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Adenosine 5'-phosphosulphate reductase (APR) is considered to be a key enzyme of sulphate assimilation in higher plants. We analysed the diurnal fluctuations of total APR activity and protein accumulation together with the mRNA levels of three APR isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana. The APR activity reached maximum values 4 h after light onset in both shoots and roots; the minimum activity was detected at the beginning of the night. During prolonged light, the activity remained stable and low in shoots, but followed the normal rhythm in roots. On the other hand, the activity decreased rapidly to undetectable levels within 24 h of prolonged darkness both in shoots and roots. Subsequent re-illumination restored the activity to 50% in shoots and to 20% in roots within 8 h. The mRNA levels of all three APR isoforms showed a diurnal rhythm, with a maximum at 2 h after light onset. The variation of APR2 mRNA was more prominent compared to APR1 and APR3. 35SO42- feeding experiments showed that the incorporation of 35S into reduced sulphur compounds in vivo was significantly higher in light than in the dark. A strong increase of mRNA and protein accumulation as well as enzyme activity during the last 4 h of the dark period was observed, implying that light was not the only factor involved in APR regulation. Indeed, addition of 0.5% sucrose to the nutrient solution after 38 h of darkness led to a sevenfold increase of root APR activity over 6 h. We therefore conclude that changes in sugar concentrations are also involved in APR regulation.  相似文献   

Identification of membrane proteomes remains challenging. Here, we present a simple, fast, and scalable off-line procedure based on three-phase partitioning with butanol to fractionate membrane proteomes in combination with both in-gel and in-solution digestions and mass spectrometry. This should help to further accelerate the field of membrane proteomics. Using this new strategy, we analyzed the salt-stripped thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana. 242 proteins were identified, at least 40% of which are integral membrane proteins. The functions of 86 proteins are unknown; these include proteins with TPR, PPR, rhodanese, and DnaJ domains. These proteins were combined with all known thylakoid proteins and chloroplast (associated) envelope proteins, collected from primary literature, resulting in 714 non-redundant proteins. They were assigned to functional categories using a classification developed for MapMan (Thimm, O., Blasing, O., Gibon, Y., Nagel, A., Meyer, S., Kruger, P., Selbig, J., Muller, L. A., Rhee, S. Y., and Stitt, M. (2004) Plant J. 37, 914-939), updated with information from primary literature. The analysis elucidated the likely location of many membrane proteins, including 190 proteins of unknown function, holding the key to better understanding the two membrane systems. The three-phase partitioning procedure added a new level of dynamic resolution to the known thylakoid proteome. An automated strategy was developed to track possible ambiguous identifications to more than one gene model or family member. Mass spectrometry search results, ambiguities, and functional classifications can be searched via the Plastid Proteome Database.  相似文献   

