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We used an eco-phylogenetic approach to investigate the diversity and assembly patterns of tropical dry forests (TDFs) in Central India. We aimed at informing conservation and restoration practices in these anthropogenically disturbed forests by identifying potential habitats of conservation significance and elements of regional biodiversity most vulnerable to human impact and climate change.


Tropical dry forests of Madhya Pradesh, Central India.


We analysed the species richness, stem density, basal area and phylogenetic structure (standardized effect size of MNTD, MPD, PD and community evolutionary distinctiveness cED) of 117 tree species assemblages distributed across a ~230 to ~940 m elevational gradient. We examined how these community measures and taxonomic (Sørensen) and phylogenetic (UniFrac) beta diversity varied with elevation, precipitation, temperature and climatic stress.


Species richness, phylogenetic diversity, stem density and basal area were positively correlated with elevation, with high-elevation plots exhibiting cooler temperatures, higher precipitation and lower stress. High-elevation assemblages also trended towards greater phylogenetic dispersion, which diminished at lower elevations and in drier, more stressful plots. Phylogenetic turnover was observed across the elevation gradient, and species evolutionary distinctiveness increased at lower elevations and under harsher abiotic conditions.

Main Conclusions

Harsher abiotic conditions at low elevations may act as a selective filter on plant lineages, leading to phylogenetically clustered low-diversity assemblages. These assemblages contained more evolutionarily distinct species that may contribute disproportionately to biodiversity. Conversely, milder abiotic conditions at high elevations may serve as refuges for drought-sensitive species, resulting in more diverse assemblages. Conservation practices that prioritize both high- and low-elevation habitats could promote the persistence of evolutionarily distinct species and areas of high biodiversity within the Central Indian landscape. Establishing connectivity between these habitats may provide a range of climatic conditions for species to retreat to or persist within as climates change.  相似文献   

I assessed the magnitude and distribution of pteridophyte species richness on the eastern Andean slope in Bolivia based on 676 study plots of 400 m2 each in forest habitats at 65 study sites. In total 755 species were recorded, including 426 (56%) epiphytes and 598 (79%) terrestrials, with 266 species (35%) recorded under both groups. Mean number of species per plot at a given site varied from 0 to 31.1 for epiphytes, 0 to 20.9 for terrestrials, and 0 to 47.9 for all species combined. The highest numbers of species recorded at a given study site were 110 epiphytes, 101 terrestrials, and 167 species in total. While overall there were more terrestrial than epiphytic species, at individual sites and plots the reverse was true, indicating that terrestrial species tended to be more patchily distributed than epiphytes. Despite high survey intensity, many species went unrecorded; the minimum estimate of total species richness obtained through extrapolation was 975 species overall, including 559 epiphytes and 880 terrestrials. A correlation analysis of species richness to 14 environmental parameters revealed a highly positive correlation to mean annual precipitation and bryophyte cover on tree branches (a proxy for air humidity). Significant correlations to other parameters (e.g. human impact, canopy height, etc.) reflected the covariance of these factors with precipitation and bryophyte cover. Despite a lack of data on the pteridophyte communities from much of the Bolivian Andes, it appears that in most of the countries, pteridophyte diversity can be protected by focussing the most humid parts of the Andean forests.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带山地常绿阔叶林蕨类植物的组成及生态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李保贵  朱华  周仕顺  张强 《广西植物》2008,28(5):608-614
根据4个50m×50m样地(400个5m×5m小样方,共计1hm2取样面积)的详细调查及对各样地外蕨类植物区系的采集调查,研究了西双版纳热带山地常绿阔叶林蕨类组成特点及其数量特征等。结果表明:在所调查的5hm2滇南热带山地常绿阔叶林里记录有蕨类植物64种;在生活型组成上,以地面芽和地下芽为主;在叶特征上,以革质和纸质叶居多,叶形以一回羽状和二回羽状叶占优势;在森林群落中蕨类植物有明显的季相变化;在重要值上,狗脊、疏叶蹄盖蕨、苏铁蕨、光叶鳞盖蕨、清秀复叶耳蕨和假稀羽鳞毛蕨的重要值之和占重要值总和的84.02%,其中,狗脊的重要值占重要值总和的1/3以上,它们是该森林群落中占优势的蕨类种类,在生态分布上为该森林群落的"适宜种";研究还发现,勐腊凤尾蕨为该森林群落的确限种。  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the structure of pteridophyte assemblages, based on phylogenetic relatedness and trait properties, along an elevational gradient. Ecological theory predicts that co‐occurring species may be: randomly selected from a regional pool; ecologically sorted so that they are functionally different hence resulting in reduced competition (overdispersion); or functionally similar as an adaptation to specific ecological conditions (clustering). Location Braulio Carrillo National Park and Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica, Central America. Methods We used an empirical dataset of the quantitative pattern of species occurrences and individual numbers of ferns within 156 plots along a tropical elevational gradient to test whether directed ecological sorting might cause deviations in patterns of trait and phylogenetic diversity. Mean pairwise distances of species based on phylogenetic and trait properties were compared with two different sets of null assemblages, one maintaining species frequency distributions (constrained) and one not (unconstrained). Results Applying different null models resulted in varying degrees of overdispersion and clustering, but overall patterns of deviation from random expectations remained the same. Contrary to theoretical predictions, phylogenetic and trait diversity were relatively independent from one another. Phylogenetic diversity showed no patterns along the elevational gradient, whereas trait diversity showed significant trends for epiphytes. Main conclusions Under stressful environmental conditions (drought at low elevations and frost at high elevations), epiphytic fern assemblages tended to be clustered with respect to trait characteristics, which suggests environmental filtering. Conversely, under less extreme environmental conditions (middle of the transect), the sorting was biased towards high differentiation (overdispersion), presumably because of interspecific competition and trait shifts among closely related species (character displacement).  相似文献   

