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Ph. Duchaufour 《Plant Ecology》1949,1(4-5):340-342
This note deals with the regressive evolution of the oak forest towards the heath land, in an Atlantic climate together with the simultaneous evolution of the soil (podzolisation). From this point of view we have compared this double evolution in three phytogeographical sectors which are different climatically and geologically, the Ligerian sector (Loire basin), the Armorican sector (Lower Brittany) and the subsector of the Landes of Gascony; associations and soils can be classified in those three sectors in three main groups: the clomatic oak forest (Quercetum ilicetosum) on brown lightly washed soil or on young soil; the degraded oak forest (Quercetum occidentale) which on podzolic soil; and lastly the heath is to be seen chiefly on podzol. Each association and the corresponding soil present a slightly different aspect according to the sector under consideration.Summary of the memorandum published in the annals of the National High School of Forestry — Tome XI, fascicule I-1948.  相似文献   

Opencast mining causes severe environmental impacts by removing the vegetation cover and depleting the fauna. Reforestation methods using native species and diverse pre- and post-disturbance approaches aim to recover the original richness and diversity of species found before the impact. Bioindicators are powerful tools to evaluate the restoration of the original environmental conditions in disturbed areas. We used species richness, endemism and diversity measurements of Collembola to compare successional stages in reforested sites of different ages compared with a control undisturbed area. Richness and abundance of Collembola were subjected to correlation analysis with age of plots and vegetational variables. Areas that were reforested for up to 16 years supported a much lower Collembola species richness than undisturbed areas. Both the age of reforestation plots and vegetation variables (number of trees, diameter of crowns, depth of leaf litter and tree species richness) were positively and significantly correlated to collembolan abundance and richness. The results showed that the diversity of the 16-year-old plot was significantly higher than that of younger areas, but significantly less diverse than that of the control area. Endemic species were more sensitive to disturbance than non-endemics. Thus, species richness and diversity of soil Collembola can be only partially restored with appropriate reforestation methods, and although it takes many years, to some extent even endemic species can be gradually restored. Nevertheless, the maintenance of undisturbed diversity reservoirs linked by ecological corridors to reforested plots is imperative, as only undisturbed areas can support most of the endemic species able to re-colonize reforested sites.  相似文献   

热带森林植被生态恢复研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
臧润国  丁易 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6292-6304
热带森林是地球上生物多样性最高和生态功能最为强大的植被类型之一,在维护全球生态平衡中起着至关重要的作用,同时也为人类社会提供着多种多样的物质资源和生态系统服务。然而热带森林是目前生物多样性消失最快和生态功能退化最为严重的生态系统之一,如何有效地保护现存的热带森林不再进一步退化,以及如何使已经退化的生态系统尽快得到恢复是生态学工作者面临的重要议题。不同方式、规模和强度的干扰对热带林的破坏程度及其以后的恢复过程产生的影响不同。除少数大型自然干扰事件外,采伐、刀耕火种、农业开发用地等人为干扰是造成当前热带森林植被大面积退化的主要原因。多种干扰交互作用、杂草与外来物种入侵、退化植被和土壤状况、残存植被组分及土壤种子库、退化植被周围的景观格局以及全球气候变化等因素都能够影响热带森林植被恢复的速度和方向。基于功能群的研究思想将可能为物种丰富的热带森林植被恢复的研究提供一个全新途径。  相似文献   

近丘间低地沙障促进沙丘植被恢复的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翟杉杉  刘志民  闫巧玲 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2403-2409
流动沙丘区的丘间低地的土壤种子库大,种类丰富,但其对流动沙丘植被恢复的作用尚不清楚.以科尔沁沙地为研究对象,在靠近丘间低地的下风向裸沙段设置沙障,研究了其对土壤种子库、幼苗出土与植物定居的效应.结果表明:沙障处土壤种子库物种数和密度都显著大于对照处(P<0.05),5-10 cm深度种子密度达到土壤种子库密度的60%,而对照处低于50%;沙障内的沙生植物出土和定居幼苗密度都显著大干对照处(P<0.001),沙障处与对照处的非沙生植物出土幼苗密度低于1株·m~(-2),建植幼苗密度低至0.1株·m~(-2);对照处种子数与幼苗出土和定居的相关性相对于沙障处的更强,沙生植物种子数与幼苗出土和定居的相关性相对于非沙生植物的更强;对照处种子库与幼苗出土和定居的物种组成相似性较沙障处大,沙生植物种子库与幼苗出土和定居的相似性较非沙生植物大.可见,沙障截留来自丘间低地的种子增加了流动沙丘的土壤种子库种类和密度,改变了土壤种子库的空间格局;沙障的设立提高了沙生植物幼苗的出土和物种定居的水平,但没有显著提高非沙生植物幼苗的萌发和建植.  相似文献   

