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Structural determinants of integrin recognition by talin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The binding of cytoplasmic proteins, such as talin, to the cytoplasmic domains of integrin adhesion receptors mediates bidirectional signal transduction. Here we report the crystal structure of the principal integrin binding and activating fragment of talin, alone and in complex with fragments of the beta 3 integrin tail. The FERM (four point one, ezrin, radixin, and moesin) domain of talin engages integrins via a novel variant of the canonical phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain-NPxY ligand interaction that may be a prototype for FERM domain recognition of transmembrane receptors. In combination with NMR and mutational analysis, our studies reveal the critical interacting elements of both talin and the integrin beta 3 tail, providing structural paradigms for integrin linkage to the cell interior.  相似文献   

Structural determinants of RNA recognition and cleavage by Dicer   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A hallmark of RNA interference is the production of short double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules 21-28 nucleotides in length by the specialized RNase III protein Dicer. Dicer enzymes uniquely generate RNA products of specific lengths by mechanisms that have not been fully elucidated. Here we show that the PAZ domain responsible for dsRNA end recognition confers this measuring ability through both its structural position and RNA-binding specificity. Point mutations define the dsRNA-binding surface and reveal a protein loop important for cleavage of substrates containing perfect or imperfect base pairing. On the basis of these results, we reengineered Dicer with a U1A RNA-binding domain in place of the PAZ domain to create an enzyme with altered end-recognition specificity and RNA product length. These results explain how Dicer functions as a molecular ruler and provide a structural basis for modifying its activity in cells.  相似文献   

The classical plant peroxidases are a well-studied group of heme-containing enzymes for which many different functions have been proposed. In the majority of plant species investigated they occur as distinctive isoenzymes which can be constitutive or induced in response to external factors such as wounding, stress and attack by pathogens. More than 70 peroxidase isoenzymes are predicted to occur in Arabidopsis thaliana alone, according to recent analysis of the complete peroxidase gene family of this model plant. Understanding this enzymatic diversity and its functional significance is a major focus of structural and mechanistic studies of plant peroxidases. The three-dimensional structures of plant peroxidases from Arabidopsis, barley, horseradish, peanut and soybean have now been determined by X-ray crystallography together with the structures of several catalytic intermediates and substrate complexes that are relevant to enzyme function. On this basis, specific roles for particular amino acid residues and structural motifs or regions have been proposed or in some cases, confirmed. Some of these have been investigated experimentally using site-directed mutagenesis and other techniques. An overview of recent developments will be presented that reflects our current understanding of structure and function in this important group of enzymes.  相似文献   

The sphingolipid mediator ceramide is involved in cellular processes such as apoptosis, differentiation, responses to cytokines, and stress responses. Experimental evidence suggests that the intracellular location of ceramide may be a key factor in determining its ultimate cellular effects. One approach to ceramide localization is the use of recently developed anti-ceramide antibodies for immunocytochemical studies. Two such commercial preparations are now available; we sought to compare and contrast their specificity for ceramide and/or other cellular lipids. By using lipid overlay assays and a diverse panel of sphingolipids, we were able to delineate the specificity and thus, the utility of these reagents. Our results indicate that one of these anti-ceramide preparations is quite specific for ceramide and dihydroceramide, whereas the other preparation recognizes dihydroceramide, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin. Furthermore, through the use of chemically modified ceramides in similar assays, we were able to determine some structural determinants of lipid recognition by both of these reagents.  相似文献   

Protein-peptide interactions play important roles in many cellular processes, including signal transduction, trafficking, and immune recognition. Protein conformational changes upon binding, an ill-defined peptide binding surface, and the large number of peptide degrees of freedom make the prediction of protein-peptide interactions particularly challenging. To address these challenges, we perform rapid molecular dynamics simulations in order to examine the energetic and dynamic aspects of protein-peptide binding. We find that, in most cases, we recapitulate the native binding sites and native-like poses of protein-peptide complexes. Inclusion of electrostatic interactions in simulations significantly improves the prediction accuracy. Our results also highlight the importance of protein conformational flexibility, especially side-chain movement, which allows the peptide to optimize its conformation. Our findings not only demonstrate the importance of sufficient sampling of the protein and peptide conformations, but also reveal the possible effects of electrostatics and conformational flexibility on peptide recognition.  相似文献   

Special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1 (SATB1) regulates gene expression essential in immune T-cell maturation and switching of fetal globin species, by binding to matrix attachment regions (MARs) of DNA and inducing a local chromatin remodeling. Previously we have revealed a five-helix structure of the N-terminal CUT domain, which is essentially the folded region in the MAR-binding domain, of human SATB1 by NMR. Here we determined crystal structure of the complex of the CUT domain and a MAR DNA, in which the third helix of the CUT domain deeply enters the major groove of DNA in the B-form. Bases of 5'-CTAATA-3' sequence are contacted by this helix, through direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonds and apolar and van der Waals contacts. Mutations at conserved base-contacting residues, Gln402 and Gly403, reduced the DNA-binding activity, which confirmed the importance of the observed interactions involving these residues. A significant number of equivalent contacts are observed also for typically four-helix POU-specific domains of POU-homologous proteins, indicating that these domains share a common framework of the DNA-binding mode, recognizing partially similar DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The XmaI endonuclease recognizes and cleaves the sequence C decreases CCGGG. Magnesium is required for catalysis, however, the enzyme forms stable, specific complexes with DNA in the absence of magnesium. An association constant of 1.2 x 10(9)/M was estimated for the affinity of the enzyme for a specific 195 bp fragment. Competition assays revealed that the site-specific association constant represented an approximately 10(4)-fold increase in affinity over that for non-cognate sites. Missing nucleoside analyses suggested an interaction of the enzyme with each of the cytosines and guanines within the recognition site. Recognition of each of the guanines was also indicated by dimethylsulfate interference footprinting assays. The phosphates 5' to the guanines within the recognition site appeared to be the major sites of interaction of XmaI with the sugar-phosphate backbone. No significant interaction of the protein was observed with phosphates flanking the recognition sequence. Comparison of the footprinting patterns of XmaI with those of the neoschizomer SmaI (CCC decreases GGG) revealed that the two enzymes utilize the same DNA determinants in their specific interaction with the CCCGGG recognition site.  相似文献   

