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Do scent marks increase predation risk of microtine rodents?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Reproductive activities, including signalling with scents, may increase the risk of predation. Mammalian predators, like small mustelids, find voles by using odour cues of scent marks. Scent marks are also visible in ultraviolet light, and at least some diurnal raptors are attracted to these markings in the field. We performed a field experiment to find out whether manipulation of scent markings affects the density, survival and mobility of free-living voles, and the activity of mammalian and avian predators. A total of 20 plots (each 1 ha) were randomly divided into two treatments: scent manipulation and control plots. Scent manipulation plots were treated with vole scent-liquid and control plots with water. From each plot 1–2 voles were radio-collared and tracked for three weeks. Predators hunted more often on scent manipulation plots than on control plots leading to lower survival time of voles. Although scent manipulation attracted more avian predators, small mustelids were the main predators of voles. The density or the mobility of voles did not differ significantly between manipulation and control plots. Our results suggest that odour of scent marks may be a larger risk to voles than UV visibility of scent marks.  相似文献   

A Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus population in Northern Sweden (66°N, 17°E) was monitored from 1996 to 2002 in relation to its predator–prey interactions with its main and alternative prey species. Ptarmigan species Lagopus spp., and especially Rock Ptarmigan L. mutus , were the Gyr Falcons' most important prey and constituted more than 90% of the prey biomass. A 21-fold difference in ptarmigan abundance was found across Falcon breeding territories. However, this great variation in prey availability corresponded to only about a 10% shift in Gyr Falcon diet across territories, suggesting that the Falcons were reluctant or unable to compensate for declining ptarmigan availability by using alternative prey categories. Gyr Falcons did not respond functionally to microtine rodent abundance. Their diets were unaffected by a peak in the microtine rodent population cycle when Norwegian Lemmings Lemmus lemmus occurred in high numbers in the study area. Gyr Falcons responded numerically to their prey in two ways. First, there was a reproductive response with a significant relationship between the number of chicks fledged and the number of ptarmigan in the breeding territories. Secondly, although the Gyr Falcons did not utilize microtines as prey, there was a relationship between the microtine rodent abundance and the number of pairs that attempted to breed each year. This could be a result of an indirect community interaction, assuming that other predators switched from ptarmigan to microtines as prey, which could have had a positive effect on the breeding performance of the Gyr Falcons. The Gyr Falcons acted as true specialist predators, and their narrow food niche probably reflected a general lack of suitable alternative prey in the study area.  相似文献   

Janne Sundell 《Oikos》2003,101(2):416-427
One of the most popular hypotheses to explain the 3–5 year vole cycle in Fennoscandia is the predation hypothesis, which emphasises the role of specialist predators, especially small mustelids, in driving the microtine rodent cycle. I have tested this hypothesis in a field experiment with a focus on the interaction between the least weasel ( Mustela nivalis nivalis L.) and the field vole ( Microtus agrestis L.). The test involved a perturbation of the natural vole-weasel dynamics by increasing the numbers of predators. In natural cyclic dynamics, the numbers of weasels follow the numbers of voles with a time lag; the delay in the numerical response of the predators essentially leads to the cyclic dynamics. In this experiment, I attempted to eliminate the time lag in predators' numerical response by adding weasels into the system at a point when vole numbers are increasing but weasels are still scarce. The experiment was conducted in three experimental islands (each 5–10 km2) using adjacent comparable islands as controls. Results of the experiment did not provide strong evidence either for or against the hypothesis. Two of three experimental areas did not show a treatment effect, while one area showed an effect in both population dynamics and population structure. Unexpectedly, the previously clearly cyclic dynamics were much less regular in the study areas (and elsewhere in southern Finland) during the period of the experiment.  相似文献   

Social relationships have important effects on alcohol drinking. There are conflicting reports, however, about whether early-life family structure plays an important role in moderating alcohol use in humans. We have previously modeled social facilitation of alcohol drinking in peers in socially monogamous prairie voles. We have also modeled the effects of family structure on the development of adult social and emotional behaviors. Here we assessed whether alcohol intake would differ in prairie voles reared by both parents compared to those reared by a single mother. We also assessed whether meadow voles, a closely related species that do not form lasting reproductive partnerships, would differ in alcohol drinking or in the effect of social influence on drinking. Prairie voles were reared either bi-parentally (BP) or by a single mother (SM). BP- and SM-reared adult prairie voles and BP-reared adult meadow voles were given limited access to a choice between alcohol (10%) and water over four days and assessed for drinking behavior in social and non-social drinking environments. While alcohol preference was not different between species, meadow voles drank significantly lower doses than prairie voles. Meadow voles also had significantly higher blood ethanol concentrations than prairie voles after receiving the same dose, suggesting differences in ethanol metabolism. Both species, regardless of rearing condition, consumed more alcohol in the social drinking condition than the non-social condition. Early life family structure did not significantly affect any measure. Greater drinking in the social condition indicates that alcohol intake is influenced similarly in both species by the presence of a peer. While the ability of prairie voles to model humans may be limited, the lack of differences in alcohol drinking in BP- and SM-reared prairie voles lends biological support to human studies demonstrating no effect of single-parenting on alcohol abuse.  相似文献   

