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The genomic integrity of a eukaryotic cell is challenged by over 10,000 chromosomal lesions perday. Therefore the cell has evolved efficient mechanisms to recognize, signal, and repair DNAbreaks. Defects in any of these steps can lead to chromosomal aberrations and cancers. As theselesions must be repaired in the context of chromatin, both chromatin-modifying and nucleosomeremodelingenzymes have been implicated in DNA damage repair. We reported recently that theRSC and Swi/Snf ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complexes are involved in DSB repairspecifically by homologous recombination. Here we discuss how such enzymes might be recruitedto DNA breaks, why so many remodelers are recruited to sites of DSBs, and a possible functionalconnection between RSC’s roles in sister chromatid cohesion and DSB repair.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex is the only enzyme that provides RNA-DNA primers for chromosomal DNA replication in eukaryotes. Mouse DNA polymerase alpha has been shown to consist of four subunits, p180, p68, p54, and p46. To characterize the domain structures and subunit requirements for the assembly of the complex, we constructed eukaryotic polycistronic cDNA expression plasmids expressing pairwise the four subunits of DNA polymerase alpha. In addition, the constructs contained an internal ribosome entry site derived from poliovirus. The constructs were transfected in different combinations with vectors expressing single subunits to allow the simultaneous expression of three or four of the subunits in cultured mammalian cells. We demonstrate that the carboxyl-terminal region of p180 (residues 1235 to 1465) is essential for its interaction with both p68 and p54-p46 by immunohistochemical analysis and coprecipitation studies with antibodies. Mutations in the putative zinc fingers present in the carboxyl terminus of p180 abolished the interaction with p68 completely, although the mutants were still capable of interacting with p54-p46. Furthermore, the amino-terminal region (residues 1 to 329) and the carboxyl-terminal region (residues 1280 to 1465) were revealed to be dispensable for DNA polymerase activity. Thus, we can divide the p180 subunit into three domains. The first is the amino-terminal domain (residues 1 to 329), which is dispensable for both polymerase activity and subunit assembly. The second is the minimal core domain (residues 330 to 1279), required for polymerase activity. The third is the carboxyl-terminal domain (residues 1280 to 1465), which is dispensable for polymerase activity but required for the interaction with the other three subunits. Taken together, these results allow us to propose the first structural model for the DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex in terms of subunit assembly, domain structure, and stepwise formation at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The TORC1 signaling pathway plays a major role in the control of cell growth and response to stress. Here we demonstrate that the SEA complex physically interacts with TORC1 and is an important regulator of its activity. During nitrogen starvation, deletions of SEA complex components lead to Tor1 kinase delocalization, defects in autophagy, and vacuolar fragmentation. TORC1 inactivation, via nitrogen deprivation or rapamycin treatment, changes cellular levels of SEA complex members. We used affinity purification and chemical cross-linking to generate the data for an integrative structure modeling approach, which produced a well-defined molecular architecture of the SEA complex and showed that the SEA complex comprises two regions that are structurally and functionally distinct. The SEA complex emerges as a platform that can coordinate both structural and enzymatic activities necessary for the effective functioning of the TORC1 pathway.The highly conserved Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 (TORC1)1 controls eukaryotic cell growth and cellular responses to a variety of signals, including nutrients, hormones, and stresses (1, 2). In a nutrient-rich environment, TORC1 promotes anabolic processes including ribosome biogenesis and translation. Nutrient limitation or treatment with rapamycin inhibits the Tor1 kinase and initiates autophagy, a catabolic process that mediates the degradation and recycling of cytoplasmic components. However, the nutrient-sensing function of TORC1 is not fully understood, and the mechanisms of TORC1 modulation by amino acid and nitrogen availability are not yet clear.In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the TOR1 complex is composed of four subunits (Tor1, Kog1, Tco89, and Lst8) and is localized to the vacuole membrane. Amino acid levels are signaled to TORC1 (at least partially) via the EGO complex (Ragulator-Rag in mammals), which consists of Ego1, Ego3, Gtr1 (RagA/RagB), and Gtr2 (RagC/RagD) (36). The small GTPases Gtr1 and Gtr2 function as heterodimers and in their active form exist as the Gtr1-GTP/Gtr2-GDP complex. Amino acid sensing via the EGO complex involves the conserved vacuolar membrane protein Vam6, a member of the HOPS tethering complex. Vam6 is a GDP exchange factor that regulates the nucleotide-binding status of Gtr1 (6). At the same time, the GTP-bound state of Gtr1 is controlled by a leucyl t-RNA synthetase (7). In mammals, amino acids promote interaction of Ragulator-Rag with mTORC1 and its translocation to