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We calculate, using the first law of thermodynamics, the membrane heat fluxes during active transport of Ca2+ in the Ca2+-ATPase in leaky and intact vesicles, during ATP hydrolysis or synthesis conditions. The results show that the vesicle interior may cool down during hydrolysis and Ca2+-uptake, and heat up during ATP synthesis and Ca2+-efflux. The heat flux varies with the SERCA isoform. Electroneutral processes and rapid equilibration of water were assumed. The results are consistent with the second law of thermodynamics for the overall processes. The expression for the heat flux and experimental data, show that important contributions come from the enthalpy of hydrolysis for the medium in question, and from proton transport between the vesicle interior and exterior. The analysis give quantitative support to earlier proposals that certain, but not all, Ca2+-ATPases, not only act as Ca2+-pumps, but also as heat pumps. It can thus help explain why SERCA 1 type enzymes dominate in tissues where thermal regulation is important, while SERCA 2 type enzymes, with their lower activity and better ability to use the energy from the reaction to pump ions, dominate in tissues where this is not an issue.
Signe KjelstrupEmail:

Summary The Ca2+ binding site region of the Ca2+ — ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum was labeled with several fluorescent analogs of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. As has been shown by Chadwick and Thomas [1, 2], in the absence of Ca2+ in the medium, labeling with the naphthyl carbodiimide results in the inhibition of enzyme activity. Further, Ca2+ occupancy of the high affinity sites of the enzyme protects against incorporation into the site(s). The fluorescent carbodiimide has been used to determine the depth of the site of label incorporation relative to the aqueous-bilayer interfaces by quenching studies using spin-labeled fatty acid derivatives. The series of quenchers used have their spin-label moiety located at different positions along the fatty acid chain. It was found that after suitable correction for differences in partitioning of the various derivatives, the order of quenching efficiency was 16 - > 12- > 10- > 7- > 5-NS, indicating that the naphthyl moiety is near the center of the bilayer. In contrast, quenching with the aqueous-restricted I indicated that the label is accessible from the external milieu, likewise for a presumed aqueous quencher, acrylamide. The aqueous quenchers accessibilities were altered upon Ca2+ binding to the ATPase. Quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence with the x-NS derivatives indicates that the ATPase tryptophan residues are primarily localized at the aqueous-membrane interfaces, with the order of quenching being 5- > 7- > 10- > 12- > 16-NS. The trp residue(s) which changes its fluorescence upon Ca2+ binding is shown to be near the membrane surface.  相似文献   

When a purified preparation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2(+)-ATPase was labeled with 0.3 mM 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) in 1 mM AMPPNP and 1 mM CaCl2 at 25 degrees C and pH 7.0 for 60 min and then was treated with 10 mM dithiothreitol for 7 min, about 1 mol of NBD was incorporated per mol of the enzyme, and this inhibited the enzyme activity by 90 to 95%. The modified residue was identified as Cys-344 that is located near the phosphorylation site of the ATPase, Asp-351. The NBD-inhibition of enzyme activity could be reversed by treatment with membrane-acting agents such as C12E8, suggesting that Cys-344 is not directly involved in enzyme catalysis. A detailed study of partial reactions of ATP hydrolysis by the modified enzyme and associated changes in the fluorescence intensity of the incorporated NBD label revealed that a predominant effect of the NBD-modification was the inhibition of Ca2+ release from the ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate and that two major fluorescent states of the enzyme alternated during ATP hydrolysis. The latter fluorescent data are consistent with the E1-E2 model of Ca2(+)-ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle stores Ca2+ in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and releases it to initiate contraction, but the concentration of luminal Ca2+ in the SR ([Ca2+]SR) and the amount that is released by physiological or pharmacological stimulation has been difficult to measure. Here we present a novel, yet simple and direct, method that provides the first quantitative estimates of static content and dynamic changes in [Ca2+]SR in mammalian skeletal muscle, to our knowledge. The method uses fluo-5N loaded into the SR of single, mammalian skeletal muscle cells (murine flexor digitorum brevis myofibers) and confocal imaging to detect and calibrate the signals. Using this method, we have determined that [Ca2+]SR, free is 390 μM. 4-Chloro-m-cresol, an activator of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor, reduces [Ca2+]SR, free to ∼8 μM, when values are corrected for background fluorescence from cytoplasmic pools of dye. Prolonged electrical stimulation (10 s) at 50 Hz releases 88% of the SR Ca2+ content, whereas stimulation at 1 Hz (10 s) releases only 20%. Our results lay the foundation for molecular modeling of the dynamics of luminal SR Ca2+ and for future studies of the role of SR Ca2+ in healthy and diseased mammalian muscle.  相似文献   

