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We evaluated the skeletal profiles from several levels of the Neanderthal site of Abric Romaní, focusing on the methodology proposed by Faith and Gordon (2007): differences in the skeletal distribution of animals in accordance with their size and weight; the statistical correlation between the skeletal profiles and standard food utility index; and the anatomical diversity of size-weight categories. Results indicate an unconstrained transport strategy in all levels and all size-weight categories. However, we also found differences in the skeletal distribution of medium-sized and large animals, which may be due to different transport strategies. These characteristics suggest that the superposition of transport and occupation events could be responsible for our results. In addition, we applied the same analysis to Hadza assemblages, which revealed similar results to those found at Abric Romaní. The most striking feature of the Hadza assemblages examined is the superposition of transport events as a result of successive occupation/deposition events. This suggests that the transport strategies used by Neanderthals at Abric Romaní are also characterized by a high degree of diversity in transport decisions.  相似文献   

Nanogomphodon wildi n. gen., n. sp. is based on a tiny lower postcanine tooth from the lower Lettenkeuper (Lower Keuper or Erfurt Formation; Ladinian) of Michelbach an der Bilz (Baden-Württemberg). It represents the first record of a traversodont cynodont from the Middle Triassic of Europe and exhibits a distinctive combination of dental features. Along with recent discoveries of other traversodont taxa from the Upper Triassic of eastern North America,Nanogomphodon indicates the existence of a distinct lineage of these cynodonts in the Northern Hemisphere.   相似文献   

Four novel 2-styrylchromones, 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-6-isopentene-2-styrylchromone (1), 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-8-isopentene-2-styrylchromone (2), 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-6-(2-hydroxy-3-methylbut-3-enyl)-2-styrylchromone (3) and 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-8-(2-hydroxy-3-methylbut-3-enyl)-2-styrylchromone (4), were isolated from shed bark of Platanus × acerifolia (Aiton) Willd., as well as four known compounds, 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-2-styrylchromone (5), scutellarein (6), 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-6-prenylflavone (7), and 4′,5,7-trihydroxy-8-prenylflavone (8). The structures of compounds 14 were established by direct interpretation of their spectral data, mainly high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HR-ESI-MS), 1D and 2D NMR (1H–1H COSY, HSQC and HMBC). The cytotoxicity of the compounds 18 was evaluated in four human carcinoma cell lines, including HepG2, SMMC-7721, MDA-MB-231, and KB. Compounds 14 exhibited significantly cytotoxic activity toward HepG2 and KB cells, with IC50 values ranging from 3.0 to 9.7 μM.  相似文献   

The Palaeolithic site of Raşcov 8, discovered in the 1950's, was recently subjected to new investigations. It yielded archaeological layers from the Upper Pleniglacial. We used zooarchaeological methods to deepen knowledge about this site. We focused on the taphonomy, the anatomical representation of the different species and the anthropogenic activities to better determine the use of natural resources by humans, in particular of animal origin, to understand which strategies were used, the technocultural practices and territory occupation. The taphonomic observations are quite typical of a dry and cold environment. They also suggest that the 3 and 3a layers result from the same or chronogically closely occupations, affected by soil movements. Concerning the anthropogenic features, repeated short-term occupations, on a seasonal basis, mainly hunting and butchering activities of one or several small human groups have been highlighted. Whereas in the older layer humans exploited the carcass of a mammoth, in the other layers they hunted reindeer and horses and butchered the carcasses on the site, probably transporting some parts elsewhere. Whereas the lithic industries are different between layers 4/3-3a (Epiaurignacian) and 2/1 (Epigravettian), the subsistence behavior is similar and quite typical of Molodovian.  相似文献   

Peter Schmid 《L'Anthropologie》2015,119(5):694-705
The Middle East is apparently the most important passage for the dispersal of early hominins. Numerous archeological sites prove the existence of hominin populations in this region, but despite these rich cultural remains, hominin fossils are very rare. In 1996, a hominin left parietal was found in an Acheulean context. In addition, the faunal remains indicate a steppe environment. What does this single cranial fragment tell us? Based on new publications and in particular on recent finds, the value of isolated elements is discussed.  相似文献   


Improving the environmental performances of viticulture practices is particularly complicated during unfavorable climatic conditions because of the need for fungal and other pest pressure and the variability of phytosanitary control methods available for winegrowers. However, winegrowers wish to improve the environmental performances of their practices regardless of climatic conditions. The objective of the study was to quantify the variability in environmental impacts due to climatic variations, and changes in viticulture practices induced by climatic variability.