The identification of high-performance indicator taxa that combine practical feasibility and ecological value requires an understanding of the costs and benefits of surveying different taxa. We present a generic and novel framework for identifying such taxa, and illustrate our approach using a large-scale assessment of 14 different higher taxa across three forest types in the Brazilian Amazon, estimating both the standardized survey cost and the ecological and biodiversity indicator value for each taxon. Survey costs varied by three orders of magnitude, and dung beetles and birds were identified as especially suitable for evaluating and monitoring the ecological consequences of habitat change in our study region. However, an exclusive focus on such taxa occurs at the expense of understanding patterns of diversity in other groups. To improve the cost-effectiveness of biodiversity research we encourage a combination of clearer research goals and the use of an objective evidence-based approach to selecting study taxa.  相似文献   

Biogeographic patterns of avifaunas associated with seasonally dry tropical forests in Mesoamerica are poorly understood despite their high levels of species richness and endemism. Through the parsimony analysis of endemicity, we analyzed biogeographic relationships of 650 resident species of birds associated with seasonally dry tropical forests from Mexico to Panama, based on potential distributions obtained through ecological niche modeling. Results show two general avifaunal groups, east and west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Patterns of biogeographic distribution and species richness also helped illuminate the importance of key areas for birds associated to this habitat in the region.

Los patrones biogeográficos de las avifaunas asociadas a los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos en Mesoamérica están pobremente entendidos, a pesar de que estas áreas poseen una gran riqueza de especies y endemismo. Analizamos las relaciones biogeográficas con base en distribuciones potenciales, hechas a partir de modelos del nicho ecológico usando el análisis de parsimonia de endemismos, de 650 especies de aves residentes asociadas a los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos desde México hasta Panamá. Los resultados muestran dos grupos generales de la avifauna, al este y oeste del Istmo de Tehuantepec. El contexto biogeográfico y la riqueza de especies resalta también la importancia de áreas clave para las aves asociadas a este tipo de hábitat en la región.  相似文献   

Background: Most studies on tropical bryophytes deal with epiphytic species. This is the first ecological study of tropical forests that focuses specifically on terrestrial bryophytes.

Aim: To investigate the differences between slope and ridge environments in upper montane forests of southern Ecuador in terms of species diversity (richness, abundance), species composition and life forms of terrestrial bryophytes.

Methods: We used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) to group bryophyte relevés by study location, habitat type and exposure class. Species indicator values were calculated and compared for different habitats.

Results: In total, 140 species were recorded, the majority being liverworts. NMDS analyses and Mantel correlations clearly separated between slope and ridge relevés, and between sunny and shaded microhabitats on ridges. Bryophyte life forms also showed different distribution patterns in slope and in ridge habitats. Mosses were more prominent in sunny than in shaded microhabitats.