In this work, the temperature dependence of the sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) -ATPase (SERCA2) activity from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss cardiac ventricles was measured and compared with the mammalian SERCA2 isoform. The rate of ATP-dependent Ca(2+) transport catalysed by O. mykiss vesicles was totally abolished by thapsigargin and the Ca(2+) ionophore A(23187) . At warm temperatures (25 and 30° C), the SERCA2 from O. mykiss ventricles displayed the same rate of Ca(2+) uptake. At 35° C, the activity of the O. mykiss enzyme decreased after 20 min of reaction time. The rate of Ca(2+) uptake catalysed by the mammalian SERCA2 was temperature dependent exhibiting its maximal activity at 35° C. In contrast to the rate of Ca(2+) uptake, the rate of ATP hydrolysis catalysed by O. mykiss SERCA2 was not significantly different at 25 and 35° C, but the rate of ATP hydrolysis catalysed by the rat Rattus norvegicus SERCA2 isoform at 35° C was two-fold higher than at 25° C. At low temperatures (5 to 20° C), the rate of Ca(2+) uptake from O. mykiss SR was less temperature dependent than the R. norvegicus isoform, being able to sustain a high activity even at 5° C. The mean ±s.e. Q(10) values calculated from 25 to 35° C for ATP hydrolysis were 1·112 ± 0·026 (n = 3) and 2·759 ± 0·240 (n = 5) for O. mykiss and R. norvegicus, respectively. Taken together, the results show that the O. mykiss SERCA2 was not temperature dependent over the 10 to 25° C temperature interval commonly experienced by the animal in vivo. The Q(10) value of SERCA2 was significantly lower in O. mykiss than R. norvegicus which may be key for cardiac function over the wide environmental temperatures experienced in this eurythermal fish.  相似文献   

The (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum, when labelled at two Ca2+-protected sites with N-cyclohexyl-N′-(4-dimethylamino-α-naphthyl)carbodiimide (NCD-4) retains Ca2+ binding capacity at the sites with Kd values of approx. 3 μM and 0.12 mM as assessed by fluorescence titration. The sites correspond to the two high-affinity Ca2+ binding sites present in the native ATPase. The NCD-4 labelled ATPase exhibits slow conformational changes at each site on addition of Ca2+. It retains the ability to form phosphoenzyme, and can most likely translocate Ca2+.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is composed of two fractions, the heavy fraction that contains proteins involved in Ca2?+? release, and the light fraction enriched in Ca2?+?-ATPase (SERCA), an enzyme responsible for Ca2?+? transport from the cytosol to the lumen of SR. It is known that in red muscle thyroid hormones regulate the expression of SERCA 1 and SERCA 2 isoforms. Here we show the effects of thyroid hormone on SERCA expression and distribution in light and heavy SR fractions from rabbit white and red muscles. In hyperthyroid red muscle there is an increase of SERCA 1 and a decrease of SERCA 2 expression. This is far more pronounced in the heavy than in the light SR fraction. As a result, the rates of Ca2?+?- ATPase activity and Ca2?+?-uptake by the heavy vesicles are increased. In hypothyroidism we observed a decrease in SERCA 1 and no changes in the amount of SERCA 2 expressed. This promoted a decrease of both Ca2?+?-uptake and Ca2?+?-ATPase activity. While the major differences in hyperthyroidism were found in the heavy SR fraction, the effects of hypothyroidism were restricted to light SR fraction. In white muscle we did not observe any significant changes in either hypo- or hyperthyroidism in both SR fractions. Thus, the regulation of SERCA isoforms by thyroid hormones is not only muscle specific but also varies depending on the subcellular compartment analyzed. These changes might correspond to the molecular basis of the altered contraction and relaxation rates detected in thyroid dysfunction.  相似文献   

