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The ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases and nucleolin are major contributors to malignant transformation. Recently we have found that cell-surface ErbB receptors interact with nucleolin via their cytoplasmic tail. Overexpression of ErbB1 and nucleolin leads to receptor phosphorylation, dimerization and anchorage independent growth.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present study we explored the regions of nucleolin and ErbB responsible for their interaction. Using mutational analyses, we addressed the structure–function relationship of the interaction between ErbB1 and nucleolin. We identified the ErbB1 nuclear localization domain as nucleolin interacting region. This region is important for nucleolin-associated receptor activation. Notably, though the tyrosine kinase domain is important for nucleolin-associated receptor activation, it is not involved in nucleolin/ErbB interactions. In addition, we demonstrated that the 212 c-terminal portion of nucleolin is imperative for the interaction with ErbB1 and ErbB4. This region of nucleolin is sufficient to induce ErbB1 dimerization, phosphorylation and growth in soft agar.


The oncogenic potential of ErbB depends on receptor levels and activation. Nucleolin affects ErbB dimerization and activation leading to enhanced cell growth. The C-terminal region of nucleolin and the ErbB1 NLS-domain mediate this interaction. Moreover, when the C-terminal 212 amino acids region of nucleolin is expressed with ErbB1, it can enhance anchorage independent cell growth. Taken together these results offer new insight into the role of ErbB1 and nucleolin interaction in malignant cells.  相似文献   

Spectrin is the major constituent protein of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton which forms a filamentous network on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane by providing a scaffold for a variety of proteins. In this review, several aspects of spectrin organization are highlighted, particularly with respect to its ability to bind hydrophobic ligands and its interaction with membrane surfaces. The characteristic binding of the fluorescent hydrophobic probes Prodan and pyrene to spectrin, which allows an estimation of the polarity of the hydrophobic probe binding site, is illustrated. In addition, the contribution of uniquely localized and conserved tryptophan residues in the ‘spectrin repeats’ in these processes is discussed. A functional implication of the presence of hydrophobic binding sites in spectrin is its recently discovered chaperone-like activity. Interestingly, spectrin exhibits residual structural integrity even after denaturation which could be considered as a hallmark of cytoskeletal proteins. Future research could provide useful information about the possible role played by spectrin in cellular physiology in healthy and diseased states.  相似文献   

ErbB receptors not only function in cancer, but are also key developmental regulators in the nervous system. We previously identified an ErbB1 peptide antagonist, Inherbin3, that is capable of inhibiting tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we found that inhibition of ErbB1 kinase activity and activation of ErbB4 by NRG-1β induced neurite extension, suggesting that ErbB1 and ErbB4 act as negative and positive regulators, respectively, of the neuritogenic response. Inherbin3, inhibited activation not only of ErbB1 but also of ErbB4 in primary neurons, strongly induced neurite outgrowth in rat cerebellar granule neurons, indicating that this effect mainly was due to inhibition of ErbB1 activation.  相似文献   

