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In order to understand evolutionary aspects of the highly polymorphicHLA-F microsatellite (heterozygosity>90%), several alleles of primates were characterized. 576 meioses from 35 CEPH families were investigated for regular transmission. Furthermore 364 healthy, non-related individuals belonging to four populations from distant ethnic groups were analysed to determine the applicability of this locus in population studies. Sequencing revealed alternate (GAGGAA)n blocks spaced by (GAA)n repeats in all primates analysed. The mutation rate of this locus amounts to 1.5%. The mutational patterns follow approximately the one step mutation model. Differential analysis suggests that mutation rates depend on the repeat length. Paternal mutation rates exceed maternal ones. The presence of both allele classes in all human populations investigated indicates that this polymorphism predated raciation. Evidence is provided that the short alleles originated from the longer ones by deletion. Finally the differential analysis of each allele class corroborates the biological history of the studied populations as traced by other genetic markers.  相似文献   

The RNA genome of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains multiple conserved structural cis domains that direct protein synthesis, replication, and infectivity. The untranslatable regions (UTRs) play essential roles in the HCV cycle. Uncapped viral RNAs are translated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) located at the 5′ UTR, which acts as a scaffold for recruiting multiple protein factors. Replication of the viral genome is initiated at the 3′ UTR. Bioinformatics methods have identified other structural RNA elements thought to be involved in the HCV cycle. The 5BSL3.2 motif, which is embedded in a cruciform structure at the 3′ end of the NS5B coding sequence, contributes to the three-dimensional folding of the entire 3′ end of the genome. It is essential in the initiation of replication. This paper reports the identification of a novel, strand-specific, long-range RNA–RNA interaction between the 5′ and 3′ ends of the genome, which involves 5BSL3.2 and IRES motifs. Mutants harboring substitutions in the apical loop of domain IIId or in the internal loop of 5BSL3.2 disrupt the complex, indicating these regions are essential in initiating the kissing interaction. No complex was formed when the UTRs of the related foot and mouth disease virus were used in binding assays, suggesting this interaction is specific for HCV sequences. The present data firmly suggest the existence of a higher-order structure that may mediate a protein-independent circularization of the HCV genome. The 5′–3′ end bridge may have a role in viral translation modulation and in the switch from protein synthesis to RNA replication.  相似文献   

The 5′ leader of the HIV-1 RNA genome encodes signals that control various steps in the replication cycle, including the dimerization initiation signal (DIS) that triggers RNA dimerization. The DIS folds a hairpin structure with a palindromic sequence in the loop that allows RNA dimerization via intermolecular kissing loop (KL) base pairing. The KL dimer can be stabilized by including the DIS stem nucleotides in the intermolecular base pairing, forming an extended dimer (ED). The role of the ED RNA dimer in HIV-1 replication has hardly been addressed because of technical challenges. We analyzed a set of leader mutants with a stabilized DIS hairpin for in vitro RNA dimerization and virus replication in T cells. In agreement with previous observations, DIS hairpin stability modulated KL and ED dimerization. An unexpected previous finding was that mutation of three nucleotides immediately upstream of the DIS hairpin significantly reduced in vitro ED formation. In this study, we tested such mutants in vivo for the importance of the ED in HIV-1 biology. Mutants with a stabilized DIS hairpin replicated less efficiently than WT HIV-1. This defect was most severe when the upstream sequence motif was altered. Virus evolution experiments with the defective mutants yielded fast replicating HIV-1 variants with second site mutations that (partially) restored the WT hairpin stability. Characterization of the mutant and revertant RNA molecules and the corresponding viruses confirmed the correlation between in vitro ED RNA dimer formation and efficient virus replication, thus indicating that the ED structure is important for HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) provide a useful system for studying developmental patterns in the digenetic Leishmania parasites, since their expression is induced in the mammalian life form. Translation regulation plays a key role in control of protein coding genes in trypanosomatids, and is directed exclusively by elements in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR). Using sequential deletions of the Leishmania Hsp83 3′ UTR (888 nucleotides [nt]), we mapped a region of 150 nt that was required, but not sufficient for preferential translation of a reporter gene at mammalian-like temperatures, suggesting that changes in RNA structure could be involved. An advanced bioinformatics package for prediction of RNA folding (UNAfold) marked the regulatory region on a highly probable structural arm that includes a polypyrimidine tract (PPT). Mutagenesis of this PPT abrogated completely preferential translation of the fused reporter gene. Furthermore, temperature elevation caused the regulatory region to melt more extensively than the same region that lacked the PPT. We propose that at elevated temperatures the regulatory element in the 3′ UTR is more accessible to mediators that promote its interaction with the basal translation components at the 5′ end during mRNA circularization. Translation initiation of Hsp83 at all temperatures appears to proceed via scanning of the 5′ UTR, since a hairpin structure abolishes expression of a fused reporter gene.  相似文献   

