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The cooking and eating quality of the rice grain is one of the most serious problems in many rice-producing areas of the world. In this study, we conducted a molecular marker-based genetic analysis of three traits, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT), that are the most important constituents of the cooking and eating quality of rice grains. The materials used in the analysis included F2 seeds, an F2:3 population, and an F9 recombinant inbred-line population from a cross between the parents of ’Shanyou 63’, the most widely grown hybrid in rice production in China. Segregation analyses of these three generations showed that each of the three traits was controlled by a single Mendelian locus. Molecular marker-based QTL (quantitative trait locus) analyses, both by one-way analysis of variance using single marker genotypes and by whole-genome scanning with MAPMAKER/QTL, revealed a single locus that controls the expression of all three traits. This locus coincided with the Wx region on the short arm of chromosome 6, indicating that all three traits were either controlled by the Wx locus or by a genomic region tightly linked to this locus. This finding has provided clues to resolving the molecular bases of GC and GT in future studies. The results also have direct implications for the quality improvement of rice varieties. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted 30 January 1999  相似文献   

The eating and cooking qualities of rice are heavily emphasized in breeding programs because they determine market values and they are the appealing attributes sought by consumers. Conventional breeding has developed traditional varieties with improved eating and cooking qualities. Recently, intensive genetic studies have pinpointed the genes that control eating and cooking quality traits. Advances in genetic studies have developed molecular techniques, thereby allowing marker-assisted breeding (MAB) for improved eating and cooking qualities in rice. MAB has gained the attention of rice breeders for the advantages it can offer that conventional breeding cannot. There have been successful cases of using MAB to improve the eating and cooking qualities in rice over the years. Nevertheless, MAB should be applied cautiously given the intensive effort needed for genotyping. Perspectives from conventional breeding to marker-assisted breeding will be discussed in this review for the advancement of the eating and cooking qualities of fragrance, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) in rice. These four parameters are associated with eating and cooking qualities in rice. The genetic basis of these four parameters is also included in this review. MAB is another approach to rice variety improvement and development in addition to being an alternative to genetic engineering. The MAB approach shortens the varietal development time, and is therefore able to deliver improved rice varieties to farmers within a shorter period of time.  相似文献   

We have developed 85 new markers (50 RFLPs, 5 SSRs, 12 DD cDNAs, 9 ESTs, 8 HSP-encoding cDNAs and one BSA-derived AFLP marker) for saturation mapping of QTL regions for drought tolerance in rice, in our efforts to identify putative candidate genes. Thirteen of the markers were localized in the close vicinity of the targeted QTL regions. Fifteen of the additional markers mapped, respectively, inside one QTL region controlling osmotic adjustment on chromosome 3 ( oa3.1) and 14 regions that affect root traits on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12. Differential display was used to identify more putative candidate genes and to saturate the QTL regions of the genetic map. Eleven of the isolated cDNA clones were found to be derived from drought-inducible genes. Two of them were unique and did not match any genes in the GenBank, while nine were highly similar to cDNAs encoding known proteins, including a DnaJ-related protein, a zinc-finger protein, a protease inhibitor, a glutathione-S-transferase, a DNA recombinase, and a protease. Twelve new cDNA fragments were mapped onto the genetic linkage map; seven of these mapped inside, or in close proximity to, the targeted QTL regions determining root thickness and osmotic adjustment capacity. The gene I12A1, which codes for a UDP-glucose 4-epimerase homolog, was identified as a putative target gene within the prt7.1/brt7.1 QTL region, as it is involved in the cell wall biogenesis pathway and hence may be implicated in modulating the ability of rice roots to penetrate further into the substratum when exposed to drought conditions. RNAs encoding elongation factor 1, a DnaJ-related protein, and a homolog of wheat zinc-finger protein were more prominently induced in the leaves of IR62266 (the lowland rice parent of the mapping materials used) than in those of CT9993 (the upland rice parent) under drought conditions. Homologs of 18S ribosomal RNA, and mRNAs for a multiple-stress induced zinc-finger protein, a protease inhibitor, and a glutathione-S-transferase were expressed at significantly higher levels in CT9993 than in IR62266. Thus several genes involved in the regulation of DNA structure and mRNA translation were found to be drought-regulated, and may be implicated in drought resistance.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Thai jasmine rice, KDML 105, is known as the best quality rice.It is known not only for its aroma but also for its good cookingand eating qualities. Amylose content (AC), gel consistency(GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) are important traitsdetermining rice quality. A population of recombinant inbredlines (RIL) derived from KDML105 x CT9993 cross was used tostudy the genetic control of AC, GC and GT traits. A total of191 markers were used in the linkage map construction. The 1605.3cM linkage map covering nearly the whole rice genome was usedfor QTL (define QTL) analysis. Four QTLs for AC were detectedon chromosomes 3, 4, 6 and 7. These QTLs accounted for 80% ofphenotypic variation explained (PVE) in AC. The presence ofone major gene as well as several modifiers was responsiblefor the expression of the trait. Two QTLs on chromosome 6 andone on chromosome 7 were detected for GC, which accounts for57% of PVE. A single gene of major effect along with modifiergenes controls GC from this cross. The QTLs in the vicinityof waxy locus were major contributors in the expression of ACand GC. The finding that the position of QTLs for AC and GCwere near each other may reflect tight linkage or pleiotropy.Three QTLs were detected, one on chromosome 2 and two on chromosome6, which accounted for 67% of PVE in GT. Just like AC and GC,one major gene and modifier genes governed the variation inGT resulting from the KDML105 x CT9993 cross. Breeding for cookingand eating qualities will largely rely on the preferences ofthe end users.  相似文献   