The manner by which eukaryotic genomes are packaged into nuclei while maintaining crucial nuclear functions remains one of the fundamental mysteries in biology. Over the last ten years, we have witnessed rapid advances in both microscopic and nucleic acid-based approaches to map genome architecture, and the application of these approaches to the dissection of higher-order chromosomal structures has yielded much new information. It is becoming increasingly clear, for example, that interphase chromosomes form stable, multilevel hierarchical structures. Among them, self-associating domains like so-called topologically associating domains (TADs) appear to be building blocks for large-scale genomic organization. This review describes features of these broadly-defined hierarchical structures, insights into the mechanisms underlying their formation, our current understanding of how interactions in the nuclear space are linked to gene regulation, and important future directions for the field.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence in support of the formation of opioid receptor (OR) di-/oligomers suggests previously unknown mechanisms used by these proteins to exert their biological functions. In an attempt to guide experimental assessment of the identity of the minimal signaling unit for ORs, we conducted extensive coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of different combinations of the three major OR subtypes, i.e., μ-OR, δ-OR, and κ-OR, in an explicit lipid bilayer. Specifically, we ran multiple, independent MD simulations of each homomeric μ-OR/μ-OR, δ-OR/δ-OR, and κ-OR/κ-OR complex, as well as two of the most studied heteromeric complexes, i.e., δ-OR/μ-OR and δ-OR/κ-OR, to derive the preferred supramolecular organization and dimer interfaces of ORs in a cell membrane model. These simulations yielded over 250 microseconds of accumulated data, which correspond to approximately 1 millisecond of effective simulated dynamics according to established scaling factors of the CG model we employed. Analysis of these data indicates similar preferred supramolecular organization and dimer interfaces of ORs across the different receptor subtypes, but also important differences in the kinetics of receptor association at specific dimer interfaces. We also investigated the kinetic properties of interfacial lipids, and explored their possible role in modulating the rate of receptor association and in promoting the formation of filiform aggregates, thus supporting a distinctive role of the membrane in OR oligomerization and, possibly, signaling.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Ras signaling and oncogenesis depend on the dynamic interplay of Ras with distinctive plasma membrane (PM) microdomains and various intracellular compartments. Such interaction is dictated by individual elements in the carboxy-terminal domain of the Ras proteins, including a farnesyl isoprenoid group, sequences in the hypervariable region (hvr)-linker, and palmitoyl groups in H/N-Ras isoforms.2. The farnesyl group acts as a specific recognition unit that interacts with prenyl-binding pockets in galectin-1 (Gal-1), galectin-3 (Gal-3), and cGMP phosphodiesterase δ. This interaction appears to contribute to the prolongation of Ras signals in the PM, the determination of Ras effector usage, and perhaps also the transport of cytoplasmic Ras. Gal-1 promotes H-Ras signaling to Raf at the expense of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-K) and Ral guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RalGEF), while galectin-3 promotes K-Ras signaling to both Raf and PI3-K.3. The hvr-linker and the palmitates of H-Ras and N-Ras determine the micro- and macro-localizations of these proteins in the PM and in the Golgi, as well as in ‘rasosomes’, randomly moving nanoparticles that carry palmitoylated Ras proteins and their signal through the cytoplasm.4. The dynamic compartmentalization of Ras proteins contributes to the spatial organization of Ras signaling, promotes redistribution of Ras, and provides an additional level of selectivity to the signal output of this regulatory GTPase.  相似文献   

Domains are the building blocks of proteins and play a crucial role in protein–protein interactions. Here, we propose a new approach for the analysis and prediction of domain–domain interfaces. Our method, which relies on the representation of domains as residue-interacting networks, finds an optimal decomposition of domain structures into modules. The resulting modules comprise highly cooperative residues, which exhibit few connections with other modules. We found that non-overlapping binding sites in a domain, involved in different domain–domain interactions, are generally contained in different modules. This observation indicates that our modular decomposition is able to separate protein domains into regions with specialized functions. Our results show that modules with high modularity values identify binding site regions, demonstrating the predictive character of modularity. Furthermore, the combination of modularity with other characteristics, such as sequence conservation or surface patches, was found to improve our predictions. In an attempt to give a physical interpretation to the modular architecture of domains, we analyzed in detail six examples of protein domains with available experimental binding data. The modular configuration of the TEM1-β-lactamase binding site illustrates the energetic independence of hotspots located in different modules and the cooperativity of those sited within the same modules. The energetic and structural cooperativity between intramodular residues is also clearly shown in the example of the chymotrypsin inhibitor, where non–binding site residues have a synergistic effect on binding. Interestingly, the binding site of the T cell receptor β chain variable domain 2.1 is contained in one module, which includes structurally distant hot regions displaying positive cooperativity. These findings support the idea that modules possess certain functional and energetic independence. A modular organization of binding sites confers robustness and flexibility to the performance of the functional activity, and facilitates the evolution of protein interactions.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in bacteria is accomplished by a ring-shaped cell-division complex (the Z-ring). The primary component of the Z-ring is FtsZ, a filamentous tubulin homolog that serves as a scaffold for the recruitment of other cell-division-related proteins. FtsZ forms filaments and bundles. In the cell, it has been suggested that FtsZ filaments form the arcs of the ring and are aligned in the cell-circumferential direction. Using polarized fluorescence microscopy in live Escherichia coli cells, we measure the structural organization of FtsZ filaments in the Z-ring. The data suggest a disordered organization: a substantial portion of FtsZ filaments are aligned in the cell-axis direction. FtsZ organization in the Z-ring also appears to depend on the bacterial species. Taken together, the unique arrangement of FtsZ suggests novel unexplored mechanisms in bacterial cell division.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in bacteria is accomplished by a ring-shaped cell-division complex (the Z-ring). The primary component of the Z-ring is FtsZ, a filamentous tubulin homolog that serves as a scaffold for the recruitment of other cell-division-related proteins. FtsZ forms filaments and bundles. In the cell, it has been suggested that FtsZ filaments form the arcs of the ring and are aligned in the cell-circumferential direction. Using polarized fluorescence microscopy in live Escherichia coli cells, we measure the structural organization of FtsZ filaments in the Z-ring. The data suggest a disordered organization: a substantial portion of FtsZ filaments are aligned in the cell-axis direction. FtsZ organization in the Z-ring also appears to depend on the bacterial species. Taken together, the unique arrangement of FtsZ suggests novel unexplored mechanisms in bacterial cell division.  相似文献   