A synthesis of adenosine-5′-d (4), and its p.m.r. spectral characteristics, are described. The presence of deuterium in 4 gives rise to a 2:1 mixture of R and S configurations at C-5, thereby permitting specific assignments for the resonances of the residual 5′-protons. From the observed spin-spin coupling between the latter and H-4′, and estimate has been made of the rotamer population of the exocyclic 5′-carbinol group. It is shown that the gauche-gauche rotamer is preponderant (≈70%) and the gauche-trans one of minor importance (≈20%) in aqueous solution, which contrasts markedly with the preference for the latter rotamer exhibited by adenosine in the solid state.  相似文献   



The genome of retroviruses, including HIV-1, is packaged as two homologous (+) strand RNA molecules, noncovalently associated close to their 5′-end in a region called dimer linkage structure (DLS). Retroviral HIV-1 genomic RNAs dimerize through complex interactions between dimerization initiation sites (DIS) within the (5′-UTR). Dimer formation is prevented by so calledLong Distance Interaction (LDI) conformation, whereas Branched Multiple Hairpin (BMH) conformation leads to spontaneous dimerization.

Methods and Results

We evaluated the role of SL1 (DIS), PolyA Hairpin signal and a long distance U5-AUG interaction by in-vitro dimerization, conformer assay and coupled dimerization and template-switching assays using antisense PNAs. Our data suggests evidence that PNAs targeted against SL1 produced severe inhibitory effect on dimerization and template-switching processes while PNAs targeted against U5 region do not show significant effect on dimerization and template switching, while PNAs targeted against AUG region showed strong inhibition of dimerization and template switching processes.


Our results demonstrate that PNA can be used successfully as an antisense to inhibit dimerization and template switching process in HIV -1 and both of the processes are closely linked to each other. Different PNA oligomers have ability of switching between two thermodynamically stable forms. PNA targeted against DIS and SL1 switch, LDI conformer to more dimerization friendly BMH form. PNAs targeted against PolyA haipin configuration did not show a significant change in dimerization and template switching process. The PNA oligomer directed against the AUG strand of U5-AUG duplex structure also showed a significant reduction in RNA dimerization as well as template- switching efficiency.The antisense PNA oligomers can be used to regulate the shift in the LDI/BMH equilibrium.  相似文献   


The nucleoside constituents of nucleic acids prefer the anti conformation (1). When the sugar pucker is taken into account the nucleosides prefer the C2′endo-anti conformation. Of the nearly 300 nucleosides known, about 250 are in the anti conformation and 50 are in the syn-conformation, i.e., anti to syn conformation is 5:1. The nucleotide building blocks of nucleic acids show the same trend as nucleosides. Both the deoxy-guanosine and ribo- guanosine residues in nucleosides and nucleotides prefer the syn-C2′endo conformation with an intra-molecular hydrogen bond (for nucleosides) between the O5′- H and the N3 of the base and, a few syn-C3′endo conformations are also observed. Evidence is presented for the occurrence of the C3′endo-syn conformation for guanines in mis-paired double helical right-handed structures with the distorted sugar phosphate C4′-C5′ and P-O5′ bonds respectively, from g+ (gg) and g- to trans. Evidence is also provided for guanosine nucleotides in left-handed double-helical (Z-DNA) oligo and polynucleotides which has the same syn-C3′endo conformation and the distorted backbone sugar-phosphate bonds (C4′-C5′ and P- O5′) as in the earlier right-handed case.  相似文献   

