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The element phosphorus made up 0.5% of the dry weight of dehulled Avena fatua caryopses 7 days after anthesis (DAA), half of it inorganic (Pi). Caryopses detached and pierced 7 DAA germinated in vitro with a rapid drop in Pi levels. By 15–20 DAA caryopsis dry weight had increased three- to fourfold, but phosphorus made up less than 0.04% of the dry weight of this enlarged caryopsis. Caryopses at this stage germinated readily without piercing if incubated in vitro. A further decrease in Pi accompanied by a marked increase in phytate phosphorus began about 15 DAA and continued during later seed maturation. By 20 DAA, when embryos were relatively mature and endosperm cell division had ceased, a decrease in caryopsis water content (as a percentage of dry weight) began, and seed dormancy became apparent. As starch and phytate reserves accumulated, Pi and water levels of the caryopsis diminished. Higher levels of endogenous Pi coincided with the anabolic events of initial seed formation and, to a lesser extent, with anabolic events of seed germination. Decreasing Pi levels coincided with accumulation of nutrient reserves, lowering of water content, and the initiation of dormancy. The data suggest that (1) enzymes associated with the formation and development of the embryo may be activated by the high Pi levels present during initial seed differentiation; (2) embryo quiescence and dormancy are facilitated by the drop of Pi levels which accompanies the accumulation of starch and phytate reserves; and (3) the increase in Pi which accompanies seed afterripening aids in the termination of dormancy and the resumption of germination. Received August 15, 1996; accepted December 2, 1996  相似文献   

Luthe DS 《Plant physiology》1987,84(2):337-340
Oat (Avena sativa L.) seeds harvested at 2-day intervals from anthesis to maturity were tested for their ability to incorporate [35S]sulfate into protein. Incorporation of [35S]sulfate into TCA-insoluble material began 2 to 4 days postanthesis (DPA), reached a peak 14 to 16 DPA, and was barely detectable by 24 DPA. Incorporation of label into globulin was parallel to total protein accumulation, and averaged about 85% of the total protein synthesis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total protein extracted from developing seeds indicated that some polypeptides coinciding with the α and β globulin subunits were present 2 to 4 DPA, but the full complement of globulin polypeptides was not present until 10 DPA. Immunoprecipitation of in vivo labeled seed extracts showed that globulin polypeptides and the 59 kilodalton precursor were present at early stages of development (4 DPA). Quantitation of dot blot analysis, using an oat globulin cDNA clone as a probe, indicated that one species of oat globulin mRNA was most abundant 15 DPA, which is during the peak time of storage protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The response of wild oat to imazamethabenz varies with the growth stage, but the role of tillers in this regard is unclear. Removal of tillers at the three-leaf stage before spraying with imazamethabenz did not significantly affect the total shoot fresh weight measured 3 weeks later. The leaf area and dry weight of intact plants at the three-leaf stage were 17–21% greater than for plants with coleoptilar and first leaf main shoot tillers (T0 and T1) removed. The greater leaf area may have increased herbicide interception per plant. Similar fresh weight reductions in main shoot, total tillers, and total shoots were found whether imazamethabenz was applied to the plant at the two-leaf without tillers or the three-leaf with two tillers stage. Imazamethabenz applied only to the main shoot reduced total shoot dry weight more than an equivalent amount of imazamethabenz applied only to tiller T1 or applied over the whole shoot. Imazamethabenz had the least inhibitory effect on whole plant growth when applied only to T1. When 14C-herbicide was applied to the first main shoot leaf of plants at the three-leaf stage with two tillers, the 14C translocated 38% to roots, 33% to the main shoot, and nearly 30% to all tillers. When 14C-herbicide was applied to the first leaf of T1 then the 14C translocated 50% to T1, 25% to the main shoot, 20% to roots, and 5% to all other tillers. The translocation pattern and fresh weight values suggested that the presence of early tillers during herbicide application neither increased nor decreased imazamethabenz efficacy in wild oat. Received June 4, 1997; accepted June 5, 1997  相似文献   