Plants require rapid responses to adapt to environmental stresses. This includes dramatic changes in the size and number of plastoglobule lipid droplets within chloroplasts. Although the morphological changes of plastoglobules are well documented, little is known about the corresponding molecular changes. To address this gap, we have compared the quantitative proteome, oligomeric state, prenyl-lipid content and kinase activities of Arabidopsis thaliana plastoglobules under unstressed and 5-day light-stressed conditions. Our results show a specific recruitment of proteins related to leaf senescence and jasmonic acid biosynthesis under light stress, and identify nearly half of the plastoglobule proteins in high native molecular weight masses. Additionally, a specific increase in plastoglobule carotenoid abundance under the light stress was consistent with enhanced thylakoid disassembly and leaf senescence, supporting a specific role for plastoglobules in senescence and thylakoid remodeling as an intermediate storage site for photosynthetic pigments. In vitro kinase assays of isolated plastoglobules demonstrated kinase activity towards multiple target proteins, which was more pronounced in the plastoglobules of unstressed than light-stressed leaf tissue, and which was diminished in plastoglobules of the abc1k1/abc1k3 double-mutant. These results strongly suggest that plastoglobule-localized ABC1 kinases hold endogenous kinase activity, as these were the only known or putative kinases identified in the isolated plastoglobules by deep bottom-up proteomics. Collectively, our study reveals targeted changes to the protein and prenyl-lipid composition of plastoglobules under light stress that present strategies by which plastoglobules appear to facilitate stress adaptation within chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Thylakoid rhodanase‐like protein (TROL) is a nuclear‐encoded protein of thylakoid membranes required for tethering of ferredoxin:nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxydoreductase (FNR). It has been proposed that the dynamic interaction of TROL with flavoenzyme FNR, influenced by environmental light conditions, regulates the fate of photosynthetic electrons, directing them either to NADPH synthesis or to other acceptors, including reactive oxygen species detoxification pathways. Inside the chloroplasts, TROL has a dual localization: an inner membrane precursor form and a thylakoid membrane mature form, which has been confirmed by several large‐scale chloroplast proteomics studies, as well as protein import experiments. Unlike the localization, the topology of TROL in the membranes, which is a prerequisite for further studies of its properties and function, has not been experimentally confirmed yet. Thermolysin was proven to be a valuable protease to probe the surface of chloroplasts and membranes in general. By treating the total chloroplast membranes using increasing protease concentration, sequential degradation of TROL was observed, indicating protected polypeptides of TROL and possible domain orientation. To further substantiate the obtained results, TROL‐overexpressing Arabidopsis line (OX) and line in which the central rhodanase‐like domain (RHO) has been partially deleted (ΔRHO), were used as well. While OX line showed the same degradation pattern of TROL as the wild‐type, surprisingly, TROL from ΔRHO membranes was not detectable even at the lowest protease concentration applied, indicating the importance of this domain to the integrity of TROL. In conclusion, TROL is a polytopic protein with a stroma‐exposed C‐terminal FNR‐binding region, and the thylakoid lumen‐located RHO domain.  相似文献   

In higher plants the light energy is captured by the photosynthetic pigments that are bound to photosystem I and II and their light-harvesting complex (LHC) subunits. In this study, we examined the photodynamic changes within chlorophyll-protein complexes in the thylakoid membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves adapted to low light and subsequently exposed to light stress. Chlorophyll-protein complexes were isolated using sucrose density gradient centrifugation and blue-native polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE). Proteome analysis was performed using SDS-PAGE, HPLC and high resolution mass spectrometry. We identified several rarely expressed and stress-induced chlorophyll-binding proteins, showed changes in localization of early light-induced protein family and LHC protein family members between different photosynthetic complexes and assembled/disassembled subcomplexes under light stress conditions and discuss their role in a variety of light stress-related processes.  相似文献   

An extensive analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana peripheral and integral thylakoid membrane proteome was performed by sequential extractions with salt, detergent, and organic solvents, followed by multidimensional protein separation steps (reverse-phase HPLC and one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis gels), different enzymatic and nonenzymatic protein cleavage techniques, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics. Altogether, 154 proteins were identified, of which 76 (49%) were alpha-helical integral membrane proteins. Twenty-seven new proteins without known function but with predicted chloroplast transit peptides were identified, of which 17 (63%) are integral membrane proteins. These new proteins, likely important in thylakoid biogenesis, include two rubredoxins, a potential metallochaperone, and a new DnaJ-like protein. The data were integrated with our analysis of the lumenal-enriched proteome. We identified 83 out of 100 known proteins of the thylakoid localized photosynthetic apparatus, including several new paralogues and some 20 proteins involved in protein insertion, assembly, folding, or proteolysis. An additional 16 proteins are involved in translation, demonstrating that the thylakoid membrane surface is an important site for protein synthesis. The high coverage of the photosynthetic apparatus and the identification of known hydrophobic proteins with low expression levels, such as cpSecE, Ohp1, and Ohp2, indicate an excellent dynamic resolution of the analysis. The sequential extraction process proved very helpful to validate transmembrane prediction. Our data also were cross-correlated to chloroplast subproteome analyses by other laboratories. All data are deposited in a new curated plastid proteome database (PPDB) with multiple search functions (http://cbsusrv01.tc.cornell.edu/users/ppdb/). This PPDB will serve as an expandable resource for the plant community.  相似文献   

