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Changes in the cover and density of shrubs and trees were assessed from aerial photographs (1940, 1974 and 1998) as well as from fixed-point photographs taken in 1984 and 1996 in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Woody cover (trees and shrubs combined) increased by 12% on granite substrates but decreased by 64% on basalt substrates over the past 58 years. Both these figures are expressed in terms of the initial values, respectively. The density of the large tree component of woody vegetation decreased on both substrates. Woody vegetation cover declined as fire return periods became shorter, but the relationship was weak. The increases in woody plant density and cover on granite are thought to be the result of decreased competition from grasses, which in turn is a result of overgrazing by wild herbivores whose numbers have been kept high through the provision of surface water. These effects were not seen on the relatively nutrient-rich basalts, where grasses can recover rapidly even after heavy grazing. The decline in overall woody cover on basalts is interpreted as a result of regular, short-interval prescribed burning over the past 40 years, while the universal decline in large trees seems to result from an interaction between regular, frequent fires and utilization by elephants. The implications for management are discussed.  相似文献   

The Nkuhlu large‐scale long‐term exclusion experiment in Kruger National Park was designed to study the long‐term effects of large herbivores on vegetation. One treatment excludes elephants, another excludes all herbivores larger than hares and another one comprises an open, control area. Vegetation monitoring was implemented in 2002 when a baseline survey was conducted prior to exclusion. Monitoring was repeated 5 years after exclusion. Data from the surveys were analysed to establish how structure and composition of woody vegetation had changed 5 years after herbivore exclusion. The analysis showed that neither plant assemblage nor mean vegetation height had changed significantly since exclusion. However, both species richness and density of woody plants increased 5 years after exclusion of all large herbivores, but not after the exclusion of elephants alone. One already common species, Dichrostachys cinerea, became more common after excluding all large herbivores compared with either no exclusion or elephant exclusion, possibly leading to competitive suppression of other species. Species other than D. cinerea tended to either increase or decrease in density, but the changes were insufficient to induce significant shifts in the overall assemblage of woody plants. The results indicate that after 5 years of exclusion, the combined assemblage of large herbivores, and not elephants alone, could induce changes in species richness and abundances of woody plants, but the effect was so far insufficient to induce measureable shifts in the assemblages of woody plants. It is possible that assemblages will change with time and increasing elephant numbers may amplify future changes.  相似文献   

Decisions to reduce the impacts of large herbivores on biodiversity in protected areas are often based on controlling their numbers. However, numbers per se may not be the foremost consideration when managing impacts. This is because density‐related changes in distribution can also affect habitat utilization and hence, impact. In this study we tested whether changes in the distribution of African elephants are associated with increasing population size. We used spatially explicit count data collected during the dry seasons from 1998 to 2004 in South Africa's Kruger National Park. We did this at five spatial scales and in landscapes defined by vegetation, geology, climate and soils. We then investigated whether observed distributions and grid‐cell‐specific densities were associated with the remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as a measure of productivity and therefore food resource availability at the landscape scale. Consistent with density mediated changes, we found that elephant grid‐cell occupancy increased with population size, while grid‐cell‐specific density became less variable. In addition, the combined distribution of bull groups and breeding herds became less clumped with increasing population size. We further found that within landscapes elephants were present on grid‐cells with higher NDVI values, but that the influence of NDVI during the dry season on densities among landscapes may be weak. These results suggest that NDVI was more indicative of structural habitat choices such as woody vegetation than food availability per se. Our study highlights the need to consider factors other than population size alone when formulating management decisions to reduce large herbivore impacts on biodiversity in protected areas.  相似文献   

We conducted herbaceous and woody vegetation surveys across Botswana's southern Okavango Buffalo Fence, which separates wildlife management from tribal grazing areas, to determine whether the restriction of herbivore movement by fencing has influenced vegetation composition, diversity and structure. We sampled herbaceous and woody vegetation at twenty paired sites every 2 km along the fence. For the herbaceous layer, ten 0.25 m2 quadrats were laid every 10 m perpendicular to the fence; while for the woody vegetation, variable quadrat plots were used. Paired t‐tests were run. Results show little difference in forb or grass composition between the two sides. However, the cover and diversity of many woody species were greatly reduced across most height classes on the wildlife management side. Overall woody cover on the wildlife side of the fence was nearly half that of the tribal grazing side (t = 2.83, P = 0.011, df = 19), while overall wood diversity was also significantly less on the wildlife side (t = 3.29, P = 0.004, df = 19). We conclude that the concentration of wildlife due to the fence, while improving habitat for some herbivore species, is having a detrimental effect on plant diversity in general.  相似文献   

