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近五年,缅甸北部白垩纪中期克钦琥珀中相继发现了数百枚蜻蜓目化石,包含现生蜻蜓目三个亚目类群,目前已发表16科29属35种,在所有已知琥珀记录中数量和多样性最高。克钦琥珀中的蜻蜓目以均翅亚目(豆娘)为主,以Burmahemiphlebia zhangi最为常见,不少现生豆娘的化石记录也首次在克钦琥珀中发现,包括Perilestidae,Platycnemididae和Platystictidae等。此外,克钦琥珀中发现了一些中生代沉积岩中常见的蜻蜓目类群,如Araripegomphidae, Gomphaeschnidae和Stenophlebiidae等,指示克钦琥珀的时代可能为早白垩世晚期。这些发现为探讨蜻蜓目部分类群的起源、演化和揭示生物古地理提供了有力证据。  相似文献   

根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的蜡蝉,建立了1新属1新种——三瓣残缺蜡蝉(Ayaimatum trilobatum gen. et sp. nov.),该新属新种属于白垩纪的拟蛛蜡蝉科(Mimarachnidae)。本文对拟蛛蜡蝉科的属种记录进行了综述,同时探讨了这一灭绝科属种的多样性和形态分异。  相似文献   

毛蚊科是双翅目长角亚目的一类昆虫,其种类丰富,广布世界各地.毛蚊化石记录较为丰富,但往往都是保存于湖相沉积地层中,琥珀中的化石较为罕见.本文根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的昆虫标本建立了 1新属新种——缅甸白垩叉毛蚊(Cretpenthetria burmensis gen.et sp.nov.),归入...  相似文献   

文中简述了中国的琥珀研究历史,并简要介绍了本专辑的内容。本专辑呈现了近年来我国学者对克钦琥珀内含物研究的部分新进展,包括了来自14个研究单位的26位作者的13篇论文,涵盖了植物、脊椎动物、腹足类和昆虫等类群。  相似文献   

昆虫翅脉特征自动获取技术的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫翅的形态特征是某些类群昆虫分类中的重要依据,怎样快速科学提取这些数据是昆虫数字鉴定技术中必须解决的重要问题之一。本文介绍了目前国内外这方面的进展,并介绍了DrawWing软件的详细功能。该软件能比较准确方便地提取昆虫翅轮廓和翅脉特征值,因此详细描述了其算法原理。利用该软件的DOS和Windows两种不同版本对意大利蜜蜂和昼鸣蝉的翅进行了其特征提取的实验研究,结果证明该软件可以成功提取蜜蜂翅脉特征值,但对昼鸣蝉翅处理尚存在问题。在此基础上,本文对昆虫翅脉特征自动获取技术乃至昆虫种类的计算机识别方法的进一步发展提出了讨论。  相似文献   

【目的】为明晰蝉类昆虫唾液腺中细菌的组成及其中是否存在内共生菌Candidatus Sulcia muelleri。【方法】以斑透翅蝉Hyalessa maculaticollis (Motschulsky)为材料,采用16S rRNA限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(RFLP)对其唾液腺细菌群落组成进行分析。【结果】斑透翅蝉唾液腺中共存在7种细菌,分别属于变形菌门和厚壁菌门;其中绿脓假单胞杆菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa和肠杆菌Enterobacter sp.为优势细菌,分别占克隆总数的48.7%;另外5种细菌(反硝化细菌热单胞菌Thermomonas brevis、鞘胺醇单胞菌Sphingomonas sp.、芽孢杆菌Bacillus sp.、厌氧球菌Anaerococcus sp.和Methyloversatilis sp.)总共占克隆文库的2.05%。【结论】首次采用分子生物学方法明晰斑透翅蝉唾液腺的细菌群落;其细菌群落组成相对简单,且两种细菌占主导地位;此外,头喙亚目昆虫体内特有的内共生菌Candidatus Sulcia muelleri未在斑透翅蝉唾液腺中检测出,表明该共细菌可能仅在腹部的贮菌体中分布;斑透翅蝉唾液腺中的细菌是否普遍存在于蝉科昆虫唾液腺中以及在取食韧皮部汁液过程中的功能有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