Type 1 phosphoprotein Ser/Thr phosphatases (PP1) are highly conserved enzymes found in all eukaryotes. These enzymes have multiple functions in fungal and animal cells but little is known of their function and regulation in plants. Previous studies in our laboratory indicated that maize and Arabidopsis contain a family of PP1 genes and/or pseudogenes. In this study, we report the isolation of five distinct Arabidopsis cDNA clones (TOPP1, TOPP2, TOPP3, TOPP4 and TOPP5) which encode the catalytic subunit (PP1c) of type 1 protein phosphatases. Genomic Southern blot analyses indicate that these clones are the products of five distinct genes and that an additional 2–3 PP1c genes and/or pseudogenes may be present in the Arabidopsis genome. The derived amino acid sequences of the TOPP clones are very similar to published sequences of PP1c from animals, fungi and plants. Four of the TOPP amino acid sequences show unique structural features not observed in other PP1c sequences from fungi or animals. All of the TOPP genes are expressed in Arabidopsis roots, rosettes and flowers, although TOPP1, TOPP2 and TOPP3 appear to be expressed at higher levels in these tissues than TOPP4 and TOPP5.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylglycerol is a ubiquitous phospholipid in the biological membranes of many organisms. In plants, phosphatidylglycerol is mainly present in thylakoid membranes and has been suggested to play specific roles in photosynthesis. Here, we have isolated two T-DNA tagged lines of Arabidopsis thaliana that have a T-DNA insertion in the PGP1 gene encoding a phosphatidylglycerolphosphate synthase involved in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylglycerol. In homozygous plants of the T-DNA tagged lines, the PGP1 gene was completely disrupted. The growth of these knockout mutants was dependent on the presence of sucrose in the growth medium, and these plants had pale yellow-green leaves. The leaves of the mutants had remarkably large intercellular spaces due to the reduction in the number of mesophyll cells. The development of chloroplasts in the leaf cells was severely arrested in the mutants. Mesophyll cells with chloroplast particles are only found around vascular structures, whereas epidermal cells are enlarged but largely conserved. The content of phosphatidylglycerol in the mutants was reduced to 12% of that of the wild type. These results demonstrate that PGP1 plays a major role in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylglycerol in chloroplasts, and that phosphatidylglycerol is essential for the development of thylakoid membranes in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

A novel Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. developmental mutant,waldmeister (wam), is described. This mutant was found in theprogeny arising from an Ac-Ds tagging experiment, but does notappear to be tagged by an introduced transposon. This recessivenuclear mutation maps between GAPB and ap1 on chromosome 1 andshows extreme morphological and physiological changes in bothfloral and vegetative tissues. Changes to the vegetative phenotypeinclude altered leaf morphology, multiple rosettes, stem fasciation,retarded senescence and disturbed geotropic growth. Changesto the floral phenotype include delayed flowering, increasednumber of inflorescences, determinate inflorescences, alterednumber and morphology of floral organs, chimeric floral organs,and ectopic ovules . wam was crossed to a number of previouslydescribed floral mutants: apetela 2, apetela 3, pistillata,agamous, and leafy. The phenotype of the double mutant was ineach case additive. In the case of agamous, however, the indeterminaterepetitive floral structure of agamous was lacking, emphasizingthe determinate inflorescence growth of wam. The extreme phenotypeof the wam mutant is suggestive of a disturbance to a gene ofglobal importance in the regulation of plant growth and development. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, waldmeister, developmental mutant, flower mutant  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The completion of the Arabidopsis genome offers the first opportunity to analyze all of the membrane protein sequences of a plant. The majority of integral membrane proteins including transporters, channels, and pumps contain hydrophobic alpha-helices and can be selected based on TransMembrane Spanning (TMS) domain prediction. By clustering the predicted membrane proteins based on sequence, it is possible to sort the membrane proteins into families of known function, based on experimental evidence or homology, or unknown function. This provides a way to identify target sequences for future functional analysis. RESULTS: An automated approach was used to select potential membrane protein sequences from the set of all predicted proteins and cluster the sequences into related families. The recently completed sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana, a model plant, was analyzed. Of the 25,470 predicted protein sequences 4589 (18%) were identified as containing two or more membrane spanning domains. The membrane protein sequences clustered into 628 distinct families containing 3208 sequences. Of these, 211 families (1764 sequences) either contained proteins of known function or showed homology to proteins of known function in other species. However, 417 families (1444 sequences) contained only sequences with no known function and no homology to proteins of known function. In addition, 1381 sequences did not cluster with any family and no function could be assigned to 1337 of these.  相似文献   

