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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lepanthes is one of the largest angiosperm genera (>800 species). Their non-rewarding, tiny and colourful flowers are structurally complex. Their pollination mechanism has hitherto remained unknown, but has been subject of ample speculation; the function of the minuscule labellum appendix is especially puzzling. Here, the pollination of L. glicensteinii by sexually deceived male fungus gnats is described and illustrated. METHODS: Visitors to flowers of L. glicensteinii were photographed and their behaviour documented; some were captured for identification. Occasional visits to flowers of L. helleri, L. stenorhyncha and L. turialvae were also observed. Structural features of flowers and pollinators were studied with SEM. KEY RESULTS: Sexually aroused males of the fungus gnat Bradysia floribunda (Diptera: Sciaridae) were the only visitors and pollinators of L. glicensteinii. The initial long-distance attractant seems to be olfactory. Upon finding a flower, the fly curls his abdomen under the labellum and grabs the appendix with his genitalic claspers, then dismounts the flower and turns around to face away from it. The pollinarium attaches to his abdomen during this pivoting manoeuvre. Pollinia are deposited on the stigma during a subsequent flower visit. The flies appear to ejaculate during pseudocopulation. The visitors of L. helleri, L. stenorhyncha and L. turialvae are different species of fungus gnats that display a similar behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Lepanthes glicensteinii has genitalic pseudocopulatory pollination, the first case reported outside of the Australian orchid genus Cryptostylis. Since most species of Lepanthes have the same unusual flower structure, it is predicted that pollination by sexual deception is prevalent in the genus. Several morphological and phenological traits in Lepanthes seem well suited for exploiting male fungus gnats as pollinators. Correspondingly, some demographic trends common in Lepanthes are consistent with patterns of male sciarid behaviour.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Tribe Orchideae (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae) comprises around 62 mostly terrestrial genera, which are well represented in the Northern Temperate Zone and less frequently in tropical areas of both the Old and New Worlds. Phylogenetic relationships within this tribe have been studied previously using only nuclear ribosomal DNA (nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer, nrITS). However, different parts of the phylogenetic tree in these analyses were weakly supported, and integrating information from different plant genomes is clearly necessary in orchids, where reticulate evolution events are putatively common. The aims of this study were to: (1) obtain a well-supported and dated phylogenetic hypothesis for tribe Orchideae, (ii) assess appropriateness of recent nomenclatural changes in this tribe in the last decade, (3) detect possible examples of reticulate evolution and (4) analyse in a temporal context evolutionary trends for subtribe Orchidinae with special emphasis on pollination systems.


The analyses included 118 samples, belonging to 103 species and 25 genera, for three DNA regions (nrITS, mitochondrial cox1 intron and plastid rpl16 intron). Bayesian and maximum-parsimony methods were used to construct a well-supported and dated tree. Evolutionary trends in the subtribe were analysed using Bayesian and maximum-likelihood methods of character evolution.

Key Results

The dated phylogenetic tree strongly supported the recently recircumscribed generic concepts of Bateman and collaborators. Moreover, it was found that Orchidinae have diversified in the Mediterranean basin during the last 15 million years, and one potential example of reticulate evolution in the subtribe was identified. In Orchidinae, pollination systems have shifted on numerous occasions during the last 23 million years.


The results indicate that ancestral Orchidinae were hymenopteran-pollinated, food-deceptive plants and that these traits have been dominant throughout the evolutionary history of the subtribe in the Mediterranean. Evidence was also obtained that the onset of sexual deception might be linked to an increase in labellum size, and the possibility is discussed that diversification in Orchidinae developed in parallel with diversification of bees and wasps from the Miocene onwards.  相似文献   