Since gravistimulation is followed by alterations in the external current symmetry (Behrens et al., 1982), the effect of gravistimulation on cellular membrane potential was investigated using conventional glass microelectrode techniques. The resting potential of statocytes in a vertically oriented root is approx. -118 mV. Upon gravistimulation, the membrane potential is temporarily depolarized (lag time = 2 s) to a potential of approx. -93 mV. This depolarization is only observed in statocytes located on the physically lower root flank while those on the corresponding upper flank become weakly hyperpolarized (approx. -13 mV). These results reflect altered ion fluxes across the plasma membrane. The perception of gravistimulus was suggested to result from a pressure of the amyloplasts on the distal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the statocytes (Sievers and Volkmann, 1972). A causal relationship between changes in ER-amyloplast interactions and the rapid alterations in plasma membrane potential described above is not known. A candidate for such an intracellular messenger is Ca2+. As a first step in establishing the validity of such an assumption, we have isolated ER membranes from roots. When incubated with micromolar concentrations of Ca2+, the vesicular membrane fraction accumulates Ca2+. The accumulation is ATP-dependent and -specific and is directly coupled to ATP hydrolysis since a protonophore shows no inhibitory effect. Thus, in analogy to the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle, regulation of an ER-localized Ca2+ compartment might be an important step in such complex processes as stimulus-transduction in gravitropism.  相似文献   

Canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum is phosphorylated by an endogenous calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and phosphorylation occurs mainly on a 27 kDa proteolipid, called phospholamban. To determine whether this phosphorylation has any effect on Ca2+ release, sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were phosphorylated by the calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, while non-phosphorylated vesicles were preincubated under identical conditions but in the absence of ATP to avoid phosphorylation. Both non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated vesicles were centrifuged to remove calmodulin, and subsequently used for Ca2+ release studies. Calcium loading was carried out either by the active calcium pump or by incubation with high (5 mM) calcium for longer periods. Phosphorylation of sarcoplasmic reticulum by calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinase had no appreciable effect on the initial rates of Ca2+ released from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles loaded under passive conditions and on the apparent 45Ca2+40Ca2+ exchange from cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles loaded under active conditions. Thus, it appears that calcium · calmodulin-dependent protein kinase mediated phosphorylation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum is not involved in the regulation of Ca2+ release and 45Ca2+40Ca2+ exchange.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-ATPase antagonists quercetin and ethacrynic acid accelerated the onset of the acrosome reaction in guinea-pig spermatozoa incubated in the continuous presence of Ca2+, whereas furosemide had no effect, and sodium orthovanadate only affected sperm motility. When spermatozoa were preincubated in a 'Ca2+-free' medium, quercetin and ethacrynic acid shortened capacitation time: spermatozoa incubated for 1 h in 100-200 microM-ethacrynic acid showed 60-80% acrosome reactions when Ca2+ was added. Such spermatozoa were able to fertilize zona-free hamster eggs. Our results therefore point to the possible involvement of a Ca2+-ATPase in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ in spermatozoa. Cysteine and dithiothreitol, both disulphide reducing agents, prevented the effects of quercetin and ethacrynic acid, suggesting that sulphydryl groups may be important for the expression of Ca2+-ATPase activity. Lysophosphatidylserine (LS) also prevented the stimulatory effect of ethacrynic acid, an effect similar to that shown by LS on lysophosphatidylcholine (LC). It is argued that both LS and LC could exert their action through an effect on the Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