The biodiversity loss, due to anthropic activities, has generated the necessity of studies that enable the ecosystem conservation. Nevertheless, the majority of studies restrict themselves to the floristic composition and phytosociological structure from determined pre-established diameter, neglecting attributes of the species, such as its (their) niche (s) of occurrence in the forest, thus, making it difficult to identify potential species for restoration. In this way, the present study aimed to evaluate the structure of a forest fragment in the extreme South of Atlantic Forest Biome, through identification of species in the different layers. There were used 18 parcels of 10 m × 20 m, distributed systematically, where the vegetation was evaluated in four size classes. The characterization of the structure of the arboreal-shrub of the forest was performed by the data comparison of the floristic composition and phytosociological structure. In the fragment of forest studied, there were sampled a total of 2.176 individuals. The floristic composition of the area includes 74 species, belonging to 58 genera and 28 botanical families. We observed differences in relation of richness and diversity of species among the analyzed layers, the intermediate layer presented the lowest richness of species, being the pioneers and initial secondaries the least representatives. Trichilia claussenii, Sorocea bonplandii, Actinostemon concolor, Apuleia leiocarpa and Nectandra megapotamica were the most abundant species and well distributed in the different size classes, and they can be used in the enrichment of areas in process of restoration in the scope of the Deciduous Seasonal Forest in the extreme South of Atlantic Forest Biome. Ocotea puberula, Allophylus edulis, Cedrela fissillis and Machaerium paraguariense formed a group of species with expressive representativeness in the arboreal layer, thus they can be used in the moment of planting as species to the fast covering of the area.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the geographical variation in the relative importance of vertebrates, and more specifically of birds and mammals, as seed dispersal agents in forest communities, and to evaluate the influence of geographical and climatic factors on the observed trends. Location One hundred and thirty‐five forest communities in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Methods We collected data on dispersal modes for 2292 woody species. By combining species × site with species × trait matrices, we obtained the percentages of endozoochory, ornithochory, mastozoochory and the mean fruit diameter for the local forest communities. We used Spearman's correlation to assess bivariate relationships between variables. Subsequently, we performed paired t‐tests to verify if variations in frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter were influenced by altitude or temperature. Then, we applied multiple linear regressions to evaluate the effect of geographical and climatic variables on variation in the relative frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter across communities. Results We found no consistent latitudinal or longitudinal trend in the percentage of vertebrate‐dispersed species, neither bird‐ nor mammal‐dispersed species along the Atlantic forest. Endozoochory was affected chiefly by annual mean rainfall, increasing towards moister sites. Forest communities located at higher altitudes had a higher percentage of bird‐dispersed species. Even when sites with identical values of annual mean temperature were compared, altitude had a positive effect on ornithochory. Conversely, we found a higher percentage of mammal‐dispersed species in warmer forests, even when locations at the same altitudinal belts were contrasted. Fruit diameter was clearly related to altitude, decreasing towards higher elevations. Main conclusions This is the first analysis of a large data set on dispersal syndromes in tropical forest communities. Our findings support the hypotheses that: (1) geographical variation in the relative number of fleshy fruit species is mainly driven by moisture conditions and is relatively independent of geographical location, and (2) broad‐scale trends in fruit size correspond to geographical variation in the relative importance of mammals and birds as seed dispersal agents at the community level.  相似文献   