The thynnine wasp genus Neozeleboria Rohwer is the main pollinating group of the sexually deceptive Australian orchid genus, Chiloglottis R.Br. In a highly specialized interaction, Chiloglottis species attract males from a single or very few Neozeleboria species through the chemical mimicry of the female wasp's sex pheromone. An earlier study examining the historical association among Chiloglottis and Neozeleboria using DNA sequence data found matching phylogenetic patterns suggestive of cospeciation between orchids and pollinators. However, patterns of constraint in Neozeleboria emergence phenology and sex pheromones suggested that the close association among orchid and wasp clades may be due to pollinator switching among closely related wasp taxa that have similar traits. In this study, we further examine the association by incorporating a morphological phylogenetic analysis of non‐pollinating as well as pollinating Neozeleboria. The morphological analysis is then compared with DNA sequence data from one nuclear and one mitochondrial gene for an increased sample of outgroup genera. The combined molecular data set finds a monophyletic Neozeleboria, although support for this was not strong in the individual data sets. A high congruence between molecular and morphological analyses was found among higher groupings of Neozeleboria. Neozeleboria species that pollinate Chiloglottis species are not found as a monophyletic group but, rather, are scattered throughout a phylogeny comprising pollinators and non‐pollinators. Under the cospeciation model, the presence of related Neozeleboria non‐pollinators carries the unlikely implication that the association between plant and pollinator has been repeatedly lost. Instead, we favour the alternative ‘preferential pollinator switching’ model that accounts for the specialization among orchid and wasp lineages in terms of similarities in traits among related Neozeleboria. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 381–395.  相似文献   

Many species of the sexually deceptive genus Ophrys are characterized by insect‐like flowers. Their form has been traditionally considered to play an important role in pollinator attraction and manipulation. Yet, the evolution of the floral form remains insufficiently understood. We hypothesize that pollinator‐mediated selection is essential for driving floral form evolution in Ophrys, but that form components are being subjected to varying selection pressures depending on their role in mediating interactions with pollinators. By using the Eucera‐pollinated Ophrys leochroma as a model, our aim has been to assess whether and in what manner pollination effectiveness is altered by experimental manipulation of the flower form. Our results show that floral form plays an essential and, so far, underestimated role in ensuring effective pollination by mechanically guiding pollinators towards the reproductive structures of the flower. Pollinators are significantly less effective in interacting with flowers having forms altered to resemble those of species pollinated by different hymenopteran genera. Further, those components used by pollinators as gripping points were found to be more effective in ensuring pollinia transfer than those with which pollinators do not directly interact. Thus, mechanically active and inactive components appear to be under different selection pressures. As a consequence, mechanically active components of the flower form could reflect adaptations to the interaction with particular pollinator groups, whereas mechanically inactive components can vary more freely. Disentangling selection patterns between the functionally different components of flower form may provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving the morphological diversification of sexually deceptive pollination systems.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that sexually deceptive Chiloglottis R.Br. (Orchidaceae) taxa specifically attract their thynnine wasp (Tiphiidae) pollinators through the floral odour mimicry of female wasp sex pheromones. We use amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to reconstruct the species-level phylogeny of Chiloglottis, make a preliminary evaluation of genetic distinctions between species, and compare the historical association among orchids and their pollinators using wasp sequence data from a previous study. AFLPs show large differences between three sub-generic clades relative to that found among species within each clade. Interspecific genetic barriers are indicated by AFLP discontinuities among species unlike in previously reported DNA sequence data. However, such barriers are demonstrated clearly in only one of the two pairs of sympatric species sampled more intensively. We interpret these patterns as indicating either (i) a rapid and recent radiation of species within each clade following histories of stasis or extinction, or (ii) alternating cycles of divergence and gene flow acting to homogenize genetic differences among species within each of the three clades.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Plants use a diverse range of visual and olfactory cues to advertize to pollinators. Australian Chiloglottis orchids employ one to three related chemical variants, all 2,5-dialkylcyclohexane-1,3-diones or ‘chiloglottones’ to sexually attract their specific male pollinators. Here an investigation was made of the physiological aspects of chiloglottone synthesis and storage that have not previously been examined.


