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Experimentally produced monozygotic twins, natural opposite sex blood chimeras (freemartins), and several pedigrees were used to evaluate the genetic influences on the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) patterns in cattle. In monozygotic twins, the NOR patterns of both twins are extremely similar. In chimeras, NOR patterns of genetically identical, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from the two partners resemble each other. In contrast, genetically different PBL (sib organ) differ significantly in the same environment. A high heritability of the individual NOR patterns is also demonstrated in our 23 pedigrees. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that variation in NOR expression is predominantly due to genetic factors.  相似文献   

Ectopic nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in human testicular tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investigation of nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in hematopoietic malignancies has indicated that the distribution and rearrangement of these regions may be more important in malignant tissues than is their number. In one of the few studies thus far reported on NORs in human solid tumors, we describe here Ag-NORs in a group of human testicular germ-cell tumors and the corresponding patients. Four of seven malignancies demonstrated consistent ectopic NORs; explanations could include chromosomal rearrangement (insertion?) or derepression of preexisting inactive NORs.  相似文献   

G K Isakova 《Genetika》1992,28(8):60-68
Ag-NOR patterns were studied in hepatocytes from nine mink embryo siblings, including a pair of monochorionic (presumably monozygotic, MZ) twins. Both the number and the size of Ag-NORs per cell were found to be identical in MZ twins. All the other sibs had the patterns different from each other and from the MZ ones. The conclusion is that the NORs activity is a strongly inherited character and the Ag-NOR pattern can be used as a reliable genetic marker to distinguish the twin zygosity.  相似文献   

Summary The Ag stainability of the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was studied in the acrocentric chromosomes identified by Q banding of cultured lymphocytes in 41 karyotypically normal persons (33 males and 8 females) originating from southeast Estonia. The data obtained are compared with those established earlier for a combined Vienna-Ulm population of 51 karyotypically normal persons (see Mikelsaar et al., 1977a). Significant differences between the two populations in the frequency and patterns of Ag-positive NORs were found. The following findings were most striking: the frequency of Ag-positive NORs in chromosome 14 and in the totals was significantly lower in the Estonian population than in the Vienna-Ulm population (P<0.01). The average modal number of Ag-positive NORs per individual was 7.8 in the Estonian population and 8.7 in the Vienna-Ulm sample (P<0.01). If the data of the two populations were combined the frequency of positive NORs was significantly (P<0.05) lower in chromosome 22 than in 13,15, and 21, but not 14.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of acrocentric chromosomes in 70 normal East Indians were examined by Ag-staining (NSG) and acridine orange reverse banding (RFA) techniques. The Ag-stainability of NORs was variable from one individual to another but characteristics were constant within each individual. The average modal number of Agpositive NORs per individual was eight. A racial difference in the expression of NORs is suggested. to study the heteromorphism of NORs, the NSG technique was found to be more useful than RFA. Furthermore, it is concluded that there is no direct relationship between a heteromorphism of NORs identified by NSG and that identified by the RFA technique. Quantitative data on these differences is provided. In addition NOR-regions are classified into five sizes namely; very large, large, medium, small, and very small using subjectively defined criteria.  相似文献   

Silver nitrate has been used to demonstrate the chromosomal location of ribosomal cistrons in nine tissue-culture lines derived from human tumors of various pathological origins. Control individuals have a particular modal number (range 7--10) of D- and G-group chromosomes stained with silver. In the controls, 96.2% of the D- and G-group chromosomes that have a stalk show silver staining, while no relationship can be seen in acrocentric chromosomes without stalks. The tumor cells, whose modal chromosome numbers range from 42 to 68, possess variable numbers of acrocentrics (11--18). The number of chromosomes stained with silver, however, remained at control levels (range, 6--9). These data indicate that, in humans, silver staining may not identify all NORs that contain structural ribosomal genes.  相似文献   

AgNOR staining technique was tested in ovarian epithelial tumors to evaluate its diagnostic potential in distinguishing between borderline tumors and well-differentiated carcinomas. In our opinion, the AgNOR count appears useful for assessing differences only between borderline and well-differentiated serous ovarian tumors at stage I of FIGO clinical advancement.  相似文献   

Chromosomes with active nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) were visualized in root tip metaphases ofPhaseolus coccineus using the silver staining technique. A mean number of 5.5 Ag-NORs per cell was observed in 54 cells from eight plants. In the endopolyploid nuclei of the suspensor the silver technique did not demonstrate the reported specificity for nucleolus organizer activity, because there was usually pale staining of nucleoli and preferential staining of heterochromatic regions in the polytene chromosomes including pericentromeric material, telomeres and NORs. The mean number of NORs per nucleolus as detected by this method was 5.8 (28 nucleoli analysed). Using a modified preparation technique, giant chromosomes stained pale, but nucleoli of suspensor cells displayed darkly silver staining internal domains, each of which originating from a nucleolus organizer.—Giemsa C-banding of endopolyploid suspensor nuclei revealed C-positive nucleolus organizers with darkly staining intranucleolar fibrils. The latter were frequently involved in inter-NOR associations. In 34 nucleoli analysed, the mean number of Giemsa C-positive NORs per nucleolus was 6.0.Dedicated to Professor Dr.Lothar Geitler on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