鸟类栖木在森林植被恢复中的生态意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李新华 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4448-4454
鸟类传播种子对于植物种群自然更新及群落演替具有重要的生态意义,鸟类栖息的树木具有富集种子雨功能,在山体滑坡区及废弃矿区等干扰生境中人工设置鸟类栖木,可以增加鸟类传播的种子雨输入,丰富土壤种子库,尤其食果鸟类可以传播那些处于群落演替中期至后期的乔、灌木树种,能够促进受干扰地区森林植被的演替进程.5·12汶川大地震对地震灾区造成了大面积的山体滑坡和严重的植被破坏,在地震灾区森林植被的生态恢复工作中,一些地区可以采用人工设置鸟类栖木方法,充分利用山体滑坡区周围残余森林的丰富种子源及众多食果鸟类,促进灾区森林植被的自然恢复.  相似文献   

Austrian black pine (Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) are commonly used in restoration practices in the Mediterranean base including Turkey. Direct seeding can secure desired level of tree establishment and survival on degraded sites wherever, favorable safe sites are scattered throughout the landscape. Glyphosate is a commonly used herbicide for weed control in forest, nursery and restoration sites worldwide, due to its broad-spectrum efficacy and considerably less toxicity on the environment compared to other chemicals. The present study screened the glyphosate phytotoxicity of three dominant pine species in Turkey during a seed germination trial, after seeds had been presoaked in 15 different dose-glyphosate solutions varying between 0 and 5%, v:v. Glyphosate applications damaged seed germination speed more than cumulative germination rate. As a systemic herbicide, glyphosate appeared highly phytotoxic to Austrian black pine. Scots pine showed an intermediate glyphosate phytotoxicity. Maritime pine was the least sensitive species, tolerating glyphosate at ≤1% doses. In conclusion, glyphosate may be used at low doses on restoration sites seeded with maritime pine while it is not recommended to be used on degraded sites seeded with Austrian black pine and Scots pine.  相似文献   

新月形沙丘稳定性机理——以甘肃河西沙区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新月形沙丘是一种重要的沙丘类型,一般存在于绿洲边缘。研究新月形沙丘的稳定性,对于揭示绿洲缘的风沙运动规律有重要学术价值,而到目前新月形沙丘的稳定性还是沙漠生态学领域中一个的尚未解决的科学问题。以河西沙区新月形沙丘为例,通过调查其分布环境、测定沙丘各部位风速和风蚀积沙等,分析了新月形沙丘顶部稳定机理。结果表明:1)甘肃河西沙区的新月形沙丘分布在沙漠边缘的下风向,一般为斑块状分布。分布区域为平坦的沙粘质或沙砾质滩地,丘间地较为开阔且具有明显的主风向。2)主风向(NW)过程是新月形沙丘顶点与沙脊线重合的过程,也是新月形沙丘前移和高度降低的过程;反主风向(SE)过程是新月形沙丘顶点与沙脊线分离的过程,也是新月形沙丘背风坡上部风蚀与沙丘增高的过程。3)新月形沙丘越高大,两翼越长、夹角越小。4)较为开阔的前后滩地是新月形沙丘及新月形沙丘链存在所必须的环境条件,相对单一的主风向是新月形沙丘及新月形沙丘链维持其稳定性的关键因子,反向风及两翼的廊道效应是新月形沙丘增高增大的关键因子,主、反两个方向的风速及其分布频率是控制该区域新月形沙丘及新月形沙丘链高度的限制因子。  相似文献   

福建武平米槠林恢复生态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游水生 《应用生态学报》2002,13(12):1533-1536
从优势种,分布格局,种丰富度和群落间种相似系数角度,探讨不同人为干扰尺度对福建武平米槠林恢复的影响。结果表明,随着人为干扰尺度(A级择伐更新,B级天然更新,C级人工促进天然更新和D级杉木林)的加大,顶极种米槠重要,不同人为干扰群落与天然来桩群落种相似系数随之降低,降至D级分别为0和40%;而米槠分布格局(聚集强度)和种丰富随之上升,升至B级或C级后显著下降,据此可见,A级属于轻度干扰,现已恢复;B级属于中度干扰,将很快恢复;C级虽然顶级种米槠处于第二优势种,阳性树种裂斗锥处于第一优势种,但种丰富度达到最大值,属中度干扰,但恢复时间要较B级略长;D级属于强度干扰,产难恢复到米桩顶极群落。  相似文献   