Dormant seeds of Avena fatua, which do not germinate when allowed to imbibe water, have a respiration rate only about 20% less than that of imbibed nondormant (after-ripened) seeds in the period before actual germination and are capable of synthesizing protein at a rate comparable to that of the nondormant seeds. An increase of protein synthesis is observed in nondormant seeds at the beginning of root protrusion. Autoradiography of seeds administered 3H-leucine shows that protein synthesis occurs in the axis part of the embryo, the scutellum, the coleorhiza, and the aleurone layer. Dormancy in seeds is not a state of general inactivity; rather, it must be due to some specific metabolic block.  相似文献   

The influence of seed coat modification and light quality onwater uptake and distribution in caryopses of dormant and non-dormantlines of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was determined using NMRmicroimaging. Non-dormant seeds absorbed water more rapidlythan dormant seeds during imbibition on distilled water. Thiseffect was detected first in the embryo-scutellar region (8h) and later in the proximal endosperm (12 h). Cutting the testaand pericarp close to the embryo or scarification with KOH promotedrapid embryo/scutellum hydration and germination. Cutting atthe middle part of the caryopsis did not enhance embryo hydrationnor did it greatly improve germination. The sensitivity of waterdistribution to the phytochrome germination effect was examined.Significant differences in imbibitional water uptake by embryos-scutellumtissue were detected by 18 h following red-light (germinationpromoter) compared with far-red (germination inhibitor) treatment.The results indicated that both the rate and the sequence ofembryo/scutellum hydration were important in initiating germinationin dormant seeds. A refinement of the model that describes waterimbibition in wild oat seeds during the early stages of germinationis discussed. Key words: Water uptake, water distribution, Avena fatua, seed coat modification, light quality, dormant and non-dormant seeds  相似文献   

The primary storage protein synthesized during oat (Avena sativa L.) groat development is a globulin. Polysomes were isolated from oat groats 12 days after anthesis. These polysomes directed the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into protein in a cell-free protein synthesis system containing wheat germ supernatant. The Mg(2+) optimum was 4 mm, the pH optimum was 6-8, and the amount of amino acid incorporation depended on polysome concentration. Incorporation of amino acids was linear for about 10 min and approached a maximum after 20 min. Using the initiation inhibitor, T-2 toxin, it was determined that about 36% of the amino acid incorporation was due to the initiation of new polypeptide chains. The in vitro product co-electrophoresed with authentic oat groat globulin on polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) gels. The cyanogen bromide peptides of the in vitro product partially corresponded with those from authentic globulin when electrophoresed on polyacrylamide-SDS gels. These data suggest that the in vitro product is primarily oat globulin. The polysome population was separated into membrane-bound and free polysomes. Membrane-bound polysomes synthesized about twice the amount of protein as did free polysomes. Products synthesized in vitro on both types of polysomes were essentially the same.  相似文献   

Aleurone protoplasts of wild oat (Avena fatua L.), and subcellular fractions isolated from them, were photoaffinity labeled using the synthetic gibberellin (GA) derivative GA4-17-yl-1-(1-thia)propan-3-ol-4-azido-5-[125I]iodosalicylate. Labeled polypeptides were identified by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions followed by autoradiography. GA-photoaffinity labeling of both intact protoplasts and isolated subcellular fractions led to the covalent attachment of the reagent to many polypeptides. A 50 kD polypeptide in the soluble fraction of homogenates of aleurone protoplasts GA-photoaffinity labeled in vivo showed specific binding. The biologically active GA1, GA4 and GA4-17-yl-1(1-thia)propan-3-ol-4-azidosalicylate completed for binding whereas the biologically inactive GA8 and GA34 did not. The GA-photoaffinity labeling characteristics of this polypeptide suggested that it might interact specifically with biologically active GAs in vivo. Attempts to detect specific GA-binding in in vitro GA-photoaffinity labeling experiments met with only limited success perhaps indicating the labile nature of specific binding observed in vivo. The potential of GA-photoaffinity labeling for identifying GA-binding proteins in aleurone and other GA-responsive tissues is discussed.Abbreviations azido IAA = 5-azido-7-[3H]indole-3-acetic acid - azido NPA = 5-azido-[3,6-3H]1-N-napthylpthalamic acid - BTP = 1,3-bis(Tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamino)-propane - GA4-O-ASA = GA4-17-yl-1-(1-thia)propane-3-ol-4-azidosalicylate - [125I]GA4-O-ASA = GA4-17-yl-1-(1-thia)propan-3-ol-4-azido-5-[125I]iodosalicylate - NPA = 1-Naphthylphthalmic acid - PAGE = Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF = phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS = Sodium dodecyl sulphate - TLCK = L-1-Chloro-3-(4-tosylamido)-7-amino-2-heptanone-HCl  相似文献   

