximately 1 microM), explaining why phosphate dissociation from ADP-Pi-filaments liberates branches. Capping protein prevented annealing of short filaments after debranching and, with profilin, allowed filaments to depolymerize at the pointed ends. CONCLUSIONS: The low affinity of Arp2/3 complex for the pointed ends of ADP-actin makes actin filament branches transient. By accelerating phosphate dissociation, ADF/cofilin promotes debranching. Barbed-end capping proteins and profilin allow dissociated branches to depolymerize from their free pointed ends.  相似文献   

Although small GTP-binding proteins of the Rho family have been implicated in signaling to the actin cytoskeleton, the exact nature of the linkage has remained obscure. We describe a novel mechanism that links one Rho family member, Cdc42, to actin polymerization. N-WASP, a ubiquitously expressed Cdc42-interacting protein, is required for Cdc42-stimulated actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. The C terminus of N-WASP binds to the Arp2/3 complex and dramatically stimulates its ability to nucleate actin polymerization. Although full-length N-WASP is less effective, its activity can be greatly enhanced by Cdc42 and phosphatidylinositol (4,5) bisphosphate. Therefore, N-WASP and the Arp2/3 complex comprise a core mechanism that directly connects signal transduction pathways to the stimulation of actin polymerization.  相似文献   

Mahaffy RE  Pollard TD 《Biochemistry》2008,47(24):6460-6467
The cyclic peptide phalloidin binds and stabilizes actin filaments. It is widely used in studies of actin filament assembly, including analysis of branch formation by Arp2/3 complex, but its influence on the branching reaction has not been considered. Here we show that rhodamine-phalloidin binds both Arp2/3 complex and the VCA domain of Arp2/3 complex activator, hWASp, with dissociation equilibrium constants of about 100 nM. Not only does phalloidin promote nucleation of pure actin monomers but it also dramatically stimulates branch formation by actin, Arp2/3 complex, and hWASp-VCA more than 10-fold and inhibits dissociation of branches. Therefore, the appearance of more branches in samples treated with rhodamine-phalloidin arises from multiple influences of the peptide on both the formation and dissociation of branches.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dynamic actin assembly is required for diverse cellular processes and often involves activation of Arp2/3 complex. Cortactin and N-WASp activate Arp2/3 complex, alone or in concert. Both cortactin and N-WASp contain an acidic (A) domain that is required for Arp2/3 complex binding. RESULTS: We investigated how cortactin and the constitutively active VCA domain of N-WASp interact with Arp2/3 complex. Structural studies showed that cortactin is a thin, elongated monomer. Chemical crosslinking studies demonstrated selective interaction of the Arp2/3 binding NTA domain of cortactin (cortactin NTA) with the Arp3 subunit and VCA with Arp3, Arp2, and ARPC1/p40. Cortactin NTA and VCA crosslinking to the Arp3 subunit were mutually exclusive; however, cortactin NTA did not inhibit VCA crosslinking to Arp2 or ARPC1/p40, nor did it inhibit activation of Arp2/3 complex by VCA. We conducted an experiment in which a saturating concentration of cortactin NTA modestly lowered the binding affinity of VCA for Arp2/3; the results of this experiment provided further evidence for ternary complex formation. Consistent with a common binding site on Arp3, a saturating concentration of VCA abolished binding of cortactin to Arp2/3 complex. CONCLUSIONS: Under certain circumstances, cortactin and N-WASp can bind simultaneously to Arp2/3 complex, accounting for their synergy in activation of actin assembly. The interaction of cortactin NTA with Arp2/3 complex does not inhibit Arp2/3 activation by N-WASp, despite competition for a common binding site located on the Arp3 subunit. These results suggest a model in which cortactin may bridge Arp2/3 complex to actin filaments via Arp3 and N-WASp activates Arp2/3 complex by binding Arp2 and/or ARPC1/p40.  相似文献   

The actin filament network at the leading edge of motile cells relies on localized branching by Arp2/3 complex from "mother" filaments growing near the plasma membrane. The nucleotide bound to the mother filaments (ATP, ADP and phosphate, or ADP) may influence the branch dynamics. To determine the effect of the nucleotide bound to the subunits of the mother filament on the formation and stability of branches, we compared the time courses of actin polymerization in bulk samples measured using the fluorescence of pyrene actin with observations of single filaments by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Although the branch nucleation rate in bulk samples was nearly the same regardless of the nucleotide on the mother filaments, we observed fewer branches by microscopy on ADP-bound filaments than on ADP-P(i)-bound filaments. Observation of branches in the microscope depends on their binding to the slide. Since the probability that a branch binds to the slide is directly related to its lifetime, we used counts of branches to infer their rates of dissociation from mother filaments. We conclude that the nucleotide on the mother filament does not affect the initial branching event but that branches are an order of magnitude more stable on the sides of new ATP- or ADP-P(i) filaments than on ADP-actin filaments.  相似文献   

The actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex plays a central role in assembly of actin networks. Because distinct actin-based structures mediate diverse processes, many proteins are likely to make spatially and temporally regulated interactions with the Arp2/3 complex. We have isolated a new activator, Abp1p, which associates tightly with the yeast Arp2/3 complex. Abp1p contains two acidic sequences (DDW) similar to those found in SCAR/WASp proteins. We demonstrate that mutation of these sequences abolishes Arp2/3 complex activation in vitro. Genetic studies indicate that this activity is important for Abp1p functions in vivo. In contrast to SCAR/WASp proteins, Abp1p binds specifically to actin filaments, not monomers. Actin filament binding is mediated by the ADF/cofilin homology (ADF-H) domain of Abp1p and is required for Arp2/3 complex activation in vitro. We demonstrate that Abp1p recruits Arp2/3 complex to the sides of filaments, suggesting a novel mechanism of activation. Studies in yeast and mammalian cells indicate that Abp1p is involved functionally in endocytosis. Based on these results, we speculate that Abp1p may link Arp2/3-mediated actin assembly to a specific step in endocytosis.  相似文献   

The actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex mediates the formation of branched actin filaments at the leading edge of motile cells and in the comet tails moving certain intracellular pathogens. Crystal structures of the Arp2/3 complex are available, but the architecture of the junction formed by the Arp2/3 complex at the base of the branch was not known. In this study, we use electron tomography to reconstruct the branch junction with sufficient resolution to show how the Arp2/3 complex interacts with the mother filament. Our analysis reveals conformational changes in both the mother filament and Arp2/3 complex upon branch formation. The Arp2 and Arp3 subunits reorganize into a dimer, providing a short-pitch template for elongation of the daughter filament. Two subunits of the mother filament undergo conformational changes that increase stability of the branch. These data provide a rationale for why branch formation requires cooperative interactions among the Arp2/3 complex, nucleation-promoting factors, an actin monomer, and the mother filament.  相似文献   

Cell migration is initiated by lamellipodia-membrane-enclosed sheets of cytoplasm containing densely packed actin filament networks. Although the molecular details of network turnover remain obscure, recent work points towards key roles in filament nucleation for Arp2/3 complex and its activator WAVE complex. Here, we combine fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) of different lamellipodial components with a new method of data analysis to shed light on the dynamics of actin assembly/disassembly. We show that Arp2/3 complex is incorporated into the network exclusively at the lamellipodium tip, like actin, at sites coincident with WAVE complex accumulation. Capping protein likewise showed a turnover similar to actin and Arp2/3 complex, but was confined to the tip. In contrast, cortactin-another prominent Arp2/3 complex regulator-and ADF/cofilin-previously implicated in driving both filament nucleation and disassembly-were rapidly exchanged throughout the lamellipodium. These results suggest that Arp2/3- and WAVE complex-driven actin filament nucleation at the lamellipodium tip is uncoupled from the activities of both cortactin and cofilin. Network turnover is additionally regulated by the spatially segregated activities of capping protein at the tip and cofilin throughout the mesh.  相似文献   

The Wiskott-Aldrich-syndrome protein (WASP) regulates polymerization of actin by the Arp2/3 complex. Here we show, using fluorescence anisotropy assays, that the carboxy-terminal WA domain of WASP binds to a single actin monomer with a Kd of 0.6 microM in an equilibrium with rapid exchange rates. Both WH-2 and CA sequences contribute to actin binding. A favourable DeltaH of -10 kcal mol(-1) drives binding. The WA domain binds to the Arp2/3 complex with a Kd of 0.9 microM; both the C and A sequences contribute to binding to the Arp2/3 complex. Wiskott-Aldrich-syndrome mutations in the WA domain that alter nucleation by the Arp2/3 complex over a tenfold range without affecting affinity for actin or the Arp2/3 complex indicate that there may be an activation step in the nucleation pathway. Actin filaments stimulate nucleation by producing a fivefold increase in the affinity of WASP-WA for the Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster bristle development is dependent on actin assembly, and prominent actin bundles form against the elongating cell membrane, giving the adult bristle its characteristic grooved pattern. Previous work has demonstrated that several actin-regulating proteins are required to generate normal actin bundles. Here we have addressed how two actin regulators, capping protein, a barbed end binding protein, and the Arp2/3 complex, a potent actin assembly nucleator, function to generate properly organized bundles. As predicted from studies in motile cells, we find that capping protein and the Arp2/3 complex act antagonistically to one another during bristle development. However, these proteins do not primarily act directly on bundles, but rather on a dynamic population of actin filaments that are not part of the bundles. These nonbundle filaments, termed snarls, play an important role in determining the number and spacing of the actin bundles. Reduction of capping protein leads to an increase in snarls, which prevents actin bundles from properly attaching to the membrane. Conversely, loss of an Arp2/3 complex component leads to a loss of snarls and accumulation of excess membrane-attached bundles. These results indicate that in nonmotile cells dynamic actin filaments can function to regulate the positioning of stable actin structures. In addition, our results suggest that the Arpc1 subunit may have an additional function, independent of the rest of the Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

We purified native WASp (Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein) from bovine thymus and studied its ability to stimulate actin nucleation by Arp2/3 complex. WASp alone is inactive in the presence or absence of 0.5 microM GTP-Cdc42. Phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP(2)) micelles allowed WASp to activate actin nucleation by Arp2/3 complex, and this was further enhanced twofold by GTP-Cdc42. Filaments nucleated by Arp2/3 complex and WASp in the presence of PIP(2) and Cdc42 concentrated around lipid micelles and vesicles, providing that Cdc42 was GTP-bound and prenylated. Thus, the high concentration of WASp in neutrophils (9 microM) is dependent on interactions with both acidic lipids and GTP-Cdc42 to activate actin nucleation by Arp2/3 complex. The results also suggest that membrane binding increases the local concentrations of Cdc42 and WASp, favoring their interaction.  相似文献   

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