Summary There are several published hypotheses that consider spacing behavior to be a significant factor causing the multiannual density fluctuations characteristic of some microtine rodent populations. Recent modeling efforts have concluded, however, that spacing behavior should have a stabilizing rather than a destabilizing effect on population dynamics. Why doesn't spacing behavior stabilize these cyclic populations? We argue that while spacing behavior does have a stabilizing influence on population dynamics by limiting the number of breeding individuals, reproduction continues and population size is not limited in an asymptotic manner. Rather, microtine social organization produces demographic changes within a population that allow density cycles to occur under certain conditions. Using a simulation model, we demonstrate that in a strongly seasonal environment populations with low density dependence in reproduction will cycle whereas populations with high density dependence in reproduction will have relatively stable densities. Given such complicating factors as the annual species nature of microtine rodents, occasionally intense predation, and the tendency for territoriality to break down during the non-breeding season, individuals with low density dependence in reproduction will always be able to invade and eventually dominate populations with high density dependence in reproduction, regardless of the resulting destabilization of population dynamics.  相似文献   

Current challenges for the study of population ecology of microtine rodents are reviewed. Comparisons with other taxonomic groups (other mammals, birds and insects) are given throughout. A major challenge is to link patterns and processes (i.e. mechanisms) better than is the case today. Other major challenges include the furthering of our understanding of the interaction between deterministic and stochastic processes, and as part thereof, the interaction between density-dependent and density-independent processes. The applicability of comparative studies on populations exhibiting different temporal dynamical patterns is, in this connection, emphasized. Understanding spatiotemporal dynamical patterns is another major challenge, not the least from a methodological point of view. Long-term and large-scale ecological data on population dynamics (in space and time) are critical for this purpose. Looking for consistency between hypothesized mechanisms and observed patterns is emphasized as a good platform for further empirical and theoretical work. The intellectual feedback process between different approaches to the study of microtine population ecology (observational studies, experimental manipulative studies, statistical modeling and mathematical modeling) are discussed. We recommend a pluralistic approach (involving both observational and experimental as well as theoretical studies) to the study of small rodent ecology.  相似文献   

We describe the hindlimb myology of Milvago chimango. This member of the Falconidae: Polyborinae is a generalist and opportunist that can jump and run down prey on the ground, unlike Falconinae that hunt birds in flight and kill them by striking with its talons. Due to differences in the locomotion habits between the subfamilies, we hypothesized differences in their hindlimb myology. Gross dissections showed that the myology of M. chimango is concordant with that described of other falconids, except for the following differences: the m. flexor cruris medialis has one belly with a longitudinal division; the m. iliotibialis lateralis does not have a connection with the m. iliofibularis; the m. fibularis longus is strongly aponeurotic; the m. tibialis cranialis lacks an accessory tendons and the m. flexor hallucis longus has one place of origin, instead of two. The presence of the m. flexor cruris lateralis can be distinguished as it has been described absent for the Falconidae. We associated its presence with the predominant terrestrial habit of the M. chimango. Each muscle dissected was weighed and the relationship between flexors and extensors at each joint was assessed. The extensor muscles predominated in all joints in M. chimango. Among the flexors, the m. flexor hallucis longus was the heaviest, which could be related to the importance of the use of its talons to obtain food. J. Morphol. 274:1191–1201, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The hypotheses suggested by Chitty (1960) and by Charnov and Finerty (1980) in order to explain the occurrence of the microtine density cycle are investigated from a theoretical point of view. The former hypothesis assumes that the polymorphic behavioural patterns being observed in natural populations are genetically determined whereas the latter assumes these polymorphic behavioural patterns to be environmentally determined. For both theories we assume a patchy environment with dispersal between patches.We find, on the basis of a series of mathematical models comparing the two hypotheses, that Chitty's hypothesis does not seem to generate cycles whereas the Charnov-Finerty hypothesis may generate persistent density cycles: this is particularly so if dispersing individuals have the capacity to choose which patch to settle in and if the carrying capacity of each patch is high.Work carried out while HWD was visiting the Dept. of Biology, Division of Zoology, University of Oslo on a Norwegian Government Scholarship  相似文献   