RNA Double Helix and the Evolution of the 3′,5′ Linkage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
I WISH to call attention to a simple but important structural feature of the RNA double helix1, the implications of which have not been noticed previously and which seems to provide an evolutionary advantage for the exclusive use of the 3′, 5′-internucleotide linkage in naturally occurring RNA. A related observation can account for the production of the wrong linkage (2′,5′) in non-enzymatic polymerization of template-bound adenosine-2′,3′-cyclic phosphate2.  相似文献   

HIV-1 genomic RNA is packaged as a dimer into the virions. The initial metastable RNA dimer is believed to be formed by virtue of “kissing interactions” between two copies of the palindromic apical loops of stem-loop SL1 of the 5’-untranslated region (5’-UTR) of the genomic RNA. Viral nucleocapsid protein NCp7 promotes maturation of the RNA dimer into more stable form, which involves extended or linear form of SL1 dimer (reviewed in Paillart et al., 2004; Moore & Hu, 2009; Lu et al., 2011). In vitro experiments have shown that this conversion occurs at stoichiometric amounts of NCp7 without breaking interactions between the two copies of the SL1 apical loops (Mujeeb et al., 2007). We have proposed a hypothetical pathway and calculated models of the intermediate structures for the SL1 stem-loop dimer maturation that does not require simultaneous dissociation of all base pairs in SL1 stems; this pathway involves formation of an RNA analog of the Holliday junction intermediate between the two stems of the SL1 dimer and a following branch migration towards the palindromic duplex (Ulyanov et al., 2011). Here, we extend these models to the dimer of the 1–344 fragment of HIV-1 RNA, which includes all of the 5’-UTR and the gag start AUG codon region, and show that the branch-migration mechanism of the dimer maturation is also feasible for the full 5’-UTR RNA. All RNA models have been calculated with the miniCarlo program (Zhurkin et al., 1991).  相似文献   

The rat carbonic anhydrase II gene was characterized and found to be approximately 15.5 kb in length and to contain 7 exons and 6 introns. All intron/exon junction and branch point sequences conform to consensus sequences, and the overall rat CA II genomic structure appears to be conserved upon comparison with mouse, human, and chicken CA II genes. The putative cis-acting elements within the analyzed 1014 bp 5′ flanking region include: TATA box, 4 Sp1 binding sites, 2 AP2 sites and putative tissue-specific β-globin-like repeat elements. A CpG island of approximately 800 bp was identified that begins about 600 bp upstream of exon 1 and extends about 200 bp into intron 1. In the 3′ UTR, two polyadenylation signals (AATAAA) are present, the second of which is believed to be utilized. Northern blot analysis reveals that the 1.7 kb rat CA II mRNA is abundantly expressed in adult male brain and kidney, while negligible amounts are detected in heart and liver.  相似文献   

Insulators or chromatin boundary are DNA elements that organize the genome into discrete regulatory domains by limiting the actions of enhancers and silencers through a “positional-blocking mechanism”. The role of these sequences, both in modulation of the enhancers range of action (enhancer–promoter selectivity) and in the organization of the chromatin in functional domains, is emerging strongly in these last years. There is a great interest in identifying new insulators because deeper knowledge of these elements can help understand how cis-regulatory elements coordinate the expression of the target genes. However, while insulators are critical in gene regulation and genome functioning, only a few have been reported so far. Here, we describe a new insulator sequence that is located in the 5′UTR of the Drosophila retrotransposon ZAM. We have used an “enhancer–blocking assay” to test its effects on the activity of the enhancer in transiently transfected Drosophila S2R+ cell line. Moreover, we show that the new insulator is able to affect significantly the enhancer–promoter interaction in the human cell line HEK293. These results suggest the possibility of employing the ZAM insulator in gene transfer protocols from insects to mammals in order to counteract the transgene positional and genotoxic effects.  相似文献   


Synthetic oligonucleotides are increasingly used because of their potential activity as regulators of gene expression. One of their major drawbacks is instability toward nucleases, in particular exonucleases. In this article, we studied some terminal modifications that can enhance exonuclease resistance, such as end-capping with alkylic chains (1,3-propanediol and 1,6-hexanediol), and with a modified nucleotide (2′,3′ -secouridine). These compounds were compared with the parent (natural) oligodeoxynucleotide and with different analogs containing a progressive number of phosphorothioate linkages. The resistance toward SVPDE and CSPDE (a 3′ - and a 5′ -exonuclease) was assessed, in vitro, by two independent techniques, UV and HPLC. Our results showed that the stability of all the modified oligonucleotides was at least 12 times that of the parent compound.  相似文献   

