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We have identified a novel pathway for protein import into the nucleus. Although the product of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene MSN5 was previously shown to function as a karyopherin (Kap) for nuclear export of various proteins, we discovered a nuclear import pathway mediated by Msn5p (also referred to as Kap142p). We have purified from yeast cytosol a complex containing Kap142p and the trimeric replication protein A (RPA), which is required for multiple aspects of DNA metabolism, including DNA replication, DNA repair, and recombination. In wild-type cells, RPA was localized primarily to the nucleus but, in a KAP142 deletion strain, RPA was mislocalized to the cytoplasm and the strain was highly sensitive to bleomycin (BLM). BLM causes DNA double-strand breaks and, in S. cerevisiae, the DNA damage is repaired predominantly by RPA-dependent homologous recombination. Therefore, our results indicate that in wild-type cells a critical portion of RPA was imported into the nucleus by Kap142p. Like several other import-related Kap-substrate complexes, the endogenous RPA-Kap142p complex was dissociated by RanGTP, but not by RanGDP. All three RPA genes are essential for viability, whereas KAP142 is not. Perhaps explaining this disparity, we observed an interaction between RPA and Kap95p in a strain lacking Kap142p. This interaction could provide a mechanism for import of RPA into the nucleus and cell viability in the absence of Kap142p. Together with published results (Kaffman, A., N.M. Rank, E.M. O'Neill, L.S. Huang, and E.K. O'Shea. 1998. Nature. 396:482-486; Blondel, M., P.M. Alepuz, L.S. Huang, S. Shaham, G. Ammerer, and M. Peter. 1999. Genes Dev. 13:2284-2300; DeVit, M.J., and M. Johnston. 1999. Curr. Biol. 9:1231-1241; Mahanty, S.K., Y. Wang, F.W. Farley, and E.A. Elion. 1999. Cell. 98:501-512) our data indicate that the karyopherin Kap142p is able to mediate nuclear import of one set of proteins and nuclear export of a different set of proteins.  相似文献   

We report here that importin alpha accumulates reversibly in the nucleus in response to cellular stresses including UV irradiation, oxidative stress, and heat shock. The nuclear accumulation of importin alpha appears to be triggered by a collapse in the Ran gradient, resulting in the suppression of the nuclear export of importin alpha. In addition, nuclear retention and the importin beta/Ran-independent import of importin alpha also facilitate its rapid nuclear accumulation. The findings herein show that the classical nuclear import pathway is down-regulated via the removal of importin alpha from the cytoplasm in response to stress. Moreover, whereas the nuclear accumulation of heat shock cognate 70 is more sensitive to heat shock than the other stresses, importin alpha is able to accumulate in the nucleus at all the stress conditions tested. These findings suggest that the stress-induced nuclear accumulation of importin alpha can be involved in a common physiological response to various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Num1p, a cortical 313-kD protein, controls cytoplasmic microtubule (cMT) functions and nuclear migration through the bud neck in anaphase cells. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Num1p fusion protein localizes at the bud tip and the distal mother pole of living cells, apparently forming cMT capture sites at late anaphase. In addition, galactose-induced GFP-Num1p is seen at the bud neck and in lateral regions of the mother cortex. The bud tip location of Num1p depends on Bni1p but does not require Kar9p, Dyn1p, or cMTs, whereas cMT contacts with polar Num1p dots are reduced in cells lacking Dyn1p. Num1p associates with the dynein intermediate chain Pac11p in the presence of Dyn1p, and with the alpha-tubulin Tub3p, as shown by coimmune precipitation of tagged proteins. Num1p also forms a complex with Bni1p and Kar9p, although Num1p is not required for Bni1p- and Kar9p-dependent nuclear migration to the bud neck in preanaphase cells.Our data suggest that Num1p controls nuclear migration during late anaphase by forming dynein-interacting cortical cMT capture sites at both cellular poles. In addition, Num1p may transiently cooperate with an associated Bni1p-Kar9p complex at the bud tip of early anaphase cells.  相似文献   

Nucleocytoplasmic transport is mediated by the interplay between soluble transport factors and nucleoporins resident within the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Understanding this process demands knowledge of components of both the soluble and stationary phases and the interface between them. Here, we provide evidence that Nup2p, previously considered to be a typical yeast nucleoporin that binds import- and export-bound karyopherins, dynamically associates with the NPC in a Ran-facilitated manner. When bound to the NPC, Nup2p associates with regions corresponding to the nuclear basket and cytoplasmic fibrils. On the nucleoplasmic face, where the Ran--GTP levels are predicted to be high, Nup2p binds to Nup60p. Deletion of NUP60 renders Nup2p nucleoplasmic and compromises Nup2p-mediated recycling of Kap60p/Srp1p. Depletion of Ran--GTP by metabolic poisoning, disruption of the Ran cycle, or in vitro by cell lysis, results in a shift of Nup2p from the nucleoplasm to the cytoplasmic face of the NPC. This mobility of Nup2p was also detected using heterokaryons where, unlike nucleoporins, Nup2p was observed to move from one nucleus to the other. Together, our data support a model in which Nup2p movement facilitates the transition between the import and export phases of nucleocytoplasmic transport.  相似文献   