The location of chiloglottone production was determined and developmental and diurnal changes by GC-MS analysis of floral tissue extracts was monitored in two distantly related Chiloglottis species. Light treatment experiments were also performed using depleted flowers to evaluate if sunlight is required for chiloglottone production; which specific wavelengths of light are required was also determined.

Key Results

Chiloglottone production only occurs in specific floral tissues (the labellum calli and sepals) of open flowers. Upon flower opening chiloglottone production is rapid and levels remain more or less stable both day and night, and over the 2- to 3-week lifetime of the flower. Furthermore, it was determined that chiloglottone production requires continuous sunlight, and determined the optimal wavelengths of sunlight in the UV-B range (with peak of 300 nm).


UV-B light is required for the synthesis of chiloglottones – the semiochemicals used by Chiloglottis orchids to sexually lure their male pollinators. This discovery appears to be the first case to our knowledge where plant floral odour production depends on UV-B radiation at normal levels of sunlight. In the future, identification of the genes and enzymes involved, will allow us to understand better the role of UV-B light in the biosynthesis of chiloglottones.  相似文献   

Background and Aims The first documented observation of pollination in Pleurothallidinae was that of Endrés, who noticed that the ‘viscid sepals’ of Specklinia endotrachys were visited by a ‘small fly’. Chase would later identify the visiting flies as being members of the genus Drosophila. This study documents and describes how species of the S. endotrachys complex are pollinated by different Drosophila species.Methods Specimens of Specklinia and Drosophila were collected in the field in Costa Rica and preserved in the JBL and L herbaria. Flies were photographed, filmed and observed for several days during a 2-year period and were identified by a combination of non-invasive DNA barcoding and anatomical surveys. Tissue samples of the sepals, petals and labellum of Specklinia species were observed and documented by SEM, LM and TEM. Electroantennogram experiments were carried out on Drosophila hydei using the known aggregation pheromones ethyl tiglate, methyl tiglate and isopropyl tiglate. Floral compounds were analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectometry using those same pheromones as standards.Key Results Flowers of S. endotrachys, S. pfavii, S. remotiflora and S. spectabilis are visited and pollinated by several different but closely related Drosophila species. The flies are arrested by aggregation pheromones, including ethyl tiglate, methyl tiglate and isopropyl tiglate, released by the flowers, and to which at least D. hydei is very sensitive. Visible nectar drops on the adaxial surface of sepals are secreted by nectar-secreting stomata, encouraging male and female Drosophila to linger on the flowers for several hours at a time. The flies frequently show courtship behaviour, occasionally copulating. Several different Drosophila species can be found on a single Specklinia species.Conclusions Species of the S. endotrachys group share a similar pollination syndrome. There seem to be no species-specific relationships between the orchids and the flies. It is not expected that Specklinia species will hybridize naturally as their populations do not overlap geographically. The combination of pheromone attraction and nectar feeding is likely to be a generalized pollination syndrome in Pleurothallidinae.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The pollination biology of very few Chloraeinae orchids has been studied to date, and most of these studies have focused on breeding systems and fruiting success. Chloraea membranacea Lindl. is one of the few non-Andean species in this group, and the aim of the present contribution is to elucidate the pollination biology, functional floral morphology and breeding system in native populations of this species from Argentina (Buenos Aires) and Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul State).


Floral features were examined using light microscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The breeding system was studied by means of controlled pollinations applied to plants, either bagged in the field or cultivated in a glasshouse. Pollination observations were made on natural populations, and pollinator behaviour was recorded by means of photography and video.