1. The electrophoretic mobilities of the hemoglobins of 7 taxa of microtines were compared. Microtus oeconomus, M. pennsylvanicus pullatus and M. xanthognatus showed identical 2-band patterns on electrophoresis of their hemoglobins while M. pennsylvanicus tananaensis showed only a single hemoglobin corresponding to the major band of the others. Dicrostonyx rubricatus and D. stevensoni exhibited identical patterns different from the Microtus species. Lemmus sibiricus had a slow hemoglobin component with mobility slightly different from the slow ones of the Microtus species while the fast component appeared the same. 2. Electrophoresis of individual globin chains from hemolysates, purified hemoglobins, and isolated chains indicated a large degree of similarity between the species studied, although there were significant differences in hemoglobin patterns. 3. The minor hemoglobin band in Microtus seems to be the result of a second alpha chain locus as determined from the hemoglobins from hybrids of two subspecies. 4. Salting-out studies indicated differences between hemoglobins that were not detectable by electrophoresis of either whole hemoglobins or isolated chains. 5. M. xanthognathus hemolysate was considerably less soluble than those of M. oeconomus and M. pennsylvanicus pullatus which had essentially the same solubility. 6. The major hemoglobin components of M. pennsylvanicus pullatus and M. xanthognathus were considerably less soluble than either the corresponding unfractionated hemolysates or purified minor components.  相似文献   

The musculature of the shoulder, arm, and forearm was studied in 19 genera of squirrels, representing the Pteromyinae (flying squirrels) and all 7 tribes of the Sciurinae (tree and ground squirrels). The objective was to locate derived anatomical features of functional or phylogenetic significance and to determine how much morphological variation underlies the diverse locomotor behavior of squirrels, which includes terrestrial and arboreal bounding, climbing, digging, and gliding. The fossil evidence suggests that arboreality is primitive for squirrels, and in fact tree squirrels appear to represent the primitive sciurid morphology. Ground squirrels are less uniform and exhibit a few derived features, including a clavobrachialis muscle not seen in other squirrels. Pygmy tree squirrels, which have evolved independently in three tribes, exhibit convergence of forelimb anatomy, including the loss or reduction of several muscles in the shoulder and forearm. The forelimb anatomy of flying squirrels is the most derived and differs from that of tree squirrels in details of shoulder, arm, and forearm musculature. Some of these muscular differences among squirrels have phylogenetic significance, being shared by closely related genera, but none has significance above the tribal level. Many of the differences suggest a variety of changes in function that are amenable to further study. J. Morphol. 234:155–182, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. We studied the spatial distribution of avian microtine predators using data from 19 study areas on the tundra of northern Siberia.
2. Numbers of snowy owls, and long-tailed skuas and pomarine skuas depended strongly on lemming density. However, a significant relationship between lemming density and number of rough-legged buzzards appeared first after removal of the effect of snowy owl abundance on the distribution of rough-legged buzzards.
3. We applied a recently developed method (Manly 1995) to examine co-occurrences of species and found that rough-legged buzzards and snowy owls did not co-occur while snowy owls, long-tailed skuas and pomarine skuas did.
4. There are large differences in nest construction and chick behaviour between rough-legged buzzards and the three other species. Moreover, the snow owl is a polyphagous predator preying also on large birds including raptor chicks. Therefore, we propose that reduced risk of nest predation favours rough-legged buzzards nesting away from snowy owls.
5. Variations in abundance of the two lemming species did not seem to influence the distributions of snowy owls and rough-legged buzzards. Neither was it likely that latitudinally related factors such as breeding season length affected the distribution of rough-legged buzzards.  相似文献   

We studied the hindlimb myology of the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). Like all parrots, it has zygodactyl feet enabling perching, climbing, hanging, moving easily among trees, and handling food. Muscles were described and weighed, and physiological cross‐sectional area (PCSA) of four flexors and one extensor was calculated. In comparison to other muscles, the M. tibialis cranialis and the M. fibularis brevis show increased development and high PCSA values, and therefore, large potential force production. Also, a large proportion of muscle mass was involved in flexing the digits. We hypothesize that these muscle traits are associated with the arboreal locomotion and food manipulation habits. In the monk parakeet, the M. extensor digitorum longus sends a branch to the hallux, and the connection between the M. flexor digitorum longus and the M. flexor hallucis longus is type I (Gadow's classification). We reaffirm the presence of the M. ambiens as a plesiomorphic condition that disappears in most members of the order. Among Psittaciformes, the M. fibularis brevis is stronger and the M. fibularis weaker in arboreal species than in basal terrestrial ones (e.g., Strigops). J. Morphol. 275:732–744, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An isolated track from the latest Campanian–Maastrichtian Wapiti Formation (Alberta) is tentatively identified as a pterosaur manus print. The basic digital formula (digit I < digit II < digit III) is consistent with the plesiomorphic condition in pterosaurs. The track measures 25.5 cm in length, making it the largest putative pterosaur manus print (estimated wingspan 7.7 m) from North America. Although precise chronostratigraphic data are lacking, sedimentary evidence indicates the track comes from a mid‐ to late Campanian fluvial deposits that accumulated approximately 400 km from the closest shoreline within a high‐latitude (65°N) setting.  相似文献   

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