Conclusions: Environmental differentiation between ridges and slopes, and small-scale variation in microclimatic conditions caused by differences in exposure, were stronger predictors of species richness and composition than geographical distance between study sites.  相似文献   

As countries advance in greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting for climate change mitigation, consistent estimates of aboveground net biomass change (?AGB) are needed. Countries with limited forest monitoring capabilities in the tropics and subtropics rely on IPCC 2006 default ?AGB rates, which are values per ecological zone, per continent. Similarly, research into forest biomass change at a large scale also makes use of these rates. IPCC 2006 default rates come from a handful of studies, provide no uncertainty indications and do not distinguish between older secondary forests and old‐growth forests. As part of the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, we incorporate ?AGB data available from 2006 onwards, comprising 176 chronosequences in secondary forests and 536 permanent plots in old‐growth and managed/logged forests located in 42 countries in Africa, North and South America and Asia. We generated ?AGB rate estimates for younger secondary forests (≤20 years), older secondary forests (>20 years and up to 100 years) and old‐growth forests, and accounted for uncertainties in our estimates. In tropical rainforests, for which data availability was the highest, our ?AGB rate estimates ranged from 3.4 (Asia) to 7.6 (Africa) Mg ha?1 year?1 in younger secondary forests, from 2.3 (North and South America) to 3.5 (Africa) Mg ha?1 year?1 in older secondary forests, and 0.7 (Asia) to 1.3 (Africa) Mg ha?1 year?1 in old‐growth forests. We provide a rigorous and traceable refinement of the IPCC 2006 default rates in tropical and subtropical ecological zones, and identify which areas require more research on ?AGB. In this respect, this study should be considered as an important step towards quantifying the role of tropical and subtropical forests as carbon sinks with higher accuracy; our new rates can be used for large‐scale GHG accounting by governmental bodies, nongovernmental organizations and in scientific research.  相似文献   

Factors related to diversity of decomposer fungi in tropical forests   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent studies suggest that host-preferences are common among certain groups of tropical fungal decomposers but rare in others, and sometimes occur where we least expect them. Host preferences among microfungi and ascomycetes that decompose leaf litter are common but usually involve differences in relative frequencies more than presence/absence, so their diversity may be loosely correlated with species richness of host trees. Strong host-specificity appears to be rare among wood decomposer fungi, whereas characteristics of their substrata and habitat are very important for this group. Anthropogenic disturbance predisposed a tropical forest to subsequent hurricane damage, and the resulting direct and indirect effects on host diversity and habitat heterogeneity were reflected in the decomposer fungal community more than sixty years after the original disturbance. While species richness of dictyostelid slime molds and functional diversity of their bacterial prey increased with disturbance, the more diverse microfungi and ascomycetes were apparently negatively affected by disturbance.  相似文献   