产量是最为复杂的数量性状,对它的遗传机理了解甚微。近15年来,许多学者利用随机分离群体定位了许多影响水稻产量及其组分的QTL,即以QTL定位的方法对产量潜力进行遗传剖析。试验证明上位性效应对产量及其组分性状遗传变异起着重要作用,但目前大多数QTL研究仍侧重于发掘和克隆单个主效QTL,然而对单一基因/QTL的深入了解还不足以诠释复杂性状遗传基础的全貌,还没有为育种家提供足够的可应用于分子标记辅助育种的遗传信息并用于提高水稻产量。笔者认为今后的数量性状研究尚需加强复杂性状QTL遗传网络的发掘,在改良水稻品种性状的同时发展并完善QTL研究。  相似文献   

Milling properties, protein content, and flour color are important factors in rice. A marker-based genetic analysis of these traits was carried out in this study using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from an elite hybrid cross ’Shanyou 63’, the most-widely grown rice hybrid in production in China. Correlation analysis shows that the traits were inter-correlated, though the coefficients were generally small. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis with both interval mapping (IM) and composite interval mapping (CIM) revealed that the milling properties were controlled by the same few loci that are responsible for grain shape. The QTL located in the interval of RM42-C734b was the major locus for brown rice yield, and the QTL located in the interval of C1087-RZ403 was the major locus for head rice yield. These two QTLs are the loci for grain width and length, respectively. The Wx gene plays a major role in determining protein content and flour color, and is modified by several QTLs with minor effect. The implications of the results in rice breeding were discussed. Received: 15 September 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2001  相似文献   

Crop productivity on acid soil is restricted by multiple abiotic stress factors. Aluminum (Al) tolerance seems to be a key to productivity on soil with a pH below 5.0, but other factors such as Mn toxicity and the deficiency of P, Ca and Mg also play a role. The development of Al-tolerant genotypes of rice is an urgent necessity for improving crop productivity in developing countries. Inhibition of root growth is a primary and early symptom of Al toxicity. The present study was conducted to identify genetic factors controlling the aluminum tolerance of rice. Several parameters related to Al tolerance, most importantly the relative root growth under Al stress versus non-stress conditions, were scored in 188 F3 selfed families from a cross between an Al-tolerant Vietnamese local variety, Chiembau, and an Al-susceptible improved variety, Omon269–65. The two varieties are both Oryza sativa ssp. indica, but showed a relatively high level of DNA polymorphism, permitting the assembly of an RFLP map consisting of 164 loci spanning 1,715.8 cM, and covering most of the rice genome. A total of nine different genomic regions on eight chromosomes have been implicated in the genetic control of root and shoot growth under aluminum stress. By far the greatest effects on aluminum tolerance were associated with the region near WG110 on chromosome 1. This region does not seem to correspond to most of the genes that have been mapped for aluminum tolerance in other species, nor do they correspond closely to one another. Most results, both from physiological studies and from molecular mapping studies, tend to suggest that aluminum tolerance is a complex multi-genic trait. The identification of DNA markers (such as WG110) that are diagnostic for aluminum tolerance in particular gene pools provides an important starting point for transferring and pyramiding genes that may contribute to the sustainable improvement of crop productivity in aluminum-rich soils. The isolation of genes responsible for aluminum tolerance is likely to be necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of this complex trait. Received: 29 March 2000 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