Controlled environmental experiments were carried out to determine the phytotoxicity of several graminicides on wild oat (Avena futua L.) as influenced by combination of drought and temperature stress or drought and low relative humidity. Compared with unstressed conditions (20/15°C plus adequate soil moisture), imazamethabenz phytotoxicity to wild oat was reduced significantly when plants were exposed to a combination of drought and high temperature (30/20°C) stress. Imazamethabenz phytotoxicity was reduced almost as much by high temperature stress alone as by a combined temperature and drought stress. When herbicides were applied to wild oat plants subjected to drought alone or to drought plus high temperature, the observed reduction in phytotoxicity from greatest to least was: fenoxaprop = diclofop > flamprop > imazamethabenz. Fenoxaprop performance was most inhibited by the combination of drought plus high temperature, although drought alone and to a lesser degree, high temperature alone, inhibited fenoxaprop action. High temperature had an adverse effect on the efficacy of fenoxaprop at lower application rates. Raising fenoxaprop application rates to 400 g ha−1 overcame the inhibition caused by high temperature alone but only partially alleviated the effect of drought combined with high temperature. When plants were grown under a low temperature regimen the imposition of drought stress had little effect on imazamethabenz phytotoxicity but did reduce fenoxaprop phytotoxicity. At 25/15°C drought reduced the phytotoxicity of fenoxaprop and diclofop greatly but had no significant impact on the performance of any of the herbicides examined, regardless of soil moisture regimen. Received April 14, 1997; accepted September 22, 1997  相似文献   

Germinating non-dormant (ND) embryos of wild oat incorporate [3H]glycerol into phospholipid, and a 250% increase in total extractable phospholipid occurs within 72 h. During germination, leveles of phosphatidyl inositol showed the greatest change, increasing approximately 5-fold.Imbibed dormant (D) embryos of the wild oat also incorporate [3H]gycerol into phospholipids, but there is no net synthesis. A continuous turnover of membrane phospholipids could be demonstrated in pulse chase experiments, and although the proportions of most phospholipids does not change, there was a decrease of 50% in phosphatidyl serine.The half-life of [3H]glycerol in the extracted phospholipids of D and ND embryos varies between 35 and 57 h, and in membrane fractions separated on sucrose density gradients the half-lives vary between 26 and 56 h.D embryos induced to germinate with GA and ND embryos in which germination is repressed by ABA show similar phospholipid changes to ND and D embryos respectively, with the exception that the proportion of phosphatidyl serine remained unchanged in the ND-ABA embryos.It is concluded that the continual turnover of membranes of imbibed dormant embryos is consistent with the maintenance of cellular integrity determining the longevity of the seed under natural conditions.Abbreviations D dormant - ND nondormant - ABA abscisic acid - GA gibberellic acid (GA3)  相似文献   