Floral composition and vegetation structure were investigated on the Naukluft Mountain Plateau to determine (i) whether or not grazing has had an impact on the flora of the Naukluft Mountains during the last two decades and (ii) if so, whether vegetation recovery is influenced by the nature of the rainy season. Vegetation subjected to grazing to large herbivores and vegetation excluded from grazing for 18 and 19 years was compared. Based on classification (TWINSPAN) and ordination (detrended and canonical correspondence analysis) of 20, 10 × 10 m stands within and outside exclosures in two seasons, a clear difference in floristic composition between grazed and not grazed areas was indicated. Although neither the height of the vegetation, not the growth form spectrum differed significantly between grazed and not grazed sites, leaf-succulents were much more abundant when grazing was excluded. This suggests that changes in the vegetation due to grazing pressure have occurred in the last two decades, but the degree of grazing impact is not severe and may be part of the natural savanna ecosystem of the Naukluft Mountains. Whether this trend also occurs in other vegetation types in the Naukluft Mountains remains to the investigated. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Significant differences ( P <0.05) were found in growth of plant height, canopy cover and stem diameter of Acacia xanthophloea trees in fenced plot as compared with unfenced plot both in the wet and in the dry seasons. Finding of this study showed that although heavy browsing reduced the height and canopy of trees, it did not kill any trees and seedling regeneration took place simultaneously. Despite the presence of large herbivores that impact some considerable browsing pressure results indicate that the A. xanthophloea habitat type would continue to remain in balance in the presence of recruitment of seedlings and saplings. The conditions at the time of study indicate that the browsing on A. xanthophloea was not significant and was not serious enough to warrant management intervention at present.  相似文献   

The impact of elephants on the woody plant community through debarking was investigated in Samburu and Buffalo Springs National Reserves, Kenya. Acacia elatior Brenan , the most abundant tree species in the riverine zone, accounted for 68% (n = 1375) of woody plants. A. tortilis (Forsskal) Hayne dominated plots away from the river. Debarking incidences were significantly higher for A. elatior than for other species indicating selective utilization. The riverine zone by virtue of having more trees of the preferred species, A. elatior, had the highest debarking incidences. Presence of very few saplings along the river is attributed to both elephant trampling and herbivory by other species. An estimated 38.5% and 22.5% of the riverine A. elatior and A. tortilis trees respectively, were bound to die within the next 4–5 years because of severe debarking, ≥75% of bark circumference. Debarking was positively correlated with stem circumference; the medium-sized trees being the worst affected by the elephants' selective debarking behaviour. Intense debarking incidences were recorded during the dry season. Through the elephants' selective debarking, the riverine habitat is bound to open up gradually, leading to considerable habitat change in the near future. Elephant impact on vegetation is less away from the river and increases with their densities.  相似文献   

Ecological survey was executed to assess woody species encroachment into the grassland plain of Nechisar National Park (NNP). Forty‐one woody species were recorded. Dichrostachys cinerea Wight & Arn., Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Benth., Acacia nilotica (L) Willd., Acacia senegal (L.) Willd., Acacia seyal Del. and Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne were among the major encroaching woody species. The majority of the woody species were found to be highly aggregated in their pattern of distribution, while only few species showed some degree of randomness. The mean woody species density was ca. 1995 woody plants ha?1. Mean cover of woody, grass, unpalatable forbs and total herbaceous species were 31%, 58%, 68% and 121%, respectively. The woody species density and cover, unpalatable forbs and bare land cover were significantly higher in the highly grazed and fire‐suppressed part of the grassland plain. Pearson correlation coefficient matrix indicated that woody species cover and density were negatively correlated with total herbaceous and grass cover. The high woody, unpalatable forbs and bare land cover indicated the progressively increasing perennial grass species diversity deterioration in the grass plain of the Park. Decline in the grassland condition, unless reversed, will jeopardize the biological diversity as well as the aesthetic value of the NNP.  相似文献   

This study quantifies changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stock as a result of woody encroachment on savannas. Changes in SOC stocks occur below 30 cm depth, indicating the subsoil as the principal compartment contributing to SOC sequestration, and suggesting the need to consider the entire profile (0–100 cm) to thoroughly assess the effect of woody encroachment on SOC stocks.  相似文献   

The role of social cues in the reproduction of social mammals, particularly carnivores, has been thoroughly studied and documented in literature. However, environmental cues such as resources of water, food, and shelter have been identified to a lesser extent. Pregnant lions (Panthera leo) are notoriously secretive during the final stages of pregnancy and postpartum. Behavioral indicators depicted by movement patterns obtained by remote detection of collared female lions in the Kruger National Park were necessary for the monitoring of birth timing. Over the study period, eight plus a potential three parturition incidences of collared females were recorded. Of the variables measured (step length, range size, duration, prey biomass, and rainfall), range size during the month of parturition was the most indicative movement pattern of a successful birth. By backdating the potential birth month of the litters, date of conception was calculated and our results revealed a correlation between the birthing peaks of preferred prey during the month of conception. Birth timing in conjunction with remote sensing and ecological factors were thus identified behaviors associated with denning.  相似文献   