Plant vacuoles play essential roles in many physiological processes, particularly in mineral nutrition, turgor provision and cellular signalling. The vacuolar membrane, the tonoplast, contains many membrane transporters that are critical in the execution of these processes. However, although increasing knowledge is available about the identity of proteins involved in these processes very little is known about the regulation of tonoplast transporters. By studying the phosphoproteome of tonoplast-enriched membranes, we identified 66 phosphorylation sites on 58 membrane proteins. Amongst these, 31 sites were identified in 28 membrane transporters of various families including tonoplast anion transporters of the CLC family, potassium transporters of the KUP family, tonoplast sugar transporters and ABC transporters. In a number of cases, the detected sites were well conserved across isoforms of one family pointing to common mechanisms of regulation. In other cases, isoform-unique sites were present, suggesting regulatory mechanisms tailored to the function of individual proteins. These results provide the basis for future studies to elucidate the mechanistic regulation of tonoplast membrane transporters.  相似文献   

Early seedling development in plants depends on the biogenesis of chloroplasts from proplastids, accompanied by the formation of thylakoid membranes. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene, AtTerC , whose gene product shares sequence similarity with bacterial tellurite resistance C (TerC), is shown to be involved in a critical step required for the normal organization of prothylakoids and transition into mature thylakoid stacks. The AtTerC gene encodes an integral membrane protein, which contains eight putative transmembrane helices, localized in the thylakoid of the chloroplast, as shown by localization of an AtTerC–GFP fusion product in protoplasts and by immunoblot analysis of subfractions of chloroplasts. T-DNA insertional mutation of AtTerC resulted in a pigment-deficient and seedling-lethal phenotype under normal light conditions. Transmission electron microscopic analysis revealed that mutant etioplasts had normal prolamellar bodies (PLBs), although the prothylakoids had ring-like shapes surrounding the PLBs. In addition, the ultrastructures of mutant chloroplasts lacked thylakoids, did not have grana stacks, and showed numerous globular structures of varying sizes. Also, the accumulation of thylakoid membrane proteins was severely defective in this mutant. These results suggest that the AtTerC protein plays a crucial role in prothylakoid membrane biogenesis and thylakoid formation in early chloroplast development.  相似文献   

The structure and function of photosystem II (PSII) are highly susceptible to photo‐oxidative damage induced by high‐fluence or fluctuating light. However, many of the mechanistic details of how PSII homeostasis is maintained under photoinhibitory light remain to be determined. We describe an analysis of the Arabidopsis thaliana gene At5g07020, which encodes an unannotated integral thylakoid membrane protein. Loss of the protein causes altered PSII function under high‐irradiance light, and hence it is named ‘Maintenance of PSII under High light 1’ (MPH1). The MPH1 protein co‐purifies with PSII core complexes and co‐immunoprecipitates core proteins. Consistent with a role in PSII structure, PSII complexes (supercomplexes, dimers and monomers) of the mph1 mutant are less stable in plants subjected to photoinhibitory light. Accumulation of PSII core proteins is compromised under these conditions in the presence of translational inhibitors. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the mutant has enhanced PSII protein damage rather than defective repair. These data are consistent with the distribution of the MPH1 protein in grana and stroma thylakoids, and its interaction with PSII core complexes. Taken together, these results strongly suggest a role for MPH1 in the protection and/or stabilization of PSII under high‐light stress in land plants.  相似文献   