李宏 《生物数学学报》2007,22(4):605-612
该文分析了BC群体不同连锁模式分子区间标记QTL作图相关方法的精确度,提出了相应参数的适用范匿,连锁顺序的检测方法,分析步骤,为QTL作图提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Importance of over-dominance as the genetic basis of heterosis in rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In populations derived from commercial hybrid rice combination Shanyou 10, F1 hetero-sis and F2 inbreeding depression were observed on grain yield (GYD) and number of panicles (NP). Using marker loci evenly distributed on the linkage map as fixing factors, the F2 population was divided into sub-populations. In a large number of sub-populations, significant correlations were observed between heterozygosity and GYD, and between heterozygosity and NP. This was especially true in type III sub-populations in which the genotype of a fixing factor was heterozy-gotes. In type III sub-populations, 15 QTL for GYD and 13 QTL for NP were detected, of which the majority exhibited over-dominance effects for increasing the trait values. This study showed that over-dominance played an important role in the genetic control of heterosis in rice.  相似文献   

Tocopherols are essential micronutrients for humans and animals, with several beneficial effects in plants. Among cereals, only maize grains contain high concentrations of tocopherols. In this investigation we analyzed, during 2004 and 2005, by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), a population of 233 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) which were derived from two diverse parents and had extremely variable tocopherol content and composition. A genetic map was constructed using 208 polymorphic molecular markers including gene-targeted markers based on six candidate genes of the tocopherol biosynthesis pathway (HPPD, VTE1, VTE3, VTE4, P3VTE5, and P4VTE5). Thirty-one quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with quantitative variation of tocopherol content and composition were identified by composite interval mapping (CIM); these were located on sixteen genomic regions covering all the chromosomes except chromosome 4. Most (65%) QTL were co-located, suggesting that in some cases the same QTL predominantly affected the amounts of more than one tocopherol. Two candidate genes, HPPD and VTE4 showed co-localization with major QTL for tocopherol content and composition whereas only one interval (umc1075–umc1304) on chromosome eight exhibited a QTL for α, δ, γ, and total tocopherols with high LOD and PVE values. The candidate genes associated with tocopherol content and with composition, especially VTE4 and HPPD, could be precisely used for alteration of the tocopherol content and composition of maize grains by development of functional markers. Other identified major QTL especially those on chromosomes 8, 1, and 2 (near candidate gene VTE5) can also be used for improvement of maize grain quality by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

稻米淀粉黏滞性谱(RVA谱)常被用来鉴定水稻种质资源和所选优良株系的食味品质,RVA成糊温度(PT)却不能准确反映糊化温度(GT),校准成糊温度PT m能够比较准确地反映GT,但PT的校准范围、PT m衡量稻米GT的准确程度以及SSIIa基因型对其的影响等并未见报道。本研究利用遗传背景差异小、双亲糊化温度差异大的B1F8株系中的58个单株为材料,通过检测其SSIIa基因型,将材料分为3类,分别在3种SSIIa基因型的遗传背景下,比较分析PT、PT m、GT,结果表明,SSIIa基因型不同,PT的校准范围明显不同;PT衡量稻米GT的准确率仅为39.66%,而PT m准确率达到89.66%。进一步利用PT和PT m分别表示GT,分析稻米AC与GT关系,得出与一些学者不同的结论:稻米AC与GT呈极显著负相关性。  相似文献   