Several components of the nuclear transport machinery play a role in mitotic spindle assembly in higher eukaryotes. To further investigate the role of this family of proteins in microtubule function, we screened for mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that confer sensitivity to microtubule-destabilizing drugs. One mutant exhibiting this phenotype lacked the gene encoding the karyopherin Kap123p. Analysis of kap123 Δ cells revealed that the drug sensitivity was caused by a defect in microtubule stability and/or assembly. In support of this idea, we demonstrated genetic interactions between the kap123 Δ mutation and mutated alleles of genes encoding α-tubulins and factors controlling microtubule dynamics. Moreover, kap123 Δ cells exhibit defects in spindle structure and dynamics as well as nuclear positioning defects during mitosis. Cultures of kap123 Δ strains are enriched for mononucleated large-budded cells often containing short spindles and nuclei positioned away from the budneck, phenotypes indicative of defects in both cytoplasmic and nuclear microtubules. Finally, we identified a gene, CAJ1 , which when deleted in combination with KAP123 exacerbated the microtubule-related defects of the kap123 Δ mutants. We propose that Kap123p and Caj1p, a member of the Hsp40 family of proteins, together play an essential role in normal microtubule function.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of receptor-mediated nuclear import and nuclear export   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
Nuclear transport of proteins and RNA occurs through the nuclear pore complex and is mediated by a superfamily of transport receptors known collectively as karyopherins. Karyopherins bind to their cargoes by recognition of specific nuclear localization signals or nuclear export signals. Transport through the nuclear pore complex is facilitated by transient interactions between the karyopherins and the nuclear pore complex. The interactions of karyopherins with their cargoes are regulated by the Ras-related GTPase Ran. Ran is assisted in this process by proteins that regulate its GTPase cycle and subcellular localization. In this review, we describe several of the major transport pathways that are conserved in higher and lower eukaryotes, with particular emphasis on the role of Ran. We highlight the latest advances in the structure and function of transport receptors and discuss recent examples of steroid hormone receptor import and regulation by signal transduction pathways. Understanding the molecular basis of nuclear transport may provide insight into human diseases by revealing how nucleocytoplasmic trafficking regulates protein activity.  相似文献   

The nucleoporins Nup60p, Nup2p, and Nup1p form part of the nuclear basket structure of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear pore complex (NPC). Here, we show that these necleoporins can be isolated from yeast extracts by affinity chromatography on karyopherin Kap95p-coated beads. To characterize Nup60p further, Nup60p-coated beads were used to capture its interacting proteins from extracts. We find that Nup60p binds to Nup2p and serves as a docking site for Kap95p-Kap60p heterodimers and Kap123p. Nup60p also binds Gsp1p-GTP and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Prp20p, and functions as a Gsp1p guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor by reducing the activity of Prp20p. Yeast lacking Nup60p exhibit minor defects in nuclear export of Kap60p, nuclear import of Kap95p-Kap60p-dependent cargoes, and diffusion of small proteins across the NPC. Yeast lacking Nup60p also fail to anchor Nup2p at the NPC, resulting in the mislocalization of Nup2p to the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. Purified Nup60p and Nup2p bind each other directly, but the stability of the complex is compromised when Kap60p binds Nup2p. Gsp1p-GTP enhances by 10-fold the affinity between Nup60p and Nup2p, and restores binding of Nup2p-Kap60p complexes to Nup60p. The results suggest a dynamic interaction, controlled by the nucleoplasmic concentration of Gsp1p-GTP, between Nup60p and Nup2p at the NPC.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L5 is a shuttling protein that, in Xenopus oocytes, is involved in the nucleocytoplasmic transport of 5S rRNA. As demonstrated earlier, L5 contains three independent nuclear import signals (NLSs), which function in oocytes as well as in somatic cells. Upon physical separation, these NLSs differ in respect to their capacity to bind to nuclear import factors in vitro and to mediate the nuclear import of a heterologous RNP in vivo. As reported in this communication, analysis of the in vitro nuclear import activity of these three NLSs reveals that they also differ in respect to their requirements for cytosolic import factors and Ran. Nuclear import mediated by the N-terminal and the central NLS depends on cytosolic import factor(s) and Ran, whereas import via the C-terminal NLS occurs independently from these factors. Thus, the presence of multiple NLSs in ribosomal protein L5 appears to allow for efficient nuclear transport via utilisation of multiple, mechanistically different import pathways.  相似文献   

We have identified a specific karyopherin docking complex within the yeast nuclear pore complex (NPC) that contains two novel, structurally related nucleoporins, Nup53p and Nup59p, and the NPC core protein Nup170p. This complex was affinity purified from cells expressing a functional Nup53p–protein A chimera. The localization of Nup53p, Nup59p, and Nup170p within the NPC by immunoelectron microscopy suggests that the Nup53p-containing complex is positioned on both the cytoplasmic and nucleoplasmic faces of the NPC core. In association with the isolated complex, we have also identified the nuclear transport factor Kap121p (Pse1p). Using in vitro binding assays, we showed that each of the nucleoporins interacts with one another. However, the association of Kap121p with the complex is mediated by its interaction with Nup53p. Moreover, Kap121p is the only β-type karyopherin that binds Nup53p suggesting that Nup53p acts as a specific Kap121p docking site. Kap121p can be released from Nup53p by the GTP bound form of the small GTPase Ran. The physiological relevance of the interaction between Nup53p and Kap121p was further underscored by the observation that NUP53 mutations alter the subcellular distribution of Kap121p and the Kap121p- mediated import of a ribosomal L25 reporter protein. Interestingly, Nup53p is specifically phosphorylated during mitosis. This phenomenon is correlated with a transient decrease in perinuclear-associated Kap121p.  相似文献   

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