the lysosomal membrane (3, 4). Ragulator interacts with the v-ATPase complex at the lysosomal membrane (8), and leucyl t-RNA synthetase binds to RagD to activate mTORC1 (9).A genome-wide screen for TORC1 regulators in yeast identified two proteins, Npr2 and Npr3, as proteins that mediate amino acid starvation signal to TORC1 (10). Npr2 and Npr3 are both members of the SEA complex that we discovered recently (1113). Besides Npr2 and Npr3, the SEA complex also contains four previously uncharacterized proteins (Sea1–Sea4) and two proteins also found in the nuclear pore complex, Seh1 and Sec13, the latter of which is additionally a component of the endoplasmic-reticulum-associated COPII coated vesicle. However, the SEA complex localizes to the vacuole membrane, and not to the nuclear pore complex or endoplasmic reticulum.The Sea proteins contain numerous structural elements present in intracellular structural trafficking complexes (11). For example, proteins Sea2–Sea4 are predicted to possess β-propeller/α-solenoid folds and contain RING domains, architectural combinations characteristic to protein complexes that form coats around membranes (e.g. coated vesicles, nuclear pore complexes) or participate in membrane tethering (e.g. HOPS, CORVET complexes). Npr2 and Npr3 possess a longin domain, found in many guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) (1416), and Sea1/Iml1 is a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Gtr1 (17). These structural characteristics, taken together with functional data, indicate a role for the SEA complex in intracellular trafficking, amino acid biogenesis, regulation of the TORC1 pathway, and autophagy (1113, 1720). A mammalian analog of the SEA complex, termed GATOR1/GATOR2, has recently been identified (21). GATORS are localized at the lysosome membrane and serve as upstream regulators of mammalian TORC1 via GATOR1 GAP activity toward RagA and RagB (21).In this study, we characterized the structural and functional organization of the yeast SEA complex. We present here a well-defined molecular architecture of the SEA complex obtained via an integrative modeling approach based on a variety of biochemical data. The structure reveals the relative positions and orientations of two SEA subcomplexes, Sea1/Npr2/Npr3 (or SEACIT (19)) and Sea2/Sea3/Sea4/Sec13/Seh1 (or SEACAT (19)), and identifies the Sea3/Sec13 dimer as a major interacting hub within the complex. We describe how the SEA complex interacts physically with TORC1 and the vacuole and is required for the relocalization of Tor1, and how every member of the Sea1/Npr2/Npr3 subcomplex is required for general autophagy.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila oogenesis, germline stem cells (GSCs) continuously self-renew and differentiate into daughter cells for consecutive germline lineage commitment. This developmental process has become an in vivo working platform for studying adult stem cell fate regulation. An increasing number of studies have shown that while concerted actions of extrinsic signals from the niche and intrinsic regulatory machineries control GSC self-renewal and germline differentiation, epigenetic regulation is implicated in the process. Here, we report that Brahma (Brm), the ATPase subunit of the Drosophila SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complexes, is required for maintaining GSC fate. Removal or knockdown of Brm function in either germline or niche cells causes a GSC loss, but does not disrupt normal germline differentiation within the germarium evidenced at the molecular and morphological levels. There are two Drosophila SWI/SNF complexes: the Brm-associated protein (BAP) complex and the polybromo-containing BAP (PBAP) complex. More genetic studies reveal that mutations in polybromo/bap180, rather than gene encoding Osa, the BAP complex-specific subunit, elicit a defect in GSC maintenance reminiscent of the brm mutant phenotype. Further genetic interaction test suggests a functional association between brm and polybromo in controlling GSC self-renewal. Taken together, studies in this paper provide the first demonstration that Brm in the form of the PBAP complex functions in the GSC fate regulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare the molecular properties of pyrophosphate:fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFP) and ATP:fructose 6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (PFK). Both enzymes were purified to apparent homogeneity from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum cv Record). Neither PFP nor PFK preparations contained detectable activity of the other enzyme. PFP was composed of two polypeptides of apparent molecular weight 58,000 and 55,700 whereas PFK contained four polypeptides of apparent molecular weight between 46,300 and 53,300. Chemical cleavage of individual PFP and PFK polypeptides gave a different set of fragments for each polypeptide. On Western blots antisera against PFP failed to cross-react with any of the four PFK polypeptides, and antibodies against PFK failed to bind to either of the PFP polypeptides. Antibodies that immunoprecipitate PFP activity had no effect on PFK activity. Conversely, antibodies against the four PFK polypeptides precipitated the activity of PFK, but not that of PFP. This work shows that potato tuber PFP and PFK are composed of distinct, unrelated polypeptides and indicate that interconversion between PFP and PFK is unlikely.  相似文献   