协优57是一个产量高和适应性强的杂交中籼组合,但由于其父母本直链淀粉含量(AC)高,导致杂交稻米的AC较高、蒸煮食味品质较差。先前利用PCR-AccⅠ分子标记辅助选择对协优57的亲本057[恢复系,记作057(GG)]和协青早A[不育系,记作协A(GG)]的W x基因进行改良。利用改良前、后的各亲本分别配组,分析不同组合的AC、食味品质和颗粒性淀粉结合酶(GBSS)活性。结果表明,改良单亲的GT型组合协A(GG)×057(TT)、协A(TT)×057(GG)杂交稻米的AC由原组合协A(GG)×057(GG)的28%分别降到19.9%和19.3%,但均一性较差。改良双亲的TT纯合型组合协A(TT)×057(TT)的杂交稻米,不仅AC降到中等偏低水平(13.1%),而且AC的均一性也有了很大的提高,蒸煮食味品质明显改善。GBSS活性分析表明:三种W x基因型的GBSS活性总体表现为GG〉GT〉TT。  相似文献   

不同温度条件下水稻种子活力QTL的定位分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了揭示基因型与环境温度之间的互作对种子活力的影响,利用1个粳籼交来源的重组自交系群体,采用纸卷法在15、20和25℃条件下进行发芽试验,考察了发芽率、芽长、根长及干重等4个种子活力相关性状。结合一张含有198个DNA标记的连锁图谱,用作图软件QTL Mapper1.0定位与种子活力相关的QTL。共检测到34个主效应QTL。这些QTL中的绝大多数(82%)成簇分布于第3、5和8号染色体的5个不同染色体区段上,分别被命名为QTL qSV-3-1、qSV-3-2、qSV-5、qSV-8-1和qSV-8-2。其中,QTL qSV-3-1、qSV-3-2和qSV-8-1对种子活力的效应大小和方向在3个温度条件下均较一致;而QTL qSV-5和qSV-8-2主要在20和25℃条件下起作用,在15℃低温条件下作用甚微或不起作用。表明种子活力QTL具有显著的基因型与环境温度之间的互作,而且这种互作具有明显的QTL特异性。芽长是唯一同时受5个与种子活力高度相关的染色体区段共同影响的指标,因此,相对而言,作为水稻种子活力的测定指标,芽长是最具有代表性的。  相似文献   

水稻低温发芽性QTL的分子标记定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用1个粳/籼交来源的重组自交系群体,采用纸卷法在15℃低温条件下进行发芽试验,在发芽培养的6~14d中每天观测统计1次发芽率(%)。结合一张含有198个DNA标记的连锁图谱,用复合区间作图法定位水稻低温发芽性QTL。共检测到7个主效应QTL,分别位于水稻1、3、5、6和8号染色体上,单个QTL对性状的贡献率为5%~16%。其中,位于3号染色体标记区间RM148-RM85的qLTG-3-2和位于8号染色体标记区间RM223-RM210的qLTG-8-1对性状的贡献率最大,分别达16%和14%。QTL qLTG-3-2在发芽培养6~10d中表达,其效应由强渐弱,对性状的贡献率由发芽培养6d时的16.4%逐渐降低为发芽11d时的5.1%;而QTL qLTG-8-1则在发芽培养9~14d中起作用,其效应值由小逐渐增大,对性状的贡献率由发芽9d时的8.6%逐渐上升为发芽13~14d的14%。尽管这2个QTL加性效应的大小在低温发芽过程中按一定趋势变化,但加性效应的方向始终是一致的。QTL qLTG-3-2的增效基因来源于亲本特青,而QTL qLTG-8-1的增效基因来自于亲本Lemont。这2个QTL的增效等位基因有望作为分子标记辅助育种的操作对象,用于水稻品种低温发芽性的遗传改良。  相似文献   