Life cycle assessment was used to evaluate the environmental impacts of viticulture technical management routes (TMR) implemented on five plots in the Loire Valley for the Chenin Blanc grape variety. These TMRs are representative of the range of practices used in the region, including intensive conventional practices to moderate organic practices. The study covered two different years of production (2011 and 2013) under contrasting climatic conditions. The first year (2011) was hot and dry, which are favorable conditions for viticulture, while the second year (2013) was cold and humid, which are unfavorable conditions.

Results and discussion

During the unfavorable year, the number of phytosanitary treatments and soil maintenance interventions increased for most of the studied TMRs. This meant that the inter-annual variability in environmental impact was significant, depending on the type of TMR, with differences in impacts ranging from 19% to more than 40% between 2011 and 2013. Managing environmental impacts was found to be more difficult for the organic systems when climatic conditions are unfavorable (in 2013). The non-organic TMRs showed less variation in environmental impacts than the organic TMRs between the 2 years studied.


This study shows the importance of taking into account inter-annual variability in environmental assessments of viticulture systems. Indeed, winegrowers do not respond the same way to climate variability mainly with regard to plant protection and soil maintenance. Viticulture is very sensitive to inter-annual climate variations due to the parasitic pressure variability. The different production systems do not give to winegrowers the same possibilities for adapting practices to limit their impact on the environment.


Salmila robusta n. gen., n. sp. (Aves: ‘Gruiformes’) is described from the Middle Eocene of Messel (Hessen, Germany). The new species is assumed to have had a predominantly terrestrial habit. It shares derived features of the carpometacarpus with the recent Psophiidae and some taxa of the Cariamae. In several features, however, it distinctly differs from other ‘gruiform’ birds (e. g. in the larger proximal end of the humerus and in the shape of the margo caudalis of the sternum). AlthoughSalmila robusta has been tentatively assigned to the Cariamae in this study, its exact systematic position deserves further investigations. The rather short tarsometatarsus of the new species resembles that of the ‘Messel-phorusrhacid’Aenigmavis sapea Peters 1987.  相似文献   

The Basal Chote? or jugleri Event, close above the Lower–Middle Devonian boundary, has been regarded as a minor but important eustatic transgressive event, which is characterized by significant environmental changes, faunal extinction, appearance of new forms, and maximum radiation, particularly among the goniatites. This study contributes to a more precise stratigraphic allocation of the event, and provides a reconstruction of paleoenvironmental settings in the type area of the event, the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). The beginning of a transgression is recorded already in the T?ebotov Limestone (partitus Zone, Eifelian, early Middle Devonian). The basin-wide change in the sedimentation pattern (onset of peloidal and crinoidal grainstones (calciturbidites) of the Chote? Formation) corresponding to the uppermost partitus and costatus conodont zones, base of Nowakia (Dmitriella) sulcata sulcata dacryoconarid Zone, and Pinacites jugleri goniatite Zone is interpreted here to be linked to a maximum flooding of the basin. A hypothesis of enhanced nutrient load during sedimentation of the Chote? Formation is suggested here as a triggering mechanism for intense micritization and peloid formation and prasinophyte blooms, which could be, along with a greater depositional depth, responsible for oxygen deficiency and consequent reduction of diversity and habitat tracking among benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(3):273-278
Malignant mesothelioma is a sporadic cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Its occurrence among blood relatives (familial mesothelioma) may point to genetic susceptibility or shared exposures. The burden of the familial disease is unknown. The aims of the study were to assess at population level the proportion of familial mesotheliomas among all mesotheliomas and to investigate the family history of cancer among relatives of mesothelioma cases. We actively searched familial clusters based on a mesothelioma registry from central Italy (5.5 million people, 10% of the Italian population) of the National Mesothelioma Register network (ReNaM) as well as a pathology-based archive. Among 997 incident mesotheliomas recorded in a 32-year-period (1980–2012), we detected 13 clusters and 34 familial cases, accounting for 3.4% of all mesotheliomas. The most common clusters where those with affected siblings and unaffected parents. Asbestos exposure was occupational (n = 7 clusters), household (n = 2), environmental (n = 1), or not attributable for insufficient information (n = 3). There were 25 additional cancers in nine families. Some were cancer sites for which there is sufficient evidence (lung and larynx) or limited evidence (stomach and colon) of causal association with asbestos. The results suggest potential genetic recessive effects in mesothelioma that interact with asbestos exposure, but it is not possible to estimate the specific proportion attributable to each of these components.  相似文献   