Restoration is increasingly being used to reverse degradation and destruction of forest ecosystems. With increasing investment in restoration, there is an urgent need to develop effective programs to assess treatment efficacy and effects. We conducted a global review of forest restoration assessments, in order to identify geographic trends in the locations where assessments have been implemented and the specific ecological attributes (ecosystem composition, structure, and function) and indicators being used to measure effects. We found that the number of forest restoration assessments varied by region and was not related to degree of degradation or restoration need. Some regions, like Africa, which have experienced high rates of forest loss and degradation, had few assessments. The majority (43%) of assessments included indicators for only two of three key ecological attributes (composition‐structure or composition‐function) and assessments on average used fewer than three indicators per attribute. The most commonly employed indicators for composition were richness and abundance of plant species and for structure were height and diameter of trees, variables that are generally relatively easy to measure. The use of functional indicators has been increasing over time and they are now more commonly used than structural indicators. The most common functional indicators were soil functions. Most investigators evaluated treatment effects for 6–10 years after implementation. Our findings related to gaps in analysis of ecological indicators can serve as a guide for developing monitoring and assessment protocols for current global forest restoration initiatives by 2020–2030.  相似文献   

王建成  施翔  张道远  尹林克 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3641-3648
以多年生克隆植物准噶尔无叶豆(Eremosparton songoricum(Litv.)Vass.)为材料,选择河边(A种群)和沙漠腹地(B种群)两个沙丘,研究从沙丘底部至顶部,沿着水分条件连续变化的梯度,准噶尔无叶豆在分株种群和克隆片段水平的形态变化特征,以期能揭示其在异质性小生境内利用水分资源的对策,并为准噶尔无叶豆的资源保护、培育和利用提供有意义的参考.研究发现:①在分株种群水平,A种群分株高度及地上部生物量显著高于B种群,而B种群地下部(根)的生物量则显著高于A种群;②在克隆片段水平,随着沙丘底部至顶部,A种群与B种群克隆片段高度和地上生物量都减小,而分株密度都增加,但升高或降低的强度不同;A种群根的生物量和长度增加,主要是水平的位于地下0~10 cm层面的直径10mm以下的根长度增加,而B种群根的生物量减小,但长度却在增加,主要是水平的位于地下0~10 cm层面的直径6mm以下的细根长度增加.水平细根的长度增加,更利于无性系进行广泛觅食,同时促进无性系尽快越过不利生境斑块和提高分株在有利生境中的生长概率.结果表明,准噶尔无叶豆对沙丘坡面水分条件连续变化的异质性小生境存在分株种群及克隆片段两个等级的可塑性响应,并通过可塑性变化适应了沙丘坡面水分条件的分异.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted to detect signals of atmospheric nitrogen (N) in 11 dune systems along a nitrogen deposition gradient in the United Kingdom. In the mobile and semi-fixed dunes, above-ground biomass was positively related to N inputs. This increase was largely due to increased height and cover of Ammophila arenaria. In the long term, this increased biomass may lead to increased organic matter accumulation and consequently accelerated soil development. In the fixed dunes, above ground biomass also showed a positive relationship with N inputs as did soil C : N ratio while soil available N was negatively related to N inputs. Plant species richness was negatively related to N inputs. In the dune slacks, while soil and bulk vegetation parameters showed no relationship with N inputs, cover of Carex arenaria and Hypochaeris radicata increased. Site mean Ellenberg N numbers showed no relationship with N deposition either within habitats or across the whole dataset. Neither abundance-weighting nor inclusion of the Siebel numbers for bryophytes improved the relationship. The survey reveals that the relationships of soil and vegetation with atmospheric N deposition vary between sand dune habitats but, despite this variability, clear correlations with N inputs exist. While this survey cannot establish causality, on the basis of the relationships observed we suggest a critical load range of 10 - 20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) for coastal sand dunes in the UK.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Is there a primary role of disturbance at local scale and of environmental stress at regional scale? 2. Does disturbance increase or decrease environmental stress at local scale? Location: The Atlantic coastal dune system of the Aquitaine Region (France). Methods: Species biomass and 16 environmental variables were sampled in 128 quadrats along a local beach‐inland gradient and a regional North‐South gradient. Environmental data were analysed with ANOVAs and vegetation‐environment relationships with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Results: At the local scale community composition was primarily driven by disturbance due to sand burial, whereas water and nutrient stress better explained regional differences. However, random biogeographical events are very likely to also affect community composition at the largest scale. The main interaction between environmental stress and disturbance was the mitigation of nutrient stress induced by disturbance at a local scale. This was due to a positive direct effect of sand burial and a positive indirect effect of wind (decrease in VPD by ocean spray). Although wind had also a significant effect on soil conductivity and pH, there was no evidence that these factors had any role in community composition. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that disturbance had a primary role at local scale and environmental stress at regional scale but further research is needed to separate the effect of stress from that of dispersal at regional scale. We also demonstrated that environmental stress in primary succession may not always decline with decreasing disturbance.  相似文献   