The short-term growth response of oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles to exogenously applied uridine was studied both in excised apical segments and in the intact seedlings. In both cases growth of coleoptile tissue was inhibited by uridine. The inhibition of coleoptile growth consistently occurred 20–30 min after uridine treatment, which is within the lag period of their phototropic response. Asymmetric application of uridine to coleoptiles in the intact seedlings resulted in their bending toward the direction to which uridine was applied in the absence of light stimulus. These findings suggest that uridine or its metabolites, plays an important role in the phototropism of oat coleoptiles and provide support to the Bruinsma–Hasegawa theory as an alternative to the Cholodny–Went theory for explaining phototropism.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine the effect of soil moisture and temperature on the phytotoxicity in wild oat of imazamethabenz or fenoxaprop tank-mixed with certain additives or MCPA. The surfactants Agral 90 at 0.5% and Enhance at 0.5% increased imazamethabenz phytotoxicity under both moist and drought conditions. These surfactants had no significant effect on fenoxaprop phytotoxicity regardless of the soil moisture regimes. Fenoxaprop activity was increased by ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] at 1% but only under well watered conditions. Wild oat control with imazamethabenz was also slightly enhanced in a well watered regime by the addition of sodium bisulfate (NaHSO4) at 0.13%. At high temperature (30/20°C) and low temperature (10/5°C), the phytotoxicity of imazamethabenz was increased when tank-mixed with Agral 90 at 0.25% or NaHSO4 at 0.13% compared with that when imazamethabenz was applied alone, if soil moisture was adequate. There was no such increase under conditions of drought and high temperature. (NH4)2SO4 at 1% did not significantly affect imazamethabenz performance irrespective of temperature/soil moisture conditions. The phytotoxicity to wild oat of imazamethabenz or fenoxaprop was not changed by tank-mixing with MCPA isooctyl ester at 300 g a.i./ha, regardless of soil moisture levels. The reduced fenoxaprop phytotoxicity in wild oat due to moisture stress was not readily alleviated by the inclusion of selected additives or MCPA in the tank mixture. Received May 10, 1996; accepted January 10, 1997  相似文献   

A comparative study of protein synthesis has been carried out with embryos excised from dormant (D) and non-dormant (ND) caryopses of the wild oat. Although D embryos imbibed in water or ND embryos imbibed in abscisic acid do not germinate, they incorporate [14C]leucine into TCA-insoluble material for the first 48 h as readily as embryos that do germinate (ND embryos imbibed in water, or D embryos imbibed in gibberellic acid). Pulsechase experiments with [14]leucine show that in both D and ND embryos the proteins associated with the membranes undergo turnover. The rates of decay of incorporated radioactivity are similar in both dormant and germinating embryos up to 98 h following embryo excision. Fractionation of the membrane proteins in SDS-polyacrylamide gels indicates that the different polypeptides have different rates of turnover. It is concluded that membrane proteins in imbibed D embryos are in a state of constant turnover, and that this is a part of the replacement processes necessary to maintain the integrity of hydrated cells. The continuation of such synthetic events could account for long term survival of dormant Avena fatua in the imbibed state.Abbreviations CCRSE cytochrome relative stain equivalents - D dormant - ND nondormant - ABA abscisic acid - GA gibberellic acid GA3  相似文献   

Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) caryopses were germinated on moist filter paper and under water in the presence and absence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The sequential growth and development of embryo parts were studied. Germination, as indicated by radicle emergence, was least and slowest in caryopses submerged in deoxygenated water. The coleorhiza in such caryopses elongated much earlier than the root, in contrast to the other treatments where the coleorhiza and the root emerged at about the same time. In caryopses incubated on moist filter paper all embryo parts showed considerable growth. In H2O2 treated caryopses only the epicotyl showed substantial growth over the experimental period. In all treatments the first mitotic peaks were noticed at the same period. The occurrence of these early nuclear divisions may be due to release of 4 C nuclei from inhibition by the uptake of water during caryopsis imbibition. The mitosis continued in the radicle of the embryo in those caryopses germinating on moist filter paper, indicating occurrence of DNA synthesis. In the other two treatments, however, few divisions were detected. Here the early growth of the root, causing caryopsis germination, was due to cell elongation, especially in the proximal part of the root.  相似文献   