水稻红莲型CMS育性恢复QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红莲型CMS是在我国杂交水稻生产中被广泛利用的雄性不育细胞质之一。为了同时定位红莲型CMS育性恢复主效和微效QTL,利用红莲型CMS不育系粤泰A(YTA)与“Lemont/特青”RIL群体测交,结合1张含有198个DNA分子标记的高密度遗传图谱,对测交F1群体的小穗育性和花粉育性进行复合区间作图。在对YTA的育性恢复性方面,该。RIL群体的2个亲本之间具有明显差异,特青的恢复性较强,其测交F1的小穗育性和花粉育性分别为72%和51%;而Lemont测交F1的小穗育性和花粉育性分别为32%和9%。复合区间作图定位到4个育性恢复QTL,分别位于水稻第1、2和10号染色体上,单个QTL的贡献率在5%~24%之间。其中,除1个QTL的增效基因来源于Lemont外,其余3个QTL的增效基因均来源于特青。效应最大的QTL为qRF-10-1,该QTL位于10号染色体RM258-C16标记区间,对小穗育性表型变异的贡献率为24%,对花粉育性的贡献率为17%,且该QTL被检测到的LOD值显著较高,因此是1个主效QTL,其增效基因来源于特青。除了主效QTLqRF-10-1外,其它3个QTL对性状的贡献率均在10%以下(5%~8%)。由此表明,该RIL群体对红莲型CMS的育性恢复由1个主效QTL控制,并受其它几个微效QTL的影响。该QTL定位结果与小穗育性在测交F1群体中呈连续的双峰分布的结果相一致。与主效QTL qRF-10-1紧密连锁的SSR标记为RM258,该主效QTL可作为分子标记辅助育种的操作目标之一,用于杂交稻分子育种中培育红莲型CMS的强恢复系。  相似文献   

以粳稻Asominori与籼稻IR24所衍生的染色体片段置换系(CSSL)为材料,于2003年和2004年连续2年在FACE(free air CO2 enrichment,大气CO2浓度增加200μmol/mol)和正常大气CO2浓度(约370μmol/mol)下,分析了控制单株产量、有效分蘖数、每穗实粒数和千粒重的数量性状位点(QTL)。结果表明,2年共检测到36个控制产量性状的QTL,分布在除第5、10和11染色体的各条染色体上。其中,仅有位于第1染色体上靠近XNbp113标记的1个控制千粒重的QTL,在2年的FACE和对照下都被检测到,并且其加性效应均来自IR24,但其贡献率在各个年份和两CO2浓度下却表现不同。另外,36个QTL中,2个QTL(qTGW1-3QE和qFT3-3QE)被检测到具有显著的基因型×环境互作。  相似文献   

QTLs for salt-tolerance(ST)related traits at the seedling and tillering stages were identified using 99 BC2F8 introgression lines(IL)derived from a cross between IR64(indica)as a recurrent parent and Binam(japonica)from Iran as the donor parent.Thirteen QTLs affecting survival days of seedlings(SDS), score of salt toxicity of leaves(SST),shoot K concentration(SKC)and shoot Na concentration(SNC) at the seedling stage and 22 QTLs underlying fresh weight of shoots(FW),tiller number per plant(TN) and plant height(PH)at the tillering stage were identified.Most QTLs detected at the tillering stage showed obvious differential expression to salt stress and were classified into three types based on their differential behaviors.Type I included 11 QTLs which were expressed only under the non-stress condition.Type II included five QTLs expressed in the control and the salt stress conditions,and three of them(QPh5,QPh8 and QTn9)had similar quantity and the same direction of gene effect,suggesting their expression was less influenced by salt stress.Type III included six QTLs which were detectable only under salt stress,suggesting that these QTLs were apparently induced by the stress.Thirteen QTLs affecting trait difference or trait stability of ILs between the stress and non-stress conditions were identified and the Binam alleles at all loci except QPh4,QTn2 and QFw2a decreased trait difference.The three QTLs less influenced by the stress and 13 QTLs affecting trait stability were considered as ST QTLs which contributed to ST.Comparing the distribution of QTLs detected at the seedling and tillering stages,most(69%)of them were genetically independent.Only four were the same or adjacent regions on chromosomes 1,2,8 and 11 harboring ST QTLs detected at the two stages,suggesting that partial genetic overlap of ST across the two stages occurs.It is likely,therefore,to develop ST rice variety for both stages by pyramiding of ST QTLs of different stages or selection against the overlapping QTLs between the two stages via marker-assisted selection(MAS).  相似文献   