Key Results

Both Argentinean and Brazilian plants were very consistent regarding all studied features. Flowers are nectarless but scented and anatomical analysis indicates that the dark, clavate projections on the adaxial labellar surface are osmophores (scent-producing glands). The plants are self-compatible but pollinator-dependent. The fruit-set obtained through cross-pollination and manual self-pollination was almost identical. The main pollinators are male and female Halictidae bees that withdraw the pollinarium when leaving the flower. Remarkably, the bees tend to visit more than one flower per inflorescence, thus promoting self-pollination (geitonogamy). Fruiting success in Brazilian plants reached 60·78 % in 2010 and 46 % in 2011. Some pollinarium-laden female bees were observed transferring pollen from the carried pollinarium to their hind legs. The use of pollen by pollinators is a rare record for Orchidaceae in general.


Chloraea membrancea is pollinated by deceit. Together, self-compatibility, pollinarium texture, pollinator abundance and behaviour may account for the observed high fruiting success. It is suggested that a reappraisal and re-analysis of important flower features in Chloraeinae orchids is necessary.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The events leading to speciation are best investigated in systems where speciation is ongoing or incomplete, such as incipient species. By examining reproductive barriers among incipient sister taxa and their congeners we can gain valuable insights into the relative timing and importance of the various barriers involved in the speciation process. The aim of this study was to identify the reproductive barriers among sexually deceptive orchid taxa in the genus Chiloglottis.


The study targeted four closely related taxa with varying degrees of geographic overlap. Chemical, morphological and genetic evidence was combined to explore the basis of reproductive isolation. Of primary interest was the degree of genetic differentiation among taxa at both nuclear and chloroplast DNA markers. To objectively test whether or not species boundaries are defined by the chemistry that controls pollinator specificity, genetic analysis was restricted to samples of known odour chemistry.

Key Results

Floral odour chemical analysis was performed for 600+ flowers. The three sympatric taxa were defined by their specific chiloglottones, the semiochemicals responsible for pollinator attraction, and were found to be fully cross-compatible. Multivariate morphometric analysis could not reliably distinguish among the four taxa. Although varying from very low to moderate, significant levels of genetic differentiation were detected among all pairwise combinations of taxa at both nuclear and chloroplast loci. However, the levels of genetic differentiation were lower than expected for mature species. Critically, a lack of chloroplast DNA haplotype sharing among the morphologically indistinguishable and most closely related taxon pair confirmed that chemistry alone can define taxon boundaries.


The results confirmed that pollinator isolation, mediated by specific pollinator attraction, underpins strong reproductive isolation in these taxa. A combination of large effective population sizes, initial neutral mutations in the genes controlling floral scent, and a pool of available pollinators likely drives diversity in this system.  相似文献   

Pollination via sexual deception is hypothesised to be associated with more frequent outcrossing and greater pollen dispersal distances than strategies involving food‐foraging behaviour. In this study, we investigated the behaviour and movement distances of Lissopimpla excelsa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), and their implications for the pollination of the sexually deceptive Cryptostylis ovata (Orchidaceae). Pollinator observations revealed that while L. excelsa will alight on multiple flowers within a single visit to a patch of orchids, the frequency of attempted copulation decreases with successive visits, suggesting that pollinator learning may inhibit within‐patch pollen transfer. Mark‐recapture demonstrated that 25% of wasps revisited inflorescences within a day and 50% revisited within a week. Despite the apparent site fidelity of some individuals, L. excelsa often move over large distances (maximum = 625 m), and are capable of dispersing pollen between patches. To resolve the consequences of pollination by sexual deception of ichneumonids, we compared our results with those from studies of other sexually deceptive systems. While pollination rates were comparable with other sexually deceptive orchids, L. excelsa showed high rates of column contact and moved over large distances relative to other sexually deceived pollinators. Among sexually deceptive orchids in general, the frequency of column contact was not correlated either with the frequency of pseudocopulation or with pollination rate. These results suggest that the consequences of pollination by sexual deception may vary extensively between plant taxa due to variation in floral traits, and behavioural differences between pollinator groups.  相似文献   