Serine (Ser) biosynthesis in C(3) plants can occur via several pathways. One major route involves the tetrahydrofolate (THF)-dependent activities of the glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC, EC and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT, EC with glycine (Gly) as one-carbon (1-C) source. An alternative THF-dependent pathway involves the C1-THF synthase/SHMT activities with formate as 1-C source. Here, we have investigated aspects of the regulation of these two folate-mediated pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Columbia using two approaches. Firstly, transgenic plants overexpressing formate dehydrogenase (FDH, EC were used to continue our previous studies on the function of FDH in formate metabolism. The formate pool size was approximately 73 nmol (g FW)(-1) in wild type (WT) Arabidopsis plants; three independent transgenic lines had similar-sized pools of formate. Transgenic plants produced more (13)CO(2) from supplied [(13)C]formate than did WT plants but were not significantly different from WT plants in their synthesis of Ser. We concluded that FDH has no direct role in the regulation of the above two pathways of Ser synthesis; the breakdown of formate to CO(2) by the FDH reaction is the primary and preferred fate of the organic acid in Arabidopsis. The ratio between the GDC/SHMT and C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathways of Ser synthesis from [alpha-(13)C]Gly and [(13)C]formate, respectively, in Arabidopsis shoots was 21 : 1; in roots, 9 : 1. In shoots, therefore, the pathway from formate plays only a small role in Ser synthesis; in the case of roots, results indicated that the 9 : 1 ratio was as a result of greater fluxes of (13)C through both pathways together with a relatively higher contribution from the C1-THF synthase/SHMT route than in shoots. We also examined the synthesis of Ser in a GDC-deficient mutant of Arabidopsis (glyD) where the GDC/SHMT pathway was impaired. Compared with WT, glyD plants accumulated 5-fold more Gly than WT after supplying [alpha-(13)C]Gly for 24 h; the accumulation of Ser from [alpha-(13)C]Gly was reduced by 25% in the same time period. On the other hand, the accumulation of Ser through the C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathway in glyD plants was 2.5-fold greater than that in WT plants. Our experiments confirmed that the GDC/SHMT and C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathways normally operate independently in Arabidopsis plants but that when the primary GDC/SHMT pathway is impaired the alternative C1-THF synthase/SHMT pathway can partially compensate for deficiencies in the synthesis of Ser.  相似文献   

Transcriptional regulation of secondary growth in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

During photosynthesis, energy is transiently stored as an electrochemical proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane. The resulting proton motive force (pmf) is composed of a membrane potential (ΔΨ) and a proton concentration gradient (ΔpH) and powers the synthesis of ATP. Light energy availability for photosynthesis can change very rapidly and frequently in nature. Thylakoid ion transport proteins buffer the effects that light fluctuations have on photosynthesis by adjusting pmf and its composition. Ion channel activities dissipate ΔΨ, thereby reducing charge recombinations within photosystem II. The dissipation of ΔΨ allows for increased accumulation of protons in the thylakoid lumen, generating the signal that activates feedback downregulation of photosynthesis. Proton export from the lumen via the thylakoid K+ exchange antiporter 3 (KEA3), instead, decreases the ΔpH fraction of the pmf and thereby reduces the regulatory feedback signal. Here, we reveal that the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) KEA3 protein homo-dimerizes via its C-terminal domain. This C-terminus has a regulatory function, which responds to light intensity transients. Plants carrying a C-terminus-less KEA3 variant show reduced feed-back downregulation of photosynthesis and suffer from increased photosystem damage under long-term high light stress. However, during photosynthetic induction in high light, KEA3 deregulation leads to an increase in carbon fixation rates. Together, the data reveal a trade-off between long-term photoprotection and a short-term boost in carbon fixation rates, which is under the control of the KEA3 C-terminus.

The regulatory C-terminus of the thylakoid Kexchange antiporter 3 (KEA3) is required for mitigating high light stress and protein dimerization.  相似文献   