We set out to study the key effectors of resistance and sensitivity to ErbB2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as lapatinib in ErbB2-positive breast and lung cancers. A cell-based in vitro site-directed mutagenesis lapatinib resistance model identified several mutations, including the gatekeeper ErbB2 mutation ErbB2-T798I, as mediating resistance. ErbB2-T798I engineered cell models indeed show resistance to lapatinib but remain sensitive to the irreversible EGFR/ErbB2 inhibitor, PD168393, suggestive of potential alternative treatment strategies to overcome resistance. Gene expression profiling studies identified a select group of downstream targets regulated by ErbB2 signaling and define PHLDA1 as an immediately downregulated gene upon oncogenic ErbB2 signaling inhibition. We find significant down-regulation of PHLDA1 in primary breast cancer and PHLDA1 is statistically significantly less expressed in ErbB2 negative compared with ErbB2 positive tumors consistent with its regulation by ErbB2. Lastly, PHLDA1 overexpression blocks AKT signaling, inhibits cell growth and enhances lapatinib sensitivity further supporting an important negative growth regulator function. Our findings suggest that PHLDA1 might have key inhibitory functions in ErbB2 driven lung and breast cancer cells and a better understanding of its functions might point at novel therapeutic options. In summary, our studies define novel ways of modulating sensitivity and resistance to ErbB2 inhibition in ErbB2-dependent cancers.  相似文献   

The four members of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases are involved in a complex array of combinatorial interactions involving homo- and heterodimers. Since most cell types express more than one member of the ErbB family, it is difficult to distinguish the biological activities of different homo- and heterodimers. Here we describe a method for inducing homo- or heterodimerization of ErbB receptors by using synthetic ligands without interference from the endogenous receptors. ErbB receptor chimeras containing synthetic ligand binding domains (FK506-binding protein [FKBP] or FKBP-rapamycin-binding domain [FRB]) were homodimerized with the bivalent FKBP ligand AP1510 and heterodimerized with the bifunctional FKBP-FRB ligand rapamycin. AP1510 treatment induced tyrosine phosphorylation of ErbB1 and ErbB2 homodimers and recruitment of Src homology 2 domain-containing proteins (Shc and Grb2). In addition, ErbB1 and ErbB2 homodimers activated downstream signaling pathways leading to Erk2 and Akt phosphorylation. However, only ErbB1 homodimers were internalized upon AP1510 stimulation, and only ErbB1 homodimers were able to associate with and induce phosphorylation of c-Cbl. Cells expressing AP1510-induced ErbB1 homodimers were able to associate with and induce phosphorylation of c-Cbl. Cells expressing AP1510-induced ErbB1 homodimers were able to form foci; however, cells expressing ErbB2 homodimers displayed a five- to sevenfold higher focus-forming ability. Using rapamycin-inducible heterodimerization we show that c-Cbl is unable to associate with ErbB1 in a ErbB1-ErbB2 heterodimer most likely because ErbB2 is unable to phosphorylate the c-Cbl binding site on ErbB1. Thus, we demonstrate that ErbB1 and ErbB2 homodimers differ in their abilities to transform fibroblasts and provide evidence for differential signaling by ErbB homodimers and heterodimers. These observations also validate the use of synthetic ligands to study the signaling and biological specificity of selected ErbB dimers in any cell type.  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most common solid tumors among central nervous system tumors. Most glioma patients succumb to their disease within two years of the initial diagnosis. The median survival of gliomas is only 14.6 months, even after aggressive therapy with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Gliomas are heavily infiltrated with myeloid- derived cells and endothelial cells. Increasing evidence suggests that these myeloid- derived cells interact with tumor cells promoting their growth and migration. NLRs (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-containing protein like receptors) are a class of pattern recognition receptors that are critical to sensing pathogen and danger associated molecular patterns. Mutations in some NLRs lead to autoinflammatory diseases in humans. Moreover, dysregulated NLR signaling is central to the pathogenesis of several cancers, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. Our review explores the role of angiogenic factors that contribute to upstream or downstream signaling pathways leading to NLRs. Angiogenesis plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of variety of tumors including gliomas. Though NLRs have been detected in several cancers including gliomas and NLR signaling contributes to angiogenesis, the exact role and mechanism of involvement of NLRs in glioma angiogenesis remain largely unexplored. We discuss cellular, molecular and genetic studies of NLR signaling and convergence of NLR signaling pathways with angiogenesis signaling in gliomas. This may lead to re-appropriation of existing anti-angiogenic therapies or development of future strategies for targeted therapeutics in gliomas.  相似文献   