Summary Stability of Schiff bases from Pyridoxal-5-phosphate and- and non-amino acids and amines have been studied in a wide range of pH. Furthermore the transamination process for the PLP-serine Schiff base and the cyclization reaction of PLP-histidine Schiff base have also been studied.Results show that the-position on carboxyl group of amino acids plays an important role on the mechanism of hydrolysis of imine bond. Absence of ionic groups in the surroundings of that bond seems to be an important fact of stability.In the transamination reaction, the rate-determining step is the isomerization of the Schiff base to ketoimine, since the rate constants for disappearance of Schiff base coincide with the rate constants for PMP formation. This process is catalyzed by the OH/H2O system and the monoprotonated amino acid.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) is a member of the Flavivirus genus of positive-sense RNA viruses. DENV RNA replication requires cyclization of the viral genome mediated by two pairs of complementary sequences in the 5′ and 3′ ends, designated 5′ and 3′ cyclization sequences (5′-3′ CS) and the 5′ and 3′ upstream of AUG region (5′-3′ UAR). Here, we demonstrate that another stretch of six nucleotides in the 5′ end is involved in DENV replication and possibly genome cyclization. This new sequence is located downstream of the AUG, designated the 5′ downstream AUG region (5′ DAR); the motif predicted to be complementary in the 3′ end is termed the 3′ DAR. In addition to the UAR, CS and DAR motifs, two other RNA elements are located at the 5′ end of the viral RNA: the 5′ stem-loop A (5′ SLA) interacts with the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and promotes RNA synthesis, and a stem-loop in the coding region named cHP is involved in translation start site selection as well as RNA replication. We analyzed the interplay of these 5′ RNA elements in relation to RNA replication, and our data indicate that two separate functional units are formed; one consists of the SLA, and the other includes the UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS elements. The SLA must be located at the 5′ end of the genome, whereas the position of the second unit is more flexible. We also show that the UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS must act in concert and therefore likely function together to form the tertiary RNA structure of the circularized DENV genome.Dengue virus (DENV), a member of the Flaviviridae family, is a human pathogen causing dengue fever, the most common mosquito-borne viral disease in humans. The virus has become a major international public health concern, with 3 billion people at risk for infection and an estimated 50 million dengue cases worldwide every year (28). Neither specific antiviral therapies nor licensed vaccines are available, and the biology of the virus is poorly understood.DENV is a small enveloped virus containing a positive-stranded RNA genome with a length of approximately 10.7 kb. The virus encodes one large polyprotein that is co- and posttranslationally cleaved into 10 viral proteins. The structural proteins C, prM/M, and E are located in the N terminus, followed by the nonstructural proteins NS1, NS2A, NS2B, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, and NS5 (6, 10). NS5, the largest of the viral proteins, functions as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) (29). The coding region is flanked at both ends by untranslated regions (UTR). The 5′ end has a type I cap structure (m7GpppAmp) mediating cap-dependent translation, but the virus can switch to a noncanonical translation mechanism under conditions in which translation factors are limiting (13). Cellular mRNAs are known to circularize via a protein-protein bridge between eIF4G and eIF4E (the cap binding complex) at the 5′ end and the poly(A) binding protein (PABP) at the 3′ end, enhancing translation efficiency. Despite the fact that the DENV 3′ UTR lacks a poly(A) tail, recent findings demonstrated binding of PABP to the 3′ UTR and an effect on RNA translation, suggesting a similar mechanism (12, 26).In addition to a presumed protein-mediated genome circularization regulating viral translation, an RNA-RNA-based 5′ and 3′ (5′-3′) end interaction, which can occur in the absence of proteins, leads to circularization of the viral genome (1, 3, 4, 18, 20, 30, 33, 34). This cyclization of the genome is necessary for viral RNA replication, and thus far, two complementary sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends have been identified (3). The first are the cyclization sequences (CS) present in the capsid-coding region at the 5′ end (5′ CS) and upstream of the 3′ stem-loop (3′ SL) in the 3′ UTR (3′ CS) (2, 