燕麦属(Avena L.)植物中有5个栽培种即普通栽培燕麦(A. sativa L.)、埃塞俄比亚燕麦(A. abyssinica Hochst.)、地中海燕麦(A. byzantina Koch)、砂燕麦(A. strigosa Schreb.)和大粒裸燕麦又称莜麦(A. nuda L.),其中大粒裸燕麦的子粒不带稃皮为裸燕麦,其他物种均带稃皮为皮燕麦。国际上主要种植皮燕麦,而我国主要种植大粒裸燕麦,由此不难看出,大粒裸燕麦在世界燕麦中占有特殊的地位。然而,关于大粒裸燕麦的起源和分类地位问题,迄今学者们的意见仍不尽相同。笔者通过参阅有关文献和研究实践,对这两个问题进行探讨,认为大粒裸燕麦起源于我国山西和内蒙古一带,在植物学分类上应为一个独立的物种即A. nuda L.。  相似文献   

The major storage proteins of the oat grain are the 12S and7S globulins. Using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immuno-difTusion assays we havedemonstrated that the 7S globulin is localized predominantlyin the embryo and the 12S globulin chiefly in the endosperm.Protein bodies have been isolated using aqueous and non-aqueousmedia and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. Assayingmarker enzymes gave results consistent with the presence ofvacuolar protein bodies in the preparations. SDS-PAGE of sequentialsalt and alcohol extractions demonstrated the presence of globulinsand prolamins respectively and their distribution within thegradient suggested that they may be localized in different proteinbodies. Key words: Avena sativa L., Seed globulins, Protein bodies, Localization.  相似文献   

中国裸燕麦β-葡聚糖含量的鉴定研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对来源于中国13个省(区)1010份和国外引进的4份裸燕麦品种(系)进行了β-葡聚糖含量的鉴定研究。结果表明,中国裸燕麦β-葡聚糖含量为2.0%~7.5%,其中含量〈3.00%的占6.61%,3.00%~4.99%的占86.4%。5.00%~5.99%的占5.72%,≥6.00%的占1.18%。按品种类型划分,地方品种的含量低于育成品种(系)。按来源地划分,河北、山西、内蒙古的含量较高,云南、贵州、四川的含量较低,而陕西的含量最低。同年不同地点或相同地点不同年份种植的相同品种(系),含量有一定的变化(0.27%~0.83%)。在鉴定中筛选出一批高β-葡聚糖品种(系)。本研究不仅为燕麦高β-葡聚糖育种提供了理论依据和物质基础,而且为降脂燕麦保健片的生产提供了优良品种。  相似文献   

Heat-bleached oat (Avena sativa L. cv Porter) leaves lacking 70S chloroplast ribosomes have been used to demonstrate that four chloroplast-localized enzymes of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis: aspartate carbamoyl-transferase, dihydroorotase, orotidine phosphoribosyl-transferase, and orotidine-5′-phosphate decarboxylase, are synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes. Two other chloroplast enzymes, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, involved in both pyrimidine and arginine biosynthesis, and ornithine carbamoyltransferase, an enzyme of arginine biosynthesis, were also shown to be made on 80S ribosomes.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy allows weed seeds to persist in agricultural soils. Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) is a major weed of cereal grains and expresses a range of seed dormancy phenotypes. Genetic analysis of wild oat dormancy has been complicated by the difficulty of phenotypic classification in segregating populations. Therefore, little is known about the nature of the genes that regulate dormancy in wild oat. The objectives of our studies were to develop methods to classify the germination responses of segregating wild oat populations and to find molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) that regulate seed dormancy in wild oat. RAPD markers OPX-06 and OPT-04 explained 12.6% and 6.8% respectively, of the F2 phenotypic variance. OPF-17 was not significant in a simple regression model, but it was linked in repulsion to OPT-04. A three-locus model of seed dormancy in wild oat is presented based on the 41-day germination profiles of F1, F2, F3, BC1P1F1, BC1P1F2, and BC1P2F1 generations, and the 113 day germination profile of 126 F7 recombinant inbred lines. Loci G 1 and G 2 promote early germination, and the D locus promotes late germination. If at least one copy of the dominant G 1 or G 2 alleles are present regardless of the genotype at D locus, then the individual will be nondormant. If the genotype is g 1 g 1 g 2 g 2 D_, then the phenotype will be dormant. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

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