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对来自湖南和广东的菌寄生属真菌进行了研究,采用单孢分离法获得纯培养菌株,将形态解剖、培养性状和DNA序列相结合进行综合分析,发现3个中国新记录种:真菌菌寄生Hypomyces mycophilus、枝葡孢菌寄生H.sibirinae和三隔孢菌寄生H.triseptatus,对它们的宏观和微观特征进行了描述及图示。  相似文献   

曾昭清  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(9):1048-1055
对采自我国不同地区的菌寄生属标本进行分类研究,发现了该属的3个新种。鹅膏菌寄生Hypomyces amaniticola生长于鹅膏属真菌的子实体上,子囊壳埋生或半埋生于菌丝层中,橘黄色至黄褐色,卵圆形至梨形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子长椭圆形至椭圆形,两端钝圆,无分隔,表面光滑。拟完整菌寄生H.completiopsis以牛肝菌为寄主,子囊壳橘黄色至黑褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子纺锤形至披针形,两端具细尖,表面具疣。云南菌寄生H.yunnanensis子囊壳半埋生或近表生,黄褐色至褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊孢子近纺锤形,两端具细尖,1个分隔,表面具疣。提供了新种的详细宏观和微观特征描述及图示。此外,发现该属的2个中国新记录种,即小孢菌寄生H.microspermus和盘菌菌寄生H.stephanomatis,对我国材料的形态特征与原始描述进行了比较。  相似文献   

【背景】目前国内学者已发表60个马鞍菌属物种,但山西省尚缺乏马鞍菌属真菌分布的系统性报道。【目的】调查我国山西省马鞍菌属的种类组成及地理分布。【方法】采集标本,对其进行详细的形态特征描述,并提取DNA,测定热激蛋白(heat shock protein, hsp)和核糖体大亚基(large subunit, LSU)序列,基于贝叶斯法(Bayesian inference, BI)和最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)构建分子系统发育树。【结果】鉴定结果表明这3个马鞍菌属物种分别为类帽状马鞍菌(Helvella capucinoides)、丹麦马鞍菌(H. danica)和柔毛马鞍菌(H. pubescens)。它们在形态上与模式标本的描述基本一致。基于hsp和LSU的系统发育关系分析也支持形态学的鉴定结果。【结论】参考我国截至目前已报道的马鞍菌属物种,确定这3个种均为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

报道我国黑痣菌属3个新记录。它们是野黍黑痣菌哥伦比亚变种Phyllachora eriochloae var. colombiensis,野黍黑痣菌原变种 Phyllachora eriochloae var. eriochloae 和禾黑痣菌狗牙根生变种 Phyllachora graminis var. cynodonticola,其寄主分别是云南省的禾本科植物、画眉草属植物和狗牙根。对这些分类单元进行了描述与图解。所有研究标本保藏于云南农业大学真菌标本室(MHYAU)。  相似文献   

报道了采自中国热带的贝伞属为口蘑科新记录属,描述了该属及该属真菌疣孢贝伞(Conchomyces verrucisporus)的形态,并提供了生境照片、线条图和必要的讨论。凭证标本保存于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

秦文韬  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,35(8):1008-1017
对来自黑龙江的木霉属真菌进行系统分类研究,报道了该属3个中国新记录种:平展橙红木霉Trichoderma auranteffusum,塔梗木霉T. pyramidale 和革菌生木霉T. thelephoricola,对其宏观和微观特征提供了详细描述及图示,系统发育分析为上述种的分类地位提供了佐证。  相似文献   

报道了蕉孢壳属真菌4个中国新记录种,即:马克欧文蕉孢壳菌Diatrype macowaniana、波纹蕉孢壳菌Diatrype undulata、俄勒冈蕉孢壳菌Diatrype oregonensis和刺蕉孢壳菌Diatrype spilomea。其中,马克欧文蕉孢壳菌和波纹蕉孢壳菌采自吉林省,前者的主要特征为子座扁球状,不规则,黑色至黑褐色,子囊孢子短棒状、无色透明;后者主要特征为子座大片垫状蔓延,呈波浪状轮廓,表面黑色,通常具明显边界,子囊孢子腊肠状、淡黄色;俄勒冈蕉孢壳菌D. oregonensis采自云南省,其主要特征为子座呈圆锥状肿块,圆形或多边形,表面黑色,子囊孢子腊肠状,透明至淡黄色;刺蕉孢壳菌D. spilomea采自海南省,其主要特征为子座从树皮中裂出,垫状,轮廓不规则,边缘陡,黑棕色至黑色,子囊孢子短棒状,透明无色。根据采集的材料对以上4种的宏观和微观特征进行了详细描述及图示。  相似文献   