高虹  陈圣宾  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6767-6775
文化林是指村民按照文化传统、风俗习惯或宗教信仰自觉保护和管理的森林,具有一定社会文化功能。目前国内外对文化林物种多样性研究主要为定性描述,缺乏对文化林和非文化林生物多样性的定量比较及差异来源分析。利用物种多样性加性分配方法,将总的Gamma 多样性分成样格内的Alpha多样性以及样格间、样方间和林型间Beta多样性,对中国亚热带地区3个村落文化林的乔木层、灌木层、草本层和藤本层进行物种多样性的多尺度分析。调查发现:(1)文化林共有维管束植物296种,以苦槠,樟和米槠为优势种,非文化林共有维管束植物189种,以杉木、马尾松和毛竹为优势种。文化林乔木层和灌木层物种数显著高于非文化林,草本层和藤本层物种数差异不显著。(2)Beta多样性随尺度增大而增加,林型间Beta多样性最高,占区域总Gamma多样性的41.9%-62.8%,其次是样方间Beta多样性(18.6%-31.9%),对区域多样性贡献最小为样格内Alpha和样格间Beta多样性。(3)林型间的多样性对区域物种多样性的贡献中,文化林占主导作用,乔木层占54.4%-81.0%,灌木层占51.2%-60.2%,草本层占42.9%-64.1%,藤本层占49.9%-62.2%。(4) 物种累积-面积曲线表明,在各个尺度上,文化林物种多样性始终高于非文化林,从而在相同面积下保护了更多的物种。加性分配模型在多个空间尺度上阐明了Alpha和Beta多样性的变化,突出了文化林对区域物种多样性的贡献,对保护对象和保护范围的决策以及生物多样性的保护与恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We present an analysis of local species richness in neotropical forests, based on a number of 0.1 ha samples of woody plants collected by the late Alwyn Gentry. For each of 69 forests, soils were analysed and climatic data were collated. Using transformed independent variables and interaction terms, multiple regression equations were developed that explained the greatest possible amount of variation in species richness, and the best equations were selected on the basis of regression diagnostics. The best models are presented for (a) all neotropical forests, (b) forests west of the Andes (transandean) and (c) east of the Andes (cisandean), and for various subsets based on elevation and annual rainfall. For the whole dataset, and for most subsets, annual rainfall and rainfall seasonality were the most important variables for explaining species richness. Soil variables were correlated with precipitation — drier forests have more nutrient-rich soils. After the inclusion of rainfall variables, available soil nutrient concentrations contributed little to explaining or accounting for additional variation in species numbers, indicating that tropical forest species richness is surprisingly independent of soil quality. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that plants in mature tropical forests may obtain nutrients through the process of direct cycling, in which mineral nutrients are extracted from litterfall before they enter the soil. The strong relationship between community species richness and rainfall patterns has implications for biodiversity conservation. Wet forests with an ample year-round moisture supply harbour the greatest number of woody plant species and should be a focus of conservation efforts.Died 3 August 1993.  相似文献   

热带与亚热带森林分子生态学研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
当前 ,植物学家会有更多的方法和手段来从事植物学的研究 ,如分子生物学方法、遗传学的方法、植物生理学的方法、分类学方法等。其中分子生物学方法直接研究植物遗传物质DNA ,从根本上揭示了生物体内涵 ,有着极其重要的作用[4 7] 。因此用分子生物学手段进行生态学的研究有着广泛应用前景和重要意义。分子生物学方法既节省时间和资金 ,又比传统方法解决了更多的问题[6 1] 。例如在动物学研究中 ,用少许的毛发就可以分析高山土拨鼠 (MarmotamarmotaSciuridae)的交配系统[30 ] ;粪便所带的肠道粘膜细胞DNA也可以…  相似文献   

探明热带森林土壤反硝化微生物群落结构及多样性,对于理解反硝化引起的N2O排放及缓解全球变暖具有重要意义。本研究以西双版纳3个不同恢复阶段热带森林类型[即白背桐(Mallotus paniculatus,MP)、崖豆藤(Millttia leptobotrya,ML)群落、群落及高檐蒲桃(Syzygium oblatum,SO)群落]为研究对象,揭示土壤nirS型反硝化微生物群落组成及多样性的干湿季变化,分析热带森林恢复过程中土壤理化环境变化对nirS型反硝化细菌群落的影响。结果表明,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)相对丰度表现为恢复前期高于恢复后期,而脱氯单胞菌属(Dechloromonas)、嗜盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)和罗思河小杆菌属(Rhodanobacter)表现为恢复后期高于恢复前期;绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)均随恢复年限增加而增加,而贪铜菌属(Cupriavidus)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)的相对丰度表现为随恢复年限增加而降低。9月份各样地新检测出的属数量表现为:SO (19种) > MP (13种) > ML (7种)。土壤nirS型反硝化微生物群落的Shannon多样性指数表现为:高檐蒲桃群落 > 崖豆藤群落 > 白背桐群落,且9月(湿季) > 3月(干季)。相关分析表明,热带森林恢复引起土壤N库(全氮、NH4+、NO3-)、C有效性(微生物量碳、易氧化碳)及微气候(土壤含水率与温度)的改变,能够显著影响nirS型反硝化细菌群落的结构及多样性。主成分分析结果表明,土壤硝态氮、微生物量碳、全氮及易氧化碳是调控不同恢复阶段热带森林土壤nirS型反硝化细菌群落结构及多样性变化的主控因子,其次为土壤水分、温度、水解氮、pH、铵态氮、有机碳、容重及C/N。  相似文献   