The persistence of larger mammals in fragmented forest landscapes depends not only on the protection of remaining habitats but also on ecological restoration sites. It is known that the landscape context is an important predictor of species persistence, abundance and distribution. Here we evaluate how landscape characteristics influence the recovery of larger mammals in ecological restoration sites. We assess the richness and composition of mammals in forest fragments and restoration sites using landscape metrics such as forest cover and connectivity. Forest fragments and restoration sites present the same richness (n = 26), but differ in species composition. Some seed-dispersing mammals were absent in restoration areas, such as Alouatta guariba (brown howler monkey) and Coendou spinosus (paraguayan hairy dwarf porcupine). The percentage of forest cover in the landscape was responsible for 29.09% of the variation in species composition between the evaluated forest formations, exerting a positive or negative influence depending on the species requirements. The results demonstrate the importance of considering not only landscape metrics in an ecological restoration plan, but also the historical landscape context, such as the fauna composition before the disturbance and how these species respond to environmental changes, thus improving the success of future ecological restoration measurements and policies.  相似文献   

采用时空替代法,选取15a(PF15)、25a(PF25)、30a(PF30)的人工油松林作为样地,并选取灌丛作为参考植被,研究了植被恢复过程中土壤微生物生物量C、N以及土壤养分的变化特征,同时探讨了它们之间的相互关系。研究结果表明随着恢复的进行,土壤质量得到了改善,主要表现为有机碳、全氮、粘粒含量、土壤含水量的上升和pH值、容重的下降。土壤微生物生物量C、N分别在155.00~885.64mg/kg和33.73~237.40mg/kg的范围内变化。土壤微生物生物量C、N在植被恢复的初期显著低于灌丛,而后随着恢复的进行逐步增长。土壤微生物生物量C、N与植被恢复时间的相关性没有达到统计学上的显著水平,但是土壤微生物生物量C与土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷呈显著正相关,这表明植被恢复过程中土壤微生物生物量与土壤养分状况关系密切,植被恢复通过改善土壤养分状况间接地影响土壤微生物生物量的变化。Cmic/TOC在1.38%~4.75%的范围内变化。Cmic/TOC随着植被恢复不断下降,Cmic/TOC与植被恢复时间和土壤有机碳呈显著负相关,这表明植被恢复过程中,惰性有机质积累导致供应土壤微生物的活性有机质减少,Cmic/TOC同时受土壤有机质的数量和质量影响。  相似文献   