Singer RB 《Annals of botany》2002,89(2):157-163
The pollination process in Trigonidium obtusum Lindl. (Epidendroideae: Maxillariinae) is documented. The flowers are pollinated by sexually excited drones of Plebeia droryana (Meliponinae). When attempting to copulate either with sepals or petals, these bees slip on the waxy perianth surface and become trapped in the funnel-like flower tube. Bees trying to escape from the flowers may instead access the space between the column and lip, fixing the pollinarium on their scutellum. Pollinarium-bearing bees may pollinate the flowers when repeating the above-mentioned steps, leaving pollinia on the concave stigmatic surface, thus effecting pollination. Recently removed pollinaria are too broad to enter the stigma but they begin to dehydrate and within 40 min of removal are small enough to fit the stigmatic cavity. This mechanism prevents insect-mediated self-pollination and promotes cross-pollination. Preliminary evidence based on experiments with cultivated plants suggests that they are self-compatible but that fruit set is pollinator-dependent. The data obtained are discussed in a phylogenetic context. It is suggested that the pseudocopulatory syndrome in Trigonidium could have evolved from rewardless (food advertising) ancestors. Pseudocopulation in the context of the long flowering period of this orchid species (about 7 months) is understandable since the eusocial Plebeia bees produce fertile individuals several times a year.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

To date, current research involving pollen viability has been evaluated in a relatively low number of orchid species. In the present study, we focused on five related Mediterranean orchid genera (Anacamptis, Orchis, Dactylorhiza, Ophrys and Serapias) that are characterized by different types of deceptive pollination.


The in vitro germination ability of increasingly aged pollinaria of eight food-, seven sexually and two shelter-deceptive species was evaluated. Pollination experiments on two food-, one sexually and one shelter-deceptive species were also performed and the percentage of embryonate seeds derived from the increasingly aged pollinaria was checked.

Key Results

All of the examined species showed long-term viabilities (=50 % pollen tube growth) that ranged from 8 to 35 d. Species with the same deceptive pollination strategies exhibited the same pollen viability trends. Interestingly, pollen viabilities of species groups with different deception types have shown significant differences, with sexually and shelter- deceptive species exhibiting a shorter life span than food-deceptive species.


This study confirms the prolonged germination and fertilization capacities of orchid pollinaria, and to our knowledge is the first report demonstrating a clear relationship between pollen viability and pollination system. It is proposed that this relationship is attributed to the different types of reproductive barriers, pre- or post-zygotic, that characterixe Ophrys and Serapias and the food-deceptive species, respectively.  相似文献   

In order to explore the relationship between the pollinator and pollination syndromes, and to evaluate the possibility of predicting likely pollinators based on pollination syndromes, the pollination biology of Paphiopedilum dianthum was examined. This species shares a close phylogenetic relationship, similar habit, and a recognizable syndrome of floral features (including helmet-shaped labellum, big dorsal sepal, and black warts or hairs on petals) with other brood-site deceptive Paphiopedilum species. According to the pollination syndrome concept, P. dianthum would be pollinated by hoverflies and attract pollinators with brood-site deception. Results were consistent with this prediction. Paphiopedilum dianthum was mainly pollinated by female hoverflies (Episyrphus balteatus), and these flies were indeed lured by the false brood-site on the orchid flower. It is suggested that the pollination syndrome may be correlated with pollination selective pressure, but not simply with pollinator species, and that accurate prediction requires consideration of all factors influencing floral characters, including habit and evolutionary history.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Sexually deceptive orchids of the genus Ophrys use mimicry of pollinator females to attract specific pollinators. Pollinator shifts may drive speciation in Ophrys, since novel pollinators may in principle act as isolating factors immediately. It is thus possible that evolution of novel species occurs rapidly and with a progenitor–derivative pattern. The aims of this study are to compare genetic structure and diversity among widespread and geographically restricted Ophrys taxa, to test whether genetic structure is associated with specific pollinators, and to investigate whether any widespread species may have acted as a progenitor for the evolution of more restricted taxa.