The adhesion of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to human tissues or endothelium is central to the pathology caused by the parasite during malaria. It contributes to the avoidance of parasite clearance by the spleen and to the specific pathologies of cerebral and placental malaria. The PfEMP1 family of adhesive proteins is responsible for this sequestration by mediating interactions with diverse human ligands. In addition, as the primary targets of acquired, protective immunity, the PfEMP1s are potential vaccine candidates. PfEMP1s contain large extracellular ectodomains made from CIDR (cysteine-rich interdomain regions) and DBL (Duffy-binding-like) domains and show extensive variation in sequence, size, and domain organization. Here we use biophysical methods to characterize the entire ∼300-kDa ectodomain from IT4VAR13, a protein that interacts with the host receptor, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). We show through small angle x-ray scattering that IT4VAR13 is rigid, elongated, and monomeric. We also show that it interacts with ICAM-1 through the DBLβ domain alone, forming a 1:1 complex. These studies provide a first low resolution structural view of a PfEMP1 ectodomain in complex with its ligand. They show that it combines a modular domain arrangement consisting of individual ligand binding domains, with a defined higher order architecture that exposes the ICAM-1 binding surface to allow adhesion.  相似文献   

To date, it has been assumed that the evolution of a protein complex is different from that of other proteins. However, there have been few evidences to support this assumption. To understand how protein complexes evolve, we analyzed the evolutionary constraints on ACTIN RELATED PROTEIN 6 (ARP6), a component of the SWR1 complex. Interspecies complementation experiments using transgenic plants that ectopically express transARP6s (ARP6s from other organisms) showed that the function of ARP6s is conserved in plants. In addition, a yeast two-hybrid analysis revealed that this functional conservation depends on its ability to bind with both PIE1 and AtSWC6. ARP6 consists of 4 domains similar to actin. Functional analysis of chimericARP6s (domain-swapped ARP6s between Arabidopsis and mouse) demonstrated that each domain of ARP6s imposes differential evolutionary constraints. Domains 1 and 3 of ARP6 were found to interact with SWC6 and PIE1, respectively, and domain 4 provides a nuclear localization signal. Moreover, domains 1 and 3 showed a slower evolution rate than domain 4, indicating that the interacting domains have higher evolutionary constraints than non-interacting domains do. These findings suggest that the components of this protein complex have evolved coordinately to preserve their interactions.  相似文献   