The dwelling 5 is the largest of the six mammoth bone dwellings in the Gontsy Mezinian settlement (Poltava region, Ukraine). The dwelling 5 is a complex structure, consisting of a circular outer perimeter about 8 meters in diameter and a central oval structure of 4.5 × 3.5 m2 dimensions, separated by an intermediate area. After quickly presenting the Gontsy site, the history of the excavations, the settlement and its spatial organization, and finally the six huts, the paper develops the particular method that is the excavation of mammoth bone swelling, or rather the structure it presents, totally different from stripping a thin occupation level. It has been shown that this structure is a dwelling collapse structure, with an external and inner stratigraphy showing from bottom to top: level of occupancy/level of loess giving flowed from the walls/level bones of the walls having tipped outwards and the inside/level of fragmented bones. The outer edge is a collapsed wall built on a circle of foundation skulls, alveoli planted in the ground, mounted with large bones different depending on the location: wall skulls, mandibles, pelvis, scapulae and long bones, and consolidated by lœss extracted from adjacent pits. The central structure is an oval dwelling, about 15 m2 in area, with an accumulation of burnt bones in the center. Its walls are made up of skulls, tusks, pelvis, scapulae and long bones. In the centre, tusks and reindeer antlers come from the hut's roofing system. The intermediate area, which separates the outer edge from the central area, delivered whole or broken bones, which fell from the outer edge and the central structure. It is also a circulation area with two areas of activity marked by a concentration of stones, flint, dye, rodent bones and mammoth rib fragments. The dwelling 5 also delivered the remains of rodents (hare, marmot) and furry carnivores (polar fox, wolf). Some remains of bison and reindeer are also present. The lithic industry, by its knapping, tooling and raw materials, is no different here from other parts of the settlement and corresponds to an industry of the Mezinian. Stones, in the form of granite and shale slabs or pebbles, are significantly present and are associated with activity areas. A bone industry and adornment elements complete the inventory. The study concludes that the dwelling 5 is a structure consisting of a circular protective enclosure, an intermediate area that is a place of varied activity and a central structure, which is a collapsed swelling. The hypothesis of a ritual structure is totally contradicted by the data.  相似文献   

An assemblage of species of the genus Baylea (B. subpenea (Netchaev, 1894), B. vjatkensis Mazaev, 2015, B. praeburtasorum sp. nov., and B. shilovskyi sp. nov.) from the Lower Kazanian Substage (Middle Permian) is described. It is shown that this assemblage is phylogenetically connected with the Late Kazanian species B. rigida Mazaev, 2015, B. foraminata Mazaev, 2015, B. chimbulatiensis Mazaev, 2015, B. nemdaensis Mazaev, 2015, and B. burtasorum (Golowkinsky, 1868). Index species of three stratigraphic intervals are recognized: B. praeburtasorum sp. nov.–B. shilovskyi sp. nov., B. rigida–B. foraminata, and B. burtasorum. The morphology and polymorphism of the studied species are discussed.  相似文献   