Light and heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were isolated from rabbit leg muscle using a combination of differential centrifugation and isophycnic zonal ultracentrifugation. Light sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles obtained from the 30–32.5% and heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles obtained from the 38.5–42% sucrose regions of the linear sucrose gradient were determined to be free of surface and mitochondrial membrane contamination by marker enzyme analysis and electron microscopy. Thin sections of the light vesicles revealed empty vesicles of various sizes and shapes. Freeze-fracture replicas of the light vesicles showed an asymmetric distribution of intramembranous particles with the same orientation and distribution as the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum in vivo. Heavy vesicles appeared as rounded vesicles of uniform size filled with electron dense material, similar to that seen in the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasmic surface of the membrane was decorated by membrane projections, closely resembling the ‘feet’ which join the sarcoplasmic reticulum to the transverse tubules in the intact muscle fiber. Freeze-fracture replicas of the heavy vesicles revealed an asymmetric distribution of particles which in some areas of the vesicle's surface are larger and less densely aggregated than those of the light vesicles. In the best quality replicas, some regions of the luminal leaflet were not smooth but showed evidence of pits. These structural details are characteristic of the area of sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane which is covered by the ‘feet’ in the intact muscle.Heavy vesicles contained greater than six times the calcium content of light vesicles, 54 vs. 9 nmol Ca2+/μl of water space. After KCl washing both contained less than 4 nmol Ca2+/μl of water space. Although they transported at the same rate and the same total amount of calcium, the rate of passive Ca2+ efflux from the heavy vesicles was double that of light vesicles. The higher rate of calcium efflux from the heavy vesicles was inhibited by dantrolene, an inhibitor of Ca2+ release. High resolution sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis showed that the light vesicles contained predominantly Ca2+-ATPase along with several approx. 55 000-dalton proteins and a 5000-dalton proteolipid, while the heavy vesicles contained Ca2+-ATPase and calsequestrin along with several approx. 55 000-dalton proteins, extrinsic 34 000- and 38 000-dalton proteins, intrinsic 30 000- and 33 000-dalton proteins and two proteolipids of 5000 and 9000 daltons. KCl washing of the heavy vesicles removed both the approx. 34 000- and 38 000-dalton proteins, and the ‘sarcoplasmic reticulum feet’ were no longer seen on the heavy vesicles. The KCl supernatant was enriched in the 34 000- and 38 000-dalton proteins, indicating that these proteins are possible components of the sarcoplasmic reticulum feet. The biochemical and morphological data strongly support the view that the light vesicles are derived from the longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum and that the heavy vesicles are derived from the terminal cisternae containing junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane with the intact ‘sarcoplasmic reticulum feet’.  相似文献   

Under appropriate conditions, the interaction of the plant alkaloid ryanodine with a single cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-release channel results in a profound modification of both channel gating and conduction. On modification, the channel undergoes a dramatic increase in open probability and a change in single-channel conductance. In this paper we aim to provide a mechanistic framework for the interpretation of the altered conductance seen after ryanodine binding to the channel protein. To do this we have characterized single-channel conductance with representative members of three classes of permeant cation; group 1a monovalent cations, alkaline earth divalent cations, and organic monovalent cations. We have quantified the change in single-channel conductance induced by ryanodine and have expressed this as a fraction of conductance in the absence of ryanodine. Fractional conductance seen in symmetrical 210 mM solutions is not fixed but varies with the nature of the permeant cation. The group 1a monovalent cations (K+, Na+, Cs+, Li+) have values of fractional conductance in a narrow range (0.60- 0.66). With divalent cations fractional conductance is considerably lower (Ba2+, 0.22 and Sr2+, 0.28), whereas values of fractional conductance vary considerably with the organic monovalent cations (ammonia 0.66, ethylamine 0.76, propanolamine 0.65, diethanolamine 0.92, diethylamine 1.2). To establish the mechanisms governing these differences, we have monitored the affinity of the conduction pathway for, and the relative permeability of, representative cations in the ryanodine-modified channel. These parameters have been compared with those obtained in previous studies from this laboratory using the channel in the absence of ryanodine and have been modeled by modifying our existing single-ion, four-barrier three-well rate theory model of conduction in the unmodified channel. Our findings indicate that the high affinity, essentially irreversible, interaction of ryanodine with the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-release channel produces a conformational alteration of the protein which results in modified ion handling. We suggest that, on modification, the affinity of the channel for the group 1a monovalent cations is increased while the relative permeability of this class of cations remains essentially unaltered. The affinity of the conduction pathway for the alkaline earth divalent cations is also increased, however the relative permeability of this class of cations is reduced compared to the unmodified channel. The influence of modification on the handling by the channel of the organic monovalent cations is determined by both the size and the nature of the cation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Immunosenescence is viewed as a remodeling process with the exhaustion of na?ve T cells and filling up of the immunological space with memory cells. In this study some phenotypic changes of CD8(+) human cells during in vivo ageing were compared with those observed in long term cultures of lymphocytes derived from cord blood or from peripheral blood from donors of different age. Both in vivo and in vitro a significant decrease of the fraction of CD8(+)CD28(+) cells was observed. Comparing the proportions of other T cell subpopulations (the CD4/CD8(+) ratio, CD56, CD57, CD27) made it possible to conclude that replicative senescence in vitro partially reflects in vivo ageing.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum is a heterogeneous compartment with respect to the distribution of its Ca2+-handling proteins, namely the Ca2+-binding proteins, the Ca2+ pumps and the Ca2+ release channels. The nonuniform distribution of these proteins may explain the functional heterogeneity of the endoplasmic reticulum, such as the generation of spatially complex Ca2+ signals, Ca2+ homeostasis, and protein folding and quality control.  相似文献   