Aim Insect assemblages associated with lianas in tropical forests are poorly studied compared with those associated with trees. The importance of lianas for the maintenance of local species richness of insect herbivores in tropical forests is therefore poorly understood. With this in mind, a comparative study of the relative importance of trees and lianas as hosts for phytophagous beetles was carried out. Location The study area was located in the canopy of a dry tropical forest in Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama province, Republic of Panama. Methods A crane system was utilized to access the canopy. The number of species and host specialization of adult phytophagous beetles associated with twenty‐six liana species of ten different families, and twenty‐four tree species of twelve different families were compared. Results A total of 2561 host associations of 697 species of beetles were determined (1339 for trees and 1222 for lianas). On average 55.8 ± 6.8 beetle species were found to be associated with each tree species while the comparable number for lianas was 47.0 ± 6.1. The pooled numbers of phytophagous beetle species associated with trees and lianas, respectively, were not significantly different. However, there were significantly more species feeding on green plant parts on lianas than on trees, and there were significantly more wood eaters on trees than on lianas. Phytophagous beetles associated with lianas were significantly more specialized than the tree associates due to a higher degree of specialization among the species feeding on green plant parts of lianas. Wood eaters and flower visitors showed no differences in host specialization on different growth forms. Main conclusion The present study shows that lianas are at least as important as trees for the maintenance of local species diversity of phytophagous beetles at this site. The mechanisms that drive the patterns can only be hypothesized. Plant architecture, size, and length of growing season are probably involved. Further studies, should include measurements of plant traits to elucidate experimentally what mechanisms that drive the patterns. Additional insight would come from similar studies in other forest types, and also studies of other major taxonomic groups of arthropod herbivores.  相似文献   

热带森林中的斑块动态与物种多样性维持   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
斑块作为景观要素之一,直接到景观结构的空间格局及其内部各要素之间的相互关系,其动态也将导致景观格局的变化。异质性的斑块在自然森林中是普遍存在的,这就是说,顶极森林中仍然存在着由不同种类或不同生长时期的植物种群组成的森林斑块。由自然或人为干扰所驱动的森林生长循环导致敢这些斑块在空间上的镶嵌,对于持定的地域片段,也导致了不同生长时期的森林斑块的周期性循环。在热带森林中,森林的生长循环由林窗期(gap  相似文献   

Riley KN  Browne RA 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):601-621
We examined diversity, community composition, and wing-state of Carabidae as a function of forest age in Piedmont North Carolina. Carabidae were collected monthly from 396 pitfall traps (12×33 sites) from March 2009 through February 2010, representing 5 forest age classes approximately 0, 10, 50, 85, and 150 years old. A total of 2,568 individuals, representing 30 genera and 63 species, were collected. Carabid species diversity, as estimated by six diversity indices, was significantly different between the oldest and youngest forest age classes for four of the six indices. Most carabid species were habitat generalists, occurring in all or most of the forest age classes. Carabid species composition varied across forest age classes. Seventeen carabid species were identified as potential candidates for ecological indicators of forest age. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) showed separation among forest age classes in terms of carabid beetle community composition. The proportion of individuals capable of flight decreased significantly with forest age.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported a consistent pattern of strong dominance of a small subset of tree species in neotropical forests. These species have been called “hyperdominant” at large geographical scales and “oligarchs” at regional‐landscape scales when being abundant and frequent. Forest community assembly is shaped by environmental factors and stochastic processes, but so far the contribution of oligarchic species to the variation of community composition (i.e., beta diversity) remains poorly known. To that end, we established 20.1‐ha plots, that is, five sites with four forest types (ridge, slope and ravine primary forest, and secondary forest) per site, in humid lowland tropical forests of southwestern Costa Rica to (a) investigate how community composition responds to differences in topography, successional stage, and distance among plots for different groups of species (all, oligarch, common and rare/very rare species) and (b) identify oligarch species characterizing changes in community composition among forest types. From a total of 485 species of trees, lianas and palms recorded in this study only 27 species (i.e., 6%) were nominated as oligarch species. Oligarch species accounted for 37% of all recorded individuals and were present in at least half of the plots. Plant community composition significantly differed among forest types, thus contributing to beta diversity at the landscape scale. Oligarch species was the component best explained by geographical and topographic variables, allowing a confident characterization of the beta diversity among tropical lowland forest stands. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

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