4, 18, 20, 30). A second sequence, known as the 5′ upstream AUG region (5′ UAR) element in the 5′ UTR, base pairs with its complementary 3′ UAR counterpart, which is located at the bottom part of 3′ SL (1, 4, 30). Recently, the structure of the 5′ end of the DENV genome hybridized to the 3′ end was determined in solution (25), confirming previous computer-predicted structures for genome cyclization (4, 20, 30). Besides the base pairing between 5′-3′ UAR and 5′-3′ CS sequences, a third stretch of nucleotides was identified to form a double-stranded (ds) region between the 5′ and 3′ ends.In addition to RNA sequences involved in 5′-3′-end interactions that are necessary for cyclization, the 5′ end of the viral genome harbors at least two more functional RNA elements, the stem-loop A (SLA) and capsid-coding region hairpin (cHP). The SLA consists of the first 70 nucleotides (nt) of the genome, forming a stable stem-loop structure. This structure has been confirmed in several studies and identified as a promoter element for RNA synthesis that recruits the viral RdRp NS5 (16, 22). Once NS5 is bound to the SLA at the 5′ end, it is believed to be delivered to the initiation site of minus-strand RNA synthesis at the 3′ end via 5′-3′ RNA-RNA circularization. In addition, a short poly(U) tract located immediately downstream of SLA has been shown to be necessary for RNA synthesis, although it is not involved in genome circularization (22). Finally, the cHP element resides within the capsid-coding region; it directs start codon selection and is essential for RNA replication (8, 9). The cHP structure is more important than its primary sequence. For start codon selection, it is believed that the cHP stalls the scanning initiation complex over the first AUG, favoring its recognition (9). In the case of RNA replication, the cHP likely stabilizes the overall 5′-3′ panhandle structure or participates in recruitment of factors associated with the replicase machinery (8).In this study, we demonstrate that in addition to the 5′ CS and 5′ UAR sequences, a third stretch of nucleotides in the 5′ end is required for RNA replication and appears to be involved in genome circularization. This new motif is located downstream of the AUG and was therefore designated the downstream AUG region (5′ DAR) element, with the predicted counterpart in the 3′ end designated the 3′ DAR. Our results indicate that the 5′ DAR modulates RNA-RNA interaction and RNA replication, and restoring complementarity between the 5′ DAR and 3′ DAR rescues detrimental effects caused by mutations in the 5′ DAR on genome circularization and RNA replication. Although the role of the predicted 3′ DAR counterpart is less conclusive, it may serve to make other structures and sequences in the 3′ end available for 5′-3′ RNA-RNA interaction to facilitate the replication-competent conformation of the DENV genome.Furthermore, we analyzed the functional interplay of RNA elements in the viral 5′ end, showing that two separate units are formed during replication. The first consists of the SLA, and it must be located at the very 5′ end of the genome. The second unit includes UAR, DAR, cHP, and CS elements, and the positional requirements are more flexible within the DENV RNA 5′ terminus. However, all four elements in the second unit must act in concert, forming a functional tertiary RNA structure of the circularized viral genome.  相似文献   

In vivo, the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, 5-fluoro-2′-deoxycytidine (FdCyd, NSC-48006), is rapidly converted to its unwanted metabolites. Tetrahydrouridine (THU, NSC-112907), a cytidine deaminase inhibitor can block the first metabolic step in FdCyd catabolism. Clinical studies have shown that co-administration with THU can inhibit the metabolism of FdCyd. The National Cancer Institute is particularly interested in a 1:5 FdCyd/THU formulation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vitro pH stability of FdCyd and THU individually and in combination. A stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography method for the quantification of both compounds and their degradants was developed using a ZIC®-HILIC column. The effect of THU and FdCyd on the in vitro degradation of each other was studied as a function of pH from 1.0 to 7.4 in aqueous solutions at 37°C. The degradation of FdCyd appears to be first-order and acid-catalyzed. THU equilibrates with at least one of its degradants. The combination of FdCyd and THU in solution does not affect the stability of either compound. The stability and compatibility of FdCyd and THU in the solid state at increased relative humidity and at various temperatures are also evaluated.  相似文献   

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