The analysis of binding between cationic PAMAM G5 dendrimer and anionic fluorescent probe using fluorescence and equilibrium dialysis has been made. It was found that at low concentrations of ANS the double fluorimetric titration technique can be successfully used for quantitative analysis of binding of ANS to dendrimer. Based on fluorescence and dialysis data the constants of binding and the number of binding centers were calculated for binding of ANS to PAMAM G5 dendrimer: K(b) is approx. (0.5-1)x10(5)M(-1) and n is (0.5-0.7).  相似文献   

Cultures of Achlya sp., Phytophthora cinnamomi, Saprolegnia diclina, S. ferax, and S. parasitica, treated with 6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate solution, accumulate 6-carboxyfluorescein in a reticulate system of fine tubules. The network shows longitudinal polarity within the hyphae, tubules being finest toward the hyphal tips. In more mature subapical regions the network is connected with large vacuoles that also accumulate 6-carboxyfluorescein. A morphologically similar system has also been identified in freeze-substituted hyphae of S. ferax. The network is considered to be vacuolar, but differs from the tubular vacuole system of true fungi in that tubules are less motile, more frequently branched, and do not alternate with clusters of spherical vacuoles. The appearance of the network resembles patterns of calcium-sensitive dye staining and it is suggested that the vacuolar reticulum in the tip region of oomycete hyphae may act as a Ca2+ sink. The tubular reticulum in oomycetes is very fragile and can be shown with 6-carboxyfluorescein in only those hyphal tips with a motility and organelle distribution characteristic of growing hyphae with normal morphology. Diverse abnormal hyphae show a range of other fluorochrome localizations. These include large irregular compartments filled with fluorochrome, and fluorescent cytoplasm with organelles and vacuoles standing out in negative contrast. These localizations in abnormal hyphae are correlated with other structural changes indicative of damage. Special care is required in experiments with oomycetes to avoid such artefacts of localization. Copyright 1997 Academic Press. Copyright 1997 Academic Press  相似文献   

Scarab beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) have been used to investigate the effects of environmental disturbances on forest structure and diversity. This group is recognized as sensitive to habitat perturbations and ecosystem changes. Here we examine the effects of anthropogenic impacts on Scarabaeidae composition, testing the following hypotheses: (1) Scarab beetle communities react to land use disturbances with predictable trends, (2) disturbed habitats are able to retain only a part of the Scarab beetle community of native forests or late secondary forests; (3) habitats largely differ in terms of species richness, taxonomic diversity and ecological composition, supporting exclusive and indicator species. We selected areas of native forest, agriculture, pasture for extensive livestock and secondary forests in different stages of regeneration. Our results show that the Scarabaeidae species were not indifferent to the gradient of structural changes represented by the studied areas. In fact, their patterns of habitat preference reveals communities more abundant and diverse in pristine habitats. In contrast, disturbed habitats, dominated by agricultural activities and pasture, indicated clear detrimental effects on the abundance of all forest Scarab beetle specialists. On the other hand, the generalist species, mainly associated with open environments, seemed to be favoured by the prevailing conditions induced by agricultural activities. Overall, the composition of the Scarab beetle communities is variable and sensitive to those structural gradients and, therefore, capable of responding as useful ecological indicators for assessing the extent of land use change or degradation.  相似文献   