The identification of genetic factors underlying the complex responses of plants to drought stress provides a solid basis for improving drought resistance. The stay-green character in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a post-flowering drought resistance trait, which makes plants resistant to premature senescence under drought stress during the grainfilling stage. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that control premature senescence and maturity traits, and to investigate their association under post-flowering drought stress in grain sorghum. A genetic linkage map was developed using a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) obtained from the cross B35 × Tx430, which were scored for 142 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The RILs and their parental lines were evaluated for post-flowering drought resistance and maturity in four environments. Simple interval mapping identified seven stay-green QTLs and two maturity QTLs. Three major stay-green QTLs (SGA, SGD and SGG) contributed to 42% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 9.0) and four minor QTLs (SGB, SGI.1, SGI.2, and SGJ) significantly contributed to an additional 25% of the phenotypic variability in stay-green ratings. One maturity QTL (DFB) alone contributed to 40% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 10.0), while the second QTL (DFG) significantly contributed to an additional 17% of the phenotypic variability (LOD 4.9). Composite interval mapping confirmed the above results with an additional analysis of the QTL × Environment interaction. With heritability estimates of 0.72 for stay-green and 0.90 for maturity, the identified QTLs explained about 90% and 63% of genetic variability for stay-green and maturity traits, respectively. Although stay-green ratings were significantly correlated (r=0.22, P ≤ 0.05) with maturity, six of the seven stay-green QTLs were independent of the QTLs influencing maturity. Similarly, one maturity QTL (DFB) was independent of the stay-green QTLs. One stay-green QTL (SGG), however, mapped in the vicinity of a maturity QTL (DFG), and all markers in the vicinity of the independent maturity QTL (DFB) were significantly (P ≤ 0.1) correlated with stay-green ratings, confounding the phenotyping of stay-green. The molecular genetic analysis of the QTLs influencing stay-green and maturity, together with the association between these two inversely related traits, provides a basis for further study of the underlying physiological mechanisms and demonstrates the possibility of improving drought resistance in plants by pyramiding the favorable QTLs. Received: 10 October 1998 / Accepted: 12 July 1999  相似文献   

利用分子标记定位水稻野败型核质互作雄性不育恢复基因   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
李平  周开达 《遗传学报》1996,23(5):357-362
以籼稻恢复系圭630与粳型广亲和品种02428的F1代花药培养,获得81个双单倍体(DH),构建了有233个RFLP标记的分子图谱。用籼稻野败型不育系珍汕97A测定各DH系的恢复性,并将恢复性作为数量性状进行QTL的区间作图分析,鉴别出8个基因座位,其中有2个基因座位,Rfi-3和尾Rfi-4,单个QTL的基因贡献值分别是49.6%和35.4%,对育性恢复起主要作用,定为主效基因座位,位于第三和四染色体上,其它6个基因座位对育性恢复亦有一定的影响。表明野败型雄性不育恢复性是受主效基因和微效基因共同控制的性状。  相似文献   

Photoperiod-sensitive genetic male-sterile (PSGMS) rice, with its male fertility regulated by photoperiod length, is very useful for hybrid rice development. However, breeding for new PSGMS lines has faced two major difficulties – the stability of male sterility and the reversibility of male fertility. In this study we assessed the genetic bases of stability of sterility and fertility reversibility using a molecular marker-based approach. A cross was made between two newly bred PSGMS lines: Peiai 64S, which has a stable sterility but is difficult to reverse to fertility, and 8902S, which has a unstable sterility but is easy to reverse to fertility. The fertility of the parents and of the F1 and F2 populations was repeatedly examined under 11 different long-day and short-day conditions. The genetic effects were assayed by interval mapping and two-way analyses of variance using the F2 data of 128 polymorphic loci representing all the 12 rice chromosomes. The analyses resolved a number of single-locus QTLs and two-locus interactions under both long-day and short day conditions. The interactions involved a large number of loci, most of which were not detectable on a single-locus basis. The results showed that the genetic bases of both stability of sterility and reversibility of fertility are the joint effects of the additive effects of the QTLs and additive-by-additive components of two-locus interactions. The implications of these findings in hybrid rice development are also discussed. Received: 11 January 1999 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   

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