ATP inactivated plant pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) from broccoli (Brassica oleracea) mitochondria. ATP inactivation of the complex was time-dependent and proportional to the ATP concentration. Time-dependent incorporation of 32P from [γ32P]ATP into trichloroacetic acid-precipitable protein corresponded to the inactivation of the PDC. It is concluded that plant PDC is phosphorylated and inactivated by a PDC kinase.  相似文献   

Microbial degradation of plant cell walls is a central component of the carbon cycle and is of increasing importance in environmentally significant industries. Plant cell wall-degrading enzymes have a complex molecular architecture consisting of catalytic modules and, frequently, multiple non-catalytic carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs). It is currently unclear whether the specificities of the CBMs or the topology of the catalytic modules are the primary drivers for the specificity of these enzymes against plant cell walls. Here, we have evaluated the relationship between CBM specificity and their capacity to enhance the activity of GH5 and GH26 mannanases and CE2 esterases against intact plant cell walls. The data show that cellulose and mannan binding CBMs have the greatest impact on the removal of mannan from tobacco and Physcomitrella cell walls, respectively. Although the action of the GH5 mannanase was independent of the context of mannan in tobacco cell walls, a significant proportion of the polysaccharide was inaccessible to the GH26 enzyme. The recalcitrant mannan, however, was fully accessible to the GH26 mannanase appended to a cellulose binding CBM. Although CE2 esterases display similar specificities against acetylated substrates in vitro, only CjCE2C was active against acetylated mannan in Physcomitrella. Appending a mannan binding CBM27 to CjCE2C potentiated its activity against Physcomitrella walls, whereas a xylan binding CBM reduced the capacity of esterases to deacetylate xylan in tobacco walls. This work provides insight into the biological significance for the complex array of hydrolytic enzymes expressed by plant cell wall-degrading microorganisms.  相似文献   

The incidence of nephritis in autoimmune NZB mice is low, but when they are crossed with normal SWR mice, almost 100% of the female F1 hybrids (SNF1) develop lethal glomerulonephritis. To define the contribution of the normal SWR strain to the development of nephritis, we analyzed 65 monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies derived from SNF1 mice and compared them with those obtained from the NZB parent. The majority of the SNF1-derived anti-DNA antibodies were IgG and cationic in charge. By contrast, 77% of the NZB-derived antibodies were IgM. Moreover, all three NZB-derived IgG anti-DNA antibodies were anionic. The cationic property of the SNF1-derived IgG autoantibodies was not restricted to any particular antigenic specificity pattern or IgG subclass, nor was there a preference for the allotype of either parent. However, we identified a set of highly cationic (pI at 8.2 to 8.8 pH) IgG2b anti-DNA antibodies from SNF1 hybrids that had the SWR allotype. Isoelectric focusing of intact antibodies and isolated heavy and light chains showed that the highly cationic charge of these antibodies was determined by the variable regions of their heavy chains. Because IgG anti-DNA antibodies with cationic charge are especially pathogenic, those antibodies bearing the allotype of the normal SWR parent may account for the high incidence of severe nephritis in the F1 hybrids. The results indicate that pathogenic autoantibodies, which are encoded by genes of the nonautoimmune SWR parent, are expressed in the SNF1 mice due to some cellular and genetic regulatory influence of the NZB parent.  相似文献   

Electrical properties and regulation of the mitochondrialATP-dependent potassium channel were studied. The channel protein wassolubilized from the mitochondrial membrane using an ethanol/water mixture.Reconstituted into a bilayer lipid membrane BLM), the protein formed aslightly voltage-dependent channel with a conductance of 10 pS in 100 mM KCl.Often, several channels worked simultaneously (clusters) when many channelswere incorporated into the BLM. The elementary channel and the clusters wereboth highly potassium selective. At concentrations of 1 to 10 M, ATPfavors channel opening, while channels become closed at 1–3 mM ATP. GDP(0.5 mM) reactivated the ATP-closed channels without affecting the untreatedchannels. The sulfhydryl-reducing agent ditiothreitol increased the openprobability at concentrations of 1 to 3 mM, but damaged the selectivity ofthe channel.  相似文献   

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