The interactions of two plant annexins, annexin 24(Ca32) from Capsicum annuum and annexin Gh1 from Gossypium hirsutum, with phospholipid membranes have been characterized using liposome-based assays and adsorption to monolayers. These two plant annexins show a preference for phosphatidylserine-containing membranes and display a membrane binding behavior with a half-maximum calcium concentration in the sub-millimolar range. Surprisingly, the two plant annexins also display calcium-independent membrane binding at levels of 10-20% at neutral pH. This binding is regulated by three conserved surface-exposed residues on the convex side of the proteins that play a pivotal role in membrane binding. Due to quantitative differences in the membrane binding behavior of N-terminally His-tagged and wild-type annexin 24(Ca32), we conclude that the N-terminal domain of plant annexins plays an important role, reminiscent of the findings in their mammalian counterparts. Experiments elucidating plant annexin-mediated membrane aggregation and fusion, as well as the effect of these proteins on membrane surface hydrophobicity, agree with findings from the membrane binding experiments. Results from electron microscopy reveal elongated rodlike assemblies of plant annexins in the membrane-bound state. It is possible that these structures consist of protein molecules directly interacting with the membrane surface and molecules that are membrane-associated but not in direct contact with the phospholipids. The rodlike structures would also agree with the complex data from intrinsic protein fluorescence. The tubular lipid extensions suggest a role in the membrane cytoskeleton scaffolding or exocytotic processes. Overall, this study demonstrates the importance of subtle changes in an otherwise conserved annexin fold where these two plant annexins possess distinct modalities compared to mammalian and other nonplant annexins.  相似文献   

The bactericidal activity of mouse Paneth cell alphadefensins, or cryptdins, is dependent on processing of cryptdin precursors (pro-Crps) by matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) (Wilson, C. L., Ouellette, A. J., Satchell, D. P., Ayabe, T., Lopez-Boado, Y. S., Stratman, J. L., Hultgren, S. J., Matrisian, L. M., and Parks, W. C. (1999) Science 286, 113-117). To investigate the mechanisms of pro-Crp processing by this enzyme, recombinant pro-Crp4, a His-tagged chimeric pro-Crp (pro-CC), and site-directed mutant precursors of each were digested with MMP-7, and the cleavage products were analyzed by NH(2)-terminal peptide sequencing. Proteolysis of pro-Crp4 with MMP-7 activated in vitro bactericidal activity to the level of the mature Crp4 peptide by cleaving pro-Crp4 at Ser(43) downward arrow Ile(44) and Ala(53) downward arrow Leu(54) in the proregion and near the Crp4 peptide NH(2) terminus between Ser(58) downward arrow Leu(59). Because the Crp4 NH(2) terminus occurs at Gly(61), not Leu(59), MMP-7 is necessary but insufficient to complete the processing of Crp4. Crp activating proteolysis at S58 downward arrow L59 was unaffected by I44S/I44D or L54S/L54D loss-of-function mutations in pro-Crp4, and a (L59S)-pro-CC mutant was cleaved normally at Ser(43) downward arrow Val(44) and Ser(53) downward arrow Leu(54) sites but not at the peptide NH(2) terminus. C57BL/6 mice contain an abundant (L59S)-Crp4 mutant peptide with Leu(54) at its NH(2) terminus resulting from Ala(53) downward arrow Leu(54) cleavage and loss-of-function at the Ser(58) downward arrow Ser(59) cleavage site. Thus, alpha-defensins resulting from mutations at MMP-7 cleavage sites exist in mouse populations. A pro-CC substrate containing both L54S and L59S mutations resisted cleavage at Ser(43) downward arrow Val(44) completely, showing that cleavage at one or both downstream sites must precede proteolysis at Ser(43) downward arrow Val(44). These findings show that MMP-7 activation of pro-Crps can occur without proteolysis of the proregion, and prosegment fragmentation depends, at least in part, on the release of the Crp peptide from the precursor.  相似文献   

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SecB is a bacterial chaperone involved in directing pre-protein to the translocation pathway by its specific interaction with the peripheral membrane ATPase SecA. The SecB-binding site on SecA is located at its C terminus and consists of a stretch of highly conserved residues. The crystal structure of SecB in complex with the C-terminal 27 amino acids of SecA from Haemophilus influenzae shows that the SecA peptide is structured as a CCCH zinc-binding motif. One SecB tetramer is bound by two SecA peptides, and the interface involves primarily salt bridges and hydrogen bonding interactions. The structure explains the importance of the zinc-binding motif and conserved residues at the C terminus of SecA in its high-affinity binding with SecB. It also suggests a model of SecB-SecA interaction and its implication for the mechanism of pre-protein transfer in bacterial protein translocation.  相似文献   

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