Lateenoglobivalvulina nov. gen. (Biseriamminoidea, Foraminifera) is introduced for biserial tests with a coiled initial part and a rectilinear evolute terminal part. The test has globular chambers progressively increasing in dimension. The shape of the test in axial section is isosceles triangle with a vertex angle of 90–100° or higher. The genus includes three species: Lateenoglobivalvulina spiralis (Morozova, 1949), Lpergrata (Konovalova, 1962) and Larguta (Konovalova, 1962). The new genus belongs to the subfamily Globivalvulininae Reitlinger, 1950 emend. herein and to the family Globivalvulinidae Reitlinger, 1950, superfamily Biseriamminoidea Chernysheva, 1941. Lateenoglobivalvulina evolved from Globivalvulina Schubert, 1921 during the Pennsylvanian, it inhabited the Boreal Realm during the Pennsylvanian-Kungurian and it migrated to the southwest Paleotethys Ocean during the Sakmarian-Kubergandian.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2006,359(9):2896-2909
[RuCl3(NO)(P–P)], [P–P = R2P(CH2)nPR2 (n = 1–3) and R2P(CH2)POR2, PR2–CHCH–PR2, R = Ph and (C6H11)2P-(CH2)2-P(C6H11)2] were obtained and characterized by 31P {1H} NMR, IR spectroscopies and cyclic voltammetry. The structures of fac-[RuCl3(NO)(P–P)], P–P = dppm (1), dppe (2), c-dppen (3) and dppp (4), mer-[RuCl3(NO)(dcpe)] (6a) and mer-[RuCl3(NO)(dppmO)] (7) have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Photochemical isomerization of fac- to mer-[RuCl3(NO)(P–P)] was observed under white light in a CH2Cl2 solution and in solid state. The isomerization processes were followed by IR and 31P {1H} spectra. The mer-[RuCl3(15NO)(dppb)] isomer was used for the definition of the phosphorus atoms in the structure of the complex in solution. The electrochemical study shows that the oxidation/reduction processes observed in these complexes are dependent on both the isomer (fac or mer) and the solvent. In CH2Cl2, the NO+ reduction potentials are less negative for the mer-isomers than for the fac ones, while in CH3CN solvent these potentials are, in general, very close for both isomers.  相似文献   

The fossil-rich site within the Albian Escucha Formation in the Oliete Sub-basin, located in the Northeast of Spain, has provided a great abundance of impressions, including leave remains and seed cones of Coniferales (Sphenolepis kurriana, Sphenolepis sternbergiana, Elatides curvifolia, Brachyphyllum sp. and Geinitzia sp. cf. G. rigida), leaves of Caytoniales (Sagenopteris elliptica), Ginkgoales (Ginkgoites pluripartita, and Sphenobaiera sp. cf. S. longifolia), Bennettitales (Ptilophyllum sp. cf. P. pecten and aff. Zamites sp.), Cycadales (Nilssonia tenuinervis and Ctenozamites with entire and denticulate pinnae margins), Czekanowskiales, and reproductive structures of Gnetales. The gymnosperm remains are fairly abundant in the upper member, built up of sediments deposited in fluvial and swamp environments without marine influence. The different gymnosperm associations in this outcrop indicate a wide variety of environments in a subtropical climate, and a mixture of North American and European taxa in the Iberian plate during the Middle Albian.  相似文献   

The Mid. Cenomanian terebratulid brachiopod Sellithyris cenomanensis Gaspard, 1982 displays preserved residual colour patterns as pale radial bandings. A parallel is made with the common Triassic Coenothyris vulgaris (Schlotheim, 1820) and some extant species. The colour pattern is unequal comparing the dorsal and ventral valves of one specimen, and in the representatives of a sampled population. This ornamentation, not easily detected, is highlighted using ultraviolet (UV) light. Considerations concerning the pigments involved, their function and at least their alteration over time are tentatively analysed.  相似文献   

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