As a major Ca2+ pump in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the cardiomyocyte, SERCA2a (sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2a) controls the relaxation and contraction of the cardiomyocyte. It is meticulously regulated by adapting its expression levels and affinity for Ca2+ ions to the physiological demand of the heart. Dysregulation of the SERCA2a activity entails poor cardiomyocyte contractility, resulting in heart failure. Conversely, improving cardiac SERCA2a activity, e.g. by boosting its expression level or by increasing its affinity for Ca2+, is a promising strategy to rescue contractile dysfunction of the failing heart. The structures of the related SERCA1a Ca2+ pump and the Na+/K+-ATPase of the plasma membrane exposed the pumping mechanism and conserved domain architecture of these ion pumps. However, how the Ca2+ affinity of SERCA2a is regulated at the molecular level remained unclear. A structural and functional analysis of the closely related SERCA2b Ca2+ pump, i.e. the housekeeping Ca2+ pump found in the endoplasmic reticulum and the only SERCA isoform characterized by a high Ca2+ affinity, aimed to fill this gap. We demonstrated the existence of a novel and highly conserved site on the SERCA2 pump mediating Ca2+ affinity regulation by the unique C-terminus of SERCA2b (2b-tail). It differs from the earlier-described target site of the affinity regulator phospholamban. Targeting this novel site may provide a new approach to improve SERCA2a function in the failing heart. Strikingly, the intramembrane interaction site of the 2b-tail in SERCA2b shares sequence and structural homology with the binding site of the β-subunit on the α Na+/K+-ATPase. Thus P-type ATPases seem to have developed related mechanisms of regulation, and it is a future challenge for us to discover these general principles of P-type regulation.  相似文献   

The inhibitory action of caffeine on calcium (Ca2+) release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and interference with mitochondrial (Ca2+) fluxes by a mitochondrial uncoupler protonfore CCCP were utilized to define a calcium pool responsible for potentiation of post-rest twitch tension in guinea-pig atria. The Ca2+ fluxes were assessed by means of 45Ca2+. Caffeine and CCCP when applied separately did not affect post-rat 45Ca2+ content. Yet, when they were applied together it was markedly reduced to the resting level. It is concluded that a possible source of contractile Ca2+ may be located in mitochondria and an eventual shift of Ca2+ between mitochondria and the SR seems to be a plausible assumption.  相似文献   

On solubilization with Triton X-100 of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles isolated by differential centrifugation, the Ca2+-ATPase is selectively extracted while approximately half of the initial Mg2+-, or ‘basal’, ATPase remains in the Triton X-100 insoluble residue. The insoluble fraction, which does not contain the 100 000 dalton polypeptide of the Ca2+-ATPase, contains high levels of cytochrome c oxidase. Furthermore, its Mg2+-ATPase activity is inhibited by specific inhibitors of mitochondrial ATPase, indicating that the ‘basal’ ATPase separated from the Ca2+-ATPase by detergent extraction originates from mitochondrial contaminants.To minimize mitochondrial contamination, sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were fractionated by sedimentation in discontinuous sucrose density gradients into four fractions: heavy, intermediate and light, comprising among them 90–95% of the initial sarcoplasmic reticulum protein, and a very light fraction, which contains high levels of Mg2+-ATPase. Only the heavy, intermediate and light fractions originate from sarcoplasmic reticulum; the very light fraction is of surface membrane origin. Each fraction of sarcoplasmic reticulum origin was incubated with calcium phosphate in the presence of ATP and the loaded fractions were separated from the unloaded fractions by sedimentation in discontinuous sucrose density gradients. It was found that vesicles from the intermediate fraction had, after loading, minimal amounts of mitochondrial and surface membrane contamination, and displayed little or no Ca2+-independent basal ATPase activity. This shows conclusively that the basal ATPase is not an intrinsic enzymatic activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, but probably originates from variable amounts of mitochondrial and surface membrane contamination in sarcoplasmic reticulum preparations isolated by conventional procedures.  相似文献   

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