【目的】广翅蜡蝉科昆虫是果园、茶园和园艺植物上的重要害虫之一,对其种类进行自动判别是实现其种群自动监测的基础。本研究拟通过获取3种广翅蜡蝉前翅轮廓特征探讨在其种类和性别鉴定中的作用。【方法】采用图像处理与分析技术,对3种广翅蜡蝉前翅轮廓形态特征进行提取和分析,并使用SPSS v22.0对数据进行分析。【结果】同一种广翅蜡蝉左右翅在轮廓形态上无显著差异,雌雄间各参数在不同种类广翅蜡蝉中差异性不同,其中5个实际测量参数在雌雄间差异达到显著或极显著水平,只有透明广翅蜡蝉的周长不显著。除周长和雄虫圆形度外,其它各类参数在种间的差异达到显著或极显著水平。通过典型判别分析,认为所选用的3种广翅蜡蝉,通过其前翅轮廓特征可以进行种间判别,其原始判别和交叉验证判别的正确率均超过90%。【结论】通过提取前翅轮廓特征可以实现3种广翅蜡蝉种类的识别,为此类昆虫的自动鉴定和种群监测提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

问:关于无翅或翅不发达的昆虫是怎样的?克格伦岛在那里?答:克格伦岛上的无翅或翅不发达的昆虫是说明自然选择的一个非常有力的例子.因此,几乎每本有关达尔文主义的教科书或参考书都提到它.但是,克格伦岛是在印度洋的南部.位于南纬48°30′-49°30′和东经68°42′——70°35′之间的一群岛屿,大小共130余个,其中最大的一个叫克格伦岛(Kergulen Is.).很多书上讲,达尔文曾到过这个岛上进行考察也是不对的.达尔文在作环球旅行时,根本就没有到过这个岛子.那么,达尔文关于无翅或翅不发达的昆虫是怎样提及的呢?根据达尔文在其"物种起源"第五章变异的定律所讲,这个现象是任马得拉岛(Madeira Is.)上所发生的.达尔文引证了华拉斯登(Wollaston)在马得拉岛上见到的事实.他讲:"住在马得拉的550种(现在已知道得更多)中的200种甲虫是翅膀缺残下会飞的……"他又讲到:"这许多马  相似文献   

关于停止使用"同翅目Homoptera" 目名的建议   总被引:32,自引:19,他引:13  
梁爱萍 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):332-337
长期以来,在我国昆虫学界,“同翅目Homoptera”和半翅目Hemiptera一直被作为2个并列的昆虫目被广泛使用。传统的“同翅目”被分为3亚目10总科,即鞘喙亚目Coleorrhyncha(包括膜翅蝽总科Peloridioidea)、胸喙亚目Stemorrhyncha(包括木虱总科Psylloidea、粉虱总科Aleyrodoidea、蚧总科Coccoidea和蚜总科Aphidoidea)和头喙亚目Auchenorrhyncha[包括蜡蝉子亚目Fulgoromorpha(包括蜡蝉总科Fulgoroidea)和蝉子亚目Cicadomorpha(包括蝉总科Cicadoidea、沫蝉总科Cercopoidea、叶蝉总科Cicadelloidea和角蝉总科Membracoidea)]。近年来,形态学及分子学特征数据的支序分析研究表明,木虱总科、粉虱总科、蚧总科、蚜总科、蜡蝉总科、蝉总科、沫蝉总科、角蝉总科都是单系群;鞘喙亚目、胸喙亚目、蝉子亚目及蜡蝉子亚目也都是单系群,其相互之间的系统发育关系为:胸喙亚目 (蝉子亚目 (蜡蝉子亚目 (鞘喙亚目 异翅亚目(蝽类)))),它们共同组成了单系的半翅目Hemiptera。系统发育分析表明,在半翅目中,鞘喙亚目与异翅亚目具有最近的亲缘关系,蜡蝉子亚目与鞘喙亚目 异翅亚目是姊妹群,蝉子亚目是蜡蝉子亚目 (鞘喙亚目 异翅亚目)的姐妹群,胸喙亚目是半翅目中最早和最原始的一个分枝。因此传统的“同翅目”并不是一个自然的单系类群,而是一个人为的并系类群。目前,在国际昆虫学界,“同翅目”作为一个人为的并系类群已得到公认和普遍接受,并已不再作为昆虫纲的一个有效目被使用。然而,“同翅目”作为昆虫纲的一个有效目在国内一直被广泛使用,为此,作者建议我国的昆虫学工作者今后应停止使用“同翅目”这一人为的并系目名而使用单系的半翅目目名,即将长期以来一直置于“同翅目”的木虱、粉虱、蚧虫、蚜虫、蝉、沫蝉、叶蝉、角蝉及蜡蝉类昆虫与蝽类昆虫一起作为半翅目的成员对待。  相似文献   