Genetic differentiation and diversity were investigated in O. leucadica and O. cinereophila, the two taxa of the Ophrys fusca sensu lato complex widespread in the Aegean, and three geographically restricted taxa from Rhodes, O. attaviria, O. parvula and O. persephonae, all differing in their specific pollinators. This was done using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) DNA fingerprinting, and sequencing of the low-copy nuclear gene LEAFY (LFY).

Key Results

All taxa were found to be separate genetic entities, with O. leucadica forming two geographic groups from the west and east of the Aegean. Genetic structure was significantly shaped by pollinators and geography, and comparison of sequence and AFLP data revealed ancestral polymorphisms shared among several taxa. Among the sampled taxa, O. leucadica harbours the greatest genetic differentiation and geographic structure, and the highest genetic diversity. Part of the genome of O. parvula, endemic to Rhodes, may be derived from O. leucadica.


Pollinators probably influence the genetic structure of the investigated Ophrys species. The genetic pattern identified is consistent with O. leucadica being the oldest of the sampled taxa, making O. leucadica a candidate progenitor species from which more restricted taxa such as O. parvula may have evolved.  相似文献   

在花部进化受传粉者主导这一经典理论影响下,传粉综合征一直被认为是被子植物对应于某些特定传粉者的标志,因此,可以利用传粉综合征来预测传粉者。近年来,这种对应和预测受到多因素影响,以及花部进化理论和传粉者泛化理论的冲击。在本研究中,我们选择长瓣兜兰Paphiopedilum dianthum作为实验材料,来探讨传粉综合征与传粉者的关系以及利用前者预测后者的有效范围。长瓣兜兰具有的一系列特征,同其他依靠假繁殖地欺骗食蚜蝇传粉的兜兰种类相似,包括倒盔状唇瓣,较大的中萼片以及花瓣上的黑色突起和睫状毛,而且长瓣兜兰同这些种类有很近的亲缘关系和相似的生境。根据传粉综合征概念,长瓣兜兰应该是由食蚜蝇传粉,通过模拟繁殖地来欺骗传粉者。为了检验这些预测,我们对长瓣兜兰进行了传粉生物学研究。长瓣兜兰是自交可亲和的物种,不存在自动自交授粉现象,必须依靠昆虫传粉才能结实。结果表明,雌性黑带食蚜蝇Episyrphus balteatus是长瓣兜兰的主要传粉者,并且这种兜兰是通过模拟繁殖地来欺骗食蚜蝇传粉的。根据本实验结果,我们认为传粉综合征只是对应于不同的传粉选择压力而不是简单对应于传粉者种类,而使用传粉综合征预测时还需要考虑生境和演化历史等因素对花部形态的影响,这样才可能得到有效的结果。  相似文献   

Orchids of the genus Ophrys are pollinated by males of solitary bees and wasps through sexual deception. Flowers mimic the odor of a receptive female and thus attract males that seek to copulate. Visual stimuli have been assumed so far to play only a minor role in male attraction. We investigated the role of the perigon as a potential visual signal in attracting pollinators in the orchid Ophrys heldreichii and its pollinator, the males of the long-horned bee Tetralonia berlandi (Apidae). In contrast to many other Ophrys species, O. heldreichii exhibits a large and bright pinkish perigon that appears visually conspicuous to a human observer. In a dual choice test we presented two flowers from a single plant and counted visitation rates. We then removed the perigon of one flower and retested the relative attractiveness of both flowers. For 292 male visits in ten trials we found a significant decrease of visitation rate for flowers with the perigon removed. In a second experiment we repeated the dual choice test using photos of the flowers. Males also significantly chose the picture of an intact flower over the picture of a modified flower where the perigon was digitally removed. From our data, we conclude that T. berlandi males respond to and are attracted by the bright pink perigon of the orchid in addition to other stimuli. A bright colorful perigon occurs almost only in the Ophrys holoserica-oestrifera group, a large sub-group of the genus. We hypothesize that this kind of visual signal is adaptive particularly in those Ophrys species where the targeted males patrol resourced-based encounter sites and strongly rely on their visual system while searching for their females.  相似文献   