The woody vegetation on Kalahari sand deposits in Hwange (ex-Wankie) National Park, Zimbabwe was classified into nine types on the basis of species composition. Ordination of the data showed that the types which occupy the ends of the major (soil-type) gradient are easily distinguishable, viz. well developed, mature Baikiaea plurijuga woodlands on deep sands, and scrub Terminalia sericea and mixed woodland on soils with a higher clay content or compact layer. The central groups of stands, involving mixed woodlands and scrub, were less easy to interpret, and previous logging disturbance is involved.In the disturbed Baikiaea woodlands recruitment appears to be less than is required for long-term maintenance, even given that some of the measurements may have led to underestimates. Elephants were shown to have only a minor effect, and are relatively insignificant as agents of change in the woodlands. Depth of sand and soil moisture regime are the predominant factors determining overall vegetation structure. Fire is a dominant feature in scrub areas and interacts with frost, which has a periodic severe effect on developing saplings in scrub and in some disturbed woodlands. Although the relief is very flat there is a marked frost gradient from ridge areas with mature woodland into the slightly lower-lying scrub areas. A conceptual model of the dynamics of the vegetation, based on the above features, is described.  相似文献   

Hordeum geniculatum is considered as an obligate halophyte, but exact data about ecological requirements of the species are lacking. Therefore, species response curves of H. geniculatum were obtained for soil reaction and nutrients using Borhidi's indicator values and LOESS smoother response model in the programme CANOCO. Our data showed that H. geniculatum can be regarded as an obligate halophyte preferring slightly to moderately saline soils with relatively high content of nutrients. The Hordeetum hystricis association, indicating grazed vegetation on salt-rich soils, is a plant community that occurs only in central and southeastern Europe. Because this plant community has only been documented in a relatively small area, details about its vegetation ecology are inaccurate. Therefore, the ecology and species composition of this community were studied in three countries within the Pannonian Basin (Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia). A detrended correspondence analysis of 95 relevés from the Pannonian Basin confirmed that the community is characterised by the cover of H. geniculatum above 25%, which may even reach 75%. The association was species-rich; we sampled 91 taxa in 95 relevés. The widespread presence of many accessory species was dependent on environmental conditions, particularly the nutrient and salt content and animal disturbance.  相似文献   

Aim s: The long-term effects of changing fire regimes on the herbaceous component of savannas are poorly understood but essential for understanding savanna dynamics. We present results from one of the longest running (>44 years) fire experiments in savannas, the experimental burn plots (EBPs), which is located in the Kruger National Park (South Africa) and encompasses four major savanna vegetation types that span broad spatial gradients of rainfall (450–700 mm) and soil fertility.Methods: Herbaceous vegetation was sampled twice in the EBPs using a modified step-point method, once prior to initiation of the experiment (1954) and again after 44–47 years. Different combinations of three fire frequency (1-, 2- and 3-year return intervals) and five season (before the first spring rains, after the first spring rains, mid-summer, late summer and autumn) treatments, as well as a fire exclusion treatment, were applied at the plot level (~7 ha each), with each treatment (n = 12 total) replicated four times at each of the four sites (n = 192 plots total). The effects of long-term alterations to the fire regime on grass community structure and composition were analyzed separately for each site.Important Findings: Over the 44+ years duration of the experiment, fires were consistently more intense on sites with higher mean annual rainfall (>570 mm), whereas fires were not as intense or consistent for sites with lower and more variable rainfall (<510 mm) and potentially higher herbivory due to greater soil fertility. Because the plots were open to grazing, the impacts of herbivory along with more variable rainfall regimes likely minimized the effects of fire for the more arid sites. As a consequence, fire effects on grass community structure and composition were most marked for the higher rainfall sites and generally not significant for the more arid sites. For the high-rainfall sites, frequent dry season fires (1- to 3-year return intervals) resulted in high grass richness, evenness and diversity, whereas fire exclusion and growing season fires had the lowest of these measures and diverged the most in composition as the result of increased abundance of a few key grasses. Overall, the long-term cumulative impacts of altered fire regimes varied across broad climatic and fertility gradients, with fire effects on the grass community decreasing in importance and herbivory and climatic variability likely having a greater influence on community structure and composition with increasing aridity and soil fertility.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of native large herbivores on aboveground primary production of nonforested habitat in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Productivity of vegetation grazed by elk (Cervus elaphus) and bison (Bison bison) was compared with that of ungrazed (permanently fenced) vegetation at four sites. Two methods were used that, we believed, would provide the most accurate measurements under the different grazing regimes encountered in the study. Production of ungrazed vegetation in permanent exclosures (10×10 m or 15×15 m, 3 per site) and that of vegetation that was grazed only in the winter was taken as peak standing crop. Production of vegetation grazed during the growing season was the sum of significant increments (P<0.05) in standing crop inside temporary exclosures (1.5×1.5 m, 6 per site) moved every four weeks to account for herbivory.Aboveground productivity of grazed vegetation was .47% higher than that of ungrazed vegetation across sites (P<0.0003). This result could be explained by either a methodological or grazer effect. We believe it was the latter. Results from a computer simulation showed that sequential sampling with temporary exclosures resulted in a slight underestimation of production, suggesting that the reported differences between treatments were conservative. We suggest that stimulation of aboveground production by ungulates may be, in part, due to the migratory behavior of native ungulates that track young, high quality forage as it shifts spatially across the Yellowstone ecosystem.  相似文献   

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