中国雅角蝉属一新种(同翅目:角蝉科)袁锋,范骁凌(西北农业大学昆虫研究所陕西省杨陵区712100)本文记述了采自云南勐腊、勐养雅角蝉属CentrocharesStl1新种。模式标本保存于西北农业大学昆虫博物馆。花翅雅角蝉Centrocharespor...  相似文献   

Abstract: A new family, Sinoalidae Wang and Szwedo fam. nov., is described from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou Biota (Inner Mongolia, China). Two new genera with three new species (Sinoala parallelivena Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., Jiania crebra Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., and Jiania gracila Wang and Szwedo sp. nov.) are erected based on well‐preserved whole‐bodied specimens. The morphological characters of Procercopidae and the new family are given, and a key to the species of Sinoalidae is presented. The genera Luanpingia Hong, 1983 and Huabeicercopis Hong, 1983 are revised and attributed to Sinoalidae. The genera Mesocercopis Hong, 1983 and Sinotettegarcta Hong, 1986 are considered junior synonyms of Anthoscytina Hong, 1983. Taxa assigned to Sinoalidae fam. nov. cannot be attributed to any previously known family, but share some general (plesiomorphic) characters with ancient Clypeata, for example, postclypeus distinctly swollen, transversely wrinkled, antenna with a flagellum of a few elongate segments, frons with median ocellus and lateral ocelli on crown. Moreover, the new family is closely related to Procercopidae (Cercopoidea) based on a pronotum with a median incision at the hind margin; tegmen slender, partly punctuate, basal portion of Sc not exceeding apex of basal cell, and hind legs with lateral spines. It has a mixture of ancestral characters shared with Hylicelloidea and Jurassic Procercopidae and some derived characters. Therefore, it is tentatively placed in Cercopoidea. A preliminary phylogram of Clypeata is presented based on the combination of fossil and morphological data.  相似文献   

Myrmecophily is a phenomenon of the symbiosis of organisms that depend on various ant (Formicidae) societies. Such interspecies associations are found in several unrelated lineages within the clown beetle family Histeridae. Recent studies have suggested that the origin of myrmecophily can be traced back to mid-Cretaceous based on a few fossil records from Kachin amber from northern Myanmar. Here, we describe a remarkable new species, Amplectister terapoides n. sp., from Kachin amber. This is the second species of the extinct genus Amplectister Caterino and Maddison, which has been found from the same amber deposit and has also been considered to be myrmecophilous. The new species here described has the most heavily modified hindlegs in any fossil histerids or even beetles discovered until now, indicating further evidence for ant colony association. Our discovery demonstrates that significant and diverse morphological adaptations to myrmecophily had already occurred during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2023,26(2):102050
Phloeocharis Mannerheim is the largest genus within the problematic rove beetle subfamily Phloeocharinae, with a single extinct and 44 recent species recorded from the Holarctic Region. Until now, the oldest fossil record of Phloeocharis was known from Late Cretaceous (Turonian) amber from New Jersey, USA. Here we describe 2Phloeocharis burmana n. sp. from mid-Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian) Kachin amber from northern Myanmar, as the earliest extinct species of this genus. Our finding also sheds light on the biogeography of Phloeocharis, since no recent or extinct species have so far been recorded from the Oriental Region. Furthermore, the discovery of 2P. burmana n. sp. extends the Mesozoic diversity of the phloeocharine rove beetles both taxonomically and morphologically, particularly from Kachin amber.  相似文献   