Ophrys orchids mimic the female sex pheromones of their pollinator species to attract males for pollination. Reproductive isolation in Ophrys is based on the selective attraction of only a single pollinator species. A change of floral odour can result in the attraction of a new pollinator species that acts as an isolation barrier towards other sympatrically occurring Ophrys species. Ophrys lupercalis, Ophrys bilunulata, and Ophrys fabrella grow sympatrically and bloom consecutively on Majorca and are pollinated by three species of Andrena. We investigated variation of phenotypic and genotypic flower traits, aiming to study the role of the floral odour for reproductive isolation and speciation. Using chemical and electrophysiology (gas chromatography coupled with an electroantennographic detector) methods, we show that the three Ophrys species use the same odour compounds for pollinator attraction, but in different proportions. A comparison of the floral odour bouquets in a multivariate analysis revealed a clear grouping of plants from the same species, although with an overlap between species. A comparison of the same plants using molecular markers gave a contrasting result. Although O. lupercalis and O. fabrella were genetically well separated, plants of O. bilunulata did not form a distinct group but were similar to either O. lupercalis or O. fabrella. Our data indicate gene flow and hybridization to occur between O. bilunulata and O. lupercalis as well as between O. bilunulata and O. fabrella. All plants of O. bilunulata, despite having different genotypes, showed a very similar floral odour. This reflects a strong selective pressure by the pollinating males. The overlap of genotypes of O. bilunulata and O. fabrella supports our hypothesis that O. fabrella diverged from O. bilunulata by scent variation and the attraction of a new pollinator species, Andrena fabrella. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 439–451.  相似文献   

The behaviour of fossil organisms can typically be inferred only indirectly, but rare fossil finds can provide surprising insights. Here, we report from the Eocene Messel Pit Fossil Site between Darmstadt and Frankfurt, Germany numerous pairs of the fossil carettochelyid turtle Allaeochelys crassesculpta that represent for the first time among fossil vertebrates couples that perished during copulation. Females of this taxon can be distinguished from males by their relatively shorter tails and development of plastral kinesis. The preservation of mating pairs has important taphonomic implications for the Messel Pit Fossil Site, as it is unlikely that the turtles would mate in poisonous surface waters. Instead, the turtles initiated copulation in habitable surface waters, but perished when their skin absorbed poisons while sinking into toxic layers. The mating pairs from Messel are therefore more consistent with a stratified, volcanic maar lake with inhabitable surface waters and a deadly abyss.  相似文献   

Anthecological relations between a long-spurred angraecoid orchid and pollinating Sphingidae are documented for the first time. In a primary forest on the Central Plateau of Madagascar Angraecum arachnites Schltr. was found to be pollinated by and adapted to a single species of hawk-moth, Panogena lingens (Butler), despite abundance of many concurrent Sphingidae of which several were also long-tongued. Furthermore, P. lingens was dimorphic in the length and breadth of its proboscis and only the morph with the longest and most slender proboscis was recorded to pollinate A. arachnites . Exclusive and precise adaptation to the latter morph of P. lingens existed in floral morphology and probably in other characteristics such as flowering phenology and chemical signalling. Several concurrently flowering orchid species were sharing P. lingens as a pollinator resource. The monophily in A. arachnites is interpreted as a result of a refined long-term specialization developed within an archaic evolutionary relationship in a relatively stable environment. The extraordinary number and diversity of long-spurred Orchidaceae in Madagascar appears to be a direct coevolutionary consequence of an Old-World-unique diversity of long-tongued archaic Sphingidae that has persisted in this isolated land.  相似文献   

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