Conversion of solar energy into chemical energy in plant chloroplasts concomitantly modifies the thylakoid architecture and hierarchical interactions between pigment–protein complexes. Here, the thylakoids were isolated from light‐acclimated Arabidopsis leaves and investigated with respect to the composition of the thylakoid protein complexes and their association into higher molecular mass complexes, the largest one comprising both photosystems (PSII and PSI) and light‐harvesting chlorophyll a/b‐binding complexes (LHCII). Because the majority of plant light‐harvesting capacity is accommodated in LHCII complexes, their structural interaction with photosystem core complexes is extremely important for efficient light harvesting. Specific differences in the strength of LHCII binding to PSII core complexes and the formation of PSII supercomplexes are well characterized. Yet, the role of loosely bound L‐LHCII that disconnects to a large extent during the isolation of thylakoid protein complexes remains elusive. Because L‐LHCII apparently has a flexible role in light harvesting and energy dissipation, depending on environmental conditions, its close interaction with photosystems is a prerequisite for successful light harvesting in vivo. Here, to reveal the labile and fragile light‐dependent protein interactions in the thylakoid network, isolated membranes were subjected to sequential solubilization using detergents with differential solubilization capacity and applying strict quality control. Optimized 3D‐lpBN‐lpBN‐sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system demonstrated that PSII–LHCII supercomplexes, together with PSI complexes, hierarchically form larger megacomplexes via interactions with L‐LHCII trimers. The polypeptide composition of LHCII trimers and the phosphorylation of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 were examined to determine the light‐dependent supramolecular organization of the photosystems into megacomplexes.  相似文献   

Plastidial degradation of transitory starch yields mainly maltose and glucose. Following the export into the cytosol, maltose acts as donor for a glucosyl transfer to cytosolic heteroglycans as mediated by a cytosolic transglucosidase (DPE2; EC and the second glucosyl residue is liberated as glucose. The cytosolic phosphorylase (Pho2/PHS2; EC also interacts with heteroglycans using the same intramolecular sites as DPE2. Thus, the two glucosyl transferases interconnect the cytosolic pools of glucose and glucose 1-phosphate. Due to the complex monosaccharide pattern, other heteroglycan-interacting proteins (HIPs) are expected to exist.Identification of those proteins was approached by using two types of affinity chromatography. Heteroglycans from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) covalently bound to Sepharose served as ligands that were reacted with a complex mixture of buffer-soluble proteins from Arabidopsis leaves. Binding proteins were eluted by sodium chloride. For identification, SDS-PAGE, tryptic digestion and MALDI-TOF analyses were applied. A strongly interacting polypeptide (approximately 40 kDa; designated as HIP1.3) was observed as product of locus At1g09340. Arabidopsis mutants deficient in HIP1.3 were reduced in growth and contained heteroglycans displaying an altered monosaccharide pattern. Wild type plants express HIP1.3 most strongly in leaves. As revealed by immuno fluorescence, HIP1.3 is located in the cytosol of mesophyll cells but mostly associated with the cytosolic surface of the chloroplast envelope membranes. In an HIP1.3-deficient mutant the immunosignal was undetectable. Metabolic profiles from leaves of this mutant and wild type plants as well were determined by GC-MS. As compared to the wild type control, more than ten metabolites, such as ascorbic acid, fructose, fructose bisphosphate, glucose, glycine, were elevated in darkness but decreased in the light. Although the biochemical function of HIP1.3 has not yet been elucidated, it is likely to possess an important function in the central carbon metabolism of higher plants.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sugar transporters (NST) mediate the transfer of nucleotide sugars from the cytosol into the lumen of the endoplasmatic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. Because the NSTs show similarities with the plastidic phosphate translocators (pPTs), these proteins were grouped into the TPT/NST superfamily. In this study, a member of the NST-KT family, AtNST-KT1, was functionally characterized by expression of the corresponding cDNA in yeast cells and subsequent transport experiments. The histidine-tagged protein was purified by affinity chromatography and reconstituted into proteoliposomes. The substrate specificity of AtNST-KT1 was determined by measuring the import of radiolabelled nucleotide mono phosphates into liposomes preloaded with various unlabelled nucleotide sugars. This approach has the advantage that only one substrate has to be used in a radioactively labelled form while all the nucleotide sugars can be provided unlabelled. It turned out that AtNST-KT1 represents a monospecific NST transporting UMP in counterexchange with UDP-Gal but did not transport other nucleotide sugars. The AtNST-KT1 gene is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues. AtNST-KT1 is localized to Golgi membranes. Thus, AtNST-KT1 is most probably involved in the synthesis of galactose-containing glyco-conjugates in plants.  相似文献   

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