A well-preserved specimen of amber Strepsiptera was erroneously described as Stylops neotropicallis Kogan and Poinar, 2010. The taxonomic position of the species was based on a count of six antennomeres (typical of the Stylopidae); however, further observations showed that there are actually seven antennomeres, which places the fossil in the family Myrmecolacidae, and it is herein redescribed in the genus Palaeomyrmecolax Kulicka, 2001. Furthermore, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of a sample of the amber piece containing the fossil revealed that it was Baltic rather than Dominican amber as originally thought. The fossil was compared with another specimen from Baltic amber in the Poinar collection, which shows close affinity to Palaeomyrmecolax succineus Kulicka, 2001, the type species of the genus. Palaeomyrmecolax neotropicallis (n.comb.) differs from that specimen and seems to differ also from the other four species in the genus Palaeomyrmecolax.  相似文献   

The diversity of praeaulacid wasps in Kachin amber is relatively poorly documented. Here, a new genus and species of praeaulacid wasp are described and illustrated from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber as Archeogastrinus kachinensis gen. et sp. nov., and placed in the subfamily Praeaulacinae. This new genus is distinguishable from the other Praeaulacidae because of its particular tibial spurs formula 1-2-2; its forewings with a long and thin pterostigma, a 1-M longer than 1-Rs, a 1-Rs longer than its distance to pterostigma, a crossvein 2r-rs aligned (or nearly) with 2rs-m and originating near the middle of pterostigma, a 2rs-m present, a cell 3rm long, a 1cu-a postfurcal to 1-M, a vein 2-M distinct; its hind wings cu-a reaching Cu distad M + Cu fork; and its metasoma with a first segment petiole-like (i.e., long and thin) and ventrally inflated in its distal half. The position of the genus Mesevania is briefly discussed, as well as the validity of the genus Paleosyncrasis, both described from the mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two extraordinarily well‐preserved testate amoebae are described from Late Albian age amber from south‐western France. The specimens are attributed to a new family, the Hemiarcherellidae fam. nov., and are described as Hemiarcherella christellae gen. et sp. nov. The amoebae described herein originate from highly fossiliferous amber pieces. Based on syninclusions, Hemiarcherella christellae was a soil‐dwelling organism, probably an active bacterivore. This taxon represents the third species of testate amoebae described from mid‐Cretaceous French amber. Analysis of this fossil amoeba fauna illustrates the uniqueness of mid‐Cretaceous French amber deposits. Indeed, most amoebae found in amber have been assigned to modern species, corroborating the hypothesis of morphological stasis in different microbial lineages. However, the well‐preserved amoebae fauna found in French amber can be distinguished clearly from modern species and help us to better understand the fossil record of these organisms.  相似文献   

Paleopalynology evidence and megafossil records indicated that tree fern order Cyatheales, played an important role in Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystem. Few fossil records of the family Thyrsopteridaceae have been reported so far. In the present study, we describe a distinctive fertile pinnule segment of a fern plant preserved in a mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. The well-preserved fertile pinnule is identified as a new species of the extant tree fern genus Thyrsopteris (Thyrsopteridaceae): Thyrsopteris cyathindusia n. sp. It represents the second fossil species of Thyrsopteridaceae found in the mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. The new species shows distinctive characteristics of the sporophyll that are considered paleoecologically/paleobiogeographically significant for evolution of the Thyrsopteridaceae.  相似文献   

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