AMF symbiosis in sand dunes is the key for maintenance of stable vegetation. The main goal of this work was to determine the effects of environmental and temporal factors on AMF living in sand dunes (Gulf of Valencia, Spain). Soil samples were collected seasonally at 6 sites, during 2 yrs, from three habitats and four plant species and the frequency and relative abundance of AMF was examined. AMF were more frequent in mobile than in embryonic dunes, in spring and in sites with old vegetation. Ten AMF species were identified, their distribution depending mainly on the anthropogenic disturbance of the site. Gigasporaceae Cetraspora sp. and Dentiscutata sp. preferred undisturbed soil whereas Diversisporaceae, Glomeraceae and other Gigasporaceae were associated with recently restored soils. All AMF species were found in all plant species although Corymbiglomus corymbiforme was mainly associated with Echinophora spinosa. Our results might be of help for Mediterranean sand dune restoration.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, 14 species of cetaceans and five species of pinnipeds stranded along the Atlantic coast of Brittany in the North West of France. All species included, an average of 150 animals strand each year in this area. Based on reports from the stranding network operating along this coast, the most common stranding events comprise six cetacean species (Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus, Stenella coeruleoalba, Globicephala melas, Grampus griseus, Phocoena phocoena)and one pinniped species (Halichoerus grypus). Rare stranding events include deep-diving or exotic species, such as arctic seals. In this study, our aim was to determine the potential contribution of DNA barcoding to the monitoring of marine mammal biodiversity as performed by the stranding network.We sequenced more than 500 bp of the 5’ end of the mitochondrial COI gene of 89 animals of 15 different species (12 cetaceans, and three pinnipeds). Except for members of the Delphininae, all species were unambiguously discriminated on the basis of their COI sequences. We then applied DNA barcoding to identify some “undetermined” samples. With again the exception of the Delphininae, this was successful using the BOLD identification engine. For samples of the Delphininae, we sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial control region (MCR), and using a non-metric multidimentional scaling plot and posterior probability calculations we were able to determine putatively each species. We then showed, in the case of the harbour porpoise, that COI polymorphisms, although being lower than MCR ones, could also be used to assess intraspecific variability. All these results show that the use of DNA barcoding in conjunction with a stranding network could clearly increase the accuracy of the monitoring of marine mammal biodiversity.  相似文献   

Mammoth wildrye,Elymus giganteus Vahl. was found, after exhaustive tests using a large number of native and some exotic perennial herbaceous and woody plants, to be most effective for inland sand dune control. A superior strain selected for its vigor and rapid vegetative growth was named Volga, released, and registered in 1964. It is propagated vegetatively. Under irrigation and with fertiliter, culms increase from 1 to 20 in one growing season. Plants are both dug and planted mechanically but must be processed by hand. Individual culms 3 to 5 mm in diameter are stripped of dead growth. Top leaves are trimmed to leave a plant 40 cm long. Specifications call for one or two plants per hill placed 20 cm deep in the sand with an approximate 50 × 50 cm spacing. Both digging and planting must take place during the dormant season which in the Northwest is November through February. The Army Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, Soil Conservation Districts, and State Game Departments have all used Volga wildrye. There is currently only one commercial source of planting stock.Presented at the Seventh International Biometeorological Congress, 17–23 August 1975, College Park, Maryland, USA.  相似文献   

湖南省长江防护林生态防护功能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对湘中丘陵区和湘西北山区长江防护林进行长期定位观测 ,分析了湖南省长江防护林主要类型林分生态防护功能及其生态效益。定位研究以荒山为对照 ,结果表明 ,有林地坡面年产流量明显降低 ,在湘中丘陵地区降低 3 3%~ 17 16 % ,在湘西北山区降低 8 0 1%~17 4 2 %。更为明显的差异表现在土壤的涵养水源功能 ,在湘中丘陵区和湘西北山区 ,有林地比荒山的土壤涵水量分别高 4 7 1%~ 119 6 %和 4 3 0 %~ 10 8 7% ,有林地比荒山的土壤渗透率分别高 90 9%~ 131 8%和 2 95 6 %~ 4 5 6 5 4 % ,而有林地坡面产沙量也明显低于荒山 ,为荒山的 15 3%~ 35 7%。在各类型林分中人工混交林和天然次生混交林其坡面产流量、产沙量以及输沙率均明显低于其它纯林林地 ,其林地涵水量和土壤渗透率明显高于其它类型林分。可见在长江防护林中混交林的生态防护功能明显优于纯林。通过估算 ,湖南省长江防护林的生态效益每年为 35 0 1亿元  相似文献   

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