魏铁铮  姚一建 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):160-166
报道了丝膜菌属Cortinarius Telamonia亚属的3个中国新记录种,其中双环丝膜菌C bivelus产自我国东北和西南地区,亚石榴丝膜菌C.subbalaustinus产自云南省,亚野丝膜菌C subtorvus产自西藏自治区.对这3个种进行了详细的描述,并提供其宏观特征和显微结构图片.  相似文献   

通过对采自浙江省景宁畲族自治县的苔藓植物标本进行鉴定,首次发现梨蒴藓属(Entosthodon Schwägr.)和钝叶梨蒴藓(Entosthodon buseanus Dozy & Molk.)在浙江的分布。文中描述钝叶梨蒴藓的形态特征,绘制墨线图。  相似文献   

报道中国地衣- 新记录属———包被鳞核衣属。该属主要特征: 地衣体小鳞片状, 子囊器为子囊壳, 着生于地衣体小鳞片之间, 由一特化的外壁所包裹, 子囊孢子较大。  相似文献   

以采自新疆地区的地衣标本为试验材料,通过观察和研究该地衣形态解剖特征、次生代谢产物以及构建核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer,ITS)系统发育树,研究鉴定该地衣标本为蜈蚣衣科(Physciaceae)1个中国新记录属:金奥克衣属[Oxnerella(S.Y.Kondr.,Lo″k?s&Hur)]及中国新记录种双裂金奥克衣[O.safavidiorum(S.Y.Kondr.,Zarei-Darki,Lo″k?s&Hur)],该种含有柔扁枝衣酸,文中提供了该种形态解剖图,并讨论了其与相似物种的关系。  相似文献   

Minidiscus trioculatus, M. comicus and M. chilensis are new records for China, and M. subtilis, is a new species. They differ from Thalassiosira species by their strutted processes and one single labiate process being distant from valve margin and they differ from each other by their areola patterns on valves and distribution patterns of strutted processes and the labiate process. A key to the species of Minidiscus is given. Minidiscus subtilis Gao, Cheng et Chin sp. nov., figs 7-8 Valves disc-shaped, slightly concave in center, weakly silicified, 3.5-5.5μm in diameter. Areola unequally radiate-striate, striae 8.5 / lμm. A narrow valve mantle without striae. Three strutted processes and a single labiate process located in the central area of the valve. Among them, one strutted process in the very center with the other two adjacent to it, forming an isometric triangle with the labiate process between the two subcentral strutted processes. Two small satellite pores in each base of the strutted processes. M. subtilis differs from M. chilensis mainly by their radiate striae continuously distributed from the valve center tothe margin.  相似文献   

During investigating rare and endangered plants in China, the authors made morphological observation on Hamamelis subaequalis H. T. Chang and discovered that it is apetalus, different from the tribe Hamamelideae, in addition to other morphological characters, which differ from the genera of the tribes Distylteae and Fothergilleae(Hamamelidaceae). Therefore, a new genus-Shaniodendron is described.  相似文献   

Pyrgophyllum (Gagnep.) T. L. Wu et Z. Y. Chen is a monotypic genus of Zingiberaceae from China. Originally, it was placed in Kaempferia as a subgenus by Gagnepain (1901), later transferred to Camptandra by Schumann (1904) and to Caulokaempferia by R. M. Smith. (1972). In this paper, the authors suggest that the separation of Pyrgophyllum at generic rank is justified on cytological, morphological and anatomical evidence. It is characterised by the large lamina-like bracts, which are rarely seen in Zingiberaceae. The margin of each bract is adnate to the main axis of the inflorescence at the base and the lip is lobed. Trichomes unicellular, stomata each with 4-7 lateral subsidiary cells, lateral veins are of three various types of vascular bundles: girder-shaped, semigirder-shaped and isolated. The pollen grains are spinecent. The basic chromosome number (x) is 21. The type species, Pyrgophyllum yunnanensis (Gagnep.) T. L. Wu et Z. Y. Chen (Kaempferia yunnanensis Gagnep.), is only distributed in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces of China.  相似文献   

中国地衣新记录属——包被鳞核衣属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国地衣-新记录属——包被鳞核衣属。该属主要特征:地衣体小鳞片状,子囊器为子囊壳,着生于地衣体小鳞片之间,由一特化的外壁所包裹,子囊孢子较大。  相似文献   

Spinihornera is proposed as a new genus for the species "Hornera" spinigera Kirkpatrick, 1888, and is referred to the family Horneridae Smitt. This genus is characterized by its double walled, hornerid structure, and by having the autozooecial apertures arranged in lateral lines, pinnate branches and apertural spines.  相似文献   

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