A methodology has been developed for binding oligodeoxyribonucleotide ’third strands’ to duplex DNA targets in fixed but not additionally denatured metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei under conditions found to be optimal in solution. Third-strand in situ hybridization (TISH) at pH 6.0 of a psoralen- and biotin-modified 16-nucleotide homopyrimidine third strand to a unique multicopy target sequence in human chromosome 17 α-satellite (D17Z1 locus) is described. UVA-photofixed third strands, rendered fluorescent by fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled avidin, are reproducibly centromere-specific for chromosome 17, and visible without amplification of the signal in lymphocyte and somatic cell hybrid spreads and interphase nuclei. Two third-strand-specific D17Z1 haplotypes were identified. TISH has potential diagnostic, biochemical, and flow cytometric applicability to native metaphase and interphase chromatin. Received: 1 October 1998; in revised form: 22 December 1998 / Accepted: 12 February 1999  相似文献   

The one-step silver technique was applied to semithin Lowicryl sections of root meristem cells of Allium cepa and a human tumor cell line (TG cells). In vegetal cells, after 5 min of staining reaction, the Ag-NOR proteins formed ring-shaped structures peripherally within the nucleolus. In animal cells silver granules were distributed over the entire nucleolus. The specificity of the staining reaction was increased by incubation of the sections in NH4Cl and Schiff's reagent prior to Ag-NOR silver staining.  相似文献   

Variation in the number and chromosomal location of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) was studied in the house mouse, Mus musculus (2n=40). From an origin in Western Asia, this species colonized the Middle East, Europe and Asia. This expansion was accompanied by diversification into five subspecies. NOR diversity was revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization using 18S and 28S probes on specimens spanning Asia to Western Europe. The results showed that the house mouse genome possessed a large number of NOR-bearing autosomes and a surprisingly high rate of polymorphism for the presence/absence of rRNA genes on all these chromosomes. All NOR sites were adjacent to the centromere except for two that were telomeric. Subspecific differentiation established from the NOR frequency data was concordant with the overall pattern of radiation proposed from molecular studies, but highlighted several discrepancies that need to be further addressed. NOR diversity in M. musculus consisted of a large number of polymorphic NORs that were common to at least two subspecies, and a smaller number of NORs that were unique to one subspecies. The most parsimonious scenario argues in favor of a subspecific differentiation by lineage sorting of ancestral NOR polymorphisms; only the unique NORs would have appeared by inter-chromosomal transposition, except for the two telomeric ones that may have originated by hybridization with another species. Such a scenario provides an alternative view from the one prevailing in most systematic and phylogenetic analyses that NORs have a high transposition rate due to concerted evolution of rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Nucleolar organizer region (NOR) silver staining was applied to sections of fixed material. A positive reaction on cryo-ultrathin sections was found as well as on semithin and ultrathin Lowicryl sections. Repeatable staining that was easy to control was obtained by a one-step procedure after aldehyde-Carnoy fixation. Fixation of the material by formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde alone in cacodylate buffer also maintained reaction selectivity when ammonium chloride was used after fixation. Enzymatic digestion by pronase, RNase A, DNase I, or micrococcal nuclease was applied to ultrathin Lowicryl sections. Pronase digestion removed the silver-stained proteins, whereas digestion by the nucleases did not. A routine procedure is proposed for easy NOR silver staining of sections that preserves a good tissue ultrastructure and is also compatible with cytochemical and immunological investigations.  相似文献   

The possibility of determining chromosomal sex using in situ hybridization of X-specific alphoid DNA probe with interphase human nuclei is studied. Total number of nuclei under study being 14806, more than 85 percent of female ones and more than 95 per cent of male ones are shown to contain two and one grain clusters, respectively. The minor nuclear classes, i.e. containing other numbers of grain clusters, may reflect the effects of polyploidization and cluster aggregation resulting from spatial chromosome distribution. Therefore the positive analysis of sex chromosome constitution on the base of the applied method is possible.  相似文献   

Linkage of the chicken major histocompatibility complex (B-complex) to the nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) has been confirmed in situ. Nonradioactive hybridization to metaphase chromosomes using a pool of biotinylated cDNA probes for the B-F, B-L beta, and B-G genes of the B-complex gave positive signals on one or a pair of microchromosomes. Subsequent staining with silver nitrate proved these microchromosomes to be the NOR-bearing pair. The value of employing nonisotopic in situ hybridization techniques for mapping of genes and gene complexes, especially when dealing with microchromosomes, is stressed.  相似文献   

Nucleolus-associated bodies (NABs) have long been noted in interphase nuclei of a wide variety of plant species. We have recently shown that these bodies consist largely of snRNPs and that they are located on the nucleolar surface in the immediate vicinity of the nucleolar organizer tracks. The present study revealed that, following exposure of roots to KCN, an agent that induces nucleolar segregation, NABs were intimately associated with intranucleolar chromatin. Although immunocytochemical tests with anti-DNA indicated that NABs contained no demonstrable amounts of DNA, our observations nevertheless add further support to the notion that these bodies are somehow related to the nucleolar chromosomes.  相似文献   

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