P2X receptors are ATP-gated ion channels involved in many physiological functions, and determination of ATP-recognition (AR) of P2X receptors will promote the development of new therapeutic agents for pain, inflammation, bladder dysfunction and osteoporosis. Recent crystal structures of the zebrafish P2X4 (zfP2X4) receptor reveal a large ATP-binding pocket (ABP) located at the subunit interface of zfP2X4 receptors, which is occupied by a conspicuous cluster of basic residues to recognize triphosphate moiety of ATP. Using the engineered affinity labeling and molecular modeling, at least three sites (S1, S2 and S3) within ABP have been identified that are able to recognize the adenine ring of ATP, implying the existence of at least three distinct AR modes in ABP. The open crystal structure of zfP2X4 confirms one of three AR modes (named AR1), in which the adenine ring of ATP is buried into site S1 while the triphosphate moiety interacts with clustered basic residues. Why architecture of ABP favors AR1 not the other two AR modes still remains unexplored. Here, we examine the potential role of inherent dynamics of head domain, a domain involved in ABP formation, in AR determinant of P2X4 receptors. In silico docking and binding free energy calculation revealed comparable characters of three distinct AR modes. Inherent dynamics of head domain, especially the downward motion favors the preference of ABP for AR1 rather than AR2 and AR3. Along with the downward motion of head domain, the closing movement of loop139–146 and loop169–183, and structural rearrangements of K70, K72, R298 and R143 enabled ABP to discriminate AR1 from other AR modes. Our observations suggest the essential role of head domain dynamics in determining AR of P2X4 receptors, allowing evaluation of new strategies aimed at developing specific blockers/allosteric modulators by preventing the dynamics of head domain associated with both AR and channel activation of P2X4 receptors.  相似文献   

Highly concentrated DNA solutions exhibit self-ordering properties such as the generation of liquid-crystalline phases. Such organized domains may play an important role in the global chromatin topology but can also be used as a simple model for the study of more complex 3D DNA structures. In this work, using polarized two-photon fluorescence microscopy, we report on the orientation of DNA molecules in liquid-crystalline phases. For this purpose, we analyze the signal emitted by fluorophores that are noncovalently bound to DNA strands. In nonlinear processes, excitation occurs exclusively in the focal volume, which offers advantages such as the reduction of photobleaching of out-of-focus molecules and intrinsic 3D sectioning capability. Propidium iodide and Hoechst, two fluorophores with different DNA binding modes, have been considered. Polarimetric measurements show that the dyes follow the alignment with respect to the DNA strands and allow the determination of the angles between the emission dipoles and the longitudinal axis of the DNA double strand. These results provide a useful starting point toward the application of two-photon polarimetry techniques to determine the local orientation of condensed DNA in physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The concept of the keystone species has a long history in ecological analysis, although its validity remains controversial. Anthropological researchers have recently coined the term cultural keystone species, but have not demonstrated any significant differences from existing treatments of culturally important species. We define cultural keystones according to their systemic function, as having essential roles in maintaining any level of complexity within a social–ecological system. Examples include bitter cassava consumption among lowland South American groups such as the Wapishana in Guyana, and commercial cultivation of carrots in Rurukan Village in Minahasa, Indonesia. These examples are both essential at one level of systemic reproduction: within the domestic and village economy in the cassava case, and carrots within regional markets. While each is centred upon a single biological species, the cultural keystone itself is not this species, but a complex incorporating